May 2013 Edition

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May 2013


2013 Guard 78th HRF trains for quick response

Plus: GA Army Guard receives ACOE Award | 224th gets Bronze stars | Atlanta welcomes Wounded Warriors


Cover Story

w w w. g e o r g i a g u a r d . c o m

Features 04| GA Guard Trains with Spanish Flight Engineers

Spain’s Army Air Force crossed the pond to train with some of the Army National Guard’s finest.

05| 560th BFSB Get Airborne

Soldiers from the 560th Battlefield Surveillance Brigade jumped out of a perfectly good UH-60 Blackhawk helicopter.

13| Vigilant Guard 2013

07|GA Receives ACOE Award

Georgia’s Army National Guard was honored as the Army Community of Excellence (ACOE) 2013 winner for the National Guard Category.

09| NGB Command SGT. Major visits Troops

Command Sergeant Major Brunk Conley from the Army National Guard in Washington DC toured facilities and ongoing training of the Georgia Army National Guard.

10| Atlanta braves wecomes vets Wounded warriors from Walter Reed get the VIP treatment at an Atlanta Braves game.




Georgia Army National Guard’s 78th Homeland Response Force (HRF) travels to Florida to participate in Vigilant Guard, an annual interagency training drill.

03| Three Bronze Stars

Three Georgia Air National Guard members receive Bronze Star Awards from Maj. Gen. Jim Butterworth.

08| AASF Exercise

Two units in Barrow County team up to host a safety exercise to rescue Guardsmen.



11| Historic Battle Reiview

Georgia at Chancellorville, days two and three.

15| NCO Notepad

The necessity of good leadership within an organization.

16| Book Review


1 | The Georgia Guardsman


Soldier-Statesman of the American Century.

17| Around the Guard

Georgia National Guard Commander-in-Chief Gov. Nathan Deal Adjutant General Maj. Gen. Jim Butterworth State Public Affairs Director Mary Therese Tebbe State Public Affairs Officer 1st Lt. William Carraway Operations NCO Sgt. 1st Class Gerard Brown Editorial Staff Managing Editor Ashley Fontenot Creative Director Steven Welch Contributors Spc. Steven Bennett 1st Lt. William Carraway Maj. William Cox CW5 Thomas Golden Sgt. 1st Class Roy Henry Capt. Greta Jackson Spc. Jasmine Jacobs Command Sgt. Maj. P. Stringfield 1st Lt. Mike Thompson Contributing DOD Organizations 124th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment, 116th Air Control Wing Public Affairs Office, Army National Guard Unit Public Affairs Representatives, Air National Guard Wing Public Affairs Representatives, Georgia State Defense Force Public Affairs.

Georgia National Guard Channels




Youtube GeorgiaNationalGuard

Disclaimer The Georgia Guardsman is published monthly under the provisions of AR 360-81 and AF 6-1 by the Georgia Department of Defense Public Affairs Office. The views and opinions expressed in the Georgia Guardsman are not necessarily those of the Departments of the Army, Air Force or the Adjutant General of Georgia. The Georgia Guardsman is distributed free-of-charge to members of the Georgia Army and Air National Guard, State Defense Force and other interested persons upon request. May 2013 | 2

Three Bronze S ta r s

By: Capt. Greta Jackson | Public Affairs Office | Georgia Department of Defense


he Adjutant General of the Georgia National Guard presented Bronze Stars to three Air National Guard members during a ceremony at the Brunswickbased 224th Joint Communications Support Squadron. Major General Jim Butterworth presented the medals to Capt. Randy Reid, Master Sgt. Jerrold Funk, and Tech. Sgt. Justin Goins for performing exceptionally during a six-month rotation in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. Prior to the award presentation, Butterworth addressed the crowd, which included the entire unit, family members and local elected officials. “We are in the presence of heroes,” he said. “We’re one great big family, and we want the family members to know that this could not have been done without your support.” Butterworth presented 10 other awards during the 45-minute ceremony. Seven Joint Service Commendation Medals were presented to Senior Master Sergeants Bulloch Gaskins and Benjamin Tuttle, Tech Sgt. Lakeisha Mitchell, Staff Sergeants Brian Jamison and Philip Lawson, Senior Airmen Malcolm Farley and Jonathan Hipsher. Four Joint Service Achievement Medals were presented to Senior Airmen Orlanders Grant, Carrie Harris and John Rodgers. The three Bronze Stars given during this ceremony makes a total of five for the 224th. The first was awarded to Chief Master Sgt. Sharon Paige during the Desert Storm deployment. The most recent was received in November 2012 by Master Sergeant Dawn

