Where ge November #5

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Photo: Tbilisi Development Fund CR

BOWLING – LEBOWSKI Bowl CluB CLUB – leBowski • • • •

● 12 lane professional bowling

2 Lane professional bowling

● Pool and Russian Billiard tables

Pool and Russian Billiard tables

● Conceptual American café-restaurant

Conceptual American café-restaurant

● Billiard Private Room “Comfort Zone”

Billiard Private Room “Comfort Zone”


working Hours: MONDAY-THURSDAY, SUNDAY: Monday-Thursday, sunday: 11:00-02:00 Friday-saturday: 11:00-03:00 FRIDAY-SATURDAY: 11:00-03:00

T e l: 5 9 1 5 0 1 0 1 0


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your essential guide to Georgia

#5 November 2016 Publisher: George Sharashidze Editor in Chief: Katie Ruth Davies Executive Editor: Maka Bibilashvili Contributors: Tim Ogden Beka Kirtava Tony Hanmer Nino Gugunishvili Joseph Alexander Smith Giorgi Kekelidze Maka Bibilashvili Thea Morrison Photographers: Roedolf Thorpe Tony Hanmer Goga Chanadiri Irakli Dolidze Designer: Ani Loladze Logo & Design Concept: Kevin Loftus Marketing Manager: Maia Tsereteli Sales: Mako Burduli Anuka Poladishvili

Welcome to Georgia! New Tiflis – the latest ‘must see’ for every visitor, is now open to the public after an intensive renovation project managed by the Tbilisi Development Fund. You can read our journalists’ reports to learn more about the history, unique architecture and current attractions along the renovated Aghmashenebeli Avenue, now closed for traffic and open for pedestrians only! Our invited columnists have once again enriched the Where November issue with their exclusive recommendations in Where to Go, Stay, Eat, Drink and Buy sections.

George Sharashidze Publisher

‘Puri, kveli da ketili guli’ (bread, cheese and a kind heart) – some Georgians say this when they can host guests with only a less than solid dinner such as bread and cheese (and wine of course). If you want to learn more about Georgian bread and cheese, we have some brilliant articles on the topic. For running enthusiasts, we’ve suggested the best jogging tracks- lakeside, riverside and roadside –that Tbilisi has to offer, and for those with an eye for interesting architectural features, we reveal the best decorated entrances in the oldest areas of the city- go explore! Georgian tea, Georgian mineral water Borjomi, Georgian Chacha and many more Georgian products can be found in the Where November issue for your interest. And finally, here is the ‘Publisher’s Choice’ from my personal travel experience around Georgia, specially for Where November issue:

Georgia Today Address:1 Melikishvili Str. TEL 229 59 19 www.georgiatoday.ge

In partnership with the Georgian National Tourism Administration

Japanese Garden Ambassadori Tbilisi at Tbilisi Botanical Hotel Garden 17 Shavteli Str. 1 Botanical Str.

DINEHALL Tbilisi 28 Rustaveli Ave.

Downtown Badagi on Marjanishvili 2 Tvalchrelidze Str. 5 Marjanishvili Str.

6 Geof Giacomini Executive Director, Caucasus Nature Fund

36 Tako Kikabidze Founder & Manager, Bodyline Aesthetic Clinic

60 Petter Svaetichin CEO, JSC MGEORGIA

80 Murat Tansu General Manager, Tiflis Palace


Tako Rodonaia Corporate Communication Expert, Geocell

to go

Where to Go in the Protected Areas of Georgia . . . e c i o h C y M

Geof Giacomini Executive Director, Caucasus Nature Fund

Borjomi-Kharagauli NatioNal ParK Famous for its mineral water springs and tree-clad mountains, Borjomi is Georgia’s ultimate fall destination. With its mixed forests of deciduous and evergreen trees, when the leaves turn in fall, Borjomi becomes a riot of color – everything from gold, to lime-green to scarlet. While many visitors to Borjomi stick to the town and nearby villages, the adjacent Borjomi-Kharagauli National Park – which covers 1% of Georgia’s total territory – offers excellent ecotourism opportunities. Visitors can hike or take horses through beautiful forest, up to the top of Lomismta at a height of 1780m above sea level, where you can overnight in the rustic tourist shelter and wake up to breath-taking dawn views of the Caucasus mountains. In winter, some forego the ski slopes of Bakuriani in favor of snow-shoeing through the forests in the National Park. Visitors should head to the Visitor Center (23 Meskheti St, about 1km from the town center) where they can register, find out about the various trail options and rent guides, horses and equipment.


VashloVaNi Protected areas If lush forests aren’t your thing, head to the desert. With lower-temperatures, autumn can be a great time to visit the arid and desert-like Vashlovani Protected Areas, located in the extreme South-Eastern corner of Georgia along the border with Azerbaijan. Driving over scrubland and through the dramatic ‘badlands’ of razor-sharp rock formations, you could be forgiven for thinking you’ve been teleported from Georgia to the Serengeti. Vashlovani is also home to the lunar landscape and mud volcanoes of Takhti Tepa, and you might spot herds of gazelle – descendents of animals reintroduced to Vashlovani from Azerbaijan. A relaxing stay can be had at the riverside bungalows at Mijniskure, which is also great for sport-fishing. Visitors should register at the Visitor Center in Dedoplistskaro (5 Baratashvili St) before heading into Vashlovani. Most destinations in the protected areas can only be reached by 4x4.

mtirala NatioNal ParK About half-an-hour north of Batumi, the village of Chakvi marks the turn-off point for this oft-overlooked gem for nature lovers. 15km from Chakvi, the village of Chakvistavi hosts the visitors’ center of Mtirala National Park and several family-run hotels and restaurants, where locals might try to ply you with locally-produced honey vodka. While the forests, rivers and waterfalls of this semi-tropical wonderland can all be enjoyed on foot or on horseback, Mtirala also offers zip-lining (travelling down an incline suspended from a steel cable) and canyoning, which allows visitors to travel down rivers and waterfalls without climbing equipment. There is a 700m section of canyon set aside for this purpose, offering an exhilarating and very hands-on experience of Nature. The turn-off for Mtirala Nationa Park is in the village of Chakvi, on the Borjomi-Kobuleti Road, and is marked by a big wooden sign.


lagodeKhi Protected areas Lagodekhi is actually Georgia’s oldest protected area – created in 1911 at the initiative of Ludwik Mlokosiewicz, a polish-born botanist and soldier of the Caucasus Division of the Russian Army. Mlokosiewicz was struck by the extraordinary biodiversity of this humid eastern corner of Georgia, sandwiched between Dagestan and Azerbaijan on the slopes of the Greater Caucaus, and so he petitioned the Imperial administration to ban logging in the area. Autumn is the perfect time to visit – you’ll likely hear the cries of male red deer calling their harem to attention in the deep forests after dark. On the way up to the crystal-clear Black Rocks Lake – which straddles the Georgian-Russian border - you can pay your respects at the grave of a local Lezgin who perished a century ago making the crossing from Dagestan in winter. The Visitor Center at 197 Vashlovani Street is your one-stop shop for registration, equipment rental and payment for use of Meteo tourist shelter on the way up to Black Rocks Lake. Remember to bring your passport or ID card with you, as many trails, including the one to the lake, are patrolled by Georgian border guards.

jaVaKheti Protected areas While thousands of tourists head to Vardzia and Akhaltsikhe every year, far fewer push further south to the breath-taking beauty of the Javakheti Plateau. The region’s wetlands and lakes are the summer home to several species of migratory birds, and autumn is the perfect time to see young fledgings find their wings and take to the skies for the winter migration. The local area is full to bursting with archaeological and cultural sites, including the Samsari fortress and church and the 10th century Kumurdo Cathedral. Camp on the shores of Lake Khanchali for the perfect sunset, or enjoy local hospitality in one of the many village guesthouses. The Visitor Center (93 Nalbanyan St, Akhalkalaki) is on the road towards Ninotsminda. Staff can advise on appropriate trails, book guides and point you towards accommodation – but don’t overlook the cool exhibition space there too! With a largely Armenian population, Russian is sometimes better understood locally than English or Georgian.


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This year will be a record breaking for the country

george chogovadze, head of georgian National tourism administration: Tourism is among top priority sectors in Georgia, as never before. We are of course particularly proud of this fact. The industry is growing at a fast pace and is managing to meet high expectations that exist today. If we look at statistics, in just 10 months of 2016, the country hosted a record 5.5 million international travellers, representing a 7% growth over the same period last year. Most of the visits are still from the neighboring countries, but we have a significant increase in traveller numbers from the EU states, Iran (+494%), India (+232%), Egypt (+179%) and Saudi Arabia (+116%). Receipts from international tourism were similarly impressive, in two quarters of 2016, the country generated USD 867.9


million which is USD 101 million (+13.2%) higher than the last year’s results. Growth of travelers is largely determined by an active promotional campaigns implemented by the Georgian National Tourism Administration throughout Europe, the Gulf region and the CIS countries. Our activities included airing promotional videos of Georgia, conducting online marketing campaigns, hosting around 500 international journalists and over 260 tour operators as well as presenting country’s rich tourist potential at 21 international travel fairs. We are glad that thanks to untiring efforts of our Government, this year will be a record breaking for the country, both in terms of international traveller numbers exceeding 6 million mark and receipts from international tourism of over USD 2 billion.

November November 2016 2016

Increase IncreasebybyCountries Countries: : Iran Iran344% 344% Egypt185% Egypt185% India India130% 130%

Tourism growth continues in Georgia Number of tourists increased by 20.9% in October 2016

20.9% increased

527,157 international travelers visited Georgia in October, 2016 Compared to the same period of last year 22,689 more visitors were registered

Israel 82%

Lithuania 36%

Bulgaria 54%

Latvia 33%

Poland 36%

Germany 32%


All in the Details… By Katie ruth davies Georgia has plenty to offer in terms of statues and sculptures, all of which have a story behind them to open up a totally new educational aspect on Georgia. Each month we’ll be taking you to a few of these statues, sculptures and other architectural treats, giving you some titbits of information that even your tour guide may not know! This month we look at some of the most famous Georgian art & literature faces you’ll see in Tbilisi.

toP 4 statues iN tBilisi

NiKo PirosmaNi Let’s start in Abanotubani. Ok, pop into the famous sulfur baths and have an energizing scrub first. Done? Ready? Then let’s go meet Niko Pirosmani (1862-1918), one of the founders of modern primitivism. You’ll find him opposite the riverbank, not far from the Tiflis Palace hotel, set in a green area in front of local restaurants. Georgian sculptor E. Amashukeli was inspired to create this work in 1975, showing Pirosmani kneeling barefoot and holding a lamb. Pirosmani was self-taught and died too soon and too poor. His most expensive work was bought in 2015 for over $1m by Georgia’s ex-Prime Minister, billionaire Bidzina Ivanishvili, who then donated it to the Georgian National Museum.

ilia chaVchaVadze aNd aKaKi tsereteli Now let’s head up to Freedom Square and along Rustaveli Avenue. Pass the Old Parliament building and look to the leftthere they are! The jovial and well-fed figures of Ilia Chavchavadze and Akaki Tsereteli, standing looking out from the yard of the First Classical Gymnasium. The monument was built post-Soviet collapse, in 1985, by Georgian sculptors G. Topuridze and G. Melkadze. Ilia Chavchavadze (1837-1907, assassinated) was a Georgian writer, political figure, poet, and


publisher who lead the revival of the Georgian National Movement in the late 19th century. He published the well-loved Iveria newspaper and is also known for encouraging the ‘Society for the Spreading of Literacy among Georgians,’ which he founded, to officially discard five obsolete letters of the Georgian alphabet. Akaki Tsereteli (1840-1915) was a highly regarded patriotic poet who protested against the Russian regime and campaigned for the Georgians to revive and strengthen their culture, language and selfrespect. You can see his grave in the Pantheon next to the Mama Daviti church overlooking the city on Mtatsminda Mountain.

zacharia PaliashVili Moving on from two literary stars to one of music, take the underground passage and walk along to the yellow-striped Opera House. When you can tear your eyes away from its stained-glass neoMoorish beauty, take a seat for a moment in the garden on the left- and meet the bald-headed Zacharia Paliashvili. World renowned Georgian composer and founder of Georgian classical music and the Georgian Philharmonic Society, Paliashvili (1871–1933) created the tune behind Georgia’s national anthem and is well-loved for his blending of classic symphony orchestra and Georgian Folk themes. One of his most famous operas, Abesalom & Eteri, gets a regular showing at the Opera House and is a must see if you can get tickets while you’re here! The monument in front of you, with the seated and thoughtful-looking composer, was built by Georgian sculptor M. Merabishvili.

shota rustaVeli Now cross back to the other side of the street- have a refreshing coffee at Prospero’s bookshop & café, then continue along Rustaveli Avenue to meet the avenue’s namesake, outside the Metro station also named after him. The monument to the author of the famous epic poem, “The Knight in the Panther’s Skin,” was built in 1984 by Georgian sculptor J. Merabishvili. Nobody knows exactly who “Shota” Rustaveli, a 12th-century Georgian poet, was, (though we guess he came from Rustavi, a village in Meskheti, south-west Georgia– NOT the modern town full of Rustaveli sculptures outside Tbilisi), and yet his work is regarded as the Georgian equivalent to Shakespeare. One legend puts him as a minister at Queen Tamar’s court. As for his epic poem, two folios of text from the 16th century are located in the Institute of Manuscripts of Georgia in Tbilisi, as are some preserved lines of the poem from the 14th century. “The Knight in the Panther’s Skin” is memorized in sections as part of the Georgian school curriculum and has been translated into many languages. Marjory Wardrop was first to translate it into English and set the precedent for ‘panther,’ though you will also see the word ‘tiger’ in common use.


Betania: The Secret of Georgia’s Golden Age By joseph alexander smith stripped of their privileges by her autocratic father. The church at Betania was originally the family abbey of the Orbeli dynasty and the images of its benefactors – Sumbat and Liparit Orbeli - standing before the Mother of God can be seen in the church’s south transept. However, at some point in the late 12th century, the Orbeli famiy were dispossessed of their properties, presumably as punishment for disloyalty to the crown.

Despite lying a mere 16 km from Tbilisi, the medieval monastery of Betania is easy to overlook. Secreted away in a thickly wooded gorge at the end of a difficult dirt road, this hidden architectural treasure is cherished by Georgians for its famous portrait of the legendary sainted King Tamar, as well as two contemporary saints. A comfortable day-trip from Tbilisi, your efforts to discover Betania will be amply repaid by its spirit of peace, tranquility and remoteness. Betania Monastery is most famous for containing one of only five surviving contemporary depictions of Georgia’s Golden Age ruler, King Tamar. Ruling from 1184 until 1213, ‘King’ Tamar – so called because she ruled in her own right and not as the wife of a male king – oversaw an exceptional Golden Age of state expansion and cultural development in Georgia, forming a legacy that has endured throughout the centuries.


The monumental royal ‘family portrait’ in question dominates the North wall of the church, showing King Tamar in a vivid azure robe and bejeweled crown flanked by her father and her son. Historians are still baffled by the fact that, unlike other images of Georgian monarchs, this one does not feature a halo, which was commonly used to distinguish royal figures from ordinary people in medieval Georgian art. Tamar’s father, Giorgi III, had taken bold steps to cement his royal power – even having his own nephew blinded and castrated as punishment for rising against him. Giorgi had his teenage daughter Tamar crowned as co-regnant in 1178 to ensure his line of succession to the throne, and on his death Tamar was crowned a second time as monarch in her own right. During the first years of her reign, Tamar had to face down an ambitious CatholicosPatriarch, as well as discontented nobles

After an unsuccessful marriage to a Russian prince, who was expelled from the Georgian court for alleged drunkenness and sexual indiscretion, Tamar married an Ossetian prince, David Soslan. This union proved to be far more successful, with Tamar bearing two children and Prince David Leading a campaign to extend Georgia’s borders southwards. The domed Church at Betania – as well as its royal frescoes – is believed to be an expansion of a smaller single-nave structure possibly dating from the 10th century. The territory was once ringed by a large defensive wall, which now lies in ruins in the forests surrounding the monastery, although the remains of a large tower are visible near the monastery entrance. The death of King Tamar in 1213 signaled the beginning of the end of Georgia’s regional might and power, ushering in centuries of decline and disunity. Almost in ruins, the monastery was restored in the late 19th Century and the monastic brotherhood re-established itself. However, the resurgent Georgian Church was put

down again by Communist persecution in the 1920s and 30s, when Betania was closed as an active monastery. During the Soviet period, however, two distinguished monks kept monasticism alive at Betania. The Soviet authorities designated the Church a ‘distinguished cultural monument’ and the two remaining monks – Father John Maisuradze and Father George Mkheidze – continued living at the monastery as its guards, and even received a state salary for doing so.

The monastery’s isolation meant the monks could quietly continue the tradition of daily prayer in the church, performing weddings and baptisms for those who asked. The two fathers, who died in 1957 and 1960, were canonized by the Georgian Orthodox Church in 2003 and their relics now lie in caskets in the middle of the main church. Betania can be reached by car – 4x4 is best – from Tbilisi via the road to Tskneti, which is a continuation of Chavchavadze

Avenue. After passing Tskneti, there are several restaurants along the road, including the wood-clad Zakhar Zakharichi. Look out for the turn-off for the monastery on the right, which will be marked with a faded sign depicting the church. From here it’s a hairy dirt track descent, but persevere – the monastery won’t be visible until the final turn, but a large cross on the opposite cliff lets you know you’re close.


Take a Stroll along… the New Agmashenebeli Avenue By Nino gugunishvili

Photo: Tbilisi Development Fund CR Exploring your own city as a tourist is both hard, entertaining and a little weird as an experience. Probably because as a native you don’t expect to see something unusual, unknown or unfamiliar- scepticism twinkles in your mind- but strangely, at the same time somehow your vision gets sharper, even your body motion changes and slowly you start to transform and notice those tiny details and nuances- be it building facades, strange interiors or people around you, who also seem to be on the hunt for something new. This month we’ll be taking a walk along the newly renovated Aghmashenebeli Avenue which saw a 30 mln GEL face-lift this year. From the Post Office to Saarbrucken


Square, Agmashenebeli Avenue has been pedestrianized, steadily making it a popular venue for the different arts events and happenings, part of a broader concept to promote the touristic potential of the city through its history, culture and heritage. It’s not just the renovated buildings, beautiful balconies, entrances and facades that you’ll see there, or even the numerous cafés and bars set to attract the visitors, the beautifully decorated shop windows by popular Georgian artist Uta Bekaia, or beautiful buildings each with a unique history, or the fact that Agmashenebeli Avenue has been chosen as an epicenter for all of the recent major cultural events happening in Tbilisi of late. Most importantly, it’s about the vibes and atmosphere

the place has- to a certain point bringing back the forgotten sense of belonging, of identifying yourself with your city, the emotion blended with nostalgia and pride, especially for those who actually lived and are still living on the Avenue, a bond that is still strong and visible today and refers to Tbilisi of the mid-20th century when the city was much smaller and had that flair of coziness, people enjoying promenades from one quarter to another, no traffic jams or environmental concerns whatsoever. Galleries and wine stores, Georgian bakeries, contemporary sculptures here and there; all of it makes the trend visible: the newly renovated Agmashenebeli Avenue is set to become an eye-catching, pleasurable and stylish place to be.

WHERE TO EAT & DRINK on Agmashenebeli Avenue Spend a lazy afternoon in the newly opened charming café VELO with its minimalist interior- we recommend the delicious pumpkin and ham, crepes, galettes with salmon and cream cheese, and a caramel tart for dessert, not forgetting the locally produced Georgian wine.

If you’re more in the mood to just grab a hot cup of coffee, there’s SunCoffee for you, offering an assortment of tasty sandwiches and donuts. Admirers of florist Zura Shevardnadze’s renowned Gardenia will find a tiny branch on the Avenue, showcasing a variety of flowers and plants outside the little café-shop.

Café VELO Address: 37 Agmashenebeli Ave. TEL 595 74 71 74 SunCoffee Address: 26 Agmashenebeli Ave TEL 591 93 50 50 Gardenia Address: 14 Agmashenebeli Ave. TEL 224 67 03


Old Tbilisi Entrance Halls By Nino gugunishvili

You won’t find them in the tourist brochures or city guides. They aren’t pictured on postcards, put on city maps or included in the sightseeing tours. Very few are left. Yet these decorative halls and entrances tell the story of the city, of its social transformations, its history, its past and its cultural heritage that, unfortunately, is being left to slowly fade away.


A little bit of history: In defining the image of Tbilisi as a city, many factors have played a complex role: social structures, ethno-cultural distinctiveness, and unique architectural language that changed and transformed throughout the epochs.

The Georgian city architectural tradition dates back to the 19th century. However, 11th century historians mention Tbilisi as a large crowded city with a strong system of defense. The Tbilisi of the 12th century consisted of bazaars, trading courts, numerous churches, and by the 16th and 17th centuries, Tbilisi had become a typical feudal city.

In the early 19th century, classicism was predominant in urban architecture and by the later years of that same century, elements of eclecticism could also be seen.

sources, decorated city entrance halls in Tbilisi emerged from 1850-1860, as before that period houses had entrances from balconies with exterior starircases. At that time a “modern style” in city planning became rather popular and a number of elements of European influence emerged to create a unique style in Tbilisi architecture. Although in most cases severely damaged, the 19th century beautifully decorated entrances and halls of houses can still be seen in the old parts of the city- in Sololaki, Mtatsminda, Vere and Chugureti districts, on Machabeli Street, Lado Asatiani Street, Galaktion Tabidze Street, Chonkadze Street, Ingorokva Street, Tsinamdzgvrishvili Street and Agmashenebeli Avenue. The European influence, especially in the elements of eclectic décor from pseudobaroque and pseudo-classicism to modern, are all mixed in these visually stunning old entrances: walls with landscape paintings, floral ceilings, moldings, candelabras, mosaic floors- the tiles of which were often brought from Italy and other European countries… these old Tbilisi houses still exist but are in desperate need of renovation. Hopefully, the New Tiflis project will reach them soon.

