// 01
// 02
V elkommen // W elcome
Godt håndværk siden 1756
Craftsmanship since 1756
Georg Jensen Damask er en kulturbærer af både dansk designtradition og håndværkshistorie. Vores historie bygger på stolte vævetraditioner siden begyndelsen i 1756, men der har været vævere i familien bag Georg Jensen Damask helt tilbage til 1500-tallet. Dengang og nu er vævningen baseret på godt håndværk, der holder fra generation til generation.
Georg Jensen Damask is a culture bearer within Danish design tradition as well as the history of craft. Our history is built on proud weaving traditions since the early beginning in 1756, but members of the family behind Georg Jensen Damask have been weavers all the way back to the 1500s. Now and back then, the weaving has been based on good craftsmanship lasting from generation to generation.
Gennem tiden har vi arbejdet sammen med nogle af de mest anerkendte vævere, designere og arkitekter som f.eks. Arne Jacobsen, Cecilie Manz, Andreas Engesvik, Margrethe Odgaard og mange flere. Endvidere har vi adskillige projekter i samarbejde med Kongehuset bag os og kan med stolthed kalde os ’Kongelig Hofleverandør’.
In the course of time, we have worked together with some of the most well-known weavers, designers and architects in their field for example Arne Jacobsen, Cecilie Manz, Andreas Engesvik, Margrethe Odgaard and many more. Furthermore, we have been involved in several projects with The Royal House and are proud of our title ’Purveyor to Her Majesty The Queen of Denmark’.
// 03
indhold // content
nyhed til bordet underspi llet luksus Nye tern fra manz vores oprindelse MELERET NYHED NYT KLØVERdesign nyhed stue sOVEVÆRELSE BØRN Køkken badevære lse tilbehør VORES DESIGNERE mange tak til
// 04
06 09 10 13 14 17 18 23 31 35 39 45 49 53 54
new design for the table understated luxury new checks from manz our origin NEW HEATHERED DESIGN new clover design new design livingroom BEDROOM KIDS Kitchen bathroom accessories OUR DESIGNERS A special thanks to
PLAIN napkins, White and Grey
Vores kollektion, vores arv
Our collection, our heritage
Hør er en del af vores oprindelse og vores stolthed. Tilbage i 1800-tallet og tidligere, vævede Georg Jensen Damask alt i hør. Nu præsenterer vi igen en hørvævet kollektion som en hyldest til vores fortid. Hør er en del af vores DNA, og den velkendte damaskvævede kvalitet er en bærende del af vores identitet. Begge har en stor plads i vores hjerter og i SS17 kollektionen.
Linen is a part our origin and our pride. Back in the 1800s and earlier, every piece was linen-woven and now we are presenting a new linen collection as a tribute to our past. Linen is a part of our DNA, and the wellknown damask woven quality is an essential part of our identity. Both have a big place in our hearts and in the SS17 collection.
// 05
n y hed ti l bordet // new design for the ta ble
PLAIN tablecloth, Grey
PLAIN dug, 100% hør Denne smukke hørdug er en nyhed i kollektionen. Den er rustik og gør sig godt på bordet både ude og inde. Det satinvævede materiale er både blødt og tungt, men først og fremmest luksuriøst. En af fordelene ved hør er, at dugen har et elegant look, selvom den ikke er nystrøget. PLAIN dugen matcher vores PLAIN hørservietter, og begge er med broderet logo. Fås i farven Grey.
// 06
PLAIN tablecloth, 100% Linen This beautiful tablecloth is new in the collection. It has a rustic look and suits any table both inside and outside. The satin woven material is both soft and heavy, but also very luxurious. One of the advantages of linen is that it has an elegant look even though it is not newly ironed. PLAIN tablecloth matches our PLAIN linen napkins, both with an embroidered logo. Available in the colour Grey.
