July 2013 Edition

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july 2013


Engineer battalion

Trains Afghan national army


cover story

w w w. g e o r g i a g u a r d . c o m

Features 03| welcome, cub scouts

The Georgia Guard hosts the Southwest Atlanta Cub Scout Day Camp.

08|Seeing Stars

Learn more about the Georgia Army Guard’s two newest Brigadier Generals.

04| 878th trains Afghan Soldiers


Deployed maintainers save lives. Our forces depend on many different airframes and assets to complete their day-to-day operations.

17| ARRC Update

Georgia leaders visit site of the Atlanta Regional Readiness Center.



Task Force Dynamite conducts demolition operations training.

06| Bye Bye, Sherpa

The Georgia Guard retires cargo workhorse.

07| 179th MP Company returns

110 Soldiers reunite with friends and family.

10| GTST 3 Returns

Unit returns from 12-month deployment in the country of Georgia.

13|122nd ROC deactivates

Take a look back at the unit’s 100 years of service.


15| 1230th Trans. Company

05| MOS Story

Unit deploys on mission to Afghanistan.

18| Det. 9 OSACOM Deploys

Heading to Afghanistan, will supply support for senior leader movement.


This month’s story features a medic who lent her voice to the Atlanta Braves.

11| Historic Battle Review Part two of the Battle of Gettysburg.

19| NCO Notepad

The meaning of July 4th.

20| Book Review

1 | The Georgia Guardsman


13 06

“The Bear Went Over the Mountain” by Lester Grau

21| Around the Guard

Georgia National Guard Commander-in-Chief Gov. Nathan Deal Adjutant General Maj. Gen. Jim Butterworth State Public Affairs Director Mary Therese Tebbe State Public Affairs Officer Capt. William Carraway Operations NCO Sgt. 1st Class Gerard Brown Editorial Staff Managing Editor Ashley Fontenot Creative Director Steven Welch Contributors Desiree Bamba Sgt. 1st Class Michael Bignardi Maj. William Cox Cmd. Chief Master Sgt. Joe Greene Capt. Greta Jackson Master Sgt. Roger Parsons Senior Airman Benjamin Stratton 1st Lt. Mike Thompson Tech. Sgt. Regina Young Contributing DOD Organizations 124th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment, 116th Air Control Wing Public Affairs Office, Army National Guard Unit Public Affairs Representatives, Air National Guard Wing Public Affairs Representatives, Georgia State Defense Force Public Affairs.

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Disclaimer The Georgia Guardsman is published monthly under the provisions of AR 360-81 and AF 6-1 by the Georgia Department of Defense Public Affairs Office. The views and opinions expressed in the Georgia Guardsman are not necessarily those of the Departments of the Army, Air Force or the Adjutant General of Georgia. The Georgia Guardsman is distributed free-of-charge to members of the Georgia Army and Air National Guard, State Defense Force and other interested persons upon request. July 2013 | 2

Georgia Guard Welcomes Boy Scouts By: Desiree Bamba | Public Affairs Office | Georgia Department of Defense


he Georgia National Guard hosted the Southwest Atlanta Cub Scout Day Camp. The visit was an opportunity for the scouts to observe the organization. The Boy Scouts of America is one of the largest values-based youth development organizations in the nation. The BSA’s program builds character, trains boys to be responsible citizens and develops personal fitness. Operating within the Atlanta Area Council, Boy Scouts of America, the Southwest Atlanta District provides educational programs for all the previously stated qualities. “This is Boy Scouts of America day camp for Cub Scouts. Today was a field trip to check out the Clay National Guard Center,” said Cub Scoutmaster TJ Wells. “We have to broaden the Cub Scouts’ horizons on life. We want to get them to see different situations and what it is about to serve our country.” During the day, the Cub Scouts were able to visit an aircraft hangar at Clay National Guard Center and learn about different aircrafts the Georgia Guard uses. The two main aircrafts the Cub Scouts learned about were the UH-60 Black Hawk and the UH-72A Lakota helicopter. Members of the 1st of the 171st General Support Aviation Battalion, 78th Aviation Troop Command, including Chief Warrant Officer Northup and Sgt. McCullough helped explain the difference between the two helicopters, as well as their importance and types of missions for which they are used. Not only is this visit beneficial for the Cub Scouts, but this also allows the Georgia Guard to give back to the community. Master Sgt. Benjamin Thomas area NCOIC for Fulton County Recruiting and Retention, who helped plan the visit, explained the importance this event has for the Guard as well as the community. “In Recruiting and Retention not only do we have a recruiting mission but we also work with the community as well. So what this does is it gives the community an opportunity to see what exactly the Guard does. It enables them to come to the installation, look at some of the equipment their tax dollars are paying for,” Thomas explained. “This visit is also allowing these kids to come here which really helps them out and point them in the right direction.” By the end of the event, it was clear by the smiles on the faces of the Cub Scouts and others that joined them had enjoyed the event. They had learned what it was the Georgia Guard aviation units do and which aircraft is used for different missions. The 11-year-old Cub Scout, Aaron Burgmon, Boy Scout Pack 367 in Atlanta, truly enjoyed his visit to Clay National Guard Center. “This tour is so cool and I liked it a lot,” he said. “I want to be a pilot in the US military one day.”

