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5 The US’s Necessary Rival: China



Since the 1990s, the US has had trouble determining what its position in the world should be. The end of the Soviet Union propelled anti-imperialist thinking and the need to return to normalcy. The US compounded those fears about its position, presenting as if it needed a rival to revitalize itself and prove once again that its presence was needed on the global stage. China could now play the role of that necessary rival.

It will be a short and simple story. The US, in a long and arduous Cold War with the Soviet Union, served as a security guarantor for smaller liberal countries. The latter put up with the occasional excesses of American power. Its preponderance was often irritating, but it did not cause structural failures within the liberal internationalism. The fear of being gobbled up by the rival communist ideology and being overrun by the Soviet military power served as a glue for the America-led alliances and various structures, be they NATO or the fi nancial bodies of the epoch.

Much has changed since the 1990s. Motivators, such as the threat of communism, for the smooth working and cohesion of international liberalism, have disappeared. Yet, the outside, globalized order, by extreme pace of inclusion of new members, has lost the effi ciency the system was characterized with. Thence come various theories contending the decline of the US global clout and the liberal order overall. To this should be added the rise of contenders.

China and to a lesser degree Russia, are primary challengers, and there is no doubt about that. But both are necessary rivals, China in particular. Surprisingly, without such a large and competitive contender, the hope for a successfully continuous liberal order with its various treaties, bargains and alliances, would be futile.

China appeared at a crucial time, with liberal internationalism experiencing a crisis and seeking motivators to persevere. The Russian threat is not big enough to unanimously unite the Westerners and America-allied Asian democracies. But China is. It represents a challenge even not so much directly militarily as ideological, as it helps many states across the globe, those who held America in contempt for its unipolarity, to rebalance and use China to increase their bargaining position.

This also means that we live in a transitory period, when talks about China’s imminent victory over the US seem unscrupulous, as do the upbeat sentiments in the collective West arguing that the China challenge is of short-term signifi cance. In short, both states are testing each other and gearing up for stiffer competition, which by no means indicates that a direct military clash will take place. This, however, does not preclude a proxy war in third countries, primarily across the Indo-Pacifi c region.

China-US competition will also increase the pace of regionalization of the international system. Some might even argue that the emergence of spheres of infl uence might be taking place.

The China challenge is fundamental for other reasons too. Firstly, unlike the Soviet Union, China operates from within the order upheld by the US. It makes it diffi cult for Washington to build an immediate coalition against Beijing, as too many blowbacks, both economic and purely geopolitical, are likely to follow for America itself and its allies. But “operating from within” also makes China vulnerable, as it has to adhere to rules when pressured collectively and consistently.

The China challenge is also about something greater. It has shown it can harness modernity. What was deemed as an asset peculiar only to the West, because progress was considered a direct result of liberal norms and vice-versa, is now being mastered by illiberal China. An anachronism for Westerners, normalcy for the Chinese.

Illiberal states headed by China are now building an illiberal movement – illiberalism, which is being elevated to the level of a new ideology. Surprisingly, this is also a boon for the US, for its motivations and its ability to restructure the world order, lest it loses infl uence because of its inactivity or pursuit of unipolarity. Casting the competition from a rival in ideological terms is an important component for motivating America’s resolve. This happened in the Cold War, and unfolded again in the Bush era when the crusade against terrorism was announced.

Though often denigrated as unstable and seen as a stage in the evolution towards liberal-democratic ordnance, modern illiberalism with trappings of modern technologies is more resilient and might even be a longer term challenge than crude communism. Failure to deliver on its promises killed the communist dream; failure to deliver in authoritarianism might not bring down the order as quickly as some would think. It is essentially the rise of counterenlightenment considered as a return to the normalcy in human and state relations when primacy of state is back and democratic bickering is thought to be more time-consuming.

Nevertheless, the China challenge – the necessary one – will help the US keep and restructure its alliance system. Threats to the US in Eurasia will persist and even increase. As this unfolds so will the logic of alliance building. Eventually the powerful China will help mend trans-Atlantic ties. It could even be argued that in the longer term, a certain rapprochement with Russia might take place. This will be short of luring Moscow into a fully blown alliance directed against the Chinese, but it is also what the Kremlin will salute as it would allow the Russians be more manoeuvrable in their foreign policy – after all, with the fi xation on the West now gone, no-one in the Kremlin wants a new geopolitical fi xation on China.

