classiFied deadliNe: TUesdaYs, 11:00 am • disPlaY deadliNe: moNdaYs, 3:30 Pm • • JaNUaRY 16, 2019 • The Nickel • Page 1
Jan. 17-23
This Week's Local Forecast
Weather Trivia What is ice fog known as that forms in mountain valleys?
Rain/Snow Possible 39/28
Precip Chance: 95%
Precip Chance: 65%
Rain Likely
Mostly Cloudy
Scattered Rain
Mostly Cloudy
Mostly Cloudy
Mostly Sunny
Precip Chance: 20%
Precip Chance: 65%
Precip Chance: 20%
Precip Chance: 0%
Precip Chance: 0%
Answer: Pogonip.
Klamath Falls 7-Day Forecast Standard Standard Mail Mail Permit Permit No. No. 166 166 Postage Postage Paid Paid Klamath Klamath Falls, Falls, OR OR
******ECRWSS****** ******ECRWSS******
Postal Postal Patron Patron
The Nickel serves Alturas, Beatty, Bly, The Nickel serves Alturas, Beatty, Bly, Bonanza, Chemult, Chiloquin, Dairy, Bonanza, Chemult, Chiloquin, Dairy, Dorris, Fort Klamath, Keno, Lakeview, Dorris, Fort Klamath, Keno, Lakeview, Macdoel, Malin, Merrill, Midland, Macdoel, Malin, Merrill, Midland, Mt. Hebron, Rocky Point, Sprague River Mt. Hebron, Rocky Point, Sprague River and Tulelake, as well as Klamath Falls. y and Tulelake, as well as Klamath
JANUARY 16, 2019 • Number 3, Volume 38 ANNOUNCEMENTS
Were you an INDUSTRIAL or CONSTRUCTION TRADESMAN and recently diagnosed with LUNG CANCER? You and your family may be entitled to a SIGNIFICANT CASH AWARD. Call 1-844-3594979 for your risk-free consultation.
ROAD MAINTENANCE The Klamath Falls Forest Estates Unit 1 Special Road District (KFFE1SRD) is seeking qualified contractors to aide in snow removal during winter months, as well as assisting in spring and fall roadway maintenance projects. The KFFE1SRD consists of 27 miles of unimproved roadways on Bly Mountain on the west side of HWY 140. The KFFE1SRD would like to establish a *pre-qualification* list in order to be able to quickly respond to ever changing weather and soil moisture conditions. Applicants should be licensed and/or bonded. If interested, please reply to: Klamath Falls Forest Estates Unit 1 Special Road District PO Box 402 Bonanza OR. 97623
Sincere Senior, Divorced White Male, Retired Army Veteran, In Good Health, Wishes to Meet Sincere Retired Female. Age & weight unimportant, must be able to relocate, must be serious and sincere. For Replies write Mike's with phone number PO Box 4457, Tumwater, WA, 98501.
OVER 4,000 SQ FT New, Used, Antiques & Collectibles Hunting, Fishing, Camping, Knives, Furniture, Artwork, Records, DVD's, CD's, Electronics, Toys, Automotive, Tools, Jewelry, Household, & Much More! 603 S. 6th Street Klamath Falls, OR Corner 6th & Willow Across from AMA Gas Station Open Monday – Saturday 10:00 - 6:00
Never leave a child or an animal in an unattended vehicle. A friendly reminder from The Nickel.
LOST & FOUND LOST CAT Beuno Vista Area Adult male cat, grey & white, REWARD. 541-851-0739
PERSONALS Meet singles right now! No paid operators, just real people like you. Browse greetings, exchange messages & connect live. Try it free. Call now: 1-855-8478727 VIAGRA & CIALIS USERS! Cut your drug costs! SAVE $$! 50 Pills for $99. FREE Shipping! 100% Guaranteed & Discreet. CALL 1-855-490-4870 Tired of the same old dating sites? Meet real people in your area & make a new connection on your terms! 18+ only. Call 1-866-3083216
Winter doldrums getting you down? Stop in for a hot “cuppa” and some “Retail Therapy”! Markdowns throughout the store will help you overcome the winter blues!!
INVESTORS – FREE INFORMATION PACKAGE: Have your product idea developed affordably by the Research & Development pros and presented to manufacturers. Call 1-888-378-5369 for a Free Idea Starter Guide. Submit your idea for a free consultation. HughesNet Satellite Internet FOR BUSINESS. 25mbps for just $69.99/mo! Get More Data. FREE OffPeak Data. Built-In WIFI for wireless devices. FREE Standard Installation. CALL 1-844-363-8714
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Exp. 1-13-2019. One coupon Expires 1-25-2019. One couponper percustomer. customer.Not Notvalid validwith withany anyother otheroffer. offer.
