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Vævetraditioner – siden 1756 –
Georg Jensen Damask er en kulturbærer af dansk designtradition og håndværkshistorie. Virksomheden blev grundlagt i 1756, men der har været vævere i familien bag Georg Jensen Damask helt tilbage til 1500-tallet. Vores historie bygger på godt håndværk med respekt for vores arv og traditioner. Vi er desuden kendt for at forene æstetisk design med kvalitet og funktionalitet, der holder mange år frem. Gennem tiden har vi arbejdet sammen med nogle af de mest anerkendte vævere, kunstnere, designere og arkitekter inden for deres fag, som f.eks Arne Jacobsen, Cecilie Manz, Andreas Engesvik, Nanna Ditzel og mange flere. Endvidere har vi mange projekter i samarbejde med Kongehuset bag os og kan med stolthed kalde os ’Kongelig Hofleverandør’.
Weaving Weaving traditions traditions – since 1756 – – since 1756 – Georg Jensen Damask is a culture bearer within Danish design tradition as well as the history of craft. The company was established in 1756, but members of the family behind Georg Jensen Damask have been weavers all the way back to the 1500s. Our history is built on craftsmanship with respect for our heri tage and traditions. Moreover, we are known for uniting aesthetic design with qua lity and functionality that last for many years.
In the course of time, we have worked with some of the most well-known artists, weavers, designers and architects in their field as for example Arne Jacobsen, Andreas Engesvik, Cecilie Manz, Nanna Ditzel and many more. Furthermore, we have been involved in several projects with The Danish Monarchy and are proud of our title ’Purveyor to Her Majesty The Queen of Denmark’.
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Content 07 08 13 14 18 21 22 25 27 35 39 43 49 53 57 58
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News inspired by nature MAY re:design Everyday luxury by Arne Jacobsen 40 years of Happy Easter Woven kitchen essent ials ENGESVIK by hand Spa feel ing at home The basics of everyday luxury Livingroom Bedroom Kids Kitchen Bat hroom Accessories Our designers A special t hanks to
– til SS18 kollektionen –
– to the SS18 collection –
Klassisk og funktionelt design i høj kvalitet kendetegner som altid vores kollektion. Vores tekstiler er ikke kun smukke at se på, de er også skabt til at blive brugt hver eneste dag. Det er derfor, vi kalder det hverdagsluksus. Denne sæson lancerer vi helt nye designs, men relancerer også designs fra gemmerne og ikke mindst nye farver på nogle af klassikerne. Og så fejrer vi 40 års jubilæum for vores karakteristiske gule PÅSKEDUG, som i anledningen har fået en ny farve.
As always, classic and functional design of a high quality characterises our collection. Our textiles are not only beautiful to look at they are also made to be used on an everyday basis. For this reason, we call it everyday luxury. This season, we are launching new designs and relaunching designs from our past, as well as adding new colours to some of our classics. And last but not least, we are celebrating the 40th anniversary of our characteristic yellow EASTER tablecloth, which is now available in a new colour.
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// 06 Spring/Summer moodboard by our Design and Concept Manager
NEWS Inspired by nature Alt, der gror, er til stor inspiration, og naturen fortsætter med at nære vores tilgang til design i foråret og sommeren 2018. Sæsonens nyheder er derfor baseret på fascinationen af naturen som fundamental for vores velvære og overlevelse, men også som en evig kilde til forandring og udvikling. De bløde tekstiler forstærker følelsen af velvære, og de nye farver leder tankerne hen mod naturens elementer.
All that grows is of great inspiration, and nature continues to nourish our approach to design in the spring and summer of 2018. The new designs are therefore based on the fascination of nature as essential to our wellbeing as well as our survival, but also as a constant capacity for transformation and development. The soft textiles reinforce the feeling of well-being, and the new colours are reminiscent of the elements of nature.
Denne sæson inviterer naturens toner af grøn, sandfarvet og isblå indenfor. Farver, der kun bliver smukkere, når de kombineres på kryds og tværs. Alle vores farver for SS18 er en del af en farveskala, som er lettere støvet. De afdæmpede nuancer bevarer fokus på formen eller mønsteret og passer godt ind i en klassisk skandinavisk designstil, der har rødder i materialer fra naturen omkring os.
