The Parents Guide to Middle School

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germantown friends school





The Middle School years are all about self-discovery, making leaps in academic, athletic, and social learning, gaining confidence in interactions with adults, and becoming increasingly independent. As a parent, there is plenty to navigate and decode during Middle School, and we believe that the routines and traditions of your child’s school life should not be among the mysteries you have to solve! This guide contains practical information and resources for Middle School families who are new to GFS or matriculating from the Lower School. We also encourage you to regularly consult the Germantown Friends School website ( and the weekly Parent Press e-newsletter for divisional news and program updates, as well as the GFS Student & Family Handbook for school-wide information and policies.





8:05 A.M. School day begins

Below are some significant dates to help orient you at the beginning of the school year. Please check the calendar on the GFS website regularly for additional events and possible changes.

2:30 P.M. After-school sports dismissal, Mon.-Thurs., during fall/winter/spring seasons 3:10 P.M. School day ends; parent pick-up begins 3:10-3:20 P.M. Buses depart school 4:30 P.M. Homework posted to Google Classroom FRIDAYS Weekly Parent Press e-newsletter sent 120 Snow closing number (see page 7 for details) 215-951-2316 Number to call if your child will be late or absent

WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4 First day of school; noon dismissal MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 School closed for Rosh Hashanah THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3 Back-to-School Night WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9 School closed for Yom Kippur FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1 No classes: report writing FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15 No classes: parent-teacher conferences

CONTACTS & RESOURCES David Kern, Interim Director of Middle School 215-951-2316 •

Athletics 215-951-2331 •

Rachel Reynolds, MS Administrative Assistant 215-951-2316 •

Michelle Palmer, MS Multicultural Parents Alliance 267-323-3286 • mpalmer

Nurse’s Office 215-951-2308 •

Michele Clayton, MS Parents Association Co-chair 610-772-5862 •

Dr. Craig Stevens, School Psychologist 215-951-2324 •

Molly Murphy, MS Parents Association Co-chair 202-641-6927 •

MS After-School Program 215-951-2384 •

Eileen Raven, MS Parents Association Co-chair 215-868-5944 •

Transportation Office 215-951-2339 •





Key Information


8:05-8:20 a.m., Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday; 8:05-8:35 a.m. Wednesday. (On Fridays, students report directly to Poley Auditorium at 8:05 a.m. for Friday Morning Meeting.)

Students who arrive after 8:05 a.m. will be marked late and should report to the MS Office first before going to homeroom.

Drop-off Line on Coulter Street

If you drive your child to school, the drop-off line forms on the right side of Coulter Street in front of the Sharpless Building.

Pay close attention to the security guard’s instructions in terms of when you can leave the line and rejoin the regular flow of traffic.

If you need to park, look for designated lots on this campus parking map.

Late Arrival

If your child arrives after 8:05 a.m., they must report to the MS Office before heading to class.

If your child will be late to school for any reason (i.e. a doctor or dentist appointment), please email or call the MS Office before the school day begins.

middleschool@ germantownfriends. org or 215-951-2316



Key Information

Additional Details

School Day End*

3:10 p.m.

The school day ends at 3:10 p.m. unless your child participates in after-school sports or the Theater Movement Arts program (winter only), in which case they are dismissed at 2:30 p.m., Mon.-Thurs. Students not participating in after-school sports have “Flex” time from 2:30-3:10 p.m., an opportunity to get a head start on homework, schedule private instrumental lessons, participate in extra rehearsals for concerts or performances, or meet with teachers.

If your child is not participating in sports, cannot be picked up at 3:10 p.m., and is not taking public or private transportation home, they must report to the Middle School After-School (MSAS) Program until a parent or caregiver can retrieve them. More information regarding MSAS can be found here.

Sports practices run from 2:45-4 p.m. in the fall and spring seasons, and 2:45-3:45 p.m. in the winter. Game/match days will extend beyond 4 p.m.; check the Athletics Teams & Schedules page on the website for specific pick-up and return times pertaining to away competitions. Students may also be dismissed from school early to travel to away matches.

If your child’s aftersports, going-home plans change, please reach out to their coach directly, not the MS Office.

*If your child’s after-school plans change, and you need a message delivered to them, we ask that you please contact the MS Office by 2 p.m. In general, the MS Office does not track dismissal plans for regular dismissals. The expectation is that Middle Schoolers are responsible for knowing where they are going after school.

After-School Sports


Students participating in after-school sports are dismissed at 2:30 p.m., Mon.-Thurs. On Fridays, there are no after-school sports practices or competitions, or Theater Movement Arts; all students are dismissed at 3:10 p.m. MSAS is available if needed.


