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German-Thai Dual Excellence Education

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GTDEE activities and events

In 2020, the German-Thai Dual Excellence Education (GTDEE) Project organised various events and visits together with all partner organisations. The activities throughout the year were aimed at establishing the German Dual Vocational Education Standard, both in companies and in colleges. In addition, public relations activities such as media events were held to highlight the project among the public.




Date Projects/activities 9 January Joining MoU signing ceremony between Eastern Technological College(E.Tech) Chonburi, Thailand And Vocational College of Technology and Media, Mönchengladbach, Germany 20 January Pre-selection Mercedes-Benz apprentices Batch 2020 at Lopburi Technical College 21 January GTDEE programme introduction for Mercedes-Benz apprentices Batch 2020 at Eastern Technological College 5 February Workshops on presentation techniques and Law & Regulations for Mercedes-Benz apprentices Batch 2018 at Mercedes-Benz Competence Centre, Bangna-Trad Km. 19 6 February GTDEE workshop for apprentices Batch 2018 at Robert Bosch Automotive Technologies (Thailand) Co., Ltd., (Hemaraj Plant), Rayong 11 February Pre-selection for BMW apprentices Batch 2020 at Don Bosco Technological College Bangkok 13 March Intensive course of Theoretical part of GTCC Final Examination in Mechatronics for the apprentices Batch 2018 of Robert Bosch Automotive Technologies (Thailand) Co., Ltd.-Hemaraj at Thai-Austrian Technical College 7 April PAL Final Examination in Automotive Mechatronics of theoretical part for Mercedes-Benz apprentices Batch 2018 at Mercedes-Benz Competence Centre, Bangna-Trad Km. 19 8 April BMW interview for the new apprentices Batch 2020 at BMW Group (Thailand) Training Centre, Pathum Thani 18 May Online Meeting on Preparation of PAL Final Examination in Automotive Mechatronics for BMW apprentices Batch 2018 and orientation planning for BMW apprentices Batch 2020 with BMW (Thailand) Co., Ltd. 21 May GTCC Final Examination in Logistics for apprentices Batch 2018 of Robert Bosch Automotive Technologies (Thailand) Co., Ltd. 3 June Online meeting on Preparation of PAL Final Examination in Automotive Mechatronics for BMW apprentices Batch 2018 level A with BMW (Thailand) Co., Ltd 4 June Online meeting on Preparation of PAL Final Examination in Electric Power for the apprentices Batch 2018 level A with Pathumthani Brewery Co., Ltd. and Don Bosco Technological College 5 June Pre-selection for Mercedes-Benz apprentices Batch 2020 at Samutprakan Technical College, 30 June Online meeting on Mechatronics books translation with KMUTNB 3 July 4-party Meeting (Mercedes-Benz, BMW, KMUTNB, GTDEE) on preparation of PAL Final Examination in Automotive Mechatronics at Mercedes-Benz Competence Centre, Bangna-Trad Road, Km. 19 8 & 9 July PAL Final Examination (Practical Part) for BMW apprentices Batch 2018 at BMW Group (Thailand) Training Centre, Pathum Thani 21 July Meeting on training plan for apprentices Batch 2018 of Pathumthani Brewery Co., Ltd. at KMUTNB 22 July Meeting on future cooperation on BMW Service Apprentice Programme at Bangkaewfa Industrial and Community Education College 23 July Systematic thinking and mind mapping workshop for apprentices batch 2018 from Mercedes-Benz (Thailand) Co., Ltd. 29 & 30 July PAL Final Examination (Practical part) for Mercedes-Benz apprentices Batch 2018 at Mercedes-Benz Competence Centre, Bangna-Trad Road, Km. 19 31 July PAL Final Examination (Theoretical part) for BMW apprentices Batch 2018 at Eastern Technological College (E.Tech)


Project/activities 6 August Meeting on learning field on device workshop for Mechatronics apprentices Batch 2018 of Robert Bosch Automotive Technologies (Thailand) Co., Ltd.-(Hemaraj Plant) at Thai-German Institute 7 August Intensive course for apprentices Batch 2018 in Logistics and Production Techniques at Robert Bosch Automotive Technologies (Thailand) Co., Ltd-Amata City, Rayong 20 August Meeting on Mechatronics development at Eastern Technological College 21 August Meeting on logistics examination for apprentice batch 2018 for Robert Bosch Automotive (AmaP) at King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok (KMUTNB) 26 August Online meeting with Boonrawd Trainers and Apprentices for PAL Final Examination 31 August Meeting with teachers from Eastern Technological College (E.Tech) on the topic “Teaching and training plan for Mechatronics first year program” at E.Tech 1 September Meeting with trainers and teacher from Boonrawd and Don Bosco Technological College teachers on PAL final examination at Don Bosco Technological College 2 September Meeting on the development of a co-branded certificates for the mechatronic technician profession between Thailand Professional Qualification Institute (TPQI) and German-Thai Chamber of Commerce (GTCC) 3 September Meeting with examination committee from KMUTNB on mechatronics examination for Bosch preparation and the intensive course and examination for both theoretical and practical examination