It is at this time that a specific type of residential Tbilisi house first appeared. The late 19th century was a turning point in Georgia’s social life, marked by the development of massive industrial infrastructure, when the new bourgeoisie was formed and a demand for fashionable housing arose. According to different

Cities today have multiple identities. They are globalized, fragmented, multi-cultural and multi-ethnic…

collective memories; it anchors our sense of being and can provide a backbone with which to face the future.” When it concerns Tbilisi, it’s more than evident that the process of reshaping or redefining the city’s image is only possible through preserving its rich cultural history, Tbilisi house entrances and entrance halls being an integral part of its realm. To glimpse these hidden treasures before they disappear for good, check out the building entrances at the addresses below: 93 Agmashenebeli Ave. 26 Agmashenebeli Ave. 72 Agmashenebeli Ave. 54 Rustaveli Ave. 13 Machabeli Str. 18 Galaktion Tabidze Str. 58 Lado Asatiani Str. 1 Gvinis Agmarti

“Cultural heritage is where we experience solace and inspiration: in buildings, artifacts, skills, values and social rituals of the past,” says Charles Landry in his work ‘Creative Cities and Culture.’ “Cultural heritage connects us to our histories, our


Svaneti in Art By tony hanmer

Perhaps it should not be too much of a surprise that a country as visually diverse, ancient and historically rich as little Georgia also has a hugely varied display of the arts, some parts long internationally famous, others hidden local gems awaiting discovery and publicity. Literature, song, dance, textiles, food, sculpture, theater, painting, costume and more are on display. The sheer set of regional versions of all this only multiplies its wonder. One province will have the most decorative costumes, another the greatest


number of vocal harmonies. These people eat with a hot pepper in one hand; those prefer moonshine to wine. Svaneti is no slouch in the arts. With its own language, Svan, apparently becoming distinct from Old Georgian about four millennia ago, the local songs are famous all over Georgia and getting an international reputation, too. The Riho male choir, with members coming from various parts of Upper Svaneti, has toured France and cut CDs there twice.

Painting in Svaneti has its very old roots in church decoration, especially icons and frescoes both interior and exterior. There are several painters who were well known nearly a thousand years ago whose works have survived gloriously to this day on the walls of stone village churches. Scenes include Biblical and regional history and personages and saints. Equally amazing are the silver or gilt-on-silver chased icons, with their Christs, Virgin Marys, six-winged cherubim or warrior angels holding swords. A famous Svan version of St.

George has him killing not a dragon, but (in revenge) the Byzantine Emperor Diocletian who reputedly killed him in the fourth century! The local materials in abundance include stone of various kinds and wood; the stone has gone into about two hundred massive square watchtowers, aged eight to fifteen centuries. A full third of these are in Mestia, the regional capital; a sixth in Ushguli, Europe’s highest village (or close to it!), and the rest scattered among numerous villages, especially Mulakhi. The traditional Svan elder male’s chair in the home is a high square throne-like armed affair of wood; it may be plain and simple, or may be carved all over in details ranging to the fantastic. This was likely the traditional starting point for relief carving in wood, which has since spread to doors, other furniture and decorative home items as well as pure sculpture for its own sake. The types available are a

number of hardwoods and softwoods, even oak and walnut. The costume of Svaneti is not the most distinct in Georgia, but the men’s hat of thick sheep’s wool felt instantly distinguishes it from any other. It is left in its natural color, not mixed, which might be white, brown or black as well as the most common grey, and will last for many years if well-made and cared for. The simple men’s felt hat has been extended to women’s versions, which are much more richly colored and differently shaped for a more fashionable modern look, while retaining the warmth that felt provides. Other, simpler, but still important visual art genres here include modern painting, textile work and beadwork. Svaneti’s severely magnificent mountainous landscapes especially have inspired many painters to depict them in their own styles for decades.

What about the future? An institute like the public school of Becho is a good place to look to. Its walls, too, are frescoed


inside- both the corridors and the classrooms, thanks to the dedication of its art teacher, Raia Gadrani. Posters by the children also adorn the walls. Raia is doing her best to awaken and encourage the creative spark in her charges, and to see that it burns brightly in many different forms. In a way, this is even more important and influential than being an artist herself, because she is enthusiastically helping others to find and develop their own talents. With such people as her involved, one might be very optimistic that such a stern place as Svaneti, wintered-in for half the year and not easy to live in, might nonetheless produce beauty from human hands in any number of forms, dependent only on the individual and their gifts. The language? Some people, even some


Svans, say that Svan is merely a dialect of Georgian, not a written language. But four millennia of divergence from “proper” Georgian has given it plenty of time to become a fully separate, though of course related, language. Yes, the writing of Svan is done using the Georgian alphabet; but you could also just as convincingly argue that most of the languages of Europe are not “written” because they, too, borrow an alphabet: the Latin one! And one person, Becho-based Richard Baerug, a Norwegian, is doing his best to see modern Svan writing flourish. For several years now he has held a story writing competition in Svan for local young people; the winning results are even published in several translations alongside

the originals in hardcover books! There are four dialects, with eighteen vowels among them compared to Georgian’s five vowels, and a standard version for writing in has yet to be settled. But this has not stopped the writing. If Welsh can come back from endangered status and flower anew, so can Svan! Tony Hanmer has lived in Georgia since 1999, in Svaneti since 2007, and been a weekly writer for GT since early 2011. He runs the “Svaneti Renaissance” Facebook group, now with over 1350 members, at www.facebook.com/groups/SvanetiRenaissance/ He and his wife also run their own guest house in Etseri: www.facebook.com/hanmer.house.svaneti

On Your Marks…Get Set…Go! By Katie ruth davies From a level river-run to mountain heights and beautiful lake tracks, Tbilisi has everything the discerning jogger could ask for.

toP 5

joggiNg tracKs iN tBilisi old hiPPodrome A semi-abandoned field in the middle of a new development zone, this center is used by amateur footballers and rugby players. The 1.7km “track” is made up of an old concrete road and narrow un-surfaced footpath, so it can get muddy in wet weather.

mtKVari riVer Choose a bank and follow the asphalt path beside it. When you’re ready to head back, just pick a bridge! Most likely the only other people you’ll come across are the anglers.


lisi laKe The latest addition to the city for runners, this is a 3km concrete track, well-lit for evening runs. The scenery up there is worth a visit if nothing else and it has yet to gain popularity so you won’t be bumping into too many people!

VaKe ParK One of the most popular parks in the city. You can work your way around it on the one level or take it all the way up to Turtle Lake (KusTba) via woodland track or road. A lot of choice. Busy on weekends.

turtle laKe A 1.2km asphalt track around the lake that you can either run several times, pausing to use the exercise machines near the volleyball pitch, or loop off from through the woods, over the hills or down into Vake Park. Busy on weekends.

Head over to our BUY section to find out the best stores to find the sports equipment you’ll need!


KusTba in 7 Minutes with the Renovated Cable-Car By thea morrison

TBILISI - The renovated cable-car to Tbilisi’s Turtle Lake has returned to serve Tbilisi locals and visitors. The transport can take people from Chavchavadze Avenue to Turtle Lake in just 7 minutes.

(about USD 469 thousand) to local company Bagirmsheni to restore the old cableway. Though the cable cars were renovated, their original 1965 design was maintained.

After a 7-year break, the renovated two-car cableway will be able to transport around 2,000 people per day, which will help to reduce road traffic to the Lake, located at the top of a hill that overlooks the central Vake district.

Before its official opening last month, Tbilisi City Hall tested the new cable car over several days to ensure its safety.

Tbilisi City Hall allocated 1.1 million GEL

A one way ticket costs 1 GEL. One cable car can carry 10-12 people and both cars are adapted for people with wheelchairs and other disabilities.

Special bicycle hooks were also installed on the cable cars. The new cable cars will serve people from 8 am to 10 pm in winter and from 8 am to midnight during summer. Turtle Lake, known as Kus Tba in Georgian, is a small lake on the outskirts of Tbilisi popular with the city’s residents as a recreational zone and venue for concerts and festivals.


Events Calendar theater

georgiaN iNterNatioNal FestiVal oF arts giFt iN tBilisi October 15 – November 25 10 November Mr. Zommer By Franz Kafka Directed by Ioseb Bakuradze Borjomi Puppet Theater Start time: 15:00 Address: Tumanishvili Film Actors Theater 164 Agmashenebeli Ave. 11 November Can’t Pay? Won’t Pay! By Dario Fo Directed by Michele Panella ITALIAN FOCUS Georgia-Italy Start time: 20:00 Address: Tumanishvili Film Actors Theater, 164 Agmashenebeli Ave.


12, 13 November Murmel Murmel By Dieter Roth Directed by Herbert Fritsch Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz Berlin Start time: 20:00 Address: Rustaveli Theater, 17 Rustaveli Ave. 15,16 November MEDEA: MATERIAL By Heiner Müller Directed by Carmelo Rifici

tBilisi oPera aNd Ballet theater Address: 25 Rustaveli Ave. TEL 200 44 66 November 25, 26, 27 Premiere TSUNA AND TSRUTSUNA Ballet for kids Staged on Meri Davitashvili’s musical works Start time: 19:00 Ticket: 10 - 70 GEL

ITALIAN FOCUS PROXIMA RES Milan, Italy Start time: 20.00 Address: Tumanishvili Film Actors Theater, 164 Agmashenebeli Ave. 20, 21 November Demon. View from Above A collective composition based on the poem by M.Y. Lermontov Moscow, Russia Start time: 21:00 Address: Tbilisi Caravanserais (Tbilisi History Museum) 8 Sioni Str. 23 November Tango de Rosas Irma de Flore Tbilisi, Georgia Start time: 21:00 Address: Tumanishvili Film Actors Theater, 164 Agmashenebeli Ave.

PaNtomime theater Address: 37 Rustaveli Ave. TEL 595 50 02 03 November 19 TERENTI GRANELI Directed by Amiran Shalikashvili Start time: 19:00 Ticket: 10 GEL November 23 SAINT GEORGE Directed by Amiran Shalikashvili Start time: 19:00 Ticket: 10 GEL

griBoedoV theater

November 20 25 AUTUMN OF MY SPRING Rezo Gabriadze Directed by Rezo Gabriadze English Subtitles Start time: 20:00 Ticket: 10, 15, 20 GEL

Address: 2 Rustaveli Ave. TEL 293 11 06 November 19, 26 THE PLAYERS N. Gogol Directed by Giorgi Margvelashvili Comedy Language: Russian Start time: 18:00 Ticket: 5 GEL November 25 ENGLISH DETECTIVE Agatha Christie Directed by Vakhtang Nikolava Language: Russian Start time: 18:00 Ticket: 5 GEL

November 24 Performance INI & IANI Modern Theater Art Coalitio Start time: 20:00 Ticket: 10 GEL

gaBriadze theater November 18, 24 RAMONA Rezo Gabriadze Directed by Rezo Gabriadze English Subtitles Start time: 20:00 Ticket: 10, 15, 20 GEL

museums simoN jaNashia museum oF georgia Address: 3 Rustaveli Ave. TEL 299 71 76 June 11 – March 11 (2017) EXHIBITION “MEDIEVAL TREASURY” The exhibition showcases pre-Christian and Georgian medieval art which reflects the continuity of the cultural traditions that were the basis for the formation of Georgian statehood and national identity. June 16 – December 16 EXHIBITION “NEW DISCOVERIES GEORGIAN ARCHAEOLOGY” The exhibition is held in the frame of the international conference “On Salt, Copper, and Gold: The Origins of Early Mining and Metallurgy in the Caucasus”

NatioNal gallerY Address: 11 Rustaveli Ave. TEL 299 71 76

moVemeNt theater November 16, 17 Performance THE OLD MUSIC LOVERS MARK Our Theater Start time: 20:00 Ticket: 10 GEL

PERMANENT EXHIBITION The exhibition showcases works by the distinguished 20th century Georgian artists- Niko Pirosmanashvili, David Kakabadze, Lado Gudiashvili and sculptor Iakob Nikoladze.


June 24– June 24 (2017) PIROSMANI’S “YARD CLEANER” AND “EAGLE SEIZING A HARE” Both paintings were in the ownership of Ilya and Kirill Zdanevich until 1930 when Dimitri Shevardnadze bought part of their collection (39 paintings) including the “Yard Cleaner” and “Eagle Seizing a Hare”. Today, both paintings are among the collection of the Shalva Amiranashvili Museum of Fine Arts. September 28 - September 28 (2017) PIROSMANI’S ROE AT A STREAM Kept by the Tsitsishvili-Gedevanishvili family from 1949 until 2011, the painting has never been exhibited to the public before. In 2011, the artwork left Georgia and was sold at Sotheby’s auction. It appeared at the same auction again in 2016 where it was bought by Bidzina Ivanishvili and Cartu Fund and donated to the Georgian National Museum. November 3-23 ANNIVERSARY EXHIBITION OF GOGI ALEXI-MESKHISHVILI The exposition showcases artworks created in different media over 50 years. Gogi Alexi-Meskhishvili created sets and costumes for hundreds of performances around the world. In addition to his design work, Alexi-Meskhishvili is a recognized artist, his painting and collages having been displayed in numerous galleries, museums and private collections.

music tBilisi coNcert hall Address: 1 Melikishvili Ave. TEL 2987682


November 15 THE LIGHT YEAR AND NIKOLOZ RACHVELI Generation XXI with a rock cantata Lyrics by Terenti Graneli and Otar Chiladze The Light Year rock band and Eugine Mikeladze National Symphonic Orchestra will be performing in support of the Iavnana Charity Foundation Conductor: Nikoloz Rachveli Artistic Director: Gigi Gegelashvili (composer, singer) Start time: 20:00 Ticket: From 10 GEL November 27 THE ROYAL NATIONAL BALLET GALA CONCERT Artistic Director and Chief Choreographer: Gela Potskhishvili Start time: 19:00 Ticket: 15-40 GEL

old hiPPodrome ParK November 25 Electronic music festival SPACE FEELINGS SPACE FEELINGS WITH DEBORAH DE LUCA Start time: 22:00 Ticket: 20 GEL

moVemeNt theater Address: 182 Agmashenebeli Ave Mushtaiti Park TEL 599 07 50 61 Every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday JAZZ at MT Reso Kiknadze Quintet Start time: 21:00 Free Admission

eVeNt hall Address: 1 Melikishvili Ave TEL 2987682 November 19 ONYX W / SNAK THE RIPPER & JUNK, DJ ILLEGAL Start time: 21:00 Ticket: 30 GEL

Backstage76 Address: Vake Park TEL 597 58 75 09 November 18 GEORGE ERGEMLIDZE LIVE Start time: 20:00

Listing: House Museums eleNe aKhVlediaNi house-museum Address: 12 Kiacheli Str. TEL 299 74 12 OPEN: Tuesday - Sunday 12 am – 4 pm Closed on Monday and official holidays Ticket: Adults: 3 GEL; School Children: 0.5 GEL; Children (under 6): Free to: Friends of the Museum, ICOM members, museum employees, people with limited abilities, internally displaced persons (IDPs), socially vulnerable persons. The Elene Akhvlediani memorial housemuseum was established on April 18th, 1976 and presents a typical Georgian interior, where visitors can find the artist’s pictorial and graphic artworks, theatrical sketches, costumes, book illustrations, photo materials, personal archives, artwork exhibits, and artworks by various other artists. The house-museum reserves contain over three thousand artifacts. Elene Akhvlediani periodically scheduled thematic and personal exhibition evenings at her house, and created a place for prominent artist gatherings and creative collaborations. She bequeathed her house to the museum, where its unique atmosphere, rich and beautiful traditions, and her own artworks are still preserved for the public to enjoy.

ilia chaVchaVadze literarY-memorial museum Address: 7 I. Javakhishvili Str. TEL 295 70 78, 295 72 68 OPEN: Daily, except Sunday and

Monday, 11 am – 5 pm Entrance and guide service: Free The Ilia Chavchavadze Memorial Museum is located in the house where the famous writer, publicist and statesman spent the last years of his life (1902-1907). The exposition unites Ilia’s personal and epochal items. The environment in the writer’s study was recreated according to the photos of Dimitri Ermakov.

galaKtioN taBidze museum Address: 4 K. Marjanishvili St. TEL 294 01 34 OPEN: Daily, except Sunday and Monday, 10 am – 6 pm Ticket: Free Opened in 1999, the house museum of famous Georgian poet Galaktion Tabidze was founded upon the initiative and support of the Georgian Writers’ Union and philanthropists. Presented are Galaktion’s personal items and a rich photo archive. Literary evenings and meetings with writers are held at the house museum and every year the poet’s birthday (17 November) and death days (17 March) are celebrated there.

VaKhtaNg chaBuKiaNi memorial house museum Address: 83/23 D. Aghmashenebeli Ave. TEL 295 19 63 OPEN: Daily 10 am – 6 pm Ticket: Free

The memorial house museum of the famous dance and ballet master Vakhtang Chabukiani was founded in 1992 and presents his personal items: furniture, his library, and piano, given to the museum by niece of Chabukiani, Tamar Gordoni. The exposition hall displays photos depicting the childhood and acting roles of the maestro, divided thematically. Here, you can also see his stage costumes and, at the end of the hall, there is a small stage with a life-size size photo of Chabukiani taken during one of his dance moves. The museum preserves up to 6,000 exhibits, of which 550 items are displayed in the permanent exposition.

zaKaria PaliashVili house museum Address: 10 D. Bakradze Str. TEL 299 81 16 OPEN: Daily, except Monday, 10 am – 6 pm Ticket: Free The memorial house museum of the famous composer, founder of the Georgian opera art and folklorist Zakaria Paliashvili opened in 1962. Rich materials depicting the life and art of the great maestro have been selected with great care, with an exhibition that unites 3,000 pieces. The exposition includes his piano, photos of famous people, sketches created for Abesalom and Eteri, Daisi, and Latavra, scores for the same operas, the tail coat of the composer, stage costumes of Abesalom and Eteri, and a unique collection of folk instruments.


Musical evenings of a salon-type are often held at the museum. Zakaria Paliashvili Prize Laureate musicians and music critics often gather there and, once every four years, the museum hosts an awards ceremony.

OPEN: Daily, except Monday, 10 am – 6 pm. Ticket: Adults – 3 GEL, School children – 1 GEL, Students – 0.5 GEL, Guide service in Georgian – 20 GEL

NiKoloz BaratashVili house museum

The museum was opened in 1988 as a branch of the State House Museum of Pirosmani in Mirzaani. Exhibitions, literary and art evenings, and meetings of the “Roundtable of Pirosmani” are often held at there.

Address: 17 Chakhrukhadze Str. TEL 299 06 99 OPEN: Daily, except Saturday and Sunday, 10 am – 6 pm Ticket: Free The museum, located in the former apartment of the famous Georgian poet Nikoloz Baratashvili (1817-1845) houses materials of the poet’s life and work: photos, graphical works and paintings, and household devices of the 19th century.

miKheil jaVaKhishVili house museum Address: 21 Javakhishvili Str. TEL 292 03 67 OPEN: Daily, except Saturday and Sunday, 10 am – 6 pm. Ticket: Free The museum houses different materials belonging to writers including photos, books, posters and other documents which reflect the hard life of a creative personality. Mikheil Javakhishvili was executed during Stalin’s Great Purge in 1937.

NiKo PirosmaNashVili state museum Address: 29 Pirosmani St. TEL 295 53 90, 595 60 62 80


titsiaN taBidze house museum Address: 18 A. Griboedov Str. TEL 299 97 33 OPEN: Daily, except Saturday and Sunday, 11 am – 5 pm. Ticket: Free The museum in the former apartment of the famous Georgian poet Titsian Tabidze (1895-1937) houses materials of the writer’s life and work: photos, books and other documents which reflect the hard life of the creative personality (Titsian Tabidze was executed during Stalin’s Great Purge in 1937).

georgiaN NatioNal museum, ucha jaParidze house museum Address: 2 Shio Mgvimeli Str. TEL 222 06 01 OPEN: Tuesday -Sunday 11 am – 6 pm Closed on Monday, and official holidays Ticket: Adults: 3 GEL; School Children: 0.5 GEL; Children (under 6). Free: Friends of the Museum, ICOM members, museum employees, people with limited abilities,

internally displaced persons (IDPs), socially vulnerable persons. The Ucha Japaridze House-Museum was established in 1988 and hosts fine art and graphic collections, as well as memorial objects pertaining to the artist’s life, all of which were collected by the artist himself. Over two thousand paintings, five hundred graphics, and seventy personal objects are preserved to help visitors thoroughly understand the development of Georgian art through history.

georgiaN NatioNal museum. mose toidze house museum Address: 1 M. Lagidze Str. TEL 599 131 931 OPEN: Tuesday - Sunday 11 am – 6 pm. Closed on Monday, and official holidays Ticket: Adults: 3 GEL; School Children: 0.5 GEL; Children (under 6): Free: Friends of the Museum, ICOM members, museum employees, people with limited abilities, internally displaced persons (IDPs), socially unprotected persons. The house-museum of Mose Toidze, academic and people’s artist, was established by the Ministry of Culture in 1986. Toidze (1871-1953) lived in the house from 1920 until his death. The basis of the collection was provided by Toidze’s immediate heirs, its 373 pieces preserving Toidze’s works as the foundation of modern Georgian art. As well as Toidze’s diverse genre-paintings and graphics, the museum also contains paintings and graphics by Irakli and Giorgi Dolidze and sculptures by I. Nikoladze and others.

