Violeta ordonez portfolio

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Violeta Ordóñez Manjón

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V i o l e t a O rd ó ñ e z M a n j ó n

V i o l e t a O rd ó ñ e z M a n j ó n

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REFERENCIAS/ REFEREES: si fuese necesaria la consulta/ if it would be required Pablo González Álvarez Héctor Fernández Elorza Isabel Jato Chen Xudong

CEO sdArtia S.L. +34 678563372 CEO HFE arquitectura +34 696996614 Arquitecta en ACCIONA Infraestructuras +34 677924721 Socio de DAtrans Architecture Office. +86 (0) 21 ‐ 62996236

: p o r t fo l i o

V i o l e t a O rd ó ñ e z M a n j ó n

Servicios y Diseño Artia Calle Amaniel 13, esc. B, oficina Pb 28015 Madrid

artia A quien pueda interesar:

Nos dirigimos a ustedes mediante esta carta de recomendación profesional con el objetivo de dar conocimiento de la actividad laboral que ha desarrollado Violeta Ordoñez Manjón como arquitecta en nuestro estudio desde el 19 de junio de 2018 hasta la fecha. Como socios del estudio y supervisores directos de su trabajo durante este periodo sólo podemos reseñar las fantásticas cualidades humanas y profesionales que Violeta ha demostrado diariamente. Profesionalmente ha desarrollado distintas tipologías de proyectos y expedientes arquitectónicos participando en todas sus fases, desde el anteproyecto hasta la ejecución de obra. Destacamos de su trabajo su gran capacidad para el desarrollo de los proyectos aportando enfoques y soluciones originales y creativas, la excelente organización personal, su capacidad de resolución de tareas y su actitud positiva a la hora de proponer y aportar mejoras a los trabajos encomendados. Durante este tiempo Violeta ha aportado al equipo del estudio inquietud por el trabajo propuesto, ilusión, seriedad profesional y en general buen espíritu en un entorno de trabajo colectivo. Lamentablemente, la reestructuración de nuestro estudio debido al volumen de trabajo y por tanto de nuestra organización interna han propiciado no poder seguir contando profesionalmente con Violeta. .4

Quedamos a su disposición para ampliarles la información que precisen. Reciban un cordial saludo.

Madrid, 7 de abril del 2020.

Pablo González Álvarez Responsable de Arquitectura Servicios y Diseño Artia s.l. 678 563 372

Carlos Pérez Montoya Responsable de Construcción Servicios y Diseño Artia s.l. 679 511 352

V i o l e t a O rd ó ñ e z M a n j ó n

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德 默 营 造 建 筑 事 务 所 Moganshan Rd. 50 Bld13-1F Shanghai 200060 中国上海莫干山路 50 号 13 号楼 邮编 200060 Tel +86 21 62996236 Fax +86 21 62996237 Email Web

Oct. 30, 2013, Shanghai

To Whom It May Concern, As the supervisor working together with Ms Violeta Ordóñez Manjón for 6 months, I’d like to take great pleasure in providing this letter of recommendation for her. Ms Violeta Ordóñez Manjón has been employed as an intern from Feb. to Aug. in 2013 in my studio. I am very impressed by her overall ability, as well as her passion and dedication to design. Her internship has demonstrated thoughtful design works, as well as his motivation to learn and have a good practice of teamwork with other architects here. Throughout the processes of the projects she is becoming one of our most trusted interns who is well organized and detail‐oriented. During her internship she performed well in the design teams of: _ JVF Commercial Complex and Residential Xuzhou _City Cultural Center Taichung, invited international competition _Golden Bridge Tobacco Factory Xiamen, invited competition She supported the work of senior designer and project manager in the team and has proved to be a talented designer to combine her exceptional sensibility and skill with professional project. Without any hesitation I would like to recommend Ms Violeta Ordóñez Manjón. I totally believe that she will have a very promising future in her career as an architect by gaining more knowledge and insight offered by you. If you have any further enquiries, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely yours,

Partner, CHEN Xudong

Tel : +86 (0) 21 ‐ 62996236 Email :

DAtrans_reference-letter_Violeta Ordóñez Manjón_131030



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V i o l e t a O rd ó ñ e z M a n j ó n


V i o l e t a O rd ó ñ e z M a n j ó n

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: p o r t fo l i o

V i o l e t a O rd ó ñ e z M a n j ó n

Svaldbard and Pyramiden location


Site plan

Long section

V i o l e t a O rd ó ñ e z M a n j ó n

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V i o l e t a O rd ó ñ e z M a n j ó n

indoor view from the ramp

cross section: light labyrint

L2. upper floor


L1. main floor

L0. entrance & storage

south elevation


V i o l e t a O rd ó ñ e z M a n j ó n

cross section: neverending viewpoints

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cross section: culture garden


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V i o l e t a O rd ó ñ e z M a n j ó n

construction strategy and materials


V i o l e t a O rd Ăł Ăą e z M a n j Ăł n

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ETFE skin

platforms and main circulations

timber structure

stairs and elevators


timber structure designed without glue or joint metallic elements

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V i o l e t a O rd ó ñ e z M a n j ó n

V i o l e t a O rd ó ñ e z M a n j ó n

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V i o l e t a O rd ó ñ e z M a n j ó n

V i o l e t a O rd ó ñ e z M a n j ó n

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V i o l e t a O rd ó ñ e z M a n j ó n

ferris wheel experience

going down from the restaurant


view from Alcalá S

madroño forest & pop up m

site plan and public affluence

north elevation L0. entrance

L1. open plan offices for PYMES

V i o l e t a O rd ó ñ e z M a n j ó n

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underground view and plan with the secret tunnels

east elevation




L2. madroño forest

L3. restaurant

cross section

L4. rooftop

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V i o l e t a O rd ó ñ e z M a n j ó n

V i o l e t a O rd ó ñ e z M a n j ó n

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“kinetic” plan and front elevation


“static” plan and front elevation

V i o l e t a O rd ó ñ e z M a n j ó n

V i o l e t a O rd ó ñ e z M a n j ó n

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“sea room” plan and foundations



cross section

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V i o l e t a O rd ó ñ e z M a n j ó n

V i o l e t a O rd ó ñ e z M a n j ó n

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V i o l e t a O rd ó ñ e z M a n j ó n


third step: The cloud

V i o l e t a O rd ó ñ e z M a n j ó n

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first step: The naked sctructure

second step: Transformation


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V i o l e t a O rd ó ñ e z M a n j ó n

V i o l e t a O rd ó ñ e z M a n j ó n

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: p o r t fo l i o

V i o l e t a O rd Ăł Ăą e z M a n j Ăł n



V i o l e t a O rd ó ñ e z M a n j ó n

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junction floor


ground floor

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V i o l e t a O rd Ăł Ăą e z M a n j Ăł n


V i o l e t a O rd ó ñ e z M a n j ó n

: p o r fo l i o Planta primera_ Nave de Motores

Planta sótano_ Nave de Motores


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:Violeta Ordóñez Manjón

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