The Nickel for Feb. 6, 2019

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classiFied deadliNe: Tuesdays, 11:00 am • disPlay deadliNe: moNdays, 3:30 Pm • • February 6, 2019 • The Nickel • Page 1






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The Nickel serves Alturas, Beatty, Bly, The Nickel serves Alturas, Beatty, Bly, Bonanza, Chemult, Chiloquin, Dairy, Bonanza, Chemult, Chiloquin, Dairy, Dorris, Fort Klamath, Keno, Lakeview, Dorris, Fort Klamath, Keno, Lakeview, Macdoel, Malin, Merrill, Midland, Macdoel, Malin, Merrill, Midland, Mt. Hebron, Rocky Point, Sprague River Mt. Hebron, Rocky Point, Sprague River and Tulelake, as well as Klamath Falls. and Tulelake, as well as Klamath Falls.

FEBRUARY 6, 2019 • Number 6, Volume 37



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School of fish

Page 2 • The Nickel • February 6, 2019 • 2701 FooThills blvd, klamaTh Falls, or 97603 • (541)883-2292 • Fax (541)882-0454

Students raise trout eggs to fry stage



he future looks promising for trout eggs that were delivered to Brixner Junior High School last week. Seventh-graders in Kara Contreras’ elective ecology class will have the chance to raise the eggs to the fry stage, where they will then be delivered back to the Klamath Hatchery from whence they came. The delivery is part of a curriculum partnership “fish eggs to fry in the classroom,” between the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Klamath Hatchery, U.S. Fish and Wildlife office and the volunteer Klamath Country Flycasters, which promotes improved fish habitat. The program is part of Oregon State Salmon Enhancement Program, according to Akimi King, Fish and Wildlife biologist based in Klamath Falls. King has been partnering with ODFW for more than 10 years. The Flycasters, flyfishing enthusiasts, delivered 22 packets of 60 to 100 fish eggs from the hatchery to more than one dozen local schools and after-school programs, including Ponderosa Middle School, Triad School, Henley Elementary, Peterson Elementary, Tulelake Elementary, Sage Community School, Chiloquin Junior/Senior High, and Brixner Junior High. Funding for the program, which includes an aquarium and equipment to foster the eggs, are provided to each classroom through the partnership, which also incorporates grants. Each day through February, students will monitor the health of the fish eggs by checking a number of factors, including temperature and pH levels. “This is kind of a science experiment,” Contreras told the class, gathered around her in the shop. “Sometimes things don’t go the way we want but we’re going to do everything we can to keep them healthy and happy.” Students will foster the fish eggs to the fry stage and then take a field trip to the local hatchery, where they will be released.

Feb. 7-13

Marcia Schlottmann photos

Students in Brixner Junior High School’s ecology class will hatch and raise these redband trout eggs, above left, before releasing them in a nearby hatchery. Above right, Brixner eighth-graders Adysen McGirr and Grace McCollam look at the trout eggs in a cooler before they are transferred to a fish tank in the classroom. Each day through February, Brixner students will monitor the health of the fish eggs by checking a number of factors, including temperature and pH levels. “Once the kids hatch the eggs and rear the fry until their egg yoke sacs are completely absorbed, and then they’re able to take them and release them in pre-approved, close system of ponds,” King said. “The hatchery will give the classrooms a tour of the hatchery, the kids get to actually release

their fry and then feed the fish,” King added. “It closes the loop on the experience for the kids in terms of they get to see what the fish grow up to be.” King said the program not only helps promote the goal of the hatchery — to stock the lakes and rivers with fish — but helps

promote healthy fish habitat and water quality. “Cold water for trout, riparian trees for shading of the creeks, good water quality, the lessons about not polluting our waterways is so important,” King said, “and kids could really make that connection when they’re measuring water quality in the classroom

This Week's Local Forecast

everyday to track the aquarium temperature.” The fish eggs could hatch as early as Monday, dependent on the water temperature. “Just to watch the process of them hatching is amazing,” King said. “They start wiggling and jiggling.”

Weather Trivia What do you see when you see your breath?




Few Snow Showers 31/24

Precip Chance: 20%

Precip Chance: 45%

Mostly Cloudy





Few Snow Showers 28/20

Few Snow Showers 31/23

Precip Chance: 55%

Precip Chance: 50%

Precip Chance: 50%

Scattered Snow




Mostly Cloudy



Precip Chance: 0%

Precip Chance: 0%


Answer: Condensed water vapor.

