Tv week june 10 book

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Book by May 22 and receive these special offers valued up to $1,000 on select staterooms*

WHAT BETTER REASON TO CELEBRATE? Enjoy some of the year’s best values on cruise fares & more

1. FREE US$100 Beverage Card * 2. FREE Gratuities* (Hotel Service Charges)

3. FREE or Reduced Fares for Friends & Kids* (Taxes, Fees, and Port Expenses are additional)

PLUS, receive 200 FREE Internet Minutes and up to US$500 FREE Onboard Money for Suites*

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Book by May 22 and receive these special offers here valued upAgency to $name 1,000 on select staterooms* Phone Number email, address here


Book by May 22 and receive these special offers Enjoy some of the year’s best values on cruise fares morethese special offers Book Maystaterooms 22 and& receive * valued up to $1,000 onby select valued up to $1,000 on select staterooms* $ 100 Beverage Card * 1. FREE US WHAT BETTER REASON TO CELEBRATE? WHAT BETTER REASON TO CELEBRATE? Enjoy some of the year’s best values on cruise fares &cruise more * Fares are in U.S. dollars. Taxes, *Fares and Anniversary Sale offers are based on Promo(s) RF/RG/PJ. Featured sale fares are per person based on double2. occupancy, orGratuities Land+Sea Journeys only. FREE Enjoy some of the year’s best values on cruise fares & more

Fees & Port Expenses are additional on all fares and range from $80.76 to $988.80. Subject to availability. Anniversary Sale offers are per stateroom based on double occupancy, for 1st and 2nd $100 (Hotel Service Charges) Beverage Card 1. FREE guests sharing a stateroom and excludes 3rd/4th guests, except as provided herein. Anniversary Sale offers are available for US new bookings only, apply only *to the cruise portion of Alaska Land+Sea $100 Beverage Card * 1. FREE Journeys, are not combinable with any other discounts, are not transferable, are capacity controlled, and may be modified or withdrawn without prior notice. US All savings amounts are included in the 2. FREE Gratuities* * fares shown. Save up to US$1,000 per stateroom applies to cruise fares and varies by stateroom and sailing. Reduced deposits are per guest and vary to cruise length. Free US$100 Beverage 2. according FREE Gratuities (Hotel Service Charges) ServiceBeverage Charges) management reserves the Card: Participants may order non-alcoholic or alcoholic beverages one at a time and must be 21 years or older for alcoholic beverages. No sharing is (Hotel permitted. FREE orguests. Reduced Fares right to revoke the card if misused and to refuse service for any reason, including service of alcoholic beverages3. to intoxicated Free Gratuities (Hotel or Service Charges): Holland 3. for FREE Reduced Fares for America Line Friends Kids* and Verandah pre-pays room gratuities on behalf of guests; US$13.50 per guest per day for Suites and US$12.50 per guest per day for Interior,&Ocean-view staterooms. Free Gratuities do not include Friends & Kids* and Port Expenses are additional) and PortaFees, Expenses arewith additional) gratuities for bar, dining room, wine accounts, or spa/salon services. Free or Reduced Fares for Friends & Kids are (Taxes, basedFees, on(Taxes, sharing stateroom 1st and 2nd Suite offers: 200 Free (Taxes, Fees, and Portguests. Expenses are additional) Internet Minutes: Holland America Line cannot guarantee the availability of internet connection or speed. Onboard Money is up to US$500 dollars per stateroom (US$250 per guest), may be used on a single cruise only, is non-refundable, not for cash value, expires at the end of that cruise, and may not be used PLUS, in the Casino. Offers are applicable on select 2016200 and 2017 departures. visit and receive 200 FREEPLUS, Internet Minutes and receive FREE InternetPlease Minutes for full terms and conditions. Other restrictions may apply. Offers end June 1, 2016. Ships’ $ Registry: The Netherlands. $ * *

3. FREE or Reduced Fares for Friends & Kids*

PLUS, receive 200 FREE Internet Minutes an $

up to US 500 FREE Onboard Suites US 500for up to Money FREE Onboard 031016-AS-Flyer-US Money for Suites

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*Fares and Anniversary Sale offers are based on Promo(s) RF/RG/PJ. Featured sale fares are per person based on double occupancy, cruise or Land+Sea Journeys only. Fares are in U.S. dollars. Taxes, Fees & Port Expenses are additional on all fares and range from $80.76 to $988.80. Subject to availability. Anniversary Sale offers are per stateroom based on double occupancy, for 1st and 2nd guests sharing a stateroom and excludes 3rd/4th guests, except as provided herein. Offers are applicable on select 2016 and 2017 departures. Please visit for full terms and conditions. Other restrictions may apply. Offers end July 1, 2016. Ships’ Registry: The Netherlands.


