Interfraternity Council Our Chapters Alp ha Ep silo n Pi Alp ha Sigma Phi Alp ha Tau O mega B et a Thet a Pi Chi P hi C hi Psi Delt a Chi Del ta S igma Phi Delt a Tau Del t a Del t a U psi lo n K ap p a Al pha O r der Kap p a Sigma P hi Delt a Thet a Phi Gamma Delt a Phi Kap p a P si
P hi Kap p a Sigma Phi Kap p a Tau P hi Kap p a Thet a Phi Si gma Kap p a Pi Kap p a Alp ha Pi K ap pa P hi Psi U p sil on Sigma Al p ha E psi lo n Sigma Chi S igma Nu Sigma Phi Ep sil on Tau Kap p a Ep silo n Thet a Chi Thet a Xi Tr iangl e Z et a Bet a Tau
Table of Contents 2 Contact Info 3 Fraternities Today 4 About the Interfraternity Council 5 Rush Schedule 6 Finances 7 Before You Start School 8 Rush Tips and IFC GPA rankings Page 9 FAQs 10 Greek Sector Map 11+ Fraternity Information 1
Contact Us S ta f f Adviso r- Dr . J am is on K el le r 40 4- 8 94 -919 2 jam is on . kel l er @ st ud e ntl if e. ga te c h. edu
P res id ent - An drew Jac o n 40 4- 861 -90 60 p res id ent @if c. gre ek. gat ech. ed u
VP of Recr uit m ent - C has e Ander t on 6 78 -31 5 -12 8 1 rec r u it me ntv p@ i fc. gr eek. ga te ch. edu
Ru sh Cha irm a n- I an C ox 40 4- 561- 7908 r us h@ i fc. gr eek. g a te ch. edu
Fraternities Today Academics At Georgia Tech, the Greek Community consistently maintains a higher GPA than non-Greek undergraduates. Fraternities provide their members with programs such as study hours, major mentoring, and tutoring.
Fraternities compete against each other in fraternity-only leagues in intramural sports but also compete against other groups, particularly in playoffs. Most of the time, the competition is fierce, but more importantly, it is always fun and a great way to relieve stress.
New students are often worried about the monetary costs of a fraternity. This is something you should discuss with each fraternity individually. Many times it is possible that joining a fraternity can lower costs over the course of your college tenure.
Hazing Prevention Every fraternity has outlawed hazing in any form. In the State of Georgia, hazing is a criminal offense. IFC and the Georgia Tech administration are unconditionally opposed to any situation created to produce mental and/or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment, or ridicule.
The fraternal values of our community lead us to many philanthropic and service endeavors within the Georgia Tech and Atlanta community. Fraternities provide a great outlet to continue or build a passion for serving others and making a difference in the world.
College represents an opportunity to make friends that you will have for the rest of your life. Whether or not you join, the Georgia Tech IFC community offers you an awesome opportunity to make new friends, both freshmen and upperclassmen, through the experience of Rush Week.
Leadership Fraternities offer both internal leadership opportunities because they themselves need strong leaders, but also external leadership opportunities. Greek men & women represent the vast majority of campus leadership positions. As such,Greek Life can sometimes be a springboard for other involvement opportunities on campus.
Social Responsibility During the week of Rush, all fraternity houses and events are required to be free from any alcohol and IFC patrols each chapter to ensure compliance with this rule. If you do join, you can look forward to a rewarding social life integrated with the culture and traditions of the Institute. IFC fraternity parties are regulated by clear and reasonable policies that keep our community safe.
About the IFC Wha t i s th e I FC ? Th e I nt erfrat ern it y C o uncil (I F C) at G eo rgi a Tec h l eads and d irec ts t he 3 2 me mber fr ate rnit ies o n campu s. E ach o f t h e t hi rt y- t wo ch apt ers rep res ent ed are mem bers o f th e N o rth - Amer ican I nt erfrat e rnit y C o nfere nce (NI C ) , an nati o nal go vern ing bo d y . Th e I nt erf rat ernit y Co unc il pro mo t es t h e int eres t s o f frat e rnit ies in gene ral, a nd ins ure s co o pe rat io n amo ng t he d iff erent frat er nit ies o n c ampus . Th e me mbe rs o f t h es e 3 2 f rate rnit ie s mak e up t h e I F C and rep res ent t h e larges t p o pul at io n o f s t ud ent s wi th in t h e G eo rgia Tech G reek Co mmu nit y b y a s ubs t ant ial margi n. Th e se m en co me fro m al l a cro ss t h e co unt ry and t h e glo b e t o s t udy at G eo rgi a Tec h , and h ave fo und th e f rat ernit y exp erie nce a wel co me co mp lem ent to t h eir acad emi cs. F or mo r e info rmat io n, pl eas e vis it f rat ernit y .gat ec h .ed u!
Wha t i s R ush ? Ru sh is a we ekl o ng o pp o rtu nit y t o l ea rn a b o ut t he Ge or gia Tec h com m unit y a nd me et ma ny o f yo ur f el l ow Ra m bl in' Wre cks . Y o u m igh t a l rea d y k no w yo u wa n t t o j o in a fr at er nit y. Yo u m igh t h a ve n e ve r ev en c o n s ider ed j o in i n g a fra t erni ty , a nd t ha t's O K. Rus h b eg i ns wit h a k icko f f e ve nt i n Fers t The at er , a ft er whi ch y ou wil l ha ve th e o p po rt unit y t o me et a ll o f t he c ha pt er s a t a ta b li ng eve n t. A f te r th is , a n d f o r ea ch night a ft er wa rds , y ou ar e f ree to wa l k a ro und a nd vi s it ea ch o f th e c h ap t ers indi vi dua ll y. Thi s i s ti me fo r y ou to get t o k n o w t he b ro t her s o f ea c h ch ap t er, and y o u a re f ree to s p en d a s muc h ti me a s y o u li ke at ea c h c ha pt er lo ca ti o n an d v is it a s ma n y ch a pt ers a s yo u l ik e. Mo s t c h a pt ers w il l b e s e rvi n g dinn er , a nd yo u c a n ex pe ct c a s ua l co n v ers a ti o n an d ch a pt ers pe cif ic a cti vi ti es t o gi ve yo u a cha n c e t o me et th e b ro th ers a n d vi c e v ers a . O f c o urs e , wi th 3 2 c h ap t ers , t he re i s a l o t o f va ri et y in t he Gre ek c om m unit y a t G eo rg ia Te ch. Wh en y ou fi nd a f ra t erni ty yo u l ike , a nd t ha t f ra t erni ty l ike s yo u, y o u mi g ht rece iv e a bi d (a n inv it a ti on t o jo in t hei r b ro th erh oo d ) . 4
Rush Rus h Schedule August 15th
8 AM to 5 PM
Greek Move-in
Fraternity members will be helping freshman move into dorms. Feel free to ask any of them any questions you have about rush!
