spring / summer Lookbook
velkommen We l c o m e
Uden fortid, ingen fremtid Design og håndværk i et halvt årtusinde
No past, no future Design and craft during half a millennium
Godt håndværk overlever fra generation til generation. Det samme gælder godt design. Georg Jensen Damask er en kulturbærer af både dansk designtradition og håndværkshistorie. Vores arv trækker tråde et halvt årtusinde tilbage i tiden, og er stadig vævet ind i vores tekstiler i dag.
Good craftmanship survives from generation to generation. So does good design. Georg Jensen Damask is a culture bearer within Danish design tradition as well as the history of craft. The threads of our heritage go more than half a millennium back in time and are still woven into our textiles today.
I vores kollektion går tendenser og traditioner hånd i hånd. Vi følger med tiden og lancerer nye designs af velkendte og upcoming designere, arkitekter og kunstnere, men på samme tid bevarer vi vores arv ved at holde fast i vores håndværk og vævetraditioner.
In our collection, trends and traditions go hand in hand. We update the collection by launching new designs from the hands of well-known and upcoming designers, architects and artists, but at the same time we stay true to our heritage by holding on to our craft and weaving traditions.
indhold Content
still life 06 engesvik by hand
oprindelse - Plain, 1862, Nors origin - plain, 1862, Nors 10 BASE 12 ORION 13 tilbageblik looking back 14
Stue / Livingroom 16 Soveværelse / Bedroom 26 4
Damask til de små / Damask for the little ones Køkken / Kitchen
32 34
Badeværelse / Bathroom 38 Tilbehør / Accessories
Vore designere / Our designers 49 Mange tak til / A special thank to 50
kimono · White and Slate
Vores kollektion, vores stolthed
Our collection, our pride
De damaskvævede klassikere er kollektionens arvegods, men vi lancerer nu også nye strukturer og vender tilbage til kvaliteter fra tidligere tider i vores historie, som for eksempel hør. Kollektionens klassiske designs opdateres løbende i nye farver, mens nye moderne designs kommer til og skaber fremtidens klassikere.
The damask woven classics are the heirlooms of the collection, but we now also launch new structures and relaunch materials from earlier times in our history, such as linen. The classic designs of the collection are continuously updated in new colours, and new modern designs are being added to create the classics of the future.
Designer Cecilie Manz Cecilie Manz (f. 1972) er uddannet fra Danmarks Designskole i 1997. Efter supplerende studier på University of Art and Design i Helsinki etablerede hun sit eget studie i København i 1998. Cecilie Manz’ aftryk på den danske designtradition er markant, og hun har modtaget et utal af designpriser for sit arbejde. Designer Cecilie Manz Cecilie Manz (born 1972) graduated from the Danish Design School in 1997. After additional studies at the University of Art and Design in Helsinki, she founded her own studio in Copenhagen in 1998. Cecilie Manz has made a significant mark on the Danish design tradition and received a number of design prizes for her work. still life tablecloth · Putty
still life tablecloth · Pale Matcha
still life tablecloth · Pale Matcha
still life
cecilie manz
still life tablecloth · Cinnamon Dust
STILL LIFE af Cecilie Manz
STILL LIFE by Cecilie Manz
Cecilie Manz’ designs er afdæmpede og tidsløse med en unik signatur. Hun går altid sin egen vej, fremfor at følge tidens stil. Og så er fokus på kvalitet meget definerende for Cecilie Manz som designer og hendes arbejde generelt.
The designs of Cecilie Manz are subdued in their expression and timeless with a unique signature. She always goes her own way, rather than following the current trends. Moreover, her focus on quality is a trademark of Cecilie Manz as a designer and her work in general.
“En bordflade er i mine øjne et af de vigtigste elementer i vores hjem. Det er omkring bordet, man samles med familie og venner gennem dagen og til særlige højtider. At lægge dug på bordet er en enkel handling, der kan skabe en ny stemning, afslappet eller højtidelig”, Cecilie Manz.
