The Tidings - August 2015

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August 2015

Table of Contents 4-5 GUMC Life 6

United Methodist Men


The Middle


Adult Education


Older Adults




United Methodist Women


Children’s Ministry


Youth Ministry


Special Events & Notices



Ministry Contacts Children’s Ministry Lisa Pierce - Director of Children’s Ministry 758-6512 • Kristin Dickerson - Associate Director 754-7216 • Callie Beaver - Associate Director 758-6525 • Older Adults Beverly Rhoads - Elder Care Health Ministry Coordinator 901-758-6513 • Luci Cromer • 755-0803 •

Adult Education Mary Groh - Director of Adult Education and Membership 754-5093 • Youth Ministry Sue Hyland - Youth & Confirmation Director 758-6516 • Kelsea Johns - Interim Associate Youth Director 758-6515 • Health and Recreation Tiffany Griffin - Director of Health & Recreation 901-753-3100 • See full staff listing at


Welcome August Sermons August 2 Communion Sunday “When God Seems Absent” Psalm 22:1-11 August 9 “Stories To Tell” Psalm 44:1-8

August 23 “Growing in God’s Truths” Psalm 78:1-7 August 30 “Quiet Calm” Psalm 131

August 16 “Reconstruction” Psalm 51

Music Ministry Beginnings Choirs and other musical ensembles will begin rehearsals for a new season early in September. If you enjoy singing, consider joining one of the music groups that lead in worship each week. Listed below are the beginning rehearsal times for each group. Chancel Choir September 9, 6:30–8 p.m. Our Chancel Choir sings at almost every traditional service in the year, presents a carol festival in December, and a sacred music concert in Lent. No audition is needed. Faithfulness to rehearsal and worship attendance is what is needed to be a Chancel Choir member. Children’s and Youth Choirs Cherub, Alleluia, Hosanna and Testimony choirs September 13, 5-6 p.m. The voices of children and youth lead us in worship at least once each month in the school year. Our choirs learn leadership in worship as well as singing skills, poise, self-control and teamwork.

from Richard August is that time of year when things begin to pick up again in the life of the church. In our modern culture so many are on-the-go during the summer months, so the start of a new school year brings momentum to our faith life together. This is not to say, of course, that we are dormant in mission and ministry during the summer (just ask our children and youth leaders); but it is a time when there are fewer activities and programs and lower attendance. It will be good to see so many of you back in the flow of worship, spiritual growth, and outreach commitment as we enter this month. I encourage you to pay attention to the Bible studies, programs, and events happening this month and in early September. There is much in which you can invest yourself that will deepen your spiritual life and heighten your connection to God. We continue through this month our series on the Book of Psalms.

Bell Choirs Vespers: September 13, 5-6 p.m. Matins: September 13, 6:15-7:30 p.m. Handbells call us into worship throughout the season. Some knowledge of music reading is helpful in ringing. If you are new to GUMC and would like more information about any of the music ministry groups, please call Jim Thrash at 754-7216, ext. 129, or


GUMC Life Evangelism in the 21st Century By Yolanda Toney, Evangelism Committee Chairperson You may be an evangelist if you have‌

Bryan Barger If your prayer life is like mine, you do a lot of talking and not much, if any, listening. The odds of remaining silent before God, quieting your thoughts, and waiting...listening, are on par with the likelihood of walking on wine that you just made out of water.

1. A rranged a playgroup in your neighborhood, and in friendly conversation mentioned your faith or your church. 2. G iven homemade gifts to your neighbors at Christmas time and/or invited them to church. 3. I nvited those without nearby family over for a holiday meal. 4. Hosted a Bible study in your home.

Over the centuries, the pillars of our faith have written about how enriching, how critical, silent prayer, or meditation, was to their experience of God.

5. H osted a shower of any kind not just for a close friend, but someone who seemed to need the help.

Isaiah 30:15 - In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength.

7. H osted a Super Bowl or World Cup party for your neighbors.

It is so widely praised that we all should try to practice silent prayer as part of our faith journey. Focus on clearing your mind for just a couple of minutes and build up from there. It will take much work and focus to overcome whatever obstacles keep you from maintaining silence. We all have thoughts that are hard to suppress...guilt, regrets, anger, a busy day ahead. To battle those thoughts, try beginning your meditation with the Coolidge prayer (Susan, not Calvin). Every day is a fresh beginning, Listen my soul to the glad refrain. And, spite of old sorrows And older sinning, Troubles forecasted And possible pain, Take heart with the day and begin again.


