World english 1

Page 1

scope andseqirence..... Unit 1 Peop," Videoloufna

2 12

Unit2 Work,Rest, andPay....... VideoJouÍna.....................


Unit 3 GoÌnqP ac VideoJournal

26 36

Unit 4 Food

38 48

Unit5 Spo[s............................

50 60

V deololrrnàl Unit6 Destlnations VÌdeolourna

62 72

Unit T Communcatoì................. .................... Videolourna

74 B4

Unit I

B6 96

Ìhe FutuÍe VideoJournal

Unit 9 Shopping forClothes

Unit lo

Lfesry es... V deoloLrrnal

Unit I I



98 108 'l

l0 124 122 132

Unit 12 Consequences VideoJo1rrna ...............

134 144

Bonus Communicatlon ActÌvitÌes 5ki s ndex.........................

146 150 152


contents iii

F Ê , Ê w o f p Í c 5 Ê nrÍ ê . 5 Ê :

. ^ ! ( f o r ã i d S i ! Ép e r l o n r ì

. Ì a I a b o ! r p Ê o p Laen dt h c i l

' a a r nv d :

. Ì ã l k a b o üat w o r k . l a y . D Ê s c r l b et eàs t v ao r

5 i m p ep e s e n l Ì e n t e oÍÍreq!en.y Adverb5 t{rlllng a

. { ompâred fL.reftfenl!â15

. AskïoÍ;ììd!ì !e peEofa


. 5harcrpÊ.aÌrãveilps


. c o m p a r e ! ê r y . a yd f d p Í Ê s e n trÌ. e a . 1 ! i t i e r r Ì. kabolt ãvorile5portt r Lls.us5.dvcnturê ho

r E x . h a n qi e niofnìaton . LlsÊrú'/rvef.p to des.Íibeâ peEorãlexpenence . Ìir k abolt a dÈcôvery

. Gileàid wr;lêdowi

ph Des.rbinqslqhts, D o f i

. D ê ! . r b e . h a r a c t enf c s

Endnq5 4/iid

. aonìparÊ d fferenÌ Ìyp-"rof

GenêraÍen ng:


. DiscLÍonSêrìdshoft . ]\4a predcuorìs keweather

t oth f9

. L l r d e r 5 l a na dn dd e s c r t b e

RÌ5r9 andla ill

(o,thÒuld,mun,harc ta


Di5cussing Loig L ÍÊ"

. SLrggeÍwalstonìprove

WriÌng a parâqÍaplr Ci! n! adv.e for

. Evallareyolf feÍy €

. Ìd kabolttod.y!.hoÍes peÍe.Ì tensevs Presenr a a t h i n gL r p w t h

LÈlenng íor . lúakeclìoceson howro . Ì a k d b o L rhto w o ! r a c t l o n s

. DisclsswaysÌo prevenr

VĂŒsitthelastfacroryin FloĂ?encetomakesi k by hafd. frcdit ionol Silkl",lokin?





5ãn Íl4iguel

Countries and Nationalities AuEtralia Australan Jordãn Jordanian ïh;iliìnd reland

lfríìì F l,r ìa,l_ìir rt llra ,.,r.,nÌn!

Thài lÍish

T ìl! i .JiìÌÍ'n 5lì.r a

Occupations engineeÌ

T.ì!.l\,li i',h.'iil

ì , , : r r . .F Í r : , : l T r : , : i i l a o . r rL r , ' , r


h i ! ( , , 1 r1:rr Ì ì - - 1 .F - . ! . r L


Tì a r F'ìtaaaì'ìr-ail rr | ì, .ÍrÊe lifìr.i ': l! ],r,./ial': ,ì ì

í f r , r i. r r L r " , . i , . . Ì ì _ :i r : T ' .

AB. RealLanguâge i-ìrirrÌ,r!ri:, i r r ri L l i . . r : f , , l



Grammar: Be Statements with be

SubjectpÍonoqn + óe Be contractions Subiect am t'm be Negative pronoun You'rê am You/We/They are Wete You,^/e/ïhey are not a danceÍ. ïhai. They're Thai. He/5he/lt ts Het f€slnoquestions He/Stìe/ t is She's It's Be Pronoun Shortan5wers you/they Yes,am. .- N o . I mn o t . l\,lercanl . . Yes, tneyare. he/she/Ìt No,heisn't. A.lúatchthequestions andtheanswers. L Areyou a doctor?-l 2lssheKorean?É 3. lsBenBritÌsh7-rÌ 4. AÍeyouArnercan? !1 5. Arel"lario andTeresa students? f

a.Yes,he is. b.No,sheisn't. ShesJapanese c.Yes, theyare.They corÌìefromArgentna d. No,l'mnot.l'ma nurse. e.No, m not. 'm Canadian.

B.F in the b anksw th a pÍ andthecorrect formoftheverbbe 1. 2. 3 . Where 5.

frornlapan.l'm fromThaand. írom ndonesla?Yes, I arÌì. fro.n7 TheyÍe fÌoanChna. an archÌtect. He'sa doctoÍ. Íorn Canada? No,we'refrornthe llnited state5.

Conversation A. Listento the conversation. Wh,.res Seanfrom? -r;ck

I 2


Sean: So,C auda,whereareyoufrorn? Claudiâ:l'mfrornChÌe. Sean: 50,you'feCh ean,eh.50Llnds coo. AreyoufronrSantÌaqo1 Claudia:Yes,anì.Andyou,Sean?Where areyoufrom? 'rnCanadian. Seani Claudia: WowlCanadaId loveto go to C;nada.Whlchcityareyoufrorn? 'rn Sêân: fiomTofonto. B. Practlce the conversatÌon with a partnef.Switchroesand practce Ìt agaÌn.

worI w th è pèrtaeÍ.cÍeatenew peÍsona

Usethe conversat on aboveto meeteachotheT. LessonA


Listening A

on Guess thenìissingnforrnat Talkto a partner. n. Lookat the pict!res.

B.LÌstento theTV!,lameshowFlllin the blankswlththecorrectinformation rì I t Ì , ã c kI l

h n oo 1 .N a m eI:t o o H d 5 a -' ' Nationality:li l City:Tokyo Country:.lapan

Occupation: ,t t', f. ' i t .

2. Name:LuisGoanez Nationality:| ì City:Boqota

Country: OccLrpation:\.,t -


3. Name:llrn Wat-.Ís Nationality:tli City:Codstone

Country:a i FaÍmer Occupation:

4. Name:Bancadè5 và Nationality: City:Rodelaneiro Country:L Occupation: i\'1us c in

/-\ I t

C.L,tenagaahe.t L.r.r



Irr,:r-luncÈaïion; LCrìï!'ëCÍ.rün5 i,jï 0e /ì

I t

Trêck 1 4

A. L stcnd Ìd efêìr dfTl

2. yoLêÍe


3. hcj

youre he!

4. sheis 5. Ís

!lìe's It'5

L L i l t e n a r c l e t ì e v e r b o r c o n t Í a a t i ohney :of Ll. hr e n í e n à g an à n d I (ljlll/Ì'r.r a Ìeacher. 2. l e Ìs/hesanengncer. 3. 5heis/shc!nota nLrrse 4. I heyafe/lheytentêr-"5tÌnq. 5. Youare/youÌ,.we aome.

{-or:':ltrlt: iie;rïìon StudentAchoolesacafd.StudentB!lLtesle5thecafd byasklìgqLestlon5

B: Areyou 28yen15oldl B: AfeyoLrâ doctor? B:Afeyou^fgentfeaf? B: s yo!r nameHeen?

A: No,l'mnot A: Yes,I arn. A: No, 1n not. A: Ycs,t s i . .

Nàrion lit]: AncÌì.a\

Nâlion Ìrq: AÌgctrrìncln

. . . " . a NarioniÌrrÌ: NÌge\rinear

t " l ' . r o Nnrioni\rty: KoÌeà\

i' 'Nnrionaiiq: . . . Kordì "'.

t o

-r/ rroutz nteÍvi,o\'! sonìeol yoLtrc a5smatÊs. A5kthe r name,iheirage, I r drL o /.. o r "




Ëxi:ar:sion Language

l lìrppy

escriptive adjectives

a Lrnn.ppy






^ dlfÍ(1ll

^ r.h co uann A.Wrltethe\ /ord5n [hecorrcct



B. F ln rhc b ank!u/th adlectlve!

WordFo(ús salaÍY= nìoneY neoDyrne -ônf

bltlhe J nothappyWhy?HerhLrsb.nd'5lobi5 i\4rs{ireenls-, Hel5a he copterptot. _. Mf.Green 5ays,"ike|Ììyloblr ls:n lob andthesalaÍy s vefy ButMfi Cfeeni5sl Ln fàct, ll5 fs notdanqerous.

Se+ adjecÌive{-t-n0uí!,r fira:^nmar: Adjê(tive Be Ìs Íich. is dangerous. aTn nothappy. ntêesling. l'4ybÌorhÊisjob ,

Subiect À/tylriend l sjob I

Subiect t Your ïriend t

Be Article Adiective Noun job. eaiy an ntetest nq person is an iíe. d l'lrclrt ls a

A. Circe the correctwoÍd or phrasein the parentheses. lvlytatherslob is( nteresting/an lnteresting). He s a newspapeÍ photographer. r! not (easy/ aneasy)job b!t heenjoys it. 2. ama teacher.Ìhe saarylsn'tvery(good/an good). 'rn not (Íich/an Íich). ì ohr e ' ì o i. . . r ' d r í oo t.rr ,oob"r It's(interestÌng/an interestln g)job. I

PossessiveAdjêctives Thisismy friend. s that your brother? His/herfÍiendcornesfrom Ufuguay. Their paÍentsarenicepeople. 'Possess v€nouns areíoÍmed wrÌhanâposríophe 0 + -5 L.tutct'síÌend a fnm Lontlon

B . U , r " b . r f . , , o d t o ^ r e e n e ne I )

job frlends ls fúy danqerous o...or i.-.ê|rg


.õ1a é.

3. your brother happy? s 4. r ch is not a lúy father man. 5. Ch e

fiiend John's from ls

Conversation A. LiÍento theconversation. WhatdoesGraham do? GÉhâm: Elsa: GÍâham:

Whatdo you do,Esa? l'manenqineer AnengineerlThatslnteresting Elsa: Yes,but lt! d ffcult work AndyoLr, Graham? Whatdoyoudo? Graham: 'ma po iceTnan. Elsâ: A po lcernan! lsit dangerous? Graham: No,lnfact,sornetlmes ts boÍing. B,PÍactÌce theconversatior witha partnerSwltchroesandpÍactice it agaln.

Workw th a paÍtneíTaketurns.Choose anoccupat on andsay two thingsaboutt. LessonC 9

r ì É : í I{ t ; i t t j Whatdo thesepeope A. Lookal the plcture5. do? li:,11B. a fcleT loÍ lfl/e:nd F forfaìh€ I PctersaplJot 2. RimI lcn l5 nd an T - l A e nK l r b y ' 5 l os bb o r n q . ,1.Anqurlkavsdk's lfe s noteasy I ìs actfe5s. 5. Tanya an


Peoplefrom Aro^undthe World

C.Afsr\ierthequestÌon5. L WheresTàfynÍforÌr?


W h o5 S h e p ?

3. Whydoe5Alan keh sjob?

Angulikavsakis lronì Creenland,ând he is a hunter. AÌÌ hìs 1ìiendsare hunterstoo. "Ìt ìs a diilìcultÌifehere.In winter, it is verv cold. \\ie nre not rich, but we are happyi' he sa,vs.

/1. WhirrdoesAnqLttlkàvsak do7

5 Whàldoe5Rrnlisayaboutheflob?

Peterlllwoftlìy is from Ne\{' Zedànd. He is not â PiÌotl he ìs â 1ììrmcr!Ìlis lìrlì is verybig, so he usesan airpÌaÌìe.Petcflsdog, Slìep,is also in tÌìe pÌàne. "ls Shepftighlened iIÌ tÌÌe planc?"I ask "No, he'.shâlìDr Ile lo\€s fìyingl'

1O i-aúple

liìiiit:irrr,l Writê.bo|rtAnqe ìe endlì,.roaa!patlon

fà|yê Rogersis fìoÌn Boulder,Coloraclo,in thc United Stìtes. \Ììe is a strclcnt,and sheis dso â nusiciirÌ1. I Lovemy rÌìusic,but scÌÌoolis borìngl'

:irii SeÌìis an actrcss.Sheis IÌìdian, arrdsheis lioll],VilìÌÌbci. .oÌìle lhink.rÌì aclressìs ljfe is exciting,blÌt ìt is dilìcult rvork. NeÍet the salaÍt is goodl" 'lhis

is Alan Kìrb)',ìncl he is;Ì poÌicemaÌì.FIeì frorìì 'A Neü,YoÌÌ.- policeÌnaÌì's Ì\'orlris not boring, ârd I ÌiÌreheÌpingpeopÌeÌ'


k aboutã Work\r'ritha partner.Ta Írlendor íarnlly memberandthejr oacrpallon.




- r u -

FlI in the blanks. UsethewoÍdsÌnthebox. JÌJU ÌNrt. ,{IÀ?oÀT

divers seâÍood


In Korea, therelsa gro!p of woÌnen Theyqo to the s-"a ke everydayto catch Sorneofthewomenafenot octopus êndshelfish. 5helsa divers. Oneofthemworkswithtouflsts.


WhileYou Watch lk{

e.w", ' l'ioeo" o |


Name:SLrnny Hong Country:Kofea Natìonality: Occupation: Age:28

Hong Name:lvls.

Country: Nationality:Korean Occupation:

12 People


B.Wàtchagan Cìrce T for trueandF fof fúLe. L 2. 3. 4. 5

LlvÌnglsdlflrcut anddânqeroLrs Thewaters co d. Thedivers canstayunderwatef for l0 m nuLes. SunnyHonqisa d ver. Thewoffìense the scafood.





AfterYouWatch Âl

5unnyHonilspeaks Erìglish. Shes e toLrrguide5he 5 nota dlver. shesays,'am ucky'Howcanspeaknq Enqlshhe p !ou?

Cornmunication L Wite jobs n thechàrt


2. Workwitha p;rtnef.CompaÍe youÍlÌsts. Aretheythe sàrre? Doyoua!lfeeu/ th youfpartner?

VideoJournal l3



,:i.,, : l;.::..





Vocabulary llsephrases Íorn the box. A. Labethep ctures. reâdthe nêwspaper ger up êât bÍeãKast gotobed tak€ a showeÌ (atch the bus go to thê movies tâke â nâp wâtó TV visitfÌiends siaÍtwoÌk eâtout

First qet Lrp,then rakea s h o a Ê í n ê x tl l e Ì d r e s s e .d.

lr l6

Work,Rest,ând Plèy

in exercseA that you do everyday. B. Clrce the actlvltle5 the pictures c, n whatorderdo youdo the5eèctviÌ es?NÌrmbeí yourdalyroutlfelo ê partner\,)se l1$t,next, then,hnally D. Describe

üran-:mar: 5img:iep,"..5.iìÌï ïÉnse Simplepresenttense Statements


/yoLrstaÍt workat eiqhtotÌock. Alisoncat(hesthebusatlrvethirty We/Theygo to the anovies everySatLrrdêy.

l/youdon't start workat elghto'clock. A isondoesn't càt(h the bLtsat lìvethirty We/theydon't go to the rnovesevery5aturday

feslno questions

Short answers

Do youstãÌt \',,,ork at eÌqhtot ock? Ìe!, oo. No, don't. DoesAlìson<at<hthe busat tive th rty? Yes, shedoes No,shedoesn't. Do ê lê 9o o i - . - . , o rI . d . Yes,we/theydo. No,we/theydon't. _'We usethe5 rnplepresent tenseto telkabouthabtsandth ng5thatêÍealwàys true. (questions aonrplete thc eÌahanqes ind an5\,vers) Prepositions of time withlnformatlon ffomthc datebook on in at 1 Q:Whattirnc do you_? on Satufday(s) n Ine TÌìofrìng at e ght ot ock A: qet!p_scven of ock on the4thof lu y n theafternoon ar nÌght yo! watahTVjf thc n]ofÌlinql onVaentine5 ,. Q: _ Day ln theevening , . o A:N J I

Q: Wh;l ll|Ììe

Ai Hestarts woÍk 1 Q: Dothey_ A:\o go o .l

!taf[ \^/of(?

at tenot o.k?

ion,.*::'çaï!ori n ,L,ï,


A.l r. anr,r, Mia: Chris: Mia: ChÍis: Mia: Chris: Mia:

..o o Do o ro.l " o [ 4 . , / o L r r Ê r , cr L] That's r ght W ìêl timedo youÍart vrork? At nineot oak Lloyou \,!ofkon 5dturd:y? Yes,do,bLrtÌ\/clin sh vrorkat twelveot ockon SatL]rdays WhitdoyoLrdo ln theevenngs? \,!atchTVof readthe newspapef

B,Pr:ct.etheaofvefiatlorwltha partner. 51,!tahroe! aÌìdpf,ì(tiae lt allalrì.

't( paftrìer TalkwithyoLrr aboutyolr rvorkday.

Listening TrackI I

Whatis Bobta klngabo!t? A. LÌstento the interviewwlth BobHardy. C rclethe coÍect answeÍ. a.hisdallyroutine b. hisÍee tlm,. c.hÌswork B. LÌstenagan.Circe the coíect answeT. Bobgetsup at L On Sundays, ght ot ock a.e b.nineot ock c.ten ot ock he 2. Inthe rnoÍnlng a.readstne newspaper b.vlsÌts fíiends c.qoesto a rnovle 3. Whatdoeshedo at oneot ock? a.Hehaslunch. b Hetakesa nap. c.Hevlsits Íiends. 4. Whatdoeshedo in the-"venlng? a.HewatchesTV lt,Hegoesoutlora mea. c. He reads.

verDstnat eno In -5 PronuncraÌron: co uTnn. A.Llstenandcheck(r') thecoTTect rì t f

TrackI -9

staT$ comes watches


Repeat thewords. B.Listen again. O

18 Work,Rest,and Play

LOmmuntcailon Âl

Workwitha partnerFlI in thedatebookwÌthyour partner's nloÌrnat on.Then i in yoLrr infoÍmatlon. Askquestlons like . W l ì â 1 d yoo ! d o Ì nt h ee l e i i i g ?

lffi;ffi] hd"ê bÉdlra,t



'-lvlt1Por!^er .Çundau -



l "SIAYìA+ I J r )b

- Mo'n*'oi

-; -l I" -l' l





,ouuu:,*',-. f lI


lI t r ; ; ; a i í ' j * ' ft

,, l,


Takwth a partner aboutyour freet rne.

LessonB 19

Expansion: Partywords Language A. Readthe text.Payattentlonto the wordsÌn blue. Allaroundthe woÍld,peopleneedto <elebÌate.Duringthe weekwe work, s afe5pecÌaL we Íest,but we alsoneedto hàvefLln.Festiva on weekends peop clothes,eat sjng, wear different DurÌng festÌva s e dance, celebrations. speca food,and glvepÍesentsto ffiendsandfam y.

n the LJnÌted Stetes, Ameficans always DayceebratÌons endtheÌrIndependence with fireworks.

V nVenlce,peope weeÍcostumesand wth masksto celebrate covertheiÍfaces Carnlva.

< Peope n ndiaenjoyDiwall, the FeÍlva of Lights.Ïhey decoÌàtestreeÌsandhouses wìth ightsofmanyco C)|s.

< On the feaÍ ofSanFerrÌrÌn everyyear,5pêniaÍdsand touristsrunwith lhe bu s n Panìp onã.t gverydangefou but theysaylts Íun

A B , C o - p l e . e .ôl s ô 1 r êc ê \ ' 5 t L e , v o ' d r blue fÍom exercise on NewYeafs. Wewatchthe t s Í o u c è n d è n c e a n d s lnt g s 2. I l o v ep a r e and ch drenwear 3 . At Haloween, to coveÌtheÌrfaces. on the24thand25thoÍ December. Chrlstmas 4. a Ìreewithco oÌed ghtsandput we 5. At Chrlstma5, andíamtly. undert íorÍrlends

Adverbs of frequency Grammar: OVo

20 Work,R€st,and Plày


Wordorder Subject AdveÍbof fÌequency Verb We

a ways

gve dance AdveÍb offÍequency a ways usualy

We NEVET Subjed Be Chfl5traass Carrval s

pfe5ent5 on ahrstmas. n the streetsat ChÌlstrnas. ìn llecemb-"r. in Februaíy or l\4arch.

oIfÌÊqleicyto s.y hoú ofÌenwÊdo somethtnq "WeLrse.dverbs .Adverb5ofíreq!.i.y.ome bêforeÌhÉvÊrb 'Ad!!rbs ottreq!en.yconìêaftêr b!

A. llnscrarnble thewordsto rÌìake sentefces. Writcthesentences. I

ã \,!ays We have a on ahf stÍÍìas turkey

2. Vaentinc!Day. never

send cafdi on

3. sornelme! on v5it our We neqhboÍs NewYeaf! 4 ^ an h 5 forqets wlfes sometifnesbirthdiy. 5. go They Lhe rnoves often to on rne weeKeial


B,TaketLrrn5.Te a paftnefwhatserìlences in exercseA aretruef_of you.

Conversation A. Ìstento theconv,.rsatÌon. Doesfifol havea fam y meaon Newyear's? Whàtdo youdo on NewYenrs DayT We , we sometmesqo downtown.They haveíìfeÌ,,"'of ks.f5rea y pretty. OlhefpeopleinvltefÍiend5 to theirhou5e andtheyhavea paÍty. Neil: Doyo! q ve presents to youffÍiends andfarniy? Carol: No,vr'eneverg ve pf-olents on NewYeafs. Neil: Doyouhav,.a meôwlthyourlamy7 CaÍol: No,\'!edo thaton ChrstnìasOn NewYears w-.justpârtyL


Neil: CaÍol:


wnen we rìavclLtn v,,ithfÍiends.

B, Practice rheconveTsat on ,",/ th a partner5wÌtchÌolesandpraatlce I agdn.

:/eo.ts -"ll


dod. .ooo.


d o , r r ôê t ê b . o , oo . _ , o

LèssonC 2l

Reading TrnìrdJd ind TJL'âga


A. Lookat the photos. Gue5s thecountry

Carnival: OneFestival, ì



lvlanv faces I 1 The co5Ìr me! oftef take à yÊàrÌo nÌìke and co5Ì thou5andsof do Ìirrr.

A girl thmws yellow paiÌìt in m).face.Iìn Ìot aÌ'Ìgry.I Ìaugh aÌÌd I throw paint ât her. This is funlThis is CarnivaÌ Trinidad stlle. CarnivaÌ is a festivaÌthat tâkesplàcebeforc the CÌìristian seasonoflent, 40 daysbefore Eister The datechanges every leâr, but it ìs usuaÌly in Februâryând Müch.It is thc lastchanceto havesomefun beirre Lentbegins.

>5aÌnba scìoos


B. ClÍcleTfor trleor F for fdlie. Peope oftenweafco5t!nìe5 fof Cafnivi. T Theu/ÍitercornesfrornTÍinldad.T peope 3 . n Ne\'\rOrLeans, dancelíìthe streetat Cafnva. T 4. CaÍnlla s in l\4ay. Ì 5 ThereàreSamba rchool5 I

22 Work,lest,and Play



ihàf 300,000 Ìoìrrst' comero NÊ$/Or eans ^ i\i1ore fora.rn 'riì Andtheyspendhãfà bi lof do laÍsL

,,ú.A.ffi;..,r,,'.....1i!::i!ii! .,. Around the world peopÌe ceÌebrateCarnival in different \dr..In New Orle.rn5, m.r.ician,ph) ial/ dId peopÌe danceil1 the streets.IÌì Rio de Janeiro,san,baschoolsspend r yearmaking fantâsticcostumesfoi the Carnivaiparade. In Venice,they wear beâutifuimâsks.In somepârts of GeÌmaÍìÍ 1òr one day the \{'omen taLe control of the toìrl1 .Ìndcut oíÌ men'sties. Here in TriÌ'Ìidad,peopÌepartyl It is two otÌock in the mornlng on Dirq Monda! ãÍr.J,we jre havingâ streetpartÍ Peopleget dressedin old cÌothes ind thrc$' Ìnud and paint at eachother But tomorrow the .eriouscelebrationsÌregin.Peoplespendthe whole year :rìakingcostumesand writhg songsfor Carnival Tomorrow :j their big dâÍ TheÌeis a competitionfor the bestcostumes .:rd songs.Thewinners get money ând a car.It'sserious So, why don t j/oll come to TriÌ'Ìidad to celebrate .larnivaÌ?

: tie=a onq pieceofclothwornaround : the neck;usuay wofnby men.