”In my view, a tabletop is one of the most important elements in our home. The table is a place where you get together with family and friends during the day as well as on special occasions. To put on a tablecloth is a small effort that can create a new sense of atmoshere, casual or formal”, Cecilie Manz.
engesvik by hand, bed linen · Summer
ENGESVIK b y h a n d
a n d r e a s ENGESVIK
ENGESVIK by hand
engesvik by hand
Fra første møde med Georg Jensen Damask blev designer Andreas Engesvik dybt fascineret af vævningens kvalitet og teknikken, der ligger bag. Det håndtegnede design er derfor skabt som en udfordring til væveprocessen.
From his first meeting with Georg Jensen Damask, designer Andreas Engesvik became deeply fascinated by the quality of the weaving and the underlying techniques. The hand drawn design is consequently created as a challenge to the weaving process.
At overføre håndens arbejde til den vævede struktur er en kompliceret sag for vævene, fordi mønsteret har en uensartethed i stregen skabt af håndens tryk på blyanten. Resultatet er et let, stille og underspillet design, hvor kvaliteten af vævningen til gengæld træder i karakter.
To transfer the work of the hand to the woven structure complicates the weaving, because the pattern has uneven lines created by the hand’s pressure on the pencil. The result is a light, quiet and downplayed design, where the quality of the weaving stands out.
engesvik by hand, tablecloth 路 Blue Abyss
engesvik by hand, bed linen 路 Summer
engesvik by hand, tablecloth 路 Blue Abyss
NAPKIN PLAIN · Hør / Linen · White · Grey
1862 hand towel · Limestone / White · Shell / White
base cushion and· placemat · Forest Floor · Oak nors dish towel Taupe Rose · Storm Grey
nyheder / new designs
Oprindelse / Origin
Plain, 1862, Nors
PLAIN Vores PLAIN servietter er vævet i 100% hør. De er blødere og lettere end de klassiske servietter i vores kollektion. PLAIN tilfører et rustikt og afslappet look til borddækningen. Hør gør den hvide dug mindre formel, og klæder et træbord med sit naturlige udtryk. 1862 Mønsteret bag 1862 er et af de ældste i vores historie. Først registreret i vores arkiver tilbage i 1862, deraf navnet. Håndklædet er håndvævet i en bomuld / hør kvalitet, hvilket minder os om vores oprindelse og det gamle håndværk, som vi stammer fra. Væverne sad i sin tid omkring på gårdene og vævede for os. I dag håndvæves 1862 stadig, men nu som en del af vores Handloom Development Programme. Et projekt i det sydlige Indien, der støtter håndværket og uddannelse af håndvævere. NORS Køkkenstykkerne er designet af Susanne Nors, som er væver i klassisk forstand. Hun fordyber sig i den enkelte tråd og har fokus på bindinger og kvaliteter. Køkkenstykkerne, i 100 % bomuld, har en løsvævet struktur, som gør dem ekstra bløde og giver en optimal tørreevne.
PLAIN Our PLAIN napkins are woven in 100% linen. They are softer and lighter than the classic napkins in our collection. PLAIN adds a rustic and relaxed look to the table setting. Linen makes the white tablecloth less formal and matches a wooden table with its natural expression. 1862 The pattern of 1862 is one of the oldest in our history. First recorded in our archives back in 1862, hence the name. The hand towel is handwoven in a cotton / linen quality, which reminds us of our past, and the craftmanship we originate from. Back then, the weavers were weaving at the surrounding farms. 1862 is still handwoven today, but now as a part of our Handloom Development Programme. A project in Southern India that supports the handcraft of weaving and the education of the weavers. NORS Dish towels designed by Susanne Nors who is a traditional weaver. She immerses herself in every single thread with focus on bindings and qualities. The dish towels, in 100 % cotton, have a loose woven structure, which makes them extra soft and gives optimal drying capacity.
New design
Georg Jensen Damask
BASE BASE er en lille kollektion af dækkeservietter og puder i en kraftig bomuld, som er ideel til hverdagsbrug og egner sig godt til sæsonens udendørsliv. Både dækkeservietter og puder findes i farverne Dappled Blue, Forest Floor og Oak. base BASE is a small collection of placemats and cushions in a heavy cotton, ideal for everyday use and suitable for outdoor use as well. Both placemats and cushions are availble in the colours Dappled Blue, Forest Floor and Oak.
