April 2014 Edition

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48th IBCT

trains with afghan police

Plus: Water bucket mission | Remagen landing zone | And so much more


cover story

w w w. g e o r g i a g u a r d . c o m


Features 03| Let’s get physical

Georgia maintains its readiness through physical fitness programs.

05| Learning to Fly

Meet the Raven, a hand launched unmanned aerial vehicle providing real time intelligence.

17| 48th trains with afghan police

09| 42-Alpha

The 48th Infantry Brigade Combat Team trains with Afghan police during one of the most historic moments in Afghan history.

This month’s MOS story focuses on the job duties of a human resources specialist.

19| Remagen landing zone

Georgia Army and Air National Guardsmen joined forces with the U.S. Army to complete jump training and combat landings at an airstrip at Remagen Landing Zone in Fort Stewart, Ga.

News 11| Controlling the burn

Georgia Guardsmen spent part of April learning how to fight forest fires near Athens with a 660-gallon water bucket.

16| Silver flag training

Georgia Air Guard civil engineers train for combat operations at Silver Flag.



04| Chaplains in Action

Bringing positivity to the mission.

07| Historic Battle Review

Assault on Dalton: The Atlanta Campaign Begins.

10| Book Review

“The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable” by Patrick M. Lencioni.


1 | The Georgia Guardsman


15| NCO Notepad

Enlisted professional organizations.

21| Around the Guard

Georgia National Guard Commander-in-Chief Gov. Nathan Deal Adjutant General Maj. Gen. Jim Butterworth State Public Affairs Director Lt. Col. Thomas Lesnieski State Public Affairs Officer Capt. William Carraway Operations NCO SFC Gerard Brown Editorial Staff Managing Editor Capt. William Carraway Creative Director Steven Welch Contributors Desiree Bamba Elizabeth Blackstock Col. Thomas Blackstock SFC Gerard Brown Maj. Will Cox Master Sgt. Charles Delano Sgt. Ashley Fontenot Chief Master Sgt. Joseph Greene Master Sgt. Roger Parsons Ashlie Shrewsbury Capt. Mike Thompson Contributing DOD Organizations 124th Mobile Public Af fairs Detachment, 116th Air Control Wing Public Affairs Office, Army National Guard Unit Public Affairs Representatives, Air National Gu ard Wi n g P u b l i c A f f ai r s Representatives, Georgia State Defense Force Public Affairs.

Georgia National Guard Channels





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Disclaimer The Georgia Guardsman is published monthly under the provisions of AR 360-81 and AF 6-1 by the Georgia Department of Defense Public Affairs Office. The views and opinions expressed in the Georgia Guardsman are not necessarily those of the Departments of the Army, Air Force or the Adjutant General of Georgia. The Georgia Guardsman is distributed free-of-charge to members of the Georgia Army and Air National Guard, State Defense Force and other interested persons upon request. April 2014 | 2

Georgia Guard's Physical Program By Maj. Will Cox Public Affairs Office | Georgia Army National Guard


f you want to fight, you have to be fit to fight and it takes constant attention to keep the medical readiness of the 11,000 Army National Guardsmen above 90 percent ready to deploy. The Georgia Army National Guard is a national leader in medical and dental readiness, achieving an alltime high medical readiness of 93 percent in fiscal year

2013. “We are here to make every citizen soldier an asset to the National Guard by making them medically ready to deploy,” said Staff Sgt. Kevin Caple, clinic noncommissioned officer in charge. Every Thursday, the Georgia ARNG Medical Command opens its doors at the Oglethorpe Armory in Ellenwood, Ga., to Citizen Soldiers and recruits who need physicals. “Guardsmen come in for a variety of physicals,” said Caple. “We complete in-processing physicals and school physicals ranging from HALO (high altitude low opening), ranger, flight, and even diver physicals in addition to completing pre-deployment physicals associated with the SRP (soldier readiness program).” Guardsmen begin their physicals by completing a periodic health assessment, then go through a variety of stations based on their needs. The physical includes many preventative diagnostic stations such as vital signs, vision screening, hearing booth, EKG (electrocardiogram), dental, laboratory and an immunizations station. Finally, Guardsmen finish their physicals by seeing a physician that interprets the results of the diagnostic stations