August 15th
5 PM to 7 PM
August 15th20th
Rush Kickoff
Come to the Ferst Theatre to get a chance to learn about rush strategies and to meet different chapters before rush begins!
Rush Dates
Rush will start at 7 PM and will go until
7 PM to 10-11 either 10 PM on school nights, or 11 PM PM
otherwise. Come out to meet some brothers and to get some free food!
August 21st
Greek Peer Education*
August 22nd
Run for the Roses*
in the evening (Time TBD)
in the evening (Time TBD)
*Only if you choose to join a fraternity 5
Finances Costs of Fraternities vs Georgia Tech Housing
Meal Plan Meals Per Week Average cost per meal
Savings of $80 $800 0 per semester! Please remember that this table only shows averages. Individual chapter prices may be higher or lower than listed. On average, the first year cost of joining a fraternity is higher than the costs listed above. Fraternity averages are accurate as of the self-reported information from the 2017 annual report.
Before You Start School Recruitment Events If you are in or near the Atlanta area this summer, you may be invited to formal recruitment events by fraternities. This is a great way to get a head start on Rush Week and start getting to know some fraternity men. We encourage all potential new members to meet multiple fraternities before making a final decision. Please note that it is strictly against IFC bylaws for these events to have alcohol or illegal substances in any way.
IFC @ FASET You can meet IFC and learn more about us, and all of Georgia Tech Greek Life, at FASET Orientation. Come to our "Fraternity & Sorority Life" breakout session to learn more background information and helpful statistics. You will hear about GT Greek Life right from the source! Also, please visit our tables at the involvement fair and during class registration. This will give you the chance to meet us on a more individual basis and ask us more specific questions.
Required Registration
You are required to register for Rush Week online at fraternity.gatech.edu. It is completely free and it can only help you by giving fraternities a way to learn more about you and potentially contact you. There is no obligation to participate after you have registered, but is a great way to get information and updates about the process.
Rush Rus h Tips and GPA Ranking T ip s fo r R us h Wee k 1 . K e e p an o p e n mi nd . Many p e o ple e nd up j o ining a fr at e r nit y w he n t he y d id no t p lan o n it be fo r e t he y came t o c o lle ge . Rush is a gr e at o p po r t unit y t o se e if j o ini ng a fr at e r nit y is a go o d fit fo r yo u. 2 . Be yo ur sel f. E ac h fr at e r nit y w ant s to ge t t o k no w t he r e al yo u. Do n't fe e l o v e r w he lme d if t he y ask yo u a lo t of q ue st io ns. The y w ant t o ge t t o k no w yo u as muc h as yo u w ant t o ge t t o kno w t he m. 3 . Do yo ur ho me w o r k . C he ck o ut fr at e r nit y.gat e ch.e d u, t his Guid e , & ind iv id ual c hap t e r w e b sit e s. Be ing pr e p ar e d fo r Rush wil l he lp yo u ge t t he mo st o ut o f t he w e e k. 4 . Do n't ge t d isco ur age d . The r e ar e 3 2 I F C fr at e r nit y chapt e r s. I f yo u hav en't fo und o ne t hat yo u lik e , ke e p lo o k ing. Y o u d o no t hav e t o mak e a d e c isio n t his w e e k o r e ve n t his se me st e r . 5. U se t he nar ro w - d o w n ap pr o ac h. F irst , se le ct 10-1 5 c hap t er s t hr o ugh r e se ar ch & the K ic ko ff t ab ling e v e nt . The n, v isit b e t w e e n 5- 10 c hap t e r s d ur ing t he fir st t w o d ays o f r ush. I n d ays t hr e e and fo ur , inv e st mo r e t ime w it h t he o ne s you r e al ly co nne ct w it h. This w ill hel p yo u nar ro w d o w n yo ur cho ice s fo r t he last fe w night s o f r ush.
I FC GP A Ra n ki ng 1 . Al pha S igma Phi 2 . Be t a The t a P i 3 . De lt a C hi 3 . Phi K ap p a S igma 5. Thet a Xi 5. Alp ha Ep silo n Pi 5. De lt a S igma Phi 8 . S igma C hi 9. S igma Phi Ep silo n 1 0. Alp ha Tau Omega 10. The t a Chi 12 . Pi K ap p a Phi 12 . Phi Gamma De lt a 1 2. De lt a U p silo n 1 5. Kap p a Alp ha 1 6. Phi S igma K ap pa 1 6. Tr iangle 1 8. C hi Psi 18 . S igma N u 20. S igma Alp ha Ep silo n 2 2. Tau Kap p a E psilo n 2 3. Phi Kap p a Psi 2 4 . K ap p a S igma 2 4 . Phi De lt a The t a 2 6. De lt a Tau D elt a 27. Chi P hi 28 . P hi K ap p a The t a 29. Pi K app a Alp ha 3 0. Psi U p sil o n 3 1. Z e t a Be t a Tau 3 2. Phi Kap p a Tau
All Men's Average: 3.33 All IFC Average: 3.43 8
FAQs How does the bid process work? A bid is an official invitation to join a fraternity as an associate member. A fraternity can give a bid at any time of the year according to their policy. Chapters will generally give a bid if they feel you could be a good fit for their organization. You may receive bids from many fraternities and then decide where you fit best. Do not feel pressured into accepting the first bid you receive! You don't have to accept a bid if you don't feel a particular fraternity is right for you, and you do not need to accept a bid right away (even if you plan on accepting later).