Friends are some of the most important people in your life, so tell them.
541-884-1050 • Open Mon-Fri 10:30am to 2:30pm 404 Main Street (Located Inside KLAD Building)
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Antique, Craft and Collectible Mall The Store you can’t ignore!
o ilt r Bu de fr we n od dra tompgraenho ge ong o s a t 4 l h 0 Cu U Gre l- D r w fas en 8' $3 ak we , na W op rs, irs tio g, bre dra rtis l C nne a y e h op elvinfing v 4 n a d i c d h 0 b v e r h a 3 g e e r ac $ S Roo leg lst 5 ee e arg isin ht ho , $1 l b 15 empch 2 l vert Gr g p i y 5 a r u a n $ i 2 e ic a i la , a ad str , $ ging as 2x4 or 10 e vners lass h ch Print f w B $ g s The Nickel Edition is Now Online r e u ch n m im c a n g n s, 25 Pr rio 3 l g ba age 5 eamp, s ham fro air ,$ va 0 ea and Tr ch es 0 re Our Website in vint s, $ r la glas t tri 15Visit ry Click onon the Link! $1 10 4 a h $ t 3 ade floo ed ugh y, $ k wa , ep cre ks d sh ass stain wro eav drin se ffic Monday- Friday rac o h , h ed w br rge t t s i d oa 5 ine ard la mp wbeescarv ee 6am to Midnight 2-l l e c $1 h h h ty ,n le e a l onh for wit y du eac al ub 0 t a , DHS O.K. l App-piec t s t 0 v 0 d t o et2 n bo co hea , $2 ache s, 21 s j nh ,$ sta ch, as mp and nvas erm ebee so stat l a r a e G e o 541-273-5764 2 cramees ca l pap Appl med se i6-p erm ua f ng rfu om Aq u tic (1) w th ra w 0 e y f y Mothen hi colo s fr l l n 0 45 a 6 4 wn -53 ion ke au ,$ 82 clo ss f Micte of ub t 8 e f 1 ro s o ca ted 54 2 p ster ertifi po ith c w
195 East Main Street • 541-273-7553 • Open Mon-Sat 10am-5pm
Every Monday for Eight Weeks | Starting January 21 • 5 – 6 p.m. Community Health Education Center, 2200 N. Eldorado Ave. Reservation required. Visit or call 541-274-2696
Page 2 • The Nickel • JANUARY 16, 2019 • 2701 Foothills Blvd, Klamath Falls, OR 97603 • (541)883-2292 • fax (541)882-0454
FEED & SEED GRAIN & HAY ORGANIC HAY FOR SALE Certified Organic Alfalfa Stock Hay for Sale. $60.00 per ton Call 530-397-2182
LIVESTOCK 35th ANNUAL IDAHO Salers Bull and Female Sale, Tuesday, February 26th,1pm MST, Treasure Valley Livestock, Caldwell, Idaho. For information, call 208-924-5106 or 208-3564795.
LIVESTOCK 56 top quality black Angus three and four year old cows bred to fancy Vermilion Angus bulls. The cows are pregnant, tested to calve starting the first of March and finish calving in April. They were all given their shots this fall. These cows came from the western Montana range country and will do great on open range or inside pasture. For more information phone Joe Chappell at 509-3014402 Milton-Freewater, Oregon or view on Tri-Cites Washington craigslist under farm and garden.