3 | The Georgia Guardsman

and provides a recommendation to the individual and their unit commander concerning the health of the service member. “This process is all about prevention,” said Maj. Jeremiah Laxson, Ga. ARNG MEDCOM commander. “The main goal is to find issues, fix them and return a fully ready Guardsman back to duty.” The National Guard knows that a Citizen Soldier’s health is not only measured in terms of their physical health, but a holistic look at the individual that includes an assessment of their behavior health. “Our assessment has a behavior health section that allows service members a place to identify typical symptoms of PTSD, depression or other Behavior Health issues,” said Laxson. “Once identified, these service members are provided on site behavioral health services by our directors of psychological health and, if needed, they can be referred to a chaplain, behavioral health case manager, behavioral health officer or civilian behavioral health provider. I know of many service members who have worked through temporary symptoms and returned back to service a fully ready Guardsman.” “We make sure Guardsmen are ready mentally and physically,” said Caple. “It gives them a day besides their weekend drill to take care of their medical needs.” “This program helps guardsmen,” said Laxson. “We identify issues here that may need long term care and get the process rolling to move guardsmen into programs like the WTU [warrior transition unit] for the care they need.” Photo by Maj. WIll Cox | Public Affairs Office | Georgia Army National Guard

Chaplains in action


By: Capt. Mike Thompson | 48th IBCT | Georgia Army National Guard ach day, before the command briefing at Camp Phoenix, the chaplain leads with a word of the day from scripture and a prayer, but that is just the beginning of the day for the unit ministry team. “Chaplains are a force multiplier to any unit they serve in,” said Maj. David Burris, 48th Infantry Brigade Combat Team chaplain. “Soldiers deal with a variety of issues during deployment and, through counseling, we help Soldiers focus on the mission and get back into the fight.” The chaplain team provides religious, moral and spiritual support for Camp Phoenix and the Kabul Base Cluster. The chaplain’s core commitments are to nurture the living, care for the wounded and honor the dead. The chaplain leads and supervises religious services, pastoral counseling, religious education and holiday events. The chaplain also ensures all denominations represented on Camp Phoenix have a minister for their respective religious service. Burris supervises the 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment chaplain, 1st Lt. Drew Robinson and the 48th IBCT’s

Photo by Capt. Mike Thompson | 4 8 th IBCT | Georgia Army National Guard

chaplain’s assistant, Staff Sgt. John Howard. The challenges come from not only assisting Soldiers, but managing reports, maintaining seven religious service schedules, six bible study classes, five practice sessions for the gospel choir, two praise and worship band rehearsals, distribution of donated items and a host of other services on and off camp per week. “I love what I do, because I enjoy helping Soldiers,” said Howard. “I feel like I help make a difference in their morale and in their lives.” Most of all, the chaplain team provides positive partnerships. They want couples to sustain good relationships through good communication while separated; not just through the ease of video through the internet, through skills such as thinking before speaking. Even though making it through a deployment can be difficult, service members do not have to be isolated. By attending chaplain services and reaching out to the religious support team when in need, Soldiers can realize an increase in well-being and build a better foundation for an easy deployment.

April 2014 | 4

Learning to fly


By Maj. Will Cox | Public Affairs Office | Georgia Army National Guard six-man team has been dropped into enemy territory to monitor movement along a highway and provide space and time to their supported unit to react to the identified enemy activity. The team can reduce risk by launching a Raven which is a hand launched unmanned aerial vehicle to provide the real time intelligence they need without increased exposure to danger. The RQ-11 Raven is a lightweight unmanned aerial vehicle designed for low-altitude intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance. It can provide aerial observation under day or night conditions through the electro optical or infra red cameras mounted on board the vehicle. The Raven is relatively easy to fly and can be operated manually or fly a programmed route autonomously using GPS waypoint navigation. Georgia Guardsmen with 3-108th Cavalry Squadron, Reconnaissance and Surveillance, and the 48th Infantry Brigade Combat Team conducted RQ-11 Raven training at Fort Stewart, Ga. in mid April to better prepare these Soldiers and their units to conduct reconnaissance missions with the lightweight, unmanned aerial vehicle. “Ravens allow tactical commanders at the company level and below the ability to see five to ten kilometers away without exposing their troops to any danger,” said Maj. Adam Smith, pre-mobilization training and assistance element officer in charge. “The Raven fits in a