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Sullivan, also in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. Lieutenant Col. Deborah Nazimiec, commander of the 224th JCSS, is very proud of the achievements of her unit members. “Almost the entire task force is being recognized, which is amazing, because usually it’s only around 20 percent,” Nazimiec said. “All these awards were written by the customers we served.” Although Goins, the youngest in the unit to receive the Bronze Star, was proud to be recognized for his accomplishments, he said, “I would rather be back overseas than standing here receiving a medal.” The 224th JCSS is part of the Joint Communications Support Element (JCSE), headquartered at MacDill, AFB, Florida, and is responsible for providing communication to any command, anywhere in the world on very short notice. The 224th has a distinct military history that spans more than half a century. Originally known as the 129th Aircraft Control and Warning Squadron, it was organized on June 28th, 1950 at Malcolm McKinnon Airfield on St. Simons Island, Ga. Major William A. Way, then an Air Reserve Officer, transferred over to the Air National Guard and helped form the unit. The 29 original members were primarily transfers from unpaid reserve positions. Drills were held in Commander Ways’ backyard, where an antenna was erected and personnel trained on radio equipment. Today, as part of the JCSE, the squadron is constantly on the go. Army Col. Kirby Watson, Commander of the JCSE said, “We absolutely could not maintain the ops tempo that we do without the help of the 224th. We ask a lot, and they never said ‘no.’” Photos by: Capt. Greta Jackson | Public Affairs Office | Georgia Department of Defense

Ga. Army Guard trains with Spanish Flight Engineers By: Maj. Will Cox | Public Affairs Office | Georgia Army National Guard


hinook Flight Engineers from Spain’s Army Air Force crossed the pond to train with some of the Army National Guard’s finest before deploying toAfghanistan. Georgia’s Army National Guard Chinook unit out of Savannah hosted the Spaniards and conducted a variety of training including sling load operations, panicle landings, dust landings, confinedarea operations, and water bucket operations. Georgia was asked by the US Army Security Assistance Team Management Organization who helps provide training to foreign governments when they buy U.S. Military equipment. “The Spanish Government asked the U.S. Government to provide three weeks of Flight Engineer Training before they deploy a Chinook unit in support of coalition forces to Afghanistan,” said Maj. Brian Chesser of the USASATMO. “We needed to find a unit quickly and the Ga. Army National Guard’s readiness and flexibility allowed us to meet this short notice training opportunity and will help us buildstronger relationships with the Spanish Army.” The crews conducted fire suppression training among other

training tasks with Georgia Army National Guard Flight Crews to take best practices back to their own country’s Army aviation Chinook units.The water buckets are capable of picking up and releasing 2,500 gallons of water on wild fires. These collapsible buckets are the same that have been used to fight fires here in Georgia during our summer wildfire season. “One thing that we don’t do in Spain, is the fire fighting flights with the water buckets,” said Sgt. Maj.Pablo Garcia, Spanish Army Air Force Senior Flight Engineer. “In addition to the training tasks in preparation for Afghanistan, I wanted to train our guys on the use of 2,000 gallon water bucketsin hope of convincing my country to invest in them. I think we would save lives and property if we hadthem during our wild fire season in the summer.” The Flight Engineers shared their best practices with each other as they conducted flights over the threeweeks of mission training.“I enjoyed working with our international partners because it expands our knowledge base as wellas theirs,” said 1st Sgt. Jeff Earhart, Army Aviation Support Facility #3, Flight Engineer Instructor. “We had a great time training their Flight Engineers on Air Crew Coordination and mission training tasks from our Air Crew Training Manual.”

Georgia CH-47F Chinook Helicopter crew conducts water bucket operations vicinity Hunter Army Airfield in Savannah Ga

Photos by: Maj. Will Cox | Public Affairs Office | Georgia Army National Guard

May 2013 | 4

Citizen Soldiers Flying Overhead


By: Maj. Will Cox | Public Affairs Office | Georgia Army National Guard eorgia Army National Guardsmen grew up in their communities and now they conduct mission specific training to be ready to help their fellow citizens or those in need around the world. In May, Soldiers from the 560th Battlefield Surveillance Brigade jumped out of a perfectly good UH-60 Blackhawk helicopter high above Paulding County Airport to maintain their currency and proficiency as Airborne Soldiers who may need to parachute in to accomplish their assigned mission. “The purpose was airborne operation sustainment training primarily focusing on the set up and execution a safe drop zone and pathfinder activities,” said Capt. Gregg Koester, Charlie Troop, 3-108th Calvalry Company Commander. “Our Jumpmasters also conducted proficiency training inspecting parachutes and ensuring the safe deployment of jumpers out of a UH-60 Blackhawk.” The Command Sgt. Maj. of the Army National Guard,

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Command Sgt. Maj. Brunk Conley visited the jumpers to discuss how proud he is of Guardsmen. “The National Guard is filled with problem solvers just like you. You give us any mission and we will figure out how to solve it,” said Conley. “We have the unique ability to bring both our civilian and military experiences together to solve the most complex problems that face our nation and world today.” Support from their local community and family makes the challenge of managing two careers possible. Paulding County doesn’t just say they support their Georgia Guardsmen they host their training. “We welcome them and love having them here. We feel it is our duty to help them train by providing a safe location that is convenient to the Georgia National Guard Headquarters in Marietta,” said Junie Walton, Paulding County Airport spokes person. “I don’t get the chance to rub elbows with our Soldiers very often, so I love to let them know I am proud they volunteered to serve our country.”