// 07 PLAIN tablecloth, Grey
// LINEN 08 kimono, Blue/Sand and Sand/Off-white
under s pi llet luks us // u nder stated lu xu ry
LINEN bed linen, Washed Blue and Patinate Grey
LINEN sengetøj, 100% hør Hør er et stærkt materiale, som absorberer og frigiver fugt hurtigt, hvilket gør det særligt behageligt at sove i. Det tilpasser sig årstiden, så sengetøjet føles lunt om vinteren og køligt om sommeren. Hør bliver kun blødere vask efter vask og får et på én gang blødt og tungt, men samtidig luksuriøst look. Fås i farverne Washed Blue og Patinate Grey
LINEN bed linen, 100% Linen Linen is a strong material absorbing and releasing moisture faster than any other textile, which makes it extremely comfortable to sleep in. Furthermore, it adapts to the change of seasons, so the bedding feels warm in winter and cool in summer. Linen becomes softer wash after wash giving it a soft, heavy, and very luxurious look. Available in Washed Blue and Patinate Grey.
LINEN kimono, 100% hør Vores nye hørkimono er vævet i en smuk meleret kvalitet, der giver et særligt spil i kimonoens overflade. Snittet er klassisk, tungt og levende, tilsat fine detaljer som små pipings i reversen og med broderet logo på brystet. En moderne klassiker, der kun bliver blødere med tiden. Fås i farverne Blue/Sand og Sand/Off-white.
LINEN kimono, 100% Linen Our new linen kimono is woven in a beautiful heathered quality that gives a special effect to the surface of the kimono. The cut is classic heavy and lively, with fine details such as small pipings in the lapel and an embroidered logo on the chest. A modern classic that only gets softer with time. Available in Blue/Sand and Sand/Off-white.
// 09
N y e tern fra man z // new checks from manz
RAIN 1 tea towel
// 10
RAIN 3 tea towel
RAIN 20 tea towel
RAIN 1,3 & 20, 100% hør Det ternede design er næsten arketypisk, når man tænker på viskestykker. RAIN er Cecilie Manz’ fortolkning af de klassiske, ternede viskestykker og består af tre forskellige designs. Fra en helt enkel version med en enkelt line i hver retning til flere linjer, og et mere varieret udtryk af tern.
RAIN 1,3 & 20, 100% Linen The checked design is almost archetypical, when it comes to tea towels. The RAIN design is an interpretation by Cecilie Manz of the classic checked tea towel, which consists of three different designs. From a very simple version with just two lines to a more varied expression of checkers.
”Jeg ser dem som tre gamle tanter. De hænger sammen og ligner hinanden, men er alligevel helt forskellige” Cecilie Manz
”They are like three old aunts. They belong together and look like each other, but are still very individual” Cecilie Manz
RAIN er vævet i 100% hør – et materiale Cecilie Manz er meget begejstret for. Hun har en forkærlighed for den naturlige hørfarve, som her er vævet med en hvid tråd for at skabe en levende meleret overflade. Med elegante streger i den klassiske køkkenblå farve. Et smukt design i al sin enkelhed.
RAIN is woven from 100% linen, a material that Cecilie Manz is very fond of. She has a preference for the natural linen colour, which here is woven with a single white thread that gives the surface a heathered look. With elegant and classic kitchen blue lines. A beautiful design in all its simplicity.
Hør er et materiale, der kan gå begge veje. Det kan være stivet og fremstå næsten royalt, men det kan også være krøllet og casual. Materialet passer desuden godt til køkkenet, fordi hør har særligt gode tørreegenskaber.
Linen has a texture that can go both ways. It can be starched and appear almost royal, but it can also be wrinkled and casual. Linen is well suited for the kitchen because of the material’s exceptional drying capacity.
// 11 RAIN 1,3 & 20 tea towels, Blue Stripe
LINEN dish cloth and tea towels, Light Grey, Dark Grey and Blue Shadow
// 12
vores oprindelse // ou r origin
LINEN viskestykke og karklud, 100% hør Da Rikke og Kasper Salto startede med at arbejde sammen med os, blev de meget begejstrede for vores DNA og historie, hvor hør spillede en stor rolle i vores oprindelse. Siden da har vores fælles mission været at bringe hør tilbage i køkkenet og på den måde binde fortid og fremtid sammen ved at kombinere et enkelt og moderne udtryk med vores mangeårige erfaring med vævningen.
LINEN tea towel and dishcloth, 100% Linen When Rikke and Kasper Salto first started working with us, they were fascinated by our DNA and our history where linen is an integrated part of our origin. Since then, the common mission has been to bring linen back in the kitchen and bind together our past and our future by combining a very modern expression with our many years of experience with weaving.