Klamath Falls 7-Day Forecast

Brixner seventhgrader Henry Ramos looks at the redband trout eggs his ecology class will care for until they hatch and are ready for release.

classiFied deadliNe: Tuesdays, 11:00 am • disPlay deadliNe: moNdays, 3:30 Pm • • February 6, 2019 • The Nickel • Page 3

Bulls, horses sold to highest bidders at 59th annual sale STORY AND PHOTOS BY TESS NOVOTNY H&N staff reporter

Top photo: A bull peeks out of his pen moments before he is led into the showing arena at the 59th annual Klamath Bull and Horse sale at Klamath County Fairgrounds on Saturday. Above, Tessa Harden prepares to bring her bull out for bidding at the sale. At right, a bull seller leads his animal around the showing arena.

More than 100 bulls and 20 horses were sold to the highest bidders at the 59th Annual Klamath Bull and Horse Sale at Klamath County Fairgrounds on Saturday. Sellers came from Oregon, Washington, California and beyond, generally collecting between $3,000 and $4,000 per bull. Jacob McCarty, bull sale committee member of the Klamath Cattlemen’s Association, said up to 400 buyers came to the weekend sale. “That’s what makes a sale — not only consignors, but buyers,” he said. “It brings buyers in from all over the place by providing a central location.” McCarty said the Cattleman’s Association would raise up to $30,000 from the event to go toward scholarships. He said that aspect of giving

back to local students was what made the event special to him and other organizers. “It helps the local community — that’s why a lot of us do it,” he said. One buyer, Scott Balin,

purchased a 1,900 pound Angus bull. Balin said he looked for good genetic traits lending to quality meat and milk production when purchasing an animal. He appreciated the

variety of animals available at the sale. “You get more selection of different bulls coming in,” he said. “Most guys are looking to get some more bloodlines.”

Sweet Cash Giveaway Let US Be YOUR VALeNtINe Hot Seats February 14th 12-7pm Every half hour we are going to give away $50 free play from 12-5pm then 5-7 $100 cash. Eat in the Peak to Peak Restaurant and receive a special valentine gift!

Valentine’s Day Menu! • 4pm-11pm Braised Short Ribs • Broccolini • Scalloped Potatoes Soup or Salad • Dessert (Choice of Banana Crème Pie or Chocolate Crème Pie) $24.99

Jack Frost Winnings Random Hot Seat Drawings every Sunday in January and February 12-4pm No entries needed: Simply play your favorite slot machines with your Bonus Club Card to qualify. You get to pick a prize, then pick a card from the mystery bag that has multipliers, extra cash or free play that you could add to your winnings! but watch out for Jack Frost He’s a whammy!

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Page 4 • The Nickel • February 6, 2019 • 2701 Foothills Blvd, Klamath Falls, OR 97603 • (541)883-2292 • fax (541)882-0454

Chiloquin’s Sage school participates in School Choice Week CHILOQUIN — Sage Community School participated in National School Choice Week in January starting with the Klamath County Commissioners presenting a proclamation to students and staff members of the school. That was followed by a poster and poetry contest open to all of the students. The results of it were: ■ Kindergarten to second grade (posters): 1. Nova Ashley; 2. Mateo Yocum; 3. Lillian Bramall; (poetry) 1. Ashley; 2. Yocum; 3. Jude Pratt. ■ Third to fifth grades (posters): 1. Kaitlynn

Milano; 2. Xannan Fox; 3. Aurora Lindstrom; (poetry) 1. Jessiann Hansen; 2. Dominic Kopte; 3. Jacob Connolly. ■ Sixth to eighth grades (posters): 1. Lilli Kopte; 2. Summer Buckingham; 3. Isaac Ashley; (poetry) 1. Sydney Fowler; 2. Jamie Danforth; 3. Elizabeth Bonomo-Raines. The school finished the week with all of the sudents going on a field trip to Pelican Cinemas to see “A Dog’s Way Home” and lunch at Moore Park. The trip was made possible by an anonymous donation.