Do I have to become a brother if I accept a bid? No! The new member process is a time for you to get to know a fraternity and for them to get to know you more. Both have options of ending the new member period at any time if the fit is no longer working out. New member periods vary in length, but are generally two to three months long. During that time, you will learn the history of the fraternity, bond with the brothers and other new members, and participate in service projects, intramurals, socials, date nights, mixers, and other aspects of fraternity life.
Will I get hazed?
No! If a fraternity new member process involves hazing, chapters face serious consequences for hazing new members or brothers. IFC and Georgia Tech Administration have developed strict guidelines to make sure new member process is as safe as possible.
What if I don't have time?
While you are expected to become involved and participate in events with the fraternity, they realize that you are also adjusting to college life. If anything, a fraternity will help teach you valuable time management and study skills to adjust to life at Tech. Fraternity members can offer you help with your classes and will make sure you are studying to get the grades equivalent to your abilities. After investing time and effort into you as a new member, the fraternity is committed to helping you succeed.
What if I can't afford it? It is important for you to make sure you can fulfill the financial obligations of new member process and being a member, However, being in a fraternity is usually cheaper than living on campus after your first year. (Information regarding finances can be found on page 4). Chapter Presidents and treasurers are also generally willing to work out payment options for members. Talk to the fraternities you are interested in about how their dues work and how it can work into your budget.
What should I wear to rush? Rush is very informal, so wear whatever you feel comfortable with. Most chapters will be dressed in business casual—a collared shirt and khakis—but you aren't expected to wear anything in particular.
Greek Sector Map
1 . Pi Kap p a Al pha 2 . Pi Kap p a Phi 3 . Phi Kap p a Thet a 4 . Sigma P hi Ep sil on 5. P hi Gamma Del t a 6 . K ap pa Sigma 7. Z et a B et a Tau 8. The ta Chi 9 . P si U p silo n 1 0. P hi Sigma K app a
1 1. Tau K ap p a Ep silo n 12 . Alp ha Sigma Phi 13 . D elt a Chi 1 4 . Delt a U p silo n 15 . Kap p a Al p ha 1 7. Phi K app a Si gma 18 . Thet a Xi 19 . Sigma Chi 2 0. D elt a Sigma Phi 21 . P hi K app a Tau
2 2 . Alp ha Tau O mega 2 3. Si gma Al pha Ep silo n 2 4. Delt a Tau D elt a 2 5 . B et a T het a P i 2 6 . Sigma Nu 2 7. Phi Delt a Thet a 2 8. Chi P hi 2 9 . Alp ha Ep sil on Pi 3 0. Chi Psi 10
Alpha Epsilon Pi (AEPi)
www.aepizeta.com; 714 Techwood Drive President: Adam Verga adamvmail@gmail.com; 617-733-8663 Rush Chair: Ben Engelman bengelman99@gmail.com; 404-915-1970 Motto: Opportunities for Jewish Men Seeking College Experiences Chapter: Zeta, est. 1920 Accomplishments Homecoming Greek Scavenger Hunt Winners SAA 100% Organization Highest New Member Class GPA Fall 2018 What makes AEPi unique? Brothers of AEPi are active leaders throughout Georgia Tech. We push brothers to be involved across campus and take pride in other brothers' accomplishments. We have the best location, right next to Bobby Dodd Stadium and combine a robust social calendar with strong academics to create a fun experience that puts brothers in a strong position to succeed. Our new house provides a clean and exciting home for all our events.
Alpha Sigma Phi (Alpha Sig) gatech.alphasigmaphi.org, 171 5th Street
President: Maxwell Sowatzka gtalphasigpresident@gmail.com; 770-337-2290 Rush Chair: Kristopher Harris Pitton pittonkhip@gmail.com; 704-929-2159 Motto: To Better the Man Chapter: Zeta Eta, est. 2012 Accomplishments Grand Senior President's Award (2016) #1 GPA IFC Wide Two Semesters Running James E. Dull Scholastic Achievement Award What makes Alpha Sig unique? We are the Zeta Eta chapter of Alpha Sigma Phi (A Σ Ф ), a national fraternity with 136 active chapters across the United States and Canada. Since our fraternities founding in 1845, we have enjoyed a rich brotherhood of both undergraduates and graduates including the likes of Warren Buffet and Bradford G. Corbett among others. Our values include Silence, Charity, Purity, Honor, and Patriotism and we demonstrate these through our scholarship, philanthropy, involvement, and athletics. Here at Georgia Tech we have succeeded the most with academics taking first place in GPA across all fraternities for both Fall 2018 and Spring 2019, with 21 brothers with 4.0 GPA in Fall of 2018. We strive to build our brothers to accel in their own majors. On top of focusing in academics we have had many brothers at Fortune 500 companies including Apple, ExxonMobil, AT&T, Facebook, Microsoft, and Tesla to name a few. Our professional network expands even farther with over 80 active alumni since our chapter's founding in 2012. If you are driven and looking for a tight knit community, Alpha Sig is a perfect fit for you.
Alpha Tau Omega (ATO)
www.gtato.org, 205 4th Street President: Jack Rager president.gtato@gmail.org; 678-502-0711 Rush Chair: Clayton Parnell rush.gtato@gmail.com; 404-915-3640 Motto: Love and Respect Chapter: Beta Iota, est. 1888 Accomplishments IFC - 1st in Educational Programming 2nd in Leadership 4th in Philanthropy What makes ATO unique? Since 1888, Alpha Tau Omega has played an intricate role in the operations and development of Georgia Tech. Being the first fraternity on campus, ATO prides itself on its high standards of achievement and campus involvement. We hold leadership positions on IFC, the Career Fair, Executive Round Table, and more. Our philosophy is to produce great leaders with strong character, while also providing a well-balanced college experience. We focus on academics, intramurals, campus leadership, and social events, and we continue to rank among the top in all of these categories. Feel free to reach out to our Recruitment Chair, Clayton Parnell, if you are interested in rushing or have any questions.