Listing: Georgian Travel Agencies Peter PaN traVels Address: 40 Kostava Str. TEL 224 10 80 www.peterpantravels.com ketevan.kiknadze@peterpantravels.com

shio traVel Address: 1 I. Mosashvili Str., Office 4-5 TEL 242 49 94, 592 22 44 44 www.shiotravel.com info@shiotravel.com

BlueBird traVel Address: 4 Besiki Str. TEL 292 02 94 www.bluebirdtravel.ge info@bluebirdtravel.ge

geotourist Address: 2 Z. Paliashvili Str. TEL 551 65 44 44, 599 35 00 03 www.geotourist.ge info@geotourist.ge

rustar oNliNe Address: 7 Ts. Dadiani Str. TEL 593 09 78 78 gm@rustaronline.ge

Best aNd First georgia Address: 48 Rustaveli Ave. TEL 214 56 55, 214 56 56 www.bestandfirst-ge.com info@bestandfirst-ge.com

liKegeorgia Address: 42 I. Abashidze Str. TEL 242 50 05

www.likegeorgia.ge info@likegeorgia.ge

turi.ge Address: 42 I. Abashidze Str. TEL 242 50 05 www.turi.ge info@turi.ge

caPital georgia traVel Address: 29 Tabukashvili Str. TEL 293 14 71 www.capitaltravel.ge info1@capitaltravel.ge

coNcord traVel Address: 82 Barnovi Str. TEL 222 51 51 www.concordtravel.ge contact@concordtravel.ge

liBertY tour Address: 74 Chavchavadze Ave. TEL 225 16 13; 577 72 00 66 www.libertytour.ge info@libertytour.ge

coraltraVel Address: 4 Freedom Sq., Office 440 TEL 213 17 00 www.coral.ge info@coral.ge

good traVel Address: 12 Kuchishvili Str. TEL 230 07 00 www.goodtravel.ge info@goodtravel.ge

gloBal traVel Address: 18 Shartava Str. TEL 223 18 33 www.globaltravel.ge info@globaltravel.ge

traVel shoP Address: 42a Abashidze Str. TEL 242 04 20 www.travelshop.ge info@travelshop.travel

dream traVel Address: 72 Chavchavadze Ave. TEL 298 24 29 www.dreamtravel.ge incoming@dtr.ge

Visit georgia Address: 4a Ingorokva Str. TEL 292 22 46 www.visitgeorgia.ge vg@visitgeorgia.ge

Via traVel Address: 24 Abashidze Str. TEL 291 20 80 www.viatravel.ge viatravel@viatravel.ge

iNterco traVel Address: 14 I. Abashidze Str. TEL 229 43 43 www.interco.travel info@interco.travel

Free traVel Address: 175/2 D. Agmashenebeli Ave. TEL 234 76 40 www.freetravel.ge sales@freetravel.ge


Listing: Car Rental

NaNiKo Address: 82 Barnovi Str. TEL 214 11 33

geo reNt car Address: 9 Lermontovi Str. TEL 293 00 99, 230 83 80

gss car reNtal


Address: 10 Dadiani Str. TEL 571 44 66 44

Address: 4 Freedom Sq. TEL 292 35 94

jeeP reNt

Best auto reNtal

Address: 19 E. Tatishvili Str. TEL 210 63 10

Address: 7 Trialeti Str. TEL 558 18 41 10

Fsta reNt car

car reNtcomPaNY

Address: 12a Guramishvili Ave. TEL 558 43 29 29

TEL 577 46 95 96

mimiNo reNt car Address: 1 Gorgasali Str. TEL 579 01 27 01

Km reNtal cars TEL 591 11 45 25

siXt Address: 44 K. Apkhazi Str. TEL 243 99 11

traNsPort georgia TEL 577 46 95 95, 577 46 95 96

Listing: Taxi Companies taXi 200 200 TEL 2200 200

airPort traNsFer serVice

taXi 5

TEL 298 99 77/ 218 22 44/ 599 33 33 53


auto luX

TEL 274 74 74, 595 91 12 73, 557 02 70 40

TEL 235 58 55

taXi maXim TEL 260 60 60

gN taXi TEL 245 44 44

citY taXi TEL 247 44 74


TEL 220 12 01

omega taXi TEL 237 78 77

taXi For 3 gel TEL 291 14 14

taXi TEL 247 77 44

Listing: Nightlife casinos casiNo iVeria tBilisi Address: Rose Revolution Sq. TEL 240 22 45, 240 22 46 www.casinoiveria.com

TEL 220 07 01 www.shangrila.ge

leograNd hotel & casiNo Batumi


Address: 2/4 Shavteli Str., Batumi TEL 422 24 20 20

Address: 1 26 May Sq., Tbilisi TEL 233 55 19 www.casinoadjara.com


casiNo iVeria Batumi Address: 1 Ninoshvili Str. TEL 422 225 362, 422 225 363 www.casinoiveria.com

casiNo astoria Palace Address: 123 Agmashenebeli Ave., Tbilisi TEL 296 75 04

graNd Address: 48 Vaja-Pshavela Ave., Tbilisi TEL 239 96 52

casiNo iNterNatioNal hiltoN Batumi


shaNgri la Address: 2 Erekle II Sq. (Bridge of Peace), River Mtkvari Right Embankment, Tbilisi

Address: 40 Rustaveli Str., Batumi TEL 422 23 00 23 www.cibatumi.com

goldeN Palace Batumi Address: 8/10 Gamsakhurdia Str., Batumi TEL 422 21 25 30

casiNo Peace Address: Hotel Sheraton. 2/21 Vazha Pshavela / Ninoshvili Str., Batumi TEL 557 77 00 00

casiNo iNtourist Address: 11 Ninoshvili Str., Batumi TEL 422 27 61 25

casiNo camPioNe Batumi Address: New Boulevard, 7th Sector TEL 422 20 01 75

Listing: Yoga Studios No need to skip class while you’re here- Tbilisi has plenty to offer by way of yoga studios!


Yoga house

Address: 5a Kipshidze Str., 4 Chiladze Str. TEL 557 77 24 69

Address: 41 Shartava Str. TEL 555 11 52 88

Yoga aNaNda

arYa Yoga

Address: 56 Barnovi Str. TEL 260 60 16, 599 42 99 88

Address: 9 N. Kipshidze Str. TEL 570 10 22 27, 290 58 27

ashtaNga Yoga


Address: 5a N. Kipshidze Str. TEL 555 11 52 88

Address: 11b Bakhtrioni Str. TEL 2 24 30 20, 568 87 79 40

Yoga alliaNace iNterNatioNal (International Yoga Federation) Address: 5a Kipshidze Str. TEL 555 11 52 88

shala: suN Yoga tBilisi Address: 5A Kipshidze Str. TEL 22 90 59 45


to stay

Tips for Your Hotel Search in Georgia . . . e c i o h C y M

Tako Kikabidze Founder & Manager, Bodyline Aesthetic Clinic

rooms hotel KazBegi Georgia is unique because in just two hours you can travel from the capital to Kazbegi and discover wonderful, amazing nature and enjoy the spectacular views of the Trinity Church and mountains. Rooms Hotel creates an ideal environment, offering the highest quality service for complete relaxation.


to stay

loPota laKe resort & sPa A wonderful environment for family and friends to enjoy holidays in this hotel nestled between mountains in the Kakheti region. Amazing Lopota Lake views and numerous facilities to make sure you and your children never get bored.

hiltoN Batumi The terrace of this hotel in Batumi is famous for its amazing sea and old city views. Spectacular landscapes can be seen from every room- and its right next to the beach!

crowNe Plaza Borjomi If you have children, I recommend spending your family vacation in this wonderful hotel near Borjomi Park, with amazing views from all the rooms. High quality service and great SPA procedures are available. The kitchen is rich in delicious European and Georgian dishes and you can also try the natural Borjomi waters.

BetsY’s hotel This exquisite, cozy hotel has spectacular panoramic views of Tbilisi. The environment is always friendly and comfortable and the highest quality service is guaranteed.

to stay


Boutique Hotels By Katie ruth davies Boutique Hotels are the latest hot thing in Tbilisi, with the natural mix of old and new around the city complementing this trend. There are a lot to choose from, but I have picked out my favourites below:

ViNotel Every detail of this converted 19th century house by the river was thought out in painstaking detail, including the furniture, which was collected and restored over years. The hotel features a range of rooms- from lux (sauna included) to standard. But even standard is luxurious! There is a restaurant and wine cellar, stocking over 150 varieties, which can host numerous events. Note the painted mirrored ceiling in the entrance hall (artist: Eka Mukhadze), an exact replica of that found in the 17th century Persian Embassy in Sololaki district.

amazing uninterrupted panoramic views over the whole city. The restaurant offers a delicious selection of food which can be served to you on the terrace itself. Kakabadze Str. 7 TEL 0322 99 90 01

No12 Boutique hotel

Elene Akhvlediani Ascent 4 TEL 0322 55 58 88

urBaN Boutique hotel

the terrace The name says it all. Built recently on the side of the Mtatsminda Mountain, The Terrace Hotel & Restaurant boasts


My kids used to go to kindergarten in this house before it was converted into the luxurious giant it is today. An ideal location just far enough away from the hustle and bustle of the center to feel like an escape but close enough to jump back into that liveliness when you want- the Urban Boutique offers clean, fresh rooms and friendly staff to assist you in every need. Gogebashvili Str. 9 TEL 551 08 08 08

to stay

Another one set back from the main street in the popular Old Town, affording you some peace after a busy day in the city. The staff are young, motivated and friendly and all speak English. The style of the place is often described as “smart casual,� and so will suit a variety of tastes. The upper rooms have fantastic views. 12 Khodasheni Str. TEL 0322 55 22 12

Hotel in Oni By giorgi Kekelidze

Racha holds one of the central places in my early memories. While the last soviet events were slowly fading away and even later, before war broke out in Abkhazia, we used to visit Racha frequenty- such holidays were practically ritualistic. Times change and, grown up, I can no longer stand to stay in any one place for more than three or four days. But Racha is magical– when the milky fog enters the open spaces between the houses in Mravaldzali, and when in Utsera the water flows rust-colored, drunk by all for its mineral content while sitting

on the porches of old grandmas and grandpas watching the passersby. Once upon a time, a family decided to move from capital Tbilisi to Oni, Racha. Such things happen all the time but usually vice versa in our country. Later, this family opened a hotel which would offer not just shelter to guests, but would “teach them Racha.” The couple, both of whom are good artists – Teimuraz Gugeshashvili and Elene Magrakvelidze – created a living museum, a process which you, the guest, live - making vodka and wine, painting, baking Lobiani, cutting ham, going on

to stay

excursions and at the same time living in an ethno-room of the hotel, sleeping among the vast collection of folklore objects. The name of this wonder is Painter’s House. And you can have that incredible experience for just 60 Georgian Laris. The text was initially published on www. mastsavlebeli.ge

Family Hotel “Gallery” Address:, 18 Kapianidze Str., Oni, Georgia 599 23 17 22



The hotel of the globally prestigious and highly reputable hotel chain opened in Batumi, Georgia, just last year. It offers unique Spa Center Eforea, a brand of high quality offering a harmonious synthesis of concept, environment, professionalism, friendliness and top results. The relatively new brand Eforea is implementing a completely novel concept

The Georgian corn and salt scrub, made from Georgian products, completely cleanses the face from dead cells. This procedure is especially effective before sunbathing.


by using procedures of national value and local natural products and turning them into unique, modern spa procedures in each of the countries in which it has a presence. In Georgia, the local components used are Tchadi flour, Georgian honey, Black Sea salt and olive oil. By studying folk methods and modernizing them, and by utilizing all the healing and wellness characteristics and adding a number of modern products and technolo-

The body slimming and detox massage is the best procedure for improving body wellness by cleansing it from harmful substances - results can be seen after just a single procedure.

to stay

gies, Eforea has already become a well-loved place for both locals and foreign guests. Alongside the Tchadi flour peeling and other natural procedures, the the Hilton Batumi-based Eforea Spa uses Kerstin Florian brand products for anti-cellulite, anti-age, firming procedures, massages, facial and body peeling, aromatherapies and other magical procedures to benefit your beauty and health.

The facial correction procedure involves a delicate cleansing with a special tool. The procedure is ideal for woman over 35 and has the effect of face-lifting and revitalization.

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Listing: 4 & 5 Star Hotels in Tbilisi The Tbilisi hotel market reflects the city’s image as the corporate briefcase of the region and it comes well equipped with five-star offerings, as well as with a new breed of lower priced options for travelers on a budget. Offering 24-hour service and modern standards, the best hotels are most commonly located in the heart of the city. Hotels list their prices in Euros, Dollars or Lari, though in most cases your bill will be calculated in the local currency using the current exchange rate and payment is possible by credit card (VISA or MasterCard). The majority of Tbilisi hotels can arrange transportation services to and from the airport for their clients on the basis of prior agreement. There are several world brands operating in Georgia including Marriott, Sheraton, Radisson Blu and Holiday Inn which play host to thousands of guests throughout the year. All are distinguished by their remarkable architecture and interiors. A variety of exhibitions, conferences and official events are often held in the hotels and, over the next four years, six more global brands are expected to enter the Georgian market. High-end hotels usually host guests participating in the cultural, business and political life of the country. Tbilisi is a business city and occupancy rates reflect that. The average price for a night in such a hotel costs around $120-250.

shardeN Villa Address: 42 K. Apkhazi Str. TEL 272 46 14, 275 44 95 www.shardenvilla.ge Hotel Sharden Villa is a modern boutique style Hotel located in the historical center of Tbilisi near Meidan. You will find it surrounded by the top sightseeing spots of Old Tbilisi: the ruins of Narikala, Metechi Church and Sioni temples, Abanotubani, a mosque, synagogue, cable car and more. There are many cafes, bars, restaurants and other fun and relaxing places nearby. The Hotel has 22 classic modern and classic rooms. A number of the rooms have balconies, wonderful views on Narikala, the Temple of Metechi and the River Mtkvari. All the rooms are ensuite and offer hairdryers, flatscreen TVs, a safe, a telephone and a mini bar.

courtYard tBilisi Address: 4 Freedom Sq. TEL 277 91 00


Perfectly located in Freedom Square in the heart of the city center, this hotel is within walking distance of the Georgian National Museum, Rustaveli Theater, and the State Opera House - not to mention a host of galleries, gardens, and other attractions. Modern and comfortable hotel rooms feature plush bedding, high-speed Internet access, climate control, and other amenities; many offer views of Tbilisi city center. Additional hotel perks include a fitness center and Jacuzzi, and a heated indoor pool. You can visit the hotel restaurant, Brasserie Freedom, for all-day dining and Freedom Square views, or

hotels & PreFereNce hualiNg tBilisi Address: Tbilisi Sea District TEL 250 50 25 The hotel is only a five-minute drive from the East Point Shopping Mall while Tbilisi Saint Trinity Cathedral (Sameba) is a 15-minute drive from the hotel.

to stay

All rooms are air-conditioned and come with a 48-inch flat-screen TV with international channels. The private bathrooms include free toiletries, slippers, bathrobes and a hairdryer, a bath tub and separate shower cabin.

radissoN Blu iVeria hotel Address: 1 Rose Revolution Sq. TEL 240 22 00 Whether you’ve come for business or pleasure, you’ll leave with a sense of the


The best winter resort in Georgia

Georgian hospitality and european quality www.hotelcrystal.ge (+995) 596 500 500

beauty that surrounds the city’s central hotel, Radisson Blu Iveria, Tbilisi. The hotel offers a variety of dining options, an open terrace and outdoor pool, a topfloor bar and pool and a Spa. Travel anywhere you want to go in Tbilisi from the metro station which is just 300 meters from the hotel. Metro station - 300 m.; Tbilisi Railway Station - 5 km.; Tbilisi International Airport - 19 km

leisure, enjoy galleries and theaters all within walking distance of the hotel. Marriott Hotel in Tbilisi is well-known as a spacious event venue. Offering first-class catering, there are 6 meeting rooms and a ballroom able to accommodate 200 guests. Dine in Parnas Restaurant for an elegant meal or have a light snack at Parnas Café & Lounge. Visit the Fitness Gym for a workout or relax in the sauna.

tBilisi marriott hotel

mercure tBilisi old towN

Address: 13 Rustaveli Ave. TEL 277 92 00 www.marriott.com

Address: 9 V. Gorgasali Str. TEL 200 60 60

baths, museums, art galleries, shopping centers, theaters, and cinemas are all within easy reach. The Sheraton Metechi Palace Hotel is in the process of full renovation. plan a catered event for up to 400 guests in one of the venue spaces. For business or leisure, the Courtyard Tbilisi is the ideal choice.

holidaY iNN Address: 26 May Sq. TEL 2300 099 www.hi-tbilisi.com

Showcasing a sun terrace and views of the city, Mercure Tbilisi Old Town offers a spa center and sauna, and guests can enjoy a meal at the restaurant or a drink at the bar. Each room in the hotel is air conditioned and equipped with a flat-screen TV. Certain rooms include a lounge area to relax in after a busy day and each room comes with a private bathroom. For your comfort, you will find free toiletries and a hairdryer. Freedom Square is 1.1 km from Mercure Tbilisi, and Rustaveli Theater is 1.8 km away, while the airport is 12.9 km from the hotel.

sheratoN metechi Palace hotel Once you enter its grand atrium-style lobby adorned with crystal chandeliers, you’re greeted with renowned Georgian hospitality. Overlooking the Main Avenue or patio, the 127 luxury hotel rooms and suites feature a safe, mini-bar, individual climate control and broadband internet. Whether your trip entails business or


Address: 20 Telavi Str. TEL 2277 20 20 www.sheratonmetechipalace.com The hotel is ideally located in the heart of the city’s historical area, only minutes from the flourishing political business and entertainment center and 15 km from Tbilisi International Airport. The city’s famous historical sights, curative sulfur

to stay

This magnificent 21-storey glass building used to be the symbol of the city during the Soviet era. Following its transformation, Holiday Inn Tbilisi can accommodate guests in 270 Standard, Business and Executive guest rooms. Inside every guest room, elegant interiors detailed with many original features offer comfortable living. The spacious feel is enhanced by high ceilings and tall windows, in keeping with the original architecture of the former Adjara hotel. An outstanding living and dining area, with elegant designer wallpaper and rich African wood flooring, provide a sanctuary in which to relax and entertain.

hotel euPhoria Address: 1 Leh And Maria Kachinsky, New Boulvard, Batumi TEL 0422 23 23 23 New With high ceilings, a first class interior design, smart house technologies and fullyglass curtain-wall exteriors, Euphoria impresses international investors form all around the world. Decorated with practical and elegant details, you smart home will host you with excellent facilities.

old meidaN Address: 9/11 Samghebro Str TEL 2 55 35 00 Hotel Old Meidan is located in the heart of Old Tbilisi, at the foot of the Narikala Fortress (Vakhtang Gorgasali Square), a minute’s walking distance from Jan Shardeni and Kote Afkhazi (former Leselidze) streets.

The hotel has 31 rooms of different categories, among them standard single, double and twin rooms, deluxe and superior deluxe rooms and a room with disabled access. Rooms have a nice little balcony overlooking breathtaking views of the river Mtkvari, Narikala fortress, ancient churches, colorful old buildings or streets with very well-known cafes, clubs and restaurants. With Georgian and Armenian churches, a Jewish synagogue, a Zoroastrian temple and Muslim mosque nearby, you will truly be able to see and feel how the different confessions live side by side in peace and love.

old tiFlis Boutique hotel Address: 3/9 Grishashvili Str. TEL 2 31 99 99

5-minute walk from Shardeni Street, Old Tiflis Boutique Hotel features contemporary rooms in a historical building with an on-site restaurant and free Wi-Fi access. Rooms here provide guests with a minibar, a flat-screen TV with satellite channels, a seating area with a sofa, air conditioning, and a private bathroom with a shower and free toiletries. Narikala Castle is a 4-minute walk, Sioni Church an 8-minute walk, and Freedom Square is 2 km from the hotel. Old Tiflis is a 10-minute walk from Avlabari Metro Station, 4.5 km from Tbilisi Train Station, and 17 km from Tbilisi Airport.

citrus Address: 3/9 April Str. TEL 2 55 03 00 www.hotelcitrus.ge

Located in the city center, a 2-minute walk from the Sulfur Spring Baths and a

zP Palace hotel 4 star hotel ZP Palace is an ideal combination of style, high level service and Georgian hospitality. The interior of the building is done in an old Italian historic style, with Art Deco elements. To the atmosphere of coziness we have added beautiful pictures by well-known artists. Our polite and attentive staff will assure you have a pleasant stay with us. The hotel consists of 32 comfortable and cozy rooms decorated with the most modern technology and furniture. Every room is equipped with air-conditioning, TV, free Wi-Fi, mini bar and safe. Address: 44 Mardjanishvili Str. TEL 322 25 90 25, 595 19 92 92 Email: info@zppalace.ge

to stay

Located in the heart of the city, 4* hotel Citrus is within walking distance of Freedom Square and Rustaveli Avenue, museums, exhibition centers, fashion shops, art galleries and restaurants, Rustaveli Theater and the State Opera House. You’ll find the hotel hiding in the center of the noisy city, a quiet and protected place to escape to. The 36 spacious guest rooms, including standard, family, studio, room for disabled persons, semi suites and suites, feature many amenities including oversized work areas, hair dryer, safe and individual climate control. All rooms offer beautiful views of the city.


rooms hotel tBilisi Address: 14 M. Kostava Str. TEL 202 00 99 www.roomshotels.com Rooms Hotels is a young and independent lifestyle hotel brand based in Georgia that has quickly emerged as the premier leader of distinctive hospitality experiences in the region. In late 2014 Rooms Hotels opened a second location in the charming Vera neighborhood of the capital city of Tbilisi (following on from Rooms Hotel Kazbegi). An instant hotspot, the property is the city favorite for the local business elite and diplomatic communities as well as the capital’s burgeoning fashion, art and culture crowd. The urban location has also emerged an international draw for Tbilisi itself as a destination, as well as the home for the city’s most sought-after restaurant reservation, bar scene and conference and meeting facility.