3 | The Georgia Guardsman

Photo by: Desiree Bamba | Public Affairs Office | Georgia Department of Defense


Demolition o p e r at i o n s training

By: Sgt. 1st Class Michael Bignardi | UPAR | 878th Engineer Battalion

ANA Soldiers of the 3/205th prepare the ordnance for destruction along with EOD Soldiers.


e are well into the phase of turning Afghanistan’s security over to the Afghanistan National Army. Many units to date have provided valuable training to the ANA. One unit that is continuing this invaluable training is aGeorgia Army National Guard unit out of Augusta. The 84th Engineer Company, a subordinate unit of the 878th Engineer Battalion, “Task Force Dynamite” was given the task to develop a successful partnership with the 3/205th ANABattalion in the Zharay District. TF Dynamite has taken an existing program and made it better. Instead of teaching one person from each platoon, on a specific technique, TF Dynamite trains the non-commissioned officers and allows those ANA NCOs to develop their junior Soldiers. I recently spent a few days with the 84th Soldiers of Task Force Dynamite, observing the demolition training they provided for the ANA Soldiers of the 3/205th. Staff Sgt.Joshua Jones along with Sgt. George Dotson are the Liaison Officers for the 84th. Their primary tasks are to ensure the partnership with the ANA remains strong and to provide them with meaningful and realistic training so the By: Sgt. 1 st Class Michael Bignardi | Public Affairs Office | 8 7 8 th Engineer Battalion

ANA can support their country when U.S. forces leave Afghanistan. First Lt. Tracy Porter from the 766th Explosive Ordnance Disposal Platoon was brought in to conduct explosives training for the ANA. The training consisted of safe handling of explosives, techniques to disable Improvised Explosive Devices via water-impulse charges, and real-world training destroying IEDs and damaged munitions. “The ANA we’ve trained to date have successfully located over 100 IEDs since January 2013,” said Jones.“The train-the-trainer program we are utilizing to educate the ANA is in full swing.” Staff Sgt. Jones also mentioned the train-the-trainer method of training has proven to be the most effective style of training, and the Task Force is already seeing big dividends. Staff Sgt. Jones further remarked that he definitely noticed the ANA Soldiers’ demolition skills have improved. “The training was good, and I enjoyed learning new techniques,” said Sgt. Abdul-Qayyuw of the 3/250th regarding their training. The 3/205th ANA Soldiers have already requested additional training in disposal operations, as they are the primary EOD team in the Zharay District of Southern Afghanistan.

July 2013 | 4

play ball! By: Tech. Sgt. Regina Young | 116th Air Control Wing | Georgia Air National Guard


eorgia Air National Guard Airman 1st Class Jasmine Mitchell, a medic with the 116th Air Control Wing’s Medical Group, experienced a first in her life when she gave the call to start the game during the Atlanta Braves’ June 30, 2013 home game. Mitchell, chosen from a group of more than 150 Airmen and Soldiers who took the field for the 3rd annual Tribute to the Troops to benefit the Wounded Warrior Project, was selected to serve as team captain for the Georgia National Guard. “Play Ball!” she shouted into the microphone, as her picture was displayed on the Jumbotron overhead. “Seeing my face on the Jumbotron and hearing my voice was terrifying,” commented Mitchell. “I was so nervous I didn’t even notice the crowd.” “It was a great honor for me to represent the Georgia National Guard that day,” said Mitchell. “The respect and admiration from the fans and players made me realize I make a difference by wearing the uniform.” As a traditional Guardsman, Mitchell’s job is to ensure Airmen in the Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System wing are medically prepared to meet their mission providing command and control, intelligence, sur veillance and reconnaissance to combatant commanders around the globe. Working in a dual role, her fulltime position is to support the 78th Homeland Response Force mission to man, train and equip a homeland response team that provides the capability to assist civil authorities in saving lives and mitigating suffering in response to a chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and explosives incident. “Joining the Air National Guard is the best decision I’ve made,” said Mitchell. “It’s enabled me to keep roots in Georgia and stay close to my family while still serving my country.”

5 | The Georgia Guardsman

Photo by: Master Sgt. Roger Parsons | Public Affairs Office | Georgia Air National Guard

Guard Aviation Retires Cargo Workhorse By: Maj. Will Cox | Public Affairs Office | Georgia Army National Guard


oldiers and citizens gathered at Clay National Guard Center to say good bye to the C-23 Sherpa and honor the Georgia National Guardsmen who crewed it. The C-23 is the Army’s only Cargo Airplane and has been flown exclusively by National Guardsmen. “The aircraft was manufactured in 1985 and purchased by the Army in the early 1990s when they put the cargo doors on the side and the back along with a twin tail to accommodate the Army’s needs,” said Sgt. 1st Class Jeff Trigg of Marietta’s 78th Aviation Troop Command. “The Sherpa is a versatile aircraft able to accomplish cargo, passenger, parachute drop and medical evacuation missions.” Activated in 1996, Hotel Company, 171st Aviation Regiment’s mission is to directly support the warfighter by delivering time sensitive, mission critical cargo and personnel and to provide cargo support to Georgia’s Governor and citizens during state emergencies. “This is a heartbreaking moment for us. This is a National Guard mission that supports both the combatant commander and the citizens right here at home,” said Maj. Barry Simmons of the

78th Aviation Troop Command. “This unit and these aircraft have always met the need, flying over 9,000 combat hours while moving over 6 million pounds of cargo and 26,000 passengers during the aircraft’s three deployments to Iraq.” The Aircraft supports both training and mission requirements for all components of the Army including Active, Guard and Reserve. When the C-23 is retired, the US Army will no longer have any organic fixed wing cargo airplane capability and will rely solely on the Air Force for this capability. “These aircraft have been over to Iraq three times and supported the homeland in notable missions such as Huricane Katrina relief. After Katrina we flew back and forth between New Orleans and Atlanta twice a day for two weeks straight hauling water, cots, meals or whatever they needed,” said Trigg. The motto of this mission is to deliver the cargo the last tactical mile. Georgia’s H Company 1-171 Aviation Regiment has a proven history of executing this mission overseas in combat and here at home, supporting disaster relief and contingency operations. Georgia’s C-23 Sherpas will fly their last tactical mile and last mission as they head for their final home in Ft. Sill Oklahoma.