Sage school participates in School Choice Week

At the presentation of a Klamath County School Choice Proclamation are, from left, back row, Sage Community School student Christopher Lo, EagleRide High School students Joshua Connolly and Zoe Deal-Borges; middle row, Klamath County Commissioner Kelly Minty Morris, Sage Community School Director Anna Fowler, Sage Community School students Summer Buckingham, Lilli Kopte and Sydney Fowler, EagleRidge High Schol student Madison Clark, Klamath County Commissioner Donnie Boyd; front row, Sage Community School students Dominic Kopte, Kaitlynn Milano and Jessie Knight.

Spotlight on schools Klamath Falls City Schools EagleRidge High School — Thursday: Key club meeting; student of the month assembly; National Honor Society induction ceremony 5:30 p.m. Friday: No school; mid-term grading. Klamath County

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School District Districtwide — Wednesday: Professional development day; one hour delayed start. Bonanza School — Wednesday: FFA at Klamath Basin Leadership Contest at Henley. Friday: Robotics at Klamath Community College. Saturday: FFA at

After 4 pm

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Megan McGuffee Heather Boozer Dawn Meagels

Danielle Mays, Stan Brock, Susan Belden, Megan Dumas, Levi Durighello

Production Staff 1864371

All you Can Eat Fish and Chips (daily after 4pm) $13.95


CHECK TWICE BEFORE TURNING. Before turning, always do a double-take for pedestrians. A second or two could save a life – and a lifetime of regret. Share the Road. The Way to Go. Transportation Safety — ODOT

J.D. Zack, Vikki O'Brien - Layout Please read your ad for errors on the first day it appears. Deadline for classified changes or cancellations is prior to 11:00am Tuesdays. This publication assumes no responsibility after the first insertion. Our liability shall be limited to the price of one insertion; adjustments will be made only for errors materially affecting the value of the ad. Credits must be used within 1 year. We do not guarantee display ad placement without prior arrangement. We reserve the right at any time to limit, edit or reject any/all copy which conflicts, in our opinion, with the established objectives of this weekly paper. In addition, we assume no responsibility for the authenticity, validity and/or reliability of any advertising, or of the advertiser placing such ads, in any of our publications. ©2018 - theNickel. All rights reserved. No portion of this publication may be reproduced, photographically, electronically, or by any other means, without the express consent of the publisher.

Bonanza Crab Feed; FFA Sweetheart Dance. Ferguson Elementary School — Monday: Kindness club 2:45 to 4 p.m. Tuesday: Chinese New Year in Mills first grade class 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. Henley Elementary School — Monday: Nieraeth class to Starbase; SMART reading 1:50 p.m.; booster meeting 5:30 p.m. Tuesday: Palmer class to Starbase. Thursday and Friday: Cupid Cards for sale for 25 cents each 7:45 to 8:15 a.m. Henley Middle School — Tuesday: Starbase 3:20 to 4:50 p.m. Friday: TAG Math Competition at Oregon Institute of Technology. Mazama High School — Monday: Senior parenting meeting 7 to 8 p.m. Monday through Friday: Play rehearsal 3:30 to 5 p.m. Wednesday: Little League meeting 6:30 to 9 p.m. Friday: Army recruiter during lunch. Saturday: Robotics Ice-Breaker Tournament at Klamath Community College; senior parent can drive in lower parking lot 9 a.m. to noon. Merrill Elementary School — Monday: Safety meeting 7:30 a.m. Thursday: Konnect Kare dental screening. Shasta Elementary School — Wednesday: Starbase for Scheidler fifth grade class; college T-shirt day. Thursday: Starbase for K. Johnson fifth grade class; SMART reading. Friday: Shasta Pride Day. Stearns Elementary School — Monday: Awards assembly 8:30 a.m. Tuesday: Kindness club after school. Wednesday: NAEP testing for fourth graders. Friday: Popcorn day.