This season invites nature’s colours of green, sand and ice blue into the home. Colours whose beauty is further enhanced when mixed with each other. All our colours for SS18 are part of a colour scale of dusty tones. The subtle shades maintain focus on the form and pattern and fit elegantly i nto a classic Scandinavian design line that has strong roots in materials from the nature surrounding us.
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MAY Re:Design MAY dugen er designet af Susanne Brenøe tilbage i 1989. Designet har et let og feminint udtryk med små organiske blade, der strøer sig fra midten af dugen. I MAY designet har Susanne Brenøe været inspireret af landskabet i maj måned, når alle træerne står i blomst og især øjeblikket, hvor afblomst ringen sker. Designet ligner små hvide blomster blade, der er landet på dugen efter hvidtjørnens afblomstring. MAY designet fås i farverne Rye og Frost Blue som dug, løbere og med matchende servietter.
The MAY tablecloth is designed by Susanne Brenøe in 1989. The design has a light and feminine expression with small organic flower petals that spread from the middle of the tablecloth. In the MAY design, Susanne Brenøe has been inspired by the landscape in May when the trees blossom and in particular the moment, when the petals fall. The design resembles small white flower petals that have landed on the tablecloth after the hawthorn has withered. The MAY design is available in the colours Rye and Frost Blue as tablecloth, table runners and matching napkins.
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MAY tablecloth, Rye
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RE:DESIGN with falling petals
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MAY tablecloth, Rye
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// 12 JACOBSEN coated tablecloth, Dusty Green ARNE
ARNE JACOBSEN coated tablecloth, Dusty Green
EVERYDAY LUXURY by Arne Jacobsen Den klassiske ARNE JACOBSEN dug med coated overflade er nu i kollektionen i en støvet grøn farve, der passer til sæsonen. Den coatede overflade er velegnet til hverdagens liv omkring bordet.
The coated tablecloth designed by ARNE JACOBSEN is now in the collection in a dusty green colour that matches the season. The coated surface is perfect for everyday life around the table.
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[1978 - 2018]
40 YEARS of Happy Easter I år kan vi med glæde og stolthed fejre PÅSKE DUGENs 40 års jubilæum. Den blev skabt i samarbejde med Bodil-Bødtker Næss efter stor succes med JULEDUGEN, som også er fra hendes hånd. I dag er begge duge klassikere i kollektionen og en fast del af traditionerne i mange hjem, hvor de kommer på bordet hvert år til jul og påske. I anledningen af jubilæet relanceres designet i en blid gul nuance, der ikke alene spejler nutiden, men rækker langt ind i fremtiden. Det er tydeligt, at det er samme designer, der står bag både JULEDUGEN og PÅSKEDUGEN, da det er samme type af stilistiske figurer, som kendetegner de to designs. På PÅSKEDUGEN er der små kyllinger mellem stilistiske former af æg og blade. Bladene, som dækker hele fladen af dugen, udgør hoved motivet i kompositionen, som grangrenene gør det på JULEDUGEN.
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This year we are happy and proud to celebrate the 40th anniversary of our EASTER tablecloth. It was created in collaboration with Bodil-Bødtker Næss after the great success of our CHRISTMAS tablecloth, which she also designed. Today, both tablecloths are classics in our collection and part of the traditional table setting in many homes every year for Christmas and Easter. To celebrate the anniversary, the design is relaunched in a soft yellow pastel, that not only reflects the present, but also reaches far into the future. It is obvious that both the CHRISTMAS and EASTER tablecloth has the same designer as the same type of stylistic figures characterise the two designs. On the EASTER tablecloth, small chickens appear between stylistic shapes of eggs and leaves. The leaves that cover the surface of the tablecloth are the main motif of the composition, as the fir branches are on the CHRISTMAS tablecloth.
15 EASTER tablecloth, Lemon//Curd
EASTER table runner, Lemon Curd
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17 EASTER tablecloth, Lemon//Curd
HERRINGBONE placemat, Jade Green
WOVEN KITCHEN essentials
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HERRINGBONE dækkeserviet i en kraftig bomuldsvævning lanceres nu i de to nye farver Black og Jade Green. Hverdagsluksus med en smuk sildebensvævning, som navnet også antyder.