Beta Theta Pi (Beta) www.gtbeta.org, 764 Fowler Street
President: Will Stallings president@gtbeta.org; 770-862-5099 Rush Chair: Danny Johnsen and Jay Middleton rush.chairman@gtbeta.org; 937-829-5206 or 770-605-0006 Motto: Learn to Lead Chapter: Gamma Eta, est. 1916 Accomplishments 2018-19 Dean Dull Best Overall Fraternity Award 2018-19 Most Involved Fraternity Award 2018-19 Best Philanthropy Award What makes Beta unique? What makes our brotherhood unique is how we develop leaders and well rounded men on campus. We make sure our brothers are leaders in the Georgia Tech Community, in the classroom, on the intramural field, and develop into well rounded men during their college career. Over a member ’ s years here, they see themselves develop socially, academically, and professionally as they grow within our tight knit brotherhood. We pride ourselves on being the best at what we do, which has shown through in winning the Dean Dull Award, the Most Involved Fraternity Award, the Best Philanthropy Award, and multiple intramural championships. We encourage you to stop by during rush and see what we are all about.
Chi Phi
gtchiphi.org, 720 Fowler Street President: Shresttha Dubey devdubey88@gmail.com; 7704902334 Rush Chair: Dan Cohen ddcohen999@gmail.com; 2406040094 Motto: Truth, Honor, and Personal Integrity Chapter: Omega, est. 1904 Accomplishments Inventure Prize People's Choice Award Intramural Soccer Champions Intramural Dodgeball Finalists What makes Chi Phi unique? Ever wondered what it would be like to join one of the oldest living secret college fraternities in the country? Or what it would be like to join a brotherhood amongst men? Welcome to the Omega Chapter of the Chi Phi Fraternity. Since 1824, the Chi Phi Fraternity has offered its young men a chance to truly gain the skills necessary to change the world. While oftentimes you only read about and hear about the party side of the Greek life, there is much more to it than that. Throughout your time in the Omega Chapter of the Chi Phi Fraternity, you will learn about our history and our values. You will learn how to live your life as a better man and how to truly be a gentleman and a contributing member to the Georgia Tech campus, the city of Atlanta, and the world as a whole. On top of all of the life lessons you will learn throughout your time here, you will also make friendships that will last a lifetime and memories that will stay with you long after your graduation. On top of all of the life lessons and great stories, the Omega Chapter of the Chi Phi Fraternity also has something special to offer each of its members. As one of the most diverse Greek organizations on campus, we not only take pride in our various backgrounds, but also the various interests and skills of each of our members. Not to mention the fact that we are one of the two closest houses to Bobby Dodd Stadium, home to Georgia Tech's football team!
Chi Psi gtchipsi.org, 150 4th Street
President: Justin William Steiner jsteiner9@gatech.edu Rush Chair: Colton Hazelton chazelton3@gatech.edu; 4048594555 Motto: A Family of Gentlemen in Pursuit of Excellence Chapter: Iota Delta, est. 1924 Accomplishments Top Philanthropy Event Among Fraternities What makes Chi Psi unique?
Chi Psi is a close, strong bond of brothers. We are a fairly small fraternity with all of its benefits and no negatives. As Chi Psis', we are always there for each other and provide any help to anyone who needs it. Anyone who walks into our doors will be greeted with open arms and firm handshakes. As a fraternity, our traditions are held with the upmost respect they deserve. We often practice traditions of Chi Psi and hope to share them with anyone who decides to join. The best part of Chi Psi is our ability to introduce a new individual and become best of friends in under a day.
Delta Chi
www.gtdeltachi.com, 170 5th Street President: Daniel Becker a@gtdeltachi.com; 8505671020 Rush Chair: Ethan Rosman rush@gtdeltachi.com; 4435202051 Motto: The Brotherhood of a Lifetime Chapter: Georgia Tech, est. 1991 Accomplishments President ’ s Cup (Best Delta Chi Chapter Nationally) - 2017 Homecoming Champions - 2018 Highest GPA Fall - 2018 What makes Delta Chi unique? Brotherhood in Delta Chi is the implementation of the idea that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Brotherhood is centered around personal growth, supporting each other, and realizing that the betterment of a Brother is the betterment of the entire Fraternity. Brotherhood events throughout the year include the Fall & Spring Brotherhood Retreats (off-campus), sports games, paintball, whirlyball, mini golf, as well as bon(d)fires and events at the house. We also tailgate before each home football game and watch away games together. Brothers at Delta Chi are the kind you'd enjoy spending six hours in a car with, know you for the real you, and want to help you be the best you.
Delta Sigma Phi (Delta Sig) www.godeltasig.com, 165 4th Street
President: Adam Hayward president@godeltasig.com Rush Chair: Grant Palm recruitment@godeltasig.com Motto: Better Men, Better Lives Chapter: Alpha Gamma, est. 1920 Accomplishments First in Homecoming Wreck Competition 2018, 2016, and 2015 Health Initiative 2019 Academic Sustainability Award 2017 What makes Delta Sig unique? The Delta Sigma Phi Fraternity embraces all walks of life who embody its core values: courage, action, and excellence. As driven men who strive for better lives, Delta Sigma Phi provides a compassionate brotherhood and vast resources to anyone wanting to grow and prosper during their Georgia Tech experience. With members spanning all parts of the globe, it doesn ’ t matter who you are, where you ’ re from, or what you like, as long as you have the ambition to become a prosperous individual, both in mind and heart, you have what it takes to become a brother at Delta Sigma Phi.
