2022 Georgia Baseball Media Guide

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Mike Abbatiello Carl Adams Greg Adams Pratt Adams Chase Adkins Addison Albright Joey Alfonso Eric Alfredson DeLacy Allen Johnny Allen Lyle Allen A. Anderson Alf Anderson Ben Anderson Charlie Anderson Chris Anderson Frank Anderson Harrison Anderson Rickey Anderson Charles Andrews Reggie Andrews Todd Andrews Brandon Anglin Aaron Anthony Greg Appleton Pete Arenas Billy Arenowitch Leon Armbrester John Armistead William Armistead, Jr. Jon Armitage Phillip Ashe J.G. Ashley Kent Atzinger Ryan Avidano


1979 1948 2003 1899 2017-18 2016 1989-90 1980-81 1922-24 1956-58 2008-09 1933 1935-37 2020-21 1941 2002 1902-04 1934-35 1932-33 1900 1953-55 1984 2001-02 1997-98 1984 1993-96 1925-27 1965 1914 1956 2001-03 1959-61 1917 2003 2015, ’17

Harry Babcock 1951-52 Charles Bagby 1962-64 Jim Bagwell 1948-50 Bill Bailey 1969 Tom Bailey 1936 Travis Bailey 1998 Bill Baker 1973-74 Jake Baker 2003 Ken Baker 1967-68 Phil Baker 1972-75 Jasha Balcom 2003 John Banks 1901 R.E. Bankston 1899-1902 Gerald Barge 1959 Clyde Barnett 1908 Tim Barnette 1980-83 C. Barrow 1896 Charles Bartenfeld 1955-56 Turner Bartenfeld 1957-58 Paul L. Bartlett 1909-11 Alex Barylak 1991-94 John Basco 1981-82 T.W. Baxter 1900 Billy Beale 1971-72 Hank Bearden 2021 Sandy Beaver 1901-03 Joe Beaz 1914-15 Gordon Beckham 2006-08 C.B. Bedingfield 1912 Mike Bell 2014-16 Scott Bell 1978-79 Rodney Bellamy 1979-80 Oanu Belser 1911 Buck Belue 1979-82 Scott Benedict 1979 Brent Benefield 2003 Jeff Bennett 1984-86 Bryan Benzor 2011-13 Bobby Bethel 1996 Oingler Berry 1937 Palmer Betts 2013 C. Beussee 1893 Fred Beussee 1899 Rich Bielski 1987-88 Tom Bierce 1983-84 Austin Biggar 2017-19 Joe Billick 2005-06 Julius Bishop 1931-35 Paul Black 1888 Sterling Blackshear 1899-1901 Garrett Blaylock 2020-21 Darryl Blaze 2001-02 Brian Bobier 1995-96 Branch Bocock 1908 Blake Bodenmiller 2001 Joe Bodvake 1990-91 Mitchell Boggs 2003-05 Scott Bohlke 1985-87 F.K. Boland 1895 Patrick Boling 2010-11, ’13-14

Bulldog Graduate

After reaching the Major Leagues with Colorado in 2014, Brooks Brown returned to UGA and earned his degree in 2017. Bill Bomar E.J. Bondurant Rick Bonnell Hugh Bostwick Timon Bowden Bill Bowdoin J.D. Bower Zack Bowers Minor Boyd Red Boyd Willard Boyd Ronald Braddock Ronald Bradley Tucker Bradley Kit Bradshaw Cliff Brand Cliff Brannen Kim Braswell Edmund Bratkowski Doug Bridges R.P. Brightwell A. Vernon Brinson Scott Broadfoot Doc Brooks Garnett Brooks Bill Brown Blakely Brown Brooks Brown E.M. Brown Garrett Brown Jarrett Brown Jeremy Brown John A. Brown Marty Brown Wedford Brown Kelly Browning Skip Browning Keith Brownlee N.R. Broyles Paul Bryan Justin Bryan Jack Buchanan W.H. Bulloch Spratt Bullock Ron Bunnell Morgan Bunting Tony Burchett Jim Burke Donald Bo Burton Jim Busby Andy Bush Palmer Bush Brad Butler G.P. Butler Lee Byrd


Dan Cabaniss Emmett Cabaniss Henry Cabaniss John Cable James Cagle Clayton Cain Jeff Cain Robert L. Cain Blake Cairnes Collin Caldwell A. Calhoun John Calhoun Bob Callaghan F.E. Callaway Jim Callaway Kirby Campanella John Campbell Will Campbell Blake Cannady Bob Cannon Jimmy Cannon Jonathan Cannon Tommy Cannon

