Dear UAC Members and Supporters, Welcome to spring! We hope that you will be successful in filling positions to grow your businesses this year, a challenge to most of our companies. If you’ve been reading the weekly Capitol Connections legislative reports, From left: Mary Kay Woodworth, John you may have noticed Hatfield, and Ron White celebrate the weekly poll Chattahoochee Tech's hort program's question, surveying national re-accreditation from NALP. our members about timely issues (see more survey results on page 36). In reply to the question “With near record unemployment, are you able to find the workers needed for your business?” the responses were: 7%
So far, so good!
17% It's tough, but we'll make it work. 63% It is almost impossible to find the workers I need.
Our legislators continue to show that they are not serious about addressing these issues and finding real solutions. The continuing effort by our industry leaders, educators and associations to elevate and promote our industry as an excellent career choice, at a high level, and retention and automation at the ground level, are what we can do today. UAC continues to participate in workforce development engaging activities, specifically the annual CEFGA Student Career
Finally, congratulations to John Hatfield, Lead Instructor and Faculty Advisor of Chattahoochee Tech’s horticulture
So, what’s the solution? I’ve met with and talked to business owners the past few months, and there is consensus that there is no silver bullet, magic wand, or lottery prize that creates more workers. UAC MAGAZINE | SPRING 2019
Investing in your employees through continued education and training is critical, and we hope that the online UAC Safety School (available to our business-level members) and other educational opportunities that we offer our members are important and helpful to you. I’d like to thank you for the outstanding support of our first-ever Landscape Pro University on January 30! This new educational event was very well received - the attendance and engagement were excellent and we very much appreciate the positive feedback provided. Despite the warning of an impending ice/ snow storm, the weather agreed with us and the event proceeded without a hitch! The attendees cited the wide-range of topics available, the great location, and the excellent professional instructors that were offered. Exhibitors overwhelmingly approved of the new event, and we welcomed over 700 landscape, turf, and horticulture professionals - including the 500 who attended the educational sessions and met with exhibitors. Landscape Pro University proved to be a winning coalition with UAC and SiteOne Landscape Supply, and we appreciate their support.
13% I’m in desperate need of workers. We are losing jobs due to shortages.
Expo “World of Landscape & Landscape Construction,” outreach to guidance counselors and educators at all levels (elementary, middle, secondary and post graduate), and through our association with the National Association of Landscape Professionals (NALP). NALP has recently developed the Landscape Management Apprenticeship Program, registered by the Department of Labor, which offers new career paths through paid apprenticeships with landscape companies that include on-the-job training. They are also working on several other apprenticeship programs. We applaud their efforts and encourage you to explore this opportunity. More information about this program can be found in the article on page 32 of this issue.