Sammen med Rikke og Kasper har vi været igennem mange prøver, før vi fandt den rette vævning til vores køkkentekstiler. Resultatet er LINEN viskestykke og LINEN karklud, med en vaffelvævet struktur, som har exceptionel tørreevne, holder godt på vandet og er nem at vride op. Det giver endvidere god mening at bringe hør ind i køkkenet, fordi det har særligt gode antiseptiske egenskaber. Hør er slidstærkt og ældes med ynde, hvilket er vigtigt, fordi køkkentekstiler er noget, som vi bruger hver dag. I farverne Blue Shadow, Light Grey og Dark Grey.
In cooperation with Rikke and Kasper, we have tested lots of samples, before deciding on a weaving. The result is LINEN tea towel and LINEN dish cloth with a waffle woven structure, which has exceptional drying capacity, holds water and is easy to wring out. It makes good sense to bring linen back into the kitchen due to the material’s anticeptic advantages. Linen is a hardwearing material aging gracefully, which is important because we use kitchen textiles every day. In the colours Blue Shadow, Light Grey og Dark Grey.
Rikke og Kasper Salto
// 13
SOLID tablecloth, Navy
SOLID dug SOLID dugen er en lærredsvævet bomuldsdug i en kraftig kvalitet, som navnet også antyder. Den passer perfekt til et veldækket bord i hverdagen. Dugen er som skabt til forårets og sommerens hyggestunder udenfor, men kan naturligvis også bruges indenfor. Den er vævet i en meleret kvalitet, som giver et flot spil i dugen. Fås i farven Navy.
// 14
SOLID tablecloth SOLID tablecloth is a plain woven cotton tablecloth in a solid quality, as the name also implies. It suits a well-set table in your everyday life. The tablecloth is perfect for good times out-side during spring and summer, but is of course also suitable for indoor use. The heathered quality adds a special effect to the surface of the tablecloth. Available in the colour Navy.
// 15 SOLID tablecloth, Navy
// 16 CLOVER bed linen, Rye
N YT KLØV E R de sign // new clover design
CLOVER sengetøj Rikke Hagen har i vores samarbejde været inspireret af de hulkort, vi tidligere brugte i væveprocessen. Hulkortene minder meget om pixels, der er tættere på den digitale verden, som hun normalt færdes i. CLOVER designet er ifølge Rikke et udtryk for den moderne digitale verden, der møder det gamle håndværk. Kløverblomsten i pixels er det enkle motiv på sengetøjet. En blomst, der i Rikke Hagens optik er en overset og anonym blomst, som fortjener lidt ekstra opmærksomhed. Kløverbladet og jagten på det lykkebringende firkløver kender vi til gengæld alle. Og det er denne leg, der har været inspirationen til designet. Et design, hvor legen med prikker (eller pixels) får den hvide kløverblomst til at blomstre. Fås i farverne Rye og Cloud Blue.
CLOVER bed linen In our cooperation with Rikke Hagen, she has been inspired by the punch cards, earlier used in the weaving process. Punch cards have a strong resemblance to pixels, which are closer to the digital world that Rikke is more familiar with. The CLOVER design is an expression of the meeting between the modern digital world and good old craftsmanship. The clover flower shaped by pixels is the simple motif on the bedding. An anonymous and overlooked flower which according to Rikke Hagen deserves just as much attention as the lucky four-leaf, we all know and go hunting for, when we get the chance. It is this kind of playful behaviour that has been the inspiration of the design. A design in which the play with dots (or pixels) makes the white clover flower bloom. Available in the colours Rye and Cloud Blue.
Designer Rikke Hagen Den danske designer Rikke Hagen ønsker at være i krydsfeltet mellem design og håndværk. Det er her, ideer kommer til live, når det sker i en konstruktiv dialog mellem designer og producent. Rikke er uddannet fra Danmarks Designskole i 1998, og har en Master i design fra KADK, fra 2013. Designer Rikke Hagen The Danish Designer Rikke Hagen interests lie at the intersection between design and craftsmanship. It is where ideas come alive when constructive dialogue between designer and manufacturer takes place. Rikke graduated from the Danish Design School in 1998, and she has a Master degree in design form KADK from 2013.