Writing W ..boL ófe

."1 ,o'

o I r, ^ | \ô.

questons rnese a. Whatlsthename ofthelestiva ? fì




.ê âh ,iê


Fê.i !:17

c. Whydo yo! celebrate thlsfestiva? you d. Whatdo do?

songkÍan lsaveryinìpoftantiestlva Ìn Thailênd. t istheThaÌNewYear andwe celebrate t fromtheI3thto the15thofApri V ê Â l a b t " '-ô- o . d o o o o oê o 1 ô o o / ê à andto welcomethe newyear. Traditionaly, at Songkran we vislto d peope to peyrespêct. And rnanypeope ceantheir lo ê B r5.bÊ p" o' o rq r, ^h. / r ' " . ho ^ / " - ê Í " o r ê Í p ô o p l - i 1r ê , . - - , . Wee.e' th o/,,L\d.eo r órge r bL L.) oo!juígoodfun.

yourwritini,l Share witha partner. your partner Te howyourfestiva lsdifferent fromcarnval.

LessonD 23

Watch BeforeYou frora? A.Wherearethesedances

Usethe woÍdsln the boxto compete B.Studythewordsand definltlons. thesentences. aboutthêpâst legends= stories onwarer waves=movemenÌ toa country mlssionaÌy=apersonwhobringsa newreligion ing suÍpÍised= whenyoudont expectsometh = person person which isthewinner whodecides iudge a again.'m 1. luanandlúarlaaÍetogetheÍ chidren. to yoLrng 2. Odpeopete ln Africa. lvly uncle is a 3. êÍeveryb g. 4 t t5dangeÍousto 5w Tnhere.The is wÍong am the wlnneÍ. The 5.

24 Work,Rest,and Play

WhileYouWatch /tìl

A.Watchthe vldeo.Numberthesentences ln the cofrectorder. peope dancethe hua in secÍet. ButsorneHawaiian .aa,-"t d9 Tq.t " "r TherÌÌssÌonarles tel thequeenol Hawaii to stopthedance. paft year. hÌ.r a dancers take n a lestiva every _The peope eafnthehula Ìodaytherearespecial schoo s where _


I' Watcntnevideoagaincirce thecorrect answet '1. years Thehua s o d. 4. Thedafcershaveto pÍactce a.300 loÍ many beforetheycan penoran. b.3000 a.oays 2. Thegirs in the egend b houÍs coPYtfre a.!!aves D trees 3. ThernlsslonaÍies were a.5urprlsed D nteÍested

5. ThejLrdges lookat the dêncers'_ a.haÍ b costumes

AfterYouWatch -r

Tak witha partner.What tÍaditona dances do youhaveln yourcountry? WhatisyouffavorÌtedance?

CommunÌcation lÂ

DescrÌbe the p ctuÍesto à partner. Talkebout the fo ow nq. a.Wherearethe dancefs from? b.Arethe peope happy? c.Whlchdancedo youlÌkemo5t? Why?

VideoJoürnal 25

Vocabulary ii

^ boardtheaifpane

the plcÍures A. ln whatorderdo youdo theseth ngs?NufiìbeÍ


^go ÌhrouqhcLrsloms lgo thÍorqhsecur ty


^c a nì !o!r bagqage

^gotiìrouqh lmrÌìÌgraton

^ buydllyfreeqoods

ÍrornexercseA. Usea phrase B,Complete the sentences.

L A1Ìeryou

yolrcan eavethealrport.

2. Do haveto takeofl my shoeswh-.n the1ìrst thlngyolrdo ls 3. At theaÌrporr, andchoaolètes at the I fe peÌíiranê 4. [/lãnypeople airport. youcanonLy takea srna Dag. 5. Whenyou yoll suÌeyoLrdon'ttakethe wfonq bagwhen 6. l\,4ake . at thecarouse

28 GoingPlac€s

Grammar: Possession Possessive adjective my your hls h-"r our theìr

Pott"ttiu" pÍonoun


n'ìlne yoLrrs :u nêrs ours thelrs

me. you. tt belonqsto

Ìo askabout possesslon we cansayw/lose


her. u5, rnem.

A, Completethe conversat ons.Usea wordor phrasefof possess on. Ar Excuse rne.lsthis B: No,it'snot A: s thlsAnna'sbag? B: No, A: B :l t h i n ki t


tlcketÌsthls? 5hawn.

B,Answer thequestions usingbeiorgfo afd a possessive pronoun. L Whosepassport isthisT(A ) lL belonQe ï,a 5 hio. 2. . , o . rôê* lê.) ".e 3. Whosecamera isthis?(myslstefs) (Johnafd Lucy!) Whosebagsarethese? 5 . Whosetickets (Logan! arethese? andmÌne)

Conversation O

A. LlÍento theconversat on.Whodoesthebagbelong to?

rrack r-11 Annâi Whosebaglsthlsl Bill: t! not mine. Anna: l\4aybe ts llms.lsthÌsyo!r bag,Jlrn? Jim: No,rn ne s black. Annar We , whoseisit? Bill: fúaybe it beÌongs to thÌswoman.Excuse me, doesth s baqbeongto you? Womân: Yes,lt! mine.Thank yoLtso rnuch. |ll

B. Pfactice theconversat on in a qroupoffourstudents Switchrolesandpractce r agan.

Workwth a paÍIneíU setheconveÌsation forldeasto askaboutdÌfferent possessions. LessonA


Listening Wheíedo the conveÍsations takeplace? A. L stento the conversations. T r a c k1 - l 2

Conversat on l ConvefsatÌon 2 Conversation 3

Tfoí trueandF forfalse. B. LÌstenagain.CìrcLe TrackI 12

Conversation1 L Themanbooksa windowseat. 2. Themanhastwo bails.

^hote recepLlon




Conversation2 l. ThislsthewoÍnan's fiÍstvisltto the Ìln ted States. 2. Thewoman s sÍayingln the LlnitedStates for th reeweeks. Conversation3 l. Thernanisstayn9at the hotelforonenlght. 2 Thernanhêsonebag. /-\

C.rv. ir

I t Ítâ.k1 12

d r d . o . L . . S e e o r - . . t o .r r ' , o o d l

àndchecL vouranswers l. .. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. B.

llmm qraUon

or - èo


lsthÌsyo!r frst time n the Uniteclstates? -a r d 1 ' \ e e , o r U s. p ' . ' Whefeareyoustaylnq? _ lsthisyourbaq? pleasel CanlseeyouÍpasspoft, p ease? CanI seeyourticketandpasspoft, pufpose Whàtisthe ofyouÍvl5lt? Windoworaise seat?_

Rising intonation orìlists Pronunciation: A. tÌsten andrepeat thesentences. O

Trackt-]3 1.

) ì / \ 'rÌìgo ng to London,Parls, Rome,and l4adÍid

) ì , r \ 2. 'vegot mycamera, cellphone,aptop,andPalm"'. a a \ 3 Youaaatakea taxÌ, theshutte bus,orô rÊnÌaaat 30 6oing Placês


B. Practice thesesentences with a partner. 1. 2. 3. 4.

W ew a n t o ü a v eb y b u s , t r a n , p ê n e , a n d t a x . I needto packa sweater, a jacket,a scaríafd a warmhãt. LetsvisltArgentlna, Brazi, ChÌe,andPeru. Whenlqettothe hotel,needtocheckln,takeashower,and change myc othes.

Cornmunieation A

patneíquestlonstoioutthelmÍìigratlon TaketLrrns.Aska lorrnbeowwithhlsor heflnfoÍmatlon. Depâítmentof lmmigration PERI\4I55IONTO ENTER

l. Frstnàrne 2.lV1 dd e narne

3.FamÌy narÌìe 4. Dateot birth 5.Paceoíblrth 6.Natlonality

7 Country of resdence B.PrlncipaÌdestinatlon in thlsco!ntry

9. Hote and/orstreetaddress

FORI12àlPÌO(Revi*do8) 2r1(d)(3)orrhe PÁl lPuuuãntto Section

WorkwÌth a partner. Pana trlp.TellyouÍ partnefwhereyouwantto go, whatyolr needto do beforeyoutrave,andwhenyo! wantto tÍave.

Les5onB 3l

Expansion: Language andmoney Traveldocurnents A. omole.-rê e-êr ô L


e'do.L e,r"

to dÍivea cafin a íorelgncolrntfy. J. Youneedan to entea 2. ln sornecountfes)/o! neeoa ve Medlcal b s aíeexpens 3. fs a good deato b countfy lsyourphoto D in anyforelgn you needto wrlte But Internet. on the 5. Youcanbuyan on nLlanbeí downor pr nÌ theconlrrmat



to takeon yourtrp?Why? of rnoney isthe bestfoÌrn to a paftner.What B.Talk Givean opinion

drivefs Ìcençe l nternational

Givea reason PeoDle stea


^air ìnetickeÌ

32 Going Pla(es

/ dont a.cepÌ

Grammar: Should foradvice Should Subject sáould Adverbof Verb Complement

shou d

You You

Questiònswith should ShoqrdSubjectVerb Complement

frequency 5hould (alwayt makea copyoíyourpasspoÍt.


take a taxifrorlìthe alrport?

wear expensveJewerry.

"We Lrserho,idlihouldn? to give adv cÊ.

.We lse queÍionsw th Jhorldto askloradvice.

A, Askforadvce.Wlte thequestions. 1. e. Shanlàl1,ekeíhe .huttle buota Ì,heair?ort? youshould.The A: Yes, shutte bLrs isquÌckandcheap. 2 Q , A: No,you shoudn't. t Ìshot at the beach.Youdon'tneeda sweater. 3 Q : youshoud.CredÌt A: Yes, cardsaÌeaccepted ln a lotofshops. 4 Q ' A: No,yor..t shoudnt. t! dãngeroL.ts to cafrycash.

Âr B,Workwith a partner.Taketufns.Askthe questlonsln exercseA andglvediffeÍent advlce.Uselrnperatives andihould.

Conversation A. Listen to theconversatlon. WhatdoesClaudia wantfromthe UnitedStates? Ìccl I 14


Hi,C aLrdia. Youknowthe USA. Canyouglvernesomeadvlce?'rn goingto NewYork in lanuafy. Clâudiai Lucky youlHowcan help? Greg: F rst.Shoud buytravelinsurance? youshouldHospita Claudia: Yes, s anddoctoEaÍeveíyexpens ve n the

u.5 GÍeg: OK.Thattanothef5200. Whataboutclothes? Shouldtakeacoat? Clãudiai Deinitey. lt'sveryco d in lanuaÍy.Youshouldtakea waTrnsweater aswe andsoTne q ovesànda scarí GÍeg: Â4n'ìm, that'sanother $100. Clàudia: Oh,justonemoÍething Don'tforgetto bly rnea nlcepresent Greg: Oh noLThat! another sexpensve. S500lTravelinq Ál

B. Practce the conveÍsation with a partner.Switchro esancJpracticeit again.

Taketurns.TeÌ a paÍnerwhereyouwantÌo go.Then giveyo!r partner traveladvlce. Usetheconversation foÍ oeas. LessonC 33


A. Àrìi\ier t ìe qlestjons l. Do yor thlnkth. :Lrthofefloys lfaveI nq/

d yo! chc.k tlìe etplr.rtlon 2. Why :,h.rLr

SmartTraveler . &



Why sho! d you tle à ioak to youf bdql?

4 \'Vhyshcud you lôk,"4 good boo( \',/hen yoLrlraveLl


lvflte ô sl ofsnÃcksyo! \",/olr.llnk-o v/lrcn tf-ve rìalfl_vnlr

RêâlLân9uâge lve usel ìe erpresslon pornleI lo Jhdre5orira,

WoÍdFocus expirationdatê- hc erfidtior d.ì|f oí ir doa! nìenti! thedateÌi cornes to .rnendor car no ofller


EXPERT OPINION F-âsy Travel, Mìlíe Con/rlb', sharessomePob'terson Ì,;J úook makingLrarcÌedsy: I DOCUMENTS Màke sure\'ou hâveall)'our clocuments: shouìdaluays passpLìrl,vis,ìs,ti.kets, traveÌeri chccÌts,etc.YoLL Mrny courtries checlithc expiration dâte ofyolÌr passPoÍ1. nlonths Ìeft on your won't let ,vouetleÍ $'ith ÌessthâÌì six passport.Don't forget to buy Ììedical nìsuÌance.McdicaÌbills


. ,ì be vcÍy expensivc,especiaÌl)-jnrhe Uúted '.' arJ Lr rop< l-i all\. you .hor J nÌdl., ofie. : rll )-ouriÌnportant docuÌnentsand credit cêrds rd l.eeptÌìem in âÌlotherbag. | Ì'ACKING My adviccìs âÌ$,aystra\-ellightÌ I :. to carry heaq bags.lust ràke lhe minimum. rcreis an oÌd saying:B/eakfun in Berlì11. Di ner Delhi.Bagsin Bdn{kak!So,dont pâck an}thhg rDortâÌrtin your checÌ(iÌ]ìrag; plÌt ìnportaÌìt :ngsin your câny oÌì bag.You dont waÌÌt to :ive home without your hoerse kevs.Another : clon-tuseexpensìvesuitcases. PcopÌedoÌit ,.ìl dirry oÌd bngs.lìiÌÌaÌI1-, hcreì a good ÌittÌe : tìe a sockor brightlv coÌoredstÌing to your js. Why? So you can quicklyseeyour bag on the f THE AIRPORT My Êrst pieceofcdvice is thât r shouldalwayscalry a good booì<.It helpsto ,.i the tim€ asyou waìt 1ìrryour deÌayedflight. ,rìt forgct to takea sweàteror ajacker on tìle ,ne.It càn get \€ry cold oÌÌ a Ìong night íÌight. rd then tÌÌerc is àirline foocl.Takea snack ,okiesor lruit) Ì\'ith you. SoÌnetiÌnesthe food is r, sometinesit docsnt ardve at all, and it! ne1,er

B.Circe T lof Ítre af,dF for ídlJe. L Younceda lot ofdocuments IO TTAVE

2. Younccdto takea ot ofc othes ln yoLfbig. l. tsã95 c.n be hrfdto dentfyat thea fpoft T 4 F qhtsareneverate T 5. A fpi:ne food s à \4,ay5 good T



\,Vrif inç WrÌtesornctraveltipsforyourcoLrntry Think aboutthe Ío loì,!ng topics: . rfan!poflat on . folv lo carryrnoney . Crnyoudf fkthe !"'ateÍ? ThaiandÌsa safecountfyand the peope areveryfflendly.But,likernostp acei,you shoud becarefuHerearesoÍnetips: . Taxis arecheap, buteskthe prÌcelrÍst. . ManytouflstsusefuktuÂi Howevef, theyaÌedangeroLts. Becarelu. . DoÍì'tusethe busesTheyares ow and cÍowded. . Don'tcarrya lotof rnoney wth you. Mostshopsacceptcreditcards . Thevr'atefls not safeLodrink,so you shoud bLtywatern bottles. . Don'tgo outa oneat night. fldve a nicestèyl

Goal4 ReadyouÍÍave t psto a partnef. Thenshare themwìththeclis5 Leslan D


Watch BeforeYou A. Lookat the photos.Do you haveworkingdogsln yourcountry?Howdo these dogshelpus7

,r guldedog

l sheepdog

/l detector0og detectordog


po lce ooq

Usethe readthevldeosumrnary. andthesentences.Then Studythewords wordsto competethe text. diseasê to botheÌ illegal theycarrydisea5e. Ratsafedirty.SometiÌ.nes botheÍing me. be quiet.l'mÌÍylngto wofk.YoL.rte HeykldslPlease Youcan'tparkyourcartheÍe.t's not allowed.t! illegal.

Videosummary sornetlmes carryfood,foÍ exanìpe ffuit,that maybrlng Airlne passengeÍs Intoa country.DetectordogscanlrndthÌsfood by smellingthe passengefs'bags.BrentHeldtistralnlnga dog ca ed Stockton food, to be a detectordog.Stocktonhasto fnd the passengers. the llut alsohe rnustnot 36 Going Pla(es

WhileYouWatch A.Watcn tnevideo. Crclethenarnes ofth ngsyousee











B.Watchthe videoagain.circleT for trueãndF foí fakc L 2. 3. 4. 5.

BrentandstocktonpÌaybeforetheystartwofk. Detectordogslookfor meat. Stocktondoe5not lìnd the rneat. Stocktoneatsthe meathe finds. Stockton is earning slowy



AfterYouWatch Ál

n thevicleo we sawthatcJogs canbeveryusefulin aÌfports.Work witha partner to writea lstof possib e pÍobemsw th dogsÌnairports.

LOmmuntcaïton lr

Boe-playtfe to owrnqsrtuatonq Situâtion I StudèntAisa dog hander. Student B isa passenqerThe dog is snilìngyourbag Youdon'tllke doqs.n yourcutture dogsaÍedlrty.Comptèin tothe dog

Situation 2 StudentAlsa pessengelTh,. doqinds somefrujtnyourbagllisâgft fofyourmother Student B isthe doq hender ExpaÌnÌhal the pãs5enger shoudn't bring Íu t intothecoLrnty Takerhefrut

VideoJournal 37

irr . l. ï:ì., "l ïrìr, "l i.'t ll


fronìthe box lo desarlbcc:ch qroupof Tak ro a partnef.a ìoo5ee vrofdor phTa5e toods dÌinks daiíy products vegetables ÍÍuit

protein meât



esss ,1 ::r t:. milk


ÉJ sausages


lri,Ë.Ì:'"-rÉ \!.s tomaloês

i.:,l';i:iin';lt; .5,;t:ie;fie"l fiÍl.:i,...I'i;f h f{lUrìi iìì. r'Ì{.:}iJ i r: .:ìt"Ìd r!ün-{í.ìl\.t nouns Countandnon-count Singular ThlsÌsa emon. Ths isnìilk.

PluÍal Tho5e àreernons. +hrose aÊÌÌi+ks:

' F c fn . L r n : y c r. i r Ì L . ! n t , \ r , 'aei d j . r € rt o i o Í ì t h : p L r r à ' N o ! n 5 y o r . . r n o t . ! r! l d c r ' t h . ! e i p ! Í r f o Í r

Someand ony Countnoun5 Singular ltaternent Weneedannppe. Neqatlve Ouestion

Non-countnouns Plural issomecheÊse onthetabe. onthctirble Thefe There ar.someoranqe5

Wedont haveany rìi k Wedon'lhaveãemon. ThereaÍen'tanyfianana5.rtthêstofe Do you haveany buttefT Do we havea red pepper?Aretherêany eqosl

'to! .à. a 5. !s! ioir.Lr queÍ.n5 wl1. trorld drd in.rld /L,o!irl J/or |L someúppllj7 anrldihd/.some nrrlr 40


A. WrÌtethe íoodwordsfromthe picturein tfe coíeft corumn.

B.Add otherfoodword5to the chaft.Useyourd ctÌonary. C,Competethe sentenaes witha/an,the,same,otany 1. Dowe have 3. TheÍeis

tomatoes? 4. think eqqs. , 5. Par5rne milkln thefÍidge.

cheese ison thetabe. appe,prease.

Conversation A, Listen to theconversation. Whatdo youneedto makea Spanshorneet? L€êi Hyeiin: Lee: Hyêjin: Lee: Hyêjin: Lêe: Hyejin: Lee:

Letsmakea Spanlsh omelet. Great.Whatdo we need? OK,t sayshereyou needsomeo lveo . Do we haveanyo ve oi 7 No,we don't,but it doegn'tmattei;we havesomecoÍno .Thatwi do. Next,we needsornepotatoes, a argeon on,and a redpepper Wedon'thavea red pepper. NevefrÌìind.We canusea greenpepper. OK.Andthenwe needsomeeqgs.Foureggs. OK,let's beginl

vvecanu5enevel mdaaea to snow something isfot irnportant.

B. Practlce theconveÍsatÌon wÌtha paftner. SwitchÍolesandpractlce t again. C.Choose a few reclpe andÍepeattheconversat on.

Names offractlons: '/, = one hãlf l/3 = oneth rd of oae quanef

Te a partner thenaane ofa foodd shyou lke.Talk youneedto rnaKet. aboutthe inqredlents


o o

A. L stcnto the waiteÍ Laknll an ofderlfoffìcustomets Hov,/[ìany cu5torncfs ôrethere/ B.Llstêrì dqirlf.ìrd \'vfte theíoodand.lrlnkrhàteirchpefsonordered.

Word Fo(us waiteÍ=ArvrTtÉrs a per5orwho ',!ofki n a Íestauranl and dfn(5 customer A íltiorrìefl! à pe:5on Ì /no DUysqooosor S a T VC a 5 .

tomãtoesand slicedcheddaÍcheese

VegetableSoup Íúadefromfreshvegetables MainDishes Seashore Shrimp withbroccoìi GÍilledshíimpserved and boiied rice

Butter-Baked Chicken Roasted half'chicken in a mushroom carrots sauce,servedwith Steamed FiletMignon tenderloinstealíservedwith 8 oz:.Òrilled lcebergsaladandyourfavoritesaladdÍessing




C.Ll5tcn aqalnlvhoaskedtheseqrrcstons? L ÂIe you fendyto ofdetl \tt,lt11"f

2. 3 4. 5.

[]o youhaveanym neralwater? Whatwouldyo! recommend? Doestheíìet mignon.onìew th salad? Anythlnq e se7

Pronunciation: Reduced formsdo youhave...andwauldyou like.." A. L stento the fir I formand the fedu.edlofrn

I t

B. Listen andcheak(/) the correctcolumn.Then listenaqainândrepeat.

T r a c k1 1 8

I Do yor.rhavea pen? 2.Worrd you ikesomemoreLrreàd? 3.DoyouhaveanypaperT 4.Wouldyou llkea cup of coffee? 5 Doyouhaveanychanqe?

LOíïmUntcaïton f

Roe playthe fol owlnq s tLtêtion. StudentA Yo! \,!orkn a f,rodstoreSe|Vethe aLr5iornef. Student B YoLr,,!.ntto makconeo[ihe d]shes on Alk for the lood you nêedfromthe s. e5assi5t.nt.

'r/ \ /oÍkwth a partneÍ.Choose rolesandroe play.Swit.hÍolesandroe p ayagain. A úu ;rfe.rauÍornern a restaufânt Student Ofder à neãlfrom themcnLr onpàqÊ42 StudentB frL r ,. tfìe\'\,.itefTakcthe.uÌoÍrÊ s ordÊr L e s s o nB


Expansion: Diets Language À4a ny peope eata special d et.Sometrnestheyqo on a dietto losewe ght and sometÌrnes sothattheywjl fee heath et HereaÍetwo dlets.

A. Wrte Ìhe namesofthe5etoodsin thecoÍÍectco umn.

^cau iÍlower

l 5


n foodsyouknowto the B.Addthe narìesof othefh qh ibeÍ andh qh-prote cl-ìart.

Grammar: Howmuchandhowmany with quantifiers: /ofsof,a few,a little Informationquestion

Quantifrers ++++

+ needlotsoí oÌanges. I needa few oranges. Wehavelots of milk. Wehavea littlê mi k


Count Howmanyo'"rgê do/o Non-<ount How much rallkdo we have)

qlenion5aboLriqLrirntlty "We!5e /otrofãndd fewto an5wers

A. Matchthe queÍÌonsêndtheansweÍs. L :. 3. 4. 5.

Hownìanyemonsdo youwant?_ flow rnLr.h chlcken shoud buy? Hownìanyheid5ol ettucedo we need? _ Howmuch5Lrgar do youwant? HowrÌìuch$/aterdo you want?_

a.Weneeda ot.Wedon'thaveanyrÌìentàt horne b.l'mnotverythÌrsty. Ju5ta tt e,p ea5e. t , . . d..lu5t one.Wehavea otofsaad. e.lust a tt e. don't ke sü/eetcoffe-".

B. F ln the b ankswÌth Howmuch,Howmctny,lot5 aí a few,alìttle.

Hor! rnrny 2. 3 . Q: Q:

potatoes woud youlike? steakdo we need? broccoÌwolrd yoLr!ke? êppesdo we ne,-d?

A:Just .] íew thanks. A:Therearee qht of ussoweneed 5teaK A: 'm notvefyhungD/lust A: Weon y need Wealready hav,"some àt horne

Conversation A. L stento the conversat on.CanPateatpopaorn? Kim: YouÌeookingllood ( rn. 'nì on a specÌal Pat: Thanks, d et. t'sa h gh liberdlet. Kim: Highfiber? Youmeanotsoí breadandfÍ!it? Pat: That'sr qht. Kim: flow mLrahbreadcanyou eatfor breakfast? Pat: caneattwos icesofwho e qraÌnbreadfoí LrreakfasÌ or gh h onebowlof iber ceÍea Kim: Andwhataboutsna.ks? Pat: No problerÌ caneat otsof popcorn anddrledfruit ' Kim: [4.nÍn,50undsikea delicious dlet.]\4aybe lolnyou. ll

B. PfactÌae theconve|sallon lvltha paÍtneÍ.Swtch Ío esandpraatlce t a!,la n

'r/eoutz Repeat theconver5atlon. Usetheh gh protelndieton page44. LêssonC 45



BugsasFood ^ . r . k e t s ,q r ã ! ! h o p p e r sd,f d o t l ì e f n t e c t so T la n l . k f o r ç e à t i ì l o f q h à L r Í Ì r Ê fN ! J h tf , 4 a f k É t f e à r W a n q f Lfrqj D . ì n q . h e f q ,È e j n q ,C ì f a

Q+r.r-ltr--.: A, Lookat the photos. Do peope eatlnsects ln youÍco!ntfy7 thêquestions t=!ì8. An.v\,et 1. Whatln5ect5 areon the menuin tfìe Thalnnd Íìerkel, ahlanlll\4a1, .l wormsàtThofqkLredn


nTha andarerleat5Lrrufy food?