Delta Tau Delta (Delt)
www.gatech.deltsconnect.org, 227 4th Street President: Michael Molder president.gtdelt@gmail.com; 9522589242 Rush Chair: Jonathan Anderson rush.gtdelt@gmail.com; 4049090592 Motto: Committed to Lives of Excellence Chapter: Gamma Psi, est. 1921 Accomplishments 2019 Delt National's Court of Honor (Top 20 Delt Chapter Nationally) 2019 Southern Division Most Improved Chapter 2019 Southern Division Most Outstanding President What makes Delt unique? Our unique strength is that we are one of the most diverse chapters at Tech. Our brothers come from all over the United States and the world. Even with so many different backgrounds, cultures, interests, and beliefs, we are all very close friends. This diversity opens you up to amazing new experiences on campus, throughout Atlanta, and anywhere else life may take you. No matter where you are from or what interests you, there is always someone at Delt who shares your various interests and many more brothers who want to discover new opportunities and experiences. Representing every college at Tech, our predominantly underclassmen chapter embodies a well-rounded and diverse organization.
Delta Upsilon (D.U.) gtdu.org, 154 5th Street
President: Jaleen Walker president@gtdu.org; (314) 369-6003 Rush Chair: Nick Liccini recruitment@gtdu.org; (239) 898-7153 Motto: Building Better Men Chapter: Georgia Tech, est. 1957 Accomplishments Greek Week 2015 & 2017 winner Greek Tug 2014-2018 winner St. Baldrick's Philanthropy Fundraising competition 2015-2019 winner What makes DU unique? We pride ourselves on our founding principles of non-secrecy and nonhazing. Along with heavy involvement in almost every facet of on-campus life, we as a fraternity also participate in school-wide events and traditions including Homecoming and Greek Week. We have a strong focus on academics and diversity, and an all-encompassing priority on the betterment of each brother, as per our motto, "Building Better Men." Delta Upsilon is a place where you build bonds unlike anywhere else and where you can experience college to the fullest.
Kappa Alpha Order (K.A.)
kagatech.2stayconnected.com; 801 Techwood Drive President: Alex Marshall president.kaalphasigma@gmail.com; (404) 272-2239 Rush Chair: Thomas Alexander thomasalexander1999@gmail.com; 7706541521 Motto: Building Men Into Strong Leaders for Tomorrow Chapter: Alpha Sigma, est. 1899 Accomplishments Honor Roll of Chapters Award - KA Nationals 4v4 Flag Football Intramural Champions Raised $11,000 for MDA in Philanthropy Golf Tournament in 2019 What makes KA unique? The Alpha Sigma chapter of the Kappa Alpha Order was established at Georgia Tech in 1899. KA seeks to create a lifetime experience with a focus on excellence, service, leadership, reverence, and gentility. We strive to excel in academics, athletics, philanthropy, and campus involvement. Our social calendar consists of a variety of events, including band parties and date nights, as well as our annual Cowboy Ball, Convivium celebrations. Nowhere else on Georgia Tech ’ s campus will you find an establishment with more heritage and circumstance; if tradition interests you, then you ’ ve certainly come to the right place.
Kappa Sigma (Kappa Sig) gtkappasig.com, 182 6th Street
President: Dexter Buschor dexbuschor@gmail.com; 8032367079 Rush Chair: Tristan Smith tristan413@gmail.com; 6787499107 Motto: Not for a day, or an hour, or a college term only, but for life. Chapter: Alpha Tau, est. 1895 Accomplishments The Southern Stalwart Chapter Excellence Cup 2018 Most Improved Chapter GPA 2017 Champion's Quest 2018 What makes Kappa Sig unique? The Alpha Tau chapter of Kappa Sigma is founded on the four pillars of Fellowship, Leadership, Scholarship, and Service. Our chapter strives to live by these virtues and has done so since our founding in 1895. Our chapter currently has the longest running charter on Georgia Tech ’ s campus and works tirelessly to make an impact on our Yellow Jacket community. Our brothers are involved in every facet of campus life from SGA to Tour Guides to Athletics. We strive to uplift one another while remaining down to earth as a chapter, focusing on how we can improve both as individuals and as a brotherhood. With over 200,000 living members, Kappa Sigma boasts a large network across the nation eager to work with the next generation of Kappa Sigmas. We look forward to meeting you at rush!
Phi Delta Theta (Phi Delt)
facebook.com/gtphideltatheta, 734 Fowler Street President: Nick Ahern nick.ahern34@gmail.com; 4048772111 Rush Chair: Mitchell Zwecker mzwecker42@gmail.com; 4042162613 Motto: Be the Best Version of Yourself Chapter: Georgia Delta, est. 1902 Accomplishments Phi Delta Theta Silver Star Chapter (2018) Phi Delta Theta All-Chapter Best Interior Renovation (2016) Alumni Inducted into the Georgia Tech Greek Hall of Fame every year since it began What makes Phi Delt unique? At Phi Delt, we combine the ideals of a traditional fraternity with countless opportunities for scholarship, service, and support. Our prime location puts us in close proximity to many hubs on campus, including Bobby Dodd stadium and the CULC. We boast the oldest continually active fraternity on campus, with prominent alumni including Roe Stamps, CJ Silas, and Sam Nunn. We can all attribute some of our success to this chapter, and by encouraging each other to step outside our comfort zone we find ourselves pursuing opportunities we wouldn ’ t have thought possible before this fraternity. Hoping to share this bond and these opportunities with many others, we invite you to rush Phi Delta Theta.
Phi Gamma Delta (FIJI) www.gtfiji.com, 841 Fowler Street
President: Barrett Kulik barrett.kulik31@gmail.com; (404) 556-6555 Rush Chairs: Ben Trimpe and Beau Bruneau btrimpe17@gmail.com or beauroccobruneau@gmail.com (706) 372-3044 or (609) 471-1460 Motto: Gentlemen of Quality Chapter: Gamma Tau, est. 1926 Accomplishments Georgia Tech's Dean Dull Award for Best Overall Fraternity (2016, 2017, 2018) Cheney Cup for Best Overall FIJI Chapter (2016) 1st in Georgia Tech IFC Leadership, Philanthropy, and Athletics (2018) What makes FIJI unique? Phi Gamma Delta (Fiji) is one of the most diverse groups of men on campus. Yet, we are all drawn together by our overall goals of bettering ourselves to achieve our full potential and motivating our brothers to achieve their goals. This becomes apparent when looking at our academic achievement, professional development, brotherhood service hours and involvement in the many organizations on campus. But on a level that surpasses what is on paper, we are some of the closest-knit group of men who are dedicated to each other.