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back pack, so you can easily use it in either a tactical environment or here in the states to provide local authorities with a bird’s eye view of storm damage if requested and approved by appropriate authorities.” Georgia Army National Guard Raven systems are maintained by the PTAE at Fort Stewart, which provides large training areas that are pre-approved through the Federal Aviation Administration for UAV operations. These training areas also provide us a safe place to train operators without affecting the local civilian population. “Our troops have simulator requirements and have to launch and recover the Raven to stay current,” said Smith. “Bottom-line, we have to keep using the Raven because the skill set is perishable.” The Raven is controlled by two operators: the vehicle operator and the mission operator. The VO operates the camera and can fly the aircraft into a position to better utilize the onboard camera. The MO follows the aircraft on a moving map ensuring the VO is gathering intelligence on the right objective. “The Raven has five different flight modes: the manual mode, altitude mode, navigation mode, loiter mode and home mode,” said Staff Sgt. Mathew Hersey, PTAE Raven trainer. “It is pretty cool that even if we lose link with the vehicle it can be programmed to automatically return to its launch site at a pre-determined altitude.” “There are many ways to use the Raven. It is an amazing capability that gives units the ability to detect hostile forces 10 to 30 minutes away as opposed to 10 to 30 seconds away,” said Smith. “The Raven can save lives, and give a unit the capability to accurately identify and target an objective while reducing their risk. “ Photo by Maj. Will Cox | Public Affairs Office | Georgia Army National Guard

April 2014 | 6

Assault on Dalton: The Atlanta Campaign Begins

By Capt. William Carraway Public Affairs Office Georgia Department of Defense

Drive north on Interstate 75 from Atlanta to the Tennessee border and you will pass Allatoona, Adairsville, Dalton, Rocky-Face Ridge and Dug Gap. These places, random highway stops to the casual traveler, were, the focus of engagements and maneuvers involving nearly 160,000 men in 1864. The events of the Atlanta Campaign unfolded largely along this Interstate corridor and offer the student of historymany readily accessible opportunities for study. CONFEDERATE CHANGES Following his November 1863 defeat at Chattanooga, General Braxton Bragg and his Confederate Army of Tennessee retreated to Dalton, Ga.,where they established winter camps. Bragg resigned December 1, 1863, and was replaced by General Joseph E. Johnston who had earned fame as a commander at Manassas in 1861. VIEW OF THE TERRAIN Dalton was ideally suited for defense. Protected to the west by a sheer mountain wall known as Rocky Face Ridge, Dalton offered defensible terrain from which Confederates could rebuild and challenge Union invasion. Only three gaps would admit passage over the ridge. To the north, Mill Creek Gap passed between two prominences known as The Buzzard’s Roost. Travelers driving north on I-75 pass through this gap near Exit 336. Three miles south at exit 333, a low pass known as Dug Gap allowed passage west to east in a low point of the ridge. A further 12 miles south of Dug Gap was Snake Gap, near the town of Villanow. Snake Gap would prove the undoing of Johnston’s formidable Rocky Creek Defenses.

UNION PLANS As early as February 1864, the Union Army knew of the presence of Snake Gap and its potential to outflank the Confederate position. Discovered by scouts of Maj. Gen. George Thomas’ Army of the Cumberland, the gap, Thomas argued, would allow his army to approach and seize the railroad town of Resaca in the Confederate rear. Sherman heard his recommendation but elected instead to send the smaller Army of the Tennessee led by his friend Maj. Gen James McPherson. Thomas and his massive army had a reputation for slow deliberate maneuver, ideal for defensive operations, but in Sherman’s mind, ill-suited for rapid flanking maneuver. Sherman’s plan called for Thomas and his 73,000 Soldiers along with the 12,500 men of Maj. Gen. John Schoefield’s Army of the Ohio to feint toward Rocky Face Ridge while McPherson and his 25,000 men struck for Snake Gap and the Confederate railhead of Resaca east of the gap. If McPherson could reach Resaca he could cut Johnston’s supply lines and the Confederates would effectively be surrounded. CONFEDERATE PREPARATIONS As Sherman’s armies moved into position, Johnston’s Confederates were deployed on the 1,600 foot Rocky Face Ridge. Without enough forces to cover all approaches, Johnston concentrated his men at likely avenues of approach. On the ridge south of Mill Creek Gap, Johnston placed Maj. Gen. William Bate’s division which included the 37th Georgia and 4th Georgia Sharpshooter regiments. The gap itself was defended by Maj. Gen. Alexander Stewart’s Division. The vital Western Atlantic Railroad passed through this gap. Over these rails would pass the bulk of Sherman’s supplies in the coming months. Six of Stewart’s Georgia Regiments, the 40th, 41st, 42nd, 43rd, 52nd and the 1st Georgia State Line were positioned on the ridge north of Mill Creek Gap. The Confederate line continued north of Stewart’s position and curved like a fishhook to the east, along the ridge heights, terminating