Parachutes deploy as Soldiers from Georgia’s 560th Battle Field Surveillance Brigade (BFSB) jump out of a UH-60 Blackhawk for their first jump of the day.

Photos by: Maj. Will Cox | Public Affairs Office | Georgia Army National Guard

May 2013 | 6

GA Guard takes home Army Community of Excellence Award


By: Maj. Will Cox | Public Affairs Office | Georgia Army National Guard n March, 2013, Governor Nathan Deal announced the Georgia National Guard had received the Army Community of Excellence Award for the National Guard category. At a May ceremony in Washington DC, the ACOE award was formally presented to members of the Georgia Army National Guard leadership team. “It is an honor to accept this award on behalf of Maj. Gen. Jim Butterworth and the entire Georgia Army National Guard. We are very proud of all we do and feel like this validates the hard work of our Soldiers,” said Brig. Gen. Joe Jarrard, Assistant Adjutant General, Georgia Army National Guard. “For the past five years, the Georgia Army National Guard has been recognized as one of the top three performing National Guard organizations in the ACOE competition. We do not look at the ACOE program as something we prepare for once a year. We have integrated the Malcolm Baldrige integrated- business management model into our strategic planning and every day operations. We feel that the model helps us focus on developing readiness and improving every day.” The Army’s chief of staff presents the ACOE Army National Guard Award annually to recognize performance excellence. The award recognizes continuous business process improvement; individual innovation; groundbreaking initiatives; and dedication to efficiency, effectiveness, and customer care. These efforts directly affect the quality of support to Soldiers, families, civilian employees, and retirees who work, live, train and play on Army installations. “The ACOE requires organizations to take a hard look at how they do business. It requires honesty and courage and it opens up organization to outside scrutiny,” said Brig. Gen. Emery Fountain, acting Deputy Director, Army National Guard. He continued, “If

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we are running our organizations the way we should with efficiency, integrity, and clear strategic purpose, then we should welcome the kinds of scrutiny that the Baldridge criteria and the ACOE program provides. I appreciate the states that participated and welcomed the chance to make their organizations more responsive to Soldiers, Families, and their customers. For that I am proud of every state here tonight. And I am especially proud of the Georgia Army National Guard as the ACOE overall Winner.” The ACOE program uses the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Program Criteria for Performance Excellence - an internationally recognized integrated management system - to evaluate the competing installations. “Georgia leads the way in implementing the 2009 National Defense Act guidance with their Integrated Management Systems and serves as a role model with best practices for all National Guard organizations to follow,” said Ms. Wanda Thurman, National Guard, Business Transformation Office Chief. Georgia was asked to give a presentation to the other 53 States and territories at the ACOE conference concerning their Internal Control Program, as a best practice to share with the other states participating in the ACOE ceremony. “What I think sets Georgia apart from our peers is that our leadership established a climate free to identify deficiencies in their internal evaluations, as long as the staff directorate provides corrective action plans along with suspenses to fix identified deficiencies,” said Capt. Stephen Boda, Georgia’s internal control administrator. “Most states are not conducting a fact based, systematic evaluation and improvement process to ensure efficiency and effectiveness across their processes, and these two things set us apart this year.” Photos by: Maj. Will Cox | Public Affairs Office | Georgia Army National Guard

rescuing Guardsmen: safety exercise prepares team for emergencies By: 1st Lt. Mike Thompson | Public Affairs Office | 78th Homeland Response Force


eorgia Guard units often train for disaster response, but two units in Barrow County teamed up to host a safety exercise to rescue Guardsmen. The 78th Aviation Army Aviation Support Facility One and Barrow County emergency services responded to an exercise scenario for an UH-60 Blackhawk crash landing. The Barrow County airfield operations office coordinated first responders on scene and monitored for flight traffic during the event. “We made it as realistic as we could, from the call to the 911 response center to our response out here” said Alan Shuman, Barrow County fire marshal. “Even though it was not an emergency, we still went through the drill of having our stations dispatched out by the 911 center.” The pre-accident plan exercise allowed the Army aviation unit and Barrow County to test their emergency response procedures. Sheriff police units had to arrive on scene to secure gates and runways while fire fighters evaluated the scene. The aircraft type was important to determine size and capability, but to also identify any possible hazardous materials. Had the scenario featured a fuel spill or explosives around the aircraft, firefighters would have to Photos by: 1st Lt. Mike Thompson | Public Affairs Office | 78th Homeland Response Force