Classified deadline: tuesdays, 11:00 am • Display Deadline: Mondays, 3:30 pm • • February 6, 2019 • The Nickel • Page 5



Were you an INDUSTRIAL or CONSTRUCTION TRADESMAN and recently diagnosed with LUNG CANCER? You and your family may be entitled to a SIGNIFICANT CASH AWARD. Call 1-844-3594979 for your risk-free consultation. Auction to be held on Saturday, Feb. 16th 11:00 AM 541-883-1784 1711 Main St. Main St. Mini Storage and Laundromat Selling Storage units for moneys owed! 1)Mar Lou Alexander, Unit 20 2)Yvonne Miles, Unit 92 3)Donald Harmon, Unit 93 4)Alice Venson, Unit 115 5)Larry Robinson, Unit 106 6)Jack and Teresa Ortez, Unit 87 7)Steve Barger, Garage 4 8)Andrea Campos, Unit 129 9)Carla Richardson Unit 120


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The Nickel works

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35th ANNUAL IDAHO Salers Bull and Female Sale, Tuesday, February 26th,1pm MST, Treasure Valley Livestock, Caldwell, Idaho. For information, call 208-924-5106 or 208-3564795.


Page 6 • The Nickel • February 6, 2019 • 2701 Foothills Blvd, Klamath Falls, OR 97603 • (541)883-2292 • fax (541)882-0454


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Classified deadline: tuesdays, 11:00 am • Display Deadline: Mondays, 3:30 pm • • February 6, 2019 • The Nickel • Page 7

Real Estate


G 2 bed 1 bath completely N remodeled country home, . with great view. Electric - heat / woodstove, w/d - hookup and dishwasher. K Has deck, large yard, garage and storage room. - Stateline Rd, California t side. Pets on approval, references required e and no smoking. y g Rent $725 plus deposit. 541-810-3434 e A PLACE FOR MOM - The nation's largest senior living referral service. Contact our trusted, local experts today! Our service is FREE / no obligation. CALL 1-844374-3428

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Under Oregon Law 659.033, and under Federal Law 42 USC & 3601et seq. which makes it “unlawful” to make, print or publish, or cause to be made, printed or published any notice, statement, or advertisement with respect to the sale or rental of a dwelling that indicates any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex.





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2701 Foothills Blvd Klamath Falls, OR 97603 541-883-2292 • FAX 541-882-0545


Display Ad Deadline: New copy 94401 N. Hwy 97 N #1 Restaurant Property is in operation & is ready for an owner who wants to use their own ideas & creativity in business. There is a separate garage/shop/bonus which is two stories featuring two rooms w/two baths. Property has a Restaurant located on the junction of Hwy 97 & Hwy 138 with easy access, also RV Park w/power, water, sewer. Even winter the RV park has overnighters. Nearby are Diamond Lake Resort & Crater Lake National Park that brings RVs & snow enthusiasts. Truckers frequent w/proximity to Hwy 97 & Hwy 138. There's an additional building available for use, prior use quick stop w/gas station, tanks above ground.

MLS# 2972441 $299,000 Member of MLS Licensed in Oregon

7455 Hager Way/ 3808 Hwy 39

Fantastic commercial lot w/ a 2 bed, 1 bath house for a watchman or owner. Over 2000 sf shop which contains the garage area and multiple outbuildings on a major highway on 3 tax lots, and adjacent to KCC. Would make an excellent location for a fast food or college related business. Gravel driveway with parking for clients. Shop has 220vac power. Home has a new faucet, recently painted inside with newer carpet. Laundry room with hookups for washer & dryer. New water heater, vinyl windows being installed. Current owner is a licensed real estate broker and general contractor.

MLS# 2992256 Reduced! $199,900 Member of MLS Licensed in Oregon

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1900 Main St.

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Monday at 5pm, corrections Tuesday, 10am.

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Page 8 • The Nickel • February 6, 2019 • 2701 Foothills Blvd, Klamath Falls, OR 97603 • (541)883-2292 • fax (541)882-0454







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62. "-- no business like show business..." 64. Echolocation device 65. Old military engine 68. Tricks 69. Intone 70. Nom de plume 71. Place in Eur. 72. Tiny colonists 73. Grooming event 74. Moneylending 75. Cheese type 76. Sch. gp. 77. Passe-partout: 2 wds. 79. Fold 80. Isolate: 2 wds. 82. Pt. of AAA 83. Priest in ancient Greece 84. Lunchtime destination 85. Scarecrow stuffing 87. Effervesces 88. -- -la-la 90. At -- -91. "Lost Horizon" setting 92. Cutting tool: 2 wds. 96. Custard dessert: 3 wds. 101. Dies -102. Preference 103. Leggy creature 104. Dozes 105. "I Remember --" 106. -- Hebrides 107. Active one 108. Pip

