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Online workshops with BMW apprentices batch 2019 in preparation for PAL Final Examination
On 27 April 2021, GTDEE organised an online workshop for BMW apprentices batch 2019 on the topic of intensive course preparation for the PAL Final Examination in Automotive Mechatronics. Furthermore, the GTDEE team talked about the in-depth effects of the COVID-19 pandemic with the apprentices. The theoretical examination will be organised online in August-September 2021. The practical examination is planned to coduct in September-November 2021 at BMW Group Thailand Training Center.
Meeting with RMUTL on joining the GTDEE programme and co-certification with GTCC

On 5 May 2021, GTDEE organised an online meeting with Faculty of Engineering, Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna (RMUTL) on future co-operation under the GTDEE Programme. The discussion was about mechatronics technician development under cooperation with company, and the first step of practical teacher development under AdA International (Train the Trainer).
Meeting with E.Tech on preparing for the mechatronics final examination for apprentices batch 2019
On 12 May 2021, GTDEE organised an online meeting with E.Tech on preparations for the final examination for the mechatronics apprentices batch 2019. The discussion mainly focused on the preparation for the online PAL final examination in Mechatronics level B (local dual vocational education and training in line with the German model).

Meeting with the Singha Pathum Brewery management team

On 13 May 2021, GTDEE organised an online meeting with Pathumthani Brewery and Don Bosco Technnological College Bangkok. The three parties discussed training preparation for five apprentices in electronics technician development under Pathumthani Brewery Apprenticeship Programme batch 2021.
Meeting on preparing Industrial Meister in mechatronics examination

On 17 May 2021, GTDEE organised an online meeting with KM Boonrawd Head Office, Pathumthani Brewery, TGDE, KMUTNB. They discussed on planning for pilot programme’s mechatronics Industrial Meister examination. Four examinees as in-company trainers have already achieved the AdA (train the trainers) qualification, Thai-German Highly Skilled Technical Trainer Development Programme (TGTT) qualification, which is part of Meister training development led by Mr. Paul Koelker, German expert at TGDE, KMUTNB.

Presentation examination with Mercedes-Benz apprentices batch 2019
From 21 to 29 May, the GTDEE team organised a presentation examination for Mercedes-Benz apprentices batch 2019 in automotive mechatronics, which was held online through Microsoft team meeting. The examination was for 75 apprentices from Don Bosco Technological College Bangkok, Don Bosco Technological College Ban Pong, Samutprakarn Technical College and Eastern Technological College (E.Tech) and Lopburi Technical College. The Examination Committee included Asst. Prof. Direk Choowichien former the College of Industrial Technology, King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok.

Meeting on implementing mechatronics standards under cooperation TPQI and GTCC

On 28 May 2021, GTCC hosted an online meeting for mechatronics development under the five-year co-certification programme between the German Vocational Education system and the Thailand Professional Qualification Institute (TPQI). The GTDEE team shared information on the five-year mechatronics project-based learning programme (A-Level) with the participants. The development of qualified automotive mechatronics technicians in the GTDEE programme includes: • Co-certification between German-Thai Chamber of Commerce (GTCC) and TPQI for the mechatronics profession. • TPQI’s plan to develop electrical profession in line with the standard of the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB).

Workshop for Pathumthani Brewery Apprenticeship Programme batch 2021

On 28 May 2021, GTDEE organised online workshops on systematic thinking and mind mapping as well as an Introduction for Pathumthani Brewery Apprenticeship Programme batch 2021 in electronics. The apprentices will learn to plan their own training year in the company and college. GTDEE will also teach them basic communication in English and German.
Meeting with Don Bosco on joining the GTDEE programme and co-certification with GTCC

On 1 June 2021, GTDEE team held an online meeting with Don Bosco Technological Bangkok on the development of mechatronics apprentices batch 2021. This meeting focused on project-based learning in line with the BIBB standard and Thai Curriculum. GTDEE shared progress and information on the examination structure, field learning concept, training plan guideline and mechatronics standard book translated into Thai language.

Meeting with RMUTL and TPQI on mechatronics development apprentices batch 2021
On June 2021, the GTDEE team organised an online knowledge-sharing session on the topic of “mechatronics development under project-based Learning” together with representatives from TPQI and Faculty of Engineering, RMUTL. GTDEE presented the key activities and outputs of the GTDEE Education programme. Dr. Kitcha Chaitanu, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, RMUTL, shared information on competency training in practical tasks at the workshop of the pre-engineering school and Por-wor-sor level.

Presentation examination for E.tech mechatronics apprentices batch 2019

On 9 June 2021 GTDEE team organised the online final presentation examination for E.tech mechatronics students batch 2019. The examination committee was comprised representatives of German-Thai Chamber of Commerce and Asst. Prof. Dr. Thossaporn Kaewwichit, the College of Industrial Technology, King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok.

Meeting with BMW and colleges to support BMW Group Thailand in GTDEE co-operation

On 10 June 2021, GTDEE organised an online meeting with BMW and colleges to share and support to BMW Group Thailand in co-operation working with GTDEE. The automotive mechatronics head teachers are joining form Don Bosco, E.tech, Chitralada and Bangkaewfa Colleges. The meeting discussed the following topics: • What is the plan from the company and college sides? • How and what to train and teach? • What and how can GTDEE support for the next month? • Employment and collective wage agreement laws. The meeting also shared knowledge related to the company goals. The BMW Group Thailand announced its electric car strategic policy in Thailand. This provided another opportunity to convince the colleges to prepare for changing the major study subject to “electric cars” if a college is ready to move forward.
In addition, a new Office of the Vocational Education Commission (OVEC) regulation allows vocationalcolleges to change their major study subject – for example, from “automotive techniques” to “electric vehicle techniques” The subjects are:
1. Electric vehicle technology, code No. 30101-2601;
2. Batteries and electrical charging system for electric vehicles, code No. 30101-2602;
3. Transmission and powertrain system practice for electric vehicles, code No. 30101-2603;
4. Electric vehicle control system practice, code No. 30101-2604;
5. Electronic and electric system practice for electric vehicles, code No. 30101-2605;
6. Suspensions system practice for electric vehicles, code no: 30101-2606;
7. Electric vehicle diagnosis practice, code No. 30101-2607;
8. Electric vehicle business management, code No. 30101-2608;
9. Electric vehicle safety technology, code No. 30101-2609;
10. Electric automotive technology 1-4 (additional four subjects in practical dual vocational education).