move more cautiously to render the area safe before rescuing the crew. “It’s good to do it once a year to get familiar with everything,” said Lt. James Key, a Barrow County fire fighter. “To familiarize yourself with what is in a helicopter, the way the seats tilt, the levers, fuel shut-offs, what to touch, and what not to touch.” With the area secured, firefighters quickly transitioned to removing the Soldiers from the aircraft. Soldiers presented a variety of symptoms to the first responders who had to evaluate and treat for injuries. Barrow County emergency personnel used neck and spine stabilization equipment to remove one Soldier. A spinal injury can present many challenges to first responders who may have to cut or remove pieces of an aircraft before freeing an injured patient. Pilot seats of the UH-60 Blackhawk are designed to fold back in case of such emergencies so the pilot can escape from the side of the aircraft in the event of a crash landing. Barrow County first responders and 78th Aviation Guardsmen held an after-action review to discuss the safety exercise. Evaluators noted the quick response from Barrow County personnel who would be instrumental in saving Soldiers’ lives in the event of a real aircraft emergency at the facility.

May 2013 | 8

NGB Command Sgt. Maj. Conley visits with Georgia Guard Troops By: Maj. Will Cox | Public Affairs Office | Georgia Army National Guard


r my Nat i o n a l G u a r d Command Sergeant Maj or Br u n k C on l e y t ou re d f a c i l it i e s a n d ongoing training of the Georgia Army National Guard on May 9th. He spent time with Georgia’s Army National Guard’s Command Team, Brig. Gen. Joe Jarrard and Command Sgt. Maj. Philip Stringfield before going to watch airborne sustainment operations where Georgia Guardsmen jumped out of Georgia Army National Guard Helicopters. “Today’s National Guard deployed into combat and holds the same standards as their active duty counterparts. We are an operational reserve,” said Command Sgt. Maj. Brunk Conley. “The Soldiers I talk to today tell me that they want to deploy. All of them enlisted or re-enlisted in the National Guard since 9/11 wanting the deployment experience their leaders have. If we don’t give them the opportunity to train or conduct mission around the world, it is going to be hard to keep them in our ranks.” WSB-TV interviewed Command Sgt. Maj. Conley while covering the airborne operations at Paulding County Airport. Their first questions concerned today’s National Guardsmen.

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“What makes the National Guard so special is the Citizen Soldier. Every one of those Soldiers has a story to tell and a reason they chose the hard, hard job of managing two careers. They are the real American heroes. Georgia Guardsmen are just like the ones all around the country trained, ready, and in their communities willing to respond when needed.” said Conley. “And I too am a Citizen Soldier; I was a physics and chemistry teacher before I put on the uniform full time for the National Guard and once I finish this job I will go back to being a teacher; but if called I will gladly put the uniform on once again.” C onley was then asked how the National Guard is prepared to respond to a terrorist event. “The National Guard is ready to respond to a terrorist event just like they are ready to respond to any domestic emergency. Everyone saw the immediate response in the Boston Marathon Bombing, our National Guardsmen were climbing over the railing in uniform within seconds to help the wounded and clear debris,” said Conley. The Georgia Army National Guard (GARNG) consists of more than 11,100 Citizen-Soldiers training in more than 65

hometown armories and regional facilities across the state. Georgia’s Army Guard has the sixth largest authorized end strength allocation in the nation, comprised of combat, combat support and combat service support units. The organization’s mission is to provide well trained and motivated forces to the Governor and Combatant Commanders in order to support Unified Land Operations – Offensive, Defensive, Stability and Civil Support. Currently they have about 850 Soldiers deployed and will deploy just over 600 more by the year end representing all five major subordinate commands to Afghanistan and the country of Georgia. The GARNG is also supporting 21 Overseas Deployment Training opportunities with 130 Soldiers to countries like El Salvador, Cameroon, Canada, Bennin, Germany, and South Africa. In addition to overseas operations in 2013, GARNG Guardsmen will provide support to the Office of Homeland Security on the border in Texas to safeguard our citizens. The GARNG will continue to be ready to support those in need like they did in 2012 with Hurricane Sandy relief, as well as support to the Republican and Democrat National Conventions.