6. H osted or organized a potluck in your home for your neighbors.

If you haven’t done any of these things, consider it, because evangelism in the 21st century will not be solely dependent on the church. Evangelism will be more dependent on Christians sharing the gospel through conversations. (Adapted from the Evangelism Coach)

GUMC Life Lauren Wright Hobbs Nursing Scholarship Awarded to Kendall Kinler The Emmaus Sunday School Class is proud to announce that we have chosen Kendall Kinler to receive the 2015 annual nursing scholarship in Lauren’s name. The scholarship was established to honor Lauren who loved serving others in the nursing profession. She lost her battle with cancer at the age of 29 in October of 2013. She left a wealth of family and friends who will always remember her with love and happy memories. The scholarship was created to benefit a member of our church who is enrolled in nursing school. Kendall best exemplified the model that Lauren lived by believing that God led her into this profession of service, as well as many other common bonds. Kendall is entering her second year in the School of Nursing at Baptist College

Kendall Kinler

of Health Sciences here in Memphis. She is a very active member of our church who has participated in multiple youth activities, served as a counselor in our Vacation Bible School for the last several years, and is a current helper in our Toddler Nursery on Sunday mornings. She also serves as a Presidential Ambassador at the Baptist College of Health Sciences. This scholarship will be awarded annually to a member of GUMC who is pursuing a degree in nursing. Donations can be made at any time to this scholarship fund by writing your check to GUMC with ‘Lauren Wright Hobbs Scholarship’ in the memo line. Thanks so very much to those who have already donated to this scholarship in Lauren’s name.

Lauren Wright Hobbs


United Methodist Men UMM Memberships UMM Annual Memberships United Methodist Men memberships are now available for 2015-2016. The $50 membership fee includes 8 monthly breakfasts and $10 for UMM projects. Our goal is to have at least 50 members to ensure a successful 2015-2016 year for United Methodist Men.

Kickoff Breakfast Join UMM as we kick off our 2015-2016 season September 12 at 8 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Our September guest speaker will be our own Germantown Mayor Mike Palazzolo. For more information about membership contact Christina Desio at or 754-7216.

All men in our congregation are strongly encouraged to participate by attending monthly meetings (second Saturday morning, SeptemberMay). Be a part of something great! Join other men as we dream and plan, working together on projects that support ministries such as Habitat for Humanity, First Works, SASHA, United Methodist Neighborhood Centers, Starfish Ministry, and others.

The Middle Fall Kickoff

The Middle is a new ministry at Germantown United Methodist Church that seeks to provide young adults with opportunities to grow spiritually, connect with other church members, and serve our church and our community. For more information, contact Rev. Ryan Boatright at rboatright@


Join us August 16 immediately following the 9:40 service for brunch and fellowship. We will be in The Cottage (located on the east side of Germantown Rd). We will have information on what our ministry is as well as our upcoming events. The Kickoff Dinner is Saturday, August 29, 6-8 p.m in the Mike Wilson Fellowship Hall. This will be an evening of delicious food, great entertainment, and good conversation. Childcare will be provided from 5:30-8:30 for this free event. Please RSVP for the dinner and childcare: Whitney Oppenheim,

Adult Education

Fall Classes Starting Soon! The Adult Education Ministry is excited to announce our fall course line-up! Below you’ll find a list of all classes. Complete class information will be available August 16 in your Sunday bulletin, as well as the Welcome Center kiosks and online at DISCIPLE 1: Becoming Disciples Through Bible Study – Sunday School Edition Sundays, Aug 23–May 2016, 9:30-10:45 a.m. Facilitators: Rev. Julie McKenna and Susan Armacost DISCIPLE 3: Remember Who You Are Sundays, Sept 13–May 2016 Facilitator: Dr. John Adams With All Your Heart– Being God’s Presence in Our World Tuesdays, Sept 1–Oct 13, 6:30-8 p.m. Facilitator: Terry Aust David: Seeking a Heart Like His Wednesdays, Sept 2–Nov 18, 9:45-11:45 a.m. Facilitator: Chesley Porteous Leaving Church–A Memoir of Faith Tuesdays, Sept 8 – Oct 13, 1-2:30 p.m. Facilitator: Rev. Ryan Boatright

Clergy Bible Study: The Gospel According to Matthew Wednesdays, Sept 9–Nov 11, 6:30-7:30 p.m. Rev. Dr. Brad Gabriel and Rev. Ryan Boatright Living the Covenant Thursdays, Sept 10–Nov 5, 9:30-11 a.m. Facilitators: Marian Carruth and Mary Groh Trusting the Covenant Mondays, Sept 14–Nov 2, 1-2:30 p.m. Facilitator: Sally McLaughlin Great Themes of the Old Testament Thursdays, Sept 10–Nov 12, 6-7:30 p.m. Rev. Richard Smith Women’s Bible Study: Set Apart– Holy Habits of Prophets and Kings Tuesdays, Sept 15–Nov 3, 6-7:30 p.m. Facilitator: June Dark

Parenting Study: How to Talk With Your Kids About Sex Wednesdays, Sept 9–Oct 7, 6:15-7:15 p.m.


