PAWS 4 Life - Can We Crash At Your Place?
im Skelton never imagined when she walked into Paws 4 Life to adopt a single cat that she would end up saving the lives of four more.
As she was looking at the available cats she overheard the shelter director explaining to staff that a box of kittens had just been left at Paws without a mother. The kittens were tiny, very sick, and would not survive the night without someone to care for them. They would require bottle feedings until they were old enough to eat solid foods and would need to be constantly watched for any medical complications due to their small size. This would be difficult at the shelter, and the only chance of survival the kittens had would be to go to a foster home until they were strong enough to live at Paws. Kim, without hesitation, looked into the box containing the four black kittens and offered to foster them immediately. The kittens were brought to Kim’s home and given a warm, nurturing environment. She and her family nursed the cats and provided them a safe place to grow for three months. Being in her home also allowed the kittens to become accustomed to people and being handled regularly. When they were old enough, Kim returned four healthy, friendly, rambunctious kittens to the shelter so that they could find their forever families. All of the cats were adopted quickly and are now living in loving homes of their own! Kim’s experience highlights the importance of fostering to Paws 4 Life. Foster homes are needed because some animals need extra help before they can be adopted. These animals may have special medical needs, require socialization, or need care that can better be provided in a home environment instead of the shelter. Animals that benefit from fostering include: • Mother dogs or cats with litters of puppies or kittens • Puppies or kittens too young to be adopted • Frightened or abused animals that need extra attention • Animals with behavioral challenges • Terminally ill animals that need hospice care • Animals recovering from an illness • Animals that can benefit from being away from a shelter environment. Fostering is beneficial for the animals, the shelter, foster parents, and forever homes. Fostering also provides
58 - March 2020