PHYFF 2021: ‘Boy on the Moon’ by Jake Lubin

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Written by Jake Lubin 914-844-1083




Three teenage boys, OLLIE, DEMSKY, and ALEX are walking down an empty street. Ollie’s hair is dark and matted, and his face is red. He’s wearing a drawstring bag on his back. Demsky is pale, lanky, and on the taller side. Alex is fit and broad-shouldered with high cheek bones and a chiseled jawline. Unlike the other two boys, who are dressed for warm weather, Alex is wearing a winter coat, long pants, and one of those red and gray Eskimo hunting hats with ear flaps. His skin is clammy, and he looks somewhat sickly. He’s handsome, but has sad, tired eyes. He trails behind the two of them in the center of the street. It’s getting dark in their suburban neighborhood, and street lamps help light the road. Demsky is carrying two large garbage bags full to the brim with beer cans, vodka handles, and red solo cups. Both bags are literally dripping with alcohol. Ollie’s looking down at his phone. DEMSKY Can you carry one of these? Ollie looks up at him. Demsky gestures for him to grab the bags. Please.


Ollie sighs. OLLIE This is me paying you back for the pizza. Alex looks up and smiles. He’s still lagging behind the two boys. DEMSKY Dude. Just hold the fucking bag. Demsky looks at Ollie and raises his eyebrows. Ollie puts his phone in his pocket. Fine.


Beat. OLLIE (CONT'D) Did you have fun? Demsky looks at him again. He raises his eyebrows.

2. DEMSKY Running around, cleaning up throw up, spilled beer, and the fucking picture frame--no. No, I did not, Ollie. Ollie smiles. OLLIE It was fun to spill beer and throw up, though. Alex laughs. Demsky hesitates to speak and jumbles his words. DEMSKY Maybe you shouldn’t go so crazy, you know. OLLIE Demsky. You gotta stop worrying about that. You sound like my mom. Demsky’s face is serious. He looks at Ollie. DEMSKY ‘Cause you sound like him. ALEX He’s right, Ollie. Alex is now sauntering on Ollie’s left. Demsky looks at the street, and doesn’t hear Alex. Ollie looks over at Alex. Ollie sighs. DEMSKY Something about this party felt like that night. OLLIE You gotta stop thinking about it. DEMSKY You know what I mean thoughOllie cuts him off. Yeah.


Beat. OLLIE (CONT'D) Tonight was really fun, though.

3. Demsky looks back at Alex. Alex seems to be looking off into the distance. DEMSKY It’s kinda like that one song you wrote. Which one?


DEMSKY The only good one you wrote. The one Alex always used to sing. Oh“The Best of the Worst-” Ollie finishes the sentence for him. OLLIE “The Best and Worst Night of My Life.” Ollie grins. Demsky looks back at Alex, now walking on his right, and he nods his head. ALEX I remember it. OLLIE It was okay. Beat. OLLIE (CONT'D) That was more of a phase, Demsky. EXT. ELEMENTARY SCHOOL - CONTINUOUS The boys start walking near an elementary school. There are two dumpsters, and the three boys approach it. DEMSKY I’m just saying. That song was likepoetic, and shit. Ollie chuckles at the thought. ALEX I loved that one. Ollie smile Ollie it up

and Demsky drop the garbage bags into the dumpster and at each other. The bags land with a clink and a thud. turns around and pulls his phone of his pocket. He puts to his ear.




He starts walking towards the parking lot, out of hearing range from the two other boys. Demsky notices that Alex is staring at the elementary school. Alex looks at him. ALEX I miss going to school here. DEMSKY Yeah, I do too. ALEX (smiling) Those younger days. Demsky smiles sadly. He looks at Alex, and follows his gaze up to the school. OLLIE (O.S.) Word. Right on the corner. Demsky turns around and starts walking toward Ollie. Alex follows him. EXT. PARKING LOT - CONTINUOUS Ollie hangs up and puts the phone back in his pocket. The boys are now next to him. What?


OLLIE I uh, I told a dealer to meet me here. You know, to buy for tomorrow. Demsky looks disappointed. Alex turns away and scratches his head. DEMSKY Is that why you came on the walk? Ollie rubs the back of his neck. OLLIE I thought it made sense.

5. Demsky nods. His expression is rigid. The boys wait on the sidewalk. A black car pulls up - pristine and sleek with dark tinted windows. DEMSKY Who the fuck is this guy? OLLIE Don’t really know. He’s not from here, but he delivers. They walk up to the car. Ollie knocks on the window of the passenger seat, and then gestures to lower the window. No response until the dealer eventually lowers the window a few inches. OLLIE (CONT'D) Hey, uh, I’m Oliver. The dealer grunts. DEALER You brought a friend? Demsky nods his head at the dealer. OLLIE Yeah. So, do you have it? DEALER Door’s unlocked. Get in. OLLIE Oh- there’s no one around, can we just do this right here? DEALER Have you done this before? You’re wasting my time, man. Ollie looks back at Demsky. OLLIE Alright, it’s cool, Demsky. Ollie gets in the front passenger seat. Demsky opens the door to the back, and Alex jumps in. Demsky climbs in and closes the door behind him.

6. 2



The DEALER in the front is older than the boys. He looks to be around 20. Hey.


The dealer examines Ollie. Then he turns his head to look at Demsky. Hey.