By: Steven Welch | Public Affairs Office | Georgia Department of Defense he Atlanta Braves, in a partnership with the Georgia National Guard and the Wounded Warrior Program, hosted a group of veterans from the Walter Reed Hospital in Bethesda, Maryland. The Soldiers, who were wounded overseas in Iraq and Afghanistan, were given a VIP tour of the stadium, and met with several Braves players before the start of the game. Along with the tour, Chaplain Cpt. Leslie Nelson, of the Georgia Army National Guard, threw out the first pitch of the game. As a die-hard Braves fan, the experience, while nerve-wracking, was a dream come true for Nelson. “Being able to do this, to be a part of this, is really exciting. They’re my favorite team, and I feel really honored that they chose me to throw out the pitch,” Nelson said. “It’s something I’ll never forget.” The visit to Atlanta was made possible by Patient Air Lift Services (PALS), who teamed up with the MLB, arranging volunteer pilots to fly the veterans from Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland, to the game in Atlanta. Marine Gunnery Sgt David Hendin, originally from Detriot and having served multiple tours in Iraq, loved the chance to relax and tour the stadium. His favorite part Photos by: Steven Welch | Public Affairs Office | Georgia Department of Defense

of the night involved the tour of the museum located at Turner Field, which showcases some of the Braves’ proudest moments throughout their history. “The tour of the stadium was awesome, but the museum was probably the best part so far, so rich with the history of where the Braves have been and what they’ve accomplished,” Hendin said. Staff Sgt. Marcus Burleson, who was experiencing his first time at a Braves game, most enjoyed the moment when the group was let out onto the field to see the team prepare for the game, and the chance to experience how a major league team functions. “By far my favorite experience was out on the field,” he said. “Being able to look out on the stands and seeing what they see, that was awesome. They’ve really taken care of us.” As the day came to a close, Sgt. Kevin Gatson, was appreciative of everything the Braves did for the group that evening. Gatson, who was born in Mississippi but lived in Covington, Ga., enjoyed being back in the state. While he himself is more of a Yankees fan, he is excited to be able to watch the Braves play, and thankful for the VIP access the men were given. “Today’s been very good. In a sense this is my second home, so being back here is definitely a great experience. I’m a fan of a good game,” Gatson said.

May 2013 | 10

Georgia at Chancellorsville: Days 2 and 3

By 1st Lt. William Carraway Public Affairs Office Georgia Department of Defense


Jackson’s March Begins eneral Robert E. Lee surveyed the marching column of Infantry before him as it snaked generally west. At the head of the column of nearly 30,000 Confederates was the Georgia brigade of Brig. Gen. Alfred Colquitt. These Georgians were at the vanguard of what was to become the greatest flanking attack of the American Civil War. As they passed Lee’s position at 7 a.m., May 2, 1863, Colquitt’s Georgians might have seen a mounted officer exchange a salute with the commanding general. No words were overheard, but the mounted figure gestured to the head of the column as his eyes blazed with a fierce blue intensity. Lee nodded and the figure rode on. Although they could not have known it at the time, Colquitt’s Georgians had witnessed the last meeting between Lee and his most trusted subordinate, Lt. Gen. Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson. Tactical Situation While the conversation – and Lee’s thoughts – are lost to history, one can deduce from the tactical situation what Lee must have felt at that moment. Desperately outnumbered, Lee was dividing his forces in the face of the enemy. To his north was Maj. Gen. Joe Hooker and his 70,000-man Army of the Potomac. With a holding force present south at Fredericksburg, and Jackson’s corps executing a 12-mile flank march, Lee would have approximately 12,000 men positioned to counter those 70,000. To succeed, Jackson’s flanking march must not be detected, nor could Hooker learn of the inadequacy of Lee’s lines. Lee’s Deception To conceal his intent, Lee ordered the division of Maj. Gen. Lafayette McLaws to demonstrate on the Union left to confuse Hooker and draw his attention away from the flank march. McLaws had at his disposal the Georgia brigades of brigadier generals William Wofford, Paul Semmes and Ambrose Wright to effect his ruse. The 10th Georgia was so successful in these endeavors that it captured the 27th Connecticut. The number of prisoners taken (340) exceeded the number of men in the 10th Georgia. Georgia Defends Jackson’s March Jackson’s most immediate concern was concealing and protecting his route of march. To that end, Jackson detailed the 23rd Georgia to guard the intersection of Plank Road and Catherine Furnace Road, the site of his earlier meeting with Lee. While absorbed with McLaw’s attacks, Hooker received reports

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of a large rebel force moving to the rear. Suspecting a retreat, Hooker nevertheless issued orders to Maj. Gen. Oliver Howard, who commanded the XIth Corps on Hooker’s right flank, to advance pickets and be cautious of possible enemy movements. Howard replied that he was taking precautions against such an attack. Hooker also sent orders to III Corps commander Maj. Gen. Dan Sickles to advance on the retreating Confederate column and disrupt it as practicable. Sickles sent the division of Brig. Gen. David Birney directly into the path of the 23rd Georgia. Although desperately outnumbered, the 23rd bought time for Jackson’s column to escape. The delay, however, was bought at high cost to the 23rd Georgia, which suffered nearly 300 casualties before reinforcements from Wright’s Georgia Brigade arrived to weaken further Union advances. Jackson’s march was secured. Perhaps more importantly, Sickles, and much of the Union command, was now convinced that the Confederates were in retreat. By 5:30 p.m., the bulk of Jackson’s Corps had reached the line of departure west of the Union’s XI Corps. Jackson chose Brig. Gen. Robert Rodes to spearhead the attack. Two of Rodes’ five brigades were Georgia brigades, those of brigadier generals Colquitt and George Doles. The smell of boiling beef lingered in the tents of the New York regiments of Col. Leopold Von Gilsa as they prepared for dinner. These Soldiers were shocked when the woods to their west erupted with Doles screaming Georgians. Overwhelmed, the New Yorkers began a contagious stampede that would result in an entire Union Corps being driven three miles east. So swift was the retreat that food was left cooking on campfires and, rifles were left stacked in camp. Ohio regiments east of the New Yorkers attempted to make a stand at the direction of the 75th Ohio’s Col. Robert Reily, but their lines were disrupted first by their fleeing comrades, and then by musket fire from the jubilant Confederates. Reily was killed along with 150 of his Ohioans.