// 17
ny hed // new design
POINTS tea towels, Clear Sky and Thunder
POINTS viskestykke POINTS er vores nye viskestykke, i farver der matcher sæsonen. Viskestykket er vævet i den velkendte kombination af hør og bomuld. De store cirkler, der karakteriserer designet, består af linjer, der tilsammen giver de runde punkter, som POINTS er navngivet efter. Alle er vævet med en kontrast strib, som giver kant til designet. I farverne Thunder, Spring Leaves og Clear Sky.
// 18
POINTS tea towel POINTS is our new tea towel in colours matching the season. The tea towel is woven in our well-known combination of linen and cotton. The big circles that characterise the design are lines, which together create the round points. All woven with a stripe in a contrasting colour adding an edgy look to the design. Available in the colours Thunder, Spring Leaves and Clear Sky.
ny hed // new design
FADE terry, White, Rye and Blue
FADE frotté FADE frotté har et lettere rustikt og forvasket look – en helt ny og lækker kvalitet i vores kollektion. På den ene side en blød og vævet frotté med den gode velkendte tørreevne og på den anden side vævet bomuld, der holder godt på varmen. Et elegant håndklæde med indvævet logo. Fås i 40x70 cm, 50x100 cm og 70x140 cm i farverne Blue, White og Rye.
FADE terry FADE terry is a new textile in our collection with a slightly rustic and prewashed look. On one side a soft and woven terry with the well-known drying capacity, on the other side woven cotton with a warm feel. An elegant towel with embroidered logo. Available in 40x70 cm, 50x100 cm and 70x140 cm in the colours Blue, White and Rye.
// 19
// 20 clutch and carry bag, Dappled Blue BASE
ny heder // new designs
BASE clutch, Dappled Blue
BASE taske og toilettaske BASE er en nyhed i vores kollektion. Både taske og toilettaske er i en kraftig, slidstærk lærredsvævning. BASE tasken er stor og rummelig, perfekt til en tur på stranden eller i sommerhuset. Designet med plads nok til både håndklæder og dyner og med en lille lomme til mobil og nøgler. BASE toilettaske er et unisex design med mindre lommer indeni, så de små elementer ikke bliver væk i det store rum. Begge designs er enkle og funktionelle og kan selvfølgelig også tåle en tur i vaskemaskinen. Fås i farven Dappled Blue.
BASE carry bag and clutch BASE is a new design in our collection. Both carry bag and clutch are woven in a strong hard-wearing plain weave, which can be used again and again. The BASE carry bag is big and spacious, perfect for a trip to the beach or a getaway to the summerhouse. Designed with room for both towels and duvets and with a small pocket for keys and phone. BASE clutch is a unisex design with small pockets inside for storage of smaller elements. Both designs are simple and functional and are of course machine washable. Available in the colour Dappled Blue.
// 21
// 22 tablecloth, Navy SOLID
s tue // livingroom
DAISY tablecloth, Sunbeam
Bordets klæder
A well-dressed table
At dække bord og gøre sig umage for sine gæster er en glæde, der smitter af på det gode selskab omkring bordet. Et veldækket bord sætter stemningen til både hverdag og fest. I vores kollektion findes tekstiler til bordet i både hør og bomuld. Og de findes både damaskvævet, satinvævet og lærredsvævet i kvaliteter, der holder sig smukke mange år.
To make an effort setting the table for your guests is a joy that is passed on when family and friends gather around the table. A wellset table sets the atmosphere wether it is for everyday or for a party. In our collection, we have textiles for the table in both linen and cotton. And you will find them both damask-, satin- and plain-woven in qualities that stay beautiful for many years to come.