Adult Education Disciple Bible Study Search Scripture... Find Community For more than 20 years, DISCIPLE Bible Study has remained the #1 choice for some of the most vibrant congregations in the world—including ours—transforming the lives of more than two million participants worldwide! DISCIPLE is a program of disciplined Bible study aimed at developing strong Christian leaders. DISCIPLE Bible Study provides participants with a working knowledge of the Bible in a small group that becomes an experience in Christian community. The discussion format creates an opportunity for people from varied perspectives to wrestle with their questions and to share the way the Bible speaks to them. DISCIPLE helps you put it all together and become familiar with the entire Bible. You’ll develop a “habit or spiritual discipline” of frequent Bible reading and be able to feel more comfortable in your level of biblical understanding and follow other studies or sermons more clearly.

Methodist Traditions & Beliefs Wednesdays, Sept. 9 and 16 6:30-7:30 p.m. Join Rev. Smith to learn about the roots of the UMC going back to John Wesley and his devotion to inviting people to experience God’s grace and grow in their love of God through disciplined living. This class is designed for members and prospective members. Childcare is available by reservation. Please register for the class online at


This fall we will be offering two phases of DISCIPLE DISCIPLE 1: Becoming Disciples Through Bible Study – Sunday School Edition Sundays, 9:30-10:45 a.m., August 30–April 2016 (breaks to be determined by the class). Facilitators: Rev. Julie McKenna and Susan Armacost The 34-week overview of the Bible, beginning with Genesis and continuing through Revelation, emphasizes the wholeness of the Bible as the revelation of God. Through personal study and meeting together, you will deepen connections with fellow participants and grow in your relationship with God. The Sunday School Edition maintains the integrity and principles of the original study, but class time and homework have been adjusted for busy lifestyles. DISCIPLE 3: Remember Who You Are Sundays, 5:30-7:30 p.m., September 13–May 2016 (breaks to be determined by the class). Facilitator: Dr. John Adams This 32-week study examines the connection between memory and identity as the people of God in the Old Testament prophets and the Letters of Paul. Participants will find common themes, including calls to remember, calls to repent, the need for renewed vision (eyes to see, ears to hear), and calls for community. Register online at Cost for the participant book is $40. Class size is limited.

Adult Education

Sunday School Celebration Sunday August 23, 9 a.m.-12:15 p.m. Mike Wilson Fellowship Hall Join us between worship services to celebrate our wonderful Adult Sunday School classes! Classes will have pictures, information, and food to enjoy. This will be a great opportunity to learn about our many and various Sunday School classes and talk with their members. In addition, Cokesbury Bookstore will have a display of current books available to order by credit card.

Monthly Book Club Meeting On Mondays

SAVE THE DATE for our GUMC Women’s Retreat Feb. 5-6, 2016 at Pinecrest Retreat Center. Our theme this year is “A Little Bit of Grace, A Whole Lot of Mercy.” With study sessions led by Lisa Pierce and music by Ilace Mears, we’ll enjoy delicious food and cozy fireplaces at this perfect little winter getaway. Look for our brochure in September. Registration begins October 1. Plan to register early because space is limited!

We have chosen our books for the remainder of 2015! There is no need to register, just purchase the book (or check-out from the library) and join us at 10:30 a.m. in Room 338 for a spirited discussion! 8/24: Crooked Letter, Crooked Letter.....Tom Franklin 9/28: The Boys in the Boat........Daniel James Brown 10/26: The Nightingale...................... Kristin Hannah 11/23: The Rosie Project................ Graeme Simsion 1/25/2016: The Ponder Heart..............Eudora Welty 9

Spotlight on Seniors Rosalyn Rutledge Rosalyn Rutledge Fortune grew up in Rossville, TN, the youngest of six children, and a “surprise.” She literally grew up in church, sitting on her mother’s lap while she played the pump organ for Bethlehem UMC while her father led the singing. Her father was also the superintendent of the Sunday school for fifty years so the family was at the church, no excuses, for every event and service. She attended Moscow Elementary and then Fayette County High. During the summers of her junior and senior years, Rosalyn and a friend rode the bus to and from work at Gerber’s Department Store in downtown Memphis. On one of those rides to work, Rosalyn met a handsome young Air Force man, John Alfred Rutledge, and they dated some while she finished high school. He became a radio operator for the Air Force, was sent to a base in England, and flew 29 missions over Germany during WWII, three of which were on the famed Memphis Belle. On one mission, a bomb became “stuck” and John was able to hang upside down to manually release it, a feat for which he received the Air Medal with 2 Oak Leaf Clusters. When Johnny came home from the war, Rosalyn said he had only one thing on his mind, marriage. She was only 18 to his 21 and he had no money, no place to live, and no job – only plans to attend Memphis State on the GI Bill. So in a now or never mood, they married May 12, 1946. Rosalyn was hospitalized a week later with appendicitis and when she was released ten days later, they went to live with her parents. There they remained for a couple of years, then lived in a trailer and several apartments while John went to school, worked two jobs and they started a family. Johnny earned a Master in Education and finally was able to obtain a position at Messick teaching history to 7th and 8th graders, then later transferred to White Station where he taught for 17 years. During that time, they moved into a house on Sunset Avenue in Germantown. A neighbor and member, Velma Brooks, invited Rosalyn to


