The Kronicle: Winter 2016

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Cir cl e K I nt er nat ional devel ops col l ege and univer sit y st udent s int o a gl obal net wor k of r esponsibl e cit izens and l eader s wit h a l if el ong commit ment t o ser vice.



Wi n t er 2 0 16

PAGE 2................................................. State of the District PAGE 3................................................. International Trustee Comments

Table of Con t en t s

PAGE 4................................................. FMR 2016 Recap PAGE 5................................................. CMR Exploration PAGE 6................................................. Fundraising Tips PAGE 7................................................. Mountains Update PAGE 8................................................. Perimeter Update PAGE 9................................................. Metro Update PAGE 10............................................... Coastal Update PAGE 11............................................... Plains Update PAGE 12............................................... Balancing Life and School PAGE 13............................................... Newsletter Helpful Hints PAGE 14............................................... CKI Resources for You PAGE 15............................................... Standing Out on a Big Campus PAGE 16............................................... DCON Promo PAGE 17............................................... Spotlights PAGE 18............................................... K-Family Opportunities PAGE 19............................................... Website Management PAGE 20............................................... Calendar of Events

dues! Dues payment was due Nov. 1, and if they are not paid by Dec. 1, your club could risk their charter! I hope those of you that 31, 2017. If you have any questions attended FMR had a great about the status of your club 2) The Georgia District time! It was one of the best will have 10 Circle K clubs in this process or how to events I have attended in my effectively collect and pay represented at the Fall time with GACKI! For those dues, email your district Membership Retreat and who may be reading for the treasurer, Kylie Wilson! 13 Circle K clubs first time, my name is Drew represented at the District Kelley, and I am the Georgia Convention. The way the district keeps Circle K District Governor! up with our totals for things 3) The Georgia District The Georgia District has had a like fundraising and service will have 3 reactivated great year thus far, and it is through our Club and/or chartered clubs by seems we are well on our way Monthly Report (CMR) March 31, 2017. to meeting many of our goals! forms. Your club secretary The Georgia District has goals 4) The Georgia District should be turning these will have 3750 service for membership, event reports in by the 5th of each hours by March 31, 2017. attendance, club building, month! These forms can be service, and fundraising! Keep 5) The Georgia District found on the home page of in mind the following goals will raise $4000 for St. the website! We currently we have set for the district as Baldrick?s Foundation by have 2000 service hours and you move forward with your March 31, 2017. $1000 raised for the St. clubs! Baldrick?s Foundation! In order to reach our Keep up the good work and 1) The Georgia District will membership goals, we keep up with your have 375 members by March must have clubs paying


reporting! SIDE NOTE: If your club does not have 100% of their reports turned in by DCON, you WILL NOT be eligible for awards! For any questions regarding the CMRs or your clubs missing or incorrect reports email your District Secretary, Kylie Wilson! Congratulations are in order! The University of Georgia has officially been reactivated! Shout out to Club President, Brianna Blevins and Perimeter LTG, Emmie Landford and everyone from the UGA Club for their hard work! That puts us at 33% complete for our chartering/reactivation goal already! Go Dawgs! REMEMBER! District Convention is coming up February 17-19 in Roswell, GA! DCON is the largest event of our Circle K year for the Georgia District! It is a

celebration of the year we have had, and it is where we will host our annual House of Delegates to elect next year?s district board, pass any bylaw amendments we see fit for the year, and endorse any international candidates the district might have for ICON! Words cannot describe how incredible DCON is if you have never attended. You?ll just have to come check it out yourself! For more information, go to DCON under the ?Events? tab on the website or email our DCON Chair, Claire Wells!

district! Your work for the betterment of your community and our world is continuously amazing! Best of luck with finals coming up for everyone, and if you have any questions about any of the above or wanna chat, feel free to text, call, or email me!

If you have a large scale project in mind, but no funds to make it happen, don?t be discouraged! Circle K International has a solution! The Tomorrow Fund is a fund which clubs can apply for grant amounts between $200-$2000 to be utilized for any project! Applications for the Tomorrow Fund can be found on the CKI website and are due December 1! Hurry and apply!