Buying sheep/goats. Lambs, kids, bucks and culls. Buying all livestock. Please call for more information. Thanks. 541-890-0822
APPLIANCES Spectrum Triple Play! TV, Internet & Voice for $29.99 each. 60 MB per second speed, no contract or commitment. More Channels. Faster Internet. Unlimited Voice. Call 1-855-412-2412 **STOP STRUGGLING ON THE STAIRS** Give your life a lift with an ACORN STAIRLIFT! Call now for $250 OFF your stairlift purchase and FREE DVD & brochure! 1-844-840-9241 Stay in your home longer with an American Standard Walk-In Bathtub. Receive up to $1500 off, including a free toilet, and a lifetime warranty on the tub and installation! Call us at 1-855982-0329 EarthLink High Speed Internet. As Low As $14.95/month (for the first 3 months). Reliable High Speed Fiber Optic Technology. Stream Videos, Music & More! Call EarthLink Today, 1-844-359-5240
APPLIANCES REDUCED PRICE Kenmore Dishwasher $120 OBO GE Microwave $90 OBO 13” TV $15 541-882-3944
Get an iPhone 8 or Samsung Galaxy 8 for $34/month. Call AT&T Wireless today to learn how to get a new phone. Call while supplies last. 1-888712-4345 Viasat Satellite Internet: Up yo 12 Mbps Plans starting at $30/month. Our Fastest Speeds (up to 50 Mbps) & Unlimited Data Plans start at $100/month. Call Viasat today! 1-855-656-2141. Frontier Communications Internet Bundles. Serious Speed! Serious Value! Broadband Max-$19.99/mo or Broadband Ultra67.97/mo. Both Include FREE WiFi Router. Call For Details! 1-877-688-7934
Display Advertising Danielle Mays, Stan Brock, Susan Belden, Megan Dumas, Levi Durighello
Production Staff
©2018 - theNickel. All rights reserved. No portion of this publication may be reproduced, photographically, electronically, or by any other means, without the express consent of the publisher.
ENJOY 100% guaranteed, delivered to-the-door Omaha Steaks! SAVE 75% PLUS get 4 more Burgers & 4 more Kielbasa FREE! Order The Family Gourmet Buffet – ONLY $49.99. Call 1-877-701-4335 mention code 51689DET or visit 13 All Things Basementy! Basement Systems Inc. Call us for all of your basement needs! Waterproofing, Finishing, Structural Repairs, Humidity & Mold Control. FREE ESTIMATES! Call 1-866-9782087
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NO Shooting, Safe Step Walk-In Tub: #1 NO Tests! Selling Walk-In Tub in Carry pistol in 40 states North America. BBB AcNeed a Permit to carry in credited, Arthritis FoundaNEVADA? No problem! tion commendation. Therapeutic Jets, MicroSoothe 1 WEEKLY CLASS Air Therapy System, Less EVERY SATURDAY! than 4” Step-in, Wide door, ALWAYS 10am-1pm Anti-Slip Floors. American Certificates issued at Made. Call 1-855-300-6010 end of each class. for up to $1500 Off WALK-INS WELCOME! Portable Oxygen ConcenCLASS LOCATION trator may be covered by 1905 Oregon Avenue Medicare! Reclaim IndeKlamath Falls, Oregon pendence & mobility with the compact design & longCarl 541-884-2828 Web lasting battery of Inogen ConcealCarryGunClass.Com One. Free information kit! NEW PISTOLS $179 Call 1-877-572-8073 Full Lifetime Warranty, DENTAL INSURANCE. 100% American Made. .45 ACP, .40 S/W, 9MM, Call Physicians Mutual InYOUR CHOICE! surance Company for deNew .25 ACP Pistols $119 tails. NOT just a discount 22 Ammo $2.99/Box plan, REAL coverage for Buy .22 Pistol/Free Box 350 procedures.1-855-553New 22 LR Pistols $119 9250 or http://www.denSecurity Officer Training. New & Renewal Certification. Ad# 6118 541-884-2828 de Suffering from Hearing o g tom ra o n t 4 us Upgreen w s Loss? You May Qualify for lo 0 C a r f G nal $3 ak we A Clear Captions Phone At , isirs tio ing bre dra a p No Cost To You. Real-Time dvert h o 4 0 c elv f ed r h 3 g Phone Captioning. Free In-a ach e $ S Roo t 5 e l s l t stallation. FCC Certifiedempho $1 ch igh 5 up air, ea tra $2 ng Provider. Contact Clearla sic 0 s h , i c for w Ba 2x $1 s h , Captions! 1-855-595-1637 5 u ne hangfrom s 2 o c ir $ ri s ha s, va 0 ea SAVE on Medicare Supple- glas t trim150 re ne 1 yc r o $ 10 a h a ph ment Insurance! Get a oug y, $ k w ,$ et r s e c v k d ic FAST & FREE Rate Quotewr hea drin se oo rac off s at 5 rdw from No rved ne o i ed a l c h 2 ne e r $1 Cost! No Obligation! Com- ca , th duty ach n l i l b o o l f a u 0 pare Quotes from Major In- ots, wavy 20 e e tt d a oth jet ho , $20 tan h, b surance Companies. Oper-p c d heas, $machees, n s t ss o a c a t m s l n r a a anv pe leb ea G ators Standing By. er os a 2c c pa pp ed e i6-p erm A l Call 1-877-625-5756 qu ) m h s u t c A 1 f a i u ( w fr Mo ent w lor rom lly ne h 45 ne 600 FDA-Registered Hearingco ns f na ckey aut d $ h w o h -53 n i , c t i h 2 Aids. 100% Risk-Free! 45-clo ea ss Mi of a b r 8 w b d tu e ac 1-8 Day Home Trial. Comfort profers of ficate te om e 54 e Fit. Crisp Clear Sound. If oste certi ach ns, s 7.50or ad la , Tr s f P to r you decide to keep it. PAY pwith 75 er stei , $5-$eds f e o o o t $ h e 53 le s h ONLY $299 per aid. FREE ty, bee r lid p s $7 n's s Sa e s 9 th , let om 1 oks or Shipping. Call Hearing Help 11 wte lam e, me $5 ots p F m fr bo to pe tulip fam 0's ck, g bo Express, 1-877-598-1669 Co ks, 20 ood ci , g 4 n
NO Shooting, NO Tests!
