DECEMBER • 2018 | Active Seniors • 1
FREE Take One!
New Year’s Eve BINGO Extravaganza! Monday, Dec. 31 Details: Page 10
Active Seniors Senior DECEMBER 2018
The official monthly publication of the Klamath Basin Senior Citizens’ Center
2 • Active Seniors | DECEMBER • 2018 SENIOR Center receptionist Joanne Campbell
Contact Information General Information Joanne Campbell: 541.883.7171 Donations - Shawn McGahan 541.883.7171 ext. 136
Meals On Wheels Assistance Contact Klamath Lake Counties Council On Aging at 541.205.5400
save the date Holiday BINGO schedule Closed Thursday, Dec. 6 See you at the Snowflake Parade Closed Saturday, Dec. 29 See you New Year’s Eve, Dec. 31
Transport Dispatcher - Cindy Dupart 541.850.7315
ll content for this publication has been provided by the Klamath Basin Senior Citizens’ Center. For questions, suggestions and general information regarding this publication, please contact the Klamath Basin Senior Center at 541.883.7171. Thank you.
Bingo Information Linda Breeden: 541.883.7171 ext. 115
Medicare Counseling 541.883.7171
Volunteer Opportunities 541.883.7171
Executive DirectorMarc Kane: 541.883.7171 ext. 117
Save the date for WISE Wellness Initiative for senior education The WISE program will be offered at the Senior Center on Friday mornings starting in January. The program focuses on wellness for older adults and covers many topics including Understanding the Changes Associated with Aging, Aging Sensitivity, Medication and the Older Adult, and An Enhanced Quality of Life. The WISE program is a 6-week series, and each class will be 1.5 hours long. Kathleen Rutherford is the instructor for the class. If you would like to save a place in the class, call Kathleen at 530-636-3019.
Produced in conjunction with the Herald and News
NeW Tai Chi schedule Klamath Falls Senior Center TUESDAY 8:15 - 9:15 4th set Advanced/Intermediate 9:15 - 9:45 3rd set Intermediate 9:45-10:30 2nd set Beginning/Intermediate 10:30 - 11:30 1st set Beginning 12:30 - 1:30 p.m. 1-4 sets Advanced TUESDAY P.M. 6 - 7 p.m. 1-4 sets Advanced WEDNESDAY P.M. 5 - 6 p.m. Open Tai Chi Instructor Mel Murakami
Call 541 274-1555
NeW BoosT YoUR BRAIN AND MeMoRY CLAss starts Jan. 16 — sign up now! Class is limited to 12 participants and is intended for older adults who do not have diagnosed dementia. It is recommended for adults motivated to protect and enhance their mind’s capacities. Participants are asked to attend at least 6 of the 8 scheduled sessions. The program will be presented at the Klamath Basin Senior Center on eight consecutive Wednesdays from 10 to 11:30 a.m. beginning Jan. 16. A donation of $10 is recommended to cover workbooks and material expenses. Questions? Call the Klamath Basin Senior Center: 541-883-7171
Where are we located?
The klamath senior Center is located at 2045 Arthur street
DECEMBER • 2018 | Active Seniors • 3
ts that time of year again between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Some dread this period as the race to shop for Christmas begins. On the other hand this is a period of the year when I dwell more on the value of family and community and think of the value of relationship between all people. We shop for gifts in order to recognize and show appreciation for relationships, especially with family. But the greatest gift of all is the time we spend with those close to us and the Marc Kane, Center Director experiences we share that will be long lasting in our memories. This is the perfect season to spend some time with that elderly relative, neighbor or acquaintance who may not have many others to share with. It may be the opportunity to make that connection with an elderly person that will launch a routine and yearlong series of sharing talents and memories. Make your presence the best of presents this year. Aside from presence is participation. A great way to establish or maintain a relationship lies in the invitation to another to share participation in events or programs. On the cover of our last issue you may have read the message, “It’s all here at the Senior Center.” Well, it may not be all, but there is plenty going on here. Creative Writing, Yoga, Tai Chi, Qi Gong, SAIL Class, Dancing, Bingo, Card Playing, Pool,
Safe Driving Courses, Memory classes, the Senior Dance Club, the Golden Age club, and, believe it or not much more. And all that’s just a small part of the opportunities in this great community where there is so much to do and enjoy. It may be Winter, and it may be cooler weather, but I encourage all to take advantage of the fresh air and all the activities that are offered community wide. There is an event coming up this New Year’s Eve at the Senior Center. It’s our biggest fundraiser of the year to support all the programs here, and it is also the biggest bingo party in the county. Come celebrate with us. Many will walk away with great cash prizes from their bingo play or a treasure from the other raffles and prizes. It’s all great fun and one of the best places to spend your New Years Eve. Tickets for this event are limited to 300 attendees and advance sales are already well under way. There is also an opportunity for small groups to book a table and to make it your personal party within ours. Reservations can be made at our evening bingo games throughout December or at our reception desk during the day. Next will be our annual banquet event coming up on the first Friday in February. The theme will be Bow Ties and Pearls. Watch for details in our January paper. Finally I wish you all the very best during this holiday season. Enjoy your family and friends. Make new acquaintances and have a very Merry Christmas. JOIN US ! WE CELEBRATE LIFE !