Georgia District of Circle K International I am so proud to be serving such incredible members of this beautiful

Much Love!

Drew Kelley District Governor

University of West Georgia (678) 551-0126 "What you share with the world is what it keeps of you." -Noah and the Whale #ChooseCKI

A Wor d Fr om Ou r CKI Tr u st ee Hey Georgia District! I hope your first semester has been great! As we finish this year and begin 2017, it's important to make a plan. Be ready to start a new year filled with service, leadership, and fellowship! Though it is not for a while, it is never too early to start thinking about International Convention! This summer, July 5th-8th, International Convention will be in San Antonio, Texas! This year registration is only $200! Start saving money and talking to your Kiwanis clubs n ow so that you can experience a stellar convention! International Convention includes a large scale service project that will impact our host district, leadership building opportunities, the election of international officers, and of course spending time with incredible Circle Kers from all across the globe! If your interested in attending or have any questions please contact Drew or myself!

FM R 2016 Hello fellow Circle K'ers! I wanted to thank you all for coming to FMR this year! Congratulations to Rey Del Toro and Marisa Hoenig for being chosen as Mr and Mrs FMR 2016. Also, a huge shout out to all of you for the service y'all did this weekend. We went to the Salvation Army to help organize items and paint parking lot lines. We also helped rake leaves around the FFA campground we stayed at. I hope you all had a great time and I hope to see y'all at DCON this year! Claire Wells

Br eak It Dow n CM R St yle! CMRs, Club Monthly Reports are the club?s way to write out their accomplishments, questions and goals every month to send to the district. As the District Secretary, I update the club secretaries to remind them to turn in their CMRs every month, and I also answer any questions they may have about their secretarial duties. Not everyone comes to the annual training the district puts together, so not everyone fills their CMRs out correctly. The most common mistake secretaries make is calculating their service hours wrong. There are differences between administrative hours, service hours, and club socials. Telling these apart from one another is a huge deal. If your club counts hours as service hours when they are meant to be listed as something else, then it can make the totals wrong when the monthly reports are combined to send to international. Luckily, I usually catch these

mistakes. Sometimes it can be hard to determine where the hours should be listed, so if you ever have any questions, you can email me directly or list it out on the CMR! Another important part of the CMRs are the district officer visit requests. As district officers, we can get a little busy, but we love to visit individual clubs! There is a request form on the CMR to list what officers you would like to see at your club meetings. This also gives the district officers a chance to come talk about their experiences to club level members and remind them about upcoming district events. For more information contact me at Thank you! Kylie Wilson District Secretary and Treasurer and MDE Chair

M on ey? Wh er e? How ? Wh at M ak es f or a Su ccessf u l Fu n dr aiser One of the huge things that we do in Circle K is fundraising. I know what you are thinking, ?Destini, how can I be the best at fundraising?" Well, person reading this article I am here to give you some tips on how to be the best. First you should come up with an awesome original idea to catch the attention of potential buyers. So, don?t just go with the everyday basic bake sale that everyone does. Shoot for selling something specific and original like butter beer. Once you have an awesome product to sell you need to come up with an eye catching slogan like ?Butter beer, you know you want some!? You have to

make sure that you catch the public?s eye. If you have the opportunity try to set up your fundraising stand somewhere that is already going to have a high traffic flow of people. So, if you are trying to sell butter beer and you have the opportunity, take the fundraiser to a Harry Potter themed event where people are just dying to try butter beer. Most of all to make sure that you are having a good time. You can?t spell fundraising without fun so put on a happy face, make lots of money, and have a great time!

Destini Tobias

This semester Berry College CKI has participated in multiple service projects, one with the Coosa River Initiative and the other with the Boys and Girls Club of Northeast Georgia. This coming month Berry will hold two events to raise awareness for premature birth and March of Dimes.

Join Us in Welcom in g You r New M ou n t ain s LTG: Cou r t n ey Gr een


Young Harris College CKI partnered with Cast Off Pet Rescue for their first service project of the school year. They hope to participate in another project with S.A.F.E. within the next few weeks. Young Harris College has attended the school?s organization fair this year, along with selling hot apple cider and Oreo balls at their school?s Fall Fest.

