February Tidings

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February 2019

A Message from Tim The Church’s Mission At the end of this month, a special called General Conference will meet in St. Louis to discuss proposals for a Way Forward in dealing with many issues, particularly in areas of human sexuality and church structure. I will be attending as an observer and will be able to bring a report to the church of the proceedings. Rev. Dr. Jack Henton has presented to our congregation, in four separate occasions, the forthcoming proposals to General Conference. We do not know what decisions, if any, will come from this General Conference Session. General Conference might decide a different path than the current wording of the Discipline, or the Conference may decide to leave the language as it is. Then Judicial Council may or may not rule none, part, or all of any decision to be out of order. Then, next year another General Conference will be held that can reinforce or negate what this special session may or may not do. Any changes that might be made will take time to implement, in which time another General Conference could change decisions again. What this means is these issues will likely to continue to be a discussion for some time in the United Methodist Church, as it has been since 1972. Within our congregation and staff, there are different understandings based on our understanding and application of scripture, tradition, reason, and experience. These understandings are held dearly, sacredly, and with the desire to be the church that Christ would have us to be. No matter our individual thoughts and stances, I believe we should be in prayer for our Conference, and I believe we should treat everyone respectfully. Remember that Jesus had twelve disciples, including a tax collector and zealot, who would have had many differences. Yet they were all held together in Christ. Perhaps we may never find total agreement on all issues, but it is my prayer that we remain united in Christ, remembering our mission statement:

“ We are a faith community dedicated to loving God and loving others, serving Christ and sharing him, transforming lives and making disciples.”

Missions The GUMC Kenya Mission Team will be headed back to Kenya August 1-14, 2019. This will mark the 10th mission trip to Maua, Kenya for a team from GUMC, with the first team going in 2007. More than 65 different members of our congregation have participated in the trips. GUMC has been one of the largest supporters of Maua Methodist Mission Hospital and its local missions, donating medical supplies and equipment for the hospital, building homes for AIDS orphans, supporting a school for orphans, sponsoring remote medical clinics, etc. There are still openings for this year’s team (you do not have to be a member of GUMC if you have friends that might be interested). For information, contact Ed Clark at 901-826-3514.

Membership Natalie and Jesse Adkinson joined Germantown United Methodist Church on Sunday, December 23rd at the 8:30 worship service by transfer of their membership from Trussville First United Methodist Church in Trussville, Alabama. They have joined Wesley 2.0 Sunday School Class. Their Sponsors are Courtney and Matt Lubzynski. When asked what about Germantown United Methodist Church made them wish to become a part of our church community, they responded: “GUMC was recommended to us by our friends who used to live in Germantown. When we visited the church we were immediately welcomed with open arms. It just felt like home. Becoming involved in GUMC activities was something that made our transition from Birmingham so much easier. God definitely had his hand on us the entire journey!”

Music Todd Wilson, Director of Music Ministry - twilson@germantownumc.org Music Ministry Key Notes Ash Wednesday Evensong and Imposition of Ashes Wednesday, March 6 at 6:30 p.m. From Angela Tilby of Christ Church, Oxford. “One of my academic colleagues at Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford, used to say that the miracle of choral evensong was that, no matter how flustered, furious, or exhausted you were when you turned up, by the time you got to the grace at the end you were a different person.” Those of us that plan worship dream that this happens every time we suit up. That we leave worship a different person. There are so many factors that keep this from happening. Car trouble, ill children or ill parents, financial surprises, change of employment, change of address, football games, tee times and soccer match weekends. These distractions may keep us from connecting with God on any given Sunday. I’m glad that we are offering an alternative to the hustle and bustle of the week. Evensong. You might ask, what is it? Basically, an evening service with prayer, scripture and song. A staple in the English Choral tradition, Evensong has been happening since 1549. In some Cathedrals nearly daily. Yep every day of the week at Canterbury Cathedral and every Sunday in many a parish church. The local and cathedral choirs do get time off, typically in the summer, when visiting choirs come to fill in. I hope to take our choir in the future to fill in as an Evensong Choir. Evensong is a quiet time to come and listen to our chancel choir stretch its legs with music of Mendelssohn, and a Magnificent setting by English composer Alfred Herbert Brewer. https://youtu.be/HKaiwm2DUIQ We’ll also open our hymnals to hymns rarely seen or heard, our Evening Hymns. Evensong, Vespers, or Evening Prayer exists in many denominations. The UMC has a lovely service in the Book of Worship, and we’ll borrow mightily from that order. We are adding a unique twist to the service. The imposition of ashes. A much beloved service that guides us into Lent. I pray you’ll put this Evening of Song, Praise, Reflection and Prayer on your calendar. Choral Evensong, Wednesday March 6, 6:30 p.m.