Carry pistol in 40 states Need a Permit to carry in NEVADA? No problem!
1 WEEKLY CLASS EVERY SATURDAY! ALWAYS 10am-1pm Certificates issued at end of each class. WALK-INS WELCOME!
CLASS LOCATION 1905 Oregon Avenue Klamath Falls, Oregon
22 Ammo $2.99/Box
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The Nickel Print Edition is Now Online Visit Our Website and Click on the Link!
New 22 LR Pistols $119 Security Officer Training.
New & Renewal Certification.
FIREARMS, RELOADING PARTS Two rifles, double barrel shotgun. reloading press, ammo, bullets, die, elk calls, knifes, misc. over $1200 worth for $900 or best offer. 541-238-9090
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Primary Health Care
g pe s
Michael A. Sheets, FNP
J.D. Zack, Vikki O'Brien - Layout Please read your ad for errors on the first day it appears. Deadline for classified changes or cancellations is prior to 11:00am Tuesdays. This publication assumes no responsibility after the first insertion. Our liability shall be limited to the price of one insertion; adjustments will be made only for errors materially affecting the value of the ad. Credits must be used within 1 year. We do not guarantee display ad placement without prior arrangement. We reserve the right at any time to limit, edit or reject any/all copy which conflicts, in our opinion, with the established objectives of this weekly paper. In addition, we assume no responsibility for the authenticity, validity and/or reliability of any advertising, or of the advertiser placing such ads, in any of our publications.
Medical-Grade HEARING AIDS for LESS THAN $200! FDA-Registered. Crisp, clear sound, state ofthe-art features & no audiologist needed. Try it RISK FREE for 45 Days! CALL 1888-491-5061. MobileHelp, America's Premier Mobile Medical Alert System. Whether You're Home or Away. For Safety & Peace of Mind. No Long Term Contracts! Free Brochure! Call Today! 1888-510-2477 Sleep Apnea Patients: If you have Medicare coverage call Verus Healthcare to qualify for CPAP supplies for little or cost in minutes. Home Delivery, Healthy Sleep Guide & More – FREE! Our customer care agents await your call. 1-877-590-5359
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Full Lifetime Warranty, 100% American Made. .45 ACP, .40 S/W, 9MM, YOUR CHOICE! New .25 ACP Pistols $119
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DISH TV $59.99 For 190 Channels $14.95 High Speed Internet. Free Installation, Smart HD DVR Included, Free Voice Remote. Some restrictions apply. Call 1-855-978-2703
Classified Advertising
Carl 541-884-2828 Web
Office Hours: Mon-Fri 8:00am-5:00pm
Firewood, Dry, Lodgepole. Split,delivered. $200 per cord. 541-591-2498
Published Each Wednesday 2701 Foothills Blvd Klamath Falls, OR 97603 (541) 883-2292 • Fax: (541) 882-0454
Family-Centered Primary Health Care Flu Shots Now Available
OFFERING: • • • •
Immunizations • Sports, DOT Physicals Immediate Care (Suturing, Biopsy, Casting) Insertion and removal of: ~ Implanon ~ Nexplanon Women’s Health Care • Well Child Check-ups
et org ur F ’t o Don Get Yhot To lu S F
X-Ray Facility Available at Both Locations
The Merrill Clinic
125 North Lincoln Street, Merrill, OR 541-798-5073 & 541-798-5074 M-S 8am - 12:30pm
The Bonanza Clinic 31863 Highway 70, Bonanza, OR 541-545-1820 & 541-545-1821 M-F 1pm - 5pm
Classified deadline: tuesdays, 11:00 am • Display Deadline: Mondays, 3:30 pm • • JANUARY 16, 2019 • The Nickel • Page 3
We Have a Little Bit of Everything!!