To make a fully tax-deductible contribution to the Klamath Basin Senior Citizens’ Center
Call (541) 883-7171 or mail this form to : P.O. Box JE, Klamath Falls, OR 97602
Happy Birthday!
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4 • Active Seniors | DECEMBER • 2018
Spokes Unlimited Calendar of Activities
All meetings/events listed are held in a wheelchair accessible location. Please notify SPOKES 48 hours in advance if you need an assistive listening system, sign language interpreter or materials in an alternate format. Call 541-883-7547 v/tty.
18 — American Council for the Blind Meeting, 12 -2 p.m., Red Roosters Grill and Pub, 3608 S. 6th Street 19 — SPOKES Unlimited will be closed for the Thanksgiving Holiday 25 — SPOKES office will be closed for the Christmas holiday.
NEW ADDRESS! 280 Main Street Klamath Falls, OR 97601 541-883-7547 v/tty
New address
On Sept. 13, the SPOKES office flooded and we had to make an emergency move to a new office while construction is completed. You can now find us at 280 Main Street, right on the corner of Main Street and 3rd Street on the left hand side. If you have any questions, please call us. Thank you for your patience while we get settled in. All support groups follow confidentiality guidelines.
Lake County Senior Citizens Association December event schedule Closed Dec. 24 and 25 n First three Tuesdays, 7:30 a.m. Klamath Falls trips for medical appointments and shopping. ( $20 donation when you sign up.) n First Tuesday, Jan. 2, Join us for Tuesday Friends at 2 p.m. n Every Tuesday and Thursday our Thrift Shop is open 1-4 p.m. and second Saturday from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. n Birthday Lunch 2nd Friday, Dec. 14. Come join us and have birthday cake. n Tuesdays and Thursdays stop in for a puzzle swap. (Bring some to trade/ share and take something new for you!) n Tuesdays and Thursdays join us for the Strong People Program! 10-11 a.m. n Wednesdays 12-1 p.m. Lions – Lunch Meeting. We rent rooms evenings and weekends. For space during working hours, just call to reserve a space for your crafting group, card players, nonprofit, etc. We appreciate donations. We have plenty of space to share, call and see how we could work together. We serve hot meals to everyone Monday, Wednesday and Friday. It’s only $7 for those under 60 and we request a $5 donation for those over 60. We provide home delivered meals weekly. Lunch is served at noon. Join us! Seniors and disabled may request local medical transportation with advance notice. You can reach us at: 11 North G Street, Lakeview, OR 97630 541-947-4966 We have a Volunteer position open for someone qualified to take Blood Pressures on Monday’s before the lunch hour.
Carlson’s Furniture
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as easy as one, two, three with a Lift Chair from
This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
LONG-TERM CARE OMBUDSMAN provide advocacy for individuals living in licensed care settings such as Nursing Facilities, Assisted Living FINDFacilities, YoUR pURpose Residential Care Facilities, Adult Foster Homes, and Endorsed LONG-TERM MemoryCARE Care.OMBUDSMAN
DECEMBER • 2018 | Active Seniors • 5
advocacy for individuals living VoLUNTeeR provide oppoRTUNITIes FoR eVeRYoNe
in licensed care settings such as Have you considered giving back to your community? Nursing Facilities, Assisted Living URGENT NEED DID YOU Facilities, at Residential Care Facilities, FOR VOLUNTEERS! Volunteer opportunities the Klamath SeniorKNOW? Center: Adult Foster Homes, and Endorsed We currently have one There are 12 long-term • Meals-On-Wheels drivers Memory Care. and kitchen helpers
Sharing moments ... changing lives!
facilities in Sharing Sharing Klamath County. moments… moments… changing changing lives! lives!
volunteer serving theSenior Center vans • Transportation drivers using care entire county. • Computer and tech skills instructors
• Gift URGENT Shop clerks and helpers NEED
DID YOU KNOW? • Bingo callers and floor helpers (Thursday and Saturday evenings) FOR VOLUNTEERS! We currently have one There are 12 long-term Visit volunteer serving the our WEB site at care facilities in entire county.or request You can apply online,
Klamath County. aNow paper application. in recruiting for aTraining new volunteer Volunteer Coordinator Klamath County is coming soon! Contact Marc Kane, Executive Director at 541-883-7171 Ext 117
You can apply online, or request a paper application. Training in Klamath County is coming soon!
1-800-522-2602 1-800-522-2602
Volunteers needed for Foster Grandparent ProgramSharing moments…
Treasures Thrift Store Treasures Thrift Volunteer
Bereavement Volunteers
storeProvides a friendly shoulder to
Staffed with who volunteers lean whoon; donate offering support Staffed with volunteers heir time runphone the calls or home through donate their timetotosort sort merchandise, cash register and register, assist our commumerchandise, run the cash visits. nity. our All community. proceeds benefi t Klamath Hosand assist All proceeds Klamath Companion picebenefit patients andHospice families.Caring Treasures is patients andMonday families. Treasures Impart a supportive calmingsupport through open through isSaturday, on;and offering open10 Monday Saturday a.m.- to 6 p.m.from presence during a calls patient’s final visits. or home 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Provides a friendly shoulder to hours.