Phi Kappa Psi (Phi Psi)
www.gtphipsi.org President: Austin Kinney akinney11@gatech.edu; 6783877639 Rush Chair: Nick Mason jmason61@gatech.edu; 7706552016 Motto: Live Ever, Die Never! Chapter: Georgia Beta, est. 2000 Accomplishments Amici Award 2018 What makes Phi Psi unique? One of the things I value most about Phi Kappa Psi is the variety of people within it. Regardless on an individuals interests there are always brothers willing to go out of their way to try new things and incorporate novel ideas into our existing culture. New members can almost immediately have a visible impact within the fraternity in and out of leadership roles just by the natural bonds that form within the fraternity due to the close-knit and accepting nature of the brotherhood.
Phi Kappa Sigma (Skullhouse) gtskulls.org, 783 Techwood Drive
President: Kurt Calabretta kurtcalabretta@gmail.com Rush Chair: Lucas Greb lucasjgreb@gmail.com; 7708518359 Motto: Brotherhood is More than Skin Deep Chapter: Alpha Nu, est. 1904 Accomplishments 2017 3rd Highest GPA in Greek Life 2018 Distinguished Chapter Award 2019 3rd Place in Greek Week What makes Skullhouse unique?
From the founders to the present day, Phi Kappa Sigma has been an organization built upon developing Men of Honor and fostering lifelong bonds. As the first fraternity to establish a non-discriminatory clause in 1860, we have accepted brothers of all backgrounds for over 150 years. The brotherly bonds formed inside this chapter come from a variety of shared experiences and struggles that unite the varied body behind our chapter. Brothers from abusive to supportive, rich to poor and big to small families have found common ground in our core values. There always has been and always will be a demand for the quality of person that comes from Phi Kappa Sigma which is why this chapter has never closed its doors since its founding in 1904.
Phi Kappa Tau (Phi Tau)
maxefal62.wixsite.com/gtphitau; 175 4th St NW President: Cameron McIntosh cmcintosh33@gatech.edu; 404-220-9244 Rush Chair: George Curtis georcurtis@gmail.com; 404-640-9450 Motto: Developing Men of Character into Men of Distinction Chapter: Georgia Tech Colony, est. 2017 Accomplishments 3rd Place Bowling Greek Week 2019 Top 5 Greek God 2019 Top 10 intramural kickball 2019 What makes Phi Tau unique? Our Fraternity represents a group of diverse people who always strive for the highest level of excellence, as our founders intended. Shared goals and interests in areas of service, academics and building solid relationships hold our chapter together and define who are we. It is truly exciting to be in a place where everyone gets together no matter how long we are with one another. I think part of this stems from the fact that we all feel so comfortable around one another. This is a place where anyone, and everyone who comes through our house or interacts with a brother always feels welcome and never feels like they do not belong, and I think this is one of our most unique characteristics. All of the brothers are unapologetically themselves and we strive to let everyone who interacts with us be themselves and not have any fear about fitting in. Overall, we all try to uphold our motto of being Men of Distinction and are always trying to be the best versions of ourselves.
Phi Kappa Theta (Phi Kap) www.gtpkt.org, 800 Fowler Street
President: Joe Cantatore joecantatore430@gmail.com; 7326141899 Rush Chair: Jeremy Lightner jeremylightner.lightner@gmail.com; 6783739685 Motto: Give, expecting nothing thereof Chapter: Gamma Tau, est. 1969 Accomplishments Back-to-Back Φ Κ Θ Founder's Cup Winners 2013-2014 Φ Κ Θ Fraternal Excellence Award 2015 100% Philanthropic Commitment 2019 What makes Phi Kap unique? Phi Kappa Theta is proud to be the most diverse fraternity on campus. Our brothers are involved in all parts of campus life and are always willing to get into something new. We are known as the premier human development organization, inspiring confidence through life experiences; our members join in order to better themselves and each other in all aspects while having fun growing in brotherhood. No other organization on campus is as accommodating for all men, and hope you too will join and thrive in our strong bonds and unique environment.
Phi Sigma Kappa (Phi Sig)
www.gtpsk.org, 825 Techwood Drive President: Dale Shober psk.kd.shober@gmail.com; 609-385-6508 Rush Chair: Evan Shellow psk.kd.shellow@gmail.com; 949-910-2812 Motto: Do Unto Other As You Would Have Them Do Unto You Chapter: Kappa Deuteron, est. 1923 Accomplishments Best Chapter 2016 Chapter of Honor 2017 Homecoming and Greek Week 2nd Place 2017 What makes Phi Sig unique? We are a diverse group of men striving to fulfill our cardinal principles of brotherhood, scholarship, and character. We have made great strides over the past decade, and recently won our National Fraternity ’ s Outstanding Chapter award. In addition to supporting our national philanthropy, the Special Olympics, our brothers are very involved on campus, participating in organizations such as Wreck Camp, FASET, Tour Guides, the Ramblin Reck Club, the Student Competition Center, and many more. At Phi Sig, we push you to succeed in all aspects of your life, whether it be academic, involvement, or social while providing balance to the demanding environment of Georgia Tech.
Pi Kappa Alpha (Pike) www.gtpikes.org, 260 Ferst Drive
President: Peter Dyson pmdyson75@gmail.com; 5122842744 Rush Chair: Greyson Gore greysongore97@gmail.com; 6159711956 Motto: Scholars. Leaders. Athletes. Gentlemen. Chapter: Alpha Delta, est. 1904 Accomplishments Fraternity League Soccer Intramural Champions Fall 2018 Over 10k raised for St. Judes Hospital in Pike's Fight For Life boxing philanthropy What makes Pike unique? Pi Kappa Alpha is dedicated to developing men of integrity, intellect, and high moral character and to fostering a truly lifelong fraternal experience. As members of the Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity, we commit ourselves to uphold the values taught in our Ritual and restated in our Vision, Mission, and Creed. The True PIKE is committed to a life of caring for others as he cares for himself and will set the standard of honor, truth, and achievement for our members, host institutions, and the communities in which we live.