Guardsmen from Georgia’s 78th Aviation Troop Command receive the Order of St. Michael Medal for embodying courage, justice, gallantry and representing excellence in aviation.

Photo by: Maj. Will Cox | Public Affairs Office | Georgia Army National Guard

July 2013 | 6

Welcome home 179th MP Company

By: 1st Lt. Mike Thompson | Public Affairs Office | 78th Homeland Response Force


fter 10 anxious hours on a bus ride from Camp Shelby, Miss. and a company march across the road to the Benedictine Catholic High School, 110 Soldiers were re-united with family and loved ones. The Georgia National Guard Soldiers of the 179th Military Police Company proudly marched into the roar of cheering families after nine months of executing missions as the main security effort for the Kabul Base Cluster (KBC). “I can’t tell you how much we’re pleased with this unit,” said Col. Vernon Atkinson, 78th Troop Command/Homeland Response Force commander, the brigade headquarters to the 179th MP Company. “They did an outstanding job on their mission.” Their primary responsibilities were quick reaction force for all of Kabul, base defense operations for Camp Phoenix and operations of the provost marshal’s office and movement team for the KBC. The provost marshal’s office helps provide law and order for over a dozen key installations within the KBC. “To the Soldiers of the 179th, to the guardians, job well done,” said Maj. Jonathan Adams, 190th MP battalion commander. “We appreciate everything you have done over this past year. You have lived the regimental motto; assisting, protecting and defending.” The 179th MP Company conducted countless missions in support of combat operations in Afghanistan. The unit provided mounted security for International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) Joint Command key leader engagements, mounted security for two Secretaries of Defense, perimeter security and marksman over watch of the ISAF change of command, recovery of personnel wounded or engaged in direct contact with enemy forces and the defense and security of all personnel residing on Camp Phoenix. The 78th Troop Command currently has four units deployed to Afghanistan, 201st Georgia Guard Agribusiness Development Team III, 214th Field Artillery Battalion, 278th MP Company, and the 1230th Transportation Company.

7 | The Georgia Guardsman

Photos by: 1st Lt. Mike Thompson | Public Affairs Office | 78th Homeland Response Force

Seeing Stars

Georgia Army Guard’s newest Brigadier Generals By: Maj. Will Cox | Public Affairs Office | Georgia Army National Guard


here are two new stars in the southern sky this month. The Georgia Army National Guard promoted two of its finest to Brigadier General over the last 30 days adding to its list of General officers. Brig. Gen. John King was promoted in front of his three families- his military family, his police family, and his wife and children at Clay National Guard Center. King previously commanded the 48th Infantry Brigade Combat Team and most recently deployed with them to Afghanistan in 2009 in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. Brigadier Gen. King now serves as the Director of Joint Staff, Georgia Department of Defense for the

National Guard when he is not serving as Doraville’s Chief of Police. Brig. Gen. Craig McGalliard was promoted during a special ceremony with friends, family, and fellow service members at the White Bluff United Methodist Church in Savannah. McGalliard previously commanded the 265th Support Group and deployed to Afghanistan in 2012 as the commander of the Georgia National Guard Agribusiness Development Team II in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. Brigadier Gen. McGalliard will assume command of Georgia’s 78th Troop Command in October. When he is not in the Army Combat Uniform he serves as the Director of Regional Operations for Atlanta Gas Light Company.

July 2013 | 8

Joint STARS :


Deployed maintainers are s av i n g l i v e s

By: Senior Airman Benjamin Stratton | Public Affairs Office | 379th AE Wing .S. and coalition ground forces deployed to the U.S. Central Command area of operations depend on many different airframes and assets to complete their day-to-day operations, including the E-8C Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System maintained by the 7th Expeditionary Aircraft Maintenance Unit and operated by the 7th Expeditionary Airborne Command and Control Squadron. Joint STARS provides ground situation information through communication via secure data links with Air Force command posts, Army mobile ground stations and centers of military analysis far from the point of conflict. Joint STARS provides a picture of the ground situation equivalent to that of the air situation provided by the E-3 Sentry (Airborne Warning and Control System). Joint STARS is capable of determining the direction, speed and patterns of military activity of ground vehicles and helicopters. But these jets can’t support the joint warfighter without the tireless efforts of 7th Expeditionary Aircraft Maintenance Unit (EAMU) Airmen deployed from the 116th Air Control Wing, the Georgia Air National Guard component located at Robins Air Force Base, Ga., the U.S. military’s only Joint STARS installation. “Our job is to make sure we provide a safe and reliable aircraft to the aircrew,” said Capt. Stephanie Furrer, the 7th EAMU officer in charge. “Our aircraft fly a lot of hours, so we complete an array of inspections to ensure all the aircraft’s systems are good and the airframe is sound.” Furrer explained there are a lot of maintenance and man hours that go into keeping these jets in the air. Her Airmen complete several

