I hear You and I get it! by Emily Jane
e’ve all been there: extremely stressed out; beyond over it; unable to professionally, or nicely, address others’ questions and concerns that we deem silly, unnecessary and at times even dumb. Now I know it’s not nice to call anyone or anything dumb, but sometimes it’s the most fitting adjective. We all get into the routine of thinking and expecting others to automatically know what we know, whether it’s as simple as expecting your spouse to know how to carry out a household chore you typically handle, or expecting the new cashier at the local store to just know how to work the register without any error, or the anticipation that all of the other licensed motorists on the road will simply know, remember, and carryout out all of the written and common sense driving “best practices”. Just when each one of us settles into that comfort zone of “expecting” what we all UNIQUELY, yet so wholeheartedly, believe SHOULD happen… here He comes, fully prepared to throw the infamous “curveball” we all get hit with when we make assumptions, plans, and expectations that lay solely in His hands. Allow me to share with you how God reminded me, LOUD AND CLEAR, that He is in control and I am merely along for the ride… First, I am in a “senior” position within my role at work. I have been successfully and consistently executing the job functions in my current position for over five years, while fine-tuning my knowledge base within the same company for over 17 years, an accomplishment not shared by many of my fellow “Millennial” peers. I am accomplished and adequately confident in my abilities to fulfill the requirements of my role, above and beyond expectations. I am also one that prides myself on presenting a very strong, put together, established, and not easily shaken person. After all, I can do anything with the right pair of heels!
40 - June 2020