HERRINGBONE placemat in heavy woven cotton is now launched in the two new colours Black and Jade Green. Everyday luxury in a beautiful herringbone design as the name also implies.
De farvede felter, på COLOURBLOCK viskestykket, er nøje afstemt i nuancer, der komplementerer hinanden, samtidig med at de på elegant vis væver sig ind i kollektionens øvrige designs og farvesætning. Nu i den nye farve Jade Green, der også matcher den nye LINEN klud i samme grønne nuance.
The coloured fields, on the COLOURBLOCK tea towel, are carefully matched in shades complimenting each other while elegantly fitting into the designs and colour schemes in the rest of the collection. Now launched in Jade Green matching the LINEN cloth.
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// 20 ENGESVIK by hand bed linen, Jade Green and White
ENGESVIK by hand Det populære ENGESVIK by hand sengetøj, baseret på et håndtegnet design, lanceres i en lysegrøn tone, der giver en let og luftig stemning i soveværelset. Som altid vævet i 100% egyptisk bomuld.
The popular ENGESVIK by hand bed linen based on a hand drawn design is launched in a light green tone adding a light and airy feel to the bedroom. As always woven in 100% Egyptian cotton.
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DAMASK TERRY face cloth, Aqua
SPA FEELING at home Vævet af 100% egyptisk dobbelttvundet og kæmmet bomuld for optimal blødhed og tørreevne. Aqua er en ny farve i vores kollektion af frotté, som er karakteriseret ved en støvet farvepalette.
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Woven in 100% Egyptian double-twined and combed cotton ensuring optimal softness and drying capacity. Aqua is a new colour in our terry collection characterised by a dusty colour scale.
23 DAMASK TERRY, // Aqua
Egyptian cotton
The basics of
Et smukt design er en selvfølge, når det gælder vores tekstiler, men for os er det lige så essentielt, at de holder mange år frem. Hele kollektionen er skabt til at blive brugt . Også i hverdagen, og derfor arbejder vi hver eneste dag med at udvikle materialer, vævninger og bindinger for at give den bedste oplevelse af vores tekstiler.
A beautiful design is a given when it comes to our textiles, but to us it is just as essential that they are long lasting. The entire collection is made to be used on an everyday basis, and that is why we work every day to improve and develop materials, weavings and bindings to optimise the experience with our textiles.
I langt størstedelen af vores kollektion anvendes egyptisk bomuld. Det er den ypperste bomuldsvariant med de længste fibre, som giver et finere og stærkere garn. Gennemsnitslængden på fibren er mindst 32 mm og kun 3-5% af den globale høst kan bruges til vores produkter.
In the majority of our collection, we use Egyptian cotton. The high quality of long fibred cotton ensures a finer and stronger yarn. The average length of the fibres are 32 mm and only 3-5% of the harvest, from a global perspective, can be used in our production.
Funktion først Kombinationen af bomuld med lange og mel lemlange fibre anvendes, når funktionaliteten kræver det. I håndklæder er løkkerne eksempelvis vævet af langfibret bomuld, der giver ekstra blødhed, mens basen er vævet med en bomuld af kortere fibre, fordi det har en bedre absorberingsevne. I vores viskestykker, vævet i en hør/bomuldsblanding, er bomulden med korte fibre, som ikke kun er bedre til at absorbere, men også til at afgive væske.
Functionality first The combination of cotton with long and medium long fibres are used when functionality requires it. For instance, in our terry towels the loops are woven with long fibred cotton that provides extra softness, while the base is woven with cotton of shorter fibres, because they have a better absorption capacity. In our tea towels, woven in a cotton/linen blend, short fibred cotton is used which is optimal for both absorption and for releasing liquid.
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// 26 tablecloth and napkins, Grey PLAIN
MAY table runner, Frost Blue
Vores damaskvævede tekstiler går ofte i arv, fordi de er skabt til at holde mange år frem. Det er der flere gode grunde til. For eksempel går der 23.600 enkelttråde i en dug på 165 x 260 cm, der er vævet i 100% egyptisk bomuld med kæmmede og tvundne garner, som giver stærke og holdbare tekstiler.