Pi Kappa Phi (Pi Kapp)
www.pikapp.net, 220 Ferst Drive
President: Patrick Miga pbmiga@outlook.com; 617-733-8663 Rush Chair: Shamari Davenport sdavenport9@gatech.edu; 404-915-1970 Motto: Men of Class Chapter: Iota, est. 1913 Accomplishments Top 10 highest GPAs across all IFC fraternities Chapter President awarded President of the Year by Pi Kappa Phi Nationals 3 brothers biked across America in 2018 to raise money for our philanthropy, the Ability Experience What makes Pi Kapp unique? Transcendent. Loyal. Fun. Prominent. Compassionate. Involved. Respected. All of these words have different definitions, but at Georgia Tech they mean the same thing: Pi Kappa Phi. On December 10, 1904, three students united in Charleston, South Carolina to form a club that would propel them to the leadership of their university. This organization became Pi Kappa Phi and the trend continues today. By 1913, the Iota chapter of Pi Kappa Phi was founded on Georgia Tech's campus. Whether it is in intramural athletics, academics, or philanthropy, our diverse membership make us a leader in every category. We are the only Greek organization in the country to operate our own philanthropy, Ability Experience. Furthermore, we offer the services of an academic adviser. When you become an associate member of Pi Kappa Phi, you embark upon a journey of mutual respect; our house is your house and you are treated like a brother. When you finally graduate from GT you will join an elite group of alumni.
Psi Upsilon (Psi U.) www.psiugt.org, 831 Techwood Drive
President: Ashwin Ganeshan 98ashwin@gmail.com; 770-337-2290 Rush Chair: Kat Shambaugh kshambaugh@icloud.com; 6788826251 Motto: Unto us has befallen a mighty friendship Chapter: Gamma Tau, est. 1970 Accomplishments Psi Upsilon Clasped Hand Award for Outstanding Philanthropy and Service What makes Psi U unique? Welcome to Psi U, GT ’ s only co-ed social fraternity; no matter the gender, all of us are brothers. We are a mix of everything: gamers, mad scientists, adventurers, musicians, and more! On a weekly basis you can find our brothers volunteering around Atlanta, improving our chapter house, studying hard in the CULC, practicing flow arts on Tech Green, or connecting with our many distinguished alumni. Our house is eclectic, featuring a pinball machine, arcade machines, previous paddles on the wall, unique decorative signs, and so many more treasures to uncover. Unto us has befallen a mighty friendship; come hang with us and see what makes Psi U the home-awayfrom-home for our brothers.
Sigma Alpha Epsilon (S.A.E.)
www.facebook.com/Georgia.Tech.SAE, 221 4th Street President: Harrison Pettigrew gtsaepresident@gmail.com Rush Chair: Everett Johnson everettjohnson6@yahoo.com; 305-509-0924 Motto: The True Gentleman Chapter: Georgia Phi, est. 1890 Accomplishments Zeal Award Nomination for Best Chapter in the Country Top 3 Philanthropy Donations of IFC Fraternities Top 3 Intramural Ranking What makes SAE unique? The brothers of Sigma Alpha Epsilon come from all different walks of life, but inherent to our brotherhood is adherence to our creed, the True Gentleman. Putting an emphasis on humility and respect, the True Gentleman details the manner in which we treat one another as brothers and how we conduct ourselves in our lives outside of the fraternity. We are also supported by the Atlanta Alumni Association of SAE, the largest alumni association of any fraternity in the country. Brothers of all ages engage in networking events as well as personal development opportunities that prove to make SAE a lifelong commitment. We strive to graduate the most wellrounded, respectable, and honorable young men on campus, and we are successful in this with our adherence to the True Gentleman.
Sigma Chi www.georgiatechsigmachi.org, 770 Techwood Drive
President: Patrick Prestridge patrick@prestridges.com Rush Chair: Alex Rafeedie arafeedie@gmail.com Motto: Cultivate the Ideals of Friendship, Justice, & Learning Chapter: Beta Psi, est. 1922 Accomplishments Top 3 GPA Fall 2018 School Champions 3 on 3 basketball 2018 School Champions Flag Football 2017 What makes Sigma Chi unique? For those who meet these standards, the Beta Psi chapter offers many opportunities for involvement within the chapter and on campus. Balance is something that we hold dear as a chapter. This is evident in our chapter GPA that has been in the top three on campus for the past four years all while maintaining a vibrant social atmosphere and a strong presence in clubs across campus. We value weekly social events and believe they are a crucial aspect to a thriving fraternity and sorority scene. Gameday tailgates on the front lawn, date nights, band parties, Sweetheart Formal, and Derby Days mark some of the highlights of the year.
Sigma Nu
gtsigmanu.com, 750 Fowler Street President: Ben Cook president@gtsigmanu.com; 678-662-1988 Rush Chair: Jack Dwyer and Parker Quarles rush@gtsigmanu.com; 4043780053 or 6789838702 Motto: To Believe in the Life of Love and to Walk in the Way of Honor Chapter: Gamma Alpha, est. 1896 Accomplishments 2016 Rock Chapter Greek Hall of Fame Inductee - Gary T. Jones 2019 1st Place Season Intramural Basketball Team What makes Sigma Nu unique? The brotherhood of Sigma Nu is composed of a group of driven, young men who love to have a good time. Everyone understands that there are times to sit down and get your work done or study for that test; however, Sigma Nu is the best place to be if you are looking for a perfect balance between school, work, and social life. At any given time, whether you want to relax in the chapter room and watch sports, sit out by the pool, or play basketball, there will always be another brother who will tag along.