Vere Palace Address: 22/24 Kuchishvili Str. TEL 225 33 40/41/42 , 222 17 79 www.verepalace.com.ge Vere Palace features 42 diversified rooms of exceptional grace and comfort including 9 suites and a presidential apartment. Vere Palace distinguishes itself as a luxurious and family-orientated hotel. Its interior contains elements of classic baroque selected from the extravagant Louis XVI interior harmonized with modern technological solutions. The Hotel takes pleasure in meeting and serving guests with personalized service and works to build a warm relationship that is based on long-term cooperation and friendship.


amBassadori hotel Address: 17 Shavteli Str. TEL 2 43 94 94

service and 60 comfortable rooms. Located near the Philarmonia (Tbilisi Event Hall), within walking distance of Rustaveli Avenue, the hotel offers easy access to the sightseeing and shopping hotspots of the city.

art Boutique hotel Address: 33 Tabukashvili Str. TEL 577 68 90 99

The story of the first ever Georgian hotel brand Ambassadori Tbilisi began in 2004 with the construction of a 7-room hotel. Demand for more rooms increased by the day. In 2013 a new building was added to the old one. Then we decided to expand again and a high class hotel was built with the projects of Italian architects and designers, next to the old “Ambassadori.” The new five star Ambassadori hotel, with 121 rooms, beautiful terraces, magnificent views, comfortable rooms and service with high standards creates an unforgettable experience for guests and the bars and restaurants of the hotel have been made as prominent as the first restaurant was back in the day.

coste Address: 45A Kostava Str. TEL 2 19 11 11 www.hotelcoste.ge The newly renovated Costé Hotel (former Varazi) embraces all the advantages of a modern 4 star city hotel: central location, contemporary interior design, excellent

to stay

Located 700m from Rustaveli Metro Station, Art Boutique Hotel offers petfriendly accommodation with Wi-Fi available throughout. The Hotel’s air-conditioned rooms come carpeted and equipped with a kettle, safe and minibar. Satellite TV is standard and each room is ensuite with bathrooms fitted with a shower, free toiletries and a hairdryer. Art Boutique Hotel provides a car rental service. You can also request an airport shuttle at a surcharge. A 24-hour front desk, ticket service and a tour desk are available for your convenience.

marioNN hotel Address: 9 Al. Tsurtsumia Str. TEL 224 26 26 www.hotelmarionn.com Hotel Marionn is located in the heart of Tbilisi’s old Avlabari district. The modern building blends in perfectly with the historical features of the area. The hotel offers fully equipped rooms with flat-screen TV, a minibar, a desk, a safe and a wardrobe. Free Wi-Fi and 24/7 video security throughout the hotel.

museum hotel Address: 8/10 Vakhtang Orbeliani Str TEL 224 49 99


features 3 different bars and restaurants, including rooftop restaurant “Tiflis Veranda” which offers a variety of drinks and panoramic views of the city center. Various restaurants, cafes and galleries are located a 5-minute walk from the hotel. Wi-fi is available throughout the property.

ViNotel Boutique hotel Address: 4 E. Akhvlediani Ascent TEL 255 58 88, 596 555 885 www.vinotel.ge Located 501 m from Rustaveli Theater in Tbilisi City, the Museum Hotel features a restaurant and free WiFi throughout. Guests can enjoy the on-site bar and free private parking. Every room at this hotel is air conditioned and features a flat-screen TV. Enjoy a cup of tea on your terrace or balcony. All rooms include a private bathroom. Extras include bathrobes, slippers and free toiletries. There is a 24-hour front desk on the property.

tiFlis Palace Address: 3 V. Gorgasali Str. TEL 200 02 45 www.tiflispalace.ge

Designed as an affluent Georgian home, with great love and care for each detail, Vinotel engulfs guests with beauty and comfort. Discover it and you will discover the rich world of Georgian wine, sample the unique tastes of Georgia with the hotel’s world-class chef, and live the sense of Georgia’s history. Vinotel is an excellent example of traditional Tbilisi architecture, with its ornamented balconies and brick cellars dating back to the 1880s. A glass façade overlooking the garden was added in 2005 as a modernized version of the original window panes.

Featuring an elegant restaurant and rooftop terrace with panoramic city views, this 4-star hotel in central Tbilisi is 500m from Avlabari Metro Station. Its modern rooms have free Wi-Fi, air-conditioning, flat-screen TV, minibar, bathrobes and slippers. The balconies offer views of the city or River Mtkvari. Georgian and European dishes are served in Kopala’s restaurant which overlooks Tbilisi’s rooftops. Breakfast is provided every morning, and drinks can be enjoyed on the spacious terrace. The famous sulphur baths can be found a 5-minute walk away, and Tbilisi’s historic Old Town features many pretty shopping streets with restaurants and cafés. Tbilisi Airport is 15 km away, and a shuttle service can be booked at a surcharge.

citadel NariKala hotel Address: 20 Ajiashvili Str. TEL 290 41 41, 290 42 42 www.hotel-citadel.ge

KoPala Address: 8/10 Chekhovi Str. TEL 2 77 55 20 www.kopala.ge The Hotel Citadel Narikala is a unique boutique hotel offering a truly Georgian Experience. Offering stunning views of the scenic Old Town of Tbilisi, and located just below the city’s landmark Narikala Fortress, it combines the modern hotel comforts that today’s discerning guests expect with the ancient culture and heritage for which Georgia is famous.

Tiflis Palace, in the center of Old Tbilisi, is a 5-minute walk from Metekhi Church, the famous sulphur baths, Narikala Fortress, Meidan Square and Shardeni Street. The Hotel offers bright, air-conditioned rooms of light and modern décor. Each ensuite room includes a flat-screen TV, minibar, a safe, bathrobes and slippers. Tiflis Palace

to stay


astoria tBilisi Address: 23 D. Chonqadze Str. TEL 249 70 10


Avenue and Marjanishvili Street, Margo Palace offers a comfortable place to rest for tourists and people on business trips alike. From here you can easily reach any point in the city and enjoy shopping at brand boutiques on the most prestigious streets of Tbilisi. Within walking distance of the hotel there are many restaurants where you can enjoy both Georgian and European dishes, as well as bars and nightclubs.

PrimaVera Address: 8 Kuchishvili Str. TEL 225 11 47 www.primavera.ge

Friendly and attentive staff, calm atmosphere, comfortable apartments. The rooms are designed in an immortal classic style and equipped with everything you need: TV, WI FI, air-conditioning, telephone and mini bar. Facilities include: conference halls, meeting rooms, fitness center, sauna and a swimming pool. The “Astoria Tbilisi” hotel in Tbilisi offers originality in a cozy bar and wonderful Georgian national and European cuisine. The 24-hour reception desk makes it possible to solve any problems immediately. Hospitable “Astoria Tbilisi” hotel provides guests with the comfort of the highest level and in an affordable price range.

margo Palace hotel Address: 12 M. Javakhishvili (Elbakidze) Str. TEL 2 4360 43 www.margopalace.com Margo Palace is situated in the center of Tbilisi. Ideally located between Rustaveli


This first-class hotel provides the ideal location for a visit to Tbilisi. With 28 large guest suites featuring king and full size beds and modern baths, Hotel Primavera offers both tourists and business persons the comfort of a four star hotel at very reasonable rates. Located in the heart of the city with its many sights, the hotel gives you the perfect base to explore all that Tbilisi has to offer. Facilities include: business center, state-of-the-art fitness center, swimming pool and conference hall

coNtiNeNt croN Palace tBilisi hotel Address: 12/13 Kheivani Str. TEL 224 23 21, 224 23 22 www.cronpalace.com The Hotel is located in the picturesque central district of Tbilisi – Ortachala. Cron Palace will open up wonderful views of Tbilisi. Relax during your stay in Georgia with the Hotel’s restaurant, bars, sports complex, and a spacious spa-center that includes swimming pool, sauna, and hamam.

Boutique hotel tBilisi Address: 9 Metekhi Ascent TEL 274 74 55 www.boutiquehotel.ge

citadiNes tBilisi Address: 4a Freedom Sq. TEL 254 70 30 www.citadines.com Your stay in the Caucasus will be extraordinary and timeless if you stay at the Apart’hotel Citadines Freedom Square Tbilisi. Situated near the National Museum and the Georgian Chancellery, it will be your ideal base for heading off to explore the countless and priceless, yet little-known treasures of Georgia’s re-emergent capital.

to stay

Stylish and sophisticated with a personal touch: stay at Boutique Hotel Tbilisi in the city’s historical center, Old Tbilisi. Whether you’re celebrating a special occasion or having a bit of quality time, this boutique hotel will offer you a relaxing, indulgent stay in Georgia’s capital.

Listing: 3 Star Hotels in Tbilisi hotel gureli Address: 10 Makhata Str. TEL 277 45 54, 558 581858 www.hotelgureli.com

breakfast is available each morning, and is served on Vera’s outdoor terrace during the summer months. A restaurant offers light snacks, and barbecue facilities can also be enjoyed.

hotel Feri Address: 20 Feristsvaleba Str. TEL 242 14 14 www.hotelferi.ge

Hotel Gureli offers an overwhelming sense of pure comfort and relaxation in the heart of Tbilisi. Artistically inspired, this landmark hotel offers guests spacious Double/Twin/Triple and Deluxe Rooms and the chance to experience world-class, guest-friendly service from the moment of arrival.

Hotel Feri is located in the historic center of Tbilisi near Metekhi, just 5 minutes walk from Avlabari metro station. The hotel was opened in 2015 in a new building, and so offers guests modern rooms equipped with everything necessary for a comfortable stay.

orieNtal hotel Address: 17 Makhata Str. TEL 277 64 99 www.hoteloriental.ge

Vera house hotel

Vera House Hotel features simply furnished, air-conditioned rooms with cable TV and fine wooden flooring. All offer a balcony and free Wi-Fi. A continental

Address: 14 Irbakhi Str. TEL 277 66 77 www.hoteldanisimo.ge Danisimo Hotel is located in one of the ancient parts of the capital, Avlabari, famous for its unique scenery. It opened in 2011 and offers a quiet and cozy environment, fresh air and beautiful surroundings. The foyer is big, richly furnished, and clean. Soft chairs and sofas coupled with a big TV set creates a very comfortable atmosphere. Four big clocks over the sofa tell the current time for London, Moscow, Tbilisi and New York, while the walls are decorated with tasteful paintings. The restaurant is on the 4th floor and offers Georgian and European dishes, as well as Eastern cuisine.

hotel doesi Address: 53 Doesi Str. TEL 277 41 40 www.doesihotel.ge

Address: 13 Rcheulishvili Str. TEL 599 11 50 56, 223 59 85 This hotel offers a large terrace with excellent city views, a cozy bar with a fireplace, and traditional Georgian cuisine. Rustaveli Metro Station is 2km away, offering good public transport connections.

daNisimo hotel

Hotel Oriental is located 2 km from the center of Tbilisi city and four minutes from Avlabari metro station. There is a restaurant featuring a Swedish breakfast table, as well as a massage room and free Wi-Fi. The hotel has received guests since late 2013 and has 28 rooms in total.

to stay

Featuring free Wi-Fi throughout the property, Hotel Doesi is situated 3.6 km from Freedom Square. Free private


parking is available on site, and its air conditioned rooms feature a flat-screen TV with satellite channels, a refrigerator, a work desk and heating. All rooms have a private bathroom fitted with a bath or shower. There is a free shuttle service at the property, and the hotel offers ski storage space and a car hire service.

Some rooms also have a spacious seating area, and many feature views of the hotel’s garden or the mountains that surround the city. All rooms come with a private bathroom equipped with a bath. There is a 24-hour front desk, hairdressers, and gift shop on the property, as well as free parking.

FlamiNgo hotel

Villa old rustaVeli

Address: 41 Isani Str. TEL 277 88 9 www.hotelflamingo.ge The Flamingo Group Hotel is a small and cozy hotel located in the historical center of Tbilisi near Metekhi, a five minute walk from Avlabari Metro. Many historical and cultural attractions are within walking distance. In addition to its convenient location, guests can appreciate the warmth and comfort of the rooms and enjoy a friendly stay in Tbilisi. The atmosphere is quiet and comfortable, and the hotel offers 9 rooms equipped with everything necessary for a comfortable stay. Some rooms have a great view of the mountains and the nearby Narikala Fortress.

hotel VoYager Address: 24 Dusheti Str. TEL 599 77 04 74

Address: 40 Rustaveli Ave. TEL 292 03 08 This hotel is located in the center of Tbilisi, right on Rustaveli Avenue. Free Wi-Fi, free parking and a 24-hour reception are featured at Old Rustaveli Hotel. The bright air-conditioned rooms offer warm-coloured interiors and classic décor. Each room comes complete with a flat-screen TV, a refrigerator and a private bathroom. Coffee and tea are served on-site, and a variety of cafés and restaurants can be found within a 2-minute walk of the hotel.

old meteKhi hotel Address: 3 Metekhi Str. TEL 274 74 04, 277 46 35 www.ometekhi.com Featuring a renovated design, pleasant atmosphere and marvellous views from the terrace, guests will find their stay at Old Metekhi unforgettable. The hotel offers traditional Georgian and European cuisine and every evening guests can enjoy live music. Restaurant Old Metekhi is an ideal place for business or private lunches and dinners. The hotel has a banquet hall for 100 people.

Offering a sun terrace and ski storage space, guests can enjoy the on-site bar and rooms equipped with satellite TV.


to stay

diamoNd hotel Address: 20 V. Iverieli Str. TEL 227 20 23, 577 79 83 21 www.hoteldiamond.ge Diamond is a new hotel in Tbilisi. Comfortable rooms, each with a balcony, bathroom, shower cabin, air conditioning and central heating are ready to welcome guests at any time. All rooms and bathrooms have their own unique style in color and furnishing, providing for any taste. Diamond Hotel is located near Metro 300 Aragveli. Freedom Square, Rustaveli Avenue and Old Tbilisi are just a five minute drive away.

orioN old towN Address: 3/5 Armazi Str. TEL 255 25 52, 591 50 52 50 www.hotelorion.ge Hotel Orion Old Town is located in the historical part of Tbilisi, a 2-minute walk from Avlabari Metro and Sameba Cathedral. The hotel consists of 31 rooms and terraces with amazing views of the old part of Tbilisi. Continental breakfasts are served in the hotel’s restaurant which is designed in a classical Georgian style.

daVit hotel Address: 16 A P. Iashvili Str. TEL 293 50 06 www.davidhotel.ge Davit Hotel is dedicated to making your stay in Tbilisi memorable. Located in the historic and fashionable Sololaki district, Davit Hotel offers guests some of the most exquisitely furnished, spacious full suites in Tbilisi, along with excellent amenities and warm personal service.

citY aVeNue hotel Address: Agmashenebeli Ave.140B TEL 224 41 44 www.cityavenue.ge Hotel City Avenue is a premium class boutique hotel located in the center of old city. It’s surrounded by shops, restaurants, theaters and many other entertainment and sightseeing places. Close to many business centers and company’s head offices. D.Agmashenebeli avenue is one of the most beautiful streets in Tbilisi. Café features good choice of Georgian and international food with relaxing atmosphere and chill out terrace. Our professional staff is ready to serve with Georgian hospitality spirit. We are about 5 minute walk away from Marjanishvili tube station, 5 minute drive from station square and 20 minute drive to airport.

hotel diPlomat Address: 4 Bolo Agmarti Str. TEL 292 37 46 www.diplomat.ltd.ge Hotel Diplomat is a friendly family-run hotel situated in Sololaki, the historic central district of Tbilisi. There is a restaurant and a bar in the hotel, where experienced chefs will offer you European and traditional Georgian cuisine with accompanying Georgian music. Individuals on special diets can also have their requirements met. Diplomat offers guests unforgettable tours within Georgia, transport to and from the airport at competitive rates, as well as personal security service.

Diplomat is also equipped with a conference room catering for business meetings, training seminars, presentations, special dinners and other events. Its staff take complete responsibility when it comes to arranging an event to suit your wishes.

hotel margi Address: 142 D. Agmashenebeli Ave. TEL 295 38 17 www.hotelmargi.ge Hotel Margi is located in the very heart of the cultural and entertainment quarter of Old Tbilisi, on D. Aghmashenebeli Avenue. Guests have the opportunity to admire ancient architecture, enjoy coffee in a quiet café and visit boutique apparel and accessory stores. All hotel windows

to stay

look out onto Aghmashenebeli Avenue, while the Marjanishvili district, wherein Aghmashenebeli Avenue is located, was considered a cultural center of Tbilisi as far back as Tsarist times. The ancient pavements and buildings along with the contemporary entertaining establishments create a fusion of traditional national colour and European style.

light house old citY Address: 8 Samreklo Str. TEL 245 99 46 www.lh-hotel.info Offering its own restaurant, Light House Old City Hotel is a 3-minute walk from the Holy Trinity Cathedral. Free Wi-Fi access is


available and bright air-conditioned rooms feature a minibar and a flat-screen TV with satellite channels. At Light House Old City Hotel you will find a 24-hour front desk, a terrace and a mini-market. Other facilities offered on the property include a shared lounge, a tour desk and luggage storage facilities.

Batesta hotel Address: 52 S. Tsintsadze Str. TEL 231 10 05 www.batesta.ge Come alone or bring your family, stay here for a night or for weeks, stay here while on a business trip or on holiday Batesta Hotel caters for everything and everyone. The hotel has an extremely favorable location in one of the central parts of Tbilisi, in an airy zone located within 5 minutes of the city center- a location known as the ‘lungs of the city’, where people can rest, exercise or just stroll through the streets. Its fenced garden is protected by video control. Batesta is a hotel of supreme class in a modern European style with a cozy and comfortable atmosphere.

Kmm hotel Address: 10 Metekhi Turn Str. TEL 277 88 50, 227 47 185 www.kmm.ge The KMM Hotel is located in the old and picturesque district of Avlabari. The hotel has 50 rooms including 9 suites, 4 family type rooms, 4 triples, with the remainder being standard and single rooms. There is deluxe interior decoration in every room. Almost all rooms have balconies that


overlook the beautiful Narikala fortress and other remarkable places. A bar and restaurant with a terrace, from which panoramic views of the old and new parts of Tbilisi can be seen, create a cozy and pleasant environment.

hotel ViP Victoria Address: 3 Shoshitaishvili Str. (1 Arakishvili 3 Turn) TEL 229 18 77, 225 12 47 www.vip-victoria.com Hotel VIP Victoria is a luxury hotel located in the center of Tbilisi’s Vake district. A modern style and calm working atmosphere along with a high standard of service make this hotel popular with foreign diplomats, businesspeople and representatives of foreign organizations. The hotel offers 16 comfortable rooms, of which four are suites. Rooms are provided with a bathroom, TV with cable and /or satellite functions, direct-dial phone, air-conditioning, a heating system, hair dryer, Internet /cable line, Wi-Fi, smoke detectors and mini-bar. The room rate includes breakfast and free internet. Coffee, tea, and fruits are free of charge 24 hours for our guests. The hotel restaurant offers Georgian and international gourmet cuisine, and a conference hall for business and seminar meetings accommodating up to 40 people. All business meetings are provided with a business lunch or dinner and coffeebreaks. The business center is equipped with a modern PC, printer, copier, scanner and fax machine.

hotel Patrioti Address: D. Agmashenebeli Alley 12th km TEL 205 07 08

to stay

Hotel Patrioti offers accommodation 10km from Freedom Square. Tbilisi Mall, the largest shopping center in Tbilisi, is a 5-minute walk away. Each room includes a TV. Some units have a seating area for your convenience. A terrace or balcony is featured in certain rooms.

tiFlis hotel Address: 25 Marjanishvili Str. TEL 295 25 55 www.hotel-tiflis.com Hotel Tiflis is located in the historic center and business part of Tbilisi’s theater square. The hotel is close to parks, travel agencies, restaurants, cafes, bars, shops and banks. Its parking caters for all types of vehicle, and Marjanishvili Metro station is a 1 minute drive from the hotel. The modern style of the hotel makes a comfortable and quiet working environment, with a high level of service and qualified personnel. The hotel has 24 comfortable rooms, a kitchen, and bathrooms which are adapted for people with disabilities.

rustaVeli hotel Address: 28/2 Rustaveli Ave. TEL 299 01 15, 298 64 98 www.hotelrustaveli.com Rustaveli Hotel’s essential value is its excellent location in the center of the capital opposite the Opera and Ballet Theater, Shota Rustaveli Academic Theater, next to the National Art Gallery and National Museum of Georgia. It sits in a prestigious location between Mariott Tbilisi and Radisson Blu Iveria. An extensive network of bus routes and an underground station on Rustaveli Avenue

Info: Chekhov street 8/10 0103 Tbilisi. Phone: 0322 77 55 20 Email: hotel@kopala.ge Web. www.kopala.ge www.facebook.com Kopala

Hotel “Kopala” is built at the Walls of Old City and is well combined with the city’s beautiful landscapes. Its name comes from the ancient mythic hero Kopala. Both from restaurant terrace and from theguest room you can enjoy the city’s amazing sights and attractions. The hotel is located exactly in the place where the kings’ residences of the ancient times were.

Metekhi bridge, at the eastern embankment of the Mtkvari River there are located the traditional Georgian sulfur baths. From hotel “Kopala», you can enjoy the splendid view of Old Tbilisi. The Mtkvari River, which flows about twenty meters away from the hotel, gives romantic shades to the beautiful views and to the spaces, which are harmoniously combined with the valley.

