Visual cover letter

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GEORGI A SH EEH A N 25Addi son St reet ,Not t i ngham 07929041216|georgi amae. sheehan@l i ve. co. uk

14t h,Oct ober2014 Sophi eWi se Showroom Seven New York 11t hAvenue

Hel l oSophi e, Iam wri t i ngt oyouasIam l ooki ngf oraSummeri nt ernshi pf or2015andam very i nt erest edi n get t i ngexperi encewi t hyourcompany. Iam current l yasecondyearst udentatNot t i ngham TrentUni versi t yst udyi ng Fashi on Communi cat i on andPromot i on andf eelIcoul dgai nt hebestexperi encei n t hef ashi on i ndust ry.I ' m amot i vat edi ndi vi dualandwi l l i ngt ot akean opport uni t yt o getwhereIwantt obe.Al wayst hi nki ngf orward,andwi l l i ngt omakecont act sand meetnew peopl e.I ' m prompt ,andabl et oworki nt eamsandi ndi vi dual l ywi t ht he besti nt ent i ons.Myf ut uregoal saret obei nt hei ndust ry,ei t heri n artdi rect i on,PR ormarket i ng.Icurrent l yrun myown bl ogwww. j orgi amaej ournal . bl ogspot . co. uk,and doPR/market i ngworkf orCocoTangandSt udentLot t o( NTU st udentambassador) . Al t houghIam st udyi ngi nt heUK att hemomentIwi l lbei n New Yorkduri ngt he Summerof2015. At t achedi smyCV,Il ookf orwardt oheari ngf rom you,

Ge o r g i aShe e han GEORGI A SHEEHAN


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