// 23
SOLID tablecloth – NEW Design Launch mid January Design: Georg Jensen Damask
Navy 100% Cotton
arne jacobsen tablecloth Design: Arne Jacobsen
White 100% Cotton
daisy tablecloth
Design: Lisbeth Bennedsen
Drizzle 100% Cotton
// 24
Opal Grey 100% Cotton
Launch mid January
Sunbeam 100% Cotton
Anthracite 100% Cotton
dandelion tablecloth Design: John Becker
Zink 100% Cotton
mikado tablecloth
engesvik by hand tablecloth – Coated surface
Design: Kim Naver
Black Blue 100% Cotton
Design: Andreas Engesvik
Blue Shimmer 100% Cotton
Blue Abyss 100% Cotton
Pale Matcha 100% Cotton
Cinnamon Dust 100% Cotton
Winter Grey 100% Cotton
STILL LIFE tablecloth Design: Cecilie Manz
Putty 100% Cotton
PLAIN tablecloth – NEW Design Launch early March Design: Georg Jensen Damask
Grey 100% Linen
// 25
Nanna Ditzel tablecloth Design: Nanna Ditzel
White 100% Cotton
Mineral Blue 100% Cotton
H. C. andersen tablecloth Design: Inger Blegvad Klint
Gardenia 100% Cotton
SNOWFLAKES tablecloth
Taffel tablecloth
White 100% Cotton
Dark Blue 100% Cotton
White 100% Cotton
EASTER tablecloth
Christmas tablecloth
Yellow 100% Cotton
Blue Gold 100% Cotton
Design: Jette Nevers
Design: Margrethe Odgaard
Design: Bodil Bødtker-Næss Design: Bodil Bødtker-Næss
Christmas Red 100% Cotton
Deep Red 100% Cotton
Dugeunderlag // Tablecloth underlay Georg Jensen Damask
Udvalgte designs fås også som løbere og dækkeservietter Selected designs are also available as runners and placemats White Phthalate-free PVC coated towelling
// 26
Løber Runner
Dækkeserviet Placemat
Gold // 27 H.C.CHRISTMAS ANDERSENtablecloth, tablecloth,Blue Gardenia
// 28
Launch mid January
Pale Matcha
Cinnamon Dust
Opal Grey
Dark Blue
Blue Gold
Black Blue
Blue Shimmer
Mineral Blue
Christmas Red
Deep Red
Taffel FOLD 01 White Design: Margrethe Odgaard
Taffel FOLD 02 White Taffel FOLD 03 White Design: Margrethe Odgaard Design: Margrethe Odgaard
PLAIN White 100% Linen
PLAIN Grey 100% Linen
TAFFEL FOLD 2 napkins, White // 29
// 30 bed linen, Powder Blue FACET
LINEN bed linen, Washed Blue and Patinate Grey
Godnat og sov godt
Good night, sleep tight
Sengetøj handler om en god nats søvn, men det må også gerne være en fryd for øjet, hvis du spørger os. Hvis du er til det rustikke look i soveværelset, så er hør svaret, mens bomuld er til dig, der er mere til det blankehotel look. Vores tekstiler er alle vævet i de bedste kvalitetsgarner, der inden vævning indfarves for den højeste farveægthed.
Bed linen is all about a good night’s sleep, but it is an extra bonus if it also pleases the eyes, if you ask us. If you like the rustic look in the bedroom, linen is a good choice, while cotton is for those who like the hotel feel. Our textiles are all woven in the best quality yarns that prior to weaving are dyed for the highest colourfastness.
// 31
CLOVER bed linen – NEW Design Launch mid January Design: Georg Jensen Damask
Cloud Blue 100% Cotton
Rye 100% Cotton
LINEN bed linen – NEW Design Launch early March Design: Georg Jensen Damask
Patinate Grey 100% Linen
Washed Blue 100% Linen
TRIPP bed linen
Design: Bent Georg Jensen
Ocean 100% Cotton
// 32
Misty Rose 100% Cotton
Fir Green 100% Cotton
Dark Grey 100% Cotton
facet bed linen
Design: Jette Nevers
White 100% Cotton
Quarts 100% Cotton
GRID bed linen
engesvik by hand bed linen
Design: Arne Jacobsen
Jade Green 100% Cotton
Powder Blue 100% Cotton
Design: Andreas Engesvik
Oyster Grey 100% Cotton
Summer 100% Cotton
Zinc 100% Cotton
Midnight 100% Cotton
Spring 100% Cotton
windmills bed linen Design: Nanna Ditzel
White 100% Cotton
DAMASK LAGEN // DAMASK SHEET Design: Georg Jensen Damask
White 100% Cotton
Platinium 100% Cotton
Morning Blue 100% Cotton
Dark Grey 100% Cotton
// 33
// 34 hooded terry, Blue and Rose FADE
FAIRYTALE bed linen, Rose
Fra generation til generation
From Generation to generation
Vores kollektion af damaskvævede tekstiler i 100% ægyptisk bomuld er langtidsholdbare i både design og kvalitet. Så når familiens mindste vokser fra de bløde tekstiler, kan de gå i arv til de næste i rækken.