Demsky gives a nod of his head. The dealer doesn’t look at Alex. DEALER (CONT'D) You guys have a good night? Ollie nods his head. Alex looks out the window. As Ollie talks, Demsky and Alex exchange glances. OLLIE Yeah, I went five for five in pong. I hit a fucking redemption shot, with my eyes closed, on the beat drop of “Titanium.” By the way, what strain of weedThe dealer takes a deep breath and exhales loudly. He speaks in a calm, monotone voice. DEALER Here’s what’s gonna happen. You’re gonna take out your little wallet. You’re gonna open your wallet, take out the money. You’re gonna place it right in my hands. Then, you’re gonna get the fuck out of my Lexus, and you won’t see me again. And you’re not gonna say shit about it. Demsky and Alex look at each other. Demsky is clearly scared, and Alex just grimaces and shakes his head. OLLIE What about the weed? The dealer turns and looks at him. DEALER There is no weed.

7. Pause. Quiet. Ollie looks uneasy, but hesitant. OLLIE Nah, nah man. I need the weed. Beat. The dealer is composed, and he speaks slowly. DEALER (assertively) No problems here tonight. Ollie looks down at the dealer’s hand, and sees that he’s grasping something in the center console compartment. It’s too dark to make out what it is. DEALER (CONT'D) You feel me? Ollie takes a shaky breath and nods his head. Demsky notices a spray can on the floor of the car. It looks like bug spray or something. He looks up at Alex, and Alex smiles slightly. He nods his head at Demsky. ALEX (in a low voice) You got this. Beat. DEALER Take out your wallet. And hurry the fuck up. Ollie pulls out his wallet. His fingers are shaking, but he gathers up the money. Demsky looks down at the can again, and back up at the dealer and Ollie. OLLIE I um- how much? DEALER Empty it out. Suddenly, Demsky leans forward and extends his arm out. He sprays the can directly in the dealer’s face for a solid couple seconds, and the dealer tries to knock it out of Demsky’s hands. DEALER (CONT'D) What the fuck? Ollie looks back at Demsky in shock.



Demsky hops out of the back. Ollie tries to get out, but the dealer reaches over and grabs his shirt. Demsky grabs Ollie and starts to pull him away from the dealer. OLLIE Get the fuck off me! Ollie slaps the dealer’s arm and pulls at his shirt, escaping from his grip. Ollie and Demsky sprint as fast as they can through the street. The dealer gets out and rubs his eyes. He curses to himself, and after a few seconds, he starts to run after the boys. 3



The boys run and get to some bushes near a playground. They crouch down and stay there, catching their breath. Alex isn’t with them.

HEY! 4

DEALER (distant)



The dealer is standing on the street near the field. It’s too dark, and he can’t make out where the boys went. DEALER Fucking fuck. The dealer gets back in his car and drives off. 5

EXT. PLAYGROUND The two boys look around for the dealer. OLLIE I think he’s gone. Demsky looks at Ollie. He’s pissed. DEMSKY What the fuck, Ollie? Ollie looks at him. A smile tugs at his face.


9. Demsky can’t help but smile either. The boys break out in laughter. OLLIE I can’t believe you fucking did that. DEMSKY Me neither. Demsky sees that Alex is sitting alone on a bench, staring out at the empty playground. OLLIE (to Demsky) Yo, I still have one jay that I was gonna save for the end of the night. You in? Demsky looks at Ollie and nods his head. The two boys start walking towards the bench. Alex looks at Demsky. ALEX You remember this place? Demsky chuckles and nods his head. Demsky sits down in the middle, and Ollie takes the spot to his left. Alex is sitting on Demsky’s right, still staring forward. Ollie reaches into his pocket to pull out a joint. OLLIE (grinning) I think that was the most scared I’ve been in my life. Demsky looks up at him. DEMSKY You know, you remind me of him sometimes. A lot. Ollie looks up at Demsky. They both look over at Alex, who’s still staring forwards at the playground, unmoving, captured in time. I know.


We see the back of their heads, and they’re two silhouettes in the moonlight.

10. OLLIE (CONT'D) It won’t happen, Demsky. DEMSKY He wasn’t happy, Ollie. Beat. DEMSKY (CONT'D) Are you happy? Demsky looks at him with genuine concern. Ollie appears to be hit hard by the question, and his voice falters. OLLIE I’ll be better. I promise. I’ll get my shit back together. DEMSKY I’m here, you know? Ollie nods. OLLIE I know. And I’m sorry. I guess I’ve just needed to forget about shit. Demsky puts a hand on Ollie’s shoulder, and Ollie does the same to him. DEMSKY I don’t think we ever really can. Pause. OLLIE I was thinking. That night started off a great night. DEMSKY Yeah. It was a good party, too. Freezing, though. Ollie looks over too, and sets his gaze on Alex, still wrapped up in his winter coat and hat. Alex offers a sad, pained smile and nods his head. We move back to just Ollie and Demsky. OLLIE It seemed okay. He just seemed okay.

11. DEMSKY Guess you never really know. Pause. OLLIE I uh, I still have it. Ollie takes his drawstring pack off, places it in his lap, and pulls out a red Eskimo hat with ear flaps. It’s the same one Alex had on. Ollie smiles at Demsky, and we see that there are tears in his eyes. Demsky chuckles and smiles to himself. He looks back at Ollie. DEMSKY Alex always used to say that the scariest shit makes for the best stories. Ollie smiles. He puts the joint in his mouth. OLLIE Well. That would make this the best and worst night of our lives. Ollie lights it. The lighter’s soft flame illuminates his face. The boys pass the joint back and forth. Their smoke spins and curls in the moonlight. As we pull back from behind the two boys, our view widens. It reveals that the spot to Demsky’s left is empty. When Ollie passes the joint back to Demsky, we see him put the Eskimo hat on his own head. The two boys still have their hands on each other’s shoulders. Fade to black. THE END.

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