Do you know a neighbor, a friend, or a changing family member that would enjoy worklives! ing with children? HowThrift about you? Treasures Store Foster Grandparents are senior volunteers age 55 and older. They act as role models Volunteer
Bereavement Volunteers patient/family volunteer
Caring companion
phone since 1982
Start Today!
and mentors to children in local schools and community nonprofit programs. We are Otheron; additional support for Klamath Impart a supportive and calming lean offering support Staffed Patient/Family Volunteer Life Stories accepting applications today. Call (541) 892-4521 for with morevolunteers information.who Hospice families through reading to presence Offer additional forcalls or throughsupport phone homehas a story, help during a patient’s final hours. donate their time to sort Everyone patients, social visits and more. Life stories Klamath Hospice families BENEFITS INCLUDE: One W Main Street patient’s record theirs. merchandise, run the cash register, visits. Bereavement volunteers Everyone has a story. Help patients through reading to patients, NON-TAXABLE STIPEND Suite 303 and assist our community. All social visits Provides a friendly shoulder to lean records theirs. and more. MILEAGE REIMBURSMENT Medford OR 97051 VOLUNTEER OPENINGSCaring Companion proceeds benefit Klamath Hospice FREE ANNUAL PHYSICAL Bereavement Volunteers Treasures Thrift Store (541) 857-7786 patients and families. Treasures is shoulder Provides a friendly to Volunteer PERSONAL TIME OFF AND MORE! Impart a supportive and calming lean on; offering support Staffed with volunteers who through phone calls or home donate their time to sortVOLUNTEER open Monday - Saturday from FIND YOUR PURPOSE IS A RECURRING COLUMN. WE INVITE ANY AGENCY THAT HAS presence during a patient’s final since 1982 merchandise, run the cash register, visits. OPPORTUNITIES TO SUBMIT INFORMATION TO BE PUBLISHED IN FUTURE COLUMNS. assist our community. All WE ARE 10:00 a.m.and to 6:00 p.m. proceeds benefit Klamath Hospice Caring Companion hours.
Call Brenda at
ESPECIALLY INTERESTED IN OPPORTUNITIES FOR SENIORS AND VOLUNTEER EVENTS THAT patients and families. Treasures is Impart a supportive and calming BRING SENIORS AND OTHERS TOGETHER TO SUPPORT OUR COMMUNITY. open Monday - PLEASE Saturday from SUBMIT presence during a patient’s final 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. hours. REQUESTS TO MARC KANE AT THIS EMAIL:
Patient/Family Volunteer Patient/Family Volunteer
Life Stories
since 1982
Start Today! Life Stories
Offer additionalsupport support for Offer additional for has a story, help Everyone Callhas Brenda at help Everyone a story, Klamath Hospice families patient’s record theirs. through reading to patients, Klamath Hospice families
Start today! Call Brenda at 541-882-2902 Start Today!
Call Brenda at
6 • Active Seniors | DECEMBER • 2018
expressions of Heart and Mind
Writer’s Corner
Mumkin‛s Recipes For Life...
Please submit something for us to consider printing in our next issue. Submittals should be sent to the attention of Marc Kane, Executive Director, Klamath Basin Senior Citizens Center.
‘ YAY’ SANTA By Sharon Hudson
Christmas is coming, Get the reindeer up. They have a big job to do, And fill Santa’s cup. He is checking his list, A couple of times. Mrs. Clause is setting the clocks To the Christmas chimes. Get an extra blanket, and Put it into Santa’s sleigh. If Santa gets cold, It might cause a delay.
Love ... The gift you freely share, showing those near and far how much you care. Sharon (Johnston) Pappas©
By Vaudine Cullins She felt bewildered By the crowd The room was unfamiliar She struggled to control her thoughts And contain her sad emotions She recognized a smiling face Across the room And headed that direction But the smile was not meant for her So she stopped before she reached The other side She awoke The room was empty No one was there beside her She turned to touch the pillow Where he once lay his head And remembered he was gone
He is going all over the world, And needs his good health. So all of the children get Presents, to add to their wealth. On Christmas Eve when you Hear a big Ho! Ho! Ho! Look to the sky and let A warm feeling flow!
“I am What I Do” By Sharon (Johnston) Pappas Are you a fireman, lawyer, Doctor or teacher Carpenter, nurse, farmer Or preacher Whatever you do Day by day Has it changed who you are Along the way Do you wake in the morn Longing to show The joy within Wherever you go Do you take a moment To share a smile Fill a need Go that extra mile Does your family Receive the best of you With compassion and Love Shining through God has given gifts To both me and you So reach out to others Remembering… “I am What I Do.”
IT’S CHRISTMAS By Sharon Hudson Christmas only comes Once every year. It’s time to think of Those that we hold near. To remember them with a gift, And hope it it’s right, It should make them happy, And turn on that inner light. With a smile on their face For thinking of them.
A gift appreciated is like A precious gem. A time to remember That God is good. He sent us Jesus Because he knew he could. He taught us to be kind, and To treat each other right. To keep him in our heart Every day and every night. Christmas is the season
Bringing joy to all. It’s Jesus’ birthday, and celebrated By the big and the small. Happy tidings and good wishes Come with the season. The time for spreading love and Cheer, and know there is a good reason. The winter makes it cold, but Love warms our hearts. God’s presence keeps going, And that’s how it starts.