1949 1886-88 1983-84 1908-09 1911-12 1965-66 1902-04 2013-15 1903 1947 1946 1961-63 1954-57 2017-20 1967-69 1997-99 1909-12 1970-73 1952-53 1996-97 1898 1959 1986-87 1999-2001 1910-11 1976 2016-17 2004-06 1910 2020 2012-14 2001 1904-07 1984-85 1906-07 1972 2000 1995-98 1888 1958-59 2012-13 1955 1901 1966-68 1982-83 2015 2000-01 1964 1966 1977 1975-77 1995 1992-93 1894-95 1931 1955-56 1955 1957-58 2019 1959-60 2007 1938-39 1963-65 2016-18 2021 1902 1968-71 1948-50 1892 1954-57 1968-70 1953 2017 2006-07 1969-70 1972-75 2020-21 1969-70

Myron Cantrell T.D. Carey James A. Carithers Bob Carlton Steve Carp Cris Carpenter David Carr Joey Carroll Johnny Carson Jeffrey Carswell Jim Carter Maurice E. Carter Steve Carter Tommy Carter John Cates Jim Cavan Matt Cavender Matt Cerione Glenn Chafin Andy Chambers J. Chander Spurgeon Chandler James R. Chaney Cliff Channell R.M. Charlton Dennis Chastain Ricky Chastain Woody Chastain Roy Chatham Ben Cheek Jared Cheek G.X. Chever Bruce Chick Terry Childers Will Childers Bubba Chrismer Frank Christie Chris Ciaccio Malcolm Clapsaddle Chris Clark Don Clark Taylor Clark W.W. Clarke George Clarke Don Clatterbuck Emory Clements Horace Clements Jack Clifton John Clifton Rodney Close Carlysle Cobb Chief Cody David Coffey Bob Cogan F.W. Coile J.S. Coile Phil Colaiacovo Glenn Colby Dylan Cole Hunter Cole Cliff Collier Albert Collins Corey Collins Rodney Colson Roland Condon Woodrow Cone Zach Cone Steve Connor Bill Cooper Jeff Cooper John H. Cooper Buddy Copeland Jeff Corban Tom Cordell Ben Cornwell Jim Cossetta Joe Costa Lawrence H. Costa T.H. Covington A.T. Cox Charlie Cox H.O. Cox John B. Cox Jake Crane Todd Crane Jay Cranford Joey Cranford J.V. Cranford Chris Crawford Nolan Crisp Jared Croft (mgr.) Red Cross Jeff Cryder Luke Crumley Esmon Culberson Willie J. Culberson T.M. Cunningham Michael Curry B.S. Curtis


1967 1900 1929 1964 1971-74 1985-87 1975-76 2004 1952 2000-02 1969-72 1934 1986-87 1996 1952 1936-37 1999-02 2007-09 1928-29 1924-25 1931 1929-32 1959 1958 1900 1984 1967 1965-67 1939-41 1961-63 2014-15 1917 1988-90 1989-92 2020 1979-80 1942-43,’46 1993-95 2010 1997-00 1967-69 1997 1895-98 1920-23 1977-78 1954 1913-16 1939-40 1951-53 1992-95 1906-08 1919-22 2001-03 1984-85 1887-88 1902 1951-53 1908 2013-14 2012-14 1924 1936-37 2021 1947 1949-50 1940 2009-11 1977 1933-34 1987-90 1902-04 1967-68 1965-67 1934 2010-11 1991-92 1930-32 1934 1912 1900 1904 1898-99 1910-11 2005, ’07-08 1992-95 1992 1995-96 1917-19 1996-99 2021 2000 1936 1968 2012-14 1937 1930 1888 2016-18 1898


Earl Daniels Marlon Daniels Rip Darden Maxwell Davenport Rube David Chase Davidson Bill Davier Glenn Ea. Davis Glenn Ed. Davis J.B. Davis Jim Davis O.S. Davis R.B. Davis Read Davis Troy Davis Van Davis Whitey Davis Joe Dawson Josh Day Roy Day Russell Dayley Brett Dearning Steve DeBlasi Joseph T. Defor, Jr. Ted Deiter Max DeJong Mitchell Dekle Joey Delmonico Brett DeLoach Michael Demperio Doug Denman P.J. deRijke Robby DeRosa Claude Derrick M.M. Dickerson Marvin Dickinson Blake Dieterich Chris DiLorenzo Johnny Dobbs Willie Dobbs Stephen Dodson Josh Dorminy Daniel Dougherty John Douglas Austin Downs Ollie Downs Dick Dozier Don Dozier M.D. DuBose Matthew Dunn Thomas Dunn Andy Durden Stan Durden Phillip Durden, Jr. Sonny Dykes


