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Germany Trade & Invest: The economic development agency of the Federal Republic of Germany

Germany Trade & Invest

By Heiko Stumpf & Carola Jäger


Visit our website to find out more Germany Trade & Invest

Want to locate to Europe’s most important market? Then we are your first point of contact. We inform you free of charge with current industry analyses, individually tailored tax and legal information, and financing and funding opportunities in Germany.

Germany Trade & Invest is the economic development agency of the Federal Republic of Germany. The company helps create and secure extra employment opportunities, strengthening Germany as a business location. With more than 50 offices in Germany and abroad and its network of partners throughout the world, Germany Trade & Invest supports German companies setting up in foreign markets, promotes Germany as a business location, and assists foreign companies setting up in Germany.

Please feel free to contact us!

HEIKO STUMPF Director Australia & New Zealand +61 (0)2 8296 0494 heiko.stumpf@gtai.com

CAROLA JÄGER Consultant Australia & New Zealand +61 (0)2 8296 0417 carola.jaeger@gtai.com

Hitting the gas H2 is the future

By Germany Trade & Invest

With billions of euros in government investment and ample infrastructure already in place, Germany’s hydrogen sector is the next big thing. Foreign investors are actively encouraged to join the country’s hydrogen revolution.

Read more about Germany’s Energiewende, smoothing out energy supply, attracting serious investment, and Germany’s National Hydrogen Strategy here.

A decade ago, power utilities serving the area in and around the city of Mainz in the western German state of RhinelandPalatinate had a problem. The city was keen to promote renewables like wind and solar, but the power grid struggled to absorb surpluses on particularly sunny or windy days. On the other hand, when renewable electricity output dropped, the power company had to make up the difference.

In 2015, work started on the Energy Park Mainz facility, which converts electricity generated from renewables to hydrogen. The gas can then be stored, sold or pumped into pipelines serving local heating plants. Known as power-to-gas or power-to-hydrogen, the technology addresses one of the biggest hurdles to Germany’s transition to clean energy or Energiewende.

We wanted a way to relieve the pressure

Birgit Scheppat, Professor University of Applied Sciences in Wiesbaden

In 2015, work started on the Energy Park Mainz facility, which converts electricity generated from renewables to hydrogen through electrolysistechnology. The gas can then be stored, sold or pumped into pipelinesserving local heating plant and it’s visible to visitors inside theEnergy Park Mainz. © picture alliance/Andreas Arnold/dpa.

Germany has committed to dramatically expanding its hydrogen fuelling infrastructure. © Philipp Wente/laif. Germany Trade & Invest

Germany Trade & Invest INVESTORS

Battery Recycling in Germany: Opportunities in a dynamic market

By Germany Trade & Invest

Even during the coronavirus crisis, important challenges must be faced. Germany is taking a lead in battery recycling to provide answers to the biggest crisis of our age – climate change.

© SMS group engineering competence centre in Hilchenbach.

Neometals Ltd. recently announced a joint venture with the SMS group in Germany to demonstrate and commercialise an innovative lithium battery recycling process. Germany Trade & Invest is providing investor support and site selection services to Neometals.

Germany Trade & Invest’s Anne Bräutigam and Flérida Regueira Cortizo spoke to Jeremy McManus, General Manager – Commercial and Investor Relations – of Australian Stock Exchangelisted company Neometals Ltd.

Read the full interview here.


Environmental Technologies in Germany

A long tradition of environmental technologies aligned with pioneering environmental policy and a supportive legal framework have helped establish Germany as a leading green economy player that is home to one of the most advanced environmental technologies markets worldwide.

Find the comprehensive fact sheet to Environmental Technologies in Germany here.

Germany Trade & Invest:


The Digital Hub Initiative

By de:hub

Be part of Germany’s biggest digital network.

We are the Digital Hub Initiative. At twelve centres of excellence across Germany, we connect medium-sized businesses and larger corporates with new innovation partners from the scientific and start-up communities. This is digitalisation, made in Germany.

For everyone who wants to learn more about the Digital Hub Initiative, our Hubs, and current trends in the digital ecosystems, come check out our website: www.de-hub.de/en


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