Additional Details

Early Dismissal

If your child needs to leave school early for any reason, please contact the MS Office at middleschool@ germantownfriends. org or 215-951-2316 with details prior to picking them up from school.

It is up to you to make arrangements with your child regarding where to meet them for an early dismissal; popular options include the MS Office, the front steps of the Main Building, or the sidewalk of Coulter Street in front of school.

If your child returns to campus after being taken out of school during regular hours, they must check in at the MS Office before returning to class.

After-School Dismissal During Intersession

“Intersession” refers to the three-to-four-week period that occurs between sports seasons.

During Intersession, all Middle Schoolers are dismissed at 3:10 p.m., and after-school plans must be one of the following: students are picked up at 3:10 p.m., take a bus home (public or private transportation), or report to the Middle School After-School Program (MSAS).

Intersession dates are noted on the school calendar and are shared with parents via the weekly Parent Press e-newsletter.


In the event of an absence or a late arrival, please notify the MS Office (215-951-2316) before 9 a.m. *If a student is absent on the day of an after-school event, such as a game, dramatic performance, debate, or concert, they may not participate in that event.

If a student is absent or late due to a medical issue that the school should be aware of, please contact the Nurse’s Office (215-951-2308). Students who have experienced fever or vomiting should not return to school until 24 symptomless hours have passed.

If a child is absent due to illness or other reasons, they are responsible for checking in with their teachers via email and/ or Google Classroom regarding missed assignments.

Planned Absence

In the event of a planned absence, students should pick up a “Planned Absence Form” from the MS Office and return it prior to their departure.

Parents should contact the MS Office (215-951-2316) to communicate the planned absence.





TRANSPORTATION Sixth graders who live more than 1.5 miles from school are eligible to ride the Philadelphia School District buses. Students in seventh and eighth grades are not permitted to ride the PSD buses even if they have siblings in grades 1-6. (Please note: This is a change from the 2018-19 school year.) Suburban School Districts provide transportation to students who live within 10 miles of GFS. Each township follows a different model: some transport students doorto-door, some send students to a central location and then reroute them to GFS, and some bus GFS students along with other students from neighboring independent schools. Check with your local school district or the GFS Transportation Department (215-951-2339 or for more details. Only students who are registered for Philadelphia School District buses or Suburban School District buses are allowed to ride these buses; guests who are not registered may not ride with them. For an additional fee, GFS provides door-to-door private bus options as well as shuttle services to most neighborhoods. Many of our students take public transportation (SEPTA trains and/or buses)*, form carpools with other GFS families, or participate in the Riders’ Club Cooperative, a non-profit private transportation service. Please refer to our 2019-20 Transportation Guide for details about any of these options, or contact our Transportation Department at 215951-2339 or *Beginning in seventh grade, students who are Philadelphia residents and live more than 1.5 miles from GFS qualify for a free SEPTA TransPass, distributed each week at the Front Desk in the Main Building. To ride the SEPTA Regional Rail, these TransPasses can be upgraded weekly for a modest fee. Click here for more information about upgrading a TransPass to a Rail Pass.

SCHOOL CLOSINGS In the event of an unplanned school closing due to inclement weather or a school emergency, GFS will post a message on the homepage of its website (www. as well as send email and phone messages to parents via the School Messenger Mass Notification System. The GFS snow/weather emergency closing number is 120, which will be shared on major radio and television stations and websites, primarily KYW and NBC. (Each school is assigned a closing number; some news outlets only refer to schools by these numbers, not by name.) The general snow-closing policy is as follows: If Philadelphia public schools are closed in the morning (or close during the school day), GFS also closes. However, GFS may make the decision to close even if Philadelphia public schools remain open. On days when school closes early due to inclement weather, students who take GFS private buses and vans will be taken home on them. If the Philadelphia public schools close early, public school buses are dispatched to GFS, and students who use this service will be dismissed and sent home on their regular buses. Since suburban school districts make weather-related closing decisions independent of Philadelphia, parents should contact these school districts directly for closing plans and busing arrangements; as suburban buses arrive at GFS, students will be dismissed and sent home on them. If your child’s going-home plans change due to an early school closing, please contact the MS Office at 215-951-2316 or and someone will get a message to your child. Please be advised that we most closely follow the Philadelphia School District’s closing policy, so if you live outside the city and rely on Suburban School District buses, it is your responsibility to check to see if those buses are running on schedule.