BASE cushion and placemats · Oak / Forest Floor
BASE cushion and placemats · Oak / Forest Floor
bent georg jensen
orion Viskestykker designet af vores egen Bent Georg Jensen tilbage i 1984. De klassiske striber relanceres nu i de samme originale farver som dengang. I farverne Brick Dust, Cornflowers og Willow Green, som matcher sommerens flora.
Willow Green
Brick Dust
Orion Tea towels designed by our own Bent Georg Jensen in 1984. The classic stripes are now relaunched in the same original colours as back then. The colours Brick Dust, Cornflowers and Willow Green are a perfect match to the flora of summer.
ORION tea towel 路 Brick Dust
tilbageblik Looking back
As much as 2 prizes at ”Design AwardS” 2015
TAFFEL kollektionen, designet af Margrethe Odgaard, var i 2015 nomineret til ”Årets design” ved ”Design Awards”. Vi var utrolig stolte over nomineringen og var virkelig glade og overvældede da vi stod på podiet og tog imod vores pris. Alle nominerede designs var ligeledes samlet i kategorien ”Årets læserfavorit” – og blandt de mange designs vandt vi også denne vigtige pris.
The taffel collection, designed by Margrethe Odgaard, was in 2015 nominated for “Design of The Year” by “Design Awards”. We were very proud of the nomination and truly happy and overwhelmed as we took the platform and accepted our Award. All nominated designers were also represented in the category “Readers favorite of the year”, and among the many designs, we also won this very important prize.
TAFFEL kollektionen er en hyldest til det at gøre sig umage, - et design, hvor mønstret på dugen og servietter er guidelines til borddækningens kunst.
The TAFFEL collection is a celebration of making an effort - a design where the pattern of the tablecloth and napkins are guidelines for the art of table setting.
taffel tablecloth · White
taffel fold 3 · White
Pop-up univers Cecilie Elisabeth Rudolph
200 DUGE OG ENDNU FLERE HISTORIER BLEV TIL UDSTILLINGEN ”SAMVÆRKET” Måske I kan huske at vi i efteråret 2014 byttede duge? – Originale mælkebøtteduge blev byttet til den nye DANDELION dug. Prisen for at få en ny dug, var dugens historie i nedskrevet form. Vi blev overraskede over den store interesse og hvor mange, der i virkeligheden havde gemt deres gamle mælkebøttedug. Og med den store mængde kunne vi også se, at det var nødvendigt at slutte cirklen og give dugene nyt liv. Det fik de, i september 2015, på pop-up udstillingen SAMVÆRKET, hvor den talentfulde unge designer, Cecilie Elisabeth Rudolph, transformerede de gamle duge til en smuk udstilling, der bedst kan beskrives som en nysgerrig fusion af kunst, design og re-use.
200 tablecloths and even more stories became the exhibition ”Samværket” Maybe you remember that we exchanged tablecloths in fall 2014 – Original Dandelion tablecloths were exchanged to the new dandelion tablecloths. The price was the history of the tablecloth written down. We were surprised by the great interest, and by how many who actually saved their old Dandelion tablecloth. In addition with the huge number, we could see that it was necessary to complete the circle and give new life to the tablecloths. And they got new life, in September 2015, during the pop-up exhibition “Samværket”, where the talented young designer, Cecilie Elisabeth Rudolph, transformed the old tablecloths into a beautiful exhibition, which best can be described as an inquisitive fusion of art, design, re-use and re-design.
Arne Jacobsen tablecloth 路 Opal Grey
stue Living room
Arne Jacobsen runner · Opal Grey
Et veldækket bord Bordtekstiler
A well set table Table textiles
Alle bordtekstiler er vævet i 100% langfibret, dobbelttvundet, kæmmet bomuld, der fremhæver den unikke struktur. Vores indfarvningsmetode giver den højeste farveægthed, og merceriseringen sikrer den blanke finish, som holder bordtekstilerne smukke i mange år.
All table textiles are woven from 100% longfibred, double wound, combed cotton underlining their unique structure. Our dyeing techniques provide the best colour-fastness, and the mercerising gives a glossy finish ensuring beautiful table textiles for many years.