DECEMBER • 2018 | Active Seniors • 7
Balance and Stability Class
Tina’s unexpected adventures in fascia way you are.” Tina’s Ongoing Movement Improvement Classes are at the Klamath County Senior Center, Monday and Wednesday from 10 to 11 a.m., and at the Klamath Lutheran Church, 1175 Crescent Ave.,
Mark Fay, M.D. Scott Stevens, M.D. Physician/ Surgeon of the Eye Physician/ Surgeon of the Eye
Student B: “I can really feel this in my nose.” Student C: “I didn’t know my sinuses were all gunked up.” Tina: You wouldn’t be coming here if you were perfectly satisfied with the
behind Klamath Union High School. (Go to back entrance of church, down six stairs) Requested donation: $5 per week, OK to attend both classes. No one refused for inability to donate. For information call Tina: 541-274-1555.
Edwin Tuhy, O.D. Optometrist
Jennifer Sparks, O.D. Optometrist
By Judith Jensen Tina Mahacek is teaching a series of Movement Improvement classes on fascia, the pervasive soft tissue that encloses muscles and other body organs. Its importance is increasingly recognized by the medical community. Fascia is inside the head, even in the internal structure of the ear. Tina posed the question, “How do you think pulling on the top of each ear and the ear lobes could possibly could impact your hearing? So she showed us. She took us through several exercises, teaching us how to pull gently on our ears. Student A: “Wow! Why can I hear better?” Tina: “That’s an interesting question. Well, by pulling on your ear in four different ways, you have softened the fascia within your head.”
New Patients Welcome
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8 • Active Seniors | DECEMBER • 2018
Calendar of Events MONDAY
sAIL 8:45-9:45 and 10:15-11:15
Craft Class 9-11 a.m. Safe Driving 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
sAIL 8:45-9:45 and 10:15-11:15 County Library 9:30 a.m.-1 p.m.
Creative Writing Class 10:00-11:30
Behavior Health 10 a.m.-1 p.m.
keep moving! Follow the blue scheduled activities
Balance & stability at kLC 10 Dancing 1-4 p.m. With The Take Four Band Qi Gong 4-5: p.m. open Tai Chi 5-6 p.m.
Happy Pet Day 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. sAIL 10:15-11:15 a.m. Golden Age Bingo/Cards 12:30 County Library 1:30-4 p.m. Bingo CLoseD see you atparade the snowflake
Dancing 7 p.m. With The Take Four Band
Craft Class 9-11
sAIL 8:45-9:45 and 10:15-11:15 County Library 9:30 a.m.-1 p.m.
Board of Directors 10 a.m.-Noon Balance & stability at kLC 10
Behavior Health 10 a.m.-1 p.m. safe Driving 8 a.m. - 12 sAIL 10:15-11:15 a.m. Golden Age Bingo/Cards 12:30
Dementia Care Giver Group 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Dancing 1-4 p.m. with Take 4 Band
County Library 1:30-4 p.m.
pickleball 1 p.m.
Bingo Fundraiser opeN 4:30/CALL AT 6 p.m.
Dancing 7 p.m.
Come be a crafter! Look for lavender entries support us! Look for green fundraising activities Want to be musical or artsy - Follow the pINk colored entries Classes/counseling/support groups for development and information.
NeW HoURs FoR WeDNesDAY’s TAI CHI - 5-6 pm
sAIL 8:45-9:45 and 10:15-11:15 Library 9:30-1 p.m. Legal services 10-12 Qi Gong 10-11 a.m. NEW Vets/ Muffin Mondays 10 a.m.
sAIL 8:45-9:45 and 10:15-11:15
Balance & stability at kLC 10 a.m.
Tai Chi Advanced/Intermediate 8:15-9:15 Intermediate 9:15-9:45 Beginning/Intermediate 9:45-10:30 Beginning 10:30 Advanced 12:30-1:30 sets 1-4
Movie 12:30: Four Christmases
Advanced 6-7 p.m. sets 1-4
Golden Age Club Bingo/Cards 12:30
Behavior Health 1 a.m.-1 p.m.
Pickleball 2 p.m.
Qi Gong 4-5: p.m.
NICkeL BINGo opeN 10 a.m./CALL NooN
pickleball 1 p.m. BINGo FUNDRAIseR opeN 4:30/CALL AT 6 p.m.
15th NICkeL BINGo opeN 10 A.M./CALL AT NooN BINGo FUNDRAIseR opeN 4:30/CALL AT 6 p.m.
open Tai Chi 5-6 p.m.
Yoga 5-6 p.m.
sAIL 8:45-9:45 and 10:15-11:15 Library 9:30-1 p.m. Legal services 10-12 Qi Gong 10-11 a.m. NEW Vets/ Muffin Mondays 10 a.m.
Tai Chi Advanced/Intermediate 8:15-9:15 Intermediate 9:15-9:45 Beginner/Intermediate 9:45-10:30 Beginning 10:30
sAIL 8:45-9:45 and 10:15-11:15
Craft Class 8-11 a.m. Behavior Health 10 a.m.-1 p.m.
Balance & stability at kLC 10 a.m. Dancing 1:00-4:00
JD Howell, audiologist
Advanced 12:30 and 6-7 p.m.
With The Take Four Band
Speaker: Dr. Jeff Merrill, podiatrist
Balance & stability at kLC 10 a.m.
Qi Gong-special class 8:45-9:45
Ukelele group public performance at County Library 6:30 p.m. Behavior Health 10 a.m.-1 p.m.
Qi Gong 4-5 p.m. open Tai Chi 5-6 p.m.