Confederate war aspirations.

Desperately outnumbered, Lee was dividing his forces in the face of the enemy

In the meantime, the balance of the 75th joined the rush to the rear. The Union retreat became utter chaos as men, wagons and artillery caissons all contended for the same precious ground. Men, wagons and panicked horses streamed past Hooker’s headquarters at Chancellor’s House. Hooker, realizing whatever force had caused the collapse would not be far behind personally directed the placement of artillery and infantry from III Corps to stop the Confederates. The Confederate attack also became disorganized due to rough terrain and pockets of resistance. Jackson, riding with the vanguard of the assault, urged his men to press on, but they were tangled in unfamiliar terrain and separated from their chains-of-command. Jackson, along with Maj. Gen. A.P. Hill and staff rode forward of the main battle line on a leader’s reconnaissance. As the party returned, Confederate pickets from the 18th North Carolina opened fire. Struck twice in the left arm and once in the right hand, Jackson was carried from the field on a stretcher, and the advance halted for the night. The Battle Continues On the morning of April 3, with Confederate cavalry Maj. Gen. J.E.B. Stuart temporarily in command of the left wing, Lee launched coordinated attacks that drove the Union army back. Having captured a key rise of terrain known as Hazel Grove, Lee packed the rise with artillery and pummeled Hooker’s center. Pressed on both flanks, and shelled by effective artillery fire, Hooker conceded the ground and retreated north across the Rappahannock. The Confederate victory was stunning and complete, but it had come at a terrible price. Lee’s army had suffered 13,000 casualties to the North’s 17,000. But the loss of Jackson was a critical blow to

Aftermath Jackson’s arm was amputated by his surgeon, and – at first – it appeared the general would recover. However, he later contracted pneumonia and died May 10, 1863. The loss of the audacious Jackson was a severe blow to Lee personally and strategically. He had lost his most trusted lieutenant. At the same time, his improbable victory at Chancellorsville seemed to suggest that the Army of Northern Virginia would prevail against any Union army. For nearly a year, Lee had defeated a succession of Union generals. Prospects for the South had never been better. Lee, flush with victory, seized the initiative and carried it north where he hoped to achieve a victory on northern soil, thereby winning foreign recognition for the Confederacy. It would be then that President Abraham Lincoln would choose a new commander for the Union Army. That commander would go on to lead a demoralized army against a seemingly unconquerable foe at the sleepy Pennsylvania town of Gettysburg.

Next month, all roads lead to Gettysburg.

A Map of Jackson’s flank attack on May 2, 1863, courtesy of the Civil War Trust (

May 2013 | 12

Vigilant Guard 2013

By: Spc. Steven Bennett | 124th MPAD | Georgia Army National Guard

78th Homeland Response Force participates in training exercises during Vigilant Guard 2013.


eorgia Army National Guard’s 78th Homeland Response Force (HRF) traveled to Florida Friday, May 17th, to participate in Vigilant Guard, an annual interagency training drill. Along with state and local first responders, Georgia and Florida Guardsmen trained together in this scenariobased exercise to reinforce the relationship needed to support the needs of citizens during domestic emergencies. “I find the training extremely beneficial to pick up ideas and fill gaps in limitations,” said Guy Gilbert, an investigator with the Florida Emergency Response Team (ERT). During this scenario, Gilbert and the rest of the ERT work directly with the Florida Guard’s Civil Support Team to evacuate casualties from collapsed buildings. “Equal partnership with the Guard offers a lot of needed support in crisis situations.” Vigilant Guard is part of a major yearly exercise sponsored by U.S. Northern Command focused on Defense Support of Civil Authorities. The event is a regional, tactically focused exercise with multiple interagency disaster simulations designed to bring together various organizations with unique communications systems.