Radio Control Airplanes & Gliders
No reasonable offer refused! Sold Individually or Complete Collection.
Bargain Barn Has Moved Locations! GRAND OPENING DECEMBER 4TH
Call Gary for Information 559-731-3256
Household goods Antiques Furniture Tools Electronics And much much more!!
Steven's Home Repair 541-281-9370 Licensed and insured Handyman's Business Yard Maintenance/ Winter Chores
Prices negotiable At All Times!! Located at
5113 South 6th Street Hours: Tuesday - Saturday 10 am – 5:30 pm 541-591-0423
Viagra Users! Why pay more?? Forty 100 milligram tablets, $169. Free discreet shipping and Handling. Call 1-800-607-2519 Open everyday.
Interior/exterior remodels, carports, decks, etc... Tile, flooring, & painting. You name it we do it! Anything you need done we will do it, there is no job too small that needs to be done! 30+ years experience
AMAZING GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES with very impressive pedigrees. Black/reds and black/tans. They will have first shots and know how to use a puppy pad as well as know several commands including “no” and “soft”. Born December 5th. First $100 deposits gets first picks! 5 males & 3 females, $500.
is a 16 week old Pomeranian puppy. His dew claws have been removed, he's had his full series of puppy shots. He's neutered, crate trained & well on his way to being potty trained. Estimated adult weight is 7 lbs. He is the perfect puppy for the person who wants a head start on the best friend ever!
BLACK AKC STANDARD POODLE MALE PUPPIES: Call to reserve now! Healthtested parents, 2-year health guarantee, lifetime breeder support, $1500 each. Go to for more information or call 509-5826027. Kennewick AKC YELLOW LAB PUPPIES Puppies born December 8, and will be ready to go January 20. Only males left. $500. Call or text 541-591-2555 for more information.
When Every Nickel Counts, Count on
Senior discounts Call today and ask for Steven.
Visit us at Womack Shepherds on Facebook. 541-205-8882 or 541-576-4608
FB – Round Dog, Square Dog Klamath Falls
Born 11-21-18 and ready to go 1-9-19. Puppies have been raised in a clean loving home, and well socialized with kids. They will be up to date on vaccinations and wormer. 5 males and 1 female left. $1000. For more information, call or text, 541-810-2957
When you’re feeling blue, don’t forget to breathe.
NOW OPEN 10 X 20’s 10 X 15’s 2738 Montelius St.
e use (Parallel’s Hwy. 97) o nh l63. Salt and strip g, ACROSS e g us fin 1. hoDramatis personae 64. Follower of an n ee A lot 5. Indic faith Gr
Available Gate Hours 7am-7pm
113. What's done
53. Bout of drinking 54. Windmill sails DOWN 58. Parties 10. Vamoose 65. A Euro 1. Old Roman 59. Lent a hand x predecessor statesman 60. L-Q link Pr 15. Uttar Pradesh city 19. Exchange fee 67. Cynical 2. Old Greek contest 62. Spare 20. Kind of grass 68. Flightless bird 3. Father 63. East Indies 21. -- -ho 69. Bounder 4. Of barbering archipelago 22. Farm building 72. Lab device 5. Spine-chilling 64. Perfected 23. Rent 73. Parts 6. -- fortuitus 65. Lapwing, a bird 24. Willow rod 74. Movie buff 7. A dye 66. Peoples: Prefix 25. Speaker of the 76. Part 3 of quip: 8. Conked out 67. Saint- -- -wort quip at 27-Across: 3 wds. 9. Fighter 68. Chopped 2 wds. 79. Walked up & 10. Bathe 70. A purgative 27. Start of a quip: down, back & forth 11. Chavez or Millan 71. Removes 80. Greek weight 12. Risque oy 3 wds. 73. Let b 81. -- and outs ay 30. Alphabetized list 13. Actress Gardner 74. "La -- aux Folles" o 31. Trees 82. Coin et al. n 75. Vacationed ha32. Bridge support 83. Called, in a way 14. Coco-de- -77. Defy o l 33. Wildebeest 84. "Kate & --" 15. Small drupe ia 