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(SWI Group)


Bermula dari Kampus Ikut Membangun Negeri

T. Sulaksana Watinsa Indonesia Holding or PT. SWI Group – currently a Holding Company – was founded in Bandung in the early of 1982 by Cardiyan HIS (Ir., Geodesy, Geomatics Engineering and Natural Science from Bandung Institute of Technology at Bandung) and Yayat Dhahiyat, PhD (PhD in Environmental Science from University of Reading, at London, UK). In the meantime, Cardiyan HIS was still an undergraduate from the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) at Bandung (West Java) while Yayat Dhahiyat had recently graduated from the University of Padjadjaran (Unpad) at Bandung. Early 1980s saw the booming years for the business community of Indonesia because of the flood of projects from the Government of Indonesia which was in the midst of its period of physical development. In the beginning the role of SWI Group was only a “sub-contractors” or “sub-consultants” to same companies in the field of technical and

management consulting services as well as to same big contractors of the country. Meanwhile, many of the clients of SWI Group were considering the needs of public relations, promotion, and marketing campaign to expand their own business. And they had the resources to fund the campaign. At the very moment, SWI Group itself came to realization that it had all the competencies needed to sell such services. In the road to its success, which had been full of struggles to survive and to develop, SWI Group was taking a strategic decision to move its base

from Bandung to Jakarta in the end of 1985. The decision had been based to the fact that Jakarta is a center of business activities in Indonesia as well as the center of the government. The closeness to the clients and to the potential clients had been believed to be important to fully and eďŹƒciently serve them. Now, after 25 years opening in Jakarta, SWI Group is also delivering its services from its eight branch oďŹƒces, in Central Kalimantan; Palangkaraya, Kasongan (Katingan), Muara Kurun (Gunung Mas), Tamiyang Layang (Barito Timur), Buntok (Barito Selatan), Sampit (Kotawaringin Timur);

in South Kalimantan; Banjarmasin, Banjarbaru, Peleihari (Tanah Laut), Batulicin (Tanah Bumbu) and capital city of West Java, Bandung. Even if the process is not so easy as to reverse our palm, in step by step SWI Group has accordingly gained the loyalty of its clients which some of them are big players, either in Indonesia or abroad, governmental institutions or private companies, local or multinational, professional organizations or institutions acknowledge internationally.

The Capabilities of SWI Group To be able to provide maximum services to the satisfaction of its clients, SWI Group organizes nine main business activities. These business activities are run by nine divisions, those are Communications and Publishing, Engineering and Constructions, General Mining, Electrical Energy, Natural Resources Consultants, Environmental Study, Trading and Investment, Tourism respectively. Besides, as a Holding Company SWI Group also has significant share in a couple of profitable companies such as PT. SWI Mineralindo Utama (coal mining and trading), PT. SWI Mineralindo Abadi (coal mining and trading); PT. SWI Energi Kalimantan (coal mining and trading); PT. Makaya Bumi Kalimantan (coal mining and

trading); PT. SWI Mineralindo Lestari (coal mining); PT. SWI Mineralindo Energi (mine mouth power plant); PT. Teknolah Bumi (coal and minerals mining), PT. SWI Energy International (oil and gas mining), PT. SWI Rekayasa Konstruksi (industrial engineering and construction) and PT. SWI Mapolah Bumi (natural resources consultants), PT. SWI Lingkungan Lestari (environmental consultants), PT. SWI Aneka Dagang (national and international trading), PT. SWI Mediatama Abadi (printing and publishing) and PT. SWI Komunikasi Publik, two last companies are divisions which have scratched the longest path for the SWI Group as a whole.

This is because the first job of the company was delivering communication services to the Association of Indonesia Survey and Mapping Enterprises (APSPI) to design and to publish two editions of their publication, “Profil APSPI 1977-1982” and “APSPI Profile”. Since then, PT. SWI Komunikasi Publik was given opportunities to deliver its communication services through publishing electronic media, as well as multimedia. This company is currently capable of delivering the most of communication services such as marketing, promotion advertising and public relation through integrated approach. The approach includes the preparation of ideas and concepts to the execution of them.

