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Promotion Measure in the Southern Border Provinces
(2) Permission to utilize used domestic machinery in the promoted project with a value not exceeding 10 million Baht with a requirement to invest in new machinery for at least one fourth of the value of the used machinery.
(3) Must submit the application for promotion and start generating the revenue before the expiry date of corporate income tax exemption period of the first project.
(4) The applicant must be a promoted person who submitted its application for the first promoted project within the last working day of 2027.
Investment Promotion Measure in Model City Project in the Southern Border Provinces
Criteria and Conditions of Investment
1. General case
Investors who invest in new projects in the Southern Border Provinces or the Model Cities in the Southern Border Provinces.
2.Special case
Investors of existing projects who invest in new projects* in the Southern Border Provinces or the model cities in the Southern Border Provinces (whether the existing project is located in the Southern Border Provinces or not) can apply for incentives for both their existing projects and new projects.
* New projects refer to new investment projects applying for investment promotion in the Southern Border Provinces or the model cities. The applicants can be existing juridical persons, or new juridical persons of which the group of owners of the existing projects own all shares.
3. In case of investment promotion for industrial estates or industrial zones, and the project located in the BOI-promoted industrial estates or industrial zones in the Southern Border Provinces
Case 1: First investment project
Investors of industrial estates or industrial zones in the southern border provinces shall be granted the same incentives and follow the same conditions as those of general cases.
Case 2: Investment in expansion project
In case that a promoted investor operating its existing project applies for a project expansion under its existing juristic person pursuant to the conditions as specified by the Board of Investment, the investor can combine the first project with the expansion project into one project.
The Southern Border
Special Case: Example 1 Special Case: Example 2
4. Incentives