Muffin Mondays! Veteran’s Group
sAIL 8:45-9:45 and 10:15-11:15 County Library 9:30 a.m.-1 p.m.
8 a.m. - 1 p.m.
pickleball 1 p.m. County Library 1:30 - 4 p.m.
Golden Age Bingo/Cards 12:30 BINGo FUNDRAIseR opeN 4:30/CALL AT 6 p.m.
Dancing 7 p.m.
BINGo FUNDRAIseR opeN 4:30/CALL AT 6 p.m.
Legal services for seniors Legal services are available for seniors with a social orLEGAL economic need through SERV local Area Agencies on Aging, and are available for issues related to:
Every Monday • 10:30-11:30 a.m. LEGAL SERVICES Income and public benefits Senior Center, 2045 Arthur St. Housing Guardianship actions FOR SENIORS (60 or older) Long-term care Coffee • Muffins • Conversation
For more information: Jennifer Smith • 541-882-2902
NICkeL BINGo opeN 10 a.m./CALL NooN
FOR SENIORS (60 Health care protection from abuse or neglect Utilities Age discrmination
Call Mike Spencer 541-891-9426
Legal services are available for seniors with a social or economic need through local Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs) and are available for legal issues related to:
or Mark Runnels 541-891-2956
Legal services are available for seniors with a s through local Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs)
DECEMBER • 2018 | Active Seniors • 9
NOVEMBER HOT LUNCHES MONDAY-FRIDAY 11:30-12:30 2045 Arthur St., Klamath Falls OR 541-883-7171 - Need Meals-On-Wheels ? Call 541-205-5400
CLOSED for Christmas Eve
CLOSED for Christmas Day
DAY SERVICES CLOSED Open at 4 p.m. for annual fundraiser BINGO EXTRAVAGANZA
County Library 9:30-1 p.m.
NICkeL BINGo open 10 a.m. / Call at noon
27th Qi Gong special class 8:45-9:45
Balance & stability at kLC 10 a.m.
Behavior Health 10 a.m.-1 p.m. sAIL 10:15-11:15
Dancing 1-4 p.m.
Golden Age Bingo/Cards 12:30
evening Bingo County Library 1:30-4 p.m.
sAIL 8:45-9:45 and 10:15-11:15 Balance & stability at kLC at 10 Dancing 1-4 p.m. With The Take Four Band
Qi Gong 4-5 p.m. open Tai Chi 5-6 p.m.
Looking to make a contribution to your community in support of your elderly neighbors. Join our 140 volunteers that are the foundation of the Senior Center. Training is provided. Call us at 541-883-7171.
Grief support Group
Weekly Grief Support Group Every Tuesday 4 p.m
Klamath Hospice, 4745 S. 6th Street, Klamath Falls, Oregon We are here to help you:
increase your understanding of grief Gain support • Find hope • Adjust to loss Gain self-awareness • Lean coping skills For more information: 541-882-2902 •
pickleball 1 p.m.
With The Take Four Band
JAN. 1st
for New Year’s Day
sAIL 8:45-9:45 and 10:15-11:15
Qi Gong 4-5 p.m. open Tai Chi 5-6 p.m.
Dancing 7 p.m.
Come party with us Monday, NeW YeAR’s eVe
Bingo Fundraiser opeN 4:30/CALL AT 6:00
NeW Qi Gong class Mondays 10 to 11 a.m. Additional Qi Gong class Thursdays 8:45-9:45 Dec. 20 and 27
HAPPY PET DAY Thursday Dec. 6 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.
NeW Tai Chi class TUesDAY 6 - 7 p.m. WeDNesDAYs 5 - 6 p.M.
SIGN UP NOW Boost Your Brain and Memory class Starts Jan. 16 for 8 consecutive Wednesdays
NeW YeAR’s BINGo FUNDRAIseR Monday Dec. 31 open 4 p.m. Call 6 p.m.
Care Giving Support Group for dementia clients With Behavior Health every 2nd Friday 10 a.m. to Noon
Active Seniors
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Call 541-885-4410 more information Includes SEO Boost on
The Official monthly publication of the Kla
10 • Active Seniors | DECEMBER • 2018
Help support our senior programs Have fun — Win $$$
New Year’s Eve BINGO Extravaganza!
Monday, Dec. 31
Advance tickets now on sale
Seating in limited to first 300 Special prizes, games and raffles Two $1,000 blackouts
It’s the place to be on New Year’s Eve!