Our damask-woven textiles are often passed down from generation to generation. There are several good reasons for this. Our 165 x 260 tablecloths are for example woven with 23,600 single threads in 100% Egyptian cotton with combed and twisted yarns that provide a strong and durable textile.
Damask er en avanceret væveteknik, der giver os mulighed for at arbejde med mønstre, selvom vi for det meste arbejder med ensfarvede duge. Vi arbejder også hele tiden med at udvikle nye kvaliteter for at imødekomme hverdagens udfordringer, som det er tilfældet med vores coatede og overfladebehandlede duge.
Damask is an advanced weaving technique that allows us to work with patterns, even though we mostly work with single-coloured tablecloths. Also, we are constantly developing new qualities to meet the challenges of everyday life, as it is the case with our coated and surface treated tablecloths.
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ARNE JACOBSEN coated tablecloth Design: Arne Jacobsen
Asphalt 100% Cotton, coated
Dusty Blue 100% Cotton, coated
Launch mid January
Dusty Green 100% Cotton, coated
ARNE JACOBSEN tablecloth Design: Arne Jacobsen
Anthracite 100% Egyptian cotton
White 100% Egyptian cotton
Opal Grey 100% Egyptian cotton
Red 100% Egyptian cotton
Deep Red 100% Egyptian cotton
CHRISTMAS tablecloth Design: Bodil Bødtker-Næss
Blue Gold 100% Egyptian cotton
DAISY tablecloth
Design: Lisbeth Bennedsen
Sunbeam 100% Egyptian cotton
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NEW COLOUR EASTER tablecloth Design: Bodil Bødtker-Næss
Lemon Curd 100% Egyptian cotton
ENGESVIK by hand tablecloth – Stain repellent surface Design: Andreas Engesvik
Blue Abyss 100% Egyptian cotton
Winter Grey 100% Egyptian cotton
FINNSDÓTTIR tablecloth – Stain repellent surface Design: Thora Finnsdóttir
White 100% Egyptian cotton
H. C. ANDERSEN tablecloth Design: Georg Jensen Damask
Gardenia 100% Egyptian cotton
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NEW DESIGN MAY tablecloth – Launch early March Design: Susanne Brenøe
Frost Blue 100% Egyptian cotton
NANNA DITZEL tablecloth Design: Nanna Ditzel
White 100% Egyptian cotton
PLAIN tablecloth
Design: Georg Jensen Damask
Grey 100% Linen
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Mineral Blue 100% Egyptian cotton
Rye 100% Egyptian cotton
SNOWFLAKES tablecloth Design: Jette Nevers
White 100% Egyptian cotton
Launch mid January
Blue Abyss 100% Egyptian cotton
SOLID tablecloth
Design: Georg Jensen Damask
Navy 100% Cotton
White Phthalate-free PVC coated towelling
Udvalgte designs fås også som løbere og dækkeservietter. Selected designs are also available as runners and placemats. Løber Runner
Dækkeserviet Placemat
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HERRINGBONE placemat Design: Georg Jensen Damask
Asphalt 100% Cotton
Deep Blue 100% Cotton
Winetasting 100% Cotton
NEW COLOURS Launch mid January
Black 100% Cotton
Jade Green 100% Cotton
HERRINGBONE tablerunner Design: Georg Jensen Damask
Asphalt 100% Cotton
Deep Blue 100% Cotton
Winetasting 100% Cotton
Deep Red 100% Egyptian cotton
Light Grey 100% Egyptian cotton
CHRISTMAS RUSTIC placemat Design: Bodil Bødtker-Næss
Blue 100% Egyptian cotton
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PLAIN napkins
Design: Georg Jensen Damask
White 100% Linen
Grey 100% Linen
DAMASK napkins
Design: Georg Jensen Damask
White 100% Egyptian cotton
Gardenia 100% Egyptian cotton
Rye 100% Egyptian cotton
Frost Blue 100% Egyptian cotton
Opal Grey 100% Egyptian cotton
Sunbeam 100% Egyptian cotton
Lemon Curd 100% Egyptian cotton
Blue Abyss 100% Egyptian cotton
Mineral Blue 100% Egyptian cotton
Anthracite 100% Egyptian cotton
Blue Gold 100% Egyptian cotton
Red 100% Egyptian cotton
Deep Red 100% Egyptian cotton
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// 34 ENGESVIK by hand bed linen, Jade Green and White
CLOVER bed linen, Rye
Vores kollektion af sengetøj er vævet i 100% egyptisk bomuld, der er den fineste bomuldsvariant med de længste fibre. Garnet er kæmmet, hvilket betyder, at der kun væves af de længste garner, som giver det mest holdbare resultat. Til forskel fra vores duge anvender vi kun enkelttrådede garner, fordi vi ønsker lethed og åndbarhed i vores sengelinned.