STILL LIFE - N ew d e s i g n l a u n c h w e e k 6 Design: Cecilie Manz
Pale Matcha
Cinnamon Dust
engesvik by hand - Coated surface Design: Andreas Engesvik
Blue Abyss
Design: Lisbeth Bennedsen
Nanna Ditzel
Design: Nanna Ditzel
Grey Marble
Mineral Blue
STILL LIFE tablecloth 路 Pale Matcha
Design: Margrethe Odgaard
arne jacobsen
Design: Arne Jacobsen
Opal Grey
Design: John Becker
H. C. andersen
Design: Inger Blegvad Klint Design: Diana Holstein
Påskedugen The easter tablecloth Design: Bodil Bødtker-Næss
White (210 cm width only)
base - N ew d e s i g n l a u n c h w e e k 1 0 Design: Georg Jensen Damask
Forest Flooor
Dappled Blue
base - N ew d e s i g n l a u n c h w e e k 1 0 Design: Georg Jensen Damask
Forest Flooor
base placemat and cushion 路 Oak 路 Forest Floor
Dappled Blue
Juledugen The Christmas tablecloth Design: Bodil Bødtker-Næss
Blue Gold
Christmas Red
Deep Red
Dark Blue
SNEFNUG snowflakes
Design: Jette Nevers
Starry sky - Coated surface Design: Anne Skyum Høgfeldt Georg Jensen Damask 22
Dark Reed
JuletrÆstÆppe christmas carpet
Design: Georg Jensen Damask
Udvalgte designs fås også som løbere og dækkeservietter Selected designs are also available as runners and placemats Dark Red
Løber Runner
Dækkeserviet Placemat
snowflakes tablecloth 路 White
servietter Napkins
N ew d e s i g n l a u n c h w e e k 6
PLAIN White 100% Hør / Linen
PLAIN Grey 100% Hør / Linen
TAFFEL FOLD 01 White Margrethe Odgaard
TAFFEL FOLD 02 White Margrethe Odgaard
TAFFEL FOLD 03 White Margrethe Odgaard
Pale Matcha
Cinnamon Dust
Grey Marble
Opal Grey
Mineral Blue
Dark Blue
Blue Gold
Christmas Red
Deep Red
facet bed linen 路 Yellow
soveværelse Bedroom
GRID bed linen· Oyster Grey
En god nattesøvn Sengelinned
A good night’s sleep Bed linen
Vores sengelinned væves af 100% ægyptisk bomuld. Inden vævningen indfarves de fint trådede garner for den højeste farveægthed. Alle vores designs fås i internationale standardstørrelser og specialsys også efter ønske.
Our bed linen is woven from 100% Egyptian cotton. The finely threaded yarns are dyed for the best colour-fastness before weaving. All our designs are available in international standard sizes and can also be customized on request.
engesvik by hand - N ew d e s i g n l a u n c h w e e k 1 0 Design: Andreas Engesvik
Design: Arne Jacobsen
Jade Green
Oyster Grey
Light Blue
Design: Nanna Ditzel
Design: Jette Nevers
engesvik by hand bed linen 路 Summer
FEATHER FOREST bed linen 路 Sky
Design: Bent Georg Jensen
Liquid Stripe
Design: Susanne R端tzou
feather Forest
Design: Susanne R端tzou
N ew c o l o u r launch week 6
Design: Georg Jensen Damask
Morning Blue
damask til de sm氓 Damask for the little ones
Fairytales baby / junior bed linen 路 Pale Blue
Fairytales baby / junior Design: Sonia Brandes
Design: Georg Jensen Damask
Pale Blue
kids frotté med hætte kids terry with hood
Design: Georg Jensen Damask
Violet Ice
Fairytales junior bed linen · Rose
Dusty Blue
Fairytales baby bed linen · Pale Blue
Orion tea towel 路 Brick Dust
køkken Kitchen
nors tea towel · Taupe Rose · Storm Grey
Hverdagens små helte Køkkentekstiler
Everyday’s little helpers Kitchen textiles
Vores viskestykker er vævet i en kraftig halvlinned, en kombination af hør og bomuld, der sikrer maksimal tørreevne. Vores køkkenhåndklæder fremstilles i 100% bomuld. Hele kollektionen er vævet af indfarvede garner for at sikre den højeste farveægthed.