There are many ancient orthodox churches in Old Tbilisi, near thehotel , next to them are located both mosque and a synagogue. Nearby, across the

“Kopala” is an ensemble of three buildings, which are situated next to each other on Avlabar and new biulding on Rikhe (Europe square)

gives you the opportunity to travel quickly around the ancient city.

guests will appreciate the attention to detail and top level finish.

The rooms are designed in a classical style and are equipped with Wi-Fi, air conditioners, satellite channels, telephones, safes, minibars, private baths, showers and more.

PeNthouse hotel

eurasia hotel Address: 1A Javakheti Second Turn TEL 227 60 61 www.geoeurasia.ge Opened in 2013, Eurasia Hotel is located in the ecologically free and quiet district of Varketili near the Metro, the airport and the historical part of Tbilisi. The hotel is a two storey building and has 19 comfortable rooms. The rooms are equipped to meet the highest possible standards and have satellite TV, internet connection, central heating, a safe, hair dryer, air conditioning, private bathrooms, and personal hygiene accessories.

hotel graNd Palace Address: 17 Gujareti Str. TEL 278 72 15/16 www.grandpalacetbilisi.com Hotel Grand Palace is located in a quiet street, just a few minutes away from the heart of Tbilisi. Built in 2015, it offers everything one could wish for in a hotel, including wireless internet access and TV channels, as well as proximity to many shops, cafes, fine restaurants, major attractions, parks and the Great Synagogue. This beautiful new hotel was designed by architect Irakli Katsushika. At a glance the building is a source of inspiration, and


Address: 12 Metekhi Str. TEL 274 57 77, 274 59 99 www.hotel-penthouse.ge Hotel Penthouse is located in the old and picturesque district of Avlabari. The hotel has 30 rooms including 2 suites and 2 semi-suites, while the rest are standard and single rooms, though all have deluxe interior decor. Almost all rooms have balconies that overlook the beautiful district of Old Tbilisi. The hotel features a bar and restaurant with terrace which are cozy and pleasant. The hotel is equipped with heating, air conditioning, high-speed internet access, fire escapes, security, individual safe boxes, hairdryers, mini bars and satellite TV. Without leaving the hotel, air, bus and railway tickets, car rental and tours as well as transfer services can be arranged.

alliaNce hotel

shardeN hotel Address: 32 Gr. Khanzteli Str. TEL 292 20 27 www.hotelsharden.com Hotel Sharden is located in the historical and cultural center of Old Tbilisi. Hotel Sharden is within walking distance from the famous Narikala fortress, churches of different denominations, monument of Tbilisi’s founder-king, the famous Tbilisi sulfur baths and other monuments. The hotel is also near the city’s main thoroughfare, Rustaveli Avenue, the Opera House, a number of museums and the Rustaveli Theater. Hotel Sharden offers 18 comfortable guest rooms, all featuring satellite TV, Internet connection, a telephone, air conditioning, a heating system, hair dryers, smoke detectors, and a mini bar. Enjoy Hotel Sharden’s restaurant with Georgian and European cuisine and the summer terrace cafe with a wonderful view of the old town on the 3rd floor.

hotel tBilisi ceNtral

Address: 9 Likhauri Str. TEL 236 52 51

Address: 2 Station Sq. TEL 230 74 47 www.mgzavrebi.ge

Free Wi-Fi and free parking are offered at the Alliance Hotel, located in a green residential area of Tbilisi. It is a 10-minute drive from the Old City, and features spacious, modern rooms with rich wooden flooring and elegant bathrooms. All are equipped with cable TV, a minibar and a work desk. A continental breakfast is served every morning at the hotel, and guests can relax in the billiards room or on the sun terrace, which offers views of Tbilisi’s rooftops and features barbecue facilities.

Hotel Tbilisi Central by Mgzavrebi is located on the 5th and 6th floors of the building of Tbilisi Central Train Station. It is attractive for tourists who are traveling on the subway or by train. Due its location, the hotel often hosts sports teams and their fans. Boris Paichadze Dinamo Arena is a 5-minute walk from the property. There are 58 rooms including double rooms, triple rooms, four-bed rooms and eight-bed rooms. Services include breakfast, free Wi-Fi, TV, heating and air conditioning systems, and shower facilities.

to stay

Listing: Family Hotels Travelling on a budget or fancy something more personal than the usual luxurious offerings? Check out the list below.

the FamilY hotel Address: Mnatobi Str. 41a, Tbilisi TEL 2910009, 577 763685 New www.hotelthefamily.ge

Room; Studio Double Room; Family Suite each air conditioned and equipped with a flat-screen TV. Certain rooms include a seating area for your convenience. The rooms have a private bathroom, slippers, free toiletries and a hairdryer. There is a 24-hour front desk, a shared lounge and a gift shop on the property. The hotel also provides tours around the Georgia.

hostel KoNKa The Family, an elegant and conceptual hotel with a perfect combination of modern design and Georgian tradition, is located in the ecologically clean and cozy district of Svanetisubani, 1.9 km from Rustaveli Theater. The Family Hotel has its own restaurant and garden with an open kitchen available for guests to learn more about Georgian cuisine. The Family features three fully equipped modern room types - Standard Double

Address: 14 Nishnianidze Str. TEL 558 36 37 90 Located along the old city wall, this cozy hostel’s location could not be better. Everything in central Tbilisi is within walking distance, while Baratashvili Street (a central hub of bus and minibus transport) sits in front of the building. Freedom Square and its metro station are five minutes away. The hostel provides beds in rooms accommodating eight, six and four respectively.

hostel sharK Address: 144/2 Aghmashenebeli Str. TEL 599 18 47 07 This hostel has a reputation for excellent food and friendly service. Situated on a renovated avenue, its low prices are uncommon in this upmarket part of the city. The hostel sells its own snacks and

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provides packed lunches for day trips, but guests are also free to prepare their own food in the shared kitchenette.

oraNge iNN Address: 8 Trialeti Str. TEL 555 00 05 73 Located between the airport and the city center, this charming five-room guest house offers private accommodation on a budget. Guests will truly be made to feel at home when they see this friendly family-run business. Although the prices are similar to those of Tbilisi’s many hostels, each room has its own private bathroom. Car hire is also available.

hotel mY house Address: 16 Sevani Str. TEL 274 72 60, 274 75 13, 599 14 00 94 Hotel My House has nine rooms (1 Luxe). Price includes breakfast. Free Wi-Fi.

guest house zemeli Address: 24 8 Marti Str./24 S. Zaldastanishvili Str. TEL 577 44 01 80 Featuring free Wi-Fi and a barbecue, Guest House Zemeli offers pet-friendly accommodation in Tbilisi, 600 m. from Tbilisi Opera and Ballet Theater. Certain rooms feature a seating area where you can relax, and some have views of the garden or city. All rooms have a shared bathroom, free toiletries and a hairdryer.


A flat-screen TV with satellite channels is available, as is a 24-hour front desk.

guest house goari Address: 17 Betlemi Str. TEL 599 61 14 41 Situated in Tbilisi, 600 m. from Freedom Square, Guest House Goari boasts air-conditioned rooms with free Wi-Fi throughout the property. Guests can enjoy the on-site bar. Certain units include a seating area for your convenience and some offer a balcony or terrace. A flat-screen TV with satellite channels is available, as is 24-hour front desk.

tiFlisluX Boutique guest house Address: 30 Al. Griboedov Str. TEL 577 98 81 43, 299 54 60 Guests can enjoy the view of the city or Mtatsminda Mountain. The bathrooms come with towels. At TiflisLux Boutique you will find a shared kitchen. Other facilities include a shared lounge, washing machine, tour desk and luggage storage. A shuttle to Tbilisi International Airport (20 km.) is available at a surcharge.

NiNo’s guest house Address: 13 Al. Chavchavadze Str. TEL 555 62 83 62 Here, you can experience the coziness and friendliness of true Georgian hospitality. Tea, coffee and snacks are included. The guest house offers a private room for 2 persons with a double bed, and one room for 3 persons, with an option to upgrade to 4 beds.


guest house lusi Address: 17 Betlemi Str. TEL 599 11 82 89 Guest House Lusi is located in Tbilisi’s Old Town, a 5-minute walk from Narikala Fortress and the traditional Georgian baths. It offers a terrace with a panoramic view. A continental breakfast is prepared daily and free Wi-Fi is available in public areas.

Guests will have access to private or shared bathroom facilities. Breakfast is available each morning at a surcharge, or guests can use the shared kitchen. You can find several cafés and bars in the lively Shardeni Street, which is 200 m. away.

corNer hostel Address: Gudiashvli Garden TEL 598 23 28 95

Each guest room offers a flat-screen TV and air conditioning. Featuring a shower, the private bathrooms also come with a hairdryer. You can enjoy city and mountain views from the rooms. There is a 24-hour front desk and a shared lounge. Free parking is possible on site.

heYVaNY Address: 19 Nioradze Str. TEL 277 09 88 Heyvany is situated 1.8 km. from Freedom Square. Guests can enjoy the on-site bar, free Wi-Fi and free private parking. Each room is air conditioned and fitted with a flat-screen TV. A terrace or balcony are featured in certain rooms. For your comfort, you will find slippers, a hairdryer and a 24-hour front desk.

georgiaN guest house oN asatiaNi Address: 7 L. Asatiani Str. TEL 593 43 43 68 Located in the heart of Tbilisi Old Town, the Guest House provides a summer terrace and guest rooms with free Wi-Fi access, parquet flooring and heating.

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Corner Hostel is located in central Tbilisi, 400 m. from Freedom Square and 1.1 km. from Rustaveli Theater. The property features free Wi-Fi throughout. Some units include a seating area where the guests can relax. Each room includes a shared bathroom and there is a shared kitchen with a coffee machine.

guest house Nise Address: 14 Makhata Turn TEL 577 28 72 79 Situated in the Avlabari district in Tbilisi, 1.3 km. from Freedom Square, Guest House Nise features air-conditioned rooms with free Wi-Fi. Each room offers a kettle, free toiletries and a hairdryer. A flat-screen TV is available. Some units have a seating area for your convenience.

georiders guest house Address: 2 Mdzleti Str. TEL 551 40 13 23

mKudro guest house

Featuring free Wi-Fi, a sauna and a sun terrace, Georiders - Guest House offers accommodation 8 km. from Tbilisi Opera and Ballet Theater, free private parking and views of the mountain, garden or city from certain rooms. Rooms include a shared bathroom. Free shuttle service is available. Guests can play table tennis and billiards and hire bikes or cars.

guest house BeautiFul tBilisi Address: 8 Khidistavis Str. TEL 558 60 50 06 Featuring free Wi-Fi throughout the property, Guest House Beautiful Tbilisi is 900 m. from Freedom Square. Every room at this guest house is air-conditioned and comes with a flat-screen TV with satellite channels as well as a coffee machine and kettle, private bathroom, and slippers, free toiletries and a hairdryer. There is a 24-hour front desk.

lea guest house Address: 25 Grishashvili Str. TEL 577 10 47 47 Featuring free Wi-Fi throughout, Lea Guest House is located in the old part of Tbilisi. A transfer to the property from Tbilisi Airport and Tbilisi Bus Station is offered. All rooms come with a flat-screen TV with cable channels and air conditioning and each shares a bathroom equipped with free toiletries. Guests can make use of the shared kitchen. In warm months, they can eat in the garden, which is fitted with tables and chairs.

Address: 12 Painters Residence TEL 231 70 60 Featuring free Wi-Fi, it offers air-conditioned rooms with satellite TV. Buses to the city center run from the bus stop 160 m. away.

meidaNi guest house Address: 19 Grishashvili Str. TEL 599 26 77 78 Meidani Guest House is located a 2-minute walk from the Sulfur Spring Baths and a 5-minute walk from Chardeni Street. Free Wi-Fi, classic-style wooden furniture, a TV and a private bathroom with toiletries are offered in each of the soundproofed rooms. Guests will find cafĂŠs and restaurants serving traditional Georgian cuisine a 5-minute walk away. The 24-hour reception staff can arrange transfers to Tbilisi Airport.

guest house ortachala Address: 6 Gr. Apshinashvili Str. TEL 599 98 86 98

All the rooms at Mkudro are decorated in a modern style with carpeted floors and include a work desk. Bathrooms come with bathrobes. Guests of Mkudro can set up a barbeque in the garden or explore dining options within a 10-minute walk of the hotel.

guest house lioN Address: 3 Pkhovi Str. Located in Tbilisi, 400 m. from Rustaveli Theater, it boasts air-conditioned rooms with free Wi-Fi and rooms with shared bathrooms, free toiletries and a hair dryer. This guest house has storage space and car hire is available. Friendly and helpful staff are on hand to help you with your sightseeing arrangements and tours throughout Georgia.

guest house imereti Address: 4 Chekhov Str.

Featuring free Wi-Fi throughout the property, Guest House Ortachala is situated 3.8 km. from Freedom Square. Free private parking is available on site and some rooms include a seating area for your convenience. Enjoy a cup of tea while looking out at the mountain or garden. All rooms include a private bathroom. A TV is available.

to stay

Guest House Imereti is located in the Avlabari district 1 km. from Freedom Square. All rooms are equipped with a flat-screen TV with satellite channels. Enjoy a cup of tea while looking out at the mountain or city. Guest House Imereti features free Wi-Fi throughout.


g A unique dinin RIO experience at

"Rio" The Brazilian Grill offers an authentic Brazilian dining experience as we serve you Churrasco a Rodizio, which means “Rotisserie Barbeque.” We also offer a full buffet of soups, fresh salads, cheese, hot entrees, and side dishes. And the best part? It’s all you can eat! Come hungry and enjoy your dining experience here with us.

For Table Reservation Please call 591 680002 - 591 680003 No. 8 Napareuli Street, Tbilisi (Find us on google map)



to eat

Exclusive Restaurant Guide . . . e c i o h C My

Petter Svaetichin CEO, JSC MGEORGIA

ViNotel Slightly expensive but a joy for the culinary heart. Great menu with Georgian raw material in a European style. Haute cuisine.


to eat

samePo maraNi 1878 A high class experience in perfect surroundings at Chateau Mukhrani. The Head Chef constantly invents new dishes, most often from local produce. The food presentation is top class and the wine matching goes without saying.

BaaN thai Great tasting Thai food in a simple setting. A very good price/value proposition when you wish to take a break from Georgian food.

Buddha Bar Expensive but a must for sushi lovers. Not simple, not over-complicated. Best sushi in Tbilisi.

tartiNe meidaN Classic French atmosphere, genuine French food. You can try the snails but the daily soups are second to none in Tbilisi.

to eat


Georgian Bread By Katie ruth davies Once shaped, the dough is covered for another 10 minutes to rise again. After 10 minutes the dough is uncovered and each piece is stretched onto a special linen covered pad with a wooden base (lapati). The baker uses the lapati to press the dough onto the wall of the hot tone.

The bread bakes to a golden brown color within eight minutes.

Georgian bread- a perfect combination of soft and crunchy, heavy and light. The street-side bakeries specializing in only this bread greet you on every corner of the city. In villages, each house has its own oven- a sunken firepit, usually built in an outbuilding. In the summer we pity the bakers their hot 12 hour+ labor; in winter we envy them the warmth. Georgian bread is a staple of the Georgian diet. No traditional meal is served without it. At New Year, the queues at your local tone bakery can be ten deep, with people often ordering in advance. Tone, Shoti, Lavashi, Dedas Puri- some round, some long and thin, all absolutely delicious when eaten hot!


A typical day at a Georgian bakery begins at around 7 am. when the baker lights the deep circular oven called a tone. The tone will take around 1.5 hours to get to the temperature needed for baking bread. The baker mixes flour, salt, yeast and sugar in a large bowl. Not all bakers use sugar but it is known to give a better color and helps to prevent the bread becoming dry and hard. The dough is left covered for 1.5 hours to rise to more than double the size. When the dough is ready the baker cuts off pieces and shapes them.

to eat

Rosemary in Tbilisi By tim ogden Georgian dishes at competing restaurants subtle enough that they can barely register a difference at all, although this becomes easier with food they are more familiar with. Recent years have seen an explosion of establishments alternately dubbed ‘pubs’, ‘restaurants’ or ‘bars,’ which serve Western-style food that captures the appearance of European or American cuisine but falls short of the taste, and most of these open and close as a new season passes. Middle-to-high pricing, mediocre quality, and the fact that these restaurants boast the same menus, the same décor, and the same bored, inattentive staff, prevent these businesses from being successful. In both Georgian restaurants and their European-style counterparts, uniqueness, innovation and passion are in short supply, and these qualities have allowed Rosemary to emerge as the most exciting fusion restaurant in the city.

In a city full of restaurants, in a country where cuisine is treated with an almost religious reverence, culinary competition can be fierce. Time, however, has shown that there is only one guaranteed way to succeed in the food industry in Tbilisi, where every other door opens to a restaurant.


Georgians are proud of their national cuisine due to its historical and cultural significance almost as much as its famous variety of tastes and dishes, and debate between Georgians over which eatery has the best Khinkali or Khajapuri can become heated to the point of argument. Foreigners may find the differences between

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Grant Freeman, a native of the United States whose resume includes work with British, French and American culinary heavyweights, recognized the void in Georgia’s food industry and returned to his professional roots after a brief career as a teacher. The use of his prior experience and his more recent exposure to Georgian food, herbs and spices has rendered Rosemary’s dishes a tantalizing blend that appeal to both natives and

foreigners; Georgian favorites have been rebranded with a panache reminiscent of the southern United States, while more Western dishes have been infused with the rich flavors of the Caucasus. Yet despite the fact that the quality of the food would demand extortionate prices in London, Paris or New York, visitors can look forward to their bank balances remaining intact at the end of the night. In addition, Rosemary maintains an intimate, friendly atmosphere, in stark contrast to the distance and formality of restaurants serving comparable food in Europe or the United States. The amiable earthiness of a beloved local pub is rarely coupled with luxury cuisine in any country. Drinks on offer are also different to what one can find elsewhere, with hoppy beers served as opposed to the gassy lagers of elsewhere, and locally-produced wines and brandies taste fresher than their cousins from mass production companies. Freeman also makes his own Chacha, a traditional Georgian spirit, and injects it with a variety of personalized flavours. Fast becoming a favorite with local Georgians and resident foreigners, Rosemary is not to be missed by any visitor to Tbilisi, with the familiar and the foreign blending together in a cordial atmosphere unlike anywhere else in the region. Rosemary Address: 41 Vertskhli Str.

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Chinese Magic great number of ingredients and the cooking process. The result is exotic, unusual tasting dishes and a peaceful atmosphere. This is what attracts fans to the Chinese restaurants here. The Chinese restaurants in Tbilisi have a way of preparing their dishes so that they are light, nutritious and healthy. The choice is wide: fish, meat, seafood, salads and, of course, rice, tea and ginseng vodka. The interior is traditional: decorated with Chinese paintings, fans and gods. Chinese restaurants also allow their customers to take part in the cooking process. You can even have a photo taken of yourself with the chef in the kitchen.

Nobody would think that Peking Duck could be as popular in Georgia as khinkali, but it seems Chinese cuisine has entered Georgia without a problem and the mystical-looking restaurants with dragon paintings have become a favorite dining spot for many Tbilisians. One of the reasons for this favorable attitude is that the Chinese cook their dishes with the same care and seriousness that Georgians do theirs. There is a difference, though: all four culinary schools of China (divided according to their provinces) are oriented not just on taste but also on the healthiness of food.


There is a similarity between southern Chinese and Mingrelian dishes: both are mercilessly spicy. The Chinese consider their spices to be aphrodisiacs and think that they help improve people’s mood. And merry people are healthy people. Like Georgians, the idea of “snacks� is foreign to Chinese people. The eating process is a ritual, a part of the culture. We have all noticed the accurately cut and meticulously cooked products in Chinese restaurants. This is done to minimize discomfort and increase pleasure during the meal. Just like Georgian cuisine, Chinese cuisine puts an emphasis on a

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Georgia – the Homeland of Cheese By maka Bibilashvili Scientists do not have a precise answer as to when and where cheese originated. The oldest trace of cheese production dates back to 5500 B.C. and leads to current Poland, where architects discovered the oldest cheese filter. Despite this, in scientific circles, it is assumed that the history of cheese started earlier, some

Tamila Tsagareishvili and got hold of the book by ethnographer Giorgi Gotsiridze ‘Folk culture of food and feast traditions in Georgia.’

8,000 years ago, in direct relation to the domestication of sheep.

factory cheese, there are over ten other Georgian sorts.

I don’t know if foreign ethnographers and cheese-scientists know about the 80th century cheese vessel ‘Dergi’ kept at the Georgian National Museum. As the Chair of the Cheese-Makers’ Guild and head of the project ‘Georgian Cheese,’ Ana Mikadze recalls that the find was a big discovery for her and inspired her to set to researching the origins of cheese. Her interest in cheese first came about in the early 2000s when she met ethnographer

“Then I saw on TV that a foreign member of the wine congress delegation said of Georgia, “You have great wine, you are great hosts, but I cannot help saying that I was shocked with your cheese sorts. I think you are the homeland of cheese, not wine!

“This year we had our 11th Cheese Festival. We’re also holding the Caucasian Festival of Cheese and are planning Georgian cheese festivals in the regions. I also set up the store ‘Cheese House’ and a show room where various sorts of cheese are presented, as well as related ethnographic, archeological materials and photos,” Ana said.

“I began working on registering cheese types and I realized that if we didn’t do it quickly, a neighboring country might do it first. I accidentally bumped into the

Cheese House: Address: 20 Kazbegi Ave. TEL 2394059

It appeared that, along with four commonly known sorts of cheese – Imeretian, Megrelian Sulguni, Guda and so-called

to eat

then-Minister of Agriculture, Bakur Kvezereli, in the street and I told him that the best thing to do would be to register several sorts of cheese. He grabbed the idea at once and we registered Megrelian and Svanetian Sulgunis, Imeretian, Guda, Dambalkhacho, Tenili, Kalti – 14 sorts of cheese, and Matsoni.