Ho\'vmanybitsof Ìnsect5 aÍea Io\r/edin pearìLrt butlefT ,ì Whatdoestheauthororder? []o yoLrk-"to eatln5ects? Clveyour

WoÌdFocus luxury=A/uxLrr,'ls something we do not fealyfeeo = When unintentionally something happens unìrnenlÌonaIly we.)oril nìeanlor I lo happen.

I am sitting in an expensiveNew York restaurantand I Íead the menu. I cânt believemyeyesl CÌÌocolatecovered c ckets.Yuck! I càn also order Ant Egg Soupor SiÌkworm Fded Ricc.And ìt'sexpensive-$2s for 5 cricketsl i ì man) I dunt ÌiÌ.e.he iJra ol r rlIng in'ecl..Ho\vevcr. countdesílsects are not luxury food. They are part ofan everydaydict. In Thâilând,open air narkets sell silkworrns and grasshoppers. Movie theâtersi1]South AmericaseÌÌ roastedÂntsas snacksìnsteadofpopcorn. I am probâblyeàtinginsectswithout knowing it, an]'wa).."It's €stimated that the averâgehLm'Ìar'ìeats half a kilogram ofinsccts eâchyear uninrertionâllyl' sâysLisa Monâchelli,director ofyouth and tamilyprogrâms at New CanaarÌNature Centerin Connecticut."For example,ìn the Uniled S|âtes,chocolatecàn hâveup to 60 bits ofbugs (Ìike

Vv'riïi*o youftavofte Íoodby âfswernll th,. WfiteaboLrt questiorìs. Usethc fc.ipeb,"or! asa mode. . Whatlsyourlavorterecp-"? . What;rrethe inqredents? . Hoì,!do you m:ke lt? . DoyoLreatit fof breakfast, lunch,5naak, or supper? [4yt vortefoodischl.kenpozole. t sa ülexlcan whlÌe.ornsoupandt isdel.:lous Younêedthe followingingredients: 2 k ot chicken /, kg.anfedhomny{whitecoÍn) I 5laeolonion 3 rcdchlipeppeE I heddofgarlc I leaspoon ofcumn ^ roasred iniects Birnqkok :gs and heâds)per 100grams. Ibmâto saucecan contain li) ily eggsper 100grans ard peanutÌrlÌttcr can hàve30 :ìsectbitsper 100grânìsl' Wclì, il I anÌ eatiÌÌgnìscctsanyway. . . I decideto ordcr '1c chocoÌatecovcrc.l crickets.rÌìdhey,theytastegood. .:-}€5

Steps I 8o lthe chÌcken, s lceofonion,andtheheãd oÍ9i]íc in 2 Ìersofwaterfor lhour ,. ar.rtthc ch ckenintosrl]ãlpiecesàndreturn 2.Addthe homÌry,thegÍo!ndredchi pepper,, andthecLrnìin. aookforl5 mlnuÌe5 3.Servewith choppedeÌÌuce,s icedradlshe!, chopped onlon,c anÌro,and emonluice. You.:àn eatpozoe àt anytime,butwe Lrsua ly eat Ì torsupper.

^ poroa nljrad!.t5


i)i eãr Ìì!l In5ccts

Goal4 Te a paÍtneraboutyourexpeT ences eatinqunLrsua andíavorlte foods. !,êç5onD


YouWatch Before Workwltha paftnea DÌscuss theseq!estions. L Whichofthesefishcankil you? 2. llow cantheyki you?

asr n9rây

lgíeat whiteshàrk

^wha e siìark

WhileYouWatch ;ÉJ


A. Watchthevldeo.l\4ètch the person withthecomments. J. 2. 3. 4.

TomCardonnam ChefHayash HÌdenori Kadobayashi,Tokyo Heath DepaÍtment_ Ylj Naqashima,Tokyo Unversity ol Fsherles

a.A tiqerfu!Ìuhasenoughtoxinto klll30people. b.lcansti bÍeathe.'l beine, don'tworry. d.AboLrt 70percent ofthepoisonings happenn prvatehomes.

B,Watch thevldeoaqajn. C rcleTfoÍ tfueandF forídke I Theplfferishlsnotexpenslve. 2. ChefHayashlhas a license to prepare fugu. . ^ b o . - 0 o ô o o ê d ê ô . -, " b _ " t - l F t - ô . q . ,1. AmerÌcan GeneraDougaslVacArthuf lntroduced a test for Í-rguchefs. 5. Torn lkesthe íuqu.





C.Answer thequestions. . lsTomv or|iedaboLrt ealrnqfirquT 2. Whyd d General DougasN4acArthur ntroduce a testforfuguchefs? WhendrdahefHa),eshi gerh 5 ìcenseT 4. Howdoe(futu por5onI d person? 5 . Howmanypeoplecana t geÍ fuqitk ? 48


Aftervou Watch Âi

DÌsaLrss thc5eqLre5tlors wiih a partnef. L Whydo you th nk peope iketo earirqu? 2. WoLrd you cãtfuqrl


Communicati{:n /lr


Readthc rììenLr. Taketurnsbelnqa v,/alteÍ anda austomer at the FunkyFood Rcstaurânt.

)-- /=\--=--


Sp-.'-6."ì=-.--.-94 '

Funlq FoodRestaurant


Osttí.h Burgef Try our Afrìcan Special. Quarterpound............ . . . $ 1 0 H a l fp o u n d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 1 s Servedr/ith lrench frìes and salad

Fúgu ?reparedby our licensedchef S m â l Ì . . . . . , - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50 ........-.. Lârge..................................

Ítog Legs Ser-vedür a cream sauce 6 l e g s. . .. .. . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . $20 1 2l e g s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


ì"ti.lêo ,or!rnãl


Vocabulary Usethe\!ordsln blueto abe the photos A, Read theconversations. AnnaisstudyngfoÍa test.Shelsboredandtifed,sosheiscal ng someffiends. Anna: BÍidgetr

HllWhat's up?Whatareyoudo ng? Kenny\swimming,andthetw nsare Weteat the beach, playingsoc<êÍHowabolt you?WhataÍeyoudoing?

Annâr'mworklnolGrÍÍÍL Anna: Jill:

Anna: Anna: Edith: Annai


HÌll LWhatareyoudoing? A anandPete.Theyïe l'mat the Extrerne Spofts Centerwith coo.Whydon'tyou climbingandl'mrappellingLt!Íeally corneT forthetest. i can't.l'ÍnstLrdylng HiEdith. What!happenÌnq? andJil aÍeheÍetoo. Hl.l'mat the qyrn.l''Ììtaking a bÌêak l'"4ary lifting weights ãnd iÌ isjogging What areyoudoÌng? l\4arys 'rnstudying. BorÌngllL

theactivity. WrlteyouTansweÍ. B.Taketurns.Read thec ue5to a partnerGuess Youdo thi5ln the !lym. 2. Youdo thisln a swjrìmng poo. 3 . Youp aythlswltha ball

t is ikerunnng. 5 . Youdo thisat horneor n the lbrary 6. Youdo thlswhen yoLraretifed. 52


Grammar: Present continuous tense (ontinuoüs PÌesent tense Statement Negatve

amplayingsoccer rlqhtnow Theyarenot takinga breãkat the rnoment. now


AÍeyoustudying WhataÍeyoudoing

Íightnow? at themoment? now?

*WeLr5e the presenÌ.on tinuoust€nseto tà k aboltthlngsthaÌ.re happennll nr úe mo.rìenr

A. Competethe ernaliRememberto usethe preserìt aontlnuous tense. ÂÂ

B.Aska partner thesequestons. BC

Whats Rarnondolng? Whats 5alvador doing?

Whãts!p? RâmonândlâÌe arÌhê CybeÍcâf€. Ramon cofi putergamesas usuãoÌ.oLEe som€Ì€rêàÌ.hftJrmy pÍole.Ì.ks a b t bor n9, <ol som€-"mars.

Conversation A, Lookat the p ctureandlistento theconversatlon. Whatarethet\,!lns do ng? Ì,ack I 20

Mom: Dad: Mom: Dâd: Mom: Dad: Mom: Twins:

Hey,it'squlettodayWheÍearethe k ds? p ay ng basketbalin the yaÍd. WeI,NlaÍio's WhatsBetq,do ng? shess\'vrnminçln the poo. Andthetwlns? WhataÍetheydoing? Uhh. don'tknow ley, you two.Whatareyou do ng? WeÌep ayingsocaer


B. Practice theconversatÌon wilhà paftnef. Switchfolesandpraclce t agãn.






. to l

'rl/eortt Tak to a paÍner!{hêtafeyourfarnlly andfrlends dolrìgnow? LessonA


Listening peoplearetà kÌngabout A. Listen to the phone.alls.The T í a c k 12 1

do a.whattheyusually b.whattheyaredolngaÍ the rnonìent c.DoIn

^go Ìceskètlng

^go to the movies

^ playbaskeÍbal

^go to ã baI game

peope usuàllydo?When? B. LstenaqaÌn.Whatdothese Tíack1 21

always 1. A anandKaren 2. Dèvealways 3. Robn always

on in the


Whatafetheydo ngtoday? C. L stenagain. Track1-21

54 Sports

1. A anandKãren 2. Dave 3. Robin

Pronunciation: Reduced formof whetareyou.. " A. LÌstento the f! forrnandthe reducedform. Trdcl I 22

(/) thecoÍectcolumn. B.Listen andch-"ck

I t

, ô P ê o - 5 ôô ì ê r ' ô q C . . t ê ' ì o q o rB


LOmmunrcailon taÍ ofthegroupmlrìesa sport.The otherraembers ofthegrouptryro guess rnesporr

pl1!19 : ll9:l:lb-1!l i AI9l9!

WoÌkwitha paÌtneÌ.What areyoudoingnow?Whatdo youdo at thìs timeon a Sunday?

LessonB 55

Team Expansion: Language sports sportsandindividual es. n lhecorreat boxàccordngto thecaleqor A. WrtethelolowlngspofL5 seball golf

gymnastics football volleyball i(e hockey diving





L 2.



|ll Weusepld),fof tearnqaTne5 lor exafnpre /p,aÌy toaael Weu5eqofor fdivlduàspoft5 p -ôrgo rof -oxÀrn twtilntnq 56 spoítg

g . w o r kn q r o L r p s T h n k o f o t h c r w a y s t o c a t e g o r z e s p o r l s . P Í e p a r e à c h a tne namesol youTcateqones. newgroupsol sports. HavetfreotheÍqÍotp5quess C.Wfltethe narnes of rnof€sporls. Play



swmrì ng,

I Grammar: verbs Stative Stativeverbs WhydoyoulikeoutdoorspoÍts? liketo beoutdooÍs. I hateindooÍsports.



I thinkindooÍ spoÍts areborìng.







Youknowlcan'tswlm. jumplng. dontwantto go bungee Younêeda lotofequiprnent. Theequiprnent isexpensive. It aostsa lotof money.

*W€usLraydo noiusestatv€verbsnthê pÍêsênrcontinuous tênse.

A, Circlethe cofrectforrnofthe verbin parentheses. '1. SkÌÌng lsexpenslve. t (iscostlng/costs) a lot of money. 2. | (anìneedinq/need) a newsoccef shÌn. 3. Thekids(afep ayinglpay) n the gardenat the moment. 4 don't lk-Â teamgarnes| (an'ìprefeÍing/prefer) outdooÍsports. 5. Susan thata sportsaÍeborÌng. { s thlnkng/thÌnks)

we saymefooto agfeew rfìa posrve staternent andme ,elrhertoagÍee\,\ith a negalVe slalemenI

B.Wrte the correctforrnofthe verbin parentheses (not lke)togo swlmrìing. L Ashira (play) 2. I golf rightnow can ca I you back? (th nk) 'm crazy. lkerockcimblngbut n'ìyfrend (ix) the car. 4. Ffederick cant corne.He (youwant)togo to the movles? 5.

LOnVersaÌron A. Listen to theconve6atlon. DoesAdÌlanwantto try Íockclimblng? ÌÍack 1 24

AdÌian: ChÌis: AdÍian: ChÍis: AdÍian: ChÍisr AdÍiâni

Whydo youlikeÍockcl rnbing? l h d t e r o b en d o o r r h e L r m . " À,1e too,but it looksdangeroì.rs. dont wantto die. l\lenetherLThat's whyweuseÍopes. yol.r Do needê lot ofeqLrìpaaent? Yes,youdo and it costsa lot of rnoney. y notforme. SoÌtsexpensive anddanqefo!slWe l, thinkit'sa cfazyspoÍt.Delìnlte


B.PÌactice theconversat on w th a paÍtner. Switchroesandpractce it again.


C.Change thespoÍtandpfactlce theconversatÌon aqaln.

TellapartneÍeboutyouÍfavorlte sport.Say whyyoll LessonC 57

D ìi ial,l

l {ì

A. Lookar rhephoto!Whereafethepeope7 V/hateIêthc)/dolngl)

WordFo(us lookÍoÌ = tD/to

58 ípoíts

Climbingthe Dragon'sSpires

"Urhât ârc )'oLÌlooking for p there,Itnn?" asksNgu)'en MieÌ1,à VielnànesefisÌ1erÌnên. ''Nothing;' I sa)r."I climb for funl' ll is diiÌìcl t for a poor Íìshermanto undersund w\ I am cÌimbiÌìgthc fock clìíÌsoí Ha l-ong Bay in Victnam. He works very Ìrard and he hasno tim€ for sports.He Ìiveson his fishing

boaÍ ii ãloating village.It jsn't reâllya viÌÌagebecâuseall the peopÌeÌi1'eon boats.Ìhey nìovefrom one placeto another \gulen câtchessqÌrid,shrimps, and cmb. He scÌÌsthen to buy íreshwâter vegetabìcs, fuel, and clothesfor his famiÌy So,what am l doiÌÌg here?I am spendingmy vacation doiÌ'Ìg\\üat I enjoy- rock climbing. Nguycn thinks Ì am .ra4r. But to nle rock cÌinìbingis like dancing dangeroN .ìancing.I need somedaügerir nìy life.

I trB.D.r-"d ôd i lê v,ÂfDs.

r- | |


C.Circe T for tfueof F foÍ ít7l5e L Lynnls not a verygood a rnber 2 Nguyen l\4endoesn't Lrfderstand whylynn Ìs. imb ngthec ffs. :. NqLryen À4ienlveson hish'oat. ,1. Lynf prefersdàncng to roak c i m bn q l 5. Nquyenl"4ienbuysÍrcshwateÍ, vegetablc5, andfLre. T F

L{lriï!nc ReadJohnl5 emallThen[/Tte a s nìiaremall abolt another spoÍt. EêO Mail É New i

Priit t Deete


s!q94 lsúbject:(ro G u e sw h ã t ? r ' mj ó i nn 9ú e Í o c k c l m b i n q . l u b . l Ì ! . o o . Y o u L , o r d o , t ô - e o n g d r " , dd o / r ' o o c o rt .o o. . ó . 1 , 5 thc spo{ for he.Ìh€ badthingGth€ eqlipmefl È

,!srì.q,1 :l



Tak with a partr]er. Whattype of adventure holÌday wo! d youlike to take? Why? l-€53írÍÌD

i 59

Watch BeforeYou ll

n , r l i ' o t . ê ê r ' L c v o. p o . ) \ o . d / o L l e . o .


^ sumowÍesting

^ cheesero inq

^ sepàftal aw

B. fúatchthe wordswith the deÊnltlons. L 2. 3. 4 5. 6.



cheese _ pizeüazy lnjury_ a Íace_ spectator

mad a.unusua, b.whenyou hurtYourself c.a personwho watchesa race d.a competitlon e.somethng yoLrget wrìenyouw n a race í a food madeflom ml k


WhileYou Watch A. Filln the blanks. Usethewordsln the box.WatchthevÌdeo anctaneckyo!r answeTs. injuries cold speatatoÍs wlnner

1. Theirst

ofthedayÌsCralgBrown, a pubworker 2. Oneyear, oneofthecheeses roleddownthe hi andwentÌntothe -

I \ o l i r r ) p . d o r ^ l o g ê r r u . d : o . n p e t . oo o " ^ . 1 ywhenits especla ortherehasnt beenanuch Ìèrn. 4. Cheese rolingspectator:'tl whenthegíoundisfeay haÍd... that's wrìenIrìe aregoingto happen.'

B.Warch tt," uideoagaÌn. Circe T forttuea.d F latfolse.

/fl _

L Cheese ro lnqisanindoor sport. )


d .heôlof Lìêô

3. Thespectators getinjuÍed. sometimes 4. Thecheesero ng raceisnot dangerous. peope canenterthecheese 5. OnlyBrltlsh rol ng race.



AfterYouW-ateh ir

D scuss thesequestions wltha partner. L 2. 3. 4.

Whydo youthinkpeoplejoin thecheese'rollÌnq race? Dotheywantthecheese? Dotheywantto havefunl AÍetheycrazy?

Cornmlunieation A

Roleplaythefo owingsltuation. StudentAisã competitor n thecheeseío Inq race. StudentB interviews hinì/her.



Voc;bulai",ri A. l\4atch the photosto an àcl vÌtyfÍornthe box. tikê photos_ p.rUunpa<ksuit(asesbuy souvênirs-

visit plâcesoÍ inteÌest _ takea bustouÌ (heckintothe hotel_ Ìènt a (ãr _

ardílurngloLrIvacaton? B.Whlchoíthesedo yonda befarc Before D!rflng ll



d t d r , ô \ d ro l ê




od '


Simplepasttense Gramrnar: Simplepâst tensê 5taternent Neqative Yesroquestions 5hortansweT5 que5tion5 nformatlon

HeÍenteda caron hi5trlpto EufopeastNovernber yesteÍday. didn't have a reservation Did theygo to AsÌala5tyear? Yes, theydid.No,theydidnt. Wheredid yougo foryourvacation astyeãr?

'\r'/Ê ! s Ê r h es r n p ep a Í i e n 5 e i o t a L k a b o L r t . o m p ea tcer di o nosr . o n du o i s ' 5 o m e! ê r b !a Ì er Ê qL ra r n i h e s m p e p a s t t e n s e ' 5 o Í n Ê v e f b s a rr ree q L r ènrl i r e s i r . p Ê p a Í l"nre Ìhe)' hè . i dn) d,ffe,entfo,ms heylrèleàn e.lendnll

íy 64



A. CornpeLethc sentemces llsethe5 nìpe pasttenseforrnof thevcfb In patentf-Ê5es. Lastyear, we _ (vlst) 4àchupiach!in peru. weíìot, ke)thehore W


When__ We-

b .

, . . t . l j o

r i.

(yoLr afflve)at theairpoft? (go)toParls ãndRorneastyeêr

B.Unscrarnble thc wordsto Ì,vrte que5tonsaÍìoerìs\,vets. L Q: to EuÍope Dld you qo year? lnst -

A: to

v,c Nn


!"/ent Amcri.r

L Q:did buy you those Where soLrvenirs?

YoLrcaf usethe followinq expressloJìs to show iftefest.

4. A:rhem bouqht I

InfoÍmal Formal Wowl Sounds coo. lìeayl Thet!intÊfe5t nq

We Egypt

i.!-.Ìfì iJerSütiArl A. L stento thc convefsit on.How onqdidJr/lar a stàyin Clzao? ÌÌàcl ì 25

ChÍistine: Hey, lovethat poÍìcho,À4arla. WherediclyoLrbuy t? peru. MàÌiai lboullht it n We\,,",ent to peÍLtfor ouÍ vacaton astyeaÍ Christine: !Vo\,!lsolnds cool Didyou qo to LLll:t?7 Maria: No,we Ílcw d recty to aLrzco. Wewafted to seethe nca ruinsat lúachupicchu ChÍistine: How onq did yoLrsLaythereT MàÍia: Westayedforlive niqlìt5. Christine: Luckyyoul


B. Practice the co|ver5ation vr'itha paftner.s\,,/ltah rolesanclpractce it aqaÌn


C.Pract ce theconveTsàt on agèjrìrnd chafgethe Lrn.Jer nedworcl5 uslng the nfofrnatÌon ln thechaft. Country Câpital OtheÍ City Pla<eof spe<ialinterest


Rome Doqe! Padce

Unted5tètes WashÌnqton, DC Orando D sneyand

GreatBritaln London

Ednburqh TheCastle

{eo"tt Taketurnsü/ìthi paftnerte lingaboLtt a vacatjon youtook. L-::..;l


Listening answeÍ A. Llsten to theconversal on.CÌTc e thecorrect Ìrackr 26 L GlennistellìnghÌsftiendabolt a. hlsvacatlon b. h s hobby c. hlswofk ,/

h L ! T Te n o L 5-

u. bor"d b. lnterested c. t fed

B. Llstenagan.C rc e T fot ttueú F fat fdke. 1. 2 3. 4. 5.

Ìrack 1 2ó

Glennwentto Okahoma. Hev sitedive therneparks. Hedidnt lkeSeaWord. Hewentto theHarryPotter exhibltion. Hevisltedslands ofAdvent!fe



Sounds Pronunciation: of *edendings correctboxes.Then lstenaqalnandrepeat. A. LiÍen.Checkthe O Itack1 71 ldl ltl lidl aÍÍived '/ '/ Packed '/ vlsted Íented tiked

ationofthe-edendlnq B.tistento thesentences andcheckthe pronunc O

tdt ltt lidt


Wecheckêdintothe hote. pa<kedmy bags. Hetraveled to EuÍope. Theystayedat anexpenslve hotel.

Track1 28



i.* .rr:-:ru rlrc;:ilii,i r ii

n. n.!t? : -' '---_-"] lì.t did !o! 'lol l

ReadyoLrftf-ve b og. [a (e turns v,/ithi partncr askng each oth-or que5Íon5about),o!r vacatÌon.




iD,d;;úFil;;l Day1 ArrivedÌn DaresSalaam.Checked intohotel. Wentswimming. Dãy2 Ìook boatto the islandofZanzibar. Days3 5 sunbathedon the beach.Wentdiving. Day6 Flewto Arusha.SawKilimanjaro. lt's BlGl Days7-10Tooka safaritour.sawhundredsof wild animâls.Took lotsof photos. Day1'l Returnedto Arusha.Boughtsouvenirs.Took planeto Dares Salaamand then fìew home.Great holiday.

Rêadfullstoru I subs<dbe



Day I Arrivedìn l\,4exico City.Tooksubwayto ChâpulÌepecPark.Wentto zoo. Day2 Renteda carVhìtedthe pyramidofthe Sun andthe lúoon. Dâys3-5 Flewto Cancun.Wentto beach. Day6VisitedruÌnsatTulum.Wãtchedtrâdìtional Day7 Colonialcity ofOaxaca.Tooka tour ofthe city. Drankhot chocolatein market, Dãy8 Retuínedto MexicoCìty.Flewhome.

Rêadíull5ÌoÌv sub5<ibe

ffiMMM /

V coal, lo n aÌìotherp ; I ot 5tLrdent5.Tel vaaation theffìnbo!tyoürpãrtnef5 fforntheactvÌtyabove iesson ã 67

i à -,-Ë i2ftr: Adjectives gooo/nce


rnlere5r ng r nng d fty c ean


ir:pa r:rÌcln: i:+'ipii;tÌc adjeeïiiies Emphaticadiective5 exceent outstanding raêgnllìcent amaznll àwÍu terrÌbJe froÌIibe Ìascrnat n{,1 exhaustlng nhhy spotess enoTfnou5 hulle

A. Writeànemphatic adjectve beow enahp ct!rc.

B. U5eernphaticadjectlves to competethe text. n sjx vicatioÍì. WevlsÌted sr European aountfle5 Wehàdan cltyTherelsso days.À/ytavoriÌecouftfy was ta y Romes a hote churches, rulnsWestayed in a muchto 5ee:rnuseurns, pool lt h.d an swirnrnlnq Everythinq aboutit waspeÍfect. andvcrytriendy peope.

Grami-nar::=iiin!.:!*: üagt ïÊÌlse *f fa f-"e Simple past tense of to be Statement NegaÌve InlofrÌìaton qLtestlon5 YeslNo Questons Sholtanswefs 68


I wâsexhausted. Thefoodwasn't qreat WhywasyourvacatlofawÍÌr? were theytiÍed? No,theyweÌ€nt.

A. À4atah theque5tiorì5 arìdtheanswers. 1. 2. l. 4. 5.

a.No,hewasnt.Hc\,!àson tÌme b.Theywere n PerL.r. . No,theywerent heyü/ef,.Íilthy. d.Ye!,wa!.l wasexhausted e.Yes,lt was.

WereyoLrtÌred7 Whefe\,/erethey? qood?_ Wasthe\'!eather Washe ite? Wefethe roorns c can?

8 . . . , - 1 1-


.. ^


.il /ar .