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at Potato Hill. Several Georgia regiments were positioned on the Confederate right including Brig. Gen Hugh Mercer’s 1st, 54th, 57th and 63rd Georgia Infantry Regiments, and the 34th, 36th, 39th, and 56th Georgia Infantry Regiments of Brig. Gen. Alfred Cumming. This line was strengthened by the artillery pieces of Corput’s Cherokee Georgia Battery and Rowan’s Georgia Battery. THE BATTLE BEGINS On May 7, Confederate cavalry sparred with the lead elements of Sherman’s forces at Tunnel Hill, approximately three miles west of Mill Creek Gap. Tunnel Hill drew its name from a 1,500 foot tunnel for the Western & Atlantic Railroad that passes through Chetoogeta Mountain nearby. Following an exchange of musket and artillery fire, the Confederate horsemen withdrew to Mill Creek Gap. Sherman adopted the Clisby Austin House near the Chetoogeta Tunnel as his headquarters. The following day, the Georgians on the Confederate right near Potato Hill received the first advance of the Union infantry against Rocky Face Ridge. Schoefield’s Soldiers, moving south, engaged the Georgian infantry and artillery west of Potato Hill, but after evaluating the heavy entrenchments of the Georgians and making a few desultory charges, Schoefield withdrew. His mission was not to take the ridge, merely to hold the defenders in place while McPherson’s army raced for Snake Gap.

Mill Creek Gap was the focus of concentrated Union attacks. The oddly named Brig. Gen. Jefferson Davis, attacked with his division but was unable to make headway against the Confederate defense. Three miles south of the Mill Creek action, Union Soldiers under Maj. Gen. John Geary attacked Dug Gap. The Confederate lines were thin, but positioned among rocky palisades. Geary described the action at Dug Gap. “The palisades were charged… hand to hand combat encounters took place, and stones as well as bullets became elements in the combat, the enemy rolling them over the precipice.” Geary withdrew from Dug Gap at nightfall and the fighting ceased. The Confederates were successful in repulsing all the Union assaults, but Rocky Face Ridge was not the Union’s main effort. AN UNEXPECTED THREAT The next morning, McPherson’s army emerged from Snake Creek Gap. Moving east on the Lafayette Road, the army was within five miles of Resaca. That evening, as Sherman was sitting down to dinner at the Clisby Austin House, Sherman received a letter from McPherson informing him of the developments. Elated, Sherman exclaimed “I’ve got Joe Johnston dead.” Next month: Rebuke at Resaca

Overland Campaign Map and Cold Harbor Map by Hal Jespersen, www.cwmaps.com

April 2014 | 8

42-Alpha: Human resources Specialist


By Elizabeth Blackstock | Public Affairs Office | Georgia Department of Defense

For Staff Sgt. David Papava, joining the Georgia Army National Guard was an easy decision. When he first moved to the United States in 2005 from the country of Georgia, a friend told him about a job with the State Partnership Program of the Georgia Guard. The military occupational specialty(MOS) that Staff Sgt. Papava chose was 42 Alpha: human resources specialist. “I decided to become a 42A because I wanted to enlist in the Georgia National Guard and that was one of the military occupational specialty that would be available to me,” said Papava. “When I joined the National Guard in 2007, I was not a United States citizen. At the time, 42A did not require citizenship.” With several years of experience under his belt, Staff Sgt. Papava said that he is now absolutely sure that his decision to become a 42A was the right choice. His job includes processing awards, monitoring pay, completing paperwork and issuing orders in a timely manner. He enjoys the feeling of satisfaction that his job gives him. “I like helping others and interacting with people. We all have to realize that we have our own challenges. Making sure that I have done my job ensures that the Soldiers do not have to worry and can focus on their mission. Knowing I have helped them encourages me.” To prepare for his job with the Georgia Army National Guard, Staff Sgt. Papava attended several weeks of training at Fort Jackson