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53. Fish of the herring family 54. People 56. Wounds with horns 57. Trumpet call in old drama 58. Austronesian language 60. Wine variety 61. Hirsute 62. Snares 63. Went after game 64. "Thou -- not..." 65. More down 66. Sums 67. Having winglike parts 69. River in France 70. Lopsided 73. Reggae precursor 74. Exposed 75. Knocks down 77. Agnew the veep 78. Sculls 79. Introductory comment 81. Rose of Sharon 83. Eye socket 85. Roofing piece 86. Ziggurat 87. Office worker 89. -- -relievo 90. Helper: Abbr. 91. Old Phoenician city 92. Kipling title 93. Time 94. Tasty tuber 95. -- de Javelle 97. Kind of ideal 98. Drivel 99. Wall Street event 100. Superlative suffix






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CROSSWORD THEME Not So Trick(e)y by James Barrick

Classified deadline: tuesdays, 11:00 am • Display Deadline: Mondays, 3:30 pm • • February 6, 2019 • The Nickel • Page 9

•ATD 1 Ton Trans Jack Mod. 7436 •Jet 5 Ton Floor Jack Mod JsF5M •Ingersoll Rand 1 in. Dr. Impact wrench mod. 291 •Impact Sockets, 1 In. Dr. 11/16 – 2 3/16 •5 Gal. G.I. Fuel Cans •10 Gal. Drain Pans. Lid and Lock Ring •Evolution Rage 230, 9in. Circular Saw •OTC Pullers •OTC Port A Power 10 Ton •Lincoln High Frequency Generator •Tweco Eliminator Pull Gun, 25ft. •UTP Welding Rod •Fill-Rite Hand Pump Mod FR152. •1-Coats 5065X tire changer and 1- JBC 4100 wheel balancer •Milwaukee, ½ in. compact hole shooter drill. •Parts cleaner soluent 541-892-5180



Novena to St. Jude, May the sacred heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved and preserved throughout the world, now and forever, Sacred Heart of Jesus pray for us, St. Jude maker of miracles pray for us, St. Jude helper of the hopeless pray for us, we thank thee Sacred Heart of Jesus, we thank thee St. Jude, say 9 times a day for 9 days, prayer will be answered, publication must be promised.

AKC STANDARD POODLE PUPPIES, 4 weeks old, ready March 2, health-tested parents, 2-year health guarantee, lifetime breedder support, $1500 each. Go to www. for more information or call 509-582-6027. Kennewick AKC REG. SHETLAND SHEEPDOG “SHELTIE” PUPPY FOR SALE, Ready now, 1 male, family-raised, 1st shots, wormed, health guarantee, already potty trained, $925. Call or text 509-991-4309. Elk, WA

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When Every Nickel Counts, Count on

AMAZING GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES with very impressive pedigrees. Black/reds and black/tans. They will have first shots and know how to use a puppy pad as well as know several commands including “no” and “soft”. Born December 5th. First $100 deposits gets first picks! 2 boys & 1 girl left, $500. Ready to go Jan. 29th! Visit us at Womack Shepherds on Facebook. 541-205-8882 or 541-576-4608 Brussels-Griffon Female All shots. $350 Calico Female Cat. $30 Toy or small miniature male Poodle wanted for stud service for pick of the litter. 541-281-3089 Leave Message

SPORTING GOODS Boys Schwinn Bike In Good Shape, 26in, teal colored. $75 541-281-3089 Leave Message Healthrider, Softrider S150 programmable treadmill. $400 OBO. 541-884-6774

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Mark Valenti received his Master of Music from Northwestern University, Bachelor of Music from the Philadelphia Musical Academy and has studied with such notable teachers as Benjamin Whitten, Zoltan Kocsis and Mary Sauer. In addition to giving solo recitals in cities throughout the U.S., Mr. Valenti has performed in France, Belgium, Hungary and Luxembourg as well as for former First Lady Barbara Bush in Washington, D.C.

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Sunday, February 10 at 2:00 pm

Page 10 • The Nickel • February 6, 2019 • 2701 FooThills blvd, klamaTh Falls, or 97603 • (541)883-2292 • Fax (541)882-0454







Hey, ‘fellas’! Surprise the love of your life with something from Keeper’s Corner!!! One-stop shopping for Valentine’s gifts for your special someone. (Psst.... Ladies, check out the “Man Cave” ideas throughout the store for your guy! And pick up some great Valentine decorations for your home.)