Grant Earls Justin Earls E. Austin Eason Kris Edge Cliff Elder Harry Elderidge Tim Elliott Rob Elsea Jordan Ennis David Ervin Julian Erwin William Erwin Michael Eskew Paul Eskew Sammy Eskew Steve Esmonde Bob Etter Wayne Exley


Bruce Farman Kyle Farmer Jim Farris Paul Felker Jason Fellows Bobby Felmy Joe Ferguson William Fielder Joshua Fields Stan Fillion J.L. Fine Mike Finke Ralph Fitts Dennis Fiveash Isaac Fleischman Dave Fleming J.E. Fleming Paul Fleming Ray Fleming

2009,’11-12 1994-95 1953-54 1929-30 1916-17 2009-11 1947 1980 1982-83 1957-58 1937-38 1898-99 1894-96 1986 1999-00 1941 1916-19 1997 2015 1929-30 1906 1975 1989-91 1958-59 1974-76 2021 1920-22 2011-12 2010-13 2008-09 1975-77 1997 1997 1906-09 1901-05 1903 2010-13 1974, ’76-78 2004-05 1934 2006-08 1999-00 1896-97 1952-55 1930-31 1926 1951-52 1951-55 1896-99 2005-06 1915 1970 1967 1961 1951

2013-14 2007-10 1948-50 1999-02 1900 1922-23 2017-19 1979-80 1933-35 1980 1912 1906 1960 1948-50 1971-72 2007-10 1965-67 1960-61 1974-76 2010-13 1954 1910-11 2002, ’05-06 2004-06 1941 1906 2005-08 1971-72 1933 1978 1921 1963 1903-04 1988-90 1933 1894 1894

W.F. Flournoy Buck Flowers Buddy Floyd Jim Fluker Frank Foley Benjie Folk Max Ford Chris Fordham Chuck Fore Albert Foster Douglas Foster Barry Fowler Kaden Fowler Norman Fowler Lawrence Fox Zack Frachiseur George “Cotton” Frady O.J. Franklin William Frain Bill Fratto Tony Frazzitas Mike Freeman Pete Freeman Rush Freeman L.D. Fricks Jody Friedman Jack Frost Porter Frye Rick Fuentes Adam Fuller Cecil Futch Kevin Fynan

1898-99 1926-27 2020-21 1962 1908 1971-74 2015 2001 1976-77 1892-93 1953-55 1998-99 2020 1955 1914-16 1996-98 1963-65 1906 1925-27 1982-83 1932-34 2007 1984-87 1927-28 1894 2000-01 1921-22 1929 1982-84 2008-09 1964 1984

Harold Gaddy Josh Gandy Greg Garner Thomas Garrett Jim Garrison Billy Gasparino Marion Gaston James Gatewood C.W. Geer Joe Gerson David Geyer Hal Gibson Carl Gilbert Herb Gilbert Paul Gilbert Randy Gilbert William Giles, Jr. Marvin Gillespie N.L. Gillis Rucker Ginn Stark Ginn H.M. Ginsbery Andrew Gist Doug Givler Ras E. Gladin, Jr. Walter Glenn Christian Glisson Justin Glover Don Golden Charlie Goldstein David Gonzalez Fernando Gonzalez Adam Goodman Kyle Goodson John Goodwin Hugh H. Gordon Paul Gordon Harry Gorman Jack Gowen W.F. Gramling Billy Grant Cy Grant Mike Grantham Richard Graves Bud Gray Jeff Gray Jim Gray Paul Green Steve Green Tim Greene Tom Grey Duane Grice Benny Griffith Billy Griffith Roy Griffith W.H. Griffith Justin Grimm Ken Griner Tiny Groves Richard Groover Kameron Guidry Craig Gullickson

1960 1995-97 1978 1959-61 1966 1996 1931-33 1946-47 1935 1937-39 1976-77 1935-36 1966-68 1951 1971 1976-78 1957 1938 1915-17 1911-14 1911 1905-06 2016-17 1983-85 1956-58 1958-59 2009-10 2017-20 1971 2021 2013-14 2021 2016-19 1998-99 1975 1901 1970 1927-30 2019-21 1892 1950 1934-35 1951 1907-08 1979-80 1991-93 1964-65 1934 1978 1981-82 1967 1954-57 1971 1972-74 1909 1909 2008-10 1982 1926 1972-73 2021 2011



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