78. A noble gas 34. Like a night sky 85. Drunken ones 16. Aurum 79. Fatherly 37. Bank heist 87. Got along 17. Took the bus (or motherly) 39. Lamp fuel: Var. 88. Invaders from 18. Ne plus ultra 83. -- -mutuel 44. Sensational Mars 26. Ryder the actress 84. Douglas-Home 45. Intimidated 89. Charged particle 28. Impenetrable or Waugh 46. Schwarzenegger 90. Simple 29. German art song 86. Snooze role 91. Took legal action 33. Steffi of tennis 87. Least 47. Gear 92. Pumps 34. Blackboard 48. Pilaster 95. End of the quip: 35. Audio component 88. Hand tools 90. Device in a hack 49. Be undecided 3 wds. 36. Naivete 91. Show scorn 50. Part 2 of quip: 102. Make holy 37. Jacket 92. Cicatrix 2 wds. 104. Pith helmet: Var. 38. Dazzles 93. Bindlestiff 52. Blabbermouths 105. Yep 39. Kangaroo bear 94. -- probandi 54. -- da gamba 106. Touch on 40. New-age singer 95. Carriage 55. Onomatopoeic 107. Grows dim 41. Utterly simple 96. Saintly radiance word 108. Genus of 42. "Nanny" butler 56. A palindrome water birds 43. Where Memphis is 97. -- the wiser 98. -- dixit 57. Eskers 109. -- Kett of old 45. Beverages 99. Nerve network 58. -- Fe Trail comics 46. Curdles 59. Surrounded by 110. Sub -49. "-- la vista, baby" 100. Escort 61. One-armed 111. On the left 101. Food fish 50. Ached bandits 112. Rude looks 51. Footnote abbr. 103. Books pro
CROSSWORD THEME Sportsmanship by James Barrick
Page 4 • The Nickel • JANUARY 16, 2019 • 2701 Foothills Blvd, Klamath Falls, OR 97603 • (541)883-2292 • fax (541)882-0454
• New & Secondary Steel “We’ll Save You Money!” • Got Scrap or Batteries? “We’ll Pay You Money!” 2825 Broadmore St. (Behind Lithia Ford) 883-3583 • (800)779-3583
(541) 1588524
A Country S Salon & Barber Shop B 2052 Suite #2 Washburn Way Specializing in Men, Women & Children’s Cuts
Sr.& Military Discounts! WALK-INS
Monday,Thursday & Friday 8:30 - 3:30 Available for weekend & evening Appointments.
It’s not forever, but it can make their forever better Foster Plus surrounds foster families with extra support, every step of the way. Foster Plus Informational Meeting Monday, January 28, 2019 at 5:30 p.m. 2210 N. Eldorado Ave. Klamath Falls, Oregon 97601 541.883.1030
Call: Dayle - (AKA) Shorty
PLEASE! IF YOU ARE DRINKING DON’T DRIVE! IT’S AS SIMPLE AS THAT! Help the Pet Population Problem! Have your Pet Spayed or Neutered!
Five Ways to Place an Ad in The Nickel: 1) Walk in... 2) Mail it in... 3) Call it in... 4) Fax it in... or 5) Submit it online. Place your ad today! Phone • 541-885-4410 Fax • 541-882-0454
Classified deadline: tuesdays, 11:00 am • Display Deadline: Mondays, 3:30 pm • • JANUARY 16, 2019 • The Nickel • Page 5
REAL ESTATE Under Oregon Law 659.033, and under Federal Law 42 USC & 3601et seq. which makes it “unlawful” to make, print or publish, or cause to be made, printed or published any notice, statement, or advertisement with respect to the sale or rental of a dwelling that indicates any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex.
A PLACE FOR MOM - The nation's largest senior living referral service. Contact our trusted, local experts today! Our service is FREE / no obligation. CALL 1-844374-3428
Rookstool Moden Realty LLC Dan Bailey
3 Bedroom House For Rent Located in South Chiloquin. Available 1st week of February. $650/ month. First, last, and deposit to start. No Pets 541-783-3217
ROOMS FOR RENT AFFORDABLE LIVING! Yakima, WA. Downtown, studios, rent $425+. All utilities included, refrigerator, microwave, busline, secure. (509) 248-2146
Veterans Enrichment Center Has rooms for rent $450/mo for Veterans and $500/mo for non-Veterans Call Tammi @ 541-331-9975 for more information.