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16 ENCLOSED 2019 CARGO TRAILERS in stock $100 or less over our cost 4x6-$1399 & up to 8-1/2x 26. Call for prices & sizes, 2020 models due mid Feb. Open utility trailers, car haulers, quad haulers, dump trailers, flatbeds, goosenecks, in stock at reduced prices. SPRINGDALE AND COUGAR TRAVEL TRAILERS AND 5TH WHEELS lowest prices of the year! Trade-ins & consignments needed. We get your asking price for your used trailer at no cost to you. OUTSIDE STORAGE $20/month or store your RV at home -with a new carport, starts at $1100 for a 12X21 set up. LEER Canopy Sale, go online for factory direct discounts & free installation, save $200. Open M-F 8 am - 5 pm Saturday 10 am – 3 pm Sunday or After Hours Call for Appointment 7350 Southside Bypass 541-273-1111


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There could be a good reason they’re stopped, like a pedestrian! A little patience could save a life – and a lifetime of regret.







Share the Road. The Way to Go.

Transportation Safety — ODOT

classiFied deadliNe: Tuesdays, 11:00 am • disPlay deadliNe: moNdays, 3:30 Pm • • February 6, 2019 • The Nickel • Page 11

Emergency and Social Service Contact Numbers


EMERGENCY ONLY............................................... 911 Sheriff Office Business .......................... 541-883-5130 City Police Non-emergency...................541-883-5336

Domestic Crisis Services

Klamath Crisis Center ...........................541-884-0390 Domestic Violence Crisis Line (24 hr) ....541-884-0390 Rape Crisis Line (24 hr) .........................541-884-0390

Emergency Social Services

Klamath Falls Gospel Mission...............541-882-4895 Klamath/Lake County Food Bank ......... 541-882-1223 Oregon Human Development Corp....... 541-883-7186 Salvation Army ...................................... 541-884- 7778 Integral Youth Services..........................541-882-2053 Community Point of Contact ......................... 541-885-4929 Street Outreach .........................................541-850-7385

Health Services

Poison Center......................................1-800-222-1222 American Red Cross Klamath/Lake Chapter.......................... 541-884-4125 Klamath County Public Health ............. 541-882-8846 Salvation Army ...................................... 541-884-7778 Safenet ............................................... 1-800-723-3638 Alcoholics Anonymous/Al-Anon Hotline .................................................... 541-883-4970 Narcotics Anonymous Hotline ................................................. 1-888-518-8166 Gambling Hotline................................ 1-800-233-8479 Oregon Gambling Help Line..............1-877-2STOPNOW Sky Lakes Medical Center 2885 Daggett Ave .......................................541-882-6311 Mental Health Division............................541-882-7291

You Know the Songs by Heart:

You’re The Only Woman • Biggest Part of Me • How Much I Feel

Friday, February 15th at 7:30 PM at the Ross Ragland Theater!

Community Resources

Valentine’s Day Weekend

Your Pre-Concert Dinner Destination

Tickets Available Now Online at or at the Ross Ragland Box Office

Tickets starting at just $27 (VIP Tickets Available!) A Red Rose for the first 250 ladies in the audience courtesy of

Common Sense Tip

Klamath Co Veterans Service Office..... 541-883-4274 Disabled American Veterans ................. 541-884-9125 Senior Center ..........................................541-883-7171 Department of Human Services Self-Sufficiency ...................................................... 541-883-5511 Humane Society - Klamath Animal Shelter 500 Miller Island Rd ..................................... 541-882-1119 Oregon Road Conditions.......................................511 Out of State ..............................................503-588-2941 In State Only ......................................... 1-800-977-6368 California Road Conditions Out of State .............................................. 916-445-7623 In State Only ..........................................1-800-427-7623 Dog Control ............................................541-882-1279

Utility Emergency Numbers

Avista Utilities ...................................... 1-800-227-9187 Pacific Power....................................... 1-877-548-3768 City of Klamath Falls Utilities Water & Sewer ...................................... 541-883-5301 AmeriGas.............................................1-800-414-3675






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Transportation Safety — ODOT

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