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in South Carolina. In addition, Staff Sgt. Papava enjoys working with the Soldiers of his native country as a member of the Georgia National Guard. Because of his Georgian language skills, Papava has traveled overseas with National Guard units to provide interpreting services numerous times since his enlistment. He also interprets for officials from the country of Georgia who visit the United States. The State Partnership Program, a Department of Defense program run by the National Guard, gives Guardsmen a unique training opportunity. SPP also fosters relationships between partner nations. Recently, Georgian officials visited Clay National Guard Center to discuss relations between the partner nations. During the visit, Staff Sgt. Papava interpreted for the Georgian officials during official meetings with Georgia National Guard members. Staff Sgt. Papava reaps the benefits of being a Georgia Guardsman while still interacting with his native country. He enjoys assisting the country of Georgia. According to Staff Sgt. Papava, a desire to serve this country is one necessary component of his job. His other piece of advice to a person interested in joining the Army National Guard as a 42A was simple: “You need the motivation to help others.” Staff Sgt. David Papava’s love of helping others is what gives him the motivation to serve as a human resources specialist and interpreter for the Georgia Army National Guard. “I like wearing the uniform. I like serving this country. I feel at home.”

Professional Development Bookshelf: Reviews of books


that teach us about our craft

ur organization is a complex team of teams. In order to be successful, the team of teams must work together to maximize efficiency and effectiveness. All members of the team must clearly understand the mission, the vision and the values of our organization and be able to put these sometimes lofty concepts into actionable tasks on a daily basis. We’ve all been members of teams since childhood and teams have always had distinct, indisputable characteristics in common. In The Five Dysfunctions of a Team – A Leadership Fable, Patrick Lencioni posits five characteristics that will likely lead to the failure of a team. Obviously, our challenge as an organization is to create an environment where each of these characteristics are present in the converse. Lencioni further opines that the characteristics build upon one another. I will use the converse of each of his characteristics to illustrate how our organization can use these lessons for success. As an example, the basis for the success of any team is the presence of trust. According to Lencioni, the lack of trust is the most serious barrier to success for any team. As we consider our experience with teams, whether in sports, politics, domestic operations or war fighting, it seems intuitive that trust is the cornerstone for effective and efficient operations/activities. We must know that we share a common respect for one another and for the accomplishment of goals/objectives in order to stay focused on results. The second dysfunction is the fear of conflict. As we embrace the converse, healthy conflict and competition, we can improve not only our performance, but the performance of our teammates and the team of teams in general. If we fear conflict and always answer with the “group think” or “party line”, we risk any innovation and evolution in our processes. To illustrate the building of the concepts, as trust is strengthened among the team, healthy conflict and disagreement can take place. It is this discussion that leads to improved performance. The third dysfunction is a lack of commitment. With a shared trust and healthy conflict, all of the team members can commit to the common success of the team. Without this commitment, the team fails. With a shared trust, healthy conflict and common commitment, a team can then achieve accountability. Lencioni points out that the most effective accountability is achieved when

By Col. Thomas Blackstock

Georgia Department of Defense

the team polices itself and assigns and monitors its own accountability. Peer accountability can only be achieved when the first three dysfunctions have been corrected. The final dysfunction to overcome is the inattention to results. Our organization, as are most today, is relentlessly focused on metrics and measures. We tend to measure and report everything we do, but the problem as described by Lencioni is that organizations fail to say “so what”. Are we measuring the right things? If we fail to focus on what matters, we risk wasting limited resources. We may be accomplishing much with little effect. Lencioni recommends only a few measures that truly support the mission and vision of the team. As a team of teams, our challenge is to implement these concepts at every level in a nested fashion. We can learn much from Patrick Lencioni’s The Five Dysfunctions of a Team – A Leadership Fable.

If we fear conflict and always answer with the “group think” or “party line”, we risk any innovation and evolution in our processes.

April 2014 | 10

By Maj. Will Cox | Public Affairs Office | Georgia Army National Guard

controlling the burn 11 | The Georgia Guardsman

Photos by Maj. Will Cox| Public Affairs Office| Georgia Army National Guard


s summer approaches, Georgia Guardsmen spent part of April learning how to fight forest fires near Athens with a 660-gallon water bucket attached to a Black Hawk helicopter in an effort to protect life and property from wild fires. “We provide a responsive capability to the fire fighters on the ground,” said Chief Warrant Officer 2 Daniel Button, Charlie Company, 1-185th Assault Helicopter Battalion’s instructor pilot. “We can get water and deploy it where others simply can’t go, and often in minutes depending on the location of a nearby stream or lake.”

Georgia Guardsmen spent part of April learning how to fight forest fires near Athens with a 660-gallon water bucket attached to a Black Hawk helicopter in an effort to protect life and property from wild fires.