DREWS ROAD in BEATTY 72 ACRES OF BEAUTIFUL FLOOD IRRIGATED PROPERTY Currently leased annually for the spring & summer for hay and cattle grazing until October when the land is used for water fowl hunting on the Sprague River. Located on a paved road, fenced and cross-fenced, and the property extends across the river to a small island. Ideal location for a duck hunting club. MLS# 2984409
This is a Must see property! $149,999 Broker Licensed in Oregon Member of MLS
1900 Main St. Klamath Falls, OR 97601
MISC. REAL ESTATE Trying to Avoid Going Through a Listing Agent?
ARIZONA SUNSHINE, 2 acre lot with power. $7995. Low down, easy terms, under the warm Arizona sky. 928-753-7125
Looking for a 3 bedroom/ 2 bath house. USDA approved for $150,000 or less.
Rookstool Moden Realty LLC Call Dan Bailey 541-883-5867
The Nickel serves Alturas, Beatty, Bly, Bonanza, Chemult, Chiloquin, Dairy, Dorris, Fort Klamath, Keno, Lakeview, Macdoel, Malin, Merrill, Midland, Mt. Hebron, Rocky Point, Sprague River, and Tulelake, as well as Klamath Falls.
Online Shopping and Selling Made Easy!
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Up To 100% Financing On This Home Built On Your Land!
6123 BLY MOUNTAIN CUTOFF RD Terrific 3 bedroom, 2 bath manufactured home on over 2.4 acres +. Large master bedroom and bath, with a large living room. Fenced and cross-fenced for your animals, partially timbered and on a paved road. The barn and shed are close to the rear of the home and there is a garden area for true country living. The home is on a post and pier foundation with skirting on the home and deck on the rear and porch by the front door.
MLS# 2987176
$139,000 Member of MLS Licensed in Oregon
1900 Main St.
Where to call to place your Nickel ad: Display Sales: Danielle Mays: 541-885-6334 Classifieds: 541-885-4429
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Page 6 • The Nickel • JANUARY 16, 2019 • 2701 Foothills Blvd, Klamath Falls, OR 97603 • (541)883-2292 • fax (541)882-0454
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House &Land Between Cascade Locks to the Dalles. Cash Buy Out or 1031 Exchange for House in Klamath Falls Must Be Fair Deal Five to Choose From 541-810-2953
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Health Services
You Know the Songs by Heart:
You’re The Only Woman Biggest Part of Me How Much I Feel
Tickets Available Now
Friday, February 15th at 7:30 PM at the Ross Ragland Theater! Tickets starting at just $27 (VIP Tickets Available!)
Get your tickets online at or at the Ross Ragland Box Office
A Red Rose for the first 250 ladies in the audience courtesy of
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Page 8 • The Nickel • JANUARY 16, 2019 • 2701 Foothills Blvd, Klamath Falls, OR 97603 • (541)883-2292 • fax (541)882-0454
Entertainment sought for Klamath Basin We need your help By H&N VIEW
Do you remember the band Ambrosia? Songs such as “You’re the Only Woman”, “Biggest Part of Me”, and “How Much I Feel” among other hits from the late 70s and early 80s? Yes, the band is coming to town Friday Feb. 15 at 7:30 p.m. at the Ross Ragland Theater. Do you remember Fleetwood Mac? Songs such as “Dreams”, “Don’t Stop”, “The Chain”, “Sara” and “Rhiannon” among others? The world’s greatest Fleetwood Mac Tribute Band, TUSK is also coming to town, Saturday, May 18 at 7:30 p.m. Do you remember the Eagles? Songs such as, “Take It Easy”, “Hotel California”, “One of these Nights” and “Life in The Fast Lane” among others? Yes, the internationally known, “Eaglemania” is also coming to town, Thursday, July 4 at 7:30 p.m. Steve Rosen, new Director of Revenue of the Herald and News, arrived in Klamath Falls in mid-September, asking hundreds of people through on-line research and personal conversations what the town wanted or needed as far as entertainment. He tested many different artists’ names and songs and these three groups ranked among the highest. Rosen went on to enlist a media partner – Wynne Broadcasting (Sunny 107 & 104.7 The Eagle), community venue, Ross Ragland Theater and annual celebration, “Klamath Freedom” to partner. For Klamath Falls to host bands such as these, it needs two things — ticket sales and sponsorships. The fees of these bands are roughly half of the total cost of bringing these shows to town. A $15k act can cost an additional $15k, or $30k total to produce. The Ross Ragland seats 700 people. At an average ticket price of $39, a sell-out would generate $27,300. Not quite profitable and certainly not a sustainable business model ... and that’s with a sell-out. Other acts that the Klamath Basin has told us they’d like to see include first class Credence Clearwater Revival and Tom Petty tribute bands, a highly believable and talented Johnny Cash tribute artist and yes, even a Prince tribute show. The community also suggested it wanted to see Lonestar, Joan Jett, Blue Oyster Cult and Jefferson Starship (which did visit here a year or so ago). Those shows are in excess of $40k to produce. Will the community support it? We hope so. If the community does support these first few shows ... more shows are on the way. If it doesn’t, there won’t be. What can you do to help? Spread the word, tell everyone you know, get groups together and buy tickets. Or, if you are involved in a business, take advantage of significant ($45k-$50k) of promotional exposure for your company with a sponsorship. Call us at 541-885-4448 for details. Let’s rock Klamath Falls!