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different inspections, including a 45-day “home station check” over all the systems on board the aircraft, as well as a 700-hour contingency inspection that goes more indepth. “This is to make sure all parts of the jet get the specialized care they need,” she said. Maintenance work on the Joint STARS has led to a fleet viability board, which certified the jet for another 25 years of operations, officials said. “The thing I like the most about our jet is engine maintenance is strictly mechanical due to their age,” said Staff Sgt. Marco Vega, a 7th EAMU aerospace propulsion craftsman. “In the same way, as old as these things are, and the work they do deployed here in the constant heat of the desert, it doesn’t take a lot to fail. But that’s where we come in. We work long hours to make sure this jet has just as many successful take-offs as landings; for a maintainer, it doesn’t get much better.” Joint STARS were first deployed in Operation DESERT STORM in 1991 when still in development, and have since been deployed in support of various operations around the globe including ongoing operations in Afghanistan. “What we do, how we support the mission downrange, means a lot to me,” said Chief Master Sgt. Gary Wakefield,

the 7th EAMU chief. “My oldest boy is a Marine infantryman currently deployed to an undisclosed location, so whatever we can do to help coalition ground forces is huge.” That sentiment can be found with many of the unit’s maintainers, as service is a way of life for these Airmen and their families. “We all have a significant investment in our operations,” Furrer said. “We take what we do very seriously and I love it.” Because of the efforts contributed by Joint STARS maintainers over the years, this iteration of the secondhand Boeing 707-300 series commercial airframe, has amassed more than 71,000 hours of flying time. According to former Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. John P. Jumper, these hours, including those supporting operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, have saved countless lives. “When a sandstorm all but blinded optical sensors, the Joint STARS’ wide area surveillance [19,000 square miles] and moving target indicator pinpointed Iraqi forces on the move,” the general recounted. “We were watching these guys, with the Joint STARS and the ground moving target indicator radars, coming out of Baghdad trying to reinforce the Medina Division, and the B-1s and the B-52s were up there pounding the heck out of them because of the sensory data the Joint STARS provided.” This sentiment of saving lives is a theme that’s echoed across the 7th EAMU. “So many people depend on you to make the mission a go every day,” said Master Sgt. Willie Blow, the 7th EAMU production supervisor. “We do a lot of inspections and preventative maintenance alongside ‘catching’ the aircraft and getting it ready for its next mission. It’s great to see everyone’s hard work come together. It makes you feel special that at the end of the Staff Sgt. Justin Wood connects a day, that mission your aircraft ground power cable to an E-8C Joint Surveillance Target Attack just left for could save lives downrange.” Radar System Photo by: Senior Airman Benjamin Stratton | Public Affairs Office | 379th AE Wing

GTST Returns

Unit returns after spending 12 months in the country of Georgia, training the nation’s Soldiers for deployment to Afghanistan.

By: Maj. Will Cox | Public Affairs Office | Georgia Army National Guard


oldiers from the Georgia Training Support Team (GTST) III returned from 12 months in the Country of Georgia (COG) to open arms of family members and fellow service members. The GTST III is a detachment of 19 Guardsmen out of the 560th Battlefield Surveillance Brigade stationed in Cumming Ga. These Guardsmen provided drivers training and basic life support needs (medical support, food, water, linen, building maintenance, information technology, etc.) to the camp where they and U.S. Marines trained COG Soldiers for a deployment to Afghanistan. “I loved working with the Georgians and the Marines. We prepared the Georgians for operations in Afghanistan and I am proud of that,” said Sgt. Erik Davis, Motor Team Sgt., GTST III. “It was hard work every day, I loved it but I am glad to be back.” The drivers training included classes on driving and maintaining High-Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicles and classes on driving and maintaining Mine Resistant Ambush Protected vehicles. The U.S. Marines trained the COG Soldiers to perform Counter Insurgency Operations in Afghanistan as part of Operation Enduring Freedom. “It is always good to welcome back Georgia National Guardsmen from a deployment. The National Guard currently has about 1,000 Guardsmen deployed around the globe in support of operations in countries like the Country of Georgia, Germany, Afghanistan, and Qatar,” said Command Sgt. Maj. Roy Marchert of the 560th BFSB. “This is one of the best parts of my job, being able to thank these heroes and their families for their service and sacrifice.” Family members stood by at the top of the escalator in Atlanta Hartsfield Airport to hug their Guardsman and prior to taking them home. The team is returning individually back from their mission and will form up in 30 days for their first of three reintegration training events. “I am looking forward to getting my son home and cooking his favorite meal,” said Becky Sherman, mother of Sgt. Brad Sherman, GTST III Medic. “We are proud of his service are glad to see him.”