. \,Vedidn'tenjoyo!r vâaatÌon.The weathef

2 How


thelood? you tired!"'henyorrgot homel

. ê.ôêdr. ê. r thehole a eàÍì? ..


| ô/ ô.ôbo g

Ccnver:aticlrr A. t Íen to theconversal on Whatwasgoodaboutthevacatlon? O Ìrack1 29 Gill: Howwa5yoLrf vacàtiofi Mikê: t wastcrr b e. Gilh WhylWhathappened? Mike: We ,1ìfstof a the weathefwàsbad lt raned non5topfof t\'loweeks Gillr Oh,no. Mike: AndihehotewasdÌ!y. t\'vêsfu ofcockroaches Gill Yu.klAndhowwasthefood? Mike: Actlrãt the food\.!asgoed. Gill We , at eastyouenjoyed 5omethlnq. Mike: Notreay. hada badrtoÌfãchandcoudnt eat sonìevacatonl ll

B. PracLlce the conversat on r,vth: p:rtner.5w t(h Íole5andpraatlce lt agalf


C. Practice agan andchàngetheunderlnedadjectlves wÌthemphatlc acljectives.

Goal3 Tel a põrtneràbouta qoodor badexperience you had.

Letsôi: C 69

Rgit{i il-:r-.: -o ooo ||"r B A. o 9 l" " on vacaton?Whnt i he doinq?



TheCitv of Machu Picchu,the Cradle of the IncaEmpire

fim Bin!lhãnl

B. Readihc afticlcUndcrinethe emphatic ndleatve!

thequestons. flll C.Answer L

Ll d I farnBinqhanìd scoveTncaf|r ns in Oll" r" bo

2. FlowmuchdÌdhe pnyArteagà? 3. Wa5the( nìbto lvl.chuPicchu easy? 4 WheredÌdtheyeat7 5. Howdidthe rìaas autthe5tone5?



MoslpeapLelrdNelIat ,/ocdtions,L)utsomepeopletaveÌ to exPÌoì? and disúler newplaces. In 1911,Himm Bingham,dn American archaeologhLttaveÌedto Peru.túere he discovereriMnchu Picchu, tl,r h" aI,h, l'ì,,1,.R d hi' h poa ol th. ài ov,r. " "t I ÌÌ11911,I weüt lo Cuzcoin PeÌLrlookirg lor âncieú Inca Íuins.Wc lcft Cuzcoandtravcledtothe modcrncjt) ofUrubarnbaald ther continued down the UrubaÌnba River until we côme LotlÌe beautiful little loNn ofollàntâytaÌnbowiú its âmàzírgInca fortress.At this poirìt r.e entercdthc Urubamba goÌge and the journey becane nore dilÌicult. HoÌ\'evet $'e continued doÌvn lhe river and si{ dq's âlicr \1,i'Ìch Cuzco,we nrÍivedat a plàcecalledMandorpampa.A

WoÌdFocus man câmennd intÍo.lucedhimsclfasArteagaand I askedhnn ìborn ruins.He told üs ofsomeruinscalledMachuPicchu, 2,000or more feet abovethe vaÌÌeyf,oor. I ofreredto pây him 50 centsper dal to takeüs to the Íuins and hc agrccd. lln ncrt dr1.uc. ro,cd rÌ-cri\.r ôn - b rdgerì,d,Ì 1ìom four tree trunks aÌìd began aÌÌ exhâusting climb. At noon we ar ved at ê ÌittÌe glâss hr.rt.Tlle occupants Ì{erc vcrylrìendly rnd gaveus someboilcdpotato€sand a gourd of cooÌ wâter. The view lvâs magÌìifrcent, the Ìvôtei was dclicious,and the shadeofihc hut wasagre€aÌrÌe, but there $'ereno rldns, Howevet we coÌ'Ìtinueal LrpÌ{ards, sometimes cÌinìbiÌìg ladders, uÌÌtiÌ at Ìast $rearrived in a tropical forest oÌì top ofthc morntâin. It11mediatelywe tòund someancientInca $'allsmade of $'hite stone. I kìew at once that this wrÌs à tiuly âmMing discovery | -.rr.ncd,o l\rJchuPiccÌ-J In lc ll dr,l úe begJn.,' cÌearthe forest.The ruins startedto appeaÌaÌld they were outs|andi]Ìg,fhe wàlls ire made froÌ1l enormous stonesand thq' fir togethcr pcrËct\r. As Ì\.e continued to cÌearthe forest, we discovered moreàndnloÍe Í!Lìns,untilât lastthclost city of

houseaÍe o(cupanls=Theoaalrpdrlsofa the peoplethatlivethefe. ffi, it isthe Íightshape frt= lfsomethlnq nnd5zc

ul,i:l i il i: Wrltea slrÌìiarpostcard Readthepostaard. aboutyouÌlàstvacatlon oÍ oneof thevacãtions pagc on 67. t\ oveLJÕnol

GQ-oolingglum L^*ol'.wo'eo having a 3aoai +n ,o heSo we) ^Qfuvod \n 9^ngv,oK l^st 9at\Àeà^J and wo sont tro |ne oolaon Íomplo. çt v'^s f^scin^t\ng. ÍhoPa wo,s an onaQr^oÀ: sXo,XuooI lho B\^dàh^. the holol \N^s s?allÒss ^nd Iho looa was e<c,olo^1, brt lhÒ lt-o,if,c \N^5 lòWit 1o. Íl i5 r.\Àc,h\^.azo ?-ol^ting hÒzo an XhÒ bo^c,h in í\uYaX. La\/ò GàP

^ Ìhe wâll ofthe ÍiàintêrnpÌe dremJdelronìenorfaous tLones.The L . . .-, o -L .t , t- o,, LleÍ;fted ro diq up rh. Íìoofolrhc Ìernpe bLrr\'!ed dn'tÍnd .nyrh nll

l;lkto a partneÍabolrtanolheí d scoverykom the pastthat yoLr havereador heardàbout. Less*nD 7l

Before YouWatch woud you ìketovsit?Why? A.Whch ofthesebeaches

WoÍdFo(us CLrzco isa so spe edCusco.

thevideosurnrnaíy. B. Flllin the blanks. UsethewordsÌnthe boxto cornplete touriits environment quiet businêss

Videosummary jt wasa djscovered l\4achu PlcchLr WhenHiranìBlngham p ace.Now anany go to fúachuPicchu eveÌyday.Some p e o p e s a ry s g o o o r o r butotherpeoplesèyit isbad toÍ the 72


WhileYou Watch A,Watchthe vldeo.Circe T for trueandF for fdbe. L 2. 3. 4. éô

À,4achu Picchu isa popuartourist destlnation. T N4achu PicchLr issometimes knownasthe Lostïownofthe Incas. T Conservationlsts th nktourism isgoodíorA/achu Plcchu. T losewantsn'ìorepeope to cometo lvlachuPicchu. T


B .ú . - ' ' ì a g à r ^ . l i Ìì r t r . r J * b " r . è r d d " r Ê . . 1. MachuPlcchu isneaÍiy

2. lvlachu Plcchu ismorethan 3. Hiram Bingham Íoundlvlachu Plcchu in

teetup intheAndes. years oro.

C.Answer thequestlons. L Whatisluliosjob? )


( ^cô'. ^h7

3. Whatjobs do the peopleofAguasCalientes do?

AfterYouWateh ll

Dlscuss thesequestions wltha partner. L Whatafethebigtorrrlst attractlons inyourcounÍy? 2. Arethereanyproblems wÌthtourisrn lnyourcountry? 3. WhataretheyT

LOmmuRlcaTton A. Check(y')thecorrect boxes. L Tourlsm lsgoodforbuslness. a'

r\ lô'

r'. rô-_-Lê .


3. Tourlsts cause envlronmental darnage peope understãnd 4. Tourlsm helps othercultures.


tr n tr tr

tr tr tr tr

B,Discuss thequestion. Civeexamples. lstouÍismgoodoÌ bad?

VideoJouÍnal 73

Vocabulary A. Labethe p .tufes.llsethe,,rords ln thebox emall TV letter

fãx lext me$age

Blô<kBêÍÌy@ newspapêÍâd

B, Wfìtethe woÍds n exeTc seA in the coÍÍectco umn.

call ?hone

Verbswith direct Gramrnar; and indirectobiects

76 Commlrnicaiion

(Subject) + verb


Sent l\4ypafentsboLrght wÍote Fnd faxed Give



n ee n me nrm me

DiÍect object a ne m ã r . a BlackBerry'. a textmessage. please. hisnumller, thediagram. a cal.

Present buy send write ind

lrregularpasttense Past DOUgnr sent WTOIC

found got

A. Un-,rdmb e rhe^ord5ro ^Tre5entencet l. 2. 3. 4. 5.

s e n Ì a I fax BaÍbara sent lúy brother an me ernall. addÍess.aae hÌs Find ernai new Jirn a computer. bougrìt a your m o m G i v e c a .

B, Read thesltuations andmakereqLrests. Usetheverbsin parentheses.

Situation L Youostyo!rfÍiend s phonenumber. 2 . YouwantyourfrÌendto callyou.

Rêquêst |serd) ?lea^e'enà meyov ?hanenurnber.

(glve) (ltuyJ your parents printeÍ. 3 . YoUwant to buyyoua . 4. Youa:' if ou.a pd omeor b) 5. 1 ^'tê' (fax) yourírÌend 5 . Youwant to faxyoua chart.


TÍack2 2

Conversation A. Lìstento the conversatlon. Howdid Kencommunicate with Chris? Ken: ChÍis: Ken: ChÍis:

yesterday Hey,Chrls.sentyouan_clltail andyou dÌdn'tansweÍ. Etlail?Whatfl]aú? Youdidntsendme anc!0ail. Comeon Yougot it.Thenlsentyou a text ffìessaqe. Textmessage? Whattext rnessage?You dldn'tsendrnea ÌgXL messaqc, either.HonestL Ken: OK,we you'vegot no excuses now.Where!the 515 youowe me? C h Í i s : 5 1 5W ? h a 5t 1 5 ?


B. Practice the conversatlon wlth a partne.SwitchÍolesand practicelt agan.


C, Practlce theconvefsatÌon agaln. Change words. the underlined

WecanuseCome orl to showimpatience.

Writea istofallthetypesof personaÌ communicãtlon thatyou Compareit wlth youÍ partnefslst. LessonA 77

ir ' -i 'c- t o n i n_ nJ




A. L stento the radÌoprogram.C rc e the coÍiectanswer Thiss a _. a.IaK 5now b.muslcshow c phone n program B.I lstenagalnandconrpetethechaÍt. .




-ty and-teen Endings Pronunciation: t f

A, Listen andcircethewordyouhear L thirty thÌrteen ÍouTteen 2. lorty 3. htty 4. 5xty slxteen B.Llíen andÌepealthe n!nìlrers.


IÊckz 5

thirty thirteen ÍoÍty íouÍteen

frftv fifteen



sixtêên sêventy seventeen eighty êighteen ninety nineteen

5 . seventy 6. elilhty L n nety

seventeen eigrrteen n netecn


Ccmmunlcation inloÍrìatlonn col!rnn ol theahafi A, WflteyoLrf aont,rct íorthe r contactintorrnatlon. B.Askthreeof youÍcln55rnates Conìpetethe (hàÍt.

RealLanguage WesayiorX /nÀJed

wlìenwe want to fepÊaL 50TneOne sofnetnrf !1.


ç Givethe contactdetais ofa friendor íamÌlymernberto a pàÌtnet



Thesenses Expansion; Language of Thesenses aíethe physica abllities





'r*# ]

a s ght

^ heafng

^ laste



^ 5rn-Â

oÍ we percelve(Jee, nollcefeel)chaÍactersticsandq!ralitÌes Wth the senses p peope,anirnals,aces, andthlngs. ll

these Whatsenses do youuseto identify thisqueston wltha partneÍ. A. Dlscuss characterlstics?

^ d Íly

^ bad


^ gr-"en

your canpercelvewith B,Workwltha paÍtnerto makea stofotherthingsyou 5enses.

Linkingverbs Grammar: Linkingverbs verb+ Subject+ Thefood t You It He

smêlls Íeels look tastes sounds

adjective delicious. soft. cold. salty. tired.

*verbs arenotactonverbs. ofthesêÌrses byanadjectlve. "ÌheyâÍeLrslallyíollowed inthesin-rp e progresslvê tense. "ÌheyaíenoÌLrsed



l w-"t

A, .mo. 5. 1êrê \r.'

iq ",b

L [hàtwashing rnach]ne can'tbeOK.r veryo d. ) . Dldyouwe5hthecèr?t sti difiy. 3. Whatafeyoucooklnq? t de iclous. don'tliketh s parroftheclty.t _ dan!lerous. 5 . Het youchançed _ rnLrchbetLer 6. ldon't kethe5eFrench íÌle5.They_ too 5alty. 1 . pÍeler lhis lweatcr t 50ÌL I Themechan c saysheFxedthe ratte in thecàÍ,but Ìt ll


B.Taketurns.Desaflbe the pictur-"5 on palle80 by rìak nq jtatemÊntsü/ th /oolt ynells, saunds,tases, Íeeltandan adiectlv-"

t-$fi!.ief sâï:ür-i

o iÂ

A. L stento theconversat on Wh-t! wÍon!Jwltlìthe man!caf? Susan: Youraaí5ounds stÍanqe Bill: lkÍìowltstartedastweek,blt nowlt soundswoíse. Susan: thinkìts thebrakes. Bill: t doesfee Íunny,"\rhen I usethe brakes. LoL tl. S u s a n :v o ".neldn, Bill: ^"4aybe nextweek. Susan: Go5oonNewbrakes areexpens ve. B. Practice theconversatlon wltha partner Sü/tch roesàndpractaeÌl àqain.

Goal3 Workwitha partner. Usc nk nq sense verbsto descTibe yourclassrooíÍì anoyouTctàssm:les

l.È.1úi1t 81

TheSecret Language of Dolphins Reading Read the A. Howdo do phlnscornanunlcate? afticleandli nd o!t. 'WoÍd


aquarium = a place wherepeope payto ook at fi5h tank=aga5sbox (lap = whenyolr./dp youbÍing sornethinq, qu cky and it together irmly rai5e= lft É !t B. An5rertheqLrê\llons '1. Whatsenses do dolphnsuseto cornrÌìunlcat-o? tdil aboul? 2. Whatdo dolphins do phin 3. Whylsit diflìcut to understand cornmunicat on? everythlnq that 4. DoscÌentists understand

do ph nsiúy? Howdo otheranlrÌìas commLrnlcate? Gve 50rneexampes

82 Communication

A motherdolphintaÌksto herbaby.. . byteÌephone! ThespecialcâlÌ wâsmadein ân aqrârium in Hawaí, where úe motherandher two yeâr-oldbabyswâmin separate tânks. "It seemed cÌearthâttheyknewwho theyweretaÌking âÌe tol' saysDon White.Butwhatdid theysây?Scientists studyingdolphinsall overthe woÌld to understandtheir secretlanguage.Theydon t undersiandeverlthing yet, but theyieÌistening...andlearning.

Writing A.WÍitÌng textmessaqes lss ow sopeope use abbÍeviatlons. Canyoureadandunderstancl tneseTnessageSl

Scientiststhink doÌphinsfdlk abouteverything,even suchthingsastheir ageândhow theyarefeeÌing.Scientists ihink thatdolphinssaythingslike "thercaresoÌnegood fish overhere,"or "wâtchout for that sharkbecausehet hunting:' "Sometimesone dolphin wiÌÌ speakând then anotherÌjr'iÌÌseemto answerl'saysSaraWaller,who studies bottlenose dolphinsotrtheCalifomiacoâst.Sometimes they âÌÌtaÌk at the sametime-like peopÌeat a party.





N5I5R Notsureif

possib e B4N Byefornow BCO5 Because BDAY Birthday BoYF Bo),friend aU Seeyou DTS Dontthinkso FBI'4 Fne by Ì-ne GTG Gotto go HRLI? Howareyou? DTS dont thlnkso DUNNOdont know Ll\4K Letme know LTNS Lonqtirneno

NVÀ,4 Nevermind

speed righÌ

It ìs diflìcultto studydolphifispedkin theseabecâuse dolphinsswim very quickly.AÌso,it seemsthat onesound cânmeanmary diílerent things.For exâmple,whenúey are frghtiÌ1g,doÌphinsclap their mouthsto say"go awayl"But they makethe samesoundwhen they areplaying.It'slike humâns.Whenyou rais€a hand,it mightmeânlrello, good ble, or stop. ScientistsstiÌÌ donÌ understandeverythingdolphinsiql but oneday,who knows,maybeyou'll get a phonecaÌÌfrorn a dolphin.




PLN4K Peaseet me RU? AÍeyou? THX Thankç WDYT? thinkT

WRUD Whatareyou doing? WU? What!up? Y? WhY?

B.Writea conversatÌon w th noabbÍevrar ons. Thenwriteit asa textrnessaqe. Gveit to a parlnerto reao.

WorkwÌth a partner. Compare hurnan comrnunlcation withanÌmal con'ìmunlcation. Howarethey thesame? Howarctheyd fferent? youÍideas Share withtheclass.

LessonD 83

Wêtch BeforeYou Onewaylsto use5ma withoutu5!ngwords? A. Howcanwe communicate plctures do theseiconsmean? or icons.What

&@ B. l\,4atch the woÍdsto the definltlons. L 2. 3. 4.

nist_ conseÍvatÌo increase decÍease to track_ fo ow wÌd aflmas b. a personwho pÍotectswi d anlrnas get (ormake)biggeÍ qet (or rnake)srnaer

WhileYouWatch A. Watchthe video.circ eTfor rrueand F for Ídlse. 1. n thevideo,youseelons. lstryÌngto co ect inÍorffìation 2. LouisLÌebenberg abouttheanirna s. j T1êBr(h^ê'ì he-or)ervd.roì. \peèl .fe "'ìd samelanguage. Bushmen useÌscaled 4. Thesmalcomputerthatthe the CyberTfacker. makesmapsfromthe lnforrnation. 5. Lous LiebenbeÍg

84 Communicôtion









B.Watchthevideoãgainandc rclethecoÍfectanswer L Theconservationlsts useBushmen beL,ru5e good a.tfreyare Íackers b.theycantreador wrlte c.both of the above 2. TheBushmen co lectÌnformation about a.animaiS D.p anrs c. bothofthe above projectstaÍted 3. TheCyberTracker a.5years ago b. l0 years ago c. 15years ago

AfterYouWateh A

TheCybelTracker lsa veryqu ck wayof recordlnglnforfìatlon o b o - r d " , o . C " r / o . rI r ì o ' o r L t ".r. q o r l . C , o e l TÍacker? Discuss it wlth a paÍtneÍ. ^ A Bushman studles animatrêcks ln thernud

eonnmunÌeatÍonr (pictograms) Insornelanguages peope Lrse srnaI pictures Ìnstead of etters to write.Forexarnple, n Chlnese:



A. Invent yourownpÌctograrns Wrltea shoftrnessage yourpictograms, uslng notWords. ll

yourpictogram B.Exchange partneÌ! messages witha partner. Reaclyour rnessage. DoyoLrunderstand lt?

ltìdeoJouÌnal 85

a,buying a newcar b.graduating fromschool c.gettlngmarrled d.takinga trip

VocabLrlary lÍomthelrox A. Nurnber the pictLrres to matchphrases I . studyÍor the nexttest 2.get a nêwJob 3. do the laundÌy

4, buya new(àÌ 5. have(hlldÌen 6.clennthêhousê

T.buymyownhouse L speãkEnglishnuêntly

ao umn. B. Wrlfefho p dn! lrcrÌìexer(seA lt lhe coTTeaf

donl wr ìtlo halc. ì ilref

o x m r o o ! u ! .-o



"li'l i: |l ! J ::.' vl\ sPr\'nlI



plan)corìpàle your 5tw th a pnrtnefs list.c verea5on5. mportant

ts€qaingta Grammar: Begoìngto Statem-"nt Negãtrve Yesroquestion

We'regoing to bly a new caTtomorrow Fle'snot going to get a newjob nextyear. AÌe yougoin9to do thelaundry th s weekend? WhenaÍeyougoingto paythephonebl l?

"Welse bÊqoingroro ra k rbolt o!r p ènsfor the f!t!Ìe

8a The Êr!t&rê

A.l\4atch thequestlons andtheanswers. . 2. 3. I. 5.

ê è' 1 L l - t o d )d_ l^-erêèÍeloLgo.glo1 AÍeyou goingto nviteA anto the party?_ Whatareyou golngto do on Saturday? _ 's W 5 e r \ c o l èo o 1 9 r od Í r. e : _ lsit goÌngto ran thisevenlng?

a . , e s . l è - l.e , o \ e . o a l c i r g . b. Maybe.wouldtakean umbreta. c.At Lug !. d.\^ê'egoigtoooicesLdti,ìg e.HeÌp anearrÌves at fiveof ock.

B,Unscfamb e thewofdsto writesentences. Numbef thesentences to rnake a conveTSatlon. _. -. _. _.

are go ng what to see? you to the golng go 'm golng the new We'relarnes Bond move. to see you go ng thls evenlng?to do What are

we cansaymmfiìor /mnofSureto srìow uncertalnty.

Conversation A. Llsten to theconversatìon. lsKirÌgoingto goto thebeachT



VeÌa: KlÍll V€Ìã!

Kiri: VeÍa: Klrh Vela!


HiKÌr.Whatareyougoingto dothÌsweekend? We, l'mgolngto$ur[lollhele$ anddotheÌâundÍy Whydoyouask? Wete9oln9to goto thebeach. Doyouwantto comeT 'Tn Ày'mm, notsure.d oveto but,. . , yo! know.. . woÍk. Dannyljjginglqbc there. Oh, see.We,maybe can slwly.jallhclcs!tonlght. AndI cançblhql!!fi1ry whenw""comeback. So,you'Íego n9to come? Surel


B.Practlce theconversatÌon wÌtha paÍtner. Switchrolesandpractice it agan.


C.Change theundeflÌned words andpractice it agan.

plans Tela paÍtneryour forthisweekend.

Leison A


licioninrr A. Llstento the ifLeÍviewlvlth a pop ! nllef.l5 hc ta k ng aboLrthi5 5horltcfrn p ansor lorìgtefÍì p an5?


B. Lilterì àqnjf and c fc e T for froennd F íoÍ í.1/ie

t f TÌack2-8

. 2. 3. 4 5.

Pctell golrìqto feaoídhlsnew a bum nJrne. Petel5qo fq to do a wor d tolr th s yeif. Babs5 qo ng to hàvci LrabylÍì l\4èy lh. bnLryi!f't qo rq tlr .frànqePele! fe P,"le5 (lo ng Loínft rnnkinqà | nì nt the eÍìdol llì.:yeer



formof goinqlrr Pronunciationr Reduced A. Ll5terto Lhesentenc-.s. T Í a c k 29

. Ìì qo rì(lLobly .r new aoanpuLcr -). Arayot]!Jorìq fo al)fÌìc1 B. LlsteÌrto thc 5cÍìlcÌrcc!nrì.1.fre. ( (/) the bot.

Track2_10 | 2 I 4 5.

Ìfa.k 2-l0

tullÍoÌm Redu(edÍoÍm wfìefr.rÍ:yoìrgorrrJi. hfìr!h? T h e y Ì cr.ì o l( t o r ì q l o k . l f Wc'fr:q,rlfì(ltri orvÊ.ìllhí&' h rÌy rn qolng Io L,r( a lhaiwef. ^rc you qo nq lo t.ìkea taxÌ?

t r t r n t r t r t r t r t r n t r

Communication A. WhntareyouÍshortteÍmà|d longterrnplarìs? Check('/) theaoÍectco Lrrnn.

ShoÌt-term plans Areyougoingto.,,

Yes,I am.

l'm not sure.

No,l'm not.


l'm nol sure.

No,l'm nor.

ealoLìtton ght? go to a partythlsweekend? p ayor watcha sportthisevenÌng? restthisweekend? Long-term plans Areyou goingto... 5tartyoLtfownbu5ness? earnanothefanguage? rnoveto anothercountryT buyanewcaí?


B,l,rkírlLrfrìs nskJì(lnfrl rrì!wt:rnq fhr:rtrueslroIs rn oxora scA ÌhcÍì.]tkJ ,,Ì/hqt.t5llorì.

, ,r-.ìì::1 L,-___-J l r '

] l ] ] l - . - . - . . r 1






r\/rJ,LrL r I





eo"tz yol r plansfortonlqhtandyo!r plansforthe nextfiveyears. Te a partnef Lêsson3


Weathercorìditions Expanrsion: Language la < unìbre

< wind, breezy

< cold,cool

< Íain, wet

< 5unn,bright



theweather. to describe Weuseadjectives Today issunnyandworm.

