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Lovin’ the Journey - Short Treks

Lovin’ the Journey - Short Treks Free is good. Free is always good.

Free is good. Free is always good. That’s because more than a generation ago, the Blue 9PKNL7HYR^H`^HZI\PS[HUKWHPKMVYQ\Z[MVY`V\0M`V\


JHULUQV`P[Z TPSLZVMTV\U[HPU[VW^VUKLY1\Z[\W[OL road from Rabun County, the scenic breath taker begins in

Cherokee, North Carolina. From there, the highway weaves

HUK^HUKLYZJSLHY\W[V9VJRÄZO.HWPU=PYNPUPH ;OLYL HYL WSLU[` VM NL[VU HUK NL[VMM YHTWZ HSS HSVUN[OL way. So, get on in Cherokee and mash the gas pedal and see where you end up.

You can easily make a simple day trip or extend your adventure to a few days. What’s critical is practicing the

JSPJOL¸0[»ZUV[HIV\[[OLKLZ[PUH[PVU0[»ZHIV\[[OLQV\YUL`¹ ;OL)S\L9PKNL7HYR^H`PZHTLHUKLYPUN[^VSHULOPNO^H` which follows along the top of the very mountain chain for which it is named. But before you think this highway is nothing more than a country road, stop and consider several



Other than the actual asphalt and wooden guardrails, you’re ‘lost in the woods’. My favorite part is the speed limit which PZTWO0»THZLSMJVUMLZZLKHKYLUHSPULQ\URPLHUKZ\JO H ZSV^ ZWLLKSPTP[^V\SK ZLLT[VUV[Ä[PU[VT`WLYZVUHS mission statement. But this is certainly a time when going By Mark Holloway

slow with the top down is what the doctor ordered. There’s ZPTWS`[VVT\JOILH\[`[VKYPURPUHSVUN[OL^H`HUKSLN stretching overlooks to soak up. So, soak up and drink in! This trip, we set our lodging sites on Asheville. This small North Carolina big city has a vibe we enjoy. The people, I\ZPULZZLZ YLZ[H\YHU[Z KV^U[V^UHSS OH]L H ZV\[OLYU OPWWPLZ^LL[[LH Z[YLL[T\ZPJPHU ]PIL NVPUNVU6M JV\YZL while on an evening stroll, you can’t really see anyone smiling because the masks mask real life. So look for smiles in people’s eyes and in their laughter. These troubles will pass.

6ULL]LUPUN^LKPK[HRLPUH`V\UNN`WZ`WPVULLYWLHZHU[ looking woman’s music wafting from her Hurdy Gurdy on town square. Even with the ‘rona, people were still out enjoying the perfect weather, strolling hand in hand, dressed like bank robbers with a 72 inch barrier... mostly. A Hurdy .\YK` PZ H N\P[HYHJJVYKPVU1HJR0U;OL)V_ OHUK JYHUR sorta creation. The young lady played skillfully. We can strongly suggest the Brasilia Churrasco Steakhouse for Z\WWLY(ULUKSLZZ[LHTVM:V\[O(TLYPJHUSVVRPUNJV^IV`Z pass by your table the entire time with skewers loaded with IHJVU^YHWWLK WYPTL YPI YVHZ[LK SHTI JOPJRLU V]LU browned fresh cinnamon pineapple, and tons of other options. A small red and green medallion is on your table ^OPJO`V\ÅPW[VZPNUHS^OLU`V\»YLYLHK`MVYTVYLIHYILJ\L deliciousness. There’s even a salad bar which has way more than salad. The manager Michelle was amazing and visited at out table a while. Brandon was our server and you’ll do well [VHZRMVYOPT.L[YLZLY]H[PVUZ>LJLSLIYH[LKV\Y [O6\Y KH\NO[LY=PJ[VYPH Z\YWYPZLK\ZI` JHSSPUN HOLHK HUKWH`PUN MVYV\YTLHS>V^;OLWSHJL^HZ\ILY*V]PKZHML Our breakfast choice was an equally popular hangout, Biscuit Head. Sasha Hollingsworth, our friend at Dillard Dental insisted we fuel up at this unique morning eatery. Wise suggestion, Sasha. Our Airbnb was central to town but also really close to our usual craving for outdoor adventure. The Blue Ridge Parkway passes right through Asheville. We ran a four mile loop to Crabtree Falls along the Parkway. Earlier that day, we hiked up a short trail to Mt. Mitchell, the highest peak east of the Mississippi. The famous landmark PZ UHTLK MVY ,SPZOH 4P[JOLSS H WHZZPVUH[L *OYPZ[MVSSV^LY WYVMLZZVYNLVSVNPZ[ ^OV KPLK MYVT H MHSS VU 1\UL   while proving the summit was actually as high as he claimed. His grave is at the top. *HYVSHUK0WSHU[VKYP]L[OL)S\L9PKNL7HYR^H`LUK[VLUK

>LTPNO[L]LUZ[H`H[[OL7PZNHO0UU;OPZTV\U[HPUSVKNPUNPZ on the BRPW, boasting scenic views you’ll holler about. And it’s only an hour and a half from downtown Tiger, Georgia. The Parkway sports many hiking trails. We slowed way down as we drove up to the Skinny Dip Falls Trailhead. Oddly, all the hikers were wearing clothes. ;OL)97>PZHSZVHJ`JSPZ[ZWSH`NYV\UK0WSHUVUJSPTIPUN atop my Pinarello and pedaling the peaks next trip. 0M`V\»KSPRL[VL_WLYPLUJLHUL^ZL[VMYVTHU[PJ]PL^ZLH[ great food, and get in some cardio, point your front bumper towards the fall leaves of the BRPW.

See you on the trail.

Mark and his wife, Carol, are the owners of Fresh Start, a company dedicated to stewarding the property and homes of their clients. They aspire to be your eyes, ears and hands while you are away, and your resource for anything you need, whether you are a full or part time resident of the area. Mark can be reached by calling 706.490.7060.

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