Photo by: Maj. Will Cox | Public Affairs Office | Georgia Army National Guard

July 2013 | 10

Gettysburg Part II: Georgians at Gettysburg

By Capt. William Carraway Public Affairs Office Georgia Department of Defense

July 1, 1863: Georgia Joins the Fight


s Maj. Gen. Harry Heth contended with the Union Iron Brigade west of Gettysburg, Lt. Gen. Richard Ewell’s Corps arrived to the north and deployed to dislodge Union positions at Oak Hill. To Ewell’s southeast, Brig. Gen. Francis Barlow’s Union division had advanced to occupy the high ground of Blocher’s Knoll. Exposed as they were on the Union right flank, Barlow’s men made tempting targets for the Georgia brigades of Jubal Early’s Division. While Brig. Gen. John Gordon assaulted and fixed Barlow in place, Brig. Gen. George Doles men swept in and flanked Barlow from his position. The dislodged Union troops belonged to Col. Leopold Von Gilsa – the same New Yorkers who had been flanked by Jackson at Chancellorsville. Barlow was wounded and captured and two of his brigades were routed. In one hour’s fighting the Georgians inflicted more than 3,000 casualties on the Union XI Corps while suffering 750 casualties. The collapse of the Union right caused the entire Union line to fall back through the town of Gettysburg. Union Soldiers desperately established defensive positions on Cemetery Ridge as darkness brought an end to the fighting. Significantly, though the Confederates had nearly routed the Union, they had failed to dislodge them from the high ground of Cemetery and Culps Hills. July 3, 1863: Lee’s Plans For The Second Day: Lee intended to launch an echelon attack against the Union lines. The plan was to assault the Union left flank first with Lt. Gen James Longstreet’s entire corps then to engage the Cemetery Hill lines with the corps of Lt. Gen A. P. Hill. The purpose of the attack was to roll up the Union left flank and collapse the Union lines upon themselves into a disorganized mass that could then be exploited by the advance of Hill. Two factors complicated Lee’s plans. First, Longstreet was delayed by a circuitous route of march to the Union left. Second, Union Maj. Gen. Dan Sickles moved his III Corps nearly a mile forward to take advantage of high ground

11 | The Georgia Guardsman

occupied by a peach orchard. This movement would have dramatic consequences for Sickle’s men and the Georgians who attacked them. Longstreet Attacks At 4:30 p.m., Maj. Gen. John Bell Hood’s Division initiated Longstreet’s assault. Moving northeast and crossing the Emmitsburg Road, Hood’s men included the Georgia brigades of Brig. Gen. Henry Benning and Brig. Gen. George Anderson. While Hoods’ Texas and Alabama regiments wheeled north to engage Union forces on the round tops, the Georgians drove for the left flank of the III Corps which was anchored at the geologic feature known locally as Devil’s Den. Linking up with the 1st Texas and 44th Alabama, Benning drove Union skirmishers from the rocks of Devils Den. Union troops were unable to reinforce this ground due to the arrival of Anderson’s brigade on Benning’s left. Benning extended his line south. Two of his regiments, the 17th and 2nd Georgia succeeded in dislodging the 40th New York from the boulders of Plum Run leading to the capture of Devils Den, Houck’s Ridge and three Union cannon. The ground came at high cost. Benning’s Brigade had suffered nearly 40% casualties. The Wheatfield Anderson, moving to reinforce B enning’s left, encountered stiff Union opposition in the brigade of Col. Regis de Troibrand. Moving forward over irregular ground Anderson’s lines were broken by large boulders and harassed by artillery fire from the Peach Orchard to their northwest. Unable to press through a hail of musket fire and well

placed artillery, Anderson pulled his brigade back to take up defensive positions along the banks of Rose Run. By 5:30, a mere hour since the start of Longstreet’s attack, the South Carolina brigade of Brig Gen. Joseph Kershaw moved east towards the Wheatfield. De Troibrand had been reinforced by two brigades and the combined effect of Union musket and artillery devastated the Carolinians. Driven back, Kershaw’s lines were stabilized by the arrival of the Georgia brigades of Brig. Gen. Paul Semmes who formed on Kershaw’s left and Brig. Gen. William Wofford who formed on Kershaw’s right. Wofford’s Brigade contained a company of Soldiers from Dahlonega called The Blue Ridge Rifles. As part of Phillips Legion, the Rifles moved north of the Peach Orchard with Wofford’s brigade straddling the Wheatfield Road. Arriving in line of battle, Wofford’s Brigade flanked two Union divisions and caused the entire Union line to collapse. In the course of the fighting, the Wheatfield changed hands six times. After some of the bloodiest fighting of the war, Longstreet’s Georgian’s controlled the Wheatfield, Devil’s Den and Houck’s Ridge, but not before 375 Georgians, including Semmes paid the ultimate sacrifice. Union losses were even more severe. The entire III Corps had been crushed and would not be an effective fighting unit for the remainder of the battle. Wright’s Advance As battle swirled to his south in the Peach Orchard and Wheatfield, Brig. Gen. Ambrose Wright led his brigade of Georgians against the Union center. Wright led his attack with the 2nd Georgia Battalion, forerunners of the Maconbased 48th Brigade Combat Team in skirmish order. Angling north of the Codori Farm on the Emmitsburg Road, the assault of Wright’s Georgians was eerily similar to the route taken by Maj. Gen. George Pickett the next day. Driving the 82nd New York and 15th Massachusetts from the Emmitsburg Road, Wright slammed into the center of the Union line almost precisely where Pickett’s Charge would strike the next day. Noticing a gap in the Union lines, men of the 22nd and 3rd Georgia crested Cemetery Hill and beheld the rear of the Union line. These Georgians made it farther than any other Confederate advance before being compelled for want of reinforcements to retreat. One half of Wright’s men, including half of the 2nd Georgia Battalion were casualties.