< ÍublreÍboots

Usewordsfromtheboxandthep ctuÍes thesentences. A. Cornplete your Youdon'tneedto taKe 1. lt'5notgoingto ran tomorrow anoyour t'sgo ngto be 2. Youshoud putonyoursweater. oulsoe, today.You don'tneedto ltsgoÌngto bec oLrdy forecast says 3. Íhe weather

<ra ncoat


t . no.,*".' ctoudy,dutt,overcast 4p



tal(eyouÍ fs goinqto be so don'tforgetyour5unhat.



predlctions aboutthe weatheÍTellapartnerhow to dfessfoÍ t B,Taketurns.À,'lake


Willfor prediations Grarnrnar: will lthink it wlll rainthÌsaftefnoon.t will be windytonloÍrow. Statements 'msuÍeÌt won't becod. Donttakevoursweater. Negatives questions Will it be wÌndy? Ye5lno 1 /e Lrse begoirq toafd M/ito nìakepredictlons. *Weon y usewiilwhenrledecldeonanmmedlateplan


<sunhat The Futuíe

A. Rewrltethe sentences:singbeqoingta at wìll.


Begoingto L

thÌnkÌtsgoingto raintornoÍÍow

| íh)nk.t.willrâir Íamaffaw. 'TnsLrre I wont be sunnyth s afternoon

2. golngto risen the next 3. AretemperatLrres 100years?

Whatwil theweather belikeon theweekend? lsit goinqto be overcast toraorrow? B.WÍitestatements that areÍue for you.Usebegaìngtaat wÌll.



ack2'l l

A, LÌsten to theconversatÌon. Andrewi Barbala: Andrêw: BârbaÍa: AndÍewi BaÌbara:

Do ^e hè,/e" eÍ,1rìi"qead)io f e oeìcl^. SureEvery1hings ready. Doyouth nklts goÌngto ran? No,theysayÌs goingto be hot. Areyougo ng to takeyourumbrellaT \ o ' ç d i r ) q o t o t o b e ^ o _r . 1 0 g o i . 9 r o ran. Andrewi No, meanyourbeachumbrella íorthesun. BaÍbâÍa: Oh,lsee.Yes, thatsa goodidea.


B. PractÌce the conversation with a partner.Switchro esand practicelt agan.


C.Circe the predctions. Change the predctionsto ú//and praclce t aqan.

Talkto a paftnerWhatisthe weâtheÍlikenow?Whatislt qoingÌo be liketomorrow? têsson C 93


FutureEnergy 3 !

l5 Y.\|



Reacling 3

A. D scuss thesequelllors w lh,r parLnef. lìeadtheartlae Lochec( yoLI an5wer5.

WHERE WILL WE GET OUR ENERGY? Itìsa ìrrigÌlt sunÌìyday.i pLrtlhe l!ìsl solaf PLìnelon my rool, I srritch it on, ard I hâ\,eelectficity.I1n lreel Now I troÌr't have to worry âboul clcctricbills or oìl prices,aicl ì won't feeÌStLilty in ÍÌont of the tlìis?A cloud Passes âbout polluliolr. IÌul wÌìat'.s sun anclmy lights go outl ìiì goìng to hâvc to st.ìrl nry gcncratoÍ anclburn sonrcnorc gtsolinc.ÏÌis isrÌ'tgoing to trc easyalìcr all We ríe goiÌìgto ÌÌa\€ iì big energyProblcn in tlÌc ltLture lì)dây, thc world uses320bilÌion kiÌo$'.ìtthoufs ol cncryy ,ì d.ìy 'lhaLls lof cvcfy cquaÌto.ìboul22ÌigÌÌtbtìlbsbúrrìinlirronsloP pcfsoìÌou tlìc fl.ìnct. lìy 2100$'c wiÌl usctÌÌfcc linrcsas nruch ensrgy FIowwill \\'cgct lhc cocrgy?At thc nÌ(nncnt,we gct nìuch g.ìs l\rl íòssil ofour cncrgy fronr ÍòssiÌlììeÌs:coâl,oil,.ìrxl n.ìtLÌr,ì1 lrr tlìc l(nìll tcnì, wc íìrcls.ìrcdirty âìrd lhcy wilÌ ììot Ì.ìslíi)cvcr. lvillÌ'ììvc LoÍìod âttcnÌatives.Wc wiÌÌ ncccÌreneÌvâblccìÌcrg)'.

L Whalâfcfoss fles? t. WhaLs n fornitlveerìerqy? ln theàfliae that B. llndcr netheseftencês lhernLrslnq begortqlo aonlan r!///Rcwflte r hÌ c q u e l t u 1 5 . l - t C .A n 5 w e pancs on l. Whyd d theauthorpLllsolaT '''ooÍ . . 0 0 l . . o r t d. . . , t , \ i b t . . to howmanylqhtbu bsperpeÍson? wlthsolaf 3. WhataÍe threeproblems powef? Whataretwoptobenrs!!lth wind thlnktherewi 5. DoeslüÌchaePãcheco b€enouqheneÍgyin thefutLrre?

SOI,AIìPOWER OÌì a cloudy day ncar the cily oll ciPzigiÌì lhe lormcr Eâst GeÌnâny, Ì r,âÌked acrossâ 1ìeidÌ{,ith 33,500solar paneÌ producesenoughetergy for Ì800 homes.

WoÍd Fo<us alteÌnative - 50rnethng dlffercfi ldan't likethisÌdea It Lheteai alLenalìve? renewable = sorncth ng you can u5edgdfì and dgdI cost-effective = 50methlnq th,ìt 5 cost affe(tivc snvcsn ot oï rn(Ììcy ugly ìoLbeaLrIfrl

One proÌrÌemrvith solâr po er is that it is expensive,but the cost ofsolar rvill fall cs technologyúnpÍoves."'lhjrly vears ago it wascost-eíÌèctiveon satcllitcsl'sâ)-sDanicÌ SÌÌugar presilent ofPowerlight Corporatnxì."ftdây it caÌìbe cost enècliveiàr poweriÌlghoLìses iìÌld bLÌsinesses." He lells üs tlìât ìn thc futurenìosthotL.scs will hÂvcsolârpâncls. 'ftefc .ìreotlÌer proltenìs rvith solLìrpo$' necdsrì lot ofspacc and, ofcoursc, it Llocsn'lworl(ât rliglìt.

Writing lr

A, Workwll ì a partnerWÍLest.rtemen15 .ìlloutlh.^futuÍeuslfq thcinfoÍm.rtion yo!r stalements ln I ìe box Mak-. post veoÍ negahve. peopl€/liveundeÍ thesea p€ople/€nough Íood to êat scientists/frndacuíe foÌAIDS

researcheÌs/find alteÍnativeÍuels people/tÌavel to Mars wârs/end

WÌNI) POWIiIì Onc alÌcnroonI st(x)din a ficld ìn DconrrrKuÌìdcrr clark,cloLrdysk1,.My solarpaneÌsprodLrcevery Ììttle eDergy in this wcather.[Jül àboÌe me iÌ wind lurbine r{Àsprodocinli clciìD,rcncwiÌL)lc cìcctricily. Al thc nronìcnt,wìnd powcris llìe besLoíâlÌ ÌÌìe alt€rnâli\.eenergysdrces. But agúì. iÌìere arc problems.lìirst, lhel cre úglyi peopledon't like to sec wnrd turbnresnr 6eLÌs.Ànd ofcourse the wnrd doesdt bÌow alÌ tlÌe tirÌc. So,Ì\'ill our gràndchildreügel lheir energylÌoìì lhe sún, wiÌld, or soÌneotÌÌer source?"\Veie goìrg lo üeedeverythiÌ4 Ì!e can get from soÌar,cverythìng$'c can gct fronì $.ìnd,"says MichàeÌPccheco,direcloÌ ofthe NrtionàÌ lììoeneÌgyCenler, part ofthc Nâtional RerewâblcEncrgy Lâboratory(NREL) 'And h Goklen,QrÌorado. stiÌÌ the questioÌìis caÌìü'e get enough?"

B. UseyoLrrdea5Íom erercseA lo wr te a paraqÍ.ìph abouL th. rfur. li'Ì l,rat|cx1, 1,,,/,/.:-r l,v flvírvrr,ì|r,

Goal4 and lo n Ìwo orÍhÍeeotherstudents youÍideasàboutthefLrture. discuss

L€sso.ìD 95

Watch BeforeYou lr

wltha partnet Dlscuss thesequestions L Whatfuelscanyouuseto cookíood? 2. Whatfue do youuseto cookÍood?

^ electric 1y

^ soarenefgy

WhileYouWatch )_J

A. ttat.t ho . ioêod d mè -\ rheoeope o ,d ". o* e 15 b'-sl. . - o t - ê1 o . ê ' ' o r ' " F . d or f n ê ther lunqs. eyesandchokes 'n'ì goinq b. Ìo checkon thls.hickenandr ceand 2. Dr Boblvletcalf Ah,it'sdolnga goodjoll. seehowlt'scooking. boxcancook c.We'rea amazedthat a cardboard 3 Afrcanwoman

box B'Watch thev deoagalncheck(") thecorrect tÉ4)

oísolaÍovent Benefits Health Enlironmental L Youdont haveto cutdownüees. 2. Aírcanwomendont haveto wa k a longwayto co leatfifewood. 3 Therelsno smoke. Á aò.oèt', b...lo . - d t . .l ê ". r 5. SolaÍovensdon'tcausepo Lrton.

96 The Futurê


tr tr ü




tr tr tr n

Itil '

c' Watch asan andanswer thequestlons. I Whatcanyoucookin a soaf oven? 2. Whatarethegoas ofSoarCookers nternat onal? 3. Towhattemperature raustyou heatwaterto makeit safeto drlnk?

AfterYouWatch ll

Wofkwitha partnerCouclyoumakea soaroven? youneedto Tnake lMake a istof rnaterial a solaroven Wrte nsÍuctonsonhowto makea soaroven. Use dfawings if necessary.

Cornmunication ll

Roe-play thefolowingsituatlon



StudentA YoLr aÍerunnlnga workshop ln Afrca.Yo!havetoexpan thebeneitsofusing solaÍovensSomeofthe participants havedoubts. Student B Youãrea partlcpant n the workshopYourmothercookedwith wood andyou cookwthwoodYouhavedoubtsaboutchanglng to something new Express yourdoubts. Askquestlons.





QleI) 2. 5wenlef J. shoe5

Wintcr S:r Sep'lhs

5. hafdLrdg 6. !L elto5



A. alÍ. e thÊwordin wny.

o b_t 9 ôt p.r^l



al iJVeS




Orì LrÍ5

l 1 5 hf t

5Lt I

p!Ììps onÍets


p!nìp5 ! rppaflj

B. l.lìder ine | ìc ndj..t vcsLhntdes.flb,.( olhe5


s\'!a,rLcr anal5hc5wdfrrì . afl|Ììas wclr rq J Ìhick, rJrìL]|lì,ra]c, ( ( l L r J Ì y , l r r r { r , ì l. ) n d h a s a o d . ,) ì , r Í l a ,i sw a n r r q a l o o r nrì(,r|arìi v(,,lofÍìiì l)LriÌìrrr .,Lri {r L rI rllaTvr'\'_ I lohfì,Â'or(, ,1 ^rìrlÍrlv,,!orc.rrlìoìf ),lt,lnrJl,rakaL (,r11r1r! wlìo qot llrelobl ! A ç ì,ì lÌrrr!hl lì.f d,r((llìfr.r,r5()ll,w.rrr] f r,rifol fÌìj,ìnÌr5 f i ' ì ( ' L L y l r o r (l lxl lÌ l( l r Í l \ o r Ì r ' l x ) o ( l L r i, ìy , I r Ì r | r l , r r Ì ì t \W l ì i (I r l ì i ( l \ ' v r ) k ( 'r!, r Li 1 l 0 , r Ì r I o r ì w a n LL oL ì af r f ( ì rì w c , r f ( l , r r Í r ( Ì i J f f ) , rr 0 l ( L r lo l l f , ì r ì s, ] | ì (,]ì( i x r ! ( \ , v ( ' a ' .L, \( ) f ) ( , ì , rw a r ì !L. / r , ,ÌìÍrl o ( Jl , r ! l ì i ( ì r f k( l r , r kfl) , I r L \ , r Ì ,Ì ì] ( |]r,,,\wllo v/,ìshoL rrr'r,rl.,lrlrL C, ( oÍÌìlìolr I rc !tÌì1r.Ììacl, vr'itlìllr. w{n(l.r1lì,ìlyartrl ndlÌl rìcLl crara ra B lf:sqo Ìrg lo bc co ai forÌìoffow _,__ 2. Yo! an l t ü/eãÌ | ìoia

lenì5 roL noco fo

huy ioÌrÍ. ÌÌkÌlcf f íJrìe! i.

a olhes aTeal\'!ay5nìofc cxpcÍìsve llì.]|ì ìnchine rnide a ofhe5. \'\/,ÂaÍ.1 Loo(sare ifÌrfiÍilt.ìfl, to a \'1/ny5 \,r'llan Ìaata arts Thl! !u/eaferi( too qht WìcfclsÌìy

D. 'l:tchtheopposte5. I

od f.rllrloned _


fotüÌì, ftaTo




r,'il fn I



fr. axpcnsve c. Iìlh onabe,modefn o. ìeavy e. ca5uà,nloTnìè |llaafrne lÌìaoe q 5.rÌÌ h thÌn

Cornparatives Gramrnar: Comparativeforms of adjectives Adjectives with onesyllable

cheap lvlachlnemadesweateÍs aÍecheaperthan Add er handrnade sweaters. pfetty Adjêctivesthat end in -y Ìhis dresss pÍettier than that one. Change the /to land add er Adjectiveswith two or moÍe syllables beautlfu Eleanor s morebêautifulthanEva. Userìoreor /eJJbefofethe adjective. Thesesuts arelessexpensivethan those. lrregulaÍcomparatives

Shoppng in a storeisbetterthanshoppng on ne. lvlygfadesareworsethan yoLrrs.

goocl bad

iThecompârdrve brm isio owodby rhdn 'L.lsernLr.hlo rnrkeâ.orfpar soI slíofqer Íhi\ .oot is i'luch bettet than th. Lrtlt.rone.

aorÌìpletc tlìc 5cÌìtcrìaes. UretheconrpaTat ve lofnìol theword n p.ìÍentheses. I 2 I

(expeÍìsive) prcf.f fhc qrrcn handbag,bul ls fharìfhc b ue plrflt (rìú:e) [ìe5e lcdfvÊ]! aíe tlrdrìtlìo1e. RealLônguage (brrnn)thnnLhosc haseshoasnfo

4 lìo woo q ovesàÍo 5. lh nk thc Lrluc s ppersare

(soll)tlìJntr€ €atìeTofes t r c t ) ' lt l r d r r r l ìbr , r L fu r ! , .

l o 5 f ì o w L ] | ì c e r l aìrtfy .

Conversation Ita.k212

kna\\t ol lllì tol \ulc

4.1 sLento lhecorìvefsal on Dannyàfd Eenanfeshoppnq Whats L cna ookingfor? Danny: ookat thoscb :ak shoos.hey ooknice. Elena: don'f<now needsonreth ng nroteÍornral TheyÌeforwork. Danny: Whàldboultheseb Lr-" ones? Elena: lvlmm,Irì notsureTheytea ittl-.expen5 vê. Dãnny: Lookflerearesorneaheaper ones Elena: ., Ol 5 ,,ILo5 L^ â smaef 5Ì/e? Danny: Ye5,hefe\,r'eare Elena: Perfect.



B. Pfirctlce thecorìveflnllon. 5witahroe5andpraatice ll aqan.


[e!.1]rlÈè.5 he!Ìe

Compareyourc othe5with ã partnef5clothes. LessonA


Listening A. ListenWhats thewornanbuyn!l? Tíack2 13 B . - e r d o d' . r d . ì fì

I t

r,"iLirr 2. 3. 4. 5.


' o w ^ a r p " r o q f o ' d o ' t L ' , r o m ot o ? HowrnuchdÌdthewh te shoescost? Howmuchdidthe b ackshoescost? Whatsizeshoes doesthewomanwear? Whatcolorweretheshoes thatthewornanbought?

c. MatchthequestÌons andtheanswers. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Canltry themon?Cashor charge? lowrnLrch aretheyl What5lzeareyou?_

a. Theyïe565. b'ma12. there c. Yes, thedfessn9 ÍoomsaTeoveT d I' put lt on rnycaÍd

Rising andfallingintonation Pronunciation:



to showr singor fal ng lntonatlon À. Llsten to thesentences Wr te the;rÍou/s r \ ' ' \ 1. Which s w l m5 ut s c h e a p e r ? T h e b l u e o n e o Í t h e r e d o n e ? 2. Whosedressls prettieÍ?KaÍen!of l\4a's? Shopping onlineor storeshopping? 3. Whlchlseasier? Thesweater oÍ theIacket? 4. Whlchdo youthlnkiswarmeí? ãnoflvlaro? 5. Who s morehandsome? B. Listen a9ain. Repeat tfresentences


102 5hopping{or Clothes

r*+mrnunicaïr*r-l iii

(c a st of),our dea5. D scusstheqrestlons,,!th a pnrtncrl'"4e \V'ì ,' " d r." J" o p pg o l "g'.o.l 2. Whataretheadv-ntiqesànd disàdv.ntàgesof shoppnq n a stofe?



Shoponline.Savetime for the thingsyou enjoy.

Viewcart I ffi



BivlerôTwillPônts "5ilk- cotton- for


*CasualdÍessing is drêssing well.

*Becomfotable bâckpackìng, sailing ortÍekking.

5izêsavailable: 30,32, Sizesavailable: í\1(3840) L\42-44)

xL (46-48)

AgãveBlue *Casual 6t for men. harder Sizes available:30,32, 34,36,38,40,42,44



'r( ço.rz Whatth ngt do yo! pfefer to buyonlÌne? Whatthing5do youprefefto youÍideas buyln a sÌofe? \'Íhy?ShaÍe wÌtha partner. {fr,ar, j,


Ì rcà y keth;t enlheÍlaaket.

materials Expansion: Ciothing Language in thê plcturesto a partner. A.TakêtuÍnsdescíib nll t ìe clothes


\:J ú

X lrìl

Machin-eWtrh, HOT

l l


o X


l^l L\Zl


= L:)






carelnstruct on5dbove. C fc e TíoÍ ffuc:rndF Íof /LrLr B.lleadlha d tÍorcnL 1. 2 3 4 5.

Youcanuscb eachwiLhcotLon. Y o u c a n d f y w o no nl t u m b l e d r c f . Youravcto dry c earìsi k YoLr canlroTì aotton. YournusLrlt washleatheÍ.

T I T T t


Grammar: 5uperlatives Superlative forms of adjectives Adjectiveswith onê syllable cneap Add est. pretty Adjectivesthat end in -y Change the y to r andadd eil. Adjectivêswith two or more syllables DEAL]ITU llsemorfor /edJtbefoÍethe adjective. expen5lve goocl lrregulaÍsupêrlatives bad ' - . p - ' o | p . d . d b ' , ' '

104 S h Õ p p i n g f o rC l o t h e s

J-hecottonpajamas arethe cheapest. Heenlsthe prettiestglf ln theclass. Thesearethê most beautifulshoesin the store. Th s sut s the lêastexpensiveonetheyhave. rrneí | the best hoe ore 'to ' À4yEnglshisn'tgood,but I don'thavethê worst qÌaoesn cra55,

A, aoÌìpÌetethesentenaes. U5eÌhc superativeiorrnof theadleatÌve in pàíerìtlìeses (expefsive) I These;re shoesirìthe stofc (ü/arm)lôcket? 2. Whch is The rcd one,the bTo\,1,Ìì one,or theb ueone? 3 GfaÌlqef5 D scoLrft 5torcha5 lqooolpírces. (formal) 4. Theieifc shoes thatwe have

B.Wf te scnten(es Lsinqthepnrsol adlectives n the box. (heap/êxpensivelight/heavy wârm/@ol Íough/smooth


\\rrrr rlr

r r ri I

1 ,,

. , , 1r t , r

Ì 1 /r t,

L 4 5 6.




A. i\lef to tlìc.onvorsation. Wlìydocsnlst,"ve li(etlìe eathcrl,ì(keL?


lxLrs. 1ìe,aoL d yo! ho p n\.? 'nì ookiÌìqfor aj.r.ket.

Shopâttendant ( c,Tl.r rì y,5Í I lì,rva5oÌneoverhere. Steve: lvlfÌìrÌì, v.ry n ae.Whalris thc Ì,,",armest? Shopattendant:We , theseGORtl[X ]acket5 àrethew:ÍrÌìestTìeyÌe v/afefpTool afd Ììolioo oNpens ve Steve: Nír, don'tfe,ì y lkeÍÌìarìrrìndorììntefla. Shopattendant: WeI,we havcsomenlceeatheÍjackcÌs. Stevei No,Idontíeallylikeeàther.t! veryheavy, ind 5uppose lheydrethe moste\peìsive Shopattendant: Ye!,1'rÌì iÍfn d so.The cheapcÍ s $250. B.PraatÌce LlìeconvcÍsàtion.5u/ tahroesandpractce it àqàin. C.Wofl(w th a paítnerto rÌlakca newconvefsatlon. h 5tirl],.tryon JorÌìething diÍíerent.

-r/eorts Tak with a paftnefWh ch s yourfavorifematerial? Why? Le5ioh C


Silk-the Queen of Textiles


lub.fL .lc a,ivêrìrhy,d I r|Ìr( ì Í.rlhlon '11 d c ! i ! l n c r ,o v c sw o f k i n qw t l ì ! l k i 5 l v i n q . I f Ì ì o v o r , ' h { r ç r y \ .|" í ì r Ì . . l J L e y ! L r . l ! l c 5 l s t h c d c 5q n o Í t h ê d r | \ 5 1

Íìeaeiing A. llisa!ssLhcscque5llorì5 ur lh a partÍìeÍ. I Whatdo you know ah,oul5lk? 2 low ss kmade? rh. qu.\|o 5 | !rtB.Ansvl"rer

ve-cotton, L Whlchs the rnostexpens wool,oÍ sllk? oí Wh.h coLrntry l5thebiggestpÍodLrcer silk?_ ShenCongwen tfrnkthato d Whydoes thanmodeÍns k5? 5llk5 aremorebeaLrtfu put lhecocoon5nto Whydo theworkeÍs hotwater? 'A is TnoTe 5 . Doyouagreethat u/oTnan qenre wnensnewe a r s a s i l k k r n o n o ' ? Giveyoufíeasons

106 ShoppingforClothes

'ìlÌey'rc pÍàcricâI.But silk?Silk Coikrì is cooli Ìvool is wnrm. is sotÌ, it is srìoo1lì,it is sopbislicâtcd-tlìe qLìeenoi ìs alsopossiblythe Ínost cxpensivelnâtcriàl in tÌre worÌd, and iideed in ancicnt Romei1 wâsmorc cxpensivethan gold. But it is strongasÌveÌÌ a threadofsiìk is strongerthàn steel. I wanted to discoverÍìore about lhis mystcriouslnâteriâl, so I decidedÍo go to CÌÌiÌìa.Chinâ is rvberethe secretofsilk was discoveredÌnore tl'Ìân4,000yeârsago,and todayit is stiÌl1he biggestproduccr ofsiÌk iÌì the world. The firsl peÍson I visitedÌ\'âsShenCongweÌì,advisoron àncicnttextiÌesto the PâlaceMuseuÌÌìiÌì Beijing.He showed me somesìlk thât workeÌslollnd ìn â tomb in Jiìnglin, in Flubei Province.ll wâsmore than 2,000yeârsold but stiÌlbeaütiful. He told me thât he thirks theseoÌd siÌksâÌe Ìnore beâLÌtifuÌthan modern silks."ln àncienttimes,weâvingwas done froÌn the heâIt. In modcrn times,r'eâving is done for commeÌce:So,horv do you make silk?The first pioblem is that the siÌkworm only eatsleavesfrom oÌretree the muÌberry tree. It

WoÍd Fo<us

V 5lkvíoÍÌr5fe,.don coaoorkorn5 (lhfend

st€€l - n strong,h.ìrdffleta tomb - a p aaevr'heredead peop e are bur -"cl commeÍCe= bu5rìe!5, to makernorìey

\Â/ritinn V t ' , 1 a olhÌfq A lswertheqLe!lorì5. . Wlì,rli5 I rÌìddelÍ)fir? . W ì ( , f f . ( l ( l y o(Lt ( ' I 7 . \{/hrrìd d you q.l ll .

bÌ,! rÌìLalì d d il co,,ll

. Whydo yor k{ lll ^ ^!


is e.ìsicfto prcfiìrcÍi!)cl1oÌtì lrunlìn thtìnrìsilkwonÌl s.ìys 'liJshio Ìl{),.ì l.rpanesc siÌkwonìrphysn)logisL. Silkrvornìs onÌy lÌve for rbouL2lÌ days,L)tLtin that limc lhcv increâscin Ìlcighl i 0,000tiìncs.^t LlÌccncìof LlÌcirshorrÌivcs,thcy spin rìcocoon.In ChiDtì,IwLìtchcd üorÌ(crscollcctthc cocoons 'lhey rnd l(iÌÌthc sìlkNorìÌsÌ!illr slcanìor hot rììr th€n pul lhe cocoorìsiÌìto lìot wâter to rÌaÌ(c thcnÌ softcr.Ncxt, they pullcclthe ÊLrenlìom lhe cocoonând slrun therì to ÌÌìakesilk threrd irìnally,tlìcy wove1lì€thrcad ìrìio cÌotlÌ orì machinescaÌÌedt<xrms. But why is sill. so expensive?\,Vell,it txkes110cocoons to Ììàke À nlaDstie, 630 cocooÌìsto mrìkea bÌouseâÌìd 1,000cocoonsto mâkc â hcar,ysillt kimono. Thatì a lol of ÌìulbeÌÍy ÌeâvesaÌÌd ÌÌìanyÌìours o1Ììardwork. But many peoplcbclicvc its beautyis woÌlh ìt. As Kokoh MorigucÌìi, 'A a lextiÌeartist toÌd m€, woman is more gentìcwhen she $'cârsâ silk kifiono:

lüy ÍnvoÍLef)iÊafi)f. ol r f(l i! r !i k í nÍI. 1wn5n pr(rscÍìf lrofÌrInyílrJÌÌlrÌìo(ltrf Sìa !J.ìv.'lLoÍìe!\/ha,rìwn! l{)yrÌìr!ar(l don'fknou/ho!,/rÌÌ!.h 11.o.,1l)Lr!r k ! veryexpefsvÍ: I l! n bed!lllu dÍrepÍed arìaliÌ i5vcfy,vrfy !oll I ov{r L


Worku/th n paÍner Ílelcrbeihe pfocess torrnakinq 5llk. L ê s s o nD


BeforeYou Watch A

A.Talkto a panner. Discuss howsilkthÍeadsd fferentfromwool,cotton,and synthetic threads. B,À,4atch theopposltes. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

nolsy_ same_ modern _ sowly_ beautf!-

a, o, c, o, e,

dlffeÍent q uc k y quet ancient u9y

C.CÌfclethe words inexerc seB thatyouth nkyouwillhearln thevldeo.Watch youÍ thev deoandcheck answers.