My name is Courtney Green and I am a junior at the University of Georgia. I am a double major in biology and genetics with pre-Med intent. Three quick fun facts: I think queso should be a major food group. I'm about to start my dog's campaign for president #Molly4Prez2020. I am ready to audition for High School Musical 4 at any and all times. I've been a part of the Kiwanis Family for 5 and a half years, two and a half of those being with Circle K. My club has very recently been reactivated and we are so excited to dive head first into district activities! My favorite service project is working with the homeless in our local Athens community! I decided to take on the LTG position because I am very passionate about the Kiwanis family and with our club being recently reactivated, it's been really hard to make those connections that I so desperately enjoyed when I was in Key Club. Through this position, I'm hoping to not only bring the clubs in my district together, but also bring more back to my home club so that we can fully be involved with district activities.


Hey ever yon e! I h ope you ar e all h avin g an in cr edible en d of f ir st sem est er an d con gr at u lat ion s f or m ak in g it t h r ou gh ! It ?s t im e f or t h e Per im et er Division u pdat e again so h er e w e go! Th e Cir cle K at t h e Un iver sit y of Geor gia h as of f icially been r ech ar t er ed, so n ext t im e you t alk t o on e of t h eir m em ber s, m ak e su r e t o t ell t h em w elcom e back ! In addit ion , t h ey h ave r each ed ou t in t h e com m u n it y an d ser ved w it h bot h t h eir local f ood ban k an d w or k ed t o pr ovide over 100 m eals f or people in n eed t h r ou gh t h e UGA Cam pu s Kit ch en . Th e Cir cle K at Ken n esaw is also w or k in g on r ech ar t er in g, so h u ge sh ou t ou t t o Van essa Boon e f or w or k in g so h ar d t o get it ch ar t er ed. Th e Per im et er Division is on t h e r ise w it h t h e r ech ar t er in g of bot h of t h ese clu bs as w ell as t h e con t in u ed par t icipat ion of ou r lar gest clu b at Oxf or d College at Em or y. Good job t o ever yon e t h at is w or k in g so h ar d t o bet t er t h eir clu bs an d com m u n it ies!

Wit h all of t h ese n ew clu bs com es cou n t less n ew m em ber s, an d it is ext r em ely im por t an t t o h elp t h em lear n h ow t o get in volved. As a f r esh m an m yself , I am exper ien cin g f ir st h an d h ow over w h elm in g you r f ir st year of college can be, bu t t h at doesn?t m ean it is t oo h ar d t o get in volved. Bein g a m em ber of Cir cle K m ean s bein g a m em ber of an or gan izat ion t h at m ak es a dif f er en ce an d t h e f ir st st ep t o m ak in g a dif f er en ce is t o get in volved on a sm all level. M y f ir st piece of advice t o n ew m em ber s an d f r esh m en w ou ld be t o at t en d on e of t h e sm aller com m u n it y ser vice oppor t u n it ies t h at you r clu b is of f er in g. Th ese sm aller oppor t u n it ies w ill h elp you see t h e dif f er en ce you ar e m ak in g on a m or e per son al level. M y secon d piece of advice is t o visit you r Kiw an is Clu b. Kiw an ian s alw ays w an t t o see an d get t o k n ow m em ber s of t h e clu bs t h ey spon sor , an d t h ey alw ays h ave good advice t o sh ar e w it h you as w ell as m or e com m u n it y ser vice oppor t u n it ies f or you t o get in volved in . M y last piece of advice is t o h ave f u n ! Cir cle K is abou t m ak in g a dif f er en ce, bu t it is also abou t m eet in g n ew people an d h avin g a good t im e. How ever you ch oose t o get in volved, ju st m ak e su r e t h at you ar e h avin g f u n at t h e sam e t im e. Em m ie Lan df or d per im et er lt g@geor giacir clek .or g

Met r o is boomin?! In addit ion t o our amazing t hr ee clubs, we ar e also char t er ing t wo new ones. I?m excit ed t o updat e you on what my division has been up t o, so let?s st ar t w it h t he vet er ans.