FOOD & RECREATION DINING SERVICES While some students still opt to bring lunch from home in Middle School, others prefer to purchase food from the cafeteria. All new families are invited to set up a MyPaymentsPlus account for their child before the start of the school year, which can be replenished as needed. Several different meal plan options are available; click here to find out more about our cafeteria program. Cash is accepted in the cafeteria as well. Students in seventh and eighth grades are also allowed to visit The Open Door, GFS’ campus cafe, during recess and lunch, and can purchase food items there using cash, checks, credit cards, or an Open Door card that is kept on file (you can set up a card for your child in person, or by emailing All of this information can be found in the Parent Portal on the website. Note: MyPaymentsPlus accounts can not be used in The Open Door, and Open Door cards are not accepted in the cafeteria. The cafeteria and The Open Door are not nut or allergenfree. Please remind your children of their allergies so that they are empowered to make safe choices for themselves while on and off campus.

RECESS & LUNCH Middle School students have a 20-minute morning snack-recess period each day, which is a great chance for them to refuel and stretch their legs. They also have a 55-minute combined lunch-recess period each afternoon. (We believe it is important for children to have unstructured time, and encourage students not to use these breaks to meet with teachers or catch up on homework.)

CELL PHONES, LAPTOPS & SOCIAL MEDIA CELL PHONES While we acknowledge that cell phones are a convenient way for families to stay in contact with their children, we have restrictions on when they can be used in school. Cell phones should be turned off and stored in lockers from the moment students enter the Sharpless Building until dismissal unless needed for an assignment at a teacher’s request. (All students are assigned a locker and are encouraged to keep all of their belongings in it.) Students who make or receive calls or text messages during class will have their phones confiscated. Middle School students may only use their cell phones for emergency or family calls in the MS Office or with the explicit permission of a faculty member.



We ask that families honor our cell phone policy by communicating with their children through the MS Office during the school day.

LAPTOPS & TABLETS Google Chromebooks or MacBooks are available in every Middle School classroom for student use. As the MS has a 1:1 ratio of laptops to students, students are not permitted to bring personal laptops or tablets to school unless they have been approved for an academic accommodation or are instructed to do so by a teacher.

SOCIAL MEDIA POLICY We expect that students will use social media to correspond with friends and family, share experiences, connect with communities, and engage in discourse that is appropriate and in keeping with the GFS mission. However, if a student posts an offensive or inappropriate message to a social media site, GFS will treat the issue as a public matter, as it was posted in a public forum. We take any violation of our community norms and guidelines very seriously, whether it be in-person or online. If a student is aware of an offensive or inappropriate message posted on a social media platform, we ask that they report it to the Director of Middle School.




for the school and its programs; and to work in partner­ ship with faculty and administration on issues of community concern. All parents of GFS students are members of the PA.

Communication protocol seems to be the

In sixth grade, there is a PA representative for each homeroom. In the seventh and eighth grades, there are two or three PA reps per grade. The PA reps will send emails at the beginning of the school year to introduce themselves, as well as regular emails throughout the year sharing events and other announcements.

biggest adjustment for most parents new to the Middle School. Since students no longer have one teacher for all of their major subjects, parents will receive occasional updates from subject teachers. However, teachers will address small challenges, such as late homework or missing assignments, with students directly to help them build


independence. Parents will be notified of

The weekly Parent Press is the primary communication between school and parents. This e-newsletter is sent each Friday when school is in session, and includes all-school upcoming news and events as well as division-related happenings and announcements. (Please be sure your email address is up-to-date in the Parent Portal.) You will also receive occasional email communications from the head of school, the MS Office, and your child’s teachers.

academic or behavioral issues by either the subject teacher or the student’s advisor. Since teachers lead several class sections, parents are strongly encouraged to reach out directly with questions or concerns. This helps build the relationship between teachers and parents.

GFS WEBSITE Our school website is the main source of information for parents about happenings at GFS. Here you can access the school calendar and the faculty/staff directory, as well as stay up-to-date on performances, events, and sports competitions. This is also where you will find the Parent Portal, where you can log in to your family’s account and manage your child’s MyPaymentsPlus account, submit health forms, or access report cards. Please check the website frequently for updates.

PARENTS ASSOCIATION The Parents Association (PA) is a driving force in supporting community life at GFS. While the particular activities undertaken may change from year-to-year, the PA is always committed to welcoming new families, to creating connections between parents and families, and to supporting parents’ concerns and questions. The three main responsibilities of the PA are to work to involve parents in the life of the school; to raise funds


GFS parents who volunteer feel more connected to the school and parent community. We invite you to contact a PA Co-chair (listed in the “Contacts & Resources” box on page 3) for more information and to learn about the many opportunities to get involved with your child’s class or grade.