8 September

Intensive course for final examination in mechatronics profession of Bosch (HmjP) and Grohe Siam apprentices Batch 2018 at KMUTNB 9 September GTCC final examination in mechatronics profession of Bosch (HmjP) and Grohe Siam apprentices Batch 2018 at KMUTNB 14 September Meeting on the summary of the apprentice batch 2018 with trainers from BMW Group (Thailand) and teachers from Don Bosco, E.Tech & Chitralada School at BMW Training Centre 18 September Meeting with Boon Rawd Group on potential apprentices recruitment under GTDEE for 5 brewery locations in 2021, at Samsen brewery 22 September Meeting with PTT team on future cooperation in developing mechatronics technicians under project-based learning at IRPC Technological College, Rayong 25 September GTDEE final examination in logistics for Bosch (AmaP) apprentices at Faculty of Business Administration, King Mongkut’s University Technology North Bangkok (Rayong Campus), 2 October Meeting with Pathum Thani Brewery’s trainers and Don Bosco’s teachers on examination preparation for 4 apprentices from Pathumthani Brewery Apprenticeship Programme 5 October Meeting with GIZ on in-company trainer ASEAN standard implemented at KMUTNB & AdA Certification and Mechatronics development under project-based learning at GIZ office Ramintra km. 5

23 November The National Science and Technology Fair 2020 is the biggest fair of the year in science and technology GTCC Certificate Handover Ceremony for 51 apprentices from Mercedes Benz Thailand Batch 25 November 2018 at Mercedes Benz Thailand Training Center Concept training workshop on mechatronics development project GTCC Certificate Handover Ceremony for 5 apprentices from Bosch Hemeraj Batch 2018 17 December at Thai Austrian Technical College GTCC final examination for 3 apprentices from Bosch Automotive Batch 2018 at KMUTNB Rayong


GTDEE service portfolio

German-Thai Dual Excellence Education (GTDEE) is a training programme of the German-Thai Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GTCC or AHK Thailand) in which trainees work with a practical focus in companies and also attend technical college. The college addresses practical topics relating to the profession and also teaches general education subjects such as communication techniques, English for professional, mathematic and social study.

From the start, the aim was to implement a sustainable training structure in line with the German Model. Learning content from the German general training plan and the framework curriculum has been adapted within the context of the Thai Vocational Education and Training (VET) structure. The AHK also identified Thai training content which was equivalent to the German training framework. This has resulted in three-years VET courses which follow the German training regulation and include its qualifications.

Activities planned for 2021

These activities are related to the progress of the sustainability of dual vocational education development in Thailand. Since education is a continuous development process, GTDEE will continue to work on refining dual vocational education and training standards in Thailand, with the goal of sustainability in order to push Thailand towards becoming the hub in ASEAN as follows:

1. GTDEE Vocation Education Committee meeting twice a year in February and October 2021. 2. Handover Mechatronics Book to Ministry of Education Thailand. 3. GTCC Final Examination in Mechatronics Level B for 26 students under Project-Based Learning 4. Mechatronics Technician Co-Certification between AHK Thailand and Thailand Professional Qualification Institute (Public Organization) in May 2021. 5. PAL Final Examination Part 2 for Automotive Mechatronics (batch 2019) level A = 34

Apprentices, Level B = 65 Apprentices and Motorrad Mechanics = 6 Apprentices. (Motorrad

Mechanics should be enough for them all) 6. GTCC Final Examination in Mechatronics Level C = 8 Apprentices 7. GTCC Final Examination in Production Techniques = 5 Students 8. PAL Final Examination Part 1 for Automotive Mechatronics (batch 2020) Level A = 30

Apprentices and Level B = 35 Apprentices 9. AdA International-Train the Trainer for 3 batch 9.1 Practical Teacher and Pre-Engineering School at KMUTNB. 9.2 In-Company Trainer and Companies Partner 9.3 Cooperate with Thai-German Highly Skilled Technical Trainer Development Program, TGDE and KMUTNB 10. Examination Services for 10.1 Automotive Program 10.2 Electrical Power Program 10.3 Mechanical Program 11. Implement Mechatronics under Project-Based Learning for 5 years program at Don Bosco

Technological College Bangkok, start from 20 students in Por-wor-chor 1 12. For COVID-19 pandemic crisis, GTDEE have plan to delivery online training to partners company such as 12.1 English conversation = 2 courses 12.2 Productivity Improvement = 3 courses 12.3 How to produce Mechanical parts for Mechatronics system 12.4 Basic Pneumatics for Mechatronics system 12.5 Electrical Measurement and Safety Regulation for Mechatronics work 12.6 Automotive Mechatronics Examination preparation = 3 courses 13. Promote program and pre-Selection for 13.1 BMW Service Apprentice Program under cooperate with BMW Group Thailand Training Center. 13.2 Pathumthani Brewery Co., Ltd. 13.3 Robert Bosch Technologies Thailand (2 Plants) 13.4 Bangkokcable Co., Ltd. 14. Cooperation working and advice new education institute for open new program such as: 14.1 Mechatronics Development Program, RMUTL Chiangmai 14.2 Electronics Development Program, RMUTL Chiangmai 14.3 Mechanics Development Program, RMUTL Chiangmai

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