We ar e also char t er ing t wo new clubs at Emor y Univer sit y and LaGr ange College. Bot h ar e cur r ent ly t r ying t o r ecr uit member s, as well as wor k in ser vice pr oject s. Emor y is f undr aising w it h a donut sale, and is planning on wor k ing w it h an animal shelt er t o br ing puppies t o campus for f inals week . They have appoint ed f r eshman and sophomor e r elat ions chair s, and hope t o wor k closely w it h t heir sist er college, Oxfor d-Emor y, t o st r engt hen t heir club. LaGr ange is slowly building t heir club as well, and plan t o have a boot h at t heir LaGr ange College Fall Fest ival. They also volunt eer ed w it h t he Leggin?It for Lit er acy 5K on t heir campus, and have over all been t r ying t o get t he wor d out for Cir cle K.

Tyler Wan met r olt g@geor giacir clek .or g


As of mid-Oct ober, Geor gia Tech has over 230 ser vice hour s, including numer ous t r ips t o t he At lant a Communit y Food Bank , Boys & Gir ls Club, and Tr ees At lant a. They also got t o spend t ime w it h t heir K family at Kiwanis Family Day, wher e t hey gave t our s t o Key Clubber s and t alked t o t hem about college. Going for war d, Tech hopes t o do mor e out door event s like Tr ees At lant a. Geor gia St at e has also been act ive, focusing a lot on r ecr uit ing new member s. The Univer sit y of West Geor gia has been f undr aising w it h concession st ands at t heir foot ball games. They have also volunt eer ed for t he animal shelt er, Sucker for Kindness event , and Safe Tr eat .


GCSU has had an amazing year so far. They?ve already reached their desired minimum number of members, 15. They have 9 members attending FMR! They have been doing a lot of service and fundraising including volunteering at Their local animal shelter, and lots of small service projects. An upcoming fundraiser that will benefit St. Baldrick?s Foundation is a car bashing fundraiser. They plan to have a junk car on their front campus and charge students a certain amount for a certain number of swings at the car. It?ll be a fun cathartic way for students to let lose around finals time! I have not been able to have communication with Georgia Southern, East Georgia, or Brewton Parker. I would like to know dates of meetings and events that are going on. This way I can make plans on visiting and interacting with each of you. I know that each club is active and I want to be a part of it all. Rey del Toro

ABAC h as been doin g lot s of w or k t h is year . It h as w or k ed w it h VSU h elpin g in t h e con cession st an ds at Tif t Cou n t y Foot ball Hom e Gam es. Th e clu b h as been clean in g it s Adopt a M ile w it h m em ber s of t h e Tif t on Kiw an is Clu b. Th ey h ave also got t en in volved w it h n ew or gan izat ion s lik e Jacob?s Ladder an d h ope t o develop an on goin g par t n er sh ip w it h t h e n ew or gan izat ion s. Th ey also h ad a gr eat f u n dr aiser sellin g Hallow een t r eat bags! Wit h n ew you n ger m em ber s, ABAC h opes t o con t in u e t h e gr ow t h t h ey h ave been h avin g


VSU h as gon e f r om a n ew ly ch ar t er ed clu b t o on e of t h e m ost act ive. For ever y Tif t Cou n t y Hom e Foot ball Gam e, t h ey w ou ld dr ive t h e 45 m in u t es u p t o Tif t on t o h elp w it h t h e con cession st an ds, w or k in g alon gside ABAC. VSU com plet ed t h eir Kiw an is On e Day Pr oject by w or k in g at t h e Geor gia Sh er if f ?s You t h Hom e Boy ?s Ran ch . Th eir n ext big ser vice pr oject w ill be visit in g Nu r sin g Hom es f or t h eir M ak e a Visit M ak e a Dif f er en ce Pr oject . Th is w ill be a gr eat t im e f or t h em t o in t er act w it h older m em ber s of t h e com m u n it y an d sh ow t h em t h at people st ill t h in k abou t t h em .

