FODR Semester One 2017
M3: Pattern vs. Surface
837010, Anneke Prins (studio 10)
Week six readings: Surfaces that can be built from paper in architectural geometry
Question 1: What are the three elementary types of developable surfaces?
Question 2: Why is the understanding of developable surface critical in the understanding of architectural geometry?
Developable surfaces are those that can be isometrically mapped. Gaussian curvature is preserved when isometric mapping occurs and as a result the original surface does not become distorted; the Gaussian curve of the original surface is the same as the plane (vanishing Gaussian curvature). From these characteristics three elementary types of developable surfaces can be identified, cylinders, cones and tangent surfaces of space curves. All three are ruled surfaces.
It is important, when understanding architectural geometry, to have a sound understanding of developable surfaces. Developable surfaces can be physically built as they do not have double curvature and can be unrolled onto a plane. As architecture is tied to the built form, it is integral that the surfaces intended to be used in a structure can be constructed and be in proportion. Surfaces that are considered undevelopable (most smooth surfaces) can be broken down into multiple developable surfaces/panels, for example the Huyghe and Le Corbusier Puppet Theatre, to achieve the desired look. In this case, the curving roof of the structure, which wraps down around the body of the building, is composed of 500 interlocking diamond shaped sheets. Without simplification to a triangular form, fabrication of the roof in a singular panel would not be possible.
Cylinders are formed through the groupings of parallel lines with rulings perpendicular to the profile curve. Cones contain a vector to which all rulings converge towards from the profile curve. Finally, tangent surfaces of space curves simplify intersecting surfaces by using tangents to allow further development.
Panelling 2D pattern
2D panelling pattern: Triangular
2D panelling pattern: Wave
2D panelling pattern: TriBasic
Basic 2D panelling patterns from Rhino. Using panelling tools the following three iterations were produced on the assigned terrain.
Variable 2D pattern
Variation one
The following are three variable 2D patterns produced on Rhino. Based on a basic square grid, the designs were created and applied to the terrain. Variation one is complex in nature and blurs the line between each bounding box. If chosen difficulties may arise in the construction stage as many cutouts would be required. It is also important to note the time constraints on the resulting design.
Variation two
Variation two splits the basic box shape into two sets of triangles facing different directions. Variation three uses the basic cross shape from variation one without the complex pattern. This variation was chosen for the final model as it reflects elements of the 3D panels.
Variation three
3D panel test: Prototype and template
With the assistance of Rhino the first prototype and nets of the 3D panels were produced. Creating a net for the design was difficult due to the number of folds and faces required. Despite this the design eventually succeeded.
Week seven readings: Digital Fabrication
Question 1: What is digital fabrication and how does it change the understanding of two dimensional representation?
Question 2: Suggest two reasons why folding is used extensively in the formal expression of building design?
Digital fabrication is a process which combines the use of computer aided modelling programs (CAD) with additive and subtractive manufacturing processes. All machines used are controlled by computers with the digital data supplied by the CAD programs. This computerised process streamlines production and has resulted in a closing of the gap between representation and building. Two-dimensional drawing has been mostly replaced by CAD though the advantages of the software were not discovered until recently with the introduction of three-dimensional computer modelling and digital design. These processes have expanded the boundaries for architectural construction and form and allow the exploration of new architectural concepts.
The use of folding as a formal expression of building design has been expanding. Folding creates structure within geometry and enables materials to span greater distances, with the potential for them to be self-supporting. This concept in architecture opens the opportunity to experiment with new materials, forms, and structures. When materials are folded, new spaces emerge that can be interesting and visually appealing. New spaces can be created using folds to dramatic effect. The ability to ‘play’ with new spaces, ideas and concepts would be intriguing to many architects and the opportunity to experiment first with CAD and digital fabrication allow for an easier process.
Exploring 3D panelling
Final combined 2D and 3D panelling design in Rhino, isometric view. The model is composed of five shapes ranging from 2D to 3D. The more elevated the terrain is the taller the shape. The lower the terrain the flatter the shape becomes. An attractor curve spread the varying shapes away from the centre to create the desired outcome.
Panelised landscape: Model template
After the 3D panels were applied to the terrain, sections were joined together and unrolled. Rather than a net for one surface, a single net now created three. By doing so construction would be faster. Tabs were added with a recess and placed on a different layer to the outline of the net. The nets and tabs were transferred to Adobe Illustrator to change line weights and add labels for ease of construction.
P17 P6
3D panels
2D panels
Panelised landscape: Model development
All nets were printed out, cut and scored before being folded and glued together. Scoring of the fold lines ensured a clean and accurate fold and reduced the risk of the paper cracking. The use of clips increased the speed of construction as they held together drying glue so that the next panel could be started. Once all pieces were constructed they were assembled in order and checked for placement before being glued together. Laying the entire model out also meant that if a piece happened to be in the wrong spot it could be easily fixed.
Panelised landscape: Completed model
The final model was produced using white 160gsm matte stock.
The following images show project development of Module 3.
Applying 2D panelling to terrain
Exploration of possible 3D panel shapes
Preparation of 3D panels for unrolling. Use of colour made
Preparation of tabs and nets for exportation to Adobe Illustrator
identification of each net easier