WhileYouWatch A. Watchthev deoandc rcleT forfrueandFfoÍfdl5e L Florence Ìsa modernc ty. manageÍ isa man. 2. Thefactoíy 3. TherearelotsofwomenworklnginthefacÌory.



B.Watchagan.C rclethecorrectansweÍ.

t . The ndustÍiaRevoutÌon,-


a.woTo wars b.thecoldwaÍ c.woTo aws ) . \e 1.( | o1-o' loo-' '^etemdde_ a. ln 1780 b.ìnthe 1gthcent!ry ago c.500years threwawaythejrold handloorns 3. Othermanufacturers

d War a.afterWor years b.500 ago d War c.afterWof log

Shoppingfor Clothes



siltproduced or anïqJeI a.d oomshas a.4,000 thÍeads b.12,000 threads c.3,000 threads


ân.l hrô.ã.|ê

i( o,nanomaoe c,custom-made

AfterYouWatch ll

l oom

Discuss thesequestions w th a partner. 1. WhydoyouthlnkStefano Benelli stheonlymanlnthevldeo? 2. Â'emerbe..eÍ atso-e.obsthalwo-er?Why? 3. Atwhichjobsarewomenbetterthan rnen?Why7

Communication ll

Role-play thefo owingsituaton.

^ brocade

StudentA Youarea saesassistant ina textie shop.ïry to sellthehandmade sllk.

sitk(acetate) lAnlficld perrneter PÌicê:515-525

StudentB Youarea customeÍ.You want5 metefs ofc othforsornecurtaÌns.You canspend about$200.

VideoJouÍnal 109



i)r)\l )

Giveadviceon healthyhabĂŹts Suggestwaysto improvebad habits AskĂŁboutlifestyles Evaluateyour lifestyle




! ,.

i * -'-r.:---;;端rJ:EIaF


sheworksout in A lclahasa healthy festye.She'sn good shapebecause es t ìe gynìcveryday.5heeat5heath)'food,likefruÍ:nd Íeshveqetâb any he neveÍdocs Aan doein'lhêve,rqoodlifestyle.Hesunfit bccause leentstoo Íìuchiunk food so he'!overweìqht.c! nbadshape. exefcise. wlthdìe\'\/ofd5 ln blue A, aonìpetcthe5enlences L I needto axcrcse fìote m n bad shape ,). arcÌìdoelnLh.ìvea healthy I


dlct.Slìeeàtsa loroÍjLrnk

d o n t \ r r o l el e e r c s c Í e qirì y ,

lifestyle junk food

'fn nnd oveÍwelqht .;rt5 iì ì.1 hc.r I y f ,.d good shape Lreirì likcwlìoe q|.rlnbreadnnd ot5oflÍui1.Soonshe'

4 . txteallo cxcTase rÌìoTe Ì 5 . la re r kro(ng qfcrt 5lìÊ

bad shape work out

B . W r l al l ì c , r a l i v l f i {ì.l !l ì c c o r r c aal o L t n .

^ \ n(ir nll

^ .yL Ìì!l O II V

^ qclfnq -'iqht

^ ' : l r n k l n qo i 5 O \'Valaf

ev.rryn qhÌ

-.cycling -.getting eight hours sleep every nigth -.drinkung lots of water -.eating a balanced diet

't12 ',.1+.ry',st

-.sunbathing -.smoking -.watching lots of TV -. eating lots of sugar

Gramnrar: Modals--coirid, ouqhtto,shçuid, haveto musl., Could,oughtto, should,must,hqve to Make suggêstions Giveadvice Expre55obligation YoLÌ couldstopsnroklng. Youshould/oughttostopsmoklnq. Youmust/hav€to stopsmoking.

!! u,onq


! ! !u",yu,one

ons,glveadvae,or expÍess oblÌqat ons. Âr A. Takelurfìs.lvlàke5Lrqgest U s e t ha e c t v te so n p a g el l 2 8. Gve advcc Íorthefo ow ng 5 frations. l. TelyolrfsÌsteÌ lo stopsmokìng. !!! she have to stop smoking

tellloyuLrf.rtlrer q"

"n he should go in a diet

r drcL!!

3. el yourlriendfo sfopwntahnq somuchte evÌiiof.! he could stop watching so much television

Conversation A. Lisfen to theconveÍ5ation. WhydocsÀ4irwnnfÌo oseweiqht? Track2-16

Mia: Alex: Miâ: Alex: Mia: Alex: Mia: Alex:


needlo osesomewe qht.lvlycloLhes don'Líif ànymore. Whatslìo!d do? Wel, nsterìdofwatch nç TVa lday,you couldrlo moÍe exefcl5e. kewhat? L kc.y. inq,oryoLrcoud wofk out at thegynì don'thavetlmc 1ì too blrsy. OK,lhenyoLrcoLrd chanqeyourdiet EatsorÌethlnq heãlthler, kefrur. Youmeãnno moTêhanìbLrrqerslOh nol OK.BuysonleblaJqef c othe5thcn.

ReôlLônguâgê Werse jikcwhdl ro as( of nrìeraTnp e. gÌveanerampe.

B.Practice theconvcfsàtion with;rpartnef. Swltchroesànd practae t aqan

a|'e--'a''J'.èoè.''"''Lgge'.io|.o|.ìo^-op.o'ê|''o',1ê''eo(1 Ì ."'....'.-..''''...','.'.'''.......J

Listening A. Lookat the plctures. Whodo youthinkhasan unhealthyitestye?Listen andcheckyourpredÌction.

ll,4âllq e

thêqL.rêstions B.Llsten agalnandanswer rta.k 2 17

everyday? I Doesllen exerci5e 2 DoesBensmoke? doeslúaglliedo7 3 WhatexeÍcise 4 Nafl,ìe two thingsthat À/agqlehasforbreakfast. 5. WheredoesAnta get heÌvegetables? ar. Whatls^n ta'!onebadhabit? e,andAnitaon c. Wofkw th a partner. Whatadvicewouldyougiveto Ben,l\/agg theirlfestylesl howto lmprove


Pronunciation: Should. shouldn't Noticethe difleÍencehelweerthouldard shauidnÌ. A. L stento the sentences. should get mores eep. Theyshouldn'teatjunkfood.

T r a c k2 l 8

B,Listen andclÍce thewordyouhear Trãck2-19

L -. 3. 4

dnt go to bedat oneot ockeveÍyniqht. Youshould/5hou d l' o"" o . .r ' o . l dl o ' I Zeta5hould/shou drl't osesomewe qht. Theyshoud/shoudn'twatchso muchry.

Ìhesentences. C,Llsten aqalnandrepeat

I t !9

I l4




Taketurns. Tak aboutthesebaclhabts andg ve advice. she! worriÊdiÁa1lhe 5 q an n qw e l g h t . qo nq 1.)qivelìer7

Asktwo paftnefs àbolrttheirbadhabits. Givethernaclvce. LessonB 115

Expansion: €ompoundadjective Language A.lvlatch thecornpound adjectlves to theÌimeanings.

l rnoLrth-water ng fru t

L 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

moLrth waterlng hornernad-. _f heartwarmn9_ lifeong g stressffee_c hornegrown _ overworked o w c a o T ed_

no se esta !"#!"#

a, wollc too mucn b. de icious oc. wlthoutworresor problems d. not h gh ln calories younappy e. maKes oí produced Ìnyourowngarden g. o a lyourlife oh. not madeln a factory

Usethe adiectlves fÍom erefclseA B.como etethe sentence5. 1. Kevn andlwentto kindergaften toqether.We aÍe frlend5. sowe ate otsof 2. WhenI wasa chlld,myfatherhada vegetab e gatden, f u t andvegetab es. 'm t red.I thlnkI am 3 haveto workong hoursand always 4

lüygrandmothef rnakes the best woÍldllt'sabsoLrte

withhor/v Gramrnar: Questions Howmuchexercise doyoudo? cuanto (incontable) cuanto (contable) Howmanycigarettes doyougrnoke? que tan viejo Howold isyourfather? Howlong d d yourgrandfather live?cuanto tiempo Howoftendo yougoto thegym? que tan frecuente

*Weusehow much tô askaboltthê qLrantily ôf non-counÌâb e nouns 'We usehow many to askaboltthe quantilyofco!ntâb e no!n!. 'Wê usehowold 1,]askaboutaqe ' W êu s eh o w l o n g t o a s k a b o l et n q l ho Í â p e ro d o f t m € . 'We usehow ofrên LoaskaboLr t fÍequ€ncy.

A, f,4atch the qLrestlons andthe answers. I o ^ o l e d o e .d - 9 0 ^ i ^ i , g Ì 5 grandraother? Howo d isAkuru _ Howmuchjunkfooddo yolreat?_ l o ^ o 1 g d oo L , , o | . | . . ? doesl\4aro smokea day?_ 5. Howrnanycigarettes . 2. 3. r.

116 LiÍestylês

a b. c. d. e.

She's about95. Untill'm80. AboutI5. Notmuch. Oncea week

B.Writethe qLrest ons. AnsweÍs

Questions L

Wego to the gyrnthreet rnesa week.


lam 27yearso d.


thinkt wil [akeabouttwo ho!rs. w e Ì g h1 6 8 l b s


Wewi needanotherI2 chars.



A. l-lsten to theconver5at on What's thepfoblemwlthl\4r. Lopez? Do(toÍ: MÍ. Lopez: Do<toÍ: MÍ. Lopez: Doctor: Mr. Lopez: Doaton Mr, Lopezi DoctoÍ: Mr.Lopez: Do(toÌi

C,oodrnornng,Â4rLopez.l-ow canI he p yor.t? 'malwavstíedbLttwhen Yes, doctor gotobed cân'tsleeo. OK,howlorg lìaveyouhadrhisprobernT 5 nce started my newlob. WhatlsyouÍjob? Ìn n advertjsng. lowmanyhoursdo youwork? workabout80 hoirÍsa u/ee( 80holrrsLThat's a lot.Amdhowmlch exercsedo youdo? NotÍÌuch. don'thavethe tlme. OK, t seemsto me that youareovef\,torked YoLtneedto woÍk lessandlind t nìeto do moreexerclse. you sho! d ook l\4aybe for a morestress-freejob.


B, Pract cetheconveTsation w th a partneÍSwltchfolesandpractce t aqaÌn


c. Change rheundernedpfoberì andpÍactÌce a newconvefsatlon.

Askapãrtnerabouthi5or herlifestyle.

LessonC 117

' ,



y Physicó

reto.q fr,êid\




offood purpo5e


i r ' ) r . r r r , r lr ì ì ì ( , y i l


TheSecrets f


t . f

oI LOng Ltre ll hcgirs1\'ìtÌr goodgeÍes, A long,hc.rlLhy lifc is nr)acci(lenL. IJ,vouhnvcrìhctÌllhì'llli'sl,vlc. t)ul ll .ìlsodcpcndson go(xllìtìtrils. ì!hrt is thc sc(ú l you ÌììiÌl llvc up lo l0 ycars cxtìcflssrìr'r oí rrl,rg liÍc'.i Í !isilc(ìfl:ì.csin lhc r(J d whc,c InNnyl)coplclivc lo l)c ()liììuwiìirìJìPân. in Irrìly.ìn(i 100yf.usoÌrl in(lu(li,Ìtlsìr(1inl.ì lC\vL r iÌÌ,rcsscs, livc lrrgcr. suÍlcr l]1rn, stì,11iÌìitìrìs ìn(1()1(in,ìwans an<ÌcrrjoyÌr,rtg,Ìrc,tlthylivcs.

SARI)INIANS l r i r s l I w c Ì ì Ll ( ì S ì r ( ì i n i r ì ,$ , h e r cr ì r x n ! | c o l n r . c s p c . r ì l l ) r ü c r ì , l j v . 1 1 , ü g c r l h r inn o l h f r p r ì Ì l s r ì lJl x w ( , 1 ( 1( .ì t l r f t t ì l l l ,w r ì r ì ì . n l i v c l o n g f r l l r r ì nn ì f r ì .Ì r ì l l . Ì , ì Ì ì ^ n ì r f i . l , l l ì f r c . Ì Ì . l ì t r r fÌ i n ì c st ì s n ì r ì r ì yÌ 0 0 y r ì Ì o l i l w o n r c n . t s f r c r t . l l o Ì \ c v . Ì , i n S r Ì Ì i i n i i ì t ì r ì . ( Ì r r ì l n u n r b r r , , lr n c r L r r r rnl r , ì . , ì f c ì . h l ( X ) . 'l h c r e r r c r i s p o s s i b l yl h ì l l l ì ( , ì ì r , ì l ì i v e t ì s l f c s s l r f c l i J ( ' ( i $ ( ì n g j i r l l ì r l ì i l l s . . ì , ì t( hl c r v o r r c nl o o k L t J i ,r l ì ch o t r s c ì r ì i i r h c 1 ì n ì i l y 1 ì r o n $ . I r l o r l ì e w o f Ì ( l s . ì y sl i ) n i n , ) ,Ì ì o l ( ì i ì ì i th ì s $ i l i (;(,!.ìÌìn.ì rr(ìrn(l llìc $iìisl. Mr Ì!ili docs lhc r()rrtjngl

WordFocus s p o u s e Ì t l t o I Ì ì L t 5 r i nl ( ] g e n e s f r ì r . Í LÌ . b o d y | ì i ì f í [ ] f r f r Ì ì l Í ì | i f ì ì ! ! r . ì r l ì , , ì Ì JL( c ,ifl . i a a run âway

Ìo aiì\t

perfume lqrid fhntsm. 5 qood thnt ! nol5arlo!s ioke to 5Jy!aìrÌreLlìlì(l prevent la.ì\rod

l la

Il -

tÌr r.!1, ,i !'\'lr, .i. .flì. l , ì ,t r i r J , r ' . r Lr ) ! . r ! ì . ,l r)í'f Ì! r! Jfr- ir!r!_1irD a5 iL .ri F...-.d .ri:L ri ì r, :rlrlf)rf t,r0 ÌrnroLr!, 'q (l ; r lf, !. ì ìr | Ìrf Ìr.r)rrÊdlLe I r , . 1 r ' ì , , ì Ì la a a ; r a ; n d r o l r , , r' i u r / i 5 ! ( J ì t r r l : i b r . h , r n . . - . . r h e ê 5à e n t lw r e t ìft r, i: !Ì 1ì.ìka!ironr h s Lr '. r ' r!r.Ìl-!5 "L rinÌ!irr4rei4rr.j$rF:!LrÍlfrí*tr!.rx*.i'5Í..e*i:.rr,rv.r:*r+*.{t*r{È



thequestions €là8, AnsweÍ I

OKINAWANS SinceI lastvisitedUshifrveyearsago,she's takena newjob, tried to run awayfrom home,andstartedwearingperfume. Normalfor a youngwonan,perhaps, but Ushiis 103.when I askabouttheperfuüe,shejokesthâtshehasa newboyfriend, theÌ1putsa l'Ìandoverher molÌthandgivesa longheartwandng lâugh. "OÌ<inawans haveone-1ìfth theheârtdiseâse, oÌ'Ìefourth thebreastaÌ'ÌdprostâtecaÌ1cer, anclone third ÌessmentaÌlìeaÌth prcblemsthâÌìAmericans," saysCraigWìllcoxof theOldnawà CeDtenarian "Ikigai Study.Whât'sthekeyto tlÌeirsLlccess? certainly helpsi'Willcoxsays. Theworcltranslates to "reasolfor liüngi'ândi1mayhelpto preventstress ancldiseases suchashigh bÌoodpressure. Okinawans lTave a low-câÌorje diet.'A fulÌ pÌateof OldDar'ânvegelables, tofu,misosoup,ânda littlefrshor neat colÌtÂins fewercâÌories thal a smalÌharnburgerl' sâysMâÌ<oto SuzLrki oftlÌe OkinawâCentenârian StudÍ 'And it will Ììave mânymoreheaÌthyDLÌtrientsl'

A long heathy fedepends on man y twothÌnqsWhatarethey? Whydo menIiveongefin SaÍdlnla than n the Unted States?

.1. -ow o d wasUshthelasttimethe wrterv sitedherT 4. l-]owoftenshouldyou ererc5e? 5. Whataretheadvantages of growng youÍov/n\'egetables?

Writing Wrte a paragraph r ownlifesty aboutyoì-r e. Answer thequestons.

^ Whenshe'snot watchingsumo wÍes1nq onÌvYã9! tomân, lnô .êi(

L 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Doyou eada heathylifesty e? Howoftendoyouexerc se? Whatsortoffooddoyoueàt? Doyousmoke? Doyougetenough seep? yourlfestyle? Howcanyouimpfove

hêíôL^,. ê\ê,. G lìr

growingon ons,tomatoes, carrots, andcì1fìer lìerDsand vegeÌables in hergarden. Her nomegro!1/n vegeraD esg ve heÍnãtLrra ântoxdentsthât mãyhe p

\,!th a paítneÍthe Taketurns.Discuss goodhabltsandthe badhabltsin yoLrrlfestyles. G ve eachothefadvÌce.


I l9

BeforeYouWatch A. Lookat the photos. Whlchofthesecausestfess?


a. stress onyourbody,ikerunnng b. stfe5s onyourmlnd,ketoomuchwork c. chemica thatyoLrr bodyproduces

L hormones _ J. ÍÌìenta 5lTess _

WhileYouWatch )t

120 Lifestyles

A.W" . 2. I 4.

r L " êd ' o


'o t i " , ' tF "

l L ê Í . " r . r ^ o. o ê o . : o l a. "1",dr'"r ploduces hormoncs 5tre55 Whenyouexerase,youdon'tbuÍna the hofTnones. LonqtermhoÍmoncs cancauseprobeTns.


B.WÍitethefolowngwordsandexpÍessÌons n thestressflowchart. burns No too mu<hwoÌk


l/ltoid lfyoufee !nder stÍess,youteei !!oTT e0anotense beca!seoíd l'hclrties n yoLrÍlife.

AfterYouWatch lr

D ç.r <\ fhê ô êf ôn( $, Ìh:


1. Whatdidyou earnffornthlsvideo? youÍ| lestye? 2. W I it change

Commulnication your YoLr havebeenassgnedto design 4ilr Workn a groupofthreeorfoLrrstudents. schoollor officelAntstress CarÌìpaign. Makea lstoffourthingsyouwll do. VideoJouÍnâl 121





Vocabulary ffonìthebòx. A. Labethe p ctuÍeswithphrases pâythe bills buythe gÌoceÌies sweeptheílooÌ cutthêgrass walkthedog ironthe clothes put awaythe clothes

fromexcÍcseA ln t ìe coffeclcolLrmn B. Wr le lhc naLivlLics

r\ralK rneôaq

WordFocus (hoÍe

A ahore ll

who .loesthe household choÍes? c. D scLrls witha partner. n yo!r farnlly,

f Ì ì! s f d o , b ! t f l ì a f

you1ìfdborirìqor !nplensnnt.

perfecttense Present Grammar: Present perfect tense )Iaaemenr \eqêrve Yelro qLrestlons 5hoÍtan5wer5 LnfoÌmat on questjons

Hehas iÍoned the clothes. hâven't cookêd Lrnchyet. Haveyou finished yourhomeworkl Ye5,have.No, haven't. Whathaveyou donê today?

'Ìhe píelen1pÊífÊ.Ìtense5 lbrmedwlth thc vcrbllúildÍe + the paÍ parLc pleof the v€rb. 'We usethe prÊrentperfê.rÌen5e 101irk ab.ul an..Ì on rhai ha5l!Í been.ompÊtedor to Ìn k aboLrtan a.t on p i í b l t w Ì h a p p ê i â q a nn Ì h e p r Ê 5 e n Ì o r Í L r t r r e . t h a th a p p € Ì r el ndt h e ' S o r n ev e r b sh a v €Í r e q ! à rp a Í p â Í t i cp e 5 . * S o Ì ì e v e Í bhsd v eÍ e q ! . r p a s tp a f t . p l e 5Ì h Ê y e n dl n e d pãssed grâduale !Íaduale.l c ean- ceaned trave traveed iron lroned vÌ5ir-visited 124


have hãd go gone be been

take look pay pa d put- put

A . l v a tq' . l e o a s p ó t r ' . i p e - o Í r o c r'ìe.ê.o'

L eaten_ 2. drunk_ 3. swept_ 4. met_ 5. said_ 6. spoken 7. told_ 8. won_ 9 bought _ 10. read_

a, meet b. tetl c. eal

d. say e. speak í drlnk g. wln rì. Sweep r, read i bt.,y

B.Comolêfe .he-e1ie.ce5/ t.ìt1ep.esertper.ecrrense Lserfe,^oro,

n parentheses. l. Aan 2. 3. 4. 5. They

(wash) thecar. (you,buy)thegfoceries? (not,putaway)the c othes. (Peteí, sweep) floor? the (not,pay)their teephone bi .

Conversatlon !a, ack22l

A. Read thenoteandÌÌsten to theconversatÌon HasLynndoneherchores? 'rn Mom: HÌ,honey, home. Lynn: H,lúorn. Momr HaveyoLrwakedthedog? Lynn! Yes, lúom,ofcourse l'vewalked thedog.Andl,vevacuumed the livingroom. Mom: Andhaveyoudoneyourhomework? 'vebeenblrsywalking Lynn: l\.4omL thedogandvacuum ng. haven't hadtÌme. Mom: SoÍy,honey.ltsjust l'vehadã ongdaymyseí

Weuseofcourie to showsomething s obvlous.

tlorey,willyoupleare àô ruetelhin4tbeloreL aonehowe? -vaoUutilheliviné room -walk lheàog Thaukgt

Âr B.PracticetheconveÍsation witha partnerSwltchrolesandpractlce it agaÌn. ll

C.Wrlte another chorelstarclpractlce tneconversãt onaqain.

Tãlktoa partneíaboutthe choresyou havedonetoday. LessonA


Listening Track2 22

to Richard andEflnat tl\e ntervew Decdewho shoud !,let A. Readthead.Listcn thejob.Glveyourreasons.



i |,


G.o o di n l er s m a r ta p p e a r a n c e an p e r s o n a ls k i l l s .E x p e r i e n c e a d v a n t a g e . D r ì v e r ' s l i c e ns e e s s e n t i a lC. a l l2 3 5 69 8 4 5 .

^ :f n


n } li


\ía.k 2 22

asked the fo ow ng que5tons.aonrpetethequeí ons Llsten B.Thelntervlewer youranswefs. aqan ro cnecK L Haveyou asa tourquide? pefson you haveevef 3. Wholsthemostlntcfcstnq 2



flave you

yôurd lv ng lcltl

C.Answcftheq{restions -.vcftÍaveed abÍoad7 | ãsRichard hasLrn vi5lted? 2. Hou/manycounlfle5 personEÌinhasmet? 3. Wholsthe nìostinterestlng HdsRchnd pd\,eJ h \d l! nq testT

lrornco ege? 5 HasErn gfadLrat,"d

126 Achievemeíts

Pronunciation: Reduced formof hoye



A. Llsten to theexanìpes.NotÌce the pronunciatjon oftheÍeduced foÍms.

Fullform have naveyou younave na5ne 5nenas


Reduced form fve /'hav-yè/ you've /'ha-ze/ 5ne5

B.t Íen to thesentences. Check thecorÍect coumn.


Fullform Reduced form 1.Hassheleft? 2 Haveyouinished? 3. Hashe feadthÌsbook?

4.Haveyoudoneyourhomework? 5.I havê neverbeento the UnitedStates. /'\


C . l i l e 1 . c r é r . P ê o êfèê-q - . e n - e - .