church at GUMC. Rosalyn worked in the nursery teaching the 3 and 4 year olds. Rev. Dub Nance baptized all four of their children and the children all earned attendance pins for 9 years without missing Sunday school. She and Johnny spent many years as MYF counselors, buying and cooking hot dogs and hamburgers for supper, and planning a program and prayer time for the youth. Their 3 older children served as Presidents of the Methodist Youth Fellowship (MYF) at the various age levels of junior, intermediate and senior high concurrently. Rosalyn and Johnny were instrumental in starting the Friendship Sunday School class with several other couples. Then Johnny died suddenly at the young age of 51, having been married to Rosalyn for 31 years. Rosalyn had to learn to reorder her life, learn to drive, and overcome loneliness and fear with the help of family and friends. About three years after Johnny died, Rosalyn reconnected with an acquaintance from high school at a class reunion: Forrest Fortune. They had dated some in high school and so began to see each other socially, enjoying movies, dining out, and dancing. Rosalyn says she had no intention of marrying again, especially someone whose lifestyle was different from hers. But Forrest was persistent, gave her a ring for Christmas, and they were married in the church Chapel by Rev. Dub Nance in 1981. Forrest was retired from International Harvester, and worked for a number of years with Guardsmark

Security. He served during WWII as part of the Occupation Forces in France and Germany. He was an avid hunter and fisherman and had a cabin at Sardis Lake where many enjoyable times were spent alone and with Rosalyn. They enjoyed traveling and eventually saw all 50 states in their motor home. They traveled with a group from Collierville to the Holy Land and had the blessing of taking communion in the Garden of Gethsemane and witnessing baptisms in the Jordan River. Forrest was baptized at GUMC in 2001 and Rosalyn rededicated her life, a moving and renewing experience for both of them. They served together on the New Member Committee of GUMC. Forrest became a second father to Rosalyn’s children, was dearly loved by their children and grandchildren, and is greatly missed since his death four years ago. Rosalyn Rutledge Fortune is a remarkable woman. She is not only twice widowed, but also a four time cancer survivor. She worked in the credit department of Sears Crosstown for thirty years. She raised four children all of whom are married, and has six grandchildren and 9 great grandchildren. Many of the family are local and enable her to remain in the house where she and Forrest lived. Her son and his wife, Chuck and Sandra Rutledge have been MYF counselors here at the church as have her granddaughter, Rheagan and her husband Philip. She has seen both Chuck and Rheagan awarded the Mike Wilson Scholarship. She is the oldest of four generations of her family worshipping at GUMC each Sunday morning. Rosalyn has been a part of GUMC since 1955, over 60 years. In that time she has witnessed baptisms, weddings, and funerals, and has been under the leadership of ten pastors and many beloved associates. Rosalyn says she is blessed to have been loved by two men, and now has a whole family that loves and takes care of her. She is 87 years young, and in her words:

“In pretty good shape for an old young lady.” What a witness she has of a faithful life which she sums up by saying, “God is good!” Story by Beverly Rhoads

Living as a Spiritual Older Adult: A Spiritual Day Apart Come enrich your spiritual life with laughter, contemplation, and heartwarming stories at this interactive seminar. Session 1—Reminiscence—the faith past and how it all comes together in the faith that older adults experience in the present. Session 2—The Present—faith’s support of the present life and the concept that faith evolves in an unbroken, unified pattern. Session 3—The Future—older adults’ faith needs and expectations for the future. The leader will be Marvin Cropsey (pictured above), Chairman of the Committee on Older Adult Ministries for the General Board of Discipleship, past editor of Mature Years magazine, and popular Bible teacher and retreat leader for older adult groups. The seminar will be Tuesday, Sept. 15, 2015, at First United Methodist Church, 200 S. Church Street in Jackson, Tennessee from 9 a.m.-2:45 p.m. The cost is $15 per person and includes breakfast, snack, and lunch. Registration deadline is Tuesday, September 8—no walk-ins, please. Call Luci Cromer, 755-0803, for more information or (731) 664-8480 to register. This event is sponsored by the Memphis Conference Older Adult Council of The United Methodist Church. It is open to the public and promises to be a most enlightening program. Make plans to attend!


Older Adults

Our events are open for all adults age 55 and older, singles and couples, regardless of church membership. Mark your calendar and make your reservations for these events today!