Our collection of bed linen is woven in 100% Egyptian cotton, which is the highest quality of long fibred cotton. The yarn is combed, which means that only the longest yarns are woven ensuring the most durable results. Unlike our tablecloths, we only use single threaded yarns because we aim for lightness and breathability in our bed linen.
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CLOVER bed linen Design: Rikke Hagen
Cloud Blue 100% Egyptian cotton
Rye 100% Egyptian cotton
ENGESVIK BY HAND bed linen Design: Andreas Engesvik
White 100% Egyptian cotton
Launch mid January
Navy Blazer 100% Egyptian cotton
Jade Green 100% Egyptian cotton
Quarts 100% Egyptian cotton
Powder Blue 100% Egyptian cotton
Fir Green 100% Egyptian cotton
Misty Rose 100% Egyptian cotton
FACET bed linen
Design: Jette Nevers
White 100% Egyptian cotton
TRIPP bed linen
Design: Bent Georg Jensen
Dark Grey 100% Egyptian cotton
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Ocean 100% Egyptian cotton
WINDMILLS bed linen Design: Nanna Ditzel
White 100% Egyptian cotton
Zinc 100% Egyptian cotton
YPSILON bed linen Design: Arne Jacobsen
Creme 100% Egyptian cotton
Grey 100% Egyptian cotton
DAMASK LAGEN // DAMASK SHEET Design: Georg Jensen Damask
White 100% Cotton
Platinium 100% Cotton
Morning Blue 100% Cotton
Dark Grey 100% Cotton
KUBUS bedspread
Design: Bent Georg Jensen
Castlerock 60% Cotton - 40% Viscose
Navy Blazer 60% Cotton - 40% Viscose
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// 38 kids bed linen, White FACET
BABY SQUARE hooded terry, Off-white
Forkæl de mindste med eksklusiv kvalitet og bløde tekstiler i nogle af de stunder, hvor det er særlig rart med lidt luksus. Som efter badet og når de skal sove. De lækre badehåndklæder med hætte er i samme udsøgte kvalitet som alle øvrige håndklæder i sortimentet og indhyller de små i blødhed og varme. Kollektionen af damaskvævede tekstiler i 100% ægyptisk bomuld er ekstra blødhed til babyblød hud. Kollektionen er langtidsholdbar i både design og kvalitet og fås i naturlige farver. Hverdagsluksus til de små.
Pamper the smallest ones in your family with exclusive quality and soft textiles for some of those moments when it is especially nice to have a little luxury. Such as after having a bath and when going to sleep. The beautiful bath towels with hood have the same high quality as all the other towels in the collection and indulge the little ones in softness and warmth. Our collection of damask woven textiles in 100% Egyptian cotton is extra softness for babysoft skin. The collection is long lasting in both design and quality and available in natural colours. Everyday luxury for the little ones.