Health and Recreation Todd Hinton - thinton@germantownumc.org February is HEART HEALTHY MONTH! Did you know that Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States? Fortunately, it is largely preventable and there are many things people can do to reduce their risk, such as being more active. According to the American Heart Association, you should strive for at least 150 minutes (2 1/2 hours) each week of physical activity that gets your heart pumping and leaves you a little breathless. There are flexible ways to break it into amounts of daily activity, and even small amounts add up and can have lasting health benefits. We would like to extend an invitation to new class members to participate in Heart Healthy Month by attending any of the classes listed below for Free! All classes are Beginner to Advanced, unless specified. Call us at the OLEC at 901753-3100 for more information! Zumba­—Melissa Smith, Wednesday evening at 6:00 p.m., Studio 1 Zumba Gold­—Kris Stewart, Thursday mornings at 9:30 in the Gym Yoga with Dr. Bob—Dr. Bob Hughes on Wednesday’s at 10:10; Please call him prior to class (901-682-0855) Core and More—Judy Oros, Monday and Wednesday at 4:45 Beginner Boot Camp—Judy Oros on Mondays and Fridays at 8:00 a.m. Strength/Conditioning Boot Camp—Todd Hinton, Mondays at 8:00 a.m.; Advanced Strength/Conditioning Boot Camp—Todd Hinton, Wednesdays at 5:00 p.m.; Advanced Tai Chi—Tuesdays at 12:00 and Saturdays at 10:00 a.m., Michael Coplon

Elder Care Health Ministry Do you have high cholesterol or high blood pressure? Have members of your family suffered from these ailments? Do you have a poor diet? If you answer “yes” to any of these questions, you may want to consider being screened through the services of Life Line Screening. Life Line Screening uses ultrasound technology to view the plaque build-up in your carotid arteries, the main arteries that carry blood to the brain. Blockages in these arteries are a leading cause of stroke. We are pleased to host this Life Line Screening event on February 22, 2019 from 8:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. at Germantown United Methodist Church. Register for a Wellness Package which includes 4 vascular test and osteoporosis screening from $149 ($139 with our member discount). All five screenings take 60-90 minutes to complete. In order to register for this event and to receive a $10 discount off any package priced about $129, please call 1-888-653-6441 or visit www.lifelinescreening.com/communitycircle Call Pat Smith 758-6513 with questions, or Amy Thweatt at Life Line 753-2237.

United Methodist Men The February UMM Brunch is Saturday, February 9 at 9:00 a.m. in the Mike Wilson Fellowship Hall. Todd Wilson, GUMC’s choir director, will highlight the program. Spouses and significant others will be our special guests. The cost is $5.00, payable at the door. Reservations will be necessary for everyone by Wednesday, February 6. 3

Adult Education Mary Groh - mgroh@germantownumc.org - 901-754-5093 Sunday School Spotlight: Wesley 2.0 The class members of Wesley 2.0 invite you to join us at 9:40 a.m. on the second floor of the Adult Education Building for an hour of discussionbased learning and fellowship. Enjoy a delicious breakfast and coffee each week as we encourage one another, pray for each other and our community, and seek God’s truth through His inspired Word.



Visit Wesley 2.0 and you will quickly realize the power of learning together from a variety of uplifting and knowledgeable teachers from within GUMC and from the community. We enjoy lessons and discussion on a variety of topics—from Jesus’ life and the history of the Bible to how to live biblically and what we as Christians can learn from sports and popular movies. Wesley 2.0 was born out of a need for a Sunday School class for 20, 30, and 40 year old singles and married couples that attend the 8:30 or 11 am traditional services at GUMC. The name pays homage to the original Wesley Sunday School class, which was started over 30 years ago, and involved persons who, at that time, were in the same age range as we are now. Wesley 2.0 class members make service a priority as shown through our support of the following: •