STUDENT & FAMILY HANDBOOK This comprehensive resource contains information and policies pertaining to all aspects and divisions of GFS, from academic expectations and student conduct to school operations. Parents and students are encouraged to review the Student & Family Handbook and refer back to it as needed.

PARENT ATTENDANCE AT EVENTS Parents are welcome to attend any school assemblies or performances. Look for announcements in the Parent Press or emails from the MS Office regarding programs of particular interest. If there is an event that you would like to attend but are unsure if your presence would be appropriate, please check with the MS Office.





CHARTING INDEPENDENCE As students move through the Middle School, their independence increases incrementally each year in preparation for their transition to high school. A strong advisory program is in place to help them navigate these new milestones.


Class Groupings


Social Freedom

Sixth Grade

Students are divided into homerooms and travel with these groups to all major subjects, such as math, history, English, and science, and certain minors, such as computers and art. They are mixed up with students from other homerooms for music and PE.

Homeroom teachers act as students’ advisors, and, in addition to homeroom Monday-Thursday mornings, advisory groups meet three additional times during the 8-day schedule cycle; community involvement is a component of the advisory program. In these meetings, students build fellowship, learn and apply organizational and study skills, plan class events, and have group discussions about the social and academic aspects of Middle School. On Wednesdays, they prep for Meeting for Worship.

Every year, students talk about how much more freedom they have than they did in Lower School. This is, in part, because they are no longer escorted through campus by their teachers. Students are expected to manage their own schedules and reach their classes in a timely fashion. Lunch: The year begins with assigned seats in the cafeteria, then students are allowed to choose who to sit with within their homerooms, and finally students can form table groups with anyone in their grade.

Seventh Grade

Students are assigned to homerooms, which also serve as advisory groups, as well as are assigned to “cores”: a group of students with whom they attend history, English, and science classes. Students move independently to math, which is dependent on placement, and to their chosen language.

Homeroom teachers act as advisors and meet with their advisory groups MondayThursday mornings to build fellowship and engage in games or group discussions. On Wednesdays, they prep for Meeting for Worship. Advisory groups also meet one additional time during the 8-day schedule cycle to collaborate on a year-long community project.

Lunch: Students can sit with any seventh or eighth grade students, have lunch in The Open Door Café, or eat outside, weather permitting.

Eighth Grade

Students are assigned to homerooms, which also serve as advisory groups, but then are mixed together for all major subjects, with the exception of language and math, which they are assigned according to subject and level. This model continues into high school.

Homeroom teachers act as advisors and meet with their advisory groups MondayThursday mornings to build fellowship and engage in games or group discussions. Advisory groups also meet one additional time during the 8-day schedule cycle to collaborate on a year-long community project.

Lunch: Students can sit with any seventh or eighth grade students, have lunch in The Open Door Café, or eat outside, weather permitting




collaborate on projects, while the entire seventh grade heads to a camp in the northern Poconos for two nights to gel as a group and set goals for the school year. These excursions are all faculty-chaperoned.

Germantown Friends School is steeped in

DANCES (FALL, WINTER, SPRING) Students in grades 6-8 are invited to attend three dances throughout the year, with each grade organizing one of the dances. An opportunity for the Middle School to come together as a community, these dances are only open to GFS students.

tradition, with beloved annual events mixed in with newer happenings that are quickly becoming favorites among our Middle Schoolers. Here are the top dozen, several of which rely on the generosity of parent volunteers and organizers—and one created specifically for parents (potlucks)! ACTIVITIES (FALL, WINTER, SPRING) Middle School students participate in a wide array of activities that are scheduled into the school day during Community Block. Generated by the interests of students, annual offerings may include a cappella, community action, adventure club, cooking, fiber arts, science club, Graffitti (literary and art magazine), The Corner (awardwinning online newspaper), and yearbook, among others. CAMPING TRIPS (FALL) A highlight of the GFS Middle School experience, camping trips are a wonderful way for students to bond together as advisory groups and as grades. In the beginning of the school year, each sixth grade homeroom goes on a three-night camping trip, where together they plan and cook meals, lead hikes, and