I h ave n ot been able t o h ave com m u n icat ion Dar t on . I w ou ld lik e t o k n ow dat es of m eet in gs an d even t s t h at ar e goin g on . Th is w ay I can m ak e plan s on visit in g an d in t er act in g w it h each m em ber f r om Dar t on . Rey del Tor o plain slt g@geor giacir clek .or g

Balan cin g Lif e an d Sch ool This is something that I think all college students struggle with. School is rough. Life is rough. Setting a schedule for yourself is important, and sticking to that schedule is even more important. Block out time in your schedule each week to work on whatever you need to for Circle K. It?s important to make sure you?re doing everything you need to because letting stuff build up isn?t good. Pretty soon you have this huge pile you need to do and no time to do it. Use Circle K as a way to take breaks between all of your school work!

Tips on how to do this: Have separate planners- Walmart has 98 cent planners, have one be school related and one be Circle K related Plan out a certain time of the week to work on Circle K- our club officers have office hours where for one hour each week, or more if they wish, where they have to go to a set location and work on Circle K Make sure everyone is doing what they?re supposed to be doing- keep the work load evenly distributed Don?t drown in work- If you need help doing something, just ask! Others would probably gladly help you with your Circle K work. Erin Martin

How t o Cr eat e an d Pu blish a New slet t er Everyday flyers getting passed out without getting a second glance. People are so busy and involved these days, that there seems to be too much information to keep up with the ?little things?. The key to making your newsletters stand out is to have information that people need and want. Members of your club deserve to know what is going on in the club so they can feel involved and participate. Also, make sure that members have a chance to grow through the publication. There should be information that will help members do their jobs as well as some information that might get mixed up to members. The publication is a perfect place to clear up any misconceptions without making anyone feel singled out and upset. Once the content is done, the trick is to make sure that members get the material. Make sure you post the publication to a central location, such as a website, and send out the publication to everyone. Dana Hamrick

Resou r ces f or You Have you checked out our website at On the main page of our website you can click on the resources tab to find out about the awards and scholarships offered. You can also find links to many documents and logos you can use to better your club throughout the Circle K year. You can find resources on how to charter or reactivate a club, how to recruit, how to train your officers, everything you should know about dues, what our bylaws are, and so much more! One of the greatest resources we have as a district are the updated brochures, articles, and handouts that our members have made to inform the district. These resources not only help educate clubs on effective ways to operate, but also educate clubs on who we serve. Reading these resources can educate members on our partners such as Better World Books and UNICEF. We also have new resources to inform members of our Governor ?s Project this year. The Governor ?s Project is to fundraise for the St. Baldrick?s Foundation to conquer childhood cancers. If you are not finding the resources you need at our Georgia District website, you could always go beyond and check out the international website at The international website has an even wider variety of resources for our members to use. Go check it out! Kylie Wilson

How t o St an d Ou t on a Big Cam pu s When you?re a small Circle K club on big campus, it may seem that you get lost in the oversaturated crowd of intramurals, fraternities, and organizations. If you feel as though your club is drowning in a sea of extracurricular activities, here are some tips for standing out. Rather than looking at your school?s size as a negative, try to spin it into an advantage. A college with more students means more people interested in volunteering. Find areas on campus with high amounts of foot traffic, such as student centers or courtyards, and set up shop. Try to recruit members in a way that

separates you from other clubs. If everyone else is hanging up flyers outside, then switch it up and do some sidewalk chalk art. What?s that? The Anime Club has a sign? Make a sign four times as big and hang it up right next to theirs. If everyone holds tabling events on Wednesday, then hold yours on Tuesday. Campus-organized recruiting events are great, but if you really want to stand out, you need to go the extra mile and hold your own. On a similar note, organizing projects that people are excited about will attract the attention of potential members. A Circle K club that

falls into a regular pattern of projects can get too comfortable with the members that it already has and stagnate in growth. Adding variety to your club will make it more appealing to a larger part of your campus. Consider asking students around campus what kinds of volunteering they would be interested in doing, and look for a project that matches these interests. Advertise your project everywhere, and make it open for anyone to join. If you can get noticed by your university?s website or newsletter, it might just feature your unique project on its next edition. Lastly, don?t forget to use your