La Limye’ Ministries

National Cervical Cancer Coalition Memphis Chapter

Caldwell-Guthrie food program

GUMW Children’s Consignment Sale

Edwin’s Way 5K

The Cottage roofing project

GUMC Youth, Children’s and Special Needs ministries

In addition, many of our class members support and participate in church programs, such as the chancel and handbell choirs, the safety team and the Middle, and are members of many of GUMC’s committees. We also value fellowship and social gatherings and plan several throughout the year for both members and visitors. Our annual Christmas Ugly Sweater celebration, progressive dinner, crawfish boil, and Fourth of July pool party are not to be missed. Our class also hosts guys’ and girls’ nights out at least once a month. You’ll also find us at the Middle’s annual trivia night and family lunches, and other events like the Fall Kick-Off Dinner and family Easter egg hunt. So please join us as we continue to learn and grow, deepen our friendships, and continue in our wholehearted support for GUMC and our community. We would love to see you there! For more information, please reach out at wesley2.0gumc@ gmail.com. 4

Adult Education Continued Adult Lenten Studies For a complete description of the classes please pick up our Adult Study Brochure at one of our kiosks or go to the church website. Childcare is available by reservation. Entering the Passion of Jesus Tuesdays, February 26 - April 9, 9:30-11:00 a.m. (skipping March 12) Facilitated by Mary Groh / mgroh@germantownumc.org / 754-5093 In this 6-session study by author, professor and biblical scholar, Amy-Jill Levine, we will explore the biblical texts surrounding the last days of Jesus’ life. Cost: $12. Plenty Good Room Tuesdays, March 5 - April 9, 7:00-8:00 a.m. at Perkins Restaurant, Germantown Facilitated by Rev. Erin Beasley / ebeasley@germantownumc.org This unique Bible study combines an in-depth look at scripture, American history and the music and lyrics of six African American spirituals. Cost: $10 John the Gospel of Light and Life Tuesdays, March 5 - April 16, 6:30-8:00 p.m. Facilitated by Terry Aust / terry.aust@yahoo.com / 901-737-6031 In this DVD study, Adam Hamilton shares insights on the life, ministry, death, and resurrection of Jesus through the Gospel of John. Cost: $13

Sunday School Spotlight: Fellowship Forum The Fellowship Forum Sunday School Class is unique in format, membership and purpose. It is a lively discussion group that encourages an open and frank exchange of opinions and ideas on contemporary issues with emphasis on Christian principles including Bible history and interpretation related to modern life. We learn a great deal from our teachers made up of both class members and guests which provides for a great variety of interesting topics and thoughts. These discussions help improve and enhance our own individual Christian lives.



Many of the class have been members since its inception in 1982, and others have found the class welcoming and have joined since then. We have an average of about 55 members including both married couples and singles (65+ in age). We are certainly open to new members and encourage fresh thoughts and ideas. We enjoy an active social life which enables us to develop and maintain friendships. We are all supportive of each other. Our events include a Christmas party, Derby Day party, game night, fish fry and several Sunday lunches after church. Many of our members have been active in GUMC service projects over the years. We are now more about contributing financially (except for Room in the Inn active participation). Some of our outreach contributions include Wesley Sr. Ministries, Manna House, UM Neighborhood Center, Church Health Center, Hannah’s Hope, weekend food project, etc. Fellowship Forum meets at 9:40 a.m. in Room 339. Please join us. 5

United Methodist Women Chesley Porteous - women@germantownumc.org Spring/Summer GUMW Children’s Consignment Sale Shop Friday and Saturday, March 22-23 It’s that time of year! Clean out the closets, rummage through the attic, and sort through the garage for children’s clothing, furniture, toys, baby equipment, and more. GUMW Children’s Consignment Sale registration is now open! Visit gumwclothingsale.com to review guidelines and details. All proceeds from this sale benefit GUMW missions. It’s a 30-year tradition of community outreach! Can’t consign? We love donations! Coordinate with us in advance of the sale to donate your gently used items. We will price and tag each item, with 100% of the sale price going to local missions! You receive an early consignor shopping pass in return, along with a thank you letter as your receipt for tax purposes. Please be sure your donated items have an approximate value of more than $40. Email info@gumwclothingsale.com for more information. We also need volunteer help and have many shifts available! Volunteers who work at least four hours get to shop early at the Thursday pre-sale event. Sign up online at gumwclothingsale.com. Our consignment sale serves as a wonderful outreach to the community, attracting people from all over the Mid-South and bringing them into our church as consignors, shoppers, and volunteers. Join us and help make a difference. Thank you for your support! Important Dates: Consignor registration deadline/inventory entry is Tuesday, March 19, at midnight. Refer to the website for complete information about accepted merchandise and consignment instructions. Drop off: Wednesday, March 20, 5-8 p.m. and Thursday, March 21, 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Pre-sale: Thursday, March 21, 5:30-8:00 p.m. Volunteers who work 8 or more hours may shop at 5:30 p.m. Those who volunteer 4 or more hours may shop at 6:00 p.m. Consignors may shop at 6:30 p.m. Public Sale: Friday, March 22, 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Public Half-price Sale: Friday, March 22, 5-8 p.m. and Saturday, March 23, 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Pick-up: Sunday, March 24, 10:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.