The Last Day Wright’s after-action report likely factored into Lee’s decision to assault the Union center on the 3rd day. Believing the center to be weak, Lee committed three Confederate divisions in a direct frontal assault. The assault, known today as Pickett’s Charge, failed to dislodge the Union army and resulted in the loss of more than 10,000 Confederate and 3,000 Union Soldiers. Although no Georgia Infantry units were committed as part of Pickett’s Charge, the Pulaski Artillery and Troup Artillery provided fire support during the charge. One out of three of the Pulaski cannoners would fall. Aftermath The disaster of Pickett’s Charge compelled Lee to abandon hopes for a northern strategy. The Confederates had suffered 3,200 killed, 13,200 wounded and 6,000 captured or missing for a total of 24,000 casualties. The reverse at Gettysburg and the loss of Vicksburg in the west were death blows for the Confederacy. Retreating south with a 13-mile long wagon train of wounded, Lee’s bloodied army crossed the Potomac. The equally battered Union army was slow to pursue. By the end of July, the two armies once again faced each other across the banks of the Rappahannock River as if the entire campaign had never happened.

Georgia Brigades battle in the Wheatfield and Peach Orchard. Map courtesy of the Civil War Trust, civilwar.org

July 2013 | 12

Unit Deactivation:

Ga. Guard Looks Back at the History of the 122nd ROC


By: Steven Welch | Public Affairs Office | Georgia Department of Defense fter nearly a century of service, the 122nd Rear Ops Center, part of the 78th Homeland Response Force officially deactivated during a ceremony held at Clay National Guard Center in Marietta, Ga. The ceremony began with an overview of the unit’s history, from its first organization in April 1914, to its first muster into federal service in July 1916 before being redesignated as Field Hospital No. 123 in 1917, as an element of the 31st Division, and demobilized in June, 1919 at Camp Gordon, Ga. After this demobilization, it was reorganized and federally recognized on March 17, 1924 as the 114th Hospital Company, an element of the 30th Division of the Georgia National Guard. More than a decade later, in 1937, it was redesignated as Company H, 105th Medical Regiment before being inducted into federal service on September 16, 1940 in Atlanta. In August 1945, it was reconstituted as Company H, 105th Medical Regiment. In November 1955 it was once again reorganized and redesignated, this time as the 48th Armored Signal Company, an element of the 48th Armored Division. It would remain so until January 1968, when personnel were transferred to Headquarters and Headquarters Company, Emergency Operations Headquarters, Georgia Army National Guard. It was once again transferred in May 1971 to the 122nd Support Center. The beginning of the 1990s saw the 122 ROC being ordered into active federal service, before reverting to state control in May

13 | The Georgia Guardsman

1991. The new millennium meant another call into active federal service in November 2001 in Savannah, before once again reverting to state control a year later. It was during this time that the unit became the first Georgia Guard unit deployed after the events on September 11, 2001. Its final order into federal service occurred in May 2005, before reverting to state control in October 2006. After going through the unit’s history, Command Sgt. Maj. Melvin Farr of the 78th HRF, and Col. Vernon Atkinson, the 78th HRF’s commander, moved forward with the deactivation orders. Upon completion, Atkinson and Brig. Gen. Joe Jarrard, Assistant Adjutant General, Georgia Army National Guard, addressed the audience. “I stand here today honored to have been able to case these colors, and I am proud to be a part of this organization,” Atkinson said. Following Atkinson’s remarks, Jarrard addressed the impact the unit has had in his own life. “This unit is near and dear to my heart. I was an SMP (simultaneous membership program) cadet in Lawrenceville for two years,” Jarrard said. “I’m proud to be here and sad to see the colors being cased.” Colonel Craig McGalliard, one of the unit’s former commanders, offered closing remarks to the audience. “There’s a lot of history in this unit,” McGalliard said. “They’re small in numbers, but they’ve done a great service to the state of Georgia over the years.” Photos by: Steven Welch | Public Affairs Office | Georgia Department of Defense

CSM Melvin Farr and Col. Vernon Atkinson case the 122n ROC colors, during a ceremony for the unit’s deactivation at Clay National Guard Center in Marietta, Ga.

July 2013 | 14

1230th Transportation Company deploying to Afghanistan By: 1st Lt. Mike Thompson | Public Affairs Office | 78th Homeland Response Force


riends and family of the “Road Dawgs,” 1230th Transportation Company (TC), filled the Thomasville municipal auditorium as part of the unit’s departure ceremony hosted by city officials. The 1230th departed to Texas for mobilization training and 10-month deployment to Afghanistan in support of logistic operations. The 150 Soldiers are part of the 265th Regional Support Group under the 78th Homeland Response Force of the Georgia National Guard. Thomasville honored the deploying Guardsmen a day earlier with a family day and a flag parade through the town square before the departure ceremony. Assistant city manager, Kha McDonald began the departure ceremony, “We lift you up in our prayers. We wish you a safe journey and a successful mission. If you think this celebration is something grand, you have not seen anything yet. Wait until you come back home.” 78th Homeland Response Force commander, Col. Vernon Atkinson, echoed the requests of the Family Readiness Group (FRG) that any family member of a deployed Soldier contact their FRG representative if they have any need. “This is actually the model of what you would want see done,” said Atkinson. “You have folks in the unit that care and have all the resources at their fingertips.” “It’s an amazing feeling to know that you have the town’s support as well as your family support and everybody behind us,” said Sgt. Sahasha Anderson. “It makes us feel like we have a back