April 2014 | 12

The water bucket mission is a true air-crew effort where the pilots must be knowledgeable of their aircraft’s capabilities, ensuring there is power available to lift a 4,500 or more pound water bucket. The crew chiefs need to be proficient at deploying the water on the designated target, adjusting for the aircraft’s current speed and altitude. “The pilots are flying the aircraft, but once the dip site or the drop site goes under the nose, the crew chiefs are our eyes at that point, guiding the aircraft into the right place to dip or deploy the water,” said Button. “Crew coordination is essential between the pilots and the crew chiefs.” If there is a forest fire, the Georgia Forestry Commission is in charge and would request assistance through the Georgia Emergency Management Agency who would task the Georgia Army National Guard for firefighting assistance. “When there is a runaway wildfire, we bring in ground and air assets to surround the fire with breaks to take away the fuel and let the fire burn itself out,” said Emerson Melton district pilot with the Georgia Forestry Commission. “Helicopters are the quickest and generally the only way to get water into areas to put out spot fires

13 | The Georgia Guardsman

and protect our ground teams as they build fire breaks.” The air crewmembers completed the hands-on portion of the training this day. Earlier in the week the Ga. Forestry Commission instructed Charlie Company, 1-185th Assault Helicopter Battalion’s Guardsmen on the theory of fighting forest fires by deploying water on the flanks or head of the burn to help the ground team’s bulldozers build the needed fire breaks. “The Forestry Commission tells us where to deploy the water,” said Sgt. Ryan Leone, C/1-185th AHB flight instructor. “Usually we put out the fingers of fires line or spot fires that develop in order to keep the guys on the ground from being enveloped by fire as they direct the burn.” The Ga. Forestry Commission will generally have a spotter plane overhead providing the Forestry Commission’s ground team with real time surveillance of where the forest fire has spread. The Forestry Commission uses this information to coordinate the ground and air assets to contain and control the fire in the most efficient manner. “This is what the Guard is all about,” said Button. “Being ready to provide services like this to other government agencies.”

Georgia Guard Sgt. Ryan Leone deploys water from a Bambi Bucket attached to a Black Hawk helicopter on a notional fire at Bear Creek reservoir to train for fighting wildfires in Ga.

April 2014 | 14

A By Chief Master Sgt. Joseph Greene Senior Enlisted Advisor Georgia Air National Guard

NCO Notepad Words of wisdom from one to another

15 | The Georgia Guardsman

c o up l e of m ont h s a g o t h e Nat i on a l Commission on the Structure of the Air Force released its 127-page report that makes 42 recommendations. Two key recommendations are found in chapter three, Rebalancing the Components. “Every Active Component and Air National Guard unit should have an associate relationship with a fully integrated chain of command (BBP: Lt Col Gardener),” is the first finding. The second finding goes even further and actually calls for the disestablishment of the Air Force Reserve Component. How many of the Commission’s 42 recommendations will be implemented is uncertain at this time, but fiscal constraints are driving changes to all branches of the military. Every cost savings initiative is being examined. A projected $1 billion cut to the commissary budget has placed all CONUS commissaries on the endangered species list. Even the chaplain corps is being looked at for downsizing. The thought process is the same for both the chaplain corps and base commissaries, why have them when Wal-Mart and several churches exist right outside the gate? The purpose of this article is to highlight the amount and speed of change that will directly impact the enlisted workforce. Change of this magnitude can feel overwhelming but we do have a means of getting our concerns heard. AFI 36-2618, the Enlisted Force Structure publication, calls all ranks to “active participation in professional organizations.” These professional organizations go beyond the Top three and Airman’s Council to include private organizations such as Air Force Association(AFA), Sergeants Association and the Enlisted Association of the National Guard of Georgia (EANGGA). If securing future missions, manpower reduction and protecting our eroding benefits are a concern to you then joining and being an active member of a professional association is critical to getting your voice heard. For example, the mission of EANGGA is to “promote the status, welfare and professionalism” of the enlisted workforce. But any representative organization’s ability to influence policy and quality of life decisions is directly proportional to the size and involvement of its membership. Georgia, with its 12,400 enlisted Soldiers and Airmen, is the eighth largest National Guard out of the 54 states and territories. Georgia needs a strong enlisted voice if our concerns are to be heard, and more importantly, to be acted upon. Enlisted associations provide us with a vehicle to have a unified enlisted voice that speaks clearly to the Department of Defense and legislative decision makers who have a vote on our future. The president’s budget drives enormous changes to the military. It is reassuring to know that professional organizations like AFA, Sergeants Association and EANGGA will represent the enlisted force to the highest levels of government. For both professional development and getting your voice heard, I encourage you to join and be active members of the enlisted professional organization of your choice.