Circle K resources! One of the great parts of Circle K is that we?re an international organization, something that most other clubs on your campus can?t claim. We?re a part of a huge family that works with and supports each other. When holding recruitment drives and big events, be sure to invite your District Board (especially your Lieutenant Governor), as well as other Circle K clubs in your division! This will add a bigger presence to your event and give others a perspective on just how big and impactful Circle K can be. Good luck with standing out, and remember: live to serve, love to serve. Tyler Wan

DCON Hey guys! The time for District Convention is coming, and we want to see as many members there as possible! Workshops, connections with other Circle K?ers, meetings with Kiwanians, awards to recognize your work, and so much more awaits anyone wanting to attend. DCON will be held Februrary 17th-19th in Roswell, Georgia. We want as many people as possible to come out to look back on the year, and to elect our new officers for next year! Service is timeless; so let?s celebrate it! Shelby Munyan

Clu b Spot ligh t - GCSU GCSU is a highly active club in the Georgia District. They help out their local animal shelter, clean up their stretch of highway, and fundraise for key district events. In the month of October, their Circle K members increased by 6. As a club, the GCSU members have reached over 100 service hours just in the month of October. Way to go GC, we hope you keep up the good work!

M em ber Spot ligh t - Lu cy Zh en g Lucy Zheng is a new Georgia Tech Circle K member this year, and she has been going above and beyond in all their service projects. She goes to every event she can attend and tries to be the first one to sign up. She inspires her club with her enthusiasm for service and helping the community. She already has over 20 hours of service, which is more more than any other general member. Keep it up Lucy!

Get t in g Toget h er w it h t h e K-Fam ily One of the best things about our organization is that we have a whole family to work with. You have not experienced Circle K until you volunteer and fellowship with other members of the Kiwanis Family. One simple service project that can be done together is cleaning up a street. It gives you time to walk and talk with other members of the Kiwanis Family. It is a great way to get the friendships within the family going. Another great thing is to plant a garden together, this way the everyone?s talents can be used from the Kiwanians to the Kiwanis Kids. By working alongside other members of the Kiwanis Family you start networks that can last a lifetime. You can become a role model to Key Club members, Builder Club members, and Kiwanis Kids, while creating networks with professionals in Kiwanis and learning from them. The Kiwanis Family is called such for a reason and by working together we can reinforce the family feeling and accomplish more in our communities. Rey del Toro

Th e In s an d Ou t s of an In t er n et Pr esen ces Have you ever needed to make a website for a club or a project at school? Even if you haven?t, you might need to eventually! This article will contain a few tips on how to start designing a website.

that you add to your websites, as well as the styling and placement of those elements.

Once you?ve chosen your platform, you?ll have to decide how to lay out your website. One of the most important choices is how to design The first step in creating your website is your landing page ? the first page that people choosing what platform you?ll be using., will see when they go to your website. It?s, and are three of the important to make this page interesting so that most popular options ? they all include many you grab the attention of your visitors. You?ll features, including a huge number of themes to want to include information about your choose from, the ability to insert your own code, organization/product, as well as prominent blog integration, and statistics on who is visiting links to other parts of your website, so that your website. people can quickly get an idea of what your website is about. Weebly and Wix have free plans available, but Ehost doesn?t, so that may narrow down your Be sure to include whatever external links your options. Weebly gives you the ability to modify visitors might want to use ? for example, our the theme that you?ve chosen (for example, the website has links on our landing page to theme currently in use on our website is a Georgia Circle K?s Facebook and Twitter pages. custom one), whereas Wix is inflexible when it And when registration for a district event is comes to themes. On the other hand, Wix has open, there is always a link available on our more options when it comes to the elements landing page.

Calen dar of Even t s January 21: The next Kronicle will be out February 1: Registration deadline for KEY CLUB District Convention February 2: Registration deadline for Cir cle K District Convention (DCON) February 17-19: Cir cle K DCON February 24-26: KEY CLUB District Convention July 5-8: International Convention

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