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AAMI Facts and Figures
MALE Connection has been successful in its mission to retain and graduate Black male undergraduate students at Georgia College. The quantitative trends for our program are shown in this section of the publication. Data was taken directly from yearly reports provided to the USG since 2011. Please note that data fields with fewer than five students are marked with an asterisk (*) for privacy reasons. Data for our AAMI program is highlighted in each table.
Academic Total Student African-American Male Enrollment AAMI Particpant Enrollment Term Enrollment at Institution
# Enrolled # Enrolled % of Total Enrollment # Enrolled % of Total AAM Enrollment Fall 2019 5805 105 1.81% 21 20% Fall 2018 5919 118 1.99% 17 14.41% Fall 2017 5935 126 2.12% 24 19% Fall 2016 6008 123 2.04% 19 15.5% Fall 2015 6036 179 2.97% 25 14% Fall 2014 5927 177 2.98% 20 11.3% Fall 2013 5965 127 2.13% 33 26% Fall 2012 5485 96 1.75% 20 20.8% Fall 2011 5556 105 1.88% 39 37.1% Fall 2010 5619 92 1.64% 27 29.3%
Freshman Retention
Academic Institutional African-American Male AAMI Freshman Enrollment Term Freshman Freshman Retention Rate Retention Rate
# of Students Retention # of Total Students Retention # of Students # of Returning Retention in Cohort Rate in Cohort Rate in Cohort Students Rate
Fall 2018 1269 85.7% 11 84.6% 0 0 N/A Cohort Fall 2017 1440 84.8% 15 93.3% * * 100% Cohort Fall 2016 1379 84.2% 26 88.5% 6 6 100% Cohort Fall 2015 1473 85.1% 22 84% 5 * 80% Cohort Fall 2014 1706 85.9% 22 81.5% * * 100% Cohort Fall 2013 1395 85.5% 21 73.7% * * 100% Cohort Fall 2012 1293 85% 18 76.9% * * 100% Cohort Fall 2011 1204 85.8% 18 77.8% * * 100% Cohort Fall 2010 1202 83.1% 13 92% * * 87.5% Cohort
Retention data is based on Fall numbers for the new freshman cohort of students only, from Fall to Fall.
Academic Institutional African-American Male AAMI Participant Graduation Term Graduation Graduation Rate Rate
Total Graduation Total Graduation Total # of Graduates Graduation Beginning Rate Beginning Rate Beginning Rate Cohort Cohort Cohort
Fall 2013 1395 63.6% 21 57.1% 6 5 83% Fall 2012 1304 63.5% 20 60% * * 100% Fall 2011 1204 65.9% 18 N/A 11 7 64% Fall 2010 1202 59.40% 13 N/A 5 * 40%
These are six-year graduation rates for fall cohorts of entering baccalaureate degree students.
Degrees Conferred (*Fiscal Year: July 1 - June 30)
Academic Institution African-American Male AAMI Particpants Term # of Degrees # of Degrees Conferred # of Degrees Conferred Conferred
# of Degrees # of Degrees % of Total Degrees # of Degrees % of Total Degrees Conferred Conferred Conferred Conferred Conferred to AAMs FY 2019 1314 25 1.9% 5 20% FY 2018 1233 10 .81% 4 40% FY 2017 1303 19 1.46% 2 10.5% FY 2016 1163 23 1.98% 3 13% FY 2015 1273 25 1.96% 5 20% FY 2014 1166 51 4.37% 3 5.9% FY 2013 1152 34 1.6% 5 14.7% FY 2012 1215 27 2.22% 4 14.8% FY 2011 1105 14 1.26% 3 21.4%
*The number of degrees conferred is compiled during a fiscal year, as opposed to enrollment rates, retention rates, and graduation rates which are measured on a fall-to-fall basis.
Average GPA
Academic Total Institutional Total Institution Total AAMI Average Term Average Cumulative African-American Male Cumulative GPA GPA Average Cumulative GPA
Total Graduation Total Graduation Total # of Graduates Beginning Rate Beginning Rate Beginning Cohort Cohort Cohort
Fall 2019 5761 3.19 105 2.69 22 2.98 Fall 2018 5831 3.20 115 2.68 17 2.94 Fall 2017 5935 3.22 126 2.7 24 2.77 Fall 2016 6008 3.18 123 2.83 17 3.15 Fall 2015 5986 3.18 125 2.83 22 2.93