GA Air Guard civil engineers train at Silver Flag

By MSgt. Roger Parsons | 116th ACW | Georgia Air National Guard


hirty-four Georgia Air National Guardsmen from the 116th Civil Engineering Squadron (CES), capped off a successful week of intensive contingency training at Silver Flag located at Tyndall Air Force Base, Fla. Deployed to a simulated bare-base combat environment, the Prime Base Engineer Emergency Force, or Prime BEEF, from the 116th Air Control Wing, along with 219 Airmen from multiple Air Force active-duty, Reserve, and Air National Guard units, set up and maintained a fully operational base from the ground up. While combating simulated attacks, complete with lifelike explosions, gunfire, chemical and radiological agents, and casualties, the Airmen stood up a command and control center, conducted bed down planning, erected shelters, set up water and power operations, repaired damaged runways, cleared minefields, and conducted emergency management and security operations. “Silver Flag enabled us to train to our wartime task standards,” said Chief Master Sgt. David Fite, 116th Mission Support Group superintendent. “This training, accomplished every 45 months, provides our wing with top-notch certified engineers that will be able to rapidly deploy anytime, anywhere in the world.” Nearly 50 percent of the squadron has deployed in the past two years. Silver Flag provided the Airmen a large stock of contingency equipment with which to train for these deployments that most Prime BEEF units don’t have at their home stations due to cost. During the course of the week leading up to the exercise, Photo by MSgt. Roger Parsons | 1 1 6 th ACW | Georgia Air National Guard

the civil engineers received intensive classroom and hands-on equipment training in each of their respective career fields from some of the Air Force’s top subject matter experts from the 823rd Red Horse Squadron. “Having just returned from tech school, this exercise gave me the chance to use the equipment I learned about in school,” said Senior Airman Terrell Green, a structural apprentice with the 116th CES. “Watching the NCOs in action and learning from the Red Horse instructors was one of the best things I took away from the exercise.” In a sentiment expressed by a number of the Guardsmen, Staff Sgt. Marquette Davis, a heavy equipment operator with the 116th CES, commented about the camaraderie and teamwork prevalent at the exercise. “Whenever I performed a task and needed help or guidance, someone always stepped up to help me,” said Davis. “Whether they were active duty, Guard or Reserves, if they saw I needed help they were there. It was a great experience and something definitely needed before a deployment to put you in the right mindset and show you what you will be accountable for when you deploy.” They are also more prepared to respond to emergencies in support of their state mission according to Chief Master Sgt. Fite. “Back in 1994 when Georgia had the flood, our utilities specialists assisted the Quartermaster Battalion from Alabama in making potable water for the citizens of Georgia,” said Fite. “That’s just one way that this training can help our local communities.”

April 2014 | 16

Afghan forces secure elections


By Capt. Mike Thompson | 48th IBCT| Georgia Army National Guard uring one of the most historic moments in Afghanistan history, through continuous sacrifice, the Afghan people held a free election all with security provided by the Afghan National Security Forces. The 48th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, Georgia National Guard, part of the Kabul­-based Task Force Volunteer, assisted ANSF during

this pivotal election cycle. In preparation for the Afghanistan presidential elections, three Task Force Volunteer units worked diligently with the Afghan National Police to increase security at the Kabul Gates. The 302nd Military Police Company 1638th Transportation Company and the Police Advisor Detachment, along with DynCorp International police mentors, forged a vigilant alliance with the ANP and Afghan National Army to increase security for the elections. After initial meetings, leaders from Task Force Volunteer mentor teams developed a rapport with the ANP and Afghan Uniform Police to establish what their needs were for security and training. The Afghan security forces have shown that they are capable of security operations, but within a few visits, the 1638th TC was able to provide jersey barriers to increase the ANP’s force protection and fighting positions. The 302nd MP delivered traffic control point kits and trained the AUP on conducting search operations. These small adjustments allowed the ANP to improve their force protection posture and capabilities while maintaining their lead role in providing security. “The (quick reaction force) platoons have made excellent gains