ÍÊ.k2 24

Communication ll

Intervlew a partneÍ Ë


q SrnallkindergâÍtenneedsa pelson to heip with mãintenanceplumbing, carpentry,Íxin9 ouf vehlcles,etc. No expefiencewith chÌldrennece$ãrybut mustenjoy beÌn9aroundkids.Anyage. S25p€r


Fashionable clothes shop is looking for a SALESASSISTANT 18-30yeaísold, 2 10 p.m. ExpeÍienceãn advantage.lMust hãve an interestin clothesand fashion.Salarynegotiable.


t f ï


Thinkofanotherjob.What'sreq!lred?Writenotes.nterviewa partner Lê55onB 127

achievement Lifetime Expansion: Language w th phrases frorrrthe box. A. I abe the plctures gÍaduateíÌom high schooU college get pÍomotion


pa5syour dÌivingtest

run a maÌalhon

buy your own <aÌ

buya house

get ã credit card

ln .xcfci5e A lhalyouhave.lone. B.aheckthedahievernents ll

paftnerwhntho .ìre!o!Ìl c.Ta<eturns.Àska tr.m.oelrel of sheha!aahleved

perfecttensevs.simple Present Grammar: pasttense PÍesentpeÍÍecttensevs. simplepast ten5e perí€ct tenses usedto showan ThepÍesent at anytifae n lhe pãst acton thathappened Alanhasbeenta nanv countries.

pasttenseÌslsed to thowanaction lhe sirnple t Íne n lhe past thèthàppened at è speclhL Hewent to Fnnaelostyear.

'We oftenusêtimeêxpfess onswilhth. ! nìp e paÍte.5e 'We usÊexpresslo a€r w th thc prejeI t perê.t lense n5 lke/!rt,rì?ver, H.veyau evü beenta dnathet..oúnttyl Alanhr jutt rctutnedlrcrnl'ran.e. I28








Future I

Píesentperfect tense A. aompetethescnton(es wÌththe.orrectforrnof theverbln pafenthescs l. Là!tsurnrncÍ,we ). 1 3. bhn I

l t ay

5. Bf;rz

(goJtothelúa.lives. ( vel I thesdÍìelìousca rnylife. (nevertrave) abroa.l (u/n)thcWord ( !p in 2006 (w lì) theWord CupÍìvcrlm-.5

B.Cornpl€.te thc convefsefions \'vth thecorrcct lorrnof thevefbirìpaÍenLheses. t / ì B Ye5. (pastÌhf.fÍst | Ììe ) A : ljrY.5,I hnv..


pass) youfdrìvlnq lcsfÌ (t.rkc) it n ian!aryarìd

(youbc)toLurope? (qo)to CerÍrìany n5tyear.

Conversation A. Lisfeì to LlìeconveÍ5aLion. Whohnsstarted lìi5own brsÌness7 Ita.k 2 25

Simon: Pele: Simon: Pete: Simon: Pete: Simon: Petê: Simonl Pete:

F i,Pete. ìavcn't seenyouiorà loÍìcltirÌìrWhat-snew? Lol! qutrnylob\,!thCoÍÌlpLrsohindl'v€5ÌàftedÍÌìvown aornrJt [eTl]!5rfìes5 aorìqÍatu ationsLWhef clidyouoLren thc busness? tlq ìt r.onthsaqoandlt! qo ngwe . Gredt Andwhàtaboutyor Ì lhinqshaven'l ahànqed mt].h l'mst I wofkrìgat the bank 've Bu1 boughtà'! on 5thirndMalrì. Wow N aeneilrhbofhood. YeahYoushoud aonìeÍoundàf d vlsÌ sornet rne. Wl do.WhenhaveloíÌretlme.


B, Practicc theconvefsal orìwltha pàrtner. 5u/tahroe! dndpÍe.tìceit aqàin.


C, Pfaatiae thc corìversatlon aqainahangethe underned\,r'ord5.

'(eo ts T a k t o apartner {ìl)ouIyour letimeachÌeveanenls L€ssonC r29

l , ) . ; . , ; :t



A. AreÌher. oth.f pLirel5oul5ldethc solar n rd alìcc( yoLttrrn5w-ôr ry:,leÌÌì?fJa..ral


l L r i . , , r ,L l t r l L r) , ^ Ì rLo ì , ' r l i , i , ! r ' ì r t L l r l r , r ! ( , 1 , ) r , r 1 Lf vr (Í i ( ' t i i Ì ' l ! o Í b i t i n gl l Ì r l l l ) r ì ^ x r o f . Ì h r , l l r ! ! L l r i ' l r r Ê \ ' r o ì r u tf is o l a r s y s l e m ! ! r ) 1 1 o LÍ ,

woÍd Fo(us rotrÌrd orbit to rloÍoundàrìal p or 5ràr. d ôfel,Tnoon, solâÌsystem= tlìe!utr ancla tlìeplnne15

Uncoveringthe Mysteriesof the Universe

^ ( , , r f yì r ì v , / . ì 5 . r r r b r ( f ' r r . t . \ ! ' i Ì , ì L f r l l r . l ( ( ! n ( l ) ' i ' ! ì L ( Ì - v KrÌr,Lrtr,r Lorìt . oÌì 1\,1rtìrìf

CAIìY PUNIW I sits rìLlhe controÌso[ tlÌe ì(cck ] teÌ€s.oPe, or lhe suÌÌnril ol lhc highesl nroslpowcrtultcÌcscope thc $,ofÌdls perìkiÌì tlìc P.ìcinc.lhe leìcscolìclòcÌìs€son oL)jcctsììì sPtìce nore tìrar I0 billionyearsoÌd. SiÌìcepeopÌestaÍlcd lookilg at stdrswe haveachieve!Ìa loi the ,ìnciüìt Egypti:rÌìsbelieleclthât the Íârs werevcry Ììear âlnn)slcbse enou[ilìto toucÌì.JuslN íèrvhundredyeoÍsÂgo,ìn thoughtthatthe mostEulopeans the l6th ârìdlTth centurìes, carth r'âs lhe ceÍÌterofthc universeênd that the sun revoÌ\'ed

-w 130



theqLrestions. Ei=lB.Answer L WhatisGaryPunwal'sjob? Arethereotherp anetsoutside ouf 90ar sy5Ìern? _ I

Whyi5Da f.l\4atter drtFcult to fnd?

4. Whathaveweearneds ncepeope staftedookingat stars? 5 Doyouthlnkthefearesomethlngsthat we wlllneverunderstand? Giveyo!r Íe450n5.

around tlìe earlh. Büt modern sciencelÌasexpancledour understânding,and we know the eartlì js a small plânetthât goesaroÌmd ân orcliuârystar in tlìe MilkyWây CaÌaxy.We also know llÌât tlÌereâre rìore thân 100billìon gâlâxiesin the universe.We live oìì a sm.ìllplânetin â very lârgeuniverse. llut LlÌereâre màny qllestionswe haven'tânsweredyel, For exâmple,âre we lÌìe oÌìÌy iÌìtelligentlife in the universe? Scientistshàvediscoveredthat thereâre other pÌanetsin the Lrniverse. l-lolvevetall the planetstÌrat theyÌravefound are ÌnucÌì biggerthâÍÌ the earth-about the sizeofJupiter-aÌìd tÌìeyprobàblydont havelife on them. But who knows? AÌso w€ havecliscovered that the universecontâins somethingcaÌÌedDark Mâtter We know it is there,but we can'tseeit ând therc is a lot of it. Somescientistssaythat as mucÌì as 70 percenl ofthe universeis made from this Dark Mâtter.They hâveìookedhigh and Ìow for the missing matte! but theyhàveÌ'Ìotfound it. Sciencehasachieveda lot, but thereare stiÌÌ some very big questionsrveneedto answer.Or will science reachsomelimit like the PilÌarsofHercules,the clâssicaÌ symbol for wlÌat Ìiesat the edgeof\Ìhat we knoÌ{'?On these pillars,accordingto legend,waswritten in Latin: "Ne plrr ültrd" No further. Are there sone things we wiÌÌ never understantì?

Writing Garys wfltingto a friend. Answertheemall. H Ana HowsifeTI haven't heardfromyoufora ong t rneWhat's new? 'vechangedjobs threetirnessincewelasÌmet 'mnowatechnciênattheKecktelescopes. haventbeênhereong,butI ikeit.Andguess what?I'vestarted anonlnecouTse in physcs. Yes,'mgoingto bea scentÌst. Anyway, whaÌhavêyou donesincelsawyou /astiLetmeknow Gary

Talfto à paÍtneíabourotheÍscenÌi6c acrìreveTnent5,

='-__ _.J LessonD


YouWatch Before do youthink Whataretheastronaut5 do ng?Whichactlvlty A. Lookat the photos. s the rnostdangerous.WhyT

B.Readthesummary of thev deoandíì ln theb ankswithwordsÍÌomthe box answeÍs. ThenwatchthevideoandcheckyoL.rr wêlghtl€ss rurylve undeÍwlter oxygen solôrpânels

Videosummary lsno theeafth's atrnospheÍe, lnspace, there Outslde k astronauts haveto makea spacewa t ÌsimÌlosslble to breathe. Sometimes aslronaurs weaÍ In ofdefto outslde thespacecraft. . Butlt is speciai spacesuÌts.Ìhey dojobslikerepar work. difficu t anddãngeroLrs in specÌaltanks. t is fortheir spacewa ks TheyprepaÍe ln space butmuchsafer.

132 Achievêments

WhileYou Watch /É9 '

A.Watch tnevldeoandcornplete thechart On eaÍth In space protects Theatmosphere usffom Íhereio naat:mos?herc ío prcíeôí dangerous radaton. íheâ7í.anauto tromàanqeroue

raòâÍ.10n. Thereisoxygen to breathe.

Temperatures rangefrom -50'Cto 50"C. Gravty keeps usontheground.


B . W a5t l ' . d ' o d g d , ì o . d c ' - e T ' ^' í" ' F ' ' . | . . 1 / " ê , ,- o d : r . p à , . 2. 3. 4. 5.

tno l

T Space suts arei ledwlthoxyqen. Ì Thefirstpe.sonto walkÌn spacewãsEdward Whte. T Astronauts ixed thesoarpanels on the lubbeSpaceTeescope. T pfactlce Astronauts spacewa k ng in 5pecaÌtafks. T


AfterYouWatch 3

l\4an's scientlic achlevements aÍeexpenslve.The Natlonal (NASA)spent Aeronautics andSpace Adfl]n strâtion $17b ion ln 2008.The LarqeHad.onCo ìdef(agigantic scientific lnstrument), whichopenedln 2008, cost54.6blllon Discuss thiswitha partner Whydo governments spenda ot of moneyon big sclefceprolects?

Communication ll

D sc!sswitha partner otheíwaysyoucouldspencl NASA'5 budqet(nìoney) to L - p o - o o ê J \ r-' ". ' o p ^ i 1 , g / o t a , o o . B . p ê èt r - oo \ l d e r o . foíyor-rÍ standthe reasons choceswiththec a5s. VideoJournal 133

Vocabulary A. Reddthe.rfta e lrorna studcntrnaq-zne



Lrf., ,rrr!,n\,\,,r r.,\'

lnrdr Lt \-/'.rd!* !'{,, l o r n . l l { x ! i r c y o u g r ) i n gl ( ) s | c n d j l ? ^ i c y o r U o i t gL r )g o o f l ird hul Ìhti ncw.dlt,lìoif oÍ Ì h . s cr o o l s r ü k Í s - i W d l , d o t 1 l ll.Ine lou stcikLr Ì)cifr. l,nr hrve (o nÌÌÌ(e tr l)trdgrl nr!L t L . n y . r f s t ì c n d i n gl .r i iÍ w Í i l L (1.$nyoL,io(onìc lÍ^Í rìtdì Nrìcy yor rrL.iu. lhor . i r c u r i L cI o r Ì . r B n \ r s l r c N i l r r n s l u l r r i ( Ì Ì , l { ) o , L )l l. y o ú r

WordFocus student loan

c x p c n s cìsr e l d ! e r t h i n y o u l nìconrc,yor drc or tlìe righ( ,ordl Norvyou Ì(no{ hoN nìu.h nÌ)ncylou htrvclcíÌ to spcrd cnch nnnth. hú don't orc.s|er(l oÌ l,on rviìÌhavc t() bom8 nrnì9r &nrownì8 nÌrtv 1ìoN r Ì ì cl h r k i s c r f e r s i v c I n l c f c s l Í r l r s i Í e h i g h .r \ l w r y s . r c . k 1 o sff il i lìi.r(1.r lìr,ily Dc ìÌrcr cu [nrl you lhc nÌn]cI. 'ì'rÌr rlÍ) hrvc l{ì 1Ììinkrbout lheInìg Ìcflì. ll{)w.rc Ioú g o i n SÌ d I y ] n f r Ì r a sL p d ì g b r c r Ì ( ú t h c l ) e d c ho, r b u y y o $ l ì i ì j l y lìrcscntsiÍnÌ will hrre lo s Ì Í!rc nÌrncy cvery nìonLr'.sd, L h . Lr c w c c l l p h o n e c r nr á i t . Ìúr[ìgcyour n]oncy an.l nììyÌ,c y.ü' I hcabÌc L()L'Ìlc lhàl sprjrÌg l)rerh !r lho ber.h-nì Mcxicol

{ J 0 v 1 'ìfn Í ' t ì L u I o !

B,WfllelhewordsÌr blüe ncxtto lhea,rÍealrneannqs L ). l. L 5. 6 l

lfreamo!nf ol ÌÌìoÌìcyyou !ÍJeÍìal fo alve you nìorey lo,l5ksoÌÌìaofìc ril fÌlofey you Teaeva rnc i]ÍÌr{JUÍìt

lo spendtoo mrrahnìoney à spcnonq pra| rnoíìcy lo q ve 50mêonc to put rÌìorì,oy lr I ie frãnkÍorthotutufe

(orfirstconditional) Realconditionals Grammar: ,fclause(simplepresenttense)


will not have enoughffìoneyto pàythe rent lf buy an N4P3, theywillbeableto buya newhouse fthey borrow somernoney, " W eu 5 ef e ac o n d t o n a l s e n t e f c e s t o e x p r e g s p o 5 s i b e c o n s e q u e n c e s o l c h o c e s w e t a a k e *Whenthelfc ausecomeslìfst,theÍeÌsa conìmàbctweenthe/íc auseandthe resut clause. 136 t.r!ìre<l eÌì.es

A. l\4atch the itc ausesto the coíect resultclauses. . lÍ.o' bo o. o .) fÍo^ ttrêbèr ê o r õ r ê m o ,l . i o, "...o 3. fyou iendmoneytoyours steÍ, 4 fyouÍexpenses arebiggerthanyour ncorne, 5 | we eatÌn,

a.shewon'tretlrÍnthemoneyLrntilthe endofthemonth b.yoLrwon'thaveenoughmoneytotakea vacatlon c.wewi haveenoughmoneytogoto thetheateÍ d.the nterest rêteswlllbe high e.yoLr wl I haveenoughrnoney to buya newcomputer

B.Unscramble thewordsto wrltecondltlonal sentences. Dontfofgetthepunctuat on L a blggeÍcar/ somemoney/we boÍow / Í/ we canbuy ll we boffow sa Te morey, we can buy a biqqercar. 2. a newjob/ rnoremoney/ willhave/ get/lf 3 on vacaton/ wê overspend / lfl to go/we wont beabe 4.

wont haveto / / Lrseffly cÍeditcafd/ lfl borrowmoney

5. ourcaÍl se / wew Ilbeableto rent/ lÍwe/ a bigger apartrnent

Conversation A. Lstento theconversãt on.Whatcholce doesJimhavetomake? ría;k;26 Jim: Dâve: Jim! Davê: Jim: Davel Jim: Dave: A

dont knowwhatto do. wantto takea vacation and àlsowantto ouy ã newcarneÍa. I see.f you buythe carnera, you wont haveenoughnroneyfor the vacaton.l5thatit? Yougot t. So,lust takethevacation. Don'tbuythecamera. Butif don'tblrythecarnera, wont beabe to takeanyvacatlon pnotos. OK,just buythecameÍa. BLrtÍ buythecarnera,won'tbeabetotãkethevacation and wof't needa camera. HÍìm ... youhavea pÌobem

B. Practlce theconversat on w th a paÍtneÍSwitchrolesandpractice lt aqan.

yourmoney. Workwith a partner Discuss howyournanage L€ssonA






orì ( fr c Lhc(í)ÍtÌ I .ìrì!t!cÍ A. I lllcrì l{) Lì(ìa(ÌìvrìfsnL rf lT(ìv(.ì(lcrìL! Ìl


,r.líÌr(1{Ìì (

rì t f


B. Ll\Ìann!liìlÍì.ìÌxlarìswcf[]ìc(JUc5liíÌl!. 27

! l l ì i rl l r r í l f l l l r Ì l a L h , ]f ì ( , u / o r ì i ì h i r s v s Ì t d f f ì l l J f ì r l ? ,). Why docln'l llre wdrìl lo l.lkc,I re f) ìnol j WlìydoosÌìL shc\'\'lÍìLlorcrìl.ìa.ìf? L i Londorìby tfd rì? l-. ,J J ''n 5

l o u / n ì L r a hd o a 5 f h c t r J l ì | c ( e t ( o l l ?

Pronunciation: Intonation Wf ta thc iffows to sho\'v| 5eof Lt . A. Llsterìlo lfìe 5entenaas Ìfa.k 2 28

l . í | b u yi ì a ô f ,w o n ' f b . , a b . t o p a y t h c Í c Ì ì t . 2 lÍyoutakelhebLs,iLvr'llbecheaper. rÌìorÌey, we wlllrepayl ìamontl l. lf \,/eborrow5orÌìe ü/ ]antahthèsevcnotoc(Íal r 4. fSifa eàves fo!l,,5ha ll bequaket 5 . f w et a k êt h cp a Í ì e , w

o 138 tlon.equen.ê:

B. L stenaqan àndfepÊJÌÌh-.lerìtence5.

fú. tr (. ih.1,r.yì.rnd

b ' . ' i l ub È ' h e r f È- r' ' I "* p ' l 'l ( lÌr !ìr Lk.Í j

ccmmunication i|l


W o r k v r ' i t l r - p a r t n c f . P i n : s x d i r y v s i t t o a n l f o r n l n F a . h o f l o L h a s 5 2' l0i -0f r, ,o; lfpf ie; ;r1d on tr:nsportalon.Yorwll aÍiveif osAfqeler.Youràlfporttfin5Íèrsarepadfor You.^/.)L]d|Ì(e|oV]!tYo5e[ìlte'5eaWo|c]ln5inDcqo'àn.]!ànFn]n.5.

San Diego



rL,-.he.,pe,Ì |


Merced {for Yosemite) n 530,4hours n 550,6 hours H 5 / 0 , 7h o u r s (3 3 hoLrrs hoLrfs changet 570' 560,8 dà iià {à No serv(e í 5 2 0 ,I h o u r í 5 1 2 0 1 , ] ,h o ! f s + Nolefvae Fi)r2ìJÍÈtUÍ, I ÌìCrUts n 582,l0 hour5 4à \o 5ervce ,L No servlce í 5250,ll: hours +No sefvlcc

SnnlÌancsco tb 553,3 holrrs íNo service

Itinerary Transport TranspoÍtcosts Lliry I







'r1 eotz Joinanothepnr oí gtudent5 andexpa n to thernhowyo! declded to spendyourtÌensportat on money ressonB 139

Language Expansion: Animalhabitats A

A.Take tLrrns. N4ake statement5 aboLrt an rnas andtheÌrhabitats.

^ grass ands

^ ralnloresl


goal ^ rnountarn

a coÍa TeeÌ

B,Complete thesentences. Usethe habltat5 A. andanlTìas n exerclse h e I \ 4 ) r ( o r - . r i e 5 ' e ò. e € o L è L fo,rr . e -ort.r planÌsandanimals. hundreds ofdifíeíent '. ' re .i.o l . r t / d t eb

,1.o..:-he aepe ê.t,

adapÌed to liveln _. 3 TheGreatBarrier Reefn Austral ã isthe blggest in theword. t isthe honreof andmanyk ndsoffish 4 Kenya isfarnous fof its_.Touíists comefforÍìa overtheword toq..t5-. |


o,( ôêpL'è1r'.à-d

5 . Theh ghest in theworLd areln Nepa. Notmaiìyanimalslve r5êÍ.. /o r-'ê l- / ro I rna) êôê _

Grammar: Real conditionals Resultclause(futuretense) Theclimate will change Wewill losernanyvaÌuable animas

pÍesent ,fclause(simple tense) ifwe(ontinueto b!rnFossi fuels. ifwe destroytheifhabitats.

* R e a l c o nÌ do n as . a n b ew í Ì t e nw i Ì ht h eÍ e s !t . a u s e Í 6 Ì *Thesecorìd tionasdo noÌ needa comnìa

A, 1\4atch the res! t c au5esto the corfect/fc auses. l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 140 Consêquen(es

OurcoÍalreelsw de_ Wewil osernanyusefup ants YoucanresttorÌìoÍow _ pollution lt wil reduce ltsstartnglo fa n You' getwet

a. ifyoufinlshyouÍworktoday. b. Ìf rnorepeopleusepLrbic rran5porL c. ÍyoLrdon'tleavenow. d. f oceantemperatures rise. e. Íwe cutdownallthetrees.

B. Uscthc'secuesto wrlle aonalltiona 5cflcnaes childrcn/ 5uff-.r / Ìfl don t Lrke.dreoll an nr,r n,ioLdL\ O L ] |a h / . J r r r ì ! v: , ! f l ì i r r i l \ \ / u r l o r 1 , 1 , : i k a a e t a aìli)Í 1 , ì . : r l r. ; ..1: , 2


[!lì / dic / il /.orn Íeef/.1e

ç r. s/

r t l u f r e / 1 l l | ! / , r r | | r r\

,1. va onqer/ f/exL.t(i5erÌìofc

'). (lo/ bÍr,xlì / ií / rì.)/ Ì,ìÌr



A . i ! L c rÌìo l l ì . ( o r ì \ / ( Ì !o, fì ìl W l ì , ì!tl o l Ì ì \ , , " , o f f ( r l , ì l ) o r L l l o w ( , l f ì l l ( . 1 ì ( , f ) l Ita.k 2 29

John: ShaÍon: John: ShaÍon: .lohn: 5haÍon:

Johni Sharon: A

Ì'fÌrv(,fyvv{Ítif{l,ìlx)rt ,r | ',!c ì(\ìÍ,r ì(l (Ììa ,lxntL l,rl)l,ì1 í l c \ 1 f l aoLì L : 5 i Ì Ì ì p o ì1tf, l ) l r h l o \ , av , ll / l ì c p l qo Yo( Lowork by r rf. ì rllì1? l ì , ! r e p i l y í r u q o 1 o \ ' \ r( ol )fy l ) L! lou,,wll ìhaÌ h. p? you usele!! qd!o íìr ìtse5aàíy otr of pir5sanqaf5, th.ìfÌnê.rn5 pü larson. a:5!pa)ul orì, e55(lirÌìdtc{:hnÌìqa,as5hnL)Ìtat dc!tfLrLLidììlqhlì Yes,nnd I 5.ìverÌìoÍìeyà5wcl . Riqht

( r l \ r ( l { n ì ( r , ìIl r ( , c ì ( l| ) 1 rs L J t c n ì ttnol Y.rL.,rrì,r ,,oLrn /ì.llìi (LrlÌì(ltrifìe)to 5lìov!, you nqr0(l

8. Practce lhe corìveÍ5àtioÍì with,r p.rrtner.swilalì fo es.ìid pfdctce t agan

Goal3 WoÍkwltha partner. probernorenvTonmentaÌissue ahoosean rnportant i\4ãke a stofthethlngs youcando to help.Ie yoLrr partneÍwhatpost ve aonsequencc5 \,!lllhave youÍactions

LêssonC 141

< H . v í d l dì Í r o r ì k5 e f l




t ' " I


l n o r r h o r Lrir o r l

FíeÌa(Ì t[-ìç qr r5l on5vr lh ,r p,rfLnc,f. A. lis.u!\ llrc,5e L

hasa,rì ÌlÌr ! nk.iì afìnaJaÍ olaxfÌnafon. Wl rf Ír (lo LlÍry vel f ,,"r' ì ìl (in(ìol lrìb l.ìl? , 1 W h y ! i l i r Ì ì Ì x Ì l r r ìlLo ( x ) ( ( ì l f c r i r Ìr ì J r,ìl)i1,ìLsl í .ì8,4fìlwlÌ I



llìa quc!l oÌì,,.

W l l ) ' ! L l ì ff u Ì l r l ) ( ' o f l I , , 1lìl o i Ì x lr 1 1 ) w r ì l

I !\/a!L(Ì) I \ ì r(J,I\/ n]Lw


l. Wlìy ! I fÌìpofL,lflL()(x)k,ìlLí:'f wc'trrxl,,? \ /ll r h ,ÌÌ(,!!a (J!lrì(Ì fÌÌJÍ, rÌriaky, aoÌ,r fl!lt (Ì wcl.ìrìd!?