United Methodist Women continued Lent by Candlelight Tuesday, February 26th 6:30 p.m. | Mike Wilson Fellowship Hall and the Chapel All Women are invited! Come and prepare your heart and mind for the season of Lent at this annual event. You will experience a meaningful time of fellowship while enjoying desserts, coffee and tea in the Fellowship Hall. We will then proceed through the candlelit hallways and convene in the Chapel for special music, and time for reflection and devotion. Our speaker will be Kimberly Jessop. Space is limited to 120 women. Free preschool childcare is available. You must register for this event at www.germantownumc.org/umw or email Yolanda Toney at ytoney@germantownumc.org.

GUMW Luncheon GUMW welcomes GUMC member Shirlee Clark-Barber to our luncheon on February 12, at 11:30 in the Mike Wilson Fellowship Hall. Join us to hear her story and about her work with Women’s Foundation for a Greater Memphis. Cost is $10. Register at germantownumc.org. Deadline to register is February 7 at noon. Free childcare is available. Shirlee Clark-Barber is a former director of Corporate Communications for FedEx Corporation. In her 23 years with FedEx, she held a variety of communications positions, including managing media relations, executive communications and numerous special projects. Under her leadership, the corporate-wide communications team was responsible for developing and implementing communications for he corporation and its four core operating companies, as well as media relations and internal communications for sales, marketing, human resources and information technology. After retiring from FedEx, Clark consulted for FedEx Communications as a senior associate with Spaeth Communications in Dallas for five years. Since retirement, she and a small group from Germantown United Methodist Church worked with Memphis City Schools to found Team Read, a program using volunteers to teach sight words to second graders in urban at-risk schools. Starting with a handful of volunteers at one school in North Memphis, the program today has more than 1,000 volunteers in more than 50 schools in Shelby County and other Mid-south cities. It was during this time that she also became involved with the Women’s Foundation for a Greater Memphis, a local non-profit of women helping women and children in Memphis break the cycle of poverty. She has served in various leadership roles since joining the Board 10 years ago having served on its Marketing & Communications, Grants and Legends committees. She is currently Development Chair and a member of the Executive Committee. She has been a member of Germantown Methodist Church for more than 30 years, has served on its Board and is currently a member of the Missions Committee. She and her husband, Don Barber, live in Memphis, Tennessee and have five children and 10 grandchildren.


United Methodist Women continued Spring Bridge and Games Benefit With Spring around the corner, it’s time to play! The Spring Bridge and Games Benefit will take place Tuesday, April 9th. It is a day of fun with various card or board games, a delicious lunch prepared by Celebration Circle, Spring Fashion show, and great door prizes not to mention the popular Unique Boutique—the best little bargain shop in town! Plan to arrive early at 9:00 a.m. to shop for best selections of remarkable values. Games are played from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Just bring your cards and game supplies and we will provide the rest. Gather up your friends to join your table for the day. Admission is $25 each which helps GUMW raise funds for our many missions. Our fundraiser greatly impact many lives. For more information contact Pat Gill at 756-8151 or Tina Gregory at 854-0848. Registration forms will be available at the Welcome Center or online at germantownumc.org/umw. Registration deadline is Tuesday, April 2nd.

Unique Boutique It is time to begin accepting donations for the Unique Boutique at the annual Spring Bridge and Games Benefit. This “shop” collects and sells household goods, small furniture, lamps, holiday decor, bedroom, bath and kitchen wares, table linens, books, luggage, pictures, garden decor items and fashion accessories such as jewelry, purses and scarves. No clothing or toys accepted. To schedule a time for Drop Off, contact Stephanie Adams at 756-9748 or monacodog@aol.com. Items can be dropped off at 2931 Mallard Lane.