Our collection of damask woven textiles in 100% Egyptian cotton have long-lasting design and durability. Therefore, even if the youngest grow out of the soft textiles, the textiles can be passed on to the next generation.
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FADE hooded terry – NEW Design Launch mid January Design: Georg Jensen Damask
Rose 100% Cotton
fairytale bed linen – baby & junior
facet bed linen – baby & junior
Rose 100% Cotton
White 100% Cotton
Design: Sonia Brandes
Pale Blue 100% Cotton
White 100% Cotton
// 36
Blue 100% Cotton
Design: Jette Nevers
FAIRYTALE bed linen, // Blue 37
// 38 dish cloth, Blue Shadow and Dark Grey LINEN
Køkken // Kitchen
RAIN 1,3 & 20 tea towels, Blue Stripe
Små køkkenhjælpere
Little kitchen helpers
Viskestykker og karklude er værktøjer til hverdagen, og tørreevne er en vigtig faktor. Men for os er det også essentielt, at tekstilerne fremstår smukke, selv efter mange års brug. I kollektionen findes køkkentekstiler i bomuld, hør/bomuld og 100% hør. Fælles for dem er, at vævning, materiale og design går hånd i hånd og alle produkter gennemtestes, inden de kommer ud i dit køkken.
Tea towels and dishc loths are tools for everyday life, and drying capacity is of great importance. However, it is also essential that the textiles appear beautiful, even after years of use. Our kitchen collection is made in cotton, linen/cotton and 100% linen. Weaving, material and design come together in one, and all products are thoroughly tested before they find their way into your kitchen.
// 39
POINTS tea towel – NEW Design Launch mid January Design: Georg Jensen Damask
Clear Sky 50% Linen / 50% Cotton
Spring Leaves 50% Linen / 50% Cotton
Thunder 50% Linen / 50% Cotton
abild tea towel
Design: Bent Georg Jensen
Flint Yellow Deep Blue Dark Turquoise Red 50% Linen / 50% Cotton 50% Linen / 50% Cotton 50% Linen / 50% Cotton 50% Linen / 50% Cotton 50% Linen / 50% Cotton
arne jacobsen tea towel Design: Arne Jacobsen
Light Grey 50% Linen / 50% Cotton
// 40
Jade Green 50% Linen / 50% Cotton
Dark Blue 50% Linen / 50% Cotton
COLOURS tea towel
Design: Georg Jensen Damask
Deep Blue 50% Linen / 50% Cotton
Grey 50% Linen / 50% Cotton
Petrol Green 50% Linen / 50% Cotton
Vintage 50% Linen / 50% Cotton
LINEN tea towel – NEW Design Launch mid January Design: Georg Jensen Damask
Light Grey 100% Linen
Dark Grey 100% Linen
Blue Shadow 100% Linen
Linen dish cloth
Design: Georg Jensen Damask
Light Grey 100% Linen
Dark Grey 100% Linen
Blue Shadow 100% Linen
// 41
bricks tea towel
Design: Tobias Jacobsen
Corn 50% Linen / 50% Cotton
Burnt Orange 50% Linen / 50% Cotton
Dark Grey 50% Linen / 50% Cotton
becker 63 tea towel Design: John Becker
Flint 50% Linen / 50% Cotton
Deep Blue 50% Linen / 50% Cotton
ORION tea towel
Design: Bent Georg Jensen
Cornflower 50% Linen / 50% Cotton
Willow Green 50% Linen / 50% Cotton
Brick Dust 50% Linen / 50% Cotton
Wheat 50% Linen / 50% Cotton
Icing 50% Linen / 50% Cotton
PUK tea towel
Design: Puk Lippmann
Sage 50% Linen / 50% Cotton
// 42
RAIN tea towel – NEW Design Launch early March Design: Cecilie Manz
Blue Stripe 1 100% Linen
Blue Stripe 3 100% Linen
Blue Stripe 20 100% Linen
NORS tea towel
Design: Susanne Nors
Storm Grey 100% Cotton
Sea Green 100% Cotton
Taupe Rose 100% Cotton
EGYPT kitchen towel
Design: Christine Raundahl
Flint 100% Cotton
Deep Blue 100% Cotton
Launch mid April
Deep Red 100% Cotton
Jet Black 100% Cotton
// 43
// 44 DAMASK TERRY, Navy Blue
badeværels e // bathroom
Luksus fra morgenstunden
Wake up to luxury
Kollektionen er vævet i 100% dobbelttvundne, kæmmede bomuldsgarner. Til hvert enkelt design bruger vi den indfarvningsmetode, der giver den højeste farveægthed. Kombinationen af lange løkker og kvalitetsgarner sikrer blødhed og gode tørreegenskaber.