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up. We have people to call on. That’s amazing, I think it is beautiful.” The transportation company’s mission overseas will be to support units in transporting personnel, material, and equipment to various forwarding operating bases and camps. The 1230th will also help in the consolidation and redeployment of units as they return home in 2014. Initially, the 1230th was formed after the 560th Engineering Battalion was deactivated and restructured in 1995. In August of 2005 the Road Dawgs were deployed to Hancock County, Miss. as part of Task Force Lee during the Hurricane Katrina relief efforts. Hancock County was the final landfall of the eye of Hurricane Katrina, which suffered some of the most intense damage inflicted by the storm. The 1230th was instrumental in providing much needed aid to the communities and infrastructure. In 2007 the unit was deployed to Iraq and received a Meritorious Unit Commendation for displaying exceptionally meritorious service in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. The unit’s accomplishments were heralded and compared to the “Red Ball Express” of World War II, which kept supplies moving when the French rail lines were destroyed by opposing forces, said Capt. Brantley Lockhart, the 1230th TC commander. As the 1230th moves forward to Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom, they move out under the motto “Providing Momentum” the driving force behind movement. The company mascot is the “Road Dawg,” a symbol of loyalty and companionship as members of the 1230th are forever faithful and never leave a fallen comrade. Photos by: 1 st Lt. Mike Thompson | Public Affairs Office | 78th Homeland Response Force

Sarah Griffin, age 3, held by her mother, Heather Griffin, waits to spend time with her father, Staff Sgt. Greg Griffin, before the 1230th Transportation Company departs to Texas for mobilization training and deployment to Afghanistan.

July 2013 | 16

Atlanta Regional Readiness Center Georgia leadership visits construction site for update


By: Desiree Bamba | Public Affairs Office | Georgia Department of Defense even distinguished military and civic leaders attended the construction update for the Atlanta Regional Readiness Center. The ceremony also included a first look at an artist’s rendering of the future Georgia National Guard Regional Readiness Center for the city of Atlanta. A ground-breaking ceremony was to occur in December 2012. Since weather did not permit, the Georgia National Guard wanted to inform the city of Atlanta of the progress that has occurred since construction began. The new $15 million Georgia National Guard Atlanta Regional Readiness Center will serve as the new home for 184 personnel of the 3rd Squadron, 108th Cavalry HHC; Troop A, 3rd Squadron, 108th Cavalry; and Troop B, 3rd Squadron, 108th Cavalry, 560th Battlefield Surveillance Brigade, situated on 100 acres of land in the Fulton industrial area. The 3-108th is composed of more than 350 Army National Guard Soldiers. The unit is currently located at Charlie Brown Airfield, Fulton County Airport. Nearly 350 traditional “drilling” Army National Guard Soldiers and fulltime support staff will occupy the Atlanta RRC when it is complete. The building is built to a Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design “Silver” standard which incorporates energy efficiency, but also takes into account all aspects of going green by

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using recyclable materials. Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed and Maj. Gen. Jim Butterworth, Georgia’s Adjutant General, joined other distinguished community visitors and military guests to witness the official first look at the new 63,473 square foot building scheduled for completion in April 2014. “I promise you that we will be good neighbors. We are looking forward to getting this new building built. We are proud to be a part of your community,” said Brig. Gen. Joe Jarrard, Assistant Adjutant General for the Georgia Army National Guard. Brig. Gen. Jarrard opened the construction update with encouraging words that were continued throughout the rest of the ceremony. “It’s a very big deal,” said Maj. Gen. Jim Butterworth, Georgia’s Adjutant General. “I’m a little biased, but I can promise you Georgia National Guard members are the best they can possibly be. They deliver each and every day. Having those types of people in this community on a regular basis is everything good. We will be your best neighbors.” Mayor Kasim Reed also spoke at the event, and reiterated Gen. Butterworth’s positive thoughts. “Think of how important this investment is going to be to all of the neighborhoods and communities that surround it, to have the high caliber of women and men who’re going to come through this community every single day.” said Reed. Photos by: 1 st Lt. Mike Thompson | Public Affairs Office | 78th Homeland Response Force

Army Guard aviation detachment

heads to afghanistan


By: Major Will Cox | Public Affairs Office | Georgia Army National Guard oldiers and families of the Georgia National Guard’s Detachment 9, Operational Support Airlift Command (OSACOM) gathered for one last meal before the Guardsmen deploy to Afghanistan in their C26 Metroliner aircraft. The detachment will provide VIP transport from Bagram Airbase, Afghanistan to other bases in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kuwait, United Arab Emirate (UAE), and other locations in support of senior leader movement. Detachment 9, OSACOM is one of 10 Georgia Army National Guard units mobilized right now, totaling more than 950 Georgia Guardsmen deployed to Afghanistan, the country of Georgia, or along the southwest border. This detachment will spend a few weeks in Texas, conducting theatre specific training before their flight to Afghanistan. Families of deployed Guardsmen will meet about a month after their loved ones depart to receive training on how to adjust to the new normal of deployment life. “The Georgia Guard is here to support you while your spouse Photo by: Maj. Will Cox | Public Affairs Office | Georgia Army National Guard

is deployed,” said Col. Brock Gaston, commander, 78th Aviation Troop Command. “Please call us if you have any issues, because we have a lot of resources at our disposal to help you deal with common problems encountered while your Guardsman is deployed.” Spouses and families have resources available to them including reintegration training 30 days before the return of their Guardsman from Afghanistan. One of the best resources for these families is the support found in the shared experiences of their friends with deployed spouses. “It is important for the spouses to know that they are not alone,” said Stacy Hughens, Detachment 9 Family Readiness Group (FRG) Leader. “All of us need to lean on each other, supporting each other’s emotional needs. Deployments are hard, it is a sacrifice, but it is not impossible. That is why the FRG will call each family routinely checking on them to make sure they are receiving the support they need. No one really understands what you are going through like someone who has or is experiencing the same separation that a deployed spouse has. So we are each other’s greatest resource.”

