Lovin’ the Journey - Short Treks Free is good. Free is always good. By Mark Holloway
ree is good. Free is always good. That’s because more than a generation ago, the Blue
road from Rabun County, the scenic breath taker begins in Cherokee, North Carolina. From there, the highway weaves
way. So, get on in Cherokee and mash the gas pedal and see where you end up. You can easily make a simple day trip or extend your adventure to a few days. What’s critical is practicing the slow with the top down is what the doctor ordered. There’s which follows along the top of the very mountain chain for which it is named. But before you think this highway is nothing more than a country road, stop and consider several Zero. Other than the actual asphalt and wooden guardrails, you’re ‘lost in the woods’. My favorite part is the speed limit which mission statement. But this is certainly a time when going
24 GML - September 2020
stretching overlooks to soak up. So, soak up and drink in! This trip, we set our lodging sites on Asheville. This small North Carolina big city has a vibe we enjoy. The people, while on an evening stroll, you can’t really see anyone smiling because the masks mask real life. So look for smiles in people’s eyes and in their laughter. These troubles will pass.