17 | The Georgia Guardsman

in establishing and maintaining rapport with both the AUP and ANA,” said U.S. Army Reserve Capt. Stephen Rattan, 302nd MP company commander. “Their direct efforts assisted in the security of the Regional Command­Capitol, and I believe helped play a vital role in ensuring a secure election process for the Afghanistan people within our area of operations. “ Maintaining a liaison with police district chiefs of Kabul provides the opportunity for the Police Advisor Detachment to gain in­-depth knowledge of the city; the Afghan police are the first to handle any incident. At the same time, DynCorp International police mentors provide the hands­on training to Afghan police officers, refining their techniques in personnel and vehicle search. “This training is where the rubber meets the road,” said Georgia Army National Guard Maj. Matt Howard, team lead for the Police Advisor Detachment. “U.S. Soldiers and contractors get the chance to conduct training that improves the capabilities of the ANP and in turn, directly helps the safety of the upcoming national elections.” A month earlier, the Kabul police conducted the Emergency Deployment Response Exercise. The EDRE provides the Afghan police units the opportunity to synchronize their efforts across the capitol. Role players simulated attacking three separate buildings in Kabul simultaneously. The Afghan police then systematically cordoned and cleared each objective. The Afghan­ planned and executed exercise provided an excellent opportunity in responsiveness and interoperability prior to the Islamic New Year celebrations and Afghan presidential election. Task Force Volunteer remains committed to train, advise and assist the Afghan security forces throughout their deployment in 2014 to enhance the transition of Afghan total force protection. Photo by Capt. Mike Thompson | 4 8 th IBCT | Georgia Army National Guard

Kabul police maintain security during the Emergency Deployment Response Exercise.

April 2014 | 18

Army and air come together at remagen


eorgia Army and Air National Guardsmen joined forces with the U.S. Army to complete jump training and combat landings at an airstrip at Remagen Landing Zone in Fort Stewart, Ga. The 5,000 foot dirt airstrip was recently revitalized by civil engineers from the New Mexico Army and Air National Guard to allow C-130H Hercules aircraft to perform short field take-offs and landings on a dirt airstrip. Aircraft of the 165th Airlift Wing performed the first short-take-off and landing runs on the newly finished facility. The joint effort between the Georgia National Guard and Army provided an opportunity for Tactical Air Control Party Airmen from the 165th Air Support Operations Squadron, Georgia Air National Guard; 238th Air Support Operations Squadron, Mississippi Air National Guard and 118th Air Support Operations Squadron, North Carolina Air National Guard to jump with Soldiers from the 3rd Squadron 108th Cavalry Regiment, Georgia Army National Guard. The event also allowed the 3-108th Soldiers to practice jumping from the back of the C-130 aircraft from the open cargo door. Members of the 3-108th have jumped from UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters and C-23 fixed-wing aircraft as well as from the side-doors of C-130 aircraft. After the jumpers cleared the airfield, pilots from the 165th Airlift Wing practiced combat take-offs and landings on the hard packed dirt airstrip. This training helps pilots improve their ability to land on unimproved landing strips in more austere environments. Airmen from the Savannah Combat Readiness Training Center and Soldiers from the 3rd Infantry Division, Fort Stewart were on hand to provide support to the jumpers and ensure the runway was clear for landings.

19 | The Georgia Guardsman

Photo by MSgt. Charles Delano | Georgia Air National Guard

US Airmen and Soldiers jump from a C-130H Hercules aircraft

April 2014 | 20

Around the Georgia Guard PURPLE HEART STATE Georgia Gov. Nation Deal signs SB 276 designating Georgia as a Purple Heart State.

DOBBINS CHAPEL REDEDICATION The Dobbins Chapel Foundation rededicates and transfers ownership of the base chapel to the Gen. Lucius D. Clay National Guard Center during a ceremony April 27.

21 | The Georgia Guardsman

CARE PACKAGES Soldiers of the Georgia National Guard’s 48th Infantry Brigade Combat Team in Kabul are all smiles after opening care packages from Team Coca-Cola, Hearts to Heroes, the USO, Holy Joe’s Cafe, Operation Gratitude and Give 2 The Troops.




Georgia Air National Guard engineers of the 116th Civil Engineering Squadron practice construction and repair techniques at Tyndall, AFB.

April 2014 | 22

Remagen drop zone C-130 takes off.

Public Affairs Office Georgia Department of Defense 1000 Halsey Ave. Bldg. 447 Marietta, Ga. 30060

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