INFORMATION AND ASSISTANCE HOST TO THE GOLDEN AGE CLUB Holiday BINGO schedule Closed Thursday, Dec. 6 See you at the Snowflake Parade Closed Saturday, Dec. 29 See you New Year’s Eve, Dec. 31
(Senior Health Insurance Program)
Navigating Medicare supplement plans During this open enrollment period, which ends on Friday, December 7, many people have come in thinking this was the time to switch Medicare supplement plans. Not so. As explained in last month’s column, open enrollment is for switching drug plans or switching from regular Medicare into an advantage plan, or vice-versa. So let’s talk about Medicare supplemental plans — aka Medigap plans. You can purchase a supplement at any time, BUT because these are just supplements to your Medicare coverage, these companies have the right to deny you coverage due to pre-existing conditions. (Remember, this is not “Obamacare”, which guarantees insurance for the uninsured. Since you have Medicare, you ARE insured and are choosing to purchase an additional plan to cover the Medicare balances.) By the same token, your supplemental plan can never drop you as long as you pay your premiums. Medicare A and Medicare B pay just 80% of the allowable Medicare charge. The extra 20% is on you. Medical care is expensive and this 20% can be pretty daunting if you have big costs. Enter the supplemental plan. It pays the 20% that Medicare doesn’t pay. It does not pay for things Medicare doesn’t pay for. If Medicare doesn’t pay, it doesn’t pay. Thus, I often refer to them as the 20 percent plans. Supplemental plans are sold by private health insurance companies. They’re not cheap, but they’re invaluable and can save you thousands! For 2019 there are approximately 30 different companies licensed to sell Medicare supplements in Oregon. These plans are standardized and have the exact same coverage no matter who sells them. There are currently 11 plans available. Each alphabetized plan offers different levels of coverage, but the same lettered plan has the exact same coverage. The only difference is who sells it and what they charge. However — and this is the important part too many people miss — there are defined times when the supplemental plan must accept you. This is called the period of Guaranteed Issue (GI). This period is the six month period after you begin taking Medicare. If you are 65 or older when you start taking Medicare, you will likely never get another chance for “guaranteed issue”. (One exception discussed below.) If you’re starting Medicare early because of disability and don’t get a supplement during your six month GI period, you will have one more chance for ‘guaranteed issue” for six months when you turn 65. The one exception for those over 65 is: if you lose your coverage through no fault of your own. Examples are: the company goes out of business or you move into a new state where your company does not do business.) In these circumstances you have 63 days of “guaranteed issue”. Last but certainly not least, there’s the “The Birthday Rule.” On your birthday month, starting the day after your birthday, you have 30 days to SWITCH plans — guaranteed issue. You cannot start then with guaranteed issue, but you can switch plans with guaranteed issue. This may help you lower your costs. Call the Senior Center at 541-883-7171 to make an appointment with a trained and certified SHIBA counselor to review your situation. The service is free and your information is private. — Anne Hartnett, SHIBA Coordinator
’Tis the season for strategic choices
ecember magazines are loaded with yummy holiday recipes and I’m guessing many of you haul out your baking favorites. I do. As we approach the holiday season, let’s focus on strategic behavioral choices. And, just how do we get through this season without gaining weight? Statistics tell us the average person gains five to seven pounds over the holiday season. Exercise First rule: no matter how busy you are, don’t sideline your exercise program. In fact, try to build more time into your schedule, say additional Nancie’s an 10-15 minutes Corner or add another day. Blues Zones reporter, Food health and Attending holiday food events? Make a contract with yourwellness self beforehand. You know this stuff already — choose healthy, counselor watch portion control and decline second helpings. Don’t starve yourself ahead of time. It’s best to have a protein shake or something light before you leave home. Always drink lots of water and avoid over-imbibing on empty-calorie alcohol. Buffets are “deadly.” Same rule applies — choose healthy and light. More importantly, focus on enjoying the company your with rather than the food. Sweets/Desserts If chocolate happens to be one of your favorite foods, allow yourself a couple pieces a week. Enjoy a sliver piece of cake or pie after the large holiday meal. Treat yourself We can become harried during the holidays. With limited income, we can fret over the cost of gifts. Our health may be a challenge. Expectations, aging and losses can bring on severe depression and loneliness. What are strategies to stave off these feelings? Treat yourself to a 5-10 minute daily meditative time to clear your mind of negative thoughts as you breathe deeply and relax. If you can, schedule a soothing massage, manicure, pedicure or facial, or put these on a wish-list. And, phone your dearest friends to wish them well. Lastly, give yourself the gift of movement--the best, inexpensive strategic choice. In addition to burning calories, exercise that causes us to sweat at least once every 48 hours gives the holiday blues swift kick-in-the-pants! If you’d like to meet with me to plan an exercise program, please leave your name and phone number at the Senior Center reception desk.
DECEMBER • 2018 | Active Seniors • 11
Are you struggling with anxiety, depression, or grief? You are not alone. Drop in at the Klamath Senior Center between 10am and 1pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays and talk to Kathleen Rutherford, LMSW, at no cost to you. Or call 541.883.7171 to make an appointment at the Senior Center.
2210 North Eldorado Avenue | 541.883.1030 Call today if you experience any of the following symptoms: • Anxiety
• Depression
• Substance Abuse • Loneliness
• Suicide Risk • Alzheimers or Dementia
• Grief and Loss
• Feelings of isolation
Klamath Basin Behavioral Health is here to help you with these challenges and more. Medicare, Medicaid, and most insurance plans accepted. A sliding fee scale is available. No one is turned away for inability to pay. All services are confidential. 2210 North Eldorado Avenue Klamath Falls, OR 97601 541.883.1030
12 • Active Seniors | DECEMBER • 2018
Whoa Tavern 15468 Hwy 66, Keno Oregon Whoa Tavern 15468 Hwy 66, Keno Oregon
Senior Breakfast Program for seniors 60+ years
Handling common care giver conflicts Disagreements among caregivers are not uncommon, especially when caregivers are children caring for their elderly parent.