The collection is woven from 100% double wound, combed cotton. For each individual design we use the dyeing technique that provides the best colour-fastness. The combination of long loops and high quality yarns ensures a unique softness as well as excellent drying capacity.
// 45
FADE terry – NEW Design Launch mid January Design: Georg Jensen Damask
White 100% Cotton
Rye 100% Cotton
Blue 100% Cotton
Damask terry
Design: Georg Jensen Damask
White 100% Cotton
Mauve 100% Cotton
// 46
Aqua Green 100% Cotton
Limestone 100% Cotton
Blue Granite 100% Cotton
Slate 100% Cotton
Navy Blue 100% Cotton
Damask terry fås som vaskeklud, gæstehåndklæde, håndklæde og badehåndklæde i alle viste farver. Damask terry is available as face cloth, guest towel, towel and bath towel in all colours shown.
Damask terry bath sheet Design: Georg Jensen Damask
White 100% Cotton
Slate 100% Cotton
Design: Georg Jensen Damask
White 100% Cotton
Slate 100% Cotton
STRIPE terry towel
Design: Bent Georg Jensen
Off-white/Anthracite Uden navn / Without name 100% Cotton
Off-white/Anthracite Med navn / With name 100% Cotton
1862 handtowel
Design: Georg Jensen Damask
Shell/White 50% Linen / 50% Cotton
Limestone/White 50% Linen / 50% Cotton
// 47
// 48 and WAFFLE cushions PEARL
ti lbehør // acce ssories
LINEN kimono, Blue/Sand and Sand/Off-white
Ikke kun til pynt
Not just for decoration
Med vores kollektion af lækkert tilbehør er det ikke svært at lægge sidste hånd på indretningen i dit hjem. I kollektionen finder du tekstiler af den fineste, blødeste uld og bomuld, der skaber en afslappet stemning og giver et varmt udtryk til rummet.
Our collection of beautiful accessories makes it easy to add the final touch to the interior decoration of your home. The collection includes textiles of the finest and softest wool and cotton that creates a relaxed atmosphere and gives a warm feel in the room.
// 49
LINEN kimono – NEW Design Launch early March Design: Georg Jensen Damask
Sand/Off-white 100% Linen
Design: Georg Jensen Damask
White 100% Cotton
Slate 100% Cotton
Blue/Sand 100% Linen
kimono+ with lining
Design: Georg Jensen Damask
White 100% Cotton
Slate 100% Cotton
fragrances (Georg Jensen Damask stores and webshop only) By CULTI Milano
Room diffuser Aramara / Tessuto
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Room diffuser refill Aramara / Tessuto
Room fragrance Aramara / Tessuto
Duftpude / Scented Sachet Aramara / Tessuto
WAFFLE cushion – 50 x 50 cm Design: Georg Jensen Damask
Dark Grey 80% Wool / 20% Polyamid
Flecked plaid
Design: Georg Jensen Damask
Brown/Dark Grey 50% Wool / 50% Cotton
Grey/Black 50% Wool / 50% Cotton
PEARL cushion – 40 x 60 cm Design: Georg Jensen Damask
Brown 50% Wool / 50% Cotton
By Georg Jensen Damask
Grey 50% Wool / 50% Cotton
By Georg Jensen Damask
Black 50% Wool / 50% Cotton
taffel book
By Georg Jensen Damask
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BASE placemat
Design: Georg Jensen Damask
Dappled Blue 100% Cotton
Forest Floor 100% Cotton
Oak 100% Cotton
BASE clutch – NEW Design Launch early March
BASE carry bag – NEW Design Launch early March
Dappled Blue Blue 100% Cotton
Dappled Blue Blue 100% Cotton
Design: Georg Jensen Damask
Design: Georg Jensen Damask
base cushion – 50 x 50 cm Design: Georg Jensen Damask
Dappled Blue 100% Cotton
Forest Floor 100% Cotton
Oak 100% Cotton