XYZ Programming See The Producers in September Winner of the Tony Award for Best Musical, this zany production features two get-rich-quick theatrical producers who scheme and oversell interests in a Broadway show they plan on being a flop. The show unexpectedly becomes a hit, and hilarity ensues along the way. Based on Mel Brooks’ film of the same name, irreverence and in-yourface comedy make it a show to remember. Come with us as we kick off our 2015-2016 season with a night you’ll never forget. WHEN / WHERE: Friday, Sept. 11, Theatre Memphis COST: $25 per person includes transportation and reserved seat. DEPART: 6:45 p.m. from OLEC (Arrive by 6:30 p.m.) RESERVATIONS: Call Luci Cromer, 755-0803, Louise McGhee, 755-3463, or Nancy Arnold, 7546326. Make your reservation before paying. DEADLINE FOR MONEY & RESERVATIONS: Tues, August 11. Limited number of seats reserved.

Brown Bag Lunch Learn about the Resurgence of Downtown Memphis in September We’ve all heard about Beale Street Landing and the Bass Pro Pyramid, but did you know that the rejuvenation of downtown Memphis actually started in 1968? Memphis historian Jimmy Ogle is going to tell us what happened between 19681991 that energized downtown and then will “fast forward” to 2015 to show the recent openings and progress, including some impressive residential developments, at the September Brown Bag Lunch Series, an adventure in learning sponsored by the Older Adult Council. Join us as we kick off our 11th season. There will be a crossing guard on West Street to help with overflow parking.


XYZs See The Vienna Boys’ Choir in October Come hear 25 angelic voices perform with pure tone and distinctive charm, backevd by more than 500 years of Viennese tradition. A choir of trebles and altos between the ages of ten and fourteen, this most beloved choir in the world performs a wide repertoire of Austrian folk songs, pop tunes, and classical masterpieces. This is a once-in-alifetime experience—don’t miss out! WHEN: Saturday, October 24 WHERE: Germantown Performing Arts Center (GPAC) COST: $38 per person includes reserved seat. Regular price is $49. DEPARTURE: Drive yourself. Doors open at 7:30 for an 8 p.m. performance. RESERVATIONS: Call Luci Cromer, 755-0803, Louise McGhee, 755-3463, or Nancy Arnold, 754-6326. You must make your reservation before paying. DEADLINE FOR MONEY & RESERVATIONS: Monday, September 21. We have a limited number of seats reserved at this price. TOPIC: “Downtown 1980’s Reawakening” SPEAKER: Jimmy Ogle, Community Engagement Manager of the Riverfront Development Corporation WHERE: Mike Wilson Fellowship Hall WHEN: September 4. Program starts at 11 a.m.; lunch is at noon. COST: FREE—the church will supply beverages. RESERVATIONS: No reservations are needed. Just bring your sack lunch and enjoy the program and fellowship. QUESTIONS? Call Luci Cromer, 755-0803, or Beverly Rhoads, 754-7216, ext. 107.

Owings Life Enrichment Center T-Ball Fun for Coaches & Kids From Holly Turner: Coaching the GUMC Giants t-ball team was an incredibly rewarding experience. I loved being there for the moment the process started to “click” for children who had never before thrown a ball or hit off a tee. It was amazing to see how successfully the children responded to simple instructions such as “watch the bat hit the ball” or “look at your target.” Our team was made up of 12 boys and girls between the ages of 4 and 6. Through this adventure, I found that I really enjoy working with this age group of children. It probably helped that a sweeter group of children has never existed! Our number one goal this year was for our team to have fun, and I feel we definitely accomplished that. I must say that I am very proud of our team’s batting skills as well. By the end of the season we had some very impressive hits, and children who had not even held a bat 2 months earlier were really drilling the ball! When I offered to help coach, I knew my husband Daniel and I could make it a good experience for the children and their families. What I did not expect was that I would end up having so much fun myself! I am looking forward to coaching again next year!

From Derrick McNeal: I thoroughly enjoyed coaching the GUMC tee-ball team this summer. It was a blast getting to know my team and watching them learn and get better each week. It was a blessing to work with such wonderful families and allow me and the other coaches to teach their kids about baseball. It was a great experience as a dad, and a coach!

Youth Sports Basketball registration begins August 23. Fall Youth Soccer for Jr. K-6th Grade. The fee is $80 which includes a shirt/jersey and an end of season medal. Each team will play a minimum of 6 games. Registration for Fall Soccer continues until August 9. Games begin September 11. Register online at


United Methodist Women Children’s Clothing Boutique Fall/Winter GUMW Children’s Clothing Boutique August 19 - 23

The fall and winter sale is this month, as is the start of school! So as you start trying to figure out what school clothes do and don’t fit your children, set aside the gently used items and tag them for the upcoming sale.

Volunteers Please volunteer with us. Shop early, enjoy the fellowship, candy, and much more.

Visit us on Facebook Post pictures of what you are bringing, like and share and help spread the word.

Important Dates Tues, Aug. 18: Registration deadline / inventory entry (see Wed, Aug. 19: Clothing drop-off, 5-7 p.m. at the OLEC Thurs, Aug. 20:

Clothing drop-off, 8 a.m. – 2 p.m. Presale: 5:30-8 p.m. 8+ hour volunteer: 5:30 p.m. 4+ hour volunteer: 6 p.m. Consignors: 6:30 p.m.