*Fares and Anniversary Sale offers are based on Promo(s) RF/RG/PJ. Featured sale fares are per person based on double occupancy, cruise or Land+Sea Journeys only. Fares

Fees & Port ExpensesFeatured are additional on allare fares range fromon $80.76 to $988.80. Subject SaleFares offersare areinper stateroom *Fares and Anniversary Sale offers are based on Promo(s) RF/RG/PJ. sale fares perand person based double occupancy, cruisetooravailability. Land+SeaAnniversary Journeys only. U.S. dollars. based Taxes,on double o sharing a stateroom and excludes 3rd/4th guests, except as provided herein. Anniversary Sale offers are available for new bookings only, apply only to the cruise po Fees & Port Expenses are additional on all faresguests and range from $80.76 to $988.80. Subject to availability. Anniversary Sale offers are per stateroom based on double occupancy, for 1st and 2nd Journeys, are not combinable with any other discounts, are not transferable, are capacity controlled, and may be modified or withdrawn without prior notice. All savings am guests sharing a stateroom and excludes 3rd/4th guests, except as provided herein. Anniversary Sale offers are available for new bookings only, apply only to the cruise portion of Alaska Land+Sea fares shown. Save up to US$1,000 per stateroom applies to cruise fares and varies by stateroom and sailing. Reduced deposits are per guest and vary according to cruise leng Journeys, are not combinable with any other discounts, are not transferable, are capacityorcontrolled, and may be withdrawn without prior notice. All savings amounts are included in the Beverage Card: Participants may order non-alcoholic alcoholic beverages onemodified at a timeorand must be 21 years or older for alcoholic beverages. No sharing is permitted. fares shown. Save up to US$1,000 per stateroom applies to cruise fares and varies by stateroom and sailing. Reduced deposits are per guest and vary according to cruise length. Free US$100 Beverage right to revoke the card if misused and to refuse service for any reason, including service of alcoholic beverages to intoxicated guests. Free Gratuities (Hotel Service Charg Card: Participants may order non-alcoholic or alcoholic beverages one aton a time must be 21 yearsper orguest olderper forday alcoholic beverages. No sharing is permitted. Beverage management reserves staterooms. the pre-pays room gratuities behalfand of guests; US$13.50 for Suites and US$12.50 per guest per day for Interior, Ocean-view and Verandah Free right to revoke the card if misused and to refuse gratuities service forforany including of alcoholic beverages intoxicated guests. Gratuities (Hotel Charges): America Lineand 2nd gues bar,reason, dining room, wineservice accounts, or spa/salon services.toFree or Reduced FaresFree for Friends & Kids are Service based on sharing aHolland stateroom with 1st pre-pays room gratuities on behalf of guests; US$13.50 guest Holland per day America for Suites and US$12.50 per guest per day for Interior,connection Ocean-view and Verandah Gratuities doper notstateroom include (US$250 p Internetper Minutes: Line cannot guarantee the availability of internet or speed. Onboardstaterooms. Money is up Free to US$500 dollars gratuities for bar, dining room, wine accounts, ora spa/salon services. Free or Reduced forvalue, Friends & Kids areend based on cruise, sharingand a stateroom 1sttheand 2nd guests. Suite offers:on200 Free2016 and 201 single cruise only, is non-refundable, notFares for cash expires at the of that may not be with used in Casino. Offers are applicable select full terms or andspeed. conditions. OtherMoney restrictions apply. Offers endper June 1, 2016. Ships’ Registry: The Netherlands. Internet Minutes: Holland America Line cannot guarantee the availability of internet for connection Onboard is up may to US$500 dollars stateroom (US$250 per guest), may be used on a single cruise only, is non-refundable, not for cash value, expires at the end of that cruise, and may not be used in the Casino. Offers are applicable on select 2016 and 2017 departures. Please visit for full terms and conditions. Other restrictions may apply. Offers end June 1, 2016. Ships’ Registry: The Netherlands.

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US name up to 500 Onboard Agency name here Money for Suit Call to Action Here Agency hereFREE 541-885-5403 Phone Number Phone Number 800-553-9143 email, address here

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*Fares and Anniversary Sale offers are based on Promo(s) RF/RG/PJ. Featured sale fares are per person based on double occupancy, cruise or Land+ Fees & Port Expenses are additional on all fares and range from $80.76 to $988.80. Subject to availability. Anniversary Sale offers are per state guests sharing a stateroom and excludes 3rd/4th guests, except as provided herein. Anniversary Sale offers are available for new bookings only, a Journeys, are not combinable with any other discounts, are not transferable, are capacity controlled, and may be modified or withdrawn without p fares shown. Save up to US$1,000 per stateroom applies to cruise fares and varies by stateroom and sailing. Reduced deposits are per guest and var Card: Participants may order non-alcoholic or alcoholic beverages one at a time and must be 21 years or older for alcoholic beverages. No sharing right to revoke the card if misused and to refuse service for any reason, including service of alcoholic beverages to intoxicated guests. Free Gratui pre-pays room gratuities on behalf of guests; US$13.50 per guest per day for Suites and US$12.50 per guest per day for Interior, Ocean-view and V gratuities for bar, dining room, wine accounts, or spa/salon services. Free or Reduced Fares for Friends & Kids are based on sharing a stateroom Internet Minutes: Holland America Line cannot guarantee the availability of internet connection or speed. Onboard Money is up to US$500 dollars a single cruise only, is non-refundable, not for cash value, expires at the end of that cruise, and may not be used in the Casino. Offers are applicab for full terms and conditions. Other restrictions may apply. Offers end June 1, 2016. Ships’ Registry: The Nethe


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