July 2013 | 18

NCO Notepad Over the last decade, through continuous deployments and contingency operations, we have served our country and state with great distinction. Since being attacked and taking the fight to the enemy, 39 Georgia Soldiers and Airmen have made the ultimate sacrifice. Remembrance of our fallen comrades should not be relegated to Memorial and Veterans Day. Please take a few moments to remember our fallen heroes and to lift their families in your prayers. I am grateful to live in a country where so many are willing to serve and sacrifice to preserve the freedom that we all hold so dear.

By: Command Chief Master Sgt. Joe Greene Senior Enlisted Advisor Georgia Air National Guard


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few weeks ago, America celebrated the 237th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Thomas Jefferson’s words captured a fledgling country’s desire for liberty and freedom. His carefully chosen words provided the impetusthat helped to change the 13 British colonies into the United States of America. Today, those famed words continue to guide us as a nation: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, that among those are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” The 4th of July is a time to reflect on the national sacrifices of the past and to celebrate the freedom that we enjoy today. Having spent the long weekend with family, friends, food and fireworks, it is important that we remember the words of another American patriot. Thomas Paine wrote, “Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must undergo the fatigue of supporting it.” Since September 11, the members of the Georgia National Guard have been shouldering that burden.

Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must undergo the fatigue of supporting it.

Professional Development Bookshelf: Reviews of books

that teach us about our craft By: Capt. William Carraway Public Affairs Office Georgia Department of Defense


he Bear Went Over the Mountain is a study of Soviet combat tactics during the SovietAfghan War. As a platoon leader bound for Afghanistan in 2009 I poured over this book looking for lessons learned and tactical applications that would lend themselves to the conduct of Infantry operations. Eighteen years after its first printing, this book remains relevant to the study of Afghanistan and guerilla warfare. Rather than a sit down, cover-to-cover read, The Bear Went Over the Mountain offers vignettes written by Soviet commanders describing combat operations with the Mujahedeen. Originally compiled by the Soviet Frunze Military Academy, these after-action reports were edited and translated by Lester W. Grau, a Soviet analyst with the Foreign Military Studies Institute at Fort Leavenworth. Most of the vignettes are accompanied by commentary from the Frunze Academy as well as the editor. As a preparatory read before a deployment or as an aid to a combat-scenario-based training plan, this book offers examples of offensive and defensive operations for self reflection or group study. A leader may offer up the lesson of a combat reconnaissance patrol and ask subordinate leaders for input on sustains and improves. The 49 vignettes are arranged by categories ranging from blocking and destroying guerilla forces to conducting ambushes. Review of these scenarios benefit any service member who has or will deploy to Afghanistan. Those deploying for the first time will get an appreciation for the tactics used and the social impact the Mujahedeen had and continue to have on Afghanistan. Those who have served in Afghanistan will recognize many of the scenarios and tactics employed as well as the discussion on weapons and capabilities

Vignette number 36 was particularly helpful in my preparation for the Afghanistan deployment. The vignette recalls actions taken prior to and during an ambush of a convoy in Kunduz Province. A convoy leader should review this action and discuss how to conduct proper map reconnaissance, identify likely choke points and ambush sites, understand time and resource requirements for route and area reconnaissance and have a plan to coordinate the movement of ground elements on contact. I was able to use this vignette as a teaching point to build my platoon’s route reconnaissance and react to contact battle drills. With more than a decade of war in Afghanistan behind us, the lessons of this book remain relevant today.

July 2013 | 20

Around the Georgia Guard KENNESAW MOUNTAIN STAFF RIDE Soldiers of the G3 (operations) office of Joint Force Headquarters visited the site of the historic Kennesaw Mountain Battlefield to get educated on the ins-andouts of the Civil War battle.

RISING TO NEW HEIGHTS The 4th Battalion, 1st Brigade, Ga. State Defense Force, rose to new heights as it ran its first Basic Rappelling class. A weekend in Toccoa, Ga., was put to good use as 14 troopers were instructed on rappelling equipment, safety, knots, anchor points, and rappelling commands.

LINING THE BASES Georgia National Guard Soldiers and Airmen line the bases at Turner Field during the 3rd annual Fox Sports South ‘Tribute to Troops’ ceremony.

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RESILIENCY TRAINING ASSISTANT COURSE Each Resiliency Training Assistant course culminates with a tennis ball decorating contest. Pictured is SFC Michael Marshall’s winning entry. This training provides service members and families with tools to cope with stress and “bounce back” from adversity.

UAV SHADOW MAINTENANCE Specialist Joshua Verbois (left) and Staff Sgt. Eric Sutton perform a step-by-step routine periodic maintenance inspection on the RQ7B ‘Shadow’ unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), a unique strategic asset of the Georgia Army National Guard’s 48th Infantry Brigade Combat Team.

July 2013 | 22

RQ-7B ‘Shadow’ UAV A unique asset of the Georgia Army National Guard

Public Affairs Office Georgia Department of Defense 1000 Halsey Ave. Bldg. 447 Marietta, Ga. 30060

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