♥ s ’ e n i t n e l Va ay D end k e e W
Proudly Welcomes
Report outlines harassment at Legisla
You Know the Songs by Heart:
It’s good for Hoyle to take a in part by formal complaints that I have hear he state of Oregon’s little bit of time to ponder her filed by Sens. Sara Gelser leadership,” Gel new labor commisnext move as she settles in sioner, Val Hoyle, was vestigators from of Corvallis and Elizabeth as the head of the Bureau of sworn into office on Monday. “that I am unlik Steiner Hayward. Labor and Industries. She said her first disliked, that I’m n Legislative leaders failed And legislative order of business will to deal with the complaints in grandstanding, leaders and state be to review a scathhungry.” (Kotek a timely or effective manner. officials could use ing report from her said that she reg (In fact, the report notes in the extra time to sort an aside, leaders “took more agency detailing how delivered that m through the report sexual harassment deeply regret th serious steps to curb former and to assess their made the Legislature Senator Kruse’s smoking (in tor Gelser or m own efforts to deal a hostile workplace. the Capitol) than they did to less supported. with sexual harassHoyle has said she curb his sexual harassment.” done a better jo wants to talk with ment. If the report the dynamics th n People reporting isthe investigators who MIKE MCINALLY is accurate, those she needed to b sues “were told not to speak prepared the report, efforts thus far have Kotek, who n about their complaints and Albany Democratwhich was put in been, to put this Legislature is in some were warned about the motion when her charitably, insuffiupgrading its ru possibility of defamation or predecessor, Brad Avakian, cient at best. sexual harassme retaliation claims for doing filed a complaint on behalf If you need a template said that her ini so...The record indicates that of four women who said they for how sexual harassment to the bureau’s r people have a fear of retaliahad been harassed in the endures (and can even thrive) tion for coming forward.” one of “disappo Capitol. (As the complainant in workplaces, could do Available!) frustration.”) The report went into con(VIPyouTickets in the case, Avakian played a lot worse than studying the Judging by th siderable detail about how your tickets online atthe RRTh at theleaders Ross dealt Ragland Office no role inGet the investigation.) picture of Capitol painted or legislative with Box however, a num It will be up to Hoyle to by the BOLI report. Gelser and her complaint, in addition to G decide what sanctions, if any, Among the conclusions in and, again, the responses are disappointed an to impose on the Legislature. the report: sadly common for women by the way their Among Avakian’s suggestions, n Legislative leaders knew, reporting sexual harassment. have been hand according to a story from or should have known by House Speaker Tina Kotek, Legislature. Leg Oregon Public Broadcasting: 2015 at the latest, about nufor example, told Gelser that ers undoubtedly Paying a year’s tuition for merous allegations of sexual it would be difficult for her the rules upgrad two student interns who were harassment in the Capitol. to publicly call for Kruse’s mentioned will harassed by former Sen. Jeff Many of those allegations resignation because other ence. But it also Kruse and setting up a $15 involved behavior by Kruse, lawmakers considered Gelser attitudes about million fund to potentially who resigned after an inves“unlikable.” the Capitol need pay other victims. tigation that was prompted “And that is something adjustment.
You’re The Only Woman • Biggest Part of Me • How Much I Feel
Tickets Available Now
Friday, February 15th at 7:30 PM at the Ross Ragland Theater! Tickets starting at just $27
rst fi e h t for e s ce o n R e i d d e u R A ea h t n i s ie 250 lad ourtesy of c