Sigma Phi Epsilon (Sig Ep) www.sigepgt.com, 190 5th Street NW
President: Chase Anderton chaseanderton1@gmail.com Rush Chair: Trey Campbell twc30024@gmail.com Motto: Building Balanced Men Chapter: Georgia Alpha, est. 1907 Accomplishments Buchanan Outstanding Chapter Award Spring 2019 Intramural Champions Top 5 IFC GPA What makes Sig Ep unique? The Georgia Alpha chapter of the Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity is a top leadership, philanthropic, and social organization on Georgia Tech's campus. Our brotherhood is extraordinary because of our diverse spectrum of backgrounds and interests. This diversity encourages the exchange of ideas between brothers and fosters a culture of mutual respect and belief in one another. A centerpiece of our brotherhood is the Balanced Man Program, which prepares our brothers for success during and after college by emphasizing continually growth. SigEp creates an environment where men can become the best versions of themselves.
Tau Kappa Epsilon (Teke)
www.gttke.com, 159 5th Street President: Colby Tobin tobincolby@gmail.com Rush Chair: Ian Bolger ibolger777@gmail.com; 6788369307 Motto: Better Men for a Better World Chapter: Beta Pi, est. 1948 Accomplishments Top TKE (Named a top TKE chapter in the country) Top 6 Intramural Fraternity Top 16 Overall Fraternity What makes Teke unique? TKE is the largest fraternity nationwide, and our chapter here has staked its claim as one of the finest branches it has to offer. Not only do we enjoy the strongest social calendar on campus (band parties, mixers, date nights, formals, etc.), we also have an overall gpa above 3.0. Given TKE's success in intramural sports and the number of leaders it places in organizations throughout campus, it's easy to see why TKE offers the most well rounded fraternal experience at Georgia Tech.
Theta Chi gtthetachi.org, 840 Techwood Drive
President: AJ Smith aubreyksmith1@gmail.com; 2296692348 Rush Chair: Andrew Galant agalant3@gatech.edu; 9046298841 Motto: Alma Mater First. Theta Chi for Alma Mater. Chapter: Alpha Nu, est. 1923 Accomplishments 2019 Greek Week Champions 2019 PCGB All-Star Organization 2019 Alpha Phi King of Hearts Champion What makes Theta Chi unique? The Alpha Nu Chapter of Theta Chi pride ourselves on being a very diverse group of brothers in terms of personalities, interests, and talents. As a brotherhood we are very passionate about getting involved in organizations throughout campus such as IFC, SGA, and mental/physical health initiatives. We use these talents and interests to compete in the Greek wide, week long tournament, known as Greek Week. We are back-to-back champions and are excited to bring in new interesting members this fall.
Theta Xi
www.gttx.org, 777 Techwood Drive President: Justin Moore president@gttx.org; (678) 763-1735 Rush Chair: Andy Vernetti rush@gttx.org; (423) 582-0122 Motto: All True Men Chapter: Beta Alpha, est. 1951 Accomplishments North-American Interfraternity Conference Chapter of Distinction 2017 Placed Top 3 in Homecoming 11 Years Running Greek Sing 1st (2014, 2016, 2019) Mock Rock 1st (2018) Pomp 1st (20142019) What makes Theta Xi unique? As the only Christian fraternity on Georgia Tech's campus, Theta Xi presents a unique opportunity for its members to engage in campus social activities, leadership, and service, while at the same time serving as a place where faith and community form the core tenants of our Brotherhood. Through social events such as formals, band parties, date nights, and retreats, Theta Xi develops strong bonds within its members. The brothers are highly involved in campus organizations including SGA, New Student & Transition Programs, and campus ministries. Even if you don ’ t think a fraternity is for you, come experience the fellowship offered by the authentic Christian community of Theta Xi.
Triangle http://www.gttriangle.org/
President: Triton Wolfe gttriangle.president@gmail.com Rush Chair: Zachary Byrd zachary.byrd@gatech.edu Motto: Truth Conquers All Chapter: Georgia Tech Colony, est. 2014 Accomplishments What makes Triangle unique? Triangle Fraternity is a diverse, tight-knit group of Engineers, Architects, and Scientists looking to improve themselves and the world around them. In all aspects of our lives, we try to follow our Codes of Ethic as shown below: Codes of Ethic: Observe the precepts of the Fraternity as set forth in the Ritual; Accept cheerfully my full share of any task, however menial, involved in maintaining a chapter home; Preserve and promote the chosen ideals of my Fraternity; Pay all personal bills promptly, and always live within my means; Help create in my chapter home an environment in which enduring friendships may be formed; Maintain a creditable scholastic record; Promote the welfare of my profession; Maintain self-respect by proper conduct at all times; Uphold faithfully the traditions and program of my Alma Mater; Pay the price of success in honest effort.
Zeta Beta Tau (Z.B.T.)
www.techzbt.com, 160 6th Street President: Justin Richard president@techzbt.com; 9126743505 Rush Chair: James Cahill recruitment@techzbt.com; 6464091829 Motto: A Powerhouse of Excellence Chapter: Xi, est. 1916 Accomplishments 2,566 Signatures for Children's Miracle Network Spring 2019 Most Improved Chapter GPA in Fall 2019 Best Hawaiian Shirts What makes ZBT unique? The brothers of ZBT pride ourselves on our strong fraternal bonds, academic performance, and a unique undergraduate experience. As a non-pledging fraternity, new brothers immediately gain access to the resources and privileges of a full fledged brother. Brothers can easily gain leadership experience as a chairman or executive and have access to one of the largest alumni networks in the world. We enjoy fun traditions and events, such as our family competitions, brotherhood retreat, and semesterly social events. New renovations to our house include a brand new living room and new outdoors pavilion.
Questions? Feel free to reach out to us about anything!
Chase Anderton IFC VP of Recruitment recruitmentvp@ifc.greek.gatech.edu 678-315-1281 Ian Cox IFC Rush Chairman rush@ifc.greek.gatech.edu 404-561-7908 Or find us at the Org Fair at FASET!
interfraternity council guide