Head Office:

PT. PROCON PROTELINDO Jl. Senjaya V No. 90, Kebayoran Baru Jakarta Selatan 12110, Indonesia Ph. 021-7267237 Fax.021-7234052 email :

“Solusi terdepan untuk mendukung perkembangan infrastruktur di Indonesia.”

Saat ini, kebutuhan data informasi geografis dalam

BIDANG JASA : 1. Jasa Survei Geodesi • Survei Topografi • Survei GPS • Penentuan Volume Galian dan Timbunan • Penentuan Luas Area Pembebasan Lahan • Survei Tapal Batas

berbagai bidang kerja terus meningkat. Konstruksi, pertambangan, pengelolaan aset, serta berbagai bidang pekerjaan

4. Pemetaan Lokasi Aset 5. Eksplorasi Batubara dan Mineral 6. Eksplorasi Panas Bumi





geografis. Informasi yang akurat menjadi peranan penting ketika mencapai tahap pengambilan keputusan. Kesalahan dalam data informasi geografis dapat menyebabkan kerugian besar, tidak hanya secara material tetapi juga secara moral. Untuk

2. Sistem Informasi Geografis 3. Sistem Informasi Manajemen Aset












berkembang untuk menjadi perusahaan layanan survei dan eksplorasi mineral yang terbaik di Indonesia. Sumber daya manusia yang profesional, manajemen perusahaan yang baik, serta didukung oleh perkembangan teknologi merupakan modal utama bagi kami dalam menjalankan usaha.





merupakan aset kami yang paling berharga.


PROCON Protelindo Surveying and Geological Exploration Services

VISI “Menjadi mitra terdepan dalam bidang survei pemetaan serta turut andil sebagai salah satu lokomotif penggerak aktivitas ekonomi pembangunan Indonesia�

MISI 1. Berkomitmen untuk menyediakan jasa survey yang efektif dan berkualitas. 2. Mengembangkan kompetensi tinggi untuk berkiprah di pasar global. 3. Menciptakan iklim kerja yang yang mampu mendorong peningkatan kompetensi, profesionalisme, serta inovasi.

Member of :

Penyediaan jasa survey pemetaan topografi merupakan salah bidang keahlian dari PT Procon Protelindo, yakni:  Pembuatan titik kontrol geodetik.  Pembuatan peta topografi (batas daerah, ketinggian daerah dan objek pada area tersebut)  Analisis Volumetrik David Ramot Hariandja Direktur Utama


Cadangan mineral dan batubara dapat diidentifikasi dengan kegiatan eksplorasi. Proses ini melibatkan pembuatan model geologi suatu daerah, survei geokimia dan geofisika, hingga proses pengeboran. Hal ini akan menghasilkan informasi serta perhitungan cadangan mineral yang akurat pada daerah yang akan dikembangkan untuk kegiatan eksploitasi.

PT. Procon Protelindo merupakan perusahaan subsidiari dari PT. Procon Penilai yang bergerak dalam bidang jasa penilaian sejak tahun 1991. Seiring dengan laju perkembangan teknologi, kami menyadari bahwa bidang survei pemetaan dan eksplorasi sumber daya mineral akan terus berkembang pesat, sehingga kami mendirikan PT. Procon Protelindo pada tahun 2010 lalu. Kami selalu berusaha keras untuk terus memperluas jaringan dan pemarasaran secara global yang didukung dengan peningkatan kualitas produk serta layanan. Selain itu, kami juga senantiasa menjalin dan mengembangkan hubungan dengan para konsultan, kontraktor dan para owner yang potensial dan tersebar luas di Jawa, Sumatera dan juga Kalimantan.

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