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FACET kids bed linen Design: Jette Nevers
White 100% Egyptian cotton
FAIRYTALE kids bed linen Design: Sonia Brandes
Rose 100% Egyptian cotton
Powder Blue 100% Egyptian cotton
Launch mid January
Blue 100% Egyptian cotton
YPSILON kids bed linen Design: Arne Jacobsen
Creme 100% Egyptian cotton
TRIPP kids bed linen
Design: Bent Georg Jensen
Misty Rose 100% Egyptian cotton
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Grey 100% Egyptian cotton
White 100% Cotton
BABY SQUARE hooded terry Design: Georg Jensen Damask
Off-white 100% Organic cotton
FADE hooded terry
Design: Georg Jensen Damask
Rose 100% Cotton
Blue 100% Cotton
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// 42 HORIZONTAL tea towel and EGYPT kitchen towel, Asphalt and Flint
LINEN dish cloth, Jade Green
Viskestykker er en af hverdagens uundværlige små hjælpere i køkkenet, hvor funktionalitet er altafgørende. Uanset om vi væver i bomuld, hør eller en kombination af de to, er det altid med funktionen for øje. Kombinationen af hør og bomuld giver god tørreevne, mens 100% hør polerer godt og skyr snavs og bakterier. Samtidig er det et ekstra plus, at vores viskestykker er smukke at se på og bløde at have i hænderne.
Tea towels are one of everyday life’s little helpers in the kitchen, where functionality is essential. Whether we weave in cotton, linen or a combination of the two, it is always with function in mind. The combination of linen and cotton provides optimal drying capacity, while 100% linen polishes well and is antibacterial by nature. In addition, it is of course an extra plus that our tea towels are beautiful to look at and with a soft touch.
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ABILD tea towel
Design: Bent Georg Jensen
Flint 50% Linen - 50% Cotton
Deep Blue 50% Linen - 50% Cotton
Design: Arne Jacobsen
Launch mid January
Light Grey 50% Linen - 50% Cotton
Jade Green 50% Linen - 50% Cotton
BECKER 63 tea towel
Navy 50% Linen - 50% Cotton
Design: John Becker
Launch mid January
Flint 50% Linen - 50% Cotton
Navy 50% Linen - 50% Cotton
Design: Georg Jensen Damask
Asphalt 50% Linen 50% Cotton // 44
Deep Blue 50% Linen 50% Cotton
Launch mid January
Winetasting 50% Linen 50% Cotton
Blue Silver 50% Linen 50% Cotton
Jade Green 50% Linen 50% Cotton
COLOURS tea towel
Design: Georg Jensen Damask
Deep Blue 50% Linen - 50% Cotton
Grey 50% Linen - 50% Cotton
Petrol Green 50% Linen - 50% Cotton
Deep Blue 50% Linen - 50% Cotton
Walnut 50% Linen - 50% Cotton
Sea Green 100% Cotton
Taupe Rose 100% Cotton
Vintage 50% Linen - 50% Cotton
FINNSDร TTIR tea towel Design: Thora Finnsdรณttir
Dark Grey 50% Linen - 50% Cotton
HORIZONTAL tea towel
Design: Georg Jensen Damask
Asphalt 50% Linen - 50% Cotton
NORS tea towel
Design: Susanne Nors
Storm Grey 100% Cotton
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EGYPT kitchen towel
Design: Christine Raundahl
Flint 100% Cotton
Deep Blue 100% Cotton
Winetasting 100% Cotton
Jade Green 100% Cotton
Jet Black 100% Cotton
RAIN tea towel
Design: Cecilie Manz
Blue Stripe 1 100% Linen
Blue Stripe 3 100% Linen
LINEN tea towel
Design: Rikke & Kasper Salto
Blue Shadow 100% Linen
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Dark Grey 100% Linen
Blue Stripe 20 100% Linen
Blue Silver 100% Cotton
LINEN cloth
Design: Georg Jensen Damask
Blue Shadow 100% Linen
Dark Grey 100% Linen
Deep Blue 100% Linen
Light Grey 100% Linen
Launch mid January
Walnut 100% Linen
Jade Green 100% Linen
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// 48 DAMASK TERRY, Aqua
DAMASK TERRY, White Sand and Walnut
Vores frotté er vævet med dobbelttrådet garn i 100% langfibret kæmmet bomuld, som giver høj slidstyrke i de lange løkker samt en blød kvalitet. I bunden anvendes mellemlange fibre, der sikrer en god tørreevne. Hele vores kollektion af frotté er med indvævet logo og i en skandinavisk farveskala med støvede, klassiske toner.