base cushion – 40 x 60 cm Design: Georg Jensen Damask
Dappled Blue 100% Cotton
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Forest Floor 100% Cotton
Oak 100% Cotton
Andreas Engesvik engesvik by hand tablecloth & bed linen
Lisbeth Bennedsen daisy tablecloth
Arne Jacobsen Arne Jacobsen tea towel GRID bed linen Arne Jacobsen tablecloth
Margrethe Odgaard TAFFEL tablecloth TAFFEL napkins
Bent Georg Jensen tripp bed linen stripe terry ABILD tea towel ORION tea towel
Nanna Ditzel windmills bed linen nanna ditzel tablecloth
Bodil Bødtker-Næss christmas tablecloth easter tablecloth
Puk Lippmann puk tea towel
Cecilie Manz still life tablecloth RAIN tea towel
Rikke Hagen CLOVER bed linen
Christine Raundahl EGYPT kitchen towel
Rikke & Kasper Salto LINEN tea towel LiNEN dish cloth
Jette Nevers snowflakes tablecloth facet bed linen
Sonia Brandes fairytale bed linen
John Becker dandelion tablecloth becker 63 tea towel
Susanne Nors nors tea towel
Kim Naver MIKADO tablecloth
Tobias Jacobsen bricks tea towel
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mange tak ti l // A special thanks to
A Amanda Lilholt Hurup, tel. 24 22 88 14, amandalilholt.com Andrea Brugi, andreabrugi.com Au maison, tel. 87 62 20 10, aumaison.dk
N Notre Dam, tel. 33 15 17 03, notredame.dk Nofred, tel. 27 21 59 52, nofred.com Nomess Copenhagen, tel. 39 20 92 09, nomess.dk
B Bloomingville, tel. 96 26 46 45, bloomingville.com
O Oyoy, tel. 29 88 71 91, oyoy.dk
F File Under Pop, tel. 33 32 98 98, fileunderpop.com Finnsdottir, tel. 53 26 33 91, finnsdottir.dk Frandsen Lightning, tel. 76 58 18 18, frandsenlighting.dk Ferm Living, tel. 70 22 75 23, fermliving.com H Hay, tel. 42 82 08 20, hay.dk House Doctor, tel. 97 25 27 14, housedoctor.dk K Kristina Dam Studio, tel. 25 73 63 92, kristinadam.dk Krogh Studio, kkrogh.dk L Linie design, tel. 48 18 90 66, liniedesign.dk Lucky Boy Sunday, tel. 40 81 71 73, luckyboysunday. M Menu, tel. 48 40 61 00, menu.as Mogensen Lopez, mogensenlopez.dk Monika Petersen, monikapetersen.com Muuto, tel. 32 96 98 99, muuto.com
P Paper Collective, tel. 60 88 89 09, paper-collective.com R Rabens Atelier, tel. 46 92 90 90, rabenssaloner.com S Skagerak, tel. 99 52 52 00, skagerak.dk Stilleben, tel. 33 91 11 31, stilleben.dk Studio Arhoj, tel. 29 89 58 00, arhoj.com T Tapet–Cafe, tel. 39 65 66 30, tapet-cafe.dk The General Store, thegeneralstore.dk Tine K Home, tel. 45 66 01 02, tinekhome.com U Uhlala, uhlala-ceramics.com
Photography by Heidi Lerkenfeldt Styling by Pernille Vest
Papiret som denne Lookbook er trykt på er FSC® mærket, hvilket betyder at papiret kommer fra en skov, hvor der ikke bliver fældet flere træer end skoven kan nå at reproducere. Samtidig er FSC® en sikkerhed for, at dyr og planteliv bliver beskyttet, og at de mennesker, der arbejder i skoven, er uddannede og får ordenlig sikkerhedsudstyr og løn. The paper this Lookbook is printed on come from a FSC® certified forest, which means there is not cut down more trees than the forest can reproduce. At the same time FSC® is a guarantee that animals and plants are being protected, and that the humans working in the forest are secured education, safety devices and proper salary.
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+45 75 52 27 00 // gjd@damask.dk // www.georgjensen-damask.com
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