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Investment Promotion Measure in the Southern Border Provinces

Investment Promotion Measure in Model City Project in the Southern Border Provinces

1. All activities according to the BOI Announcement No.9/2565: Measures to Promote Investment in Industries that are important to the Country's Development


2. Activities with relaxed conditions and additional activities that are promoted only in the southern border provinces.

2. Activities with relaxed conditions and additional activities that are promoted only in Model City Project.

3. Criteria and Conditions

Check the list of activities eligible for Investment promotion. Please see

Check the list of activities eligible for Investment promotion. Please see

General case nvestment in new projects only in the Southern Border Provinces or model cities Conditions

1. The minimum investment capital must not be less than 500,000 Baht (excluding cost of land and working capital).

2. Permission to utilize used domestic machinery in the promoted projects with a value not exceeding 10 million Baht with a requirement to invest in new machinery for at least one fourth of the value of the used machinery.

Special case

“Existing projects” can be located “inside” or “outside” the Southern Border Provinces or the model cities, but the projects must also have investment in a “new project” located in the area of the Southern Border Provinces or the model cities.

Investment Definition

Existing projects efer to all implemented projects, whether promoted or not. The projects can be located either in the Southern Border Provinces or in other areas but their activities must be eligible for investment promotion (must be in the list of eligible activities for investment promotion at the time of application submission.)

New projects refer to new investment projects applying for investment promotion in the Southern Border Provinces or the model cities. The applicants can be existing juridical persons, or new juridical persons of which the group of owners of the existing projects own all shares.

Conditions for Existing projects

1. The minimum capital investment must not be less than 500,000 Baht (excluding cost of land and working capital).

2. Applications for promotion of the existing projects must be submitted when the new projects have installed the machinery and are ready for full operation start-up.

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