Fri, Aug. 21:

Clothing drop-off, 8 a.m. – 3 p.m. Half-price pre-sale, 4-6 p.m. [NEW!]

Sat, Aug. 22:

Half-price sale, 8 a.m. – 12 p.m.

Sun, Aug. 23:

Pick-up, 10:30 a.m. – 2 p.m.


Uniforms We would love to have your uniforms. The shoppers and consignors of this sale represent many public and private schools and they would love to purchase some gently used uniforms including khaki and navy pants, shorts and skirts, jumpers, and colored polos. Uniform shorts are the only shorts that will be accepted at this sale. Baby Items How about all your BABY items? Yes, we all have the stashes somewhere, some stashes older than others. Now is the time to sell some of these items that have not been used for several years. Another family would love to have your gently used items. That space occupied by the combo stroller in your garage would look great with a bike in its place. (We sell bikes too, so sell the stroller, and buy a bike for your 7-year-old). Find those gently used play yards, play pens, bouncy seats, swings, high chairs, and all other BABY items that need a new loving and caring home. Remember to check for recalls on your items. Here is one website that may help:

United Methodist Women September Luncheon Tuesday, September 8, 11:30 a.m. Mike Wilson Fellowship Hall We would like to honor our babies at the September Luncheon with our annual “Blessing of the Babies.” Anyone who has had a child, grandchild or great grandchild born since Sept. 2014 is invited to submit the child’s information for recognition at the luncheon. UMW will donate a small honorarium in each child’s name and certificates will be presented by a member of our clergy. Please send the child’s name, birthdate, parent/grandparent name to Tina Gregory at or 854-0848. It is always a lovely event and we look forward to having the child, parents, grandparents and/or great grandparents join us for lunch. Please reserve your spot for the luncheon by calling the church at 754-7216 on or before Thursday, September 3. The cost for the luncheon is $10, which you may pay at the door.

Introducing A New Circle: Grace Women between the ages of 20 & 40 are invited to meet at 9:45 a.m. on Friday, September 11 to learn about this new circle. Childcare is available with a reservation. For more information, please contact Liz Coverdale (elizabeth., Katie McNeal (katie., Susan Solomon (, or Christina Tempel (


Children’s Ministry Vacation Bible School Recap One of the greatest honors of directing the children in our ministry is the opportunity to hear the children’s prayers. Children pray with complete abandon and sincerity. At VBS this summer, the kids had a chance to create Tibetan prayer flags; they wrote their prayers on miniature flags and then we lifted them up. It is amazing to read these prayers and think about the little spirits who shared them. There is a lot going on in the lives of our little people. Some highlights of this year’s VBS include: Partnering with St. Matthew’s UMC from the Orange Mound area. We were joined by 13 children, two adult volunteers, and one youth volunteer. They were wonderful partners bringing joy, fun, and a whole lot of energy. Dancing to the “Power Shuffle.” We sang some great new songs and learned new versions of some old favorite songs. Hearing the story... The Spirit was working through our volunteers as the daily stories came alive in new ways. Our children responded visibly to the story and their response then fed back to our volunteers.

Mission response: Our children collected 1,464 books to donate to the Love for Literacy Center at our partner school, Caldwell-Guthrie Elementary in North Memphis. Our children also donated $940 (mostly in the form of nickels and dimes) to help create a wonderful and inviting literacy center. Nearly 300 children, 75 adults and another 50 youth came together to share in the message that God is Powerful. He has the power to provide, comfort, heal, forgive, and love us forever! Thanks to all involved for their hard work, prayer, and energy dedicated to make this mission so successful. God worked through you this year!

Our preschool ministry is expanding rapidly. In order to maintain a safe and nurturing ratio of children to adults, we are hiring some paid staff for Sunday mornings. Qualified applicants should be at least 18 years old, have childcare experience, love working with children, and relate well to children and adults. Applicants must pass a background check and drug screen. If interested, please contact Kristin Dickerson at 758-6510 or


Children’s Ministry Summer Mission Camp Recap Our first-ever Fourth and Fifth-Grade Mission Camp is in the history books. What began as a “senior project” for a rising senior at Houston High School ended as a week of discovery. Our children discovered hard work is not only necessary, but quite rewarding. In the span of five days, the children: • Built two picnic tables for McVay Gardens • Spread mulch around the McVay Gardens Columbarium • Built and painted a “Take-A-Book, Leave-ABook” box for Caldwell-Guthrie Elementary School • Moved, counted, and sorted 1,464 books (donated at VBS) to Caldwell-Guthrie Elementary • Made comfort pillows for LeBonheur Children’s Hospital

• Delivered popsicles to our friends at SOS • Painted a mural on the wall of the Literacy Center at Caldwell-Guthrie Elementary • Sorted over 10,000 pounds of food at the Memphis Food Bank • Visited a number of Memphis eateries • Played a few very intense games of “Capture the Flag” Our children learned how to use hammers, power tools, and wheelbarrows. More importantly, they learned how to work as a group for a common goal. Our Scripture for the week was 1 John 3:18: “… let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.” Our children learned a little about living love. What a great week of discovery!