Our terry is woven with two-threaded yarn in 100% long-fibred combed cotton, which ensures a high resistance to wear in the long loops as well as a soft quality. At the base, medium-length fibres are used to provide optimal drying capacity. Our entire collection of terry has our logo woven into the textile and comes in a Scandinavian colour palette of dusty classic tones.
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Design: Georg Jensen Damask
White 100% Cotton
Limestone 100% Cotton
Slate 100% Cotton
White Sand 100% Cotton
Walnut 100% Cotton
Launch mid January
Mauve 100% Cotton
Blue Granite 100% Cotton
Navy Blue 100% Cotton
DAMASK TERRY fås som vaskeklud, gæstehåndklæde, håndklæde og badehåndklæde i alle viste farver.
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Aqua 100% Cotton
DAMASK TERRY is available as face cloth, guest towel, towel and bath towel in all colours shown.
DAMASK TERRY bath sheet Design: Georg Jensen Damask
Design: Georg Jensen Damask
White 100% Cotton
White 100% Cotton
Slate 100% Cotton
Slate 100% Cotton
SQUARE bath towel – med navn/with name Design: Bent Georg Jensen
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// 52 kimono, Blue/ Sand and Sand/Off-white LINEN
COSY COTTON throw, PEARL and KUBUS cushions
Brug vores kollektion af accessories til at lægge sidste hånd på indretningen. I kollektionen finder du tekstiler af den fineste, blødeste uld, hør og bomuld – både strikket og vævet, der skaber en afslappet stemning og giver et varmt udtryk til rummet. Denne sæson er der endnu flere bløde accessories, som kan matches på kryds og tværs i dit hjem.
Use our collection of accessories to add the final touch to the interior decoration. The collection includes textiles of the finest and softest wool, linen and cotton – both knitted and woven, that creates a relaxed atmosphere and gives a warm feel in the room. This season, we launch even more soft accessories that can be mixed and matched in your home.
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KUBUS cushion – 50 x 50 cm Design: Bent Georg Jensen
Castlerock 60% Cotton - 40% Viscose
Navy Blazer 60% Cotton - 40% Viscose
KUBUS bedspread
Design: Bent Georg Jensen
Castlerock 60% Cotton - 40% Viscose
Navy Blazer 60% Cotton - 40% Viscose
Design: Georg Jensen Damask
Grey 100% Cotton
Navy 100% Cotton
WAFFLE cushion – 50 x 50 cm Design: Georg Jensen Damask
Dark Grey 80% Wool / 20% Polyamid
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Winetasting 60% Cotton - 40% Viscose
PEARL cushion – 40 x 60 cm Design: Georg Jensen Damask
Brown 50% Wool - 50% Cotton
Grey 50% Wool - 50% Cotton
Off-white 50% Wool - 50% Cotton
Design: Georg Jensen Damask
Brown/Dark Grey 50% Wool - 50% Cotton
Grey/Black 50% Wool - 50% Cotton
CHRISTMAS OCTAGON tree rug Design: Bodil Bødtker-Næss
Blue Gold 100% Cotton
By Georg Jensen Damask
Deep Red 100% Cotton
By Georg Jensen Damask
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BASE clutch
BASE carry bag
Design: Georg Jensen Damask
Design: Georg Jensen Damask
Dappled Blue 100% Cotton
Dappled Blue 100% Cotton
LINEN kimono
Design: Georg Jensen Damask
Blue/Sand 100% Linen
Sand/Off-white 100% Linen
KIMONO+ – med for/with lining
Design: Georg Jensen Damask
White 100% Cotton
Design: Georg Jensen Damask
Slate 100% Cotton
White 100% Cotton
FRAGRANCES (Georg Jensen Damask stores and webshop only) By CULTI Milano
Room diffuser Aramara / Tessuto
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Room diffuser refill Aramara / Tessuto