EveryProgram Mondayfor from 9:3060+ to 11 a.m. Senior Breakfast seniors years
Sibling rivalry Differences in beliefs as to what is best for their parent, who will perform certain tasks, and how needs will be paid for are all common areas of discord. Here are a few quick tips for resolving conflicts: Establish clear roles. Hold a family meeting to evenly distribute responsibility for tasks and devise a plan for continued open communication to take place. Engage a mediator. Sometimes it is necessary to have an impartial presence depending on the nature of a conflict. Mediators are a great resource to utilize to help keep tension to a minimum.
ior Breakfast Program for seniors 60+ years Star�ng To be eligible, �ednesday you must be: 60 years or older, and their spouses regardless of age, or Sept. 30th A disabled adult under 60 who resides at 9:30 to 11:00 a.m. home with an adult 60 years or older
Star�ng �ednesday FOR SENIORS (60 or older) Sept. 30th Refusal of care Senior meal programs are made available Sometimes our family members are resistant to having medical care, taking through the Klamath and Lake or allowing caregivers to come into the home. Here are a few tips 9:30 to 11:00 a.m.prescriptions, Area on Aging to help guide you through this:
The Whoa Tavern will be serving a free breakfast to qualifying seniors every Monday from 9:30 to 11:00 a.m. To be able to have a free breakfast you must be:
Phone 541-205-5400 Website:
n Pick a good time for the discussion. Determine a time when everyone is feeling calm. Holding a conversation in the middle of a crisis when stress and A disabled adult under 60 who resides at home with adult 60 years or older emotions are high can result in greater resistance. n Point out the positives. When you are met with resistance, take a moment services are available for seniors with a social or economic need Whoa Tavern will be serving a free breakfastLegal to qualifying seniors every Monday from • through local Area Agencies on Aging•(AAAs) areand available legal to and pause explainforthe benefits. Donations gladly accepted support this program ! issues to: 9:30 to tohelp 11:00 a.m.related n Don’t force it. While your loved one is healthy, allow them to make deciIncome and public benefits Health care If they are not cognitively able, and you have power of attorney it is your sions. To be able to have a free breakfast you must be: Housing Protection from abuse or neglect responsibility to ensure decisions are made that reflect the best interest of your Guardianship actions Utilities loved one. 60 years or older and their spouses,Long-term regardlesscare of age or Submitted by Klamath Hospice Age discrimination
60 years or older and their spouses, regardless of age or
Remember . . .
Davenport’s is there to help as you search for the right way to honor your love one’s memory Mike Spencer will be working with Mark Runnels, another Klamath Falls Senior meal programs made available through Klamath & Lake Area on Aging
Phone: 541‐205‐5400 website: A disabled adult under 60 who resides at home with adult 60 years or older
We can help you select want to meet with one of them, please call: Mike in Spencer Urns large541‐891‐9426 or small,or Mark Runnels 541‐891‐2956 elaborate toprogram ! Donations gladly acceptedsimple to helporsupport this capture your memories for all time.
a�orney, to provide these services in Klamath and Lake Coun�es. If you
*Legal services provided do not generally include li�ga�on, dra�ing of estate planning documents or the like. These services are available at a reduced rate.
Senior meal programs madeTrusted available through Klamath & Lake Area on Aging Since 1978 Phone: 541‐205‐5400 website:
of the • GOOD SHEPHERD •
The Different Funeral Home
New Location: Klamath Memorial Park • 541-883-3458 •
See’s See’sCandies Candies PLEASE SHOP THE
Kiwanis Holiday Store Kiwanis Holiday Store See’s Candies AtAtDiamond Improvement DiamondHome Hometh Improvement 2380 2380South South6 6thStreet Street
Kiwanis Holiday Store At Diamond Home Improvement
DECEMBER • 2018 | Active Seniors • 13
for excellent Pulmonary Care – 2019
Awarded an (A) grade in patient safety – 2018
18 LI
Awarded for excellence in high-quality care – 2018
20 TY AW
Awarded Performance Leadership – 2018
World-class medicine made right, here.
14 • Active Seniors | DECEMBER • 2018
Donor list
YMCA Senior Christmas Lights Tour
BNsF Foundation grants $5,000 to senior Center
Image from Pinterest
SATURDAY, DECEMBER 22, 2018 See the local Christmas light displays around town, and leave the driving to us! Just sit back, chat with your friends, and maybe even sing a Christmas Carol or two. What could be more fun than that? We will meet in the Denny’s parking lot at 6pm sharp and return around 8:30pm $10 for Y Members $15 for Community Registration Deadline by 8pm Tuesday, December18 Participants: 10 minimum and 13 maximum
Amy Haack Burl Parrish Cheryl Gibbs Chris & Susan Kandra Dorothy Winters Ernie Palmer
4509 S. 6th Street, #201 Klamath Falls, OR 97603 1840955
“Turning 65 Soon?” Call us to learn about all of your options for Medicare
Since 1980
Green Diamond Resource Company Reser Family Foundation Faith Tabernacle Geraldine Schindler Howard McGee Lynette Harvey George Nitschelm Ernie Palmer Dorothy Winters
Virginia Hone Teresa Selig Hardt Rose Chapman Cheryl Gibbs Donna Hill Jon Schnebly Donna Maloney Burl Parrish Linda Bourcy Carlin Christensen Anonymous
Hazel Lewis Patricia Henderson Jonny Jones Joyce Moore Albert & Delores Errecart Rose Kruezer Charlotte Moseley Ron and Karen Thomas Art & Janet Luttig
Unidentified contributions in October for Meals , Transportation and Other Services amounted to $3,694.00 The Senior Center would like to especially recognize the following individuals for their regular and/or recurring gifts during 2017 amounting to at least $600 for the year. They were the following:
541.882.6476 Your Local Health & Medicare Agents
his Thanksgiving we had much to be thankful for here at the Senior Center. Our corporate and foundation campaign is doing better this year than last as more groups acknowledge the significant challenges we face with a rapidly growing senior population. This issue we thank the Burlington Northern Sante Fe (BNSF) Railroad Foundation for its support, and next issue there will be additional announcements as well. As the year ends it is a good time for individual givers to take stock in your community giving and consider the possible tax advantages that giving this month may present. We encourage community conscious citizens to consult with tax advisors and attorneys about planned giving opportunities as well. Yes, we have an endowment fund if you wish to sustain our services and ongoing growth. A big thanks to all our individual contributors for their monetary support and to those who make donations when participating in programs that don’t expect to be acknowledged by name. We are grateful to all who support the Senior Center. October donations of $ 12,420.00 were received from the following organizations:
Faith Tabernacle George Nitschelm Geraldine Schindler Howard McGee Jon Schnebly Lynette Harvey
Marta Stephens Mary Ellen Sargent Patricia Henderson Rose Chapman
The Center continues to encourage you to be a recurring giver. These types of gifts are so important to the Center because they add stability to our funding. They also send a clear message to everyone that you have trust in the Center, its future and its importance to our senior neighbors.