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“Our primary purpose for this training is to support civil authorities,” Said Tech. Sgt. Matthew Allen of the 125th Fighter Wing, Florida Air National Guard. “This is my third time [at Vigilant Guard], and each year the scenarios become more complex and challenging. It gets better every year.” The crisis drills included several hurricanes and three hazardous materials incidents throughout the Southeast. Guardsmen trained shoulder-to-shoulder with state and local agencies, including Florida Emergency Management Agency. The joint-effort training helps to bridge the gap between organizations in emergency situations, and further demonstrates the Guard’s commitment to helping the community with well-trained personnel. “Everything is a perishable skill, and needs to be maintained along the way,” said Cpt. Jeff Strickland with Miami-Dade Fire Rescue Department, Special Operations. Strickland, who returned for his second annual exercise, is the Officer in Charge of the Technical Rescue Bureau. “Interagency training [like Vigilant Guard] is vital to not only hone skills, but to work on communication and cooperation in the face of a crisis.” Photos by: Spc. Jasmine Jacobs | 1 2 4 th MPAD | Georgia Army National Guard

A member of the Miami-Dade Urban Search and Rescue Team fires up an emergency generator, as search and rescue team members operate a pulley system to transport a dummy victim to safety at Camp Blanding, Fla.

NCO Notepad

By Command Sgt. Maj. Phillip Stringfield State Command Sergeant Major Georgia Army National Guard


do not know about anyone else, but it amazes me how quickly time seems to pass. What once felt like a cold January morning, rapidly transformed into a sweltering summer afternoon. As time continues to push us forward, I find myself meditating on the Army values that define us as service men and women. Every Army value is an important brick in the Army’s foundation, however, the value I feel we absolutely cannot function without…is Leadership. I believe that General Colin Powell – former chairman of the joint chiefs of staff and then secretary of state – said is best, “Leadership is solving problems. The day Soldiers stop bringing you their problems is the day you have stopped leading them. They have either lost confidence that you can help or concluded you do not care. Either case is a failure of leadership.” That is a very powerful statement, and one that I feel is extremely overlooked. One particular characteristic I admire about the Leadership attribute, as it relates to the Army values, is a great deal of the trait can be learned. It takes more than giving an order to help breed an effective leader. It takes mentorship. The more leaders at any level rise above what is simply required of them and truly set time

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aside to groom Soldiers…the stronger, wiser and more prepared those Soldiers become as future leaders. It takes direction, purpose and motivation for successful leaders to manifest themselves, to gain experience and provide the fair and impartial leadership his, or her, Soldiers should expect from them. In addition to those leadership attributes, there is another tremendously significant detail we must not forget and that is, all mentors were once mentees. Leaders are not grown overnight. They are developed overtime by other leaders. Because of the constant changes occurring daily in the military, it is imperative we instill the importance of leadership from Georgia Guard command teams down to the most junior enlisted service members. Not only must we inspire this in our Soldiers, we must ensure that we as leaders reinforce this attribute in ourselves. We can do this by making certain we perform to the same expectations to which we hold our Soldiers. This, in turn, will motivate them to not only execute, but to strengthen the standard – for themselves and for those they will, or now, lead. It takes more than putting on the Army Combat Uniform to call oneself a Soldier and a Guardsman. One must commit to a true dedication of standing up for what is morally correct, regardless of the opinions of one’s peers. It means that, when the day is done and the uniform comes off, we continue maintaining our military bearing and helping to make positive impacts in communities in which we live. Above all else, true leadership is displayed by leaders who recognize they are part of a team, and cannot be successful without the help of their teammates. A Soldier who makes “the team” great, is more valuable than a great Soldier. It is the leader who learns to take more than his share of the blame when something goes wrong, and less than his share of the credit with things go right, who recognizes the value of teamwork and the value of the people who make up that team. What is a leader without followers? What is a supervisor if he, or she, has no subordinates? The Creed of the Noncommissioned Officer stated it perfectly, “All Soldiers are entitled to outstanding leadership; I will provide that leadership. I know my Soldiers and will always place their needs above my own.” Remember this, our Soldiers make us who we are, and it is our job to ensure that we take care of them as well as one another. To borrow another line from the NCO Creed, never forget – never let those you lead, or those who lead you, ever forget – that we are professionals, noncommissioned officers, leaders!

Professional Development Bookshelf: Reviews of books

that teach us about our craft By: CW5 Thomas Golden Command Chief Warrant Officer Georgia Army National Guard