Children’s Ministry Looking for Mentors Looking for Women and Men to Serve as Mentors Kids Quest is our Sunday morning elementary program for children grades K-5. We implement an interactive curriculum (“252” by Orange) which includes music, story, and small group time. This curriculum is rich with opportunities for adult involvement. Our volunteers commit for one academic year at a time. (We have opportunities for breaks during school holidays and Christmas.) The idea is to create mentor relationships between children and adults – and it is very effective. While this may seem like a huge commitment, as always, the rewards far exceed the input. Over 80% of our mentors return for a second year! Our p rsmall esch groups are divided by age and gender; we are looking for both women and men mentors.

Preschool Stepping Stones is our Sunday morning preschool program. We use a very wiggly, musicrich, and energetic curriculum (“First Look” by Orange) to bring the amazing message of God’s love to our littlest ones. This curriculum begins at birth and runs through four-years-old. Our volunteers commit for one month, but we are also needing substitutes to be available when needed. All materials are provided for each mentor. Expected prep time each week is approximately 20 minutes. If you are interested in mentoring in Kids Quest, contact Lisa Pierce at o ol or 758-6512. If you are interested in helping with Stepping Stones, please contact Kristin Dickerson at or 758-6510. We begin shortly, so don’t delay if you are interested.


p r e s c h o o l





Youth Guest Speaker: Crystal Kirgiss their children and youth as well as about our Children and Youth Ministry’s here at GUMC. Lunch starts at 12:15; Speaker starts at 1:00.

FEEL LIKE “IDK” IS ALL YOU SAY?! Is the culture around your child or youth changing faster than you can keep up? Do you sometimes feel like you are in a fog when you try to relate? Would you like to freshen up your parenting style? If so, come have lunch with your Children and Youth Ministry Teams and learn a whole lot more than you will ever need. On Sunday, August 30 from 12-3:30 we will have Crystal Kirgiss, writer, parent, youth speaker, and Jesus follower come and speak to all who are interested in learning more about the development of

This is a free event but you must register online at so that we will be able to provide food for everyone. Childcare will also be provided but reservations must be made. Please come and join us for lunch, dessert, an AWESOME presentation by Crystal, a Q&A session, and the low down on what’s happening within the Children’s and Youth Ministry areas for 2015-2016. If you cannot join us for lunch, Crystal will also be presenting from 6-8:00 in the Mike Wilson Fellowship Hall. Join us for dessert and a recap of the afternoon session. She will also have an open time for Q&A.

Senior Reflection: Matthew Hunter I would not be the person I am today without GUMC. My experiences in youth group, especially with Brad and Jason, helped guide me in my faith journey and mature into an adult. I would especially like to thank Ms. Natalie and the entire Testimony choir, past and present. I will never forget the fun times we had and the fantastic music we created. May “And God Cried” be as special to you each year as it was for me.


Youth Summer Mission Reflections

SOS Mission Trip Reflection By Josh Jacobs

My name is Josh Jacobs. I am a rising freshman at Collierville High School. I have been attending GUMC since my preschool years. About three years ago, I began participating in the youth group here. One of the many great things about youth group is that the youth are given the opportunity to participate in mission trips during the summer. This summer I had the privilege of attending SOS (Service Over Self) for a week. This organization is centered right here in Memphis and its main goal is to repair dilapidated houses for the residents of Binghampton, Orange Mound, and the Heights. During my week at SOS, I learned how to repair and replace rafters in a roof, built a strong relationship with my homeowners (Mr. and Mrs. Knox) and grew closer to the Lord through worship services. Throughout the week I saw God shining his light through so many people including: my fellow workers and youth, my youth leader, the staff at SOS, and my homeowners. My time at SOS was easily one of the best weeks of my life. Many people believe that mission trips are only for those willing to go abroad, usually overseas. However, I cannot explain how gratifying it is to know that you have made your own city a better place in the name of Jesus Christ. 20

BigStuf Reflection By Sally Gairhan

This summer, I had the opportunity to have the undefinable experience that is BigStuf Camps in Panama City Beach. Through every moment, whether it be singing at the top of my lungs at a main session or just laughing until my stomach ached with my roommates, I could feel God shaping myself and our youth group as we learned more about who we are and our incredible Creator. BigStuf was a time to soak up all the sunshine and play in the sand. But, BigStuf was also a time of contagious laughter, a time to build and strengthen relationships in and out of our church, a time to cry out at our brokenness, but also to give praise that we are made new in Him. BigStuf helped me go deeper in my relationship with Christ and my peers. When I got off the bus to go home, I brought with me not only a freckle filled face but also a passionate desire to live out my life striving to serve and love the One who made me.Â

Special Events and Notices Team Read August 19 Desiree’ Robertson, manager of the Grizzlies TEAM UP Youth Mentoring Partnership under the Memphis Grizzlies Charitable Foundation, will be the keynote speaker for our Team Read training on Wednesday, August 19 in the Fellowship Hall. New coaches need to arrive by 10 a.m. Experienced coaches may arrive at 10:45 a.m. The training ends at noon.