America’s failures are often exaggerated. The superpower could lose a war. It could signal a trend, but so far the US, despite losing wars and resistance from within its alliance structures, has managed to preserve its omnipotence. Surely this position of America causes jealousies, attempts at balancing by other powers, and even outright hostility, but the scholarly trends towards describing America’s power as decidedly declining could be as incorrect as stating unchanged the continuity of Washington’s geopolitical stature. With China appearing as a competitor, the US could revitalize its pursuit of liberal order. The latter might expand, as in the 1990s, but the consolidation in the lands of democracies is what is likely to follow. For the US to operate in the manner of unipolarity would be more damaging than when it faces rivals. China could make the US operate within the boundaries of the liberal order as much as it did in the Cold War era. This brings respect from its democratic peers and shows the necessity to work with Washington.

Image source: eetasia.com

“Peace, Stability, Prosperity” - Georgian PM Meets with President of Azerbaijan to Boost Georgia’s Role as Regional Mediator

The Armenian PM on a visit to Tbilisi on September 8. Source: 1TV


On Wednesday, Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili paid a visit to Azerbaijan and was hosted by President Ilham Aliyev.

A meeting of the Intergovernmental Economic Commission chaired by the prime ministers of Georgia and the Republic of Azerbaijan was held, after which memorandums of cooperation were signed.

The Georgian delegation, led by the Prime Minister, included Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs Davit Zalkaliani, Minister of Economy and Sustainable Development Natia Turnava, and Head of the Government Administration Ilia Darchiashvili.

The Georgian PM spoke about President Aliyev on Imedi TV prior to his visit, noting the two countries’ good relations.

“We have a good relationship and, most importantly, we have trust. When there is trust between countries and leaders, I think all issues can be resolved. I have a similar relationship with Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, and I plan to visit Armenia in the near future. I will do as much as possible to play a useful role between the two countries.”

The visit of Prime Minister Garibashvili to the Republic of Azerbaijan began with a meeting with President Ilham Aliyev, where they emphasized the issue of strategic partnership and active political dialogue between the two countries, as well as intensive trade and economic cooperation.

“Our relations are benefi cial not only for our nations, but for the region as a whole," Aliyev told Garibashvili. “The statistics show we have made signifi cant progress in terms of economic and trade turnover. Georgia's positive investment environment and economic reforms are very promising for us, thanks to which many social and economic problems have been solved.”

The Georgian Prime Minister noted that Georgia is interested in strengthening bilateral political, economic, cultural, and other ties with Azerbaijan, as well as peace and stability in the region, which will ensure economic development for all three countries.

“Our interests include peace and stability in the region, which ensures strong economic development. This is my second visit to Azerbaijan this year. Next, we will discuss issues related to our future plans. I am sure that this meeting will be very fruitful," Garibashvili said.

On September 27, the Georgian PM announced plans for Georgia to serve as a mediator between Armenia and Azerbaijan following on from last year’s Second Nagorno-Karabakh War.

“We offer mediation to our brotherly states, our Azerbaijani and Armenian brothers,” he said. “We set a really rare precedent in June when our country successfully conducted a peacekeeping operation through mediation, the release of 15 detained Armenian soldiers through negotiations and mediation, as well as handing over maps of territories mined by Armenia to Azerbaijan. There has not been a similar precedent for 30 years where Georgia mediated between two countries, our neighbors, and was able to do so successfully,” Garibashvili said. The PM noted that the initiative is connected with the continuation of this process at a higher level, adding that he is offering this mediation platform to the Azerbaijanis and Armenians in Tbilisi. Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan last visited Tbilisi on September 8, at which time the PM stated: “The Karabakh War was certainly a real challenge for our region, but now that I have become familiar with the Prime Minister’s new vision, I believe that this challenge can be transformed into a new opportunity, an opportunity that will bring prosperity to Armenia and the Armenian people. I would also like to say that the stability of Armenia is very important for us, both politically and economically, and it is directly related to the stability of our country and the region in general. Therefore, I would like to put our common regional goal in three words – it is peace, stability, and prosperity, which unites all three countries of the region,” he said.

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