During the first half of the twentieth century, the United States emerged as the most powerful and influential nation in the world. George C. Marshall’s extraordinary career paralleled this rise to power. These are the two central and interrelated themes of this book. Marshall was a participant in every significant event contributing to the nation’s status as a superpower. As a young officer from his first combat duty in the Phillipines at the turn of the century, through both World Wars, the Cold War and the Korean conflict, Marshall was a key figure in devising and implementing U.S. military strategies and foreign policies. Author Mark A. Stoler emphasizes the years 1939-1951 while Marshall served as World War II Army chief of staff, special presidential representative to China, secretary of state at the beginning of the Cold War and secretary of defense during the Korean War. I have been in the Army nearly 29 years and probably like many others, I am familiar with Marshall’s name from my high school history classes as associated with The Marshall Plan. However, I really didn’t have a complete understanding and appreciation of who this man was and just how far-reaching and significant his contributions have been not only to our modern Army, but to our country and the world as well. Although the author has focused much of his attention between 1939-1951, I believe it’s important to look back at General Marshall’s formative years in order to gain a better perspective on how his exceptional career developed. Between 1902 and 1916, George Marshall served in a series of junior military assignments overseas and in the United States. In these assignments he developed an extraordinary reputation among his peers and superiors but was slow to advance in rank. He received his first promotion in 1907, and not until 1916, at the age of thirty-five, did he become a captain. The responsibilities he held were far beyond his rank during these years, however; by 1916 he was already perceived by many to be a leader destined for greatness. And what a leader he turned out to be! General Marshall’s success as a leader can be attributed to many characteristics but two that stand out in my opinion are the

following; one, he strongly supported preparedness of the citizensoldier concept and demonstrated this concept with his ability to work with the National Guard. Two, he firmly believed that political activity was antithetical to his professional responsibilities and values and that officers should have nothing to do with partisan politics. Throughout his life, he refused on principle to accept any nomination for elective posts or even vote in any election. When first introduced to his political and professional philosophy in the beginning of the book, I was somewhat dismissive of it. However, as I read on and continued to learn more about this man I came to realize that he truly embodied the seven Army values we hold sacred today. Imagine a leader who demonstrated unquestionable loyalty to subordinates and superiors alike. Imagine a leader who understood his duty and carried out his responsibilities in a highly professional manner. Imagine a leader who not only gave respect, but earned it from both subordinates and superiors. Imagine a leader who truly grasped and exhibited selfless service. Imagine a leader who valued the honor of his profession. Imagine a leader whose integrity was always above reproach. Imagine a leader who displayed true personal courage even if it jeopardized his career. George Marshall not on only embraced and embodied the seven Army values, he lived them every day. I believe this book would serve many of our nation’s current leader’s and provide a blueprint to emulate Marshall’s remarkable successes. Imagine our present-day Army if we had such a dutiful, dedicated, and selfless leader such as Marshall to mentor and guide us in these uncertain and turbulent times. How refreshing would it be to serve with such an individual who was far less concerned with his next promotion but was more interested in doing what was right? Marshall was the epitome of the modern military leader who always placed facts before favoritism. He was a true selfless servant who avoided personal credit for the collective successes of his subordinates. He once said, “My service is not for sale and that the honor of serving in the Army was compensation enough.” General Marshall is compared to only one other general in American history and that is George Washington. George Marshall truly was the premier soldier-statesman of the 20th century. George C. Marshall, Soldier-Statesman of the American Century is absolutely worth the time to read. It is highly informative, educational and beneficial to all Soldiers regardless of rank and responsibility.

May 2013 | 16

Around the Georgia Guard SOME GAVE ALL 5K The SGA 5K race has raised over $52,000 dollars in the last three years for the Georgia National Guard Family Support Foundation to support Guardsmen and their families with emergency financial relief. The race was run in memory of Maj. Kevin Jenrette. This year his widow Shannon Jenrette was presented with the Oglethorpe Distinguished Service Medal by Maj. Gen. Jim Butterworth. It is the highest award the Ga DoD can present.

KRISPY KREME CRUISER The Krispy Kreme Cruiser rolled into Clay National Guard Center to show support for the Georgia Guard.

GEORGIANS TRAINING GEORGIANS Staff Sergeant Franklin Middleton gives Soldiers from the country of Georgia a quick class on emergency response procedures. Soldiers from Georgia teamed up with 179th MP’s in an effort to boost force protection efforts, as well as learning from each other.

17 | The Georgia Guardsman

78TH HRF ARRIVES AT VIGILANT GUARD 78th Homeland Response Force Maj. Calvin Oxendine reviews Georgia Guard units as they arrive at Camp Blanding, Fla. for Vigilant Guard 2013. The Florida National Guard will host Vigilant Guard 2013.

GUARD, OTHER BRANCHES LAUDED AT EVENT HONORING SERVICE, SACRIFICE Georgia Army Guard Staff Sgt. Scott Tinney (right), a platoon leader and explosive ordnance technician with the 202nd Explosive Ordnance Disposal based at Clay National Guard Center in Smyrna, talks with Karen Walters – owner and co-partner of the Smyrna-based support group Operation: Soldier at Ease.

May 2013 | 18

Georgia Army Guard Receives ACOE Organization honored to be chosen for prestigious award

Public Affairs Office Georgia Department of Defense 1000 Halsey Ave. Bldg. 447 Marietta, Ga. 30060

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