Upgraded American BBQ Restaurant Offers Smoking Hot Experience in Tbilisi By Katie ruth davies

The first American barbecue restaurant ‘Big Smokey’ can be found on Beniashvili Street, where previously only traditional Georgian restaurants were located, offering a modern menu and renovated concept. This news is the result of long preparation and the visit of the chef to the USA in


order to learn the necessary exquisite and exceptionally tasty recipes. The designers worked tirelessly to create an interior where the guests will get authentically American Western vibes and a sense of Clint Eastwood himself. The kitchen has been equipped with American technology not found elsewhere in the

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South Caucasus- the highlight of which is the “Big Smokey” meat smoking machine for that unique barbecue taste. Meat is smoked within for 8 -16 hours- soft fragrant ribs and succulent fresh vegetables. "I started working on the idea of opening a restaurant with my American partner in

2012,� says restaurant co-owner Nicholas Kiknadze. “The American side provided training for the staff and the chef. Here, maintained high quality is ensured and every phase of the cooking process is fully controlled so that we comply with the relevant standards. The barbecue sauce and all the necessary food supplements are provided from America.� The restaurant opened 1 year ago, in October, and is designed for 60 guests. During the work process, it became necessary to review the BBQ concept and present it in a form that would be acceptable to the local Georgian market. That is why the name of the restaurant, the environment and the menu is completely adapted to consumer requirements. Seven kinds of steak have been added to the main BBQ menu, as well as popular dishes demanded by Georgian customers. In addition, Big Smokey offers live music on weekends and all major football matches are shown on the big screen 12: 00 am to 15:00 pm. There is a special discount for the lunch menu. The expansion of barbecue restaurant Big Smokey is planned early next year in one of the central districts of the city, where fast-food and delivery services will also be offered.

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Event of the Year Chateau Mukhrani Harvest Party 2016 By Katie ruth davies

Traditionally, together with hard work, the harvest (rtveli) was always associated with festivity. The very first associations that come to mind are amber color grapefruits roasted in the sun, tatara boiling in a pot and a row of newly-made Churchkhelas hanging on a rope to dry. Every local painter or amateur has painted this still life at least once in his life.


Times change, but the technological progress was unable to change the harvest traditions and the celebration of winemaking in the traditional satsnakheli is now enjoyed by visiting tourists as well. For nine years this day is specially celebrated in Chateau Mukhrani. Rtveli 2016 was no exception and our estate hosted numerous celebrity guests, enjoying

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an interesting program, diverse, full of traditional activities, novelties and surprises. Mukhranbatoni’s palace and the forestpark nearby was specially decorated for the guests. The aristocratic spirit of the 19th century and rich autumn colors are always wonderfully fused at this time of year.

Guests also got to enjoy the exhibition of famous Georgian painter Yuri Berishvili; the rich palette ideally matching the opulent environment of Mukhranbatoni’s estate. The event began with a speech by the General Director of Chateau Mukhrani,

Patrick Honef, who thanked the guests, presented novelties and plans, and talked about an important new development that from October 15 Chateau Mukhrani wines will be presented with new and even more exquisite packaging. Guests took part in such activities as making Churchkhelas, baking traditional Georgian bread in a tone oven, and

making Chacha. Afterwards, they participated in grape picking and crushing in a press to make wine. In the final section of the event, guests listened to the concert of wonderful band Newton and Salome Korkotashvili’s

(SALIO), tried premium Chateau Mukhrani wines, tasted delicious dishes and enjoyed the wonderful environment. Among guests you could meet representatives of the diplomatic corps and international organizations, Chateau Mukhrani partners and respected guests who were invited from various countries to attend.

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Listing: Bakeries eNtrée

Address: 13 Taktakishvili Str. TEL 595 907180 Address: 19 Petriashvili Str. TEL 595 338210 Address: 7 Pekini Str. TEL 591 19 39 68 Address: 78 Chavchavadze Ave. TEL 599 09 56 70 Address: 86 Agmashenebeli Ave. TEL 591 19 83 98 Address: 12 Amaghleba Str. TEL 599 08 34 53 Address: 1 Ateni Str. TEL 591 70 90 22 Address: 25 Gagarini Str. TEL 591 19 39 68 Address: 24A Pekini Str. TEL 591 96 19 90



Address: 3 B. Zjgenti Str TEL 231 76 67

Address: 34 Abashidze Str. TEL 579 693344, 595 043153

assorti Address: 5a Nikoladze Str TEL 579 16 53 53

Address: 32 Abashidze Str. TEL 222 40 83

PoNPoNchiKi Address: 80 Paliashvili Str. TEL 222 39 43, 555 22 39 43

le gateau


Address: 42 Ir. Abashidze Str, 24 Al. Kazbegi Ave. TEL 247 15 15, 247 00 07


le PoNchiK

Address: 17 Pekini Ave., 160 Ts. Dadiani Ave TEL 558 77 28 03, 237 23 31, 558 55 78 78

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Listing: Restaurants in Tbilisi by the Region Abkhazian Restaurants

megruli oda


Address: 2nd km., Marshal Gelovani Ave. TEL 251 73 27, 599 18 38 97

Address: 7 Sandro Euli Str. TEL 568 39 34 30 Amra in Abkhazian means “the sun.” It offers the most delicious cuisine from Abkhazia and will take you back in time. Amra can arrange buffets, banquets, and other events.

Megrelian Restaurants

tashre Address: 88 Beliashvili Str. TEL 514 15 55 88 Restaurant Tashre is a place where the best, natural dishes of Megrelian cuisine, prepared by a high-class chef, meet the true spirit of a feast.

The restaurant offers delicious Megrelian cuisine. Megruli Oda is available for banquets, wedding parties, birthday celebrations and other events.

aBKhazura Address: 14a Ksani Str. TEL 2 430 450, 597 03 77 11 The menu offers city and Megrelian cuisine. The restaurant has 3 halls, Megrelian Oda (small house-type compartment for 50 persons), European Hall, accommodating 450 persons, European hall (for 100 persons) and one compartment (for 30 persons).


Pasanauri is situated in one of the most prestigious Tbilisi districts, famous for its café-bars and enjoyed by guests and locals alike.

Address: 13 Mosashvili Str., 13 Atoneli Str. (Dry Bridge) TEL 591 03 43 43 Megruli Sakhli offers a wide range of Megrelian dishes including Gebjalia, Bujenina, Elarji, Ghomi, Kuchmachi and Kupati.

Rachan Restaurants

taVerN dzVeleBuri rachuli Address: 65 Agmashenebeli Ave. TEL 295 18 85, 599 11 24 80 Tavern Dzveleburi Rachuli offers delicious Rachuli cuisine: Rachuli Lori, Lobiani, Shkmeruli and more.

Mixed Georgian-European Restaurants

FuNicular Address: Mtatsminda Plateau TEL 298 00 00

Address: 6 Erekle II Str. TEL 595 547 755

megruli saKhli

Restaurant-Tavern-Bakery Kakhelebi offers Georgian national cuisine made from organic and healthy products. It owns a vineyard, fruit orchard and farm of goats, and poultry. The interior concept and menu all originate from Kakheti.

The restaurant consists of two main halls and a courtyard. It is distinguished for its Georgian and Megrelian dishes and a diverse coffee menu. Kakhetian Restaurants

KaKheleBi Address: 2 Saknavtobi Str. TEL 294 33 00

to eat

The Funicular Restaurant offers a classic Georgian accent where you can enjoy the limitless talents of the creative local chef.

samePo maraNi 1878 Address: Chateau Mukhrani, Mukhrani TEL 595 99 13 14/15/16 Samepo Marani 1878 has restored the royal dishes which Ivane Mukhranbatoni proudly presented his Georgian and foreign guests- made using natural products produced in Mukhrani and each coming with its own unique wine pairing.


mraValjamieri Address: Left Bank of the R. Mtkvari TEL 570 200 300

Georgian bread oven, a brazier for meat spit-roasts of pork, chicken and trout, and a mill for corn flour with which they make their own cornbread. The rocks, mill and numerous museum pieces in the interior will make a unique impression on you about Georgia and its history.

The Phaeton Restaurant offers a unique experience of the famed Georgian hospitality.

Kartuli saKhli Address: 2 G.Tsabadze Str. TEL 591 93 00 11

old meteKhi Address: 3 Metekhi Slope TEL 274 74 07, 593 23 07 88

The restaurant offers dishes of GeorgianEuropean cuisine made by professional chefs for true gourmands. From 8pm guests can enjoy live music from wellknown bands.

shatro Address: 75 Chavchavadze Ave. TEL 577200779 Restaurant Shatro offers a beautiful view and cool, pleasant atmosphere in which to enjoy a wide choice of Georgian and European dishes. It is best known for its fish, Khinkali, kebab, pork shank and assortment of barbecue meats. The restaurant area consists of a European hall, pub, individual booths and a terrace.

tsisKVili Address: Right Bank of the R. Mtkvari TEL 200 55 55 Opened in autumn 2002, Tsiskvili restaurant is distinguished for its unique architecture and design. Enter the yard and you’ll find yourself in a fairytale world with an evergreen lawn, real waterfall, orchard and vineyard, a plethora of flowers and welcoming hosts. On site is a

Overlooking the River Mtkvari and a city panorama, here you can experience a unique synthesis of Georgian history, traditions and fine taste.

iN the shadow oF meteKhi Address: 29a K. Tsamebuli Ave. TEL 230 30 30 A genuine Georgian restaurant with an amazing view of Tbilisi. Evenings can be spent enjoying Georgian national dance and songs and delicious Georgian food.

Bread house Address: 7 V. Gorgasali Str. TEL 230 30 30,238 88 00 The Bread House restaurant consists of three halls, one of which is an open terrace. A traditional Georgian restaurant, it offers distinctive Georgian dishes and Tone bread baked to the accompaniment of live music every evening.


The Georgian House restaurant in the heart of Old Tbilisi is a place of city traditions, high quality service, unique atmosphere, traditional and European dishes and pleasant music- ideal for all types of meetings.

alaVerdi Address: Agmashenebeli Lane 11th km. TEL 251 68 51 Along with low prices, the restaurant maintains a high quality service, offering you a pleasant evening with Georgian dishes accompanied by professional singers and dancers performing folk and country songs and modern dances.

KolKheti Address: Left bank of the R. Mtkvari TEL 235 71 53 www.kolkheti.com Guests at Kolkheti restaurant can enjoy a variety of Georgian dishes to suit all tastes and budgets.

Address: Beliashvili Str. TEL 577 66 00 20

Business dinners can also be arranged.


to eat


Georgian bread oven in the lower hall highlights the traditions of Georgian cuisine.

Address: Agmashenebeli Lane, 13th km. TEL 259 69 69, 598 59 69 69


Bermukha offers a pleasant interior and artistic design. A variety of Georgian-European dishes are served against a background of live music.

taBla Address: 33 Chavchavadze Ave. TEL 2 60 02 85, 260 17 17 Opened in 2013, Tabla boasts a traditional Georgian style interior. Photos from well-known Georgian movies

Address: Left Bank of the R. Mtkvari (near Mushtaiti Garden) TEL 200 08 88, 200 09 99

hang on the walls. You’ll find high quality service, dishes of natural products, pitcher wine and a music program. The fireplace in the center of the hall creates a cozy atmosphere while the

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Georgian restaurant Tavaduri is distinguished by its stylish interior, wide variety of dishes and music- all combined to guarantee the right place for all high-end festive events. The chef creates unique dishes for guests and the service personnel are fast and professional.


Listing: Asian Cuisine in Tbilisi umami asiaN FusioN restauraNt Address: 1 Rose Revolution Sq. TEL 240 22 00 Preparing your dish is turned into a performance as you watch the chefs in the open kitchen of Umami. Mixing Japanese and Thai with other culinary cultures, this Asian fusion restaurant uses the freshest ingredients to create both traditional and innovative dishes.

aNKara Address: 128 D. Aghmashenebeli Ave. TEL 295 72 81 Ankara is a modern, clean, air-conditioned restaurant with an interior done out in pink and white. Ankara offers you plenty of delicious Turkish dishes: salads, kebabs, sweets and more.

easterN Pearl Address: 90 Z. Paliashvili Str. TEL 291 46 41 Chinese Restaurant Eastern Pearl offers a Chinese feel and a pleasant atmosphere, along with delicious Chinese cuisine which includes the famous Peking Duck. Free Wi-Fi. Credit cards accepted.

BaaN thai Address: 35 R. Tabukashvili Str. TEL 299 78 02 Most traditional Thai dishes are available and prepared by a Thai chef with original Thai ingredients to guarantee an authentic taste. The friendly atmosphere, good


service and take away, delivery and catering options are sure to please. Dishes are prepared with low salt. Please note that the restaurant is non-smoking.

sPice gardeN restauraNt Address: 123 Agmashenebeli Ave. TEL 593 00 07 86 In Spice Garden Restaurant you can taste freshly made traditional Indian food. Seating more than 200 persons, the restaurant offers huge family halls adjacent to the main hall decorated in a style inspired by a multitude of bright fresh and pure flavors and textures representing the diversity of Indian food itself. Working with local farmers, growers and purveyors, the restaurant uses local, organic, biodynamic ingredients whenever possible. Combining these with modern creative and classic Indian styles of cooking, they present food that balances the bounty of Tbilisi with the bold flavors and spices of India.

maharajah Address: 24 G. Akhvlediani Str. TEL 299 97 99 Enjoy a pure traditional Indian taste reflection with a 200 year-old history. The best place to have lunches, dinners, and tea breaks, tasting all colors and sweets of the sub-continent while attending birthdays, family functions, business meetings and parties.

saNjha chulha Address: 130 Aghmashenebeli Ave. TEL 596 56 13 13, 2 95 96 14

to eat

Sanjha Chulha is an authentic Indian restaurant specialized in Indian cuisine and offering a fantastic selection of dishes. Guests will find Indian cuisine versatile, ranging from extremely mild to the highly pungent. The varied menu presents dishes of fresh, natural ingredients, wholesome sauces and flavorful spices from India.

BollYwood masala iNdiaN restauraNt Address: 44 Kostava Ave. TEL 551 52 60 00

Fine Indian Cuisine. Find your next great lunch or dinner dining experience featuring time-honored recipes at New Bollywood Masala Indian Restaurant. We offer fun and wholesome dining options for the whole family. Dress up your dish with our signature sides and round out the night with our satisfying desserts. Food can be prepared mild, medium, or hot. We promise you’ll leave with a satisfied belly! Bring the whole family down to the Indian restaurant of Tbilisi- New Bollywood Masala Indian Restaurant, for lunch or dinner. Our service is second to none. Our menu will speak for itself.

BaaN thai


Address: 35 Tabukashvili Str. TEL 299 78 02

Address: 16 Shota Rustaveli Ave. TEL 292 00 11, 568 88 59 99

Opened in 2007, Baan Thai is a small traditional Thai Food restaurant located behind the Opera House and very close to the Radisson Blu Iveria Hotel. The restaurant is owned and operated by Thai ladies and most traditional Thai dishes are available, prepared by a Thai chef with original Thai ingredients to give an authentic taste. Guests will find a friendly atmosphere and good service. Baan Thai has take away, delivery and catering service.

eNsemBle Address: Tbilisi Sea TEL 250 50 25 For pure gourmets we offer an authentic Chinese restaurant with dishes of masterfully blended ingredients and spices. Enjoy authentic Chinese dishes from various regions and provinces of China. Discover Xinjiang delicacies, Cantonese and Sichuan cuisine in an exclusive environment. Make yourself and friends extra comfortable by reserving one of Ensemble’s private dining rooms for that extra feeling of luxury and service.

Dishes are prepared with low salt and no MSG. Please note it is a non-smoking restaurant.

Buddha-Bar tBilisi Address: Rikhe TEL 229 92 22 The menu at Buddha-Bar reflects the art of cuisine. Here you can find an abundance of sea delicacies along with exquisite French desserts and signature dishes specially created for your pleasure. Buddha-Bar Tbilisi menu strictly conforms to the standard menu of the brand, however local preferences are also taken into consideration. Ingredients are imported from around the world and local natural products are also used. You can taste Buddha-Bar signature dishes: Buddha-Bar Chicken Salad, Tuna with Sesame & Shitake Vinaigrette, Filet of Beef “Teppan Yaki” style, Five Spices Grilled Chicken, Red Shrimp Curry. You can also enjoy treats such as sashimi, handrolled sushi and special creations from BuddhaBar’s sushi chef.

New Asia Chinese and Asian Restaurant, situated near the Opera House, allows you to discover a wide range of Asian dishes.

Picasso Kyoto is a gastronomic paradise for everyone, where guests are invited to a pleasant and eastern refined atmosphere where you will enjoy the rich experience of Japanese cuisine. Aside from classic and Japanese food, you can taste the chef’s dishes and the original dessert of the one of the best chef cooks in Tbilisi, Giorgi Chinchrashvili. Adjusting to Georgian taste, masterpieces of culinary creativity have consistently merited sincere surprise as much for locals as for Japanese guests.

New asia chiNese aNd asiaN restauraNt Address: 11 Griboedov Str. TEL 292 21 07

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Address: 4 Miminoshvili Str. TEL 298 90 86 Delicious dishes from Beijing in a Chinese interior and accompanied by the best service every day from 12 am to 12 pm Picasso’s cooks from Beijing will astonish you with the tastiest dishes- visit real China in the very center of Tbilisi.

Kosher restauraNt daVid Address: 45 K. Abkhazi Str. TEL 577 46 35 35 Kosher restaurant David offers delicious dishes and high quality meat and chicken. There you can also take away frozen ready-made dishes.


Holly Jolly Christmas and Holiday Events in Chateau Mukhrani If you are a wine enthusiast, a couple looking for a romantic getaway, or a group in search of outdoor adventure, this is the best place to go! Château Mukhrani is one of the must-visit venues to get a fascinating insight into the traditions and secrets of Georgian wine-making, blended with remarkable stories about the Georgian royal family.

A Place You Should Visit! Reservations: Tel.: +995 595 99 13 14/15/16; E-mail: 1878@mukhrani.com www.chateaumukhrani.com

Our restaurant Samepo Marani 1878 offers an original selection of Georgian and European dishes, which are made from natural products produced in Mukhrani. We will treat you with a royal feast to make your stay here unforgettable.

to drink

Exclusive Drinks Guide . . . e c i o h My C

Murat Tansu General Manager, Tiflis Palace

gaBriadze caFĂŠ A small, old style cafĂŠ located in the historical part of Tbilisi, next to the Gabriadze Marionette Theater. Their menu is not vast, but it is somewhat unique and different. They also serve different style teas. I recommend the Black Tea with Red Wine.


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academY An elegant loungestyle restaurant with a cozy atmosphere. The perfect place to end your busy day with a light cocktail or with a stronger drink of your choice.

restauraNt tiFlis VeraNda The perfect place to enjoy a glass of the best Georgian Wine or delicious brand cocktails as you sit surrounded by the live music and breathtaking views of the city’s most important historical and cultural monuments. Only here you can feel the real spirit of Tbilisi.

diNehall This restaurant has its own wine cellar, with a good selection of unique wines. Dinehall is a good place for evening drinks, as well as for business dinners or lunches.

restauraNt ludis moedaNi (Beer square) For beer lovers the best place in Tbilisi is Restaurant Ludis Moedani. The restaurant also has a nice garden, with tables for those who would like to sit in the fresh air on warm days. Perfect beer, tasty food and great service.

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It’s Chacha Season not all are able to get the best results and so they often band together and elect a single “distiller” who they supply with the necessary firewood and pay by giving some amount of the final product. The process of distillation is usually accompanied by a special feast “Supra,” traditional toasts and lots of rowdy fun. Such public-rural meetings continue for a few days and sometimes even turn into a beautiful ethnographical festivals. Tourist agents are only just beginning to appreciate the potential the Chacha distillation process has. Just a handful of wine companies currently offer tourists an opportunity to participate in the traditional distillation events (Twins Old Cellar in Napareuli, Shumi in Tsinandali, to name two).

With the first chill of winter, we know the viticulture-winemaking harvest season is already over in most of Georgia’s regions. It is a time when winemakers start preparing for the long period of Chacha distillation, which lasts until spring. April and May are the latest months for Chacha distillation, made with the leftovers of what is available at the end of the 6-month period of wine preparation. Chacha is a traditional Georgian grape brandy which has been produced and consumed for centuries. Like its Italian shelf-mate Grappa and other similar alcohol products, it is made from pomace


(in Georgian: chacha) left after preparing wines. With a centuries-long history, tradition and popularity, Chacha is one of those trademarks that the Georgian culture is proud of, just like Georgian cuisine with its Khachapuri, Khinkali, Churchkhela, Satsivi, and more. There are different rituals and rules for Chacha distillation, varying according to the region. Interestingly, despite the DIY spirit distillation facilities, winemaking villagers are still able to prepare quite sophisticated Chacha products. However,

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While almost all respected wine companies already offer Chacha to their consumers, high-quality bottled Chacha is still available only in a number of specialty wine shops and large supermarkets. Local restaurants mostly operate through cartel deals, therefore only one or two Chacha varieties can be ordered alongside the Russian-Ukrainian-Georgian wheat vodkas from the menu, and the price can be excessive. I would recommend trying Chacha produced by the Pheasant’s Tears brand and Askaneli Brothers- both will warm you well this upcoming winter season! Check out page 85 for where to buy Chacha!