END-OF-YEAR TRIPS (JUNE) To celebrate the culmination of the MS year, each grade embarks on a special trip. Sixth graders return to Hickory Run State Park, the site of their fall camping trip, for a daylong outing. The seventh grade spends the day at Dorney Park & Wildwater Kingdom. And the eighth graders celebrate their MS graduation with a nostalgic one-night trip to Pine Forest Camp in Greeley, PA. These excursions are all school-run and faculty-chaperoned. EXPO (FALL, WINTER, SPRING) The EXPO (Explore, Experience, Express) program provides an opportunity each season for seventh- and eighth-grade students to take a “mini” course that meets twice during each 8-day schedule cycle, working with a local Germantown community organization (e.g. volunteering at Holsey Temple CME as a “play helper” with preschool children or taking an introduction to sign language at the neighboring Pennsylvania School for the Deaf) or pursuing an area of personal interest (e.g. black-and-white photography, theater, animation, or bushcraft). In seventh grade, students are required to take a Quakerism course and a programming course, and can choose their third elective. In the eighth-grade

year, students participate in a grade-wide musical in the fall, and choose electives for the other two trimesters. FARM TRIP (JANUARY) The entire sixth grade attends the PA Farm Show in Harrisburg to experience the sights, smells, sounds, textures, and tastes of Pennsylvania’s number one industry. Students observe a wide variety of animals, learn about farm machinery, and visit educational exhibits on agricultural and environmental themes. Parent volunteers are welcome and encouraged. In eighth grade, students attend the Farm Show as part of their food production science unit, engaging with a variety of the presenters, including farmers, breeders, and industry specialists. FESTIVAL OF LIGHT (DECEMBER) Part production, part talent show, this special assembly celebrates the many winter holidays with contributions from students and faculty. A fan favorite! FUN DAY (OCTOBER) An annual community festival for all ages, with games, bouncy rides, and various food booths. Upper School students, faculty, staff, and parents join together to raise funds for student activities and clubs. Middle School parents are responsible for organizing and running the book sale, and volunteer in many other capacities as well.

HALLOWEEN HAUNT (OCTOBER) Students don their costumes and convene in the old graveyard for a spooky-good time at the annual Halloween Haunt, a gathering organized by sixthgrade parents, who provide snacks and refreshments. MOSAIC: MOVING ON SOCIAL AND INDIVIDUAL CHANGE (FALL AND/OR SPRING) Daylong diversity training and group-building experience for the eighth grade, occurring once or twice a year. POTLUCKS (FALL, SPRING) A time-honored GFS tradition, parents gather together in each other’s homes for communal, potluck dinners. In sixth grade, in the fall, the dinners are organized by homeroom; in seventh and eighth grades, fall potlucks include the entire grade. In the spring, all grades break into smaller groups to host more intimate mini-potlucks (optional). SKI TRIP (JANUARY OR FEBRUARY) The ski trip to the Poconos is a Middle School highlight, organized and chaperoned by parents. (Classes are suspended for the day, so if your child decides not to participate, he or she should remain home.)



ATHLETIC REQUIREMENTS The focus of our Middle School athletic program is to provide students with the opportunity to learn about a variety of sports, to experience the lessons of teamwork and sportsmanship, and to develop fundamental skills and game understanding. Students are placed on teams that reflect their ability and/or grade level, providing them with an enjoyable and engaging environment in which to grow and develop as student-athletes in preparation for the challenges of Upper School sports. All programs have full practice schedules, and competition levels vary by team and program. We value the sense of community, camaraderie, physical and mental well-being, and skill development that come from participating in our athletic program. It is our expectation that all students will fulfill their athletic requirement.

There are several after-sports “going home� options available. Students can be picked up directly from Fields or Main Campus, can take a shuttle bus back to Main Campus (where they can be picked up or enroll in the Middle School After School Program), or can take public transporation (either from Fields or Main Campus). During the seasons that your child participates in afterschool sports, we strongly recommend that you subscribe to Tiger Alerts (click on the bell icon on the Athletics homepage on the website). This is the best way to receive emails and/or text messages on days when athletic events (practices, competitions) are cancelled, postponed, or changed. Click here for more detailed information about MS sports transportation and field locations, and here for equipment requirements and lists.





Cross Country Soccer

Cross Country Field Hockey Soccer Tennis


Basketball Squash** Outdoor Track*** Theater Movement Arts**** Wrestling

Basketball Squash** Outdoor Track*** Theater Movement Arts**** Wrestling


Baseball Tennis Track & Field

Lacrosse Softball Track & Field

*Students in seventh and eighth grades are required to take two (2) seasons of sports; sports are optional for sixth graders. **Tryouts for boys and girls squash are open to sixth, seventh, and eighth graders, and take place in early November. There are limited spots on the team, however, so depending on how many kids try out, some may not make it. ***Intramural ****Students may elect to substitute one season of after-school sports with Theater Movement Arts, which combines collaborative, ensemble-based theater-making with skills-based classes in various movement-centered disciplines. Each session includes Actor-Ensemble Training plus two movement-based specialty classes, such as African Dance, Stage Combat, Latin Dance, or Circus Arts.






215.951.2345 | 31 West Coulter Street, Philadelphia, PA 19144



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