December 5, Wednesday Roast chicken, veggie, salad bar, dessert December 6, Thursday Meat loaf, mashed potatoes and gravy, veggie, salad bar, dessert December 7, Friday Fish and chips, veggie, salad bar, dessert
DECEMBER • 2018 | Active Seniors • 15
SAIL classes December 20, Thursday Salisbury steak, egg noodles and gravy, veggie, salad bar, dessert December 21, Friday Christmas dinner: Turkey and dressing, veggie, salad bar, dessert December 24, Monday Closed for Christmas holiday
December 25, Tuesday Closed for Christmas holiday December 10, Monday Cheeseburgers, veggie, salad December 26, Wednesday bar, dessert Au gratin potatoes and ham, veggie, salad bar, dessert December 11, Tuesday Spaghetti and meat sauce, December 27, Thursday veggie, salad bar, dessert. Chicken-fried steak, mashed Birthday cake and ice cream potatoes and gravy, veggie, salad bar, dessert December 12, Wednesday Liver and onions, quiche, December 28, Friday veggie, salad bar, dessert Sloppy Joes, French fries, veggie, salad bar, dessert December 13, Thursday Chicken-fried steak, mashed December 31, Monday Closed for New Year’s Eve potatoes and gravy, veggie, salad bar, dessert January 1, Tuesday Closed for New Year’s Day December 14, Friday Beans and ham, cornbread, January 2, Wednesday veggie, salad bar, dessert Mac and cheese with ham, veggie, salad bar, dessert December 17, Monday Polish sausage, sauerkraut, January 3, Thursday veggie, salad bar, dessert Chicken strips, French fries, veggie, salad bar, dessert December 18, Tuesday Chicken strips, French fries, NOTE: The menu is subject veggie, salad bar, dessert to change, depending upon December 19, Wednesday Split pea soup, cornbread, veggie, salad bar, dessert
availability of supplies. Tea, coffee, milk & juice are available at each meal. Sugar free desserts and salads available for diabetics.
Stay Active & Independent for Life This is what participants say about SAIL classes: Fred says “It’s the fountain of youth!” Ann — “Much gain with no pain.” Jack — “It works every muscle and joint.” Paul — “I was able to reduce my pain meds!” Barbara — ”It is not aerobic. We don’t sweat.” Linda — “It’s fun to exercise with other people.” Mary — “It helps my balance and prevents falls.” Steve — “The instructors are very cordial and knowledgeable.” So what are you waiting for? Come join us. You’ll be glad you did! Classes are: Mon. Wed. & Fri. from 8:45 to 9:45 Mon. Wed. Thurs. & Fri. from 10:15 to 11:15 You can start right away. A two dollar donation is suggested. Mary Noller & Suzan Phipps are the Certified Instructors.
From our family to yours... Happy Holidays!
Celebrating 36 years. - 541.882.2902
16 • Active Seniors | DECEMBER • 2018
live, thrive
More than a place to
it’s a place to
Supported by compassionate senior care professionals who understand their unique needs, residents enjoy independence, encouragement, and friendship to experience their best life each day. Call to experience what makes us unique.
541.238.2518 •
THE CHRISTMAS MONEY TREE On December 6th, 13th and 20th from 12pm-2pm and 5pm-7pm we are having Hot Seats drawings every hour and on the half hour we are going to have Ticketed Drawings! Pick a lucky ornament to reveal your prize! A Special Money Tree will be held on Christmas Eve December 24th and Christmas Day December 25th HOT SEAT DRAWINGS FROM 12pm-4pm Each day someone will win $1,000 Cash in one of our ornaments!
Monday December 31st • 8pm-Midnight • Hot Seat Drawings!
Don’t forget the countdown toast with special logo Champagne glasses and party favors for everyone. While supplies last
Just 27 miles north of Klamath falls on hWY 97 541.783.7529 •
X Kla-Mo-Ya Casino