Borjomi Mineral Water By Nino gugunishvili If you are trying to think of Georgian brands that need no introduction, Borjomi mineral water has every right to be among them, holding the longest history of popularity- from first discovery to the modern supermarket shelves- now one of the top Georgian export products. Known for its unique composition and qualities, Borjomi mineral water is said to have preserved its mineral and chemical properties just as it was when the first spring was found in the 19th century, and perhaps since way before then. Various archaeological digs have revealed fragments of ancient baths, suggesting that a mineral water reserve existed in the area of Borjomi Gorge even in ancient times, used by locals for its curative properties as early as 2000 years ago, although it is thought more for the bathing and less for the drinking. In 1829, Russian Imperial military soldiers accidentally came across the hot spring in the area of Borjomi and brought a sample to their Colonel who, as legend says, was so cured from a stomach disease. The discovery of the healing powers of Borjomi mineral water largely contributed to the development of the area, and the town of Borjomi itself was frequently visited by Russian Empire officials in the 19th century, thereafter becoming a popular spa resort which saw a consistent boom all through soviet times as a beloved “must go� place for the Georgian and Russian elite.

Borjomi mineral water is of volcanic origin, coming up to the surface of the ground through natural carbon dioxide pressure, and, unlike many other mineral waters, it doesn’t cool down in the process, preserving its warmth while it pushes up to the surface, enriched with the compounds of at least 60 chemical elements along the way. According to clinical studies, it is beneficial for the treatment of various diseases and has been used to treat chronic gastritis, chronic diseases of the liver or kidney stones, to boost the immune system and as a detox.

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The actual production of Borjomi Mineral Water and the first glass bottle factory opened in 1896. Much of the current popularity of Borjomi Mineral Water comes from the soviet era, when it was largely exported outside the Soviet Union, after the demise of which its production declined considerably. However, the re-launch of the product came in 1995, proving Borjomi Mineral Water to still be in a high demand both locally and internationally.


Georgian Tea

Before talking about the existing tea houses in Tbilisi, let us warmly recall the Georgian Tea House that once stood across from the first building of the Tbilisi State University… It has been gone for so long that it seems that not just a tea house but the entire tea industry has vanished. The 20 million GEL spent by the government over 15 years to revive the industry was almost totally wasted as people in western Georgia chose instead to cultivate the more valuable hazelnut. Tbilisi tea houses tend to offer a wide assortment of teas to suit every taste. Besides the traditional black and green teas, the menu of the English Tea House includes aromatic and spiced varieties as


well as Whittard’s cold tea which goes well with a tasty meat roll or an Acapulco salad.

million GEL of tea. Neither small Georgian bio-farmers nor the tea factory in Shemokmedi village can complete with that.

According to tea experts, Georgian tea has a peculiar taste and smell which is different from the teas of other places and is in no way inferior to Chinese tea.

Yet, in turn, Georgian green tea is in high demand in Turkmenistan, while the black is popular in Uzbekistan. Small amounts of Georgian tea are also exported to Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Ukraine, Belarus, the Baltic States and the USA.

It is unfortunate that Georgian tea has lost its past glory. Yet this fact has recently awakened the national sentiment among Georgians, of whom 15 percent now prefer to drink Georgian tea (for example Gurieli or Tkibuli). The other 85 percent choose from about 30 different imported teas, among which the biggest import is Azeri tea. Every year Georgia imports 100-120

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Try some of the Georgian heritage- buy a box of Georgian tea from a supermarket near you, or pop in to one of Tbilisi’s tea houses. Check out page 90 to see the best Tbilisi tea and coffee spots!

Listing: Where to Buy Chacha and Vodka daVid sarajishVili Address: 4 D. Sarajishvili Str. TEL 2 554 444

gd alco

Address: 31a Moskovi Ave. TEL 271 92 07

whisKY house

Address: 12 Elbakidze Str., Tbilisi, TEL 293 22 29, 1a Varazi Khevi, Tbilisi, 230 52 37, 32 Vazha Pshavela Ave., Tbilisi, 231 11 16, 39 Abashidze Str., Tbilisi, 222 49 78, 19 Gamrekeli Str., Tbilisi, 230 75 55, 25 Gorgasali Str., Tbilisi, 243 33 32, 5 Tskneti Alley, Tbilisi, 243 33 31, 27 Baratashvili Str., Batumi, 42 229 44 42, 21 Ir. Abashidze Str., Kutaisi, 431 26 86 11


Address: 58 Vazha Pshavela Ave., Tbilisi TEL 2 39 80 81, 20 I. Vekua Str., 2 36 64 66, 12 Tsintsadze Str., 591 51 40 26, 110 Tsereteli Ave., 591 51 40 25, 45 Atskuri Str. TEL 591 51 40 24

teliaNi ValleY Address: 2 Marshal Gelovani Ave. TEL 995 32 231 32 45/46/47

gomi - wiNes & sPirits FactorY


Address: 8 T. Chantladze Str. TEL 261 01 31

Address: 2 Tarkhnishvili Str., 56 Tsintsadze Str., 73 Abashidze Str. TEL 599 88 37 07, 265 25 45

schuchmaNN wiNe Bar

goodwill Address: 1 Kavtaradze Str., 1 Parnavaz Mepe Str. TEL 240 00 02


Address: 8 Sioni Str. TEL 205 08 07, 555 44 09 01 www.schuchmann-wines.com Schuchmann Wine Bar & Restaurant is all about presenting genuine high standardized Georgian wine and Chacha and offering you a great a gastronomic experience.

Address: 16th km. D. Agmashenebeli Alley, Tbilisi Mall, TEL 217 70 70, 2 Tvalchrelidze Str., East Point 2 17 72 40, 7 Ts. Dadiani Str., Karvasla 2 48 00 10, 7 Vekua Str., 48 04 04, Khizabavra Str., City Mall 591 10 49 59

ViNoteKa Address: 31 Kote Apkhazi Str. TEL 247 60 11

g ViNo Address: 6 Erekle II Str. TEL 598 93 21 21, 293 21 21 A place to meet and socialize, G Vino offers a wide range of Georgian wine, Chacha and vodka.

caFé-Bar KhareBa Address: 1 Gorgasali Str. TEL 272 10 10 The best European and Georgian company wines and Georgian Chacha produced by traditional method.

to drink

ViNomaNia Address: 45 Kote Apkhazi Str. TEL 579 02 19 34

muKuzaNi Address: 27/15 Kote Apkhazi Str. TEL 595 77 27 03

wiNe gallerY Address: 39 Tsinamzgvrishvili Str. TEL 294 19 42


Listing: Wine Route in Kakheti wiNiVeria château mere Address: Village Vardisubani, Telavi, Georgia TEL 595 990399, 595 990390, 595 990394

A wine cellar, restaurant and hotel, Château Mere is very popular in Georgia and wine cellar Winiveria is part of the unified concept. This is one of the best small wine cellars in Georgia, producing high-quality wines: Rkatsiteli, Kindzmarauli, Kisi, Khikhvi and Mtsvane Kakhuri. Tourists can pick and press grapes, taste wine, make Churchkhela, barbeque meat, make Khinkali, and bake bread in a ‘tone’ oven. Sightseeing visits around Kakheti are also available. The hotel also offers a pool, horses, dogs, music, a billiards room, wine cellar, and tone oven.

teliaNi ValleY

to Telavi. The factory is equipped with everything needed to welcome guests from modern machinery to a traditional wine cellar, tasting hall and a small hotel. The company produces PDO wines: Tsinandali, Manavi, Mukuzani, Khvanchkara, Kindzmarauli, Tvishi, etc. as well as red, pink and white table wines, traditional Qvevri wines, chacha (Georgian Grappa) and brandy. Various tours are available throughout the year. You can visit the factory and taste five types of wine at any time of the year, and in autumn, guests have the opportunity to participate in the harvest.

KiNdzmarauli wiNe cellar Address: Kvareli, Georgia TEL 249 74 77

shuchmaNN wiNes georgia Address: Village Kisiskhevi, Telavi, Georgia TEL 593 48 73 74 Schuchmann Wines Georgia is located in the village of Kisiskhevi, on a hill 1.5 km from the main road. The company owns a

Address: 3 Tbilisi Highway, Telavi, Georgia TEL 577 50 02 57 One of Georgia’s largest wine producers, Teliani Valley’s wine factory is located along the right-hand side of the main road


hotel and a wine cellar built to resemble a medieval castle and featuring a large veranda and tasting and conference rooms. A traditional wine cellar, equipped with Qvevri, stands next to a modern wine factory. This company is one of the country’s most experienced and successful in terms of wine tourism. It was founded by a German wine enthusiast infatuated with Georgia, Mr. Schuchmann, who brought together one convenient infrastructure: the wine cellar, restaurant and hotel. Schuchmann Wines produces high-class white and red wines according to Kathetian and European methods.

to drink

Kindzmarauli Wine Cellar is located in the heart of extensive vineyards in the micro-zone of famous Kindzmarauli. The factory was built in 2003 and is one of the leading companies, equipped with the state-of-the-art technologies where visitors can see the production process, harvest area planted with more than 420 ancient Georgian grape varieties, taste both new and aged wines, and visit a Chacha distillery plant. Kindzmarauli Wine Cellar’s assortment includes 23 brands of premium

quality wine, of which three - red dry ‘Kakheti Kingdom,’ dry white Kakheti Kingdom and red naturally semi-sweet ‘Kindzmarauli Original’ are the exclusive brands of the company.

gian brick building houses a restaurant, with a nice design and a wide variety of cuisine. The company often organizes tasting of its own wines in the restaurant.

twiNs wiNe house

wiNe cellar lagViNari Address: Village Bakurtsikhe, Gurjaani, Georgia TEL 577 54 60 06

This wine cellar is located in the village of Bakurtsikhe and has been producing wine since 2011 by local traditional method in Qvevri from different grape varieties, including grapes from Kartli and western Georgia - Tsitska, Tsolikouri, Krakhuna, Aladasturi, Otskhanuri Sapere, Goruli Mtsvane, Chinuri, Rkatsiteli and Saperavi. Saperavi and Rkatsiteli vineyards are grown approximately two kilometers from the wine cellar over 4 ha of land. A beautiful view of the Alazani Valley and the Greater Caucasus Mountain range can be enjoyed from the wine cellar. Traditional Georgian dishes are available on advance request.

wiNe cellar KaKhuri Address: 1 Tbilisi Highway, 2200 Telavi, Georgia TEL 599 10 70 35

Address: Village Napareuli, Telavi, Georgia TEL 2424042, 551 74 74 74 Kakhuri is located on the main road of Telavi on a territory housing a demonstration vineyard, a wine-tasting room and an ethnographic corner. Visitors will be able to participate in the grape harvest, bake bread, and make wine and Churchkhela. The company produces several varieties of PDO and table wines: Tsinandali, Mukuzani, Kindzmarauli, Saperavi, Rkatsiteli, Mtsvane Kakhetian, etc., as well as Chacha.

wiNe cellar chateau zegaaNi Address: Village Zegaani, 1514 Gurjaani TEL 210 30 44, 599 17 48 41

Chateau Zegaani is a wine estate built in 1820 by Prince Alexander Chavchavadze, a great political and cultural figure of the 19th century, as well as the founder of modern Georgian viticulture. You can taste the wine made from Saperavi and Rkatsiteli grapes by the Tatulashvili family, as well as Mukuzani PDO wine. White and red wines made in Qvevri are also served here. The old Geor-

to drink

Twin brothers Gamtkitsulashvili founded “Twins Wine House” in 1997 on the basis of their family-run wine cellar, hotel and restaurant. The company produces several varieties of wine – Rkatsiteli, Kakhuri Mtsvane and Saperavi according to the traditional Kakhetian method – in Qvevri. They offer a variety of services to their visitors including wine tours and museum excursions. Guests can visit the old wine cellar and new production, the Qvevri and wine museum, take part in grape picking during harvest, attend the grape pressing process in the 18th century winepress, see the process of vodka distillation from Chacha, bake bread in a ’tone’ oven, make Churchkhela and taste wines directly from Qvevri: red wine – “Sun of Qvevri” Saperavi and amber wine – “Sun of Qvevri” European.

wiNe cellar BesiNi Address: Village Tsinandali, Telavi, Georgia TEL 595 93 09 09


the yard. There are a lot of items with ethnographic meaning scattered around. White and red varieties of dry wines made in Qvevri, Rkatsiteli, Tavkveri Saperavi and more are offered to guests.

wiNe cellar shumi Address: Village Tsinandali, Telavi, Georgia TEL 599 55 01 48, 598 98 51 30 Besini was founded in 2004. The name is taken from the name of the sacrificed wine in old Georgian language, made from the best grape. In order to get such grape, the owners, together with French experts, cultivated vines and grew the vineyards in the Tsinandali area. The company also owns a nursery, which was the first of its kind in Georgia. Besini produces the highest quality wines through a harmonious combination of the ancient traditions and modern technologies. Excursions can be arranged in the vineyard, nursery and wine cellar, as can wine tasting.

wiNe cellar Numisi Address: Village Velistsikhe, Gurjaani, Georgia TEL 599 56 10 31

Wine cellar and museum Numisi is located in the village of Velistsikhe, approximately 1 km from the main road. Its vine is quite old, having been covered with soil but recently restored by the owners. There is a small old wooden house, a large pergola with a dining table and a ‘tone’ oven in


Company Shumi stands next to the house-museum of Aleksandre Chavchavadze in the village of Tsinandali, about 30 meters from the main road. The company’s yard features an ethnographic corner with old Qvevri and vineyard tools, a collection vineyard (up to 300 Georgian and 92 foreign vine varieties) with rare Georgian varieties of grape, as well as a museum of ancient wine vessels found during archaeological excavations across Georgia. Shumi is one of the best wine producers in the country. During the wine tour, guests may visit the vineyard and the museum and participate in the grape harvest. During wine tasting, participants will taste four varieties of wine.

VelistsiKhe VeraNda Address: Village Velistsikhe, Gurjaani, Georgia TEL 2237700, 595 52 43 44

to drink

Velistsikhe is a nice traditional village, offering every chance to get acquainted with all the goodness of the traditional wine industry. This eno-tourist center of company Kakhetian Traditional Winemaking has a yard containing around 30 buried Qvevri in which wine is made according to traditional methods from the Rkatsiteli, Saperavi and Mtsvane Kakhuri varieties of grape. The Veranda includes a tasting-room, a wine shop, a traditional ‘tone’ oven and an ethnographic corner.

PheasaNt’s tears Address: 18 Baratashvili Str., Sighnaghi, Georgia TEL 598 72 28 48

Pheasant’s Tears is one of the region’s most experienced companies in terms of wine tourism. The wine bar founded by John Wurdemann in the town of Sighnaghi is one of the best hearths of Georgian wine. A sommelier helps the visitors choose local wines and dishes. Tourists can also stay in the village of Tibaani where the company

owns vineyards. It also owns land in Mukhrani Valley in Kartli, and produces wine from the Rkatsiteli, Mtsvane Kakhuri, Kisi, Saperavi, Tavkveri, Chinuri and Shavkapito varieties of grape.

château muKhraNi TEL 595 99 13 14/16 Address: Village Mukhrani, Mtskheta, Georgia

Gvirabi (which means tunnel in English) is carved into the rock of the Caucasus Mountain Range. The tunnel was opened in 1962 for the World Wine Congress. In the beginning, it belonged to the government and wine from the entire Kakheti region was stored here. Nowadays, it is the Winery Khareba cellar, used to age wine. The constant temperature 12-14 degrees, with around 70% humidity all year round, creates the ideal, natural conditions for wine to age in French oak barrels, as well as to store bottled wines for extended periods. The tunnel consists of two main parallel tunnels and 13 smaller perpendicular ones. The total length of the entire tunnel is

Château Mukhrani is located 25 minutes’ drive from Tbilisi and occupies the estate of Prince Mukhran-Batoni’s Palace. Basic sightseeing of the palace and its cellars is available, with a main tunnel connecting the palace to the winery. The cellars of Mukhrani Palace have been completely renovated. The Tourism Department of Château Mukhrani offers diverse wine tours to guests – from walking in the vineyards to visiting the historical palace of Mukhran-Batoni and modern winery. Château Mukhrani produces classic white, rosé, red and fortified wines as well as Chacha from following varieties: Goruli Mtsvane, Chinuri, Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, Rkatsiteli, Muscat, Tavkveri, Shavkapito, Saperavi and Cabernet.

KhareBa Address: Kvareli, Georgia TEL 293 50 73, 599 80 85 39

Chacha (Grappa) distilling facility, a traditional Georgian marani (wine cellar) with the Satsnakheli (Georgian traditional wooden grape press) and other cultural sites. The tourism complex also includes wine tasting for more than 30 varieties of the best wines produced by Winery Khareba, as well as many other activities tourists can take part in: distilling Chacha, baking Georgian bread, making Chuchkhela, grilling meat (Georgian barbeque), and harvesting and pressing grapes in the Satsnakheli.

alaVerdi moNasterY Address: Village Alaverdi, Akhmeta, Georgia TEL 596 10 04 34 The wine cellar of Alaverdi Monastery is one of Kakheti’s most distinctive cellars. Located within the monastery territory, on the site of the historical wine cellar (8th-10th centuries), it was recently rebuilt. The cellar includes a classical wine hall, a large 6th century Qvevri warehouse, an ethnographic corner, a tasting room, and a souvenir shop.

7.7 km. The entrances to the long parallel tunnels have their own functions: the first is for tourists and is used for wine tours, while the second belongs to the industrial part, where the company stores and ages its finest wines in French oak barrels and steel tanks.

Traditional white and red Qvevri wines produced in the Alaverdi Monastery wine cellar include Rkatsiteli, Mtsvane Kakhuri, Kisi, Khikhvi, Saperavi and Chacha.

In 2011, special tour facilities were created around the wine tunnel: a big recreational park, which includes the river and old Qvevries, as well as a Georgian water mill, traditional Georgian bakery, a

to drink


Listing: Coffee and Tea Spots le gateau

Address: 42 Ir. Abashidze Str., 25 Pekini Ave. TEL 247 15 15, 247 00 07


Address: 26 Abashidze Str. TEL 598 13 06 66


Address: 28 Rustaveli Ave. TEL 200 16 16

ProsPero’s BooKs Address: 34 Rustaveli Ave. TEL ???

BiBlus gallerY Address: 7 Chavchavadze Ave. TEL 248 68 44


Address: 16 Kikodze Str. TEL 299 98 76

gaBriadze caFé Address: 13 I. Shavteli Str. TEL 298 65 94


Address: 2 G. Abesadze Str. TEL 293 36 51


Address: Mtatsminda Plateau TEL 298 00 00

soPhia melNiKoVa’s FaNtastic duhaN Address: 8 Chanturia Str. TEL 592 68 11 66


shaVi lomi (BlacK lioN)

Address: 23 Amagleba Str. TEL 293 10 07

FolK gardeN

Address: 68 D. Aghmashenebeli Ave. TEL 274 32 74

144 stairs

Address: 27 Betlemi Str. TEL 596 44 41 44


22 Abashidze Str. TEL 243 89 68

o, moda, moda Address: 64 Barnovi Str. TEL 243 00 41

amo rame

Address: 4 Ingorokva Str. TEL 298 48 38


Address: 7 Chovelidze Str. TEL 202 02 99

Address: 13 Taktakishvili Str. TEL 595 907180 Address: 19 Petriashvili Str. TEL 595 338210 Address: 7 Pekini Str. TEL 591 19 39 68 Address: 78 Chavchavadze Ave. TEL 599 09 56 70 Address: 86 Agmashenebeli Ave. TEL 591 19 83 98 Address: 12 Amaghleba Str. TEL 599 08 34 53 Address: 1 Ateni Str. TEL 591 70 90 22 Address: 25 Gagarini Str. TEL 591 19 39 68 Address: 24A Pekini Str. TEL 591 96 19 90

tea house


Address: 18 E. Amashukeli Str. TEL 215 77 78

Address: 1 Lermontov Str. TEL 243 01 03


Address: 18 Erekle II Str. TEL 555 94 94 20


Address: 6 Samgebro Str.,

to drink

Address: 4/1 Kiacheli Str., 2 Lagidze Str. TEL 579 55 54 33

caFe Flowers Address: 1 D. Megreli Str. TEL 274 75 11

caFe la FraNce

Address: 33 I. Chavchavadze Ave. TEL 599 03 83 88

caFe Pomodorissimo Address: 33 I. Chavchavadze Ave. TEL 260 15 15, 260 17 17


ParNas caFe louNge & restauraNt marriott hotel Address: 13 Rustaveli Ave. TEL 277 92 00

to buy

Exclusive Tips for Shopping Lovers

. . . e c i o h My C

Tako Rodonaia Corporate Communication Expert, Geocell I belong to the type of people to whom shopping does not bring natural joy, but I do have few favorite places in Tbilisi which come to mind when I want buy new things.

teXtiles oN mitsKeVichi

cheese house Since I’m a big cheese lover, I recommend Cheese House (Kazbegi Avenue 20a) where you can try the lovely synthesis of both European and Georgian cheese.

