Tri-Patch Design

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Tri-Patch By Gerard Henrysh





Nz Roads nz-rivers-and-streams-centrelines Auto_Retail Industrial Rural_Farmlands Town_Centre Mechanical_Car_Park Commercial_business Retail-Commercial Light_Industry Residential_apartments river Path Park_Land Residential_Area

Indigenous_and_Broadleaves_Indg LCDB2NAME Broadleaved Indigenous Hardwoods Indigenous Forest Manuka and or Kanuka







1,440 Meters


Patch Area

Patch Area

Intermediate Analysis

Countours and Slope having the countours be efficient to build on added to the ‘‘why’’ I chose the patch I developed on, with is few slopes within the 50 HA area, the site was mostly flat and it concluded further on to my paths design towards the second layer of my site design, The Park Land landscape feature.

Intermediate Analysis

Development Areas

Indigeneous Forest


Site Analysis Map

Patch Countours

The Tri-Patch system stores the fundamental ideas of conserving the landscape by not building upon it, over it or through it but it tends to work with it and around it. With the system containing both benefits for the Ecology and the social development New Zealand and many other places are needing .

Contributing more over was the pattern analysis, that intergrates various aspects of ecology and social developments, including over all, river systems, connections, Landscape Patches, Landscape types, Ecosystems, Road systems, public transport, public locations, commercial and industrial areas and high density residential areas near by, also looking and the circulation system, trying to find a site where people would have a sense of option to what direction to travel, instead of giving one option that would lead to traffic jams and congestion. There for all my patches were tested on whether they had most of these aspects happening within a 50 Ha area. The chosen Patch came to be the most elegant and rich in asthetics functions, ecologically and socially attracting.

Location The other reason to why I chose the patch in particular for its location, the distance between the motorway and silerdale. with only a 20 minute drive to the motorway, and 15 minuts drive to the west to reach the State high way 17. with two ways to reach Auckland or hellensville, it is a very strategic location.




The site can also be looked at a social corridor to increase developement going towards West of Northland, it will help to be a stepping zone for other small communites that live within the rural boundairs to the west, south and north, The developemet can also be doe in other areas to the west, but because our focus was Silverdale within our creatin of the Tri patch Idea, I have decided to create it near SilverDale. Moving onwards the development scale can differ, not only can it be done to a 50Ha but to a broader scale, all been influenced by the Core patch of an Ecological system, such as theIndigineous Forest. Moreoever it can also be used to conserve toehr types of native and signinificant bush areas. It is a multi ecological preference site.

Site countours Indigenous Forest Conserved Ecology

The site chosen contains slopes from 0-15* degrees which enables us to develope without any problems on most of the 50Ha area zone, the slopes has a few small hills that created uncomfortable housing developement but with the cut and fill method we were able to distribute the soil to un-even areas in order to create a better slope. the indigenous forest that i’ve decided to conserve had high degree slopes but nevertheless it would not conern my desing, as to I’m conserving it and building around it to gain the aesthetic of beauty of the natural landscape New Zealand contains.

Silver Dale

Conserving Ecology by building around it, with it and supporting it through dierent aesthetics. Connectivity Beauty Preservation

The tool GIS was used to find the data in order to create the model above, with the help of satellite data and the coutours data I was able to state whether my site was well enough to develope the residential and also the commercial areas. although data will change in time, it will not have a major effect on my development as the site is mostly plain with a few slopes and it will no destroy any ecology or ecology proccess that are happeneing further more it will either conserve it or expand it natural habitat as I did with the river flowing through my site.


Reserved Patch

Main Road

Site Development


Connectivity Recreational Ecology

Landscape Park


The main Landscape Design purpose on my site project is my mid layer, the landscape park that stands between the commercial/industrial and the residential areas. It is intended to be a barrier between the commercial/Industrial Noise, and the residential which is by the Indigeneous forest. The park will contain Pathways and track ways that will lead all around the layer and also through the Indigenous forest to connect both the patch and the landscape layer. The design also extends and preserves further the river that flows on the left side of the site, going through the residential to the landscape park, thus said this it will also have a track way going on the side of it to also connect the indigeneous forest. The Planting and landscape features will be mostly towards large trees and berry trees to increase seed dispersion and increase the ecological health of the area. Two connectivity systems are in place here, River corridor and bush landscape corridor. The size of the landscape park is 20 Ha and it consist on more than 2000 Trees with addon plantings, Open Grassland areas for picnics and recreational use, such as sports, with a cycle track.

Connectivity Land-use Capability


Land Use


The ecological aspect of the site united is able to create a better ecological system for many aspect, Native species, food source, Movement, Conncectivity. The main purpose of the design was to connect the Indigenous forest that has a very good ecological health the second layer, emphasizing more on creating a better connected site instead of having three separate layers that contain no relation at all. Connection creates a flow within a site, a constent proccess, it enables us to understand how the site works and it gives direction to how the site will impact some areas. connecting the second layer to the indigenous forest, plus all the other layers through Road systems and pathways enables to maximise the use of the landscape bringing out the aesthetics, the beauty, the interaction, the recreational use, the landscape driven design.

Tri- Patch

Master Plan

Layers Indigenous Forest Residential Landscape Park Commercial/Industrial

The Final Plan came to be well landscape driven, containing now four layers, the Indigenous Forest, Residential, Landscape Park and the Commercial and Industrial layer. With the site being 56Ha, containing more than 1000 homes of 18m-22m = 396sqm. The landscape park is 20Ha and it is covered by specific chosen plantings and landscape features towards a better connectivity and ecological health value of the whole site. The last layer is the social development area, where the land will be used to create jobs, income and support for the new residents who will be adapting into the site. Containing Light Industrial areas, Industrial, commercial, social, retail boxes and other types of land uses. Moreover I have left some land untouched farmlands to have the food prodution also taking place within my site.

The site is capable of being developed, it is landscape driven, with the help of landscape analysis, patterns within the landscape, relationships, connectivity, GIS data, Social needs, economic solutions, Circulation Methods, Planning, Optimistic approach, Sustainability, Efficiency, Aesthetic based. so in most all this project is landscape design driven with the real world factors involving the creation.

Conclusion The Tri-Patch project is best for its flexibility for it developes around an ecological area, not through it, or on top if it, with New Zealand having a vast ecology, with Native preserved bushes to Indigeneous forest that go for more than 100Ha, which is enough areas to develope on. My project brings an iconic feature to the landscape being connected with the existing Indigeneous forest and its ecological proccess by corridors. It contains enough social development to support the requirements of the residential areas, and also adds to the way we experience tha landscape, creating recreational areas and landscape designed tracks that also contribute to view the landscape and getting people closer to nature more than just commercial and retail developments. My thoughts are that if Landscape driven landscape will create a self promoted landscape that will in time create an importance in peoples lives and it will increase the value of how we see landscape, A place of design and beauty, an important feature of our daily lifes.

Every path chosen to be developed has its ‘‘why’’ I made it, also most being dragged from the landscape as well. looking at the topography, countour, slopes, ridges, Ecology and natural habitats. Lanscape Architecture Gerard Henrysh Studio6225 Tri-Patch

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