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AAMI Collaborators
100 Black Men of Milledgeville — Oconee Chapter
The 100 Black Men of America was officially established nationwide in 1986 to give back to the community and provide educational, social, cultural, and emotional support youth in Black communities. Given the similar missions, our organization began partnering with Milledgeville’s local chapter of the 100 during the 2010-2011 academic year via several activities and continues to collaborate on a more informal basis.
Georgia College Early College
GC Early College is a 7th grade through 12th grade public educational institution on Georgia College’s campus adjacent to our College of Education. Given its proximity to MALE Connection and abundance of young male students eager for mentorship, our program officially partnered with GCEC in 2014. Since then, our students have been mentors for GCEC students both formally and informally, leading sessions on topics ranging from “how to tie a tie” to college preparation. Several GCEC students graduated to become members of MALE Connection as undergraduates, continuing the cycle of mentorship for the next generation!
Georgia College High Achievers Program
The GC High Achievers Program focuses on afterschool activities centered around holistic youth development. As a partnership between the Baldwin Board of Education, Georgia College, and the city of Milledgeville, the organization has equipped countless youth with the tools to overcome life’s challenges. MALE Connection began its partnership with the High Achievers in 2014, meeting regularly with their male students in particular to discuss issues pertinent to their development.
Milledgeville Kappa League
The Kappa League is an organization founded by Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. To assist in the educational, occupational, and social development of boys from 6th - 12th grade. MALE Connection has partnered with the Milledgeville Kappa League several times for enrichment activities throughout the last decade, including a Black Male Summit in 2016.