Clothes to me are first of all associated with a diversity of textiles and because of this I often visit textile shops, my favorite one being located at Mitskevichi Str 3, where there is a large collection to choose from.


to buy

estia I really love to give personal gifts to my close ones and in this I found a like-minded individual in the creator of Estia (Tsinamgdzgvrishvili 60) where normal things become truly unique.

drY Bridge One can find many interesting items on Dry Bridge, especially if you, like me, love stuff from the past. I always try to get there on weekendsthe busiest time. I might not buy anything but I always come back with interesting stories.

east PoiNt mall If I’m in the mood for convenience shopping, I choose East Point, saving myself time, and being able to shop in comfort.

to buy


Don’t Leave Georgia without Buying a... T-Shirt T-shirts make easy and affordable gifts. There are plenty of designs to choose from with unique “only in Georgia” slogans and images. Or you can easily get your own printed the same day at any one of the print shops on Chavchavadze and Rustaveli avenues. Check out some of those inspiring designs here!


to buy

New Tiflis By Beqa Kirtava

Photo: Tbilisi Development Fund CR If you visited Georgia during the past year, you might have caught a glimpse of the extensive reconstruction works that were ongoing on Aghmashenebeli Avenue over many months. As of September 26, within the framework of the “New Tiflis” project, Tbilisi City Hall and Tbilisi Development Fund finalized rehabilitation of the now pedestrian segment of the Avenue between Marjanishvili and Saarbriuken Squares. The first thing you should check out is the magnificent works of architecture. Over 47 buildings, 38 of which are cultural heritage sites, were restored to their original design and now flaunt vivid colors and exquisitely detailed ornaments. The exterior stands of the facilities are a part of the Popiashvili Gvaberidze Window Project, displaying extraordinary works of

art. The whole Avenue is one big museumyou’ll see modern artifacts all over the place. And if modern art is not your thing, you should check out the numerous antique shops which have a wide range of knick-knacks on display, alongside furniture and dazzling chandeliers. Flowers are a big part of the area. You’ll find them on the street, near the facility entrances, on the balconies, in the cafes- everywhere... And if you have a thing for plants, there’s a small flower shop on the street which has wide variety of seedlings despite its small size. You may find it surprising how many wedding dress shops you’ll find here. While it may not be the product most tourists are after, if you’re getting married

to buy

in Georgia, you should definitely check them out. Those dresses may not be high fashion, but will surely do the job nicely if you’re on a budget. Last but not least, you should definitely visit the Exhibition Hall of the State Folklore Center. Opened back in 2009, it has since hosted more than 25 large expositions. Depending on the event, you may find a variety of works there from paintings and photos to knit art and sculptures from Georgia’s various regions. The “New Tiflis” project is not entirely finished but by the end of the year there will be even more shops on the Avenue and, in 2017, Tbilisi City Hall plans to also fully renovate the Dry Bridge and Orbeliani Square territories to their former glory.


Listing: Construction Companies sVeti

jiKia house

lisi deVeloPmeNt

Address: 125 Nutsubidze Str. TEL 591 34 88 44, 591 24 88 44

Address: 1 A. Politkovskaia Str. TEL 591 90 90 70

Address: 2 Tiripebi Str. TEL 200 27 27

roYal grouP


Address: 1 Shevchenko Str., 9 Rustaveli Ave. TEL 243 23 93, 591 44 54 54

Address: 127 Gabriel Salosi Ave. TEL 274 04 04

greeN deVeloPmeNt m² Address: 3/5 E. Tatishvili Str. TEL 244 41 11

X2 deVeloPmeNt Address: 66 Lvovi Str. TEL 599 61 88 88

archi grouP Address: 15 Kipshidze Str. TEL 260 26 02

maqro coNstructioN

Address: 72a Kostava Ave. TEL 591 35 88 88, 591 36 88 88

Address: 154 D. Agmashenebeli Ave. TEL 255 22 77

tiFlis deVeloPmeNt


Address: 11 Apakidze Str. TEL 231 88 88

Address: 7 Pikaso Str. TEL 243 25 76, 558 333 777


metra deVeloPmeNt Address: 6 Z . Sakandelidze Str. TEL 223 75 75

orBi grouP Address: 12a Kazbegi Ave. TEL 555 35 00 00, 555 32 00 00

Address: 1 T. Abuladze Str. TEL 577 220 220

tsaVKisi ValleY Address: Tsavkisi Valley TEL 599 908 285

arci Address: 31 T. Abuladze Str. TEL 225 19 04

magi stYle

Address: 22 Panjikidze Str. TEL 200 10 10

Address: 10 Tamarashvili Str. TEL 239 75 01

mardi house


Address: 87 Tsagareli Str. TEL 568 60 60 60

Address: 71 Vazha Pshavela Ave. TEL 220 11 22



Address: 24 Al. Kazbegi Ave. TEL 224 17 17/18


iNsi tower

Address: 80 Chavchavadze Ave. TEL 2 90 50 50

to buy

Listing: Sport Shops timBerlaNd


Address: 26 Vazha Pshavela Ave., 29 Chavchavadze Ave. TEL 218 35 05

Address: 8 Vazha Pshavela Ave., 16th km. D. Agmashenebeli Alley, Tbilisi Mall Khizabavra Str., City Mall TEL 2383989

columBia, coNVerse & mustaNg Address: 16th km. D. Agmashenebeli Ave., Tbilisi Mall, 2 Tvalchrelidze Str., East Point TEL 220 28 88, 220 08 84, 220 08 85

magelaNi Address: 68 Mickevichi Str., 10 Vazha Pshavela Ave., 14a Pekini Ave. TEL 237 19 19, 237 01 03

NiKe Address: 8 Vazha Pshavela Ave, 2 Tvalchrelidze Str., East Point, 16th km. D. Agmashenebeli Alley, Tbilisi Mall TEL 299 57 10, 230 96 36

Xtreme Address: 3 Beliashvili Str. TEL 218 33 39, 236 86 36

New BalaNce Address: 20 Vazha Pshavela Ave. TEL 231 22 66

gaP Address: 16th km. D. Agmashenebeli Ave., Tbilisi Mall TEL 220 43 25

adidas Address: 8 Vazha Pshavela Ave., 1 Rustaveli Ave., 2 Tvalchrelidze Str., East Point, Khizabavra Str., City Mall TEL 293 45 31, 295 16 69, 238 39 70

to buy


Listing: Georgian Designer Stores aNuKa KeBuria


Address: 81 I. Abashidze Str. Tbilisi (show room) 24 Jordania Str. Batumi TEL 599 28 88 85 Facebook: Anuka Keburia Instagram ANUKAKEBURIA E-mail: anukakeburia@yahoo.com

Address: 22 Kote Apkhazi Str. TEL 0322 99 95 30 www.dotstbilisi.com

aKa NaNitashVili Address: 43 Paliashvili Str., Tbilisi 19 Mazniashvili Str., Batumi, 1 Pushkini Str., Kutaisi TEL 577 73 99 77 www.akananita.com

aVtaNdil Address: 29 K. Apkhazi Str., Tbilisi D. Agmashenebeli Alley 16th km., Tbilisi 14a Pekini Ave., Tbilisi 40 Rustaveli Str., Hotel Hilton Batumi TEL 291 33 29, 291 33 29 www.avtandil.com

aNouKi Address: 2 Tarkhnishvili Str. TEL 292 22 32 www.anouki.com

mariam gVasalia Address: 2 Borjomi Str. TEL 571 98 45 65

FashioN house materia Address: 22 Kote Apkhazi Str. TEL 299 68 18, 2475807 www.materia.ge



co.mode +

Address: Tavisupleba Sq., 13 Pushkini Str. TEL 224 21 01, 224 21 04

Address: 45 V. Barnov Str. TEL 595 36 03 60

maKa NatsVlishVili Address: 32 A. Tsagareli Str. TEL 570 500 950, 593 36 86 81

tiNatiN magalashVili weddiNg dresses Address: 44 M. Kostava Str. TEL 218 13 21, 599 20 55 95

samoseli PirVeli

george shagashVili Address: 3 Tamarashvili Str. TEL 222 62 28, 593 31 61 77

Address: 22 Chavchavadze Ave. TEL 223 43 63 www.samoselipirveli.ge

salome gViNiashVili

dalood tBilisi

Address: 42 Abashidze Str. TEL 570 10 22 00

Address: 23 Kostava Str. TEL 577 14 99 12

tamuNa iNgoroKVa Address: 13A Tamarashvili Str. TEL 291 28 72

eloshi Address: 10 Abashidze Str., 73 Barnovi Str. TEL 591 19 79 10

to buy

made iN georgia Address: 73 Barnovi Str. Tbilisi 48 M. Abashidze Str. Batumi

lalocarrdigaNs Address: 46 b Gogebashvili Str. TEL 579 72 55 11

laKo BuKia Address: 39 a Paliashvili Str. TEL 229 46 49

Art Galleries of Tbilisi gallerY VaNda Address: 14 Chonkadze Str. TEL 293 42 86, 599 56 99 71

gallerY “cameo”

art gallerY ahuNdoV house Address: 17 Gorgasali Str. TEL 275 02 07

Address: 11 Rkinis Rigi TEL 272 48 72, 93 31 92 66, 232 08 76

tBc art gallerY

VerNissage gallerY

euroPe house

Address: 49 K. Apkhazi Str. 299 88 08

Baia gallerY Address: 10 Shardeni Str. TEL 275 45 10, 599 50 53 02

chardiN art gallerY Address: 13 Rustaveli Ave. (Hotel “Tbilisi Marriott“) TEL 299 09 25

lado teVdoradze art gallerY

Address: 7 Marjanishvili St. TEL 227 27 27

Address: 1 Freedom Sq. TEL 247 03 12

home gallerY

Address: 14 Ingorokva Str. TEL 299 57 23

gala gallerY Address: 27 Atoneli Str. TEL 577 43 40 60, 599 42 54 14

tBc art gallerY

lado gudiashVili eXhiBitioN hall

sFumato gallerY

Address: 10 Radiani Str. TEL 599 01 38 38

The artistic world of Niko Kherkeladze is very individualistic, sincere and refined, mostly painted in pastel shades that bring life to the works. Niko Kherkeladze has been awarded with the Prix d’ Honneur du Salon Carrousel du Louvre for his painting “Pirosnami”

gamreKeli gallerY

Address: 7 Marjanishvili St. TEL 599 25 56 00

gallerY coNtaiNer

(Niko Kherkeladze Gallery) Address: 8/10 Erekle II Str. TEL 591 17 67 65 boxell@ymail.com www.niko-kherkeladze.com

Address: 13 Betlemi Str. TEL 555 15 38 11

6 Erekle II Str. TEL 298 98 56

Address: 11 L. Gudiashvili Str. TEL 293 23 05

Palitra gallerY

Address: 19 Ingorokva Str. TEL 577 11 22 04, 599 54 87 37

eNamel art gallerY “orNameNt” Address: 7 Erekle II Str. TEL 293 64 12, 298 90 13


ars saloN Address: 69 Barnovi Str. TEL 229 43 31, 214 39 94, 593 303 245

to buy

Address: 7 Bambis Rigi TEL 591 40 98 47, 591 40 98 68




Tbilisi Map. Designed at the request of the Georgian National Tourism Administration for non-commercial purposes.






Business Listing banks

Procredit BaNK

Progress BaNK

Pasha BaNK

Address: 154 Agmashenebeli Ave. TEL 220 22 22 www.procreditbank.ge

Address: 8 Baratashvili Str. TEL 599 50 11 44, 232 00 44 www.progressbank.ge

BaNK rePuBlic

halYK BaNK

Address: 2 Gr. Abashidze Str. TEL 292 55 55 www.republic.ge

Address: 74 Kostava Str. TEL 224 07 07 www.hbg.ge

BaNK oF georgia


Address: 15 Rustaveli Ave. TEL 226 50 00 www.pashabank.ge

Address: 29a Gagarin Str. TEL 244 44 44 www.bankofgeorgia.ge

liBertY BaNK Address: 74 Chavchavadze Ave. TEL 255 55 00 www.libertybank.ge

PASHA Bank is a Baku-based financial institution operating in Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey, providing a full range of corporate and investment banking services to large and mediumsized enterprises. PASHA Bank has been operating in Georgia since 2013 and during our short time of operation we have received positive feedback from our customers due to the high-quality service we provide and our exclusive business approach. The Bank is a part of PASHA Holding - a diversified investment group with the total assets of approximately USD 5 billion as of December 2015.


BasisBaNK Address: 1 Ketevan Tsamebuli Ave. TEL 2921 921, 922 922 www.basisbank.ge

VtB BaNK georgia Address: 14 G. Tchanturia Str. TEL 250 55 05 www.vtb.com.ge

tBc BaNK Address: 7 Marjanishvili Str. TEL 227 27 27 www.tbcbank.com.ge

Bta BaNK Address: 73a Tsereteli Ave. TEL 2242 242 www.bta.ge

Address: 3 Queen Ketevan Ave. TEL 255 00 00 www.terabank.ge

FiNca BaNK georgia

Address: 71 Vazha-Pshavela Ave. TEL 220 74 10/11 www.finca.ge

Fuel companies gulF Address: 34 Chavchavadze Ave. TEL 249 644 4 www.gulf.ge


Address: 74 Chavchavadze Ave., TEL 249 64 44 www.wissol.ge

romPetrol georgia Address: 19 Gamrekeli Str. TEL 291 07 27, 291 07 78, 291 00 27, 240 00 25, 224 04 44 www.rompetrol.ge

socar georgia Petrolium

TEL 277 01 77 www.geocell.ge

aXis towers

Address: 24 300 Aragveli Str. TEL 2 43 92 75, 243 97 77 www.sgp.ge

caucasus oNliNe

Address: 24 Kazbegi Ave. TEL 224 17 17 www.axistowers.ge

pharmacies eVeX medical corPoratioN Address: 40 Vazha Pshavela Ave. TEL 255 05 05 www.evex.ge

PsP grouP Address: 148/3 D. Agmashenebeli Ave. TEL 240 20 20, 218 51 11 www.psp.ge

aVersi Address: 148 Agmashenebeli Ave. TEL 296 72 27, 296 72 27 www.aversi.ge

gPc Address: 6 Sanapiro Str. Tel.: 294 07 40 www.gpc.ge

communications companies magticom Address: 7 A. Politkovskaya Str. TEL 217 17 17, 217 17 77

BeeliNe Address: 8 Gorgasali Str. TEL 2 20 06 11 www.beeline.ge

geocell Address: 3 Gotua Str.

Address: 37 Vazha-Pshavela Str. TEL 220 00 00 www.co.ge

silKNet Address: 95 Tsinamzgvrishvili Str. TEL 2 10 00 00 www.silknet.com

construction and real estate companies maqro coNstructioN Address: 22 Panjikidze Str. (Former Budapest) TEL 200 10 10 www.maqro.ge

redco Address: 1 T. Abuladze Str. TEL 577 242 091 www.redco.ge

lisi deVeloPmeNt Address: M. Machavariani Str. TEL 200 27 27, 595 134 134, 248 47 44 www.lisi.ge

rediX Address: 71 Vazha-Pshavela Ave. TEL 220 11 22 www.redix.ge

archi grouP Address: 15 Kipshidze Str. TEL 260 26 02 www.archi.ge

AXIS Towers is a project set to become the face of modern future Tbilisi, introducing totally new standards and requirements for a better lifestyle in Georgia. AXIS Towers consists of five lines of development: residential, hotel, office, commercial and entertainment spaces combined. People who live, work or rest here do not have to leave the complex for high quality service, shopping, entertainment, etc. as this is a “town in town,” implemented by Georgian specialists in cooperation with global partners. The construction of AXIS Towers was launched in 2006. In 2015, the development company “AXIS” and Georgian Co-Investment fund recommenced the construction, which will be completed by the end of 2017.


as georgia Address: 127 Beri Gabriel Salosi Ave. TEL 274 04 04 www.dirsi.ge

m2 Address: 29 Chavchavadze Str TEL 244 41 11 www.m2.ge

metra deVeloPmeNt Address: 26 Z. Sakandelidze Str. TEL 223 75 75 www.metra.ge

metrocitY Address: Lech and Maria Kachinsky Str., Batumi TEL 577 14 17 14 www.metrocity.ge

hausart Address: 11B, Vazha-Pshavela Ave. TEL 293 04 56 www.hausart.ge

sVeti Address: Poti Str. 14 TEL 591 34 88 44, 790 34 88 44 www.sveti.ge

chambers americaN chamBer oF commerce iN georgia Address: 36a Lado Asatiani Str. TEL 222 69 07 www.amcham.ge


israel-georgia chamBer oF BusiNess Address: 4 Freedom Sq. TEL 299 70 35, 299 70 36

ardi Address: 3 Vazha-Pshavela Ave. TEL 210 10 10 www.ardi.ge



Address: 29, Polikarpe Kakabadze Str. Address: Near the Funicular TEL 298 81 76, 292 02 31, 599 39 98 33 www.icc.ge

gPi holdiNg

the chamBer oF commerce aNd iNdustrY FraNce-georgia

Address: 173 Agmashenebeli Ave. TEL 242 22 22 www.kopenbur.ge

Address: 67 Kostava Str. TEL 250 51 11 www.gpih.ge

ic grouP

Address: 85 Paliashvili Str. TEL 222 69 40, 599 70 27 61 www.ccifg.ge

Address: 24 Mosashvili Str. TEL 220 88 88 www.icgroup.ge

georgiaN chamBer oF commerce aNd iNdustrY

imedi l

Address: 29 Berdznis Str. TEL 269 47 47 www.gcci.ge

British-georgiaN chamBer oF commerce Address: 4 Besiki Str. TEL 32214 70 79 www.bgcc.org.uk

insurance companies aldagi Address: 3 Pushkini Str. TEL 244 49 99 www.aldagi.ge

Address: 3/5 E. Tatishvili Str. TEL 292 22 22 www.imedil.ge

advisory services erNst & YouNg www.ey.com

Pricewaterhouse cooPers Address: 7 Bambis Rigi Str. TEL 250 80 50 www.pwc.com.ge

Blc Address: 4 Gudiashvili Sq. TEL 292 24 91, 292 00 86 www.blc.ge

eristaVi law grouP Address: 6 G. Saakadze Descent TEL 220 00 11 www.ep.ge

graNt thorNtoN Address: 61 D. Aghmashenebeli Ave. TEL 2 0 44 06, 214 34 54 www.grantthornton.ge

deloitte & touche Address: 36a Lado Asatiani Str. TEL 224 45 66 www2.deloitte.com

gViNadze & PartNers Address: 44 K. Abkhazi Str. TEL 243 89 70 www.gvinadzeandpartners.ge

dla PiPer Address: 10 Melikishvili Str. TEL 250 93 00 www.dlapiper.com

clinics medical ceNtre eXtra Address: 68 Chubinashvili Str. TEL 2 22 21 55, 571 89 81 18, 574 44 14 14

hera eurotest Address: 34 Abuladze Str. TEL 2 25 82 58

mediNVest Address: 44/5 Paliashvili Str. TEL 225 19 60

daVid tatishVili medical ceNtre Address: 20 Abuladze Str. TEL 291 31 19, 291 32 42, 225 39 38

geoswiss medical ceNtre Address: 5 Pekini Str. TEL 236 33 64, 225 08 38

gidmedi Plus

Bgi adVisorY serVices georgia

Address: 3 Larsi Lane TEL 220 25 15, 291 32 19

Address: 18 Rustaveli Avenue, II Floor, TEL 470 747 www.bgi.ge

New hosPitals

Bdo Address: 2 I. Tarkhnishvili Str. TEL 254 58 45 www.bdo.ge

mKd Address: 71 Vazha-Pshavela Ave., floor 4th, office 24 TEL 255 38 80, 297 38 80 www.mkd.ge

Address: 12 Krtsanisi Str. TEL 219 01 01, 219 01 02

todua cliNic

KuzaNoV cliNic Address: 5 Pekini Str. TEL 242 40 05, 555 40 20 20

health ceNter Address: 14b Kazbegi Ave. TEL 214 44 05, 214 44 02

house oF theraPY Address: 72 Guramishvili Ave. TEL 261 01 89, 260 84 69, 265 40 46

Plastic surgerY cliNic medi Address: 52 Kostava Str. TEL 291 00 00 Address: 42 Moskovi Ave. TEL 2 71 04 04 Address: 7 A. Pekini Str. TEL 2 904 904, Address: 57 Tsereteli Ave. TEL 235 05 19 Address: 26 Chavchavadze Ave. TEL 225 02 02 Address: 46 Vaja Pashavela Ave. TEL 278 88 88 Address: 50 Paliashvili Str. TEL 225 80 02 Address: 82 Agmashenebeli Ave. TEL 295 31 91 Address: Gldani, Business Center Mariami TEL 267 00 00 info@medi.ge

Address: 13 T. Mgvdeli Str. TEL 294 02 89, 234 49 23, 235 20 49, 235 71 26

americaN medical ceNters Address: 11 Dimitri Arakishvili Str. TEL 250 00 20


Bela metreVeli esthetic gYNecologY ceNter Address: 4a Pekini Ave. TEL 599 233523, 223 80 43 Mail: gynecologyst.metreveli@gmail.com

georgiaN-germaN cliNic medhouse Address: 7 M. Abashidze Str. TEL 570 10 22 66, 568 05 03 03



Address: 12 Km. Agmashenebeli Alley TEL 2 101 100

time zoNe

medihelP Address: 13 Kipshidze Str. TEL 243 43 10, 596 11 43 43

graNdmedi Address: 69 Nutsubidze Str. TEL 2 368 777, 597 13 88 77

caraPs medliNe

chachaVa cliNic

Address: 48 Ljubljana Str. TEL 222 44 17, 251 60 60

Address: 38 Kostava Str. TEL 295 33 11, 298 73 39

GMT + 4

curreNcY Georgian Lari. One Lari is divided into 100 Tetris.

emergeNcY - 112 112 can be dialed free of charge from most mobile telephones and, in some countries, fixed telephones in order to reach emergency services (ambulance, fire and rescue, police).

tBilisi iNterNatioNal airPort TEL 231 03 41

Kutaisi iNterNatioNal airPort TEL 0431 23 70 00

georgiaN railwaY TEL 1331, 219 90 10

georgiaN NatioNal tourism admiNistratioN Doctors you’ll recommend European and US physicians Preventative and Acute Care All English-speaking staff

Treating you, differently Home or Office Visits More quality time with your doctor 24/7 phone or email consults

International Direct billing to most insurance groups Certified Visa centers Modern and accessible clinics

Address: 4 Sanapiro Str. TEL 243 69 99

dialiNg code: +995 32


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