Labor of Love

Edwin’s Way 5K 2015 October 4, 3 p.m. About the Race Race participants will enjoy the shady & scenic path provided by the greenbelt, starting and ending in Nashoba Park adjacent to 8000 Wolf River Boulevard, Germantown. This race will promote wellness in our faith community while honoring the memory of our friend, Edwin Smith. Funds raised will support programming for The Trinity Centre at McVay Gardens. How to Register Pre-registration is open now at for $20. On-site registration is $25 and will begin at 2 p.m. There is no rain date.

On September 7, we will participate in “Labor of Love,” a joint mission outreach of Germantown Presbyterian, Germantown UMC, Kingsway Christian Church, New Bethel Baptist Church and St. George’s Episcopal Church, in connection with Metropolitan Inter-faith Association (MIFA). This is an opportunity for folks of all ages to serve in varying capacities. We will be filling emergency baby bags, hygiene bags, and emergency food bags. There are also opportunities to help with yard work, minor home repair, and food delivery. What we need from you now is diapers, small sizes of shampoo, lotion, petroleum jelly, baby bottles, infant juice, etc. GUMC has been tasked with collecting these particular items. They may be placed in the designated tub located outside of the Mike Wilson Fellowship Hall. This is an awesome opportunity to serve alongside other Germantown churches while making a difference in Shelby County and the Memphis area. For more information please contact Rev. Ryan Boatright at or 758-6508.


August Events August 1 - 8

August 16-22

Sunday, August 2 6:00 a.m. - Youth Community Breakfast 8:30, 9:40 & 11:00 a.m. - Worship Services

Sunday, August 16 8:30, 9:40 & 11:00 a.m. - Worship Services 11:00 a.m. - Middle Fall Kickoff brunch 12:00 p.m. - Fellowship Forum Class Luncheon

Monday, August 3 6:00 p.m. - Pastors Council Tuesday, August 4 6:30 a.m. - SonRise Men’s Group Wednesday, August 5 6:30 a.m. - Rutherford Men’s Group 6:00 p.m. - Confirmation Orientation for 6th Grade Parents Friday, August 7 9:30 a.m. - UMW Board Meeting

August 9 - 15 Sunday, August 9 PROMOTION SUNDAY Fall Soccer Registrations Ends 8:30, 9:40 & 11:00 a.m. - Worship Services 12:00 p.m. - Retirement Reception for Don Rhoads Monday, August 10 6:00 p.m. - Youth Advisory Council 6:00 p.m. - Church-wide Meeting Night Tuesday, August 11 6:30 a.m. - SonRise Men’s Group Wednesday, August 12 6:30 a.m. - Rutherford Men’s Group

Tuesday, August 18 6:30 a.m. - SonRise Men’s Group Wednesday, August 19 10:00 a.m. - Team Read Training 6:30 a.m. - Rutherford Men’s Group 5:00 p.m. - UMW Clothing Boutique Drop-off Thursday, August 20 5:30 - 8 p.m. - UMW Clothing Boutique Presale Friday, August 21 4 p.m. - UMW Clothing Boutique Half-price Presale Saturday, August 22 Confirmation Retreat 8 a.m. - UMW Clothing Boutique Half-price Sale

August 23-29 Sunday, August 23 Basketball Registration begins 8:00 a.m. - UMW Clothing Boutique Pick-up 8:30, 9:40 & 11:00 a.m. - Worship Services 5:00 p.m. - Coffee with the Pastors Monday, August 24 10:00 a.m. - Monthly Book Club 6:30 p.m. - Church Board Meeting Tuesday, August 25 6:30 a.m. - SonRise Men’s Group

August 30 - 31 Sunday, July 25 8:30, 9:40 & 11:00 a.m. - Worship Services 12:15-3:00 p.m. - Youth Guest Speaker Crystal Kirgiss Monday, August 31 7:00 p.m.- Boy Scout Troop 64 Meeting


CELEBRATING OUR HERITAGE One hundred and seventy-five years ago, our ancestors established a new church here in Germantown. This year we will celebrate these 175 years of growth and the change within these walls and within our own spirits. All members of Germantown United Methodist are invited to send ideas and suggestions for celebratory events to Renee Pearl (758-6519 or as soon as possible. We need photos, anecdotes, and testimonials. In other words, we want YOU tell us how you think the celebration should be done and how YOU can help. This is really going to be a big, months-long celebration. Everyone should be, and will want to be, a part of it.

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