Habitat Destruction

!V ryrÍr corr Í.c1!dyníll

Iìishrrc lìÌ(cnìoncyin lhc banh.ll you overspcncl, soon yo will h.ìvcn()nìoncy.ll {'c ovcrÍìsh, soonwc willh,ìvrno rììorc1ìslì.Ëislìcrnìcnnow lr,ìvc bìligcì borìlslhrìn in lhc lrrìsl;ììlcl lheyciìnc.ìlchnÌ)fc Íìsh,so Lhc ounÌbcrol lìshis goìngdolvn.ManyscicrÌrists w.ìntto rcducc oÍ stopíìslìingconìpÌelcly in nranyprrrtsoí oeLr'occâns so tlìc nunbcr of lìsh crn rccover.

wril t.ANr)s



t .ì



D' O

142 a \r...Ì.!rr-cs

.'.. ,' '. -.1, N



iìeslìwaleìard sallwrìter wctlâÌrdsreÌìovc pollutantsând provide bâbitrìtlor lìslÌ, birds, âod other arìinìâls.M.ìn)'pcopÌc, in Soulhexst especi:ììly Asic, dependon wetÌandsfor food. One hundrcd thirty two nationshâvcsigncdtlìe ConventioÌì on \{ellxnds. However,llìe resuÌlslrovebeendisâppointing. Fforì tÌìe ^rÌìâzon Basinto lraq, wc ârc drâiring wetÌandsfor agricuìtLÌre, drÌÌns,and deveÌopÌnent.Scientistsestinàte lhâl we ha\.elost 50 pcrccnt ofourwctlânds ìn thc last I00 years-If e coÌì1il1lìe, lhere will be Do wetÌâÌìdsÌeft nÌ 100years.

Word Focus ÍecoveÍ = lo qet l:rac( tfìa snrn,oaDloufl dfain to Ícrnov-oweler disappointing = Whef 5rrmcthng i! .Ji5dppoifÌihrl It i5 nol wlìatyoLrwantcdor expected. explosive- keebomb poison = à.lrerÌìi.athark ls vinq th Jìls

Wt;'!tinç aoÍìpl.Lcfh. FLl.:f lo a fÌr.ìq.ìzlnc cdiLorlls. lh(.. lnloÍnì.ìl o r youlrJvccnrnedin l ìe.ìrla e.l|a your

lear Edlor,

^ ( rrrJ ri..l! (t I Ì !Í0' {l

I feadyourartc e withlnterest andI agfee\,vth a yoL.r say.ButwhatcanthelndvidL-tiì do?

COIìAI,REIFS ^ quâflcroÍ .ìllrÌDinraÌs th.ìtlivcìn thc scrìÌivcin coriìl rccÍs.IhcyrìfclhcrâinÍìrcslsol thcsc.ì.ììo$,cvc4wc huvckrst pcrccnt 27 oÍ our cor.ìlrccl.s ìn thc l.Ìst 5(ìycrìfsrìccoÍdìng lo thc(inrìl ììccl^llirncc.WhyiìÌc tÌrcydying?Mâ,ìsonìctinrcs difcctlv,sonìclinrcs in(ìircclly-is lhc pf(ítcnr.lrishcrnrcn usc cxpbsivcstìDdpoisonl{, kill Íìsh lhcykilÌthclìslìL)urlhcy .tÌsr.r kill tbc corrl.Occantfnrpcf.ìtrìÍcs havcìncrc seddrÌck) (]lìnr.ìLe ch.üìgc (iìf.ìl ncc(lsi\r.ìlcrlo L)crìtfx.ìctÌy tlìc rìglìL lcnì|crilrrrc.ì1tlìc n.ìlcr is loo lÍ)1,Lhccof.rl$,ì1lcÌic. So nì.ìnls activilics.ìfc iÌìcliÌccll)' killingthc cor.l rccl:s

lheanswer pÍolìenì]ssinìpe. to theoveffighing le. ol op,a.i9 | _ ThepÍobem of the\,!etand5i5nrore c o m p l i c a tbeêdc a u s e l tpi o s i t i c a l.p e o p l e wtre ro rner senaÌoT5,

re ossofcofàreeÍss paÍty caLtsed by c líìate cfranqe, so il

, thaÌu/lllhep. Buthowcanone person ahingeevêryfhÌnq,, you frear say. We , feveryonedoessorÌìctlìinq,

;ì.*"ï.i :!


Yours y, s ncere EàdB Butler Wsaonsin







^ e f r d d n q e r e d . o f ar r e [ j

Workwtha paÍtnerTa kallouttfìetlì rìq! yo! w ll do to prevent halltatdestrlaton ].{rsson D 143

YouWatch Before A . b l L l i



. i l

glaci€r deÍorestâtlon

ìo mi]keir B,lìcidthc clìiìlÍìol actofìsJfd (of5eq!enaes NLrTnbeÍ the5enleÌìaes s m n fc h a l n . caÌsandalÌplanespÌodu.e<aÌbondloxlde.> cârbondioxidemakêsthe hotter.> Ìhe glãciêÍsoÍ KilimãnjaÌomelt. atmospheÍe qetsmner. The!l a.Ìersol'Kllmanjaro There5 -oss v/àteÍin the atmosphefe. L []eoplecut clowrìLfees _TheÍe s les5Í.rlnàndsnow





A. A- h h . de L ). l 4. 5

her-mber andd, e:

K lnrinjaros neary I t sa T o u n 0 l ^ '

m eshiqh d

' / \ o l d . o

yeaÍso o. The!l âcierson K lrn:nlaroare Expcft5 nowpredlalthalthemountàns q acler5 aouldaolÌìpetey yeJf Dy rÌre 0 SappeaÍ


B.Answer theQL,restlons L Whyaretheg aciers of Klimanjafo lrnportant forthepeope who ve

neafthe mountan? ). Whyaretheg aciers of KilÌmanjaÍo importanÌ forTanzania? 3 . Whyarelheglacersdlsappear ng?

AfterYouWatch Âl

Discuss thisquestion w th a partnerlsthereanythtng thatyoucando to stopthe nreltìngof KlljnìanJaro's glaciers?

Communication J

I roo ì pìO o Uo\- Oêll _O OL,p.t 1Ll ,^r 'r ô r r , . L . d or . . / o D rL.5êdr




^ the Rhone G âcer n 5wÌ2,.r;nd,1849


theRh.rne Gl.certoday

VideoJournâl 145

Activity 1 8r

I ook.ìllhep ct!Íe.Dlí r55theqLrcstìons. a. b. .. d c. I al

Wìere r ( nÍrÌìen lfoml low ol,:l155hel Laf youreadherwÍil ng? ^rc LhcfcirnyrÌìlstnke!i r slrer.ronr:d? (csw t r youfE rqlÌ5 ì1 l)o yo! rn.r(a m sLn ^fe nì !ldke!lrÌìftorLnnll

Activity 2 ll

Wrrkw Llr,rÍr,rrtrrr

S T U D E NAT )c5(rlje N,r(hnlfì! a arlha!fo i plrfÌìar

S T U D E NBÏ l(),i f) rf rìar L)e!Lfbe lvle(lhrrìn'! c o1ììc,s

)i!(u!s1lìcsc q!r!L o r\ LÍnlc,1lì(,.f. r. Díryiiullì r ( N.r(5fÌ.ìlrn lkosÀ4.qì,rnrls .lolhos?lou/.loyoukÌìow? b Doyíiu| ì f ( yo!nq people5houklwcirf (,lvc!o!f feir!of5 al{rfhasÌ lÌadllon,rl

^ N d k 5ì r 1 Í | ì Ê d d y , i n dh e f d . L r ! i h r . ri úr c q h . n à


ComÌÍ{ìniration A(tivitìêg

Activity3 A

Workw th a partner

S T U D E NAT llcs,:ribc thcp clrrrc1o,ì pnÍÌneÍWhntj Kokodo |q? Wh,ìtcxpfa!skrn doc! lìohnva on h ! fa(f?Whnlrro rnrìaifìe's íÊelnqs?

ranano l]aLtaÍsorì.Ìfd Koko

S T U D E NBT De!crbc fhcplcfuretoa partner. Whal.ìfelarìeàfd F ìnt do ngì l)es.rbethe r íee nqs. D scuss togother. Whch p.turedo youpfeíer?


^ lane Gooda -n.l t nt

WoÍldEnglish 147

Activity 4 ll

Workwlth à paÍtner.

S T U D E NAT lle.iaril)e Lìe phoLoo,ì fnrLn{.r I ow rÌrdnyah dfrrì nÍe llìere? Whcf. ,ìfcthcy ffoÍlì?Whnt.f. l l ì o y d o r ( l ? Wì c Í r , l r . I. ì o y 7 ^f(. I r('y bof(\ll

S T U D E NBT De!.ribetfìeplì,rlolo youf pnrtneÍWhefearethe people? Whatrrc thcydolnq? Whit arc \r!earÌnq? lhey Whatarelher lcclinqsl Dlsauss lheseque5lon5 peop a Do e n yourcountfyliketo Íead? b Do you preferto reada bookoÍ qo to thc

148 {ohrÍìünicãtiDnA.Ìivities

Activity 5 li

V i o r kv , t, h . r p r r t n e rl ú . ì k e e l i s t o. rf t h e o b j e . t r l ftrf r , . p . L L r f e y o u r ! ì r ì r ì ! ì r Í ì r lfì [!c, Ír rr ir]! Ilrid vouÌ !f fr)| rc aiirs!.



Activity6 I

A . \ ' \ . / tov r /L ì , r ] r , rl r ì r , ( l ì o o r Í ' ,lìÌ , r ! ( Ì l l í a Ì r ì o rr (il LIìÍr Í) ( Lrr||r,, )(",(:rbf lrlmor lr.r la y(nr ÌrÌL rr,Ì\1./ì,r (lÌ'! lìÍrfn,í,,orìo(t( (l]/ W l ì , r,Lj l r ( , o , , l r ( , i { r Ì r . t l Wr rr ,,lr,t , r r r f r r r lÊrt,rÌrt!lLue!! | ìr | ì.ìliotì,ìlv.



B . o o r , r tl l ì i ' n ( ì J r . I ! { r ! ' , Lì . \ ( , q r ( , ! l( i f , \ , v i rihr Ì ) r f f r ( , r . ! 1 / l r, ,, lì lr( , f (, ,rIiI )II! |ì l i Ì A Ì . Lr f \ ,l r i í ' Ì ì ( l ' ,{, )l )Lì . Ì , r f r (' lì , , 1 ( ,ì ÌL, r \) ì ( l ,ìrÌl wil(,,iAÌÍ' I rfy lì,ìl))y LÍÌlrllìcÍ?\l/lì,r ì,rpp(,ì..1r.íor.,I x, f)h{ro vi.,r!Ln(erl

I l

Communication, 5€eo/5oListening;Speaking;Writing b ort5,ar7 LOntaatnlorÌÌìntlon, /9 con5,ii,l i Í n r â kr q , l l nrlrÍììq,55!Íams,85 f o l ep â y , 1 7 , 4 i , 6 1 , 9170,9

GrammaÍ Lìc+ddlectve(+noLrn 9),I aomparJtlvc, l0l conìpoLrnal, ll6 cnrpì.rL(, 4r8 fxnÍ.55ve,9,79 \Lrp.ritlvcs. 04 05 ,ìd!.rh5 oÍ ffoqLrcnl:y, )0 ) I { (Ììlrn{.1 orl,,olôrt 5 d r(\ L;ìrìdn(lifrclohlclLt,/6 // /roü//Ìr1/ah | ì(l/rowrìÌrìl wil ì qr,r'ìLI ars,45 r/r hL !f!, l:lar 1)/, 40 41 hi\ol, a [a\,r,0 htllt,ll) mo.liì|s, ll l ( olrnÌ(ìrÌ1rrorì( oLfL 4(l 4 p{r!Í",\ \ropfl]rì1)t íì5,t9 f ) f t . f Ì )l \o r ! o l 1 m c , l / q!.51.Ìì! w Llìh.rrl lô l7 r{'. ( orìÍiilírn!ì,,, 16 17,l/10 l1 rho!/d for advi.r, l l JorrÉàfd dfìI 40 ! l 5ublectpronoun bq 5 VCTD!

bÉ',5,8 .1,68 ar.l bctoirg tq 88 89 luturetense,136,140 fÍcqLr ar pa!ttefse,77 n kf g , 8 0 8 l pre5ent cont nuou5tcn5c,53 pre5cnt pÉflectlenle,ll4 125 pre5eftpefrcattense vs past s mp e tcnsc,l28 limp e pãeltens,À, ar465,68 69 çimpe pre5ent tense,I7, 136,1,10 statve,57 150 Slii:3irc,ìx

rtts/wete,6i)69 rrlÍ ior pf,.dlctof 5,9, 9l ú// in rcalcondt onas,136 137,1/101/ll

Listening.seed/soPronunciation qLr,:s1 âsklng ândens\r'r'eflnq ons,4l ionveridtkrrì.,,5,9, 17,tl, )9 10,44,41,45,tj,,tf ,65,66, , 0 5 ,1 3 r, 7 , 7 : ,r 7 9 , 6 9 , 1 1 , ,88 t , 9 3 ,0 1 ,r 0 2 1 t)t t18,t11 rl Íu\!ioì!, I l4 ntcÍvi.[/s,] 8,90,l2ú |;]do proqf.rnr,7ll 42 /13 feslirurirnt ofders, tc cphoncaa15,54 le -Àvis on pfogf.ìììs, 6

PÍonunciation conlfacLonsol 1,.€, / € ìd ìgs /ynnrl l.err,78 fcd!..d Í(Ìrn oÍqo,ìq tg 90 fcduccdíorÌÌìoÍ hírvc,1rl 'ili fa{lLr{ a(l iorrÌìoí ú//)d arra lr.rr.., àrr)wotltly.t lÌkt, 4l r{Ìl!({rdkÌfrì5ol..r.rloirltava.. l i f q . ì n d r f i l n q l n l o n a l o ì , l 0 r1, 3 8 | 9 i n ai nl L o Ì ì a L i o r ì5o1r 5ìl 0 l l \lt.rltl\lnrkltlt, 14 v.rÍlif e'ndinrlin .,.1,6() vcÍb!cndiÌì(liÌì j, lll

R e a d i n gs k i f f s r, 0 ,) r , 1 1 - 1 5 , 4 6 , \598, / 0 , ú , 9 4 , r c 6 l t 8 l l 9 ,1 t 0l l l , l 4 2 Readings llLiJt dsI o.-)d,46/11 aôni /L1l: Ane festial, l\,4ô ny,) ) )) ( Pic.hLttlteLr.idlcol lhc lncdI tpìí:,1l ll lht: Ìlyal l"4ochu Clirbnqthe Dra.lans 'px€t, 58 59 FtLüteEnêtqy:ltvheíe Willl/leGelOü Enetaly,9l95 I)Alruction,14) 14) l)ccplcfrcmAroLtndthelA/ôld,lA 11 Ihe seúetLonquatle a[Da]phns,a) 8) Ihesecteltala LongLile,118119 5iik 1/r,:Orce]r ol lextilet 106 107 sr.tctthaveler, )1 35 lJncaverÌnglhe l\.4yneietal rhÉUriversÉ','lI0 l l'l

Speaking ; ! k ì q a n da n l w e nr q q u e 5ot n 5 , 71, 7 ,1 9 , 3 1 , 6 7 , 9 1 .onvcÍsetons,5,9, 17,2l , )9,1,1,11,15,53,5 /,6\, t:9,11, 8 1 , 8 9 , 9 10, 1 , 1 0 2 , 1 0| 53 , | 7 , 1 t 5 , 2 9 ,] ] 7 ] ] 8 , 1,|

d e 5 c i b i n7g,I,6 ,2 5 , 8 11,4 5 - l 5 l dlscussing, 103,146 givngadvlce, 115 lob nteÍviews,127 narnÌng objects,149 role-p êyng,37,43,6l, 97,109 t Í i pp l a n n i n g , 1 3 9

Test-taking skills,37

DangerausDìnner, 48-49 Hula,24-25 TheLdstaftheWamon Diveç,l213 l\,4ochLt Picchu,72 73 fhe l\4is,ìng Snawtof Kìlimdnjara, 144 I 45 TheScíence afStress,120 121 'aldrCaaking,96 97 Spocewolk,132 133 TrcdìtianaI SiIkl,/1 akìng, 1A8-1A9 WildAnintdlTracker 5,84 85

categoriz ng,56 check nganswers, 43,55,66,73,90,96 circingansweÍs, 9,16,18,25,37,66, 78,85, I00,108,114 Vocabulary competlngcharts, I33,I39 achievements, 128 deintions,24, T36 anma habitats, 140 fi | n theb anks,4, 5,6,8,12,24,45,61,69,13, 101,1A5, 112, chores, 12,1 126,129,144 c othlng, I 00,104 flowcharts, l2l communication nìethods, 76 abelngp ctLrres, 16,52,76, 124,128 cornpound adjectves, I 16 matchng,5, 45,48,60,64,69,84,89,96,I00,102,108,1I6, coLJntr esandnatonalÌties,4 124,125,137 daiyroltine,16 multlple cholce, 18,25, ó6,85, 108-109, 138 descrpt ve adjectlves, S p ctufes,28 oíderlng ernphatic adjectlves, 6B ordefing sentences, 25,144 feÍivasandceebíations,20 rewÍtÌng sentences,93 faod,4A,44 scrlelcccolpprio l- :0 )8 )o 1) 65 68 ó9 8 9-. heathyhabts,112 1 0 01, 0 11, 0 5r,1 6 1, 2 51, 2 61, 2 91, 4 0 money,32, 136 soÍtÌngansweTs infoco ur.lfi, 8, 13 41-44,76, 112, 127 occupat ons,4 tfu€orfase,10,13,22,30,35,37,48,59,61,66,73,84,9A,partyword5, 20 104,108,120,133 peope,4 planning, underinlnganswers,59,61,70,94,'100 SS unscramb ingsentences, 9,21,65,17,89,137 senses,80 wrtingqueçtons,33,I 17 sports, 52,56 travel, 28,32,64 weather conditons,92 Topics Achievements,122 l3l CommunÌcation,75 85 ConseqLJences, 134-145 D e s t n a t o n s ,7632 Food,38 49 TheFuture,86 97 GoingPaces,26-37 Lllesty es,110 121 People,2 1l ShoppÌn9 forCothes,98-109 Sports,50-61 Work,ReÍ,arìdPay,1,125

Writing queÍions, answefing 23,47 emai,59 1 ,3 1 etterto edtor,143 ist-maklng,l3 p a r a g f a pl hl ,s1, 0 71, 1 9 plctograms, S5 poÍcafds,7l Íecpes,47 Íatements aboLrt thefuture,95 textrfessages,8l travetlps,:5

VideoJournal Beaqle Patra1,36 37 Cheese'Rolling Racet,60 61 skillslndex 151




2 2 - 2 3\ r ) l . r Í . f ì h.\r'/nLli!.ÌÌrfrrd I tr! i. 5 ì!rr(-1ìi iìd!A a e . i r i Ì r l ' . [ ì ] t r / Ì e , l l l ì r . l i 1 9 9 . 12, 2 2 3 A r l , t È ' l f r o Ì r : l rì , , l \ l ! Ì r r r t o P Í o Ì i i l e . ì ì f |,ir:|! I t '/. .rlN.ìtiI Lcoqr!!r. [1,frriÌr],ln,Ìrlr 'Il,,22-23 /\difl.r r( n nrÍrir,ìì (11Lr.ì NÈr (Ì Èin5

i v - v : N J Io r . i L r o ú r r r ( À / l ! Ê j r 4N : !t ofi a e u t r a f h l . f , 1 a f 5 i 5 , 7 . aN : {",biliírÍiplL rr n.rl0,1l! l2: Naion. Àì.p! (.ìj;17, t9r NÊ5brG lr riÌrlri.r n.i24:NiÌ.nn f . o ! l I p i ì L l ! 1 !, \ i 3 2 : ( t r . l ì f ] l Í , . r r . Í ì , roÌrl N.!h L 1,irt)lìi.i r.,!(rrt tifr/!! )i !..rÌ ì.tlÍr. n/llhrrl.rLo.I F! iu Frfq,/ : , h ! r t É r , i | o( i.3 6 : N i f . ì i ( , . . . r i ! ì .

Coverphoto:(o r iíoÌ1e.1h/[r' ìden rLt r!r/NJ:orr L.oillr!plr. lÌÌ{rll] Ê.t.ì iv: (t) fÌ.!, ÀÍr,Ìlo. lir ^P rfiúj, (,f ìldÊ ar , !, n Ìt rto.k, (mr) 1i. ì.rd 0 s.rì | íNr1 otu 1nÌ)(lrifli. nrt! ( . e.ii.i,ib)fìrìrhL.. rÌr. íNìtorii GeiÍliÌtr. Ìnnte1. e.l.n,! Itllo.l aoLrtlrtuu air!'ftI)lrr riÌle a. ..11.n,(rÍ)lÌr! l h.r g,/Nrt o ra a.!!r!!rr. Ìnif. ( (--pn t-rì,(b)Lrri (a fÌnrlNrLr ìr úrrlrrp rir |L 1tc( . ÊrlirÌ ;2-3: ( L. r)( iìrii

d ll;rl ari:: rr!l]r t l !l Nrl o È lrortr.:f, r( rlnilJÍjr,

l h e l t 1 , Ì! , r r ! !

Vr! iÌrr !'1,r5,46-47lrl,rtr.illofì'lr(l!ns l r Í Í l l r r È i ! I L r r , r . i ) , ,f/, i Ì ! , Ì n ' l i : N i L o r r I . n ! l r ) l ì ( N . r ! ' L r l rt \ \ t , l r L . Af a .)(r(lrl, 54 Âdnf .d 1.rnr' r.nnÌ/ ).lrll I ÈÌÌ , ì.nliÌÍr il.irlNi .ii (iÌllÌ trú Nrú, ' )i\'!,.r.Ìr,,5459 l l r ) L r Íl r Ì f ' , , r 1r i l Í , ) n l , i r l , , l r r , , , n I r 1 r Í I ! , V , , L r iì r l i r ! ! Ì t r i N,ú'iil (íÌr,f) ì, lV,Í|/Ì!, )ir,,fLrÌ i'rl,70 71 iLrr,lvlrr Ì,r!l.l Ì.1ìllÌ! I rìl 'r rl r.rÌi N r ,Ìi L!rl , 1 ,r M ì 1 , r ,r 1 . ,


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Credits 153

mig. i !. e.l.Ìr, iri.'i.ìr ì..lLlio!/Nrt.rir GÊ.ff.ìl,lrI nnÌLi! r ÌÍì Ftz|rijl i"1 rl. |...!Ìi[rhi. n]rtÊ a ! . . r o r , r , . i . H Ì l È , , G È r ,Ìrn' . ! Ê i , ( L Í \ 1 r l Ì ç Nrtiìn (,.,ÌÍ.nrr rìalÊfo trtri,Ì r 1i7l'i ,1r\,1Ì1. l'i t!Ía/i\.no È lriaÍrp r. r i , r . i i ! ! 1 o Ì r 8 5 :I ! r r . ! 1 a 1 1 / N r ro ì n lnrxtr.r L Íi!ìr,(r 1r .r a6-a7:t . ) it.rLÍ) rn. 1.. !rnü:/ lrli .:ì. rrlurlJrr . - i q p i . È r ' . , r ,t Ì r È l ì . r i l ì . . ll.ri u t a.ú Jti r. . , i . r ! ! r r ! r ,r l Í ' ! ì r / l i ! Ì ! Ì ! l r 8 a : ( r . f Ì ' ìI n o ( i ) r . . i i i ( h . ì , , ì , . . ì , : ( r t , Í ) 1 , ) , I r . l..t( ,, ! Ì ' r', r,Ìf,rt/ 'i( r,/ ', r lirJjtrLI n.([rlÌ)]orA9: rrt, Ìnril ì//b ií' ' i.,t!t i :i90: l r :fÌìr.,/( orl5,91:iLì ! . ( ) l Ì r . , ( b l) . l i i Ì / i I r , / r . r ì ! r r r \ r 9 2 : l L r ì . , ( 1 ) 1 t r ) ! ( r ) , N .!r r (ú "r, , r 1 1 . . Ì r r lr ' Ì r r / ( i h , , r , L r r . . , L r Ì l l r i r L , ) , l , l , , ri / , r l r . r ( l l , Ì I I r ' ì I L , . I I i , , , r i r) l r )r , 9 3 : ( r r , , l l/ ' ) l r r r ' . r r 1 9 4 , 9 5 : ! , l r , Ì Ì / N r i 1 Ì r( , Ì l Ì Ì f i t ì r , l 1 1 , , r i i , , , 9697tt't)tt 'Ì,, /'ír ,r,,rt, , ' Ì 1 r , Í , , 1r . t r l r Ì I L / / / r rr , | ! , , f f i ! À r l i o l 1 r l r \ , , r t r r( ì r / 1 , , Ì , , , \ , |)r |i,!,/f l r , , , , 1, r , ,Li Í t , rì i , ì , ! , , ! , ^ t , Ì , r / lr ) ) , 9 6 : i , r , , 1 , ì , , Ì li , ! , , 1 Ì ' ,11' r , / L ,i , , , r ,

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