Our kitchen towels are woven from 100% cotton and our tea towels from heavy half linen, a combination of cotton and linen, ensuring optimal drying capacity. The entire collection is woven from dyed yarns to ensure the best colour-fastness.
nors - N ew d e s i g n l a u n c h w e e k 1 0 Design: Susanne Nors
Storm Grey
Sea Grey
Taupe Rose
orion - R E : de s i g n 路 L a u n c h w e e k 1 0 Design: Bent Georg Jensen
Willow Green
Brick Dust
N ew c o l o u r launch week 10
Design: Anne Skyum H酶gfeldt - Georg Jensen Damask
Design: Puk Lippmann
bubbles tea towel 路 Lake
Design: Tobias Jacobsen
Dark Grey
Smoke Blue
Becker 63
Design: John Becker
Blue Silver
Design: Bent Georg Jensen
Blue Silver
Design: Christine Raundahl
Blue Silver
arne jacobsen tea towel 路 Dark Blue
arne jacobsen
Design: Arne Jacobsen
Light Grey
Jade Green
Dark Blue
STRIPES terry w name 路 Offwhite / Anthracite
badeværelse Bathroom
Luksus fra morgenstunden Frotté
Wake up to luxury Terry
Kollektionen er vævet i 100% dobbelttvundne, kæmmede bomuldsgarner. Til hvert enkelt design bruger vi den indfarvningsmetode, der giver den højeste farveægthed. Kombinationen af lange løkker og kvalitetsgarner sikrer blødhed og gode tørreegenskaber.
The collection is woven from 100% double wound, combed cotton. For each individual design we use the dyeing technique that provides the best colour-fastness. The combination of long loops and high quality yarns ensures a unique softness as well as excellent drying capacity.
KIMONO (uden fór) og KIMONO+ (med frotté fór) KIMONO (without lining) and KIMONO+ (with lining) Design: Georg Jensen Damask
kimono · White · Slate
1862 - re : de s i g n · l a u n c h w e e k 6 Design: Georg Jensen Damask
Shell / White 1862 hand towel · Shell / White · Limestone / White
Limestone / White
Design: Arne Jacobsen
Slate Grey
Blue Granite
Stripes FROTTÉ med navn / uden navn Stripes TERRY with name / without name Design: Bent Georg Jensen
Offwhite / Anthracite
kids frotté med hætte kids terry with hood
Design: Georg Jensen Damask
Offwhite / Anthracite
Violet Ice
Damask Terry
N ew c o l o u r launch week 10
Design: Georg Jensen Damask
Blue Granite
Misty Green
Aqua Green
Dusty Blue
Pale Sky
N ew c o l o u r launch week 10
crystal table lamp 路 Anthracite
tilbehør Accessories
culti diffuser
Ikke kun til pynt tilbehør
Not just for decoration Accessories
Vores kollektion af tilbehør indeholder produkter, som supporterer resten af vores kollektion. Lad DAMAVASK sikre farven på dine produkter eller fuldend dine frottéhåndklæder med Georg Jensen Damask håndsæbe eller dufte til badeværelset.
Our collection of accessories includes products that supports the rest of our collection. Let DAMAWASH secure the colors on your products or complete your terry products with Georg Jensen Damask hand soap or fragrances for the bathroom.
handsoap - N ew
krystal bordlampe crystal table lamp
Georg Jensen Damask
Georg Jensen Damask
Georg Jensen Damask
Design: Vibeke Klint
culti Culti
CULTI diffuser
vores designere Our designers
STILL LIFE tablecloth 路 Pale Matcha
Andreas Engesvik engesvik by hand tablecloth, bed linen
Lisbeth Bennedsen daisy tablecloth
Anne Skyum Høgfeldt Bubbles tea towel starry sky tablecloth
Nanna Ditzel windmills bed linen nanna ditzel tablecloth
Arne Jacobsen Arne Jacobsen tea towel Mosaic terry GRID bed linen Arne Jacobsen tablecloth
Margrethe Odgaard TAFFEL tablecloth TAFFEL napkins
Bent Georg Jensen tripp bed linen stripe terry ABILD tea towel
Puk Lippmann puk tea towel
Bodil Bødtker-Næss the christmas tablecloth the easter tablecloth
Sonia Brandes fairytales bed linen
Cecilie Manz still life tablecloth
Susanne Nors nors tea towel
Christine Raundahl EGYPT kitchen towel
Susanne Rützou feather forest bed linen liquid stripe bed linen
Diana Holstein square tablecloth
Tobias Jacobsen bricks tea towel
Jette Nevers snowflakes tablecloth facet bed linen
Vibeke Klint crystal table lamp
John Becker dandelion tablecloth becker 63 tea towel
mange tak til A special thanks to
Photography by Heidi Lerkenfeldt and styling by Pernille Vest, (exept page 15, 45 and 47).