Room fragrance Aramara / Tessuto
Slate 100% Cotton
Our designers Andreas Engesvik ENGESVIK by hand tablecloth & bed linen
Lisbeth Bennedsen DAISY tablecloth
Arne Jacobsen ARNE JACOBSEN tablecloth ARNE JACOBSEN tea towel YPSILON bed linen
Nanna Ditzel WINDMILLS bed linen NANNA DITZEL tablecloth
Bent Georg Jensen TRIPP bed linen KUBUS cushions and bedspread SQUARE terry ABILD tea towel
Rikke Hagen CLOVER bed linen
Bodil Bødtker-Næss CHRISTMAS tablecloth EASTER tablecloth CHRISTMAS OCTAGON tree rug
Rikke & Kasper Salto LINEN tea towel LINEN dish cloth
Cecilie Manz RAIN tea towel
Sonia Brandes FAIRYTALE bed linen
Christine Raundahl EGYPT kitchen towel
Susanne Nors NORS tea towel
Jette Nevers SNOWFLAKES tablecloth FACET bed linen
Thora Finnsdóttir FINNSDÓTTIR tablecloth FINNSDÓTTIR tea towel
John Becker BECKER 63 tea towel
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A special thanks to 101 Copenhagen, 101cph.com A Areastore, tel. 33 32 38 77, areastore.dk Astep, tel. 53 85 57 75, astep.design Au maision, tel. 87 62 20 10, aumaison.dk B Bloomingville, tel. 96 26 46 45, bloomingville.com Butik Dora, shopdora.dk
N Nina Nørregaard/Veto, ninanorgaard.com Nordal, tel. 75 65 95 65, nordal.eu O Other Stories, stories.com Oyoy, tel. 29 88 71 91, oyoy.dk P Paustian, tel. 39 16 65 65, paustian.dk
C Carl Hansen & Søn, tel. 66 12 14 04, carlhansen.dk Charlotte Serup, charlotteserup.dk
R Raawii, raawii.dk Rue Verte, tel. 33 12 55 55, rueverte.dk
D Design by Us, tel. 38 11 80 86, design-by-us.com Ditte Fischer, tel. 35 35 26 29, dittefischer.dk
S Skagerak, tel. 99 52 52 00, skagerak.dk Stilleben, tel. 33 91 11 31, stilleben.dk Studio Arhoj, tel. 29 89 58 00, arhoj.com
F Ferm Living, tel. 70 22 75 23, fermliving.com File Under Pop, tel. 33 32 98 98, fileunderpop.com Frama, tel. 24 47 05 99, framacph.com Friends & Founders, tel. 40 11 66 21, friendsfounders.com G Gense, tel. 43 46 25 44, gense.dk GUBI, tel. 33 32 63 68, gubi.dk H Holmegaard, tel. 45 17 37 01, holmegaard.dk House Doctor, tel. 97 25 27 14, housedoctor.dk H. Skjalm P, tel. 33 11 82 00, hskjalmp.dk K Karakter, tel. 38 41 41 31, karakter-copenhagen.com Kähler, tel. 55 72 02 91, kahlerdesign.com L Lyngby Porcelæn, tel. 38 41 41 31, lyngbyporcelain.com M Menu, tel. 48 40 61 00, menu.as Michael Anastasiades, michaelanastassiades.com Moebe, moebe.dk
T The Apartment, tel. 25 37 04 02, theapartment.dk The Poster Club, theposterclub.com Tina Maria Copenhangen, tinamariecph.dk Tine K, tel. 45 66 01 02, tinekhome.com U Uhlala, uhlala-ceramics.com V Verpan, tel. 76 58 18 82, verpan.com W Walther & Co, waltherogco.dk Y Yonobi, tel. 29 47 37 27, itsyonobi.com Z Zara Home, zarahome.com
Photography by Heidi Lerkenfeldt Styling by Pernille Vest
Papiret som denne Lookbook er trykt på er FSC® mærket, hvilket betyder at papiret kommer fra en skov, hvor der ikke bliver fældet flere træer end skoven kan nå at reproducere. Samtidig er FSC® en sikkerhed for, at dyr og planteliv bliver beskyttet, og at de mennesker, der arbejder i skoven, er uddannede og får ordenlig sikkerhedsudstyr og løn. The paper this Lookbook is printed on come from a FSC® certified forest, which means there is not cut down more trees than the forest can reproduce. At the same time FSC® is a guarantee that animals and plants are being protected, and that the humans working in the forest are secured education, safety devices and proper salary.
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