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Bon Appétit

Something Smells so Good! By Scarle! Cook

What’s better than a piping hot bowl of chili? Or even better coming home to it cooked and waiting for you. These recipes give you some options from your tried and true recipe. With the cornbread and easy dessert recipes dinner comes together in no time.

Turkey Chili ¶:LY]PUNZ

1 Medium onion, chopped 1 Tablespoon vegetable oil 2 Garlic cloves, chopped 1 Pound ground turkey 2 Tablespoons chili powder 2 Teaspoons ground cumin 3 Tablespoons tomato paste 1 28-Ounce can diced tomatoes 1 Can pinto beans, drained and rinsed 1 Cup Chicken broth 1 Cup Beer or another cup of broth 1 Teaspoon salt 1/2 Teaspoon black pepper

Sauté chopped onion in oil in large Dutch oven on medium OPNOOLH[TPU\[LZ"HKKNHYSPJHUKJVVRHUV[OLYTPU\[L Add turkey, chili powder and cumin and cook stirring often 8 minutes or until meat is no longer pink. Stir in tomato paste and cook 2 minutes. (KK[VTH[VLZILHUZIYV[OILLYPM\ZPUNHUKZHS[ WLWWLY )YPUN [V H IVPS" JV]LY HUK YLK\JL OLH[ [V SV^ HUK ZPTTLY stirring occasionally at least 30 minutes.

Crockpot Veggie Chili 10 Servings

2 Large carrots, diced 2 Stalks celery, diced 1 Medium onion, diced 1 Tablespoon vegetable oil 2 8-Ounce packages sliced mushrooms 3HYNLa\JJOPUPJOVWWLK 1 Yellow squash, chopped 2 Teaspoons chili powder 1 Teaspoon dried basil 1 Teaspoon black pepper 1 8-Ounce can tomato sauce *\WZ=1\PJLVY[VTH[VQ\PJL 6\UJLJHUZKPJLK[VTH[VLZ\UKYHPULK *HUZWPU[VZISHJRILHUZVYRPKUL`ILHUZVYHJVTIPUH[PVU of beans, rinsed and drained 1 Cup whole kernel corn, drained

Sauté carrots, celery and onion in oil over medium heat 10 minutes or until onion is translucent. (KKT\ZOYVVTZa\JJOPUPHUKZX\HZO"ZH\[tTVYLTPU\[LZ (KKJOPSPWV^KLYIHZPSHUKWLWWLYHUKJVVRTVYLTPU\[LZ :[PY[VNL[OLY[VTH[VZH\JLHUKQ\PJLPUHX\HY[ZSV^JVVRLY until smooth. Stir in diced tomatoes, beans and corn. Cover and cook on low 8 hours.

¶*\WZJOVWWLKJVVRLKJOPJRLUMYVTHYV[PZZLYPLJOPJRLU or home cooked 6\UJLJHUZUH]`ILHUZYPUZLKHUKKYHPULK 6\UJLJHUZJOVWWLKNYLLUJOPSLZ 1 Can chicken broth 1 Teaspoon chili powder 1 Teaspoon ground cumin 1 Teaspoon dried oregano 1 Teaspoon onion powder 1 Tablespoon sugar 1/ 2 Teaspoon dried minced garlic

Stir together all ingredients in a Dutch oven and bring to a boil. 9LK\JLOLH[HUKJV]LYHUKJVVR¶TPU\[LZ^OPSLZ[PYYPUN occasionally.

Sour Cream Cornbread 8 Servings

1 Tablespoon vegetable oil 1 1/2 Cups self-rising cornmeal mix *\WWSHPUÅV\Y 6\UJLJHUJYLHTZ[`SLJVYU 8 Ounces sour cream 3 Large eggs, slightly beaten 2 Teaspoons fresh cilantro 1/2 Cup shredded Cheddar cheese

7YLOLH[V]LU[Vá Add 1 Tablespoon of vegetable oil and heat a 10” cast iron ZRPSSL[PUV]LUMVYTPU\[LZ :[PY[VNL[OLYJVYUTLHSTP_HUKÅV\YPUHSHYNLIV^S"HKKJVYU sour cream, eggs, cilantro and cheese. 7V\YPU[VWYLWHYLKZRPSSL[HUKIHRL¶TPU\[LZ

Chocolate Éclair Cake 10 Servings


3PUL[OLIV[[VTVMHU\UNYLHZLK¹_ ¹WHU^P[OWHJRHNL of crackers. >OPZR[VNL[OLYW\KKPUNTP_HUKTPSR"HKK^OPWWLK[VWWPUN and stir until mixture thickens. :WYLHK OHSM VM W\KKPUNTP_[\YL V]LY JYHJRLYZ 9LWLH[SH`LYZ ending with remaining crackers. Spread frosting over crackers. Cover and chill 8 hours.

Clayton & Clarkesville Subways are in Good Hands

:\I^H`PU*SH`[VU VU/PNO^H`  :\I^H` H[[OL*SH`[VU Walmart Supercenter and Clarkesville’s Subway were purchased by three local gentlemen who have made great strides in making these Subway restaurants the best in the area. Brett *VOLL:[HJ`-V\U[HPUHUK1VL`-V\U[HPUHYL[OLWYLZLU[V^Uers of all three stores. They have taken great care to ensure that the restaurants are clean, well stocked with fresh ingredients and staffed with good folks to build great submarine sandwiches. Always a great value for your family, you are invited to come PUHUKLUQV`HZHUK^OPJOZHSHKVY[OLPYH^LZVTLJVVRPLZ -VSSV^ :\I^H` 9HI\U HUK :\I^H` VM *SHYRLZ]PSSL VU -HJLbook for news and updates. The restaurants are always looking MVYTV[P]H[LKWLVWSL[VQVPU[OLPY[LHT

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