A www.andtradition.com, tlf. 39 20 02 3 www.andrealarsson.com, tlf. 21 48 48 09 www.areastore.dk, tlf. 33 32 38 77 B www.base212.dk, tlf. 30 30 39 74 www.blackcph.com, tlf. 33 21 77 99 www.bolia.com, tlf. 51 50 51 22 www.brostecopenhagen.com, 36 39 03 00 www.butikforborddaekning.dk, tlf. 33 32 61 01 C www.carlhansen.dk, tlf. 66 12 14 04 D Dansk Kitchen/ Dansk Made for Rooms, tlf. 32 13 02 55, www.danskmadeforrooms.dk www.design-by-us.com, tlf. 38 11 80 86 www.designdelicatessen.dk, tlf. 33 11 14 70 www.designerzoo.dk, tlf. 33 24 94 93 www.dinesen.com, tlf. 74 55 29 76 www.dittefischer.dk, tlf. 35 35 26 29 F www.fermliving.com, tlf. 70 22 75 23 Fredericia Furniture, tlf. 75 92 33 44, www.fredericia.com www.fritzhansen.com, 48 17 23 00 G www.gubi.dk, tlf. 33 32 63 68 H www.hay.dk, tlf. 42 82 08 20 www.housedoctor.dk, tlf. 97 25 27 14 I www.illumsbolighus.dk, tlf. 33 14 19 41/ Århus 87 41 50 00 K Kasper Würtz, www.khwurtz.dk www.karakter-copenhagen.com,
STRIPES teatowel w name · Black / White
tlf. 38 41 41 31 Københavns Møbelsnederkeri, tlf. 33 31 30 30, www.kbhsnedkeri.dk L www.lissathimm.dk, tlf. 51 20 23 45 www.luckyboysunday.dk, tlf. 40 81 71 73 www.lyngbyporcelain.com, tlf. 38 41 41 31 M www.maileg.dk, tlf. 98 64 50 46 www.maustudio.net, tlf. 26 83 30 30 www.menu.as, tlf. 48 40 61 00 Mette Maria Ørsted, tlf. 51 21 98 17, annlinnemann.blogspot.com www.muubs.com tlf. 96 26 03 30 www.munkshop.dk, tlf. 33 36 55 54 www.muuto.com, tlf. 32 96 98 99 N www.nomess.dk, tlf. 39 20 92 09 www.normann-copenhagen.com, tlf. 35 55 44 59 O www.oliverfurniture.dk, tlf. 49 70 73 17 www.olivergustav.com, tlf. 27 37 46 30 P www.paustian.dk, tlf. 39 16 65 65 www.pleasewaittobeseated.dk, tlf. 40 86 11 78 R rabenssaloner.com, tlf. 46 92 90 90 www.roomstore.dk, tlf. 35 43 02 01 www.rueverte.dk, tlf. 33 12 55 55 S www.sacreceour.dk, tlf. 39 90 09 33 www.saragade.dk, tlf. 23 88 14 26 Simon Nygaard, tlf. 27 28 29 74, www.shop.madeinwonderland.dk Skajlm P, tlf. 33 11 82 00, www.hskjalmp.dk www.stilleben.dk, tlf. 33 91 11 31 T www.tine-daring.dk, tlf. 51 92 59 47
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LYNGBY · Lyngby Hovedgade 57A | KØBENHAVN · Pilestræde 30 | ILLUMS BOLIGHUS KØBENHAVN · Amagertorv 10 | ROSKILDE · Sankt Peders Stræde 1 | ODENSE · Klaregade 14 | AARHUS · Søndergade 1B | ILLUMS BOLIGHUS AARHUS · Vintervej 7 | KOLDING · Dieselvej 1 | Vejle · Torvegade 7 | AALBORG · Gravensgade 4 | HOLSTEBRO · Brotorvet 3 | SKIVE · Stårupvej 29, Dommerby | www.damask.dk