UPDATE Q4/2021: Renewable Energy

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Industrial Meister training and development in Thailand On 16 June 2021, GTDEE organised an online meeting on the topic “Industrial Meister Examination Preparation”. This is the first examination for Industrial Meister in Mechatronics. The Thai-Ger man Dual Education and e-Learning Development Institute (TGDE) of King Mongkut University of Technology Nor th Bangkok (KMUTNB), hosted the preparation of the examination under the Meister Training and Development Programme led by Mr. Paul Koelker, German Exper t. Four trainers from Pathum Thani Brewer y will join the fir st batch of this examination in January-February 2022.

Webinar on “EV-Charger Technology” On 25 June 2021, GTDEE and the BMW Group Thailand Training Centre organised a webinar on the topic “EV Car-charging Technology” The keynote speaker was Mr. Natthapong Lor pisanchai, Senior Technical Trainer, BMW Training Centre. The par ticipants who joined the webinar were technical teachers at the Automotive Depar tment of the Chitralada Vocational School, Don Bosco Technological College, Eas te r n Te c hno lo gic al Co ll eg e , a nd Bangkaewfa Industrial and Communities Education College.

UPDATE 4/2021

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