All women are welcome to attend Germantown United Methodist Women events. If you are looking for the camaraderie of Christian women, fellowship while serving others, and the opportunity to make lifelong friends, consider joining one of GUMW's many Circles (small groups). For information, contact GUMW Membership Chair Yolanda Toney at ytoney@ germantownumc.org. 8

Children's Ministry Lisa Pierce - lpierce@germantownumc.org - 901-758-6512 Created by God Children’s ministry is offering Created by God again this year to tweens in the fifth and sixth grades. While some may feel our children are not ready to hear this information, they will certainly learn it some place. We feel that place is here in our church, by our trusted leaders, using our curriculum. Created by God as described on the Cokesbury website: Human sexuality is one of Gods’ greatest gifts to people. Created by God is a program resource designed to communicate to fifth and sixth graders that we are a fantastic creation made by God. The topics of human sexuality, values, and relationships are approached in a frank, honest and Bible-based manner. We will be offering this course February 22 (5:30-9:00 p.m.) and February 23 (9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.). This is an on-site event and will require some participation from parents. Please contact Lisa Pierce if you are interested in your child participating but were unable to make the parent meeting in January. You will need to make the decision about your child’s participation under the umbrella of information. Registration is open online. There is a $20 fee that covers cost of materials and lunch on Saturday. Guests are invited but they must be in the 5th or 6th grades.

Spaghetti Lunch (to support ministry for those who have special needs) GUMC is developing a program for children who have special needs. Currently, we are offering Sunday school class on Sunday mornings, Element (youth group) on Sunday evenings, and monthly parent’s night out opportunities for our children and their families. We feel led to move forward with our programming to offer Bible study class for parents as well as meet other needs of these families who have exceptional needs in their homes. This ministry requires many hands as well as extra dollars. If you would like to support this ministry, please come by the Fellowship Hall on Sunday, February 10 to make a donation to this incredible ministry. In return, we will feed you a scrumdiliumptious lunch of spaghetti (Mrs. Lisa’s special recipe), bread, and a brownie. Suggested donation is $5 per meal. You may either dine in or carry out. We will be serving from 10:45-11:00 and then again at noon. You have to eat lunch anyhow, so make it fun while contributing to an incredible ministry! If you would like to serve in this ministry or have a student who may be interested in participating, please contact Natalie Adkinson, our Director of Children and Youth Special Needs Ministry.


Children's Ministry continued Elementary Expedition Good manners are a great way to show honor to others and by doing so, honor to God. That is why we are spending this semester practicing ours and learning the “how and why” about manners. Please join us on Wednesday evenings in the Huddle at 5:30 for dinner. We move from there to worship led by middle schoolers in the chapel at 6:00. At 6:30, we will break into our small groups to dig a little deeper with games, crafts, and conversation. Pick up is at 7:15 in the children’s wing. Our third graders are continuing to dig deep into learning to use their Bibles with Mr. Bill and Mr. Jim. This invaluable course is teaching students how to use the abundant resources in their Bible as well as develop lifelong skills for navigating the Scriptures. If you can’t make it to every lesson, please come when you can—it is really a GREAT course. (Don’t worry, third graders will also get some time to practice good manners!)

Food Trucks at GUMC Food trucks are just plain fun! The only thing that makes them better is sharing them with great people! That is just what happened here on Wednesday, January 9. Some chose to explore the exciting world of grilled cheese in all its gourmet forms and others chose to eat their shrimp, beef, or chicken off a stick. There was something for everyone! All those present seemed to appreciate the great fellowship (as well as not having to clean the kitchen).

Mission Sale Children’s ministry would like to thank all of those who have supported mission work around the world by purchasing gifts from the fence outside the Huddle. We are thankful to be supporting programs in two countries that help orphans become independent adults. A special “shout-out” to the Emmaus Sunday School Class who challenged the men to purchase some tie-dyed socks! You can see by this picture that tie-dyed socks are a great accessory to any “sharp dressed man!” There are a few selections left, so make your way to the fence and support children’s missions around the world.


Youth Ministry Sue Hyland shyland@germantownumc.org - 901-758-6516

Brian Richards brichards@germantownumc.org

High School Retreat Review Our GUMC Youth ministry started the year with our second annual High School Retreat at Pickwick Lake, made possible by co-operation from a generous youth family. United Methodist Elder Jamey Lee spoke throughout the weekend on how we resist the ways of the world and recognize the ways Christ draws us to him. During the weekend, students not only had an intentional period of quiet time, but also led themselves in small group discussions, and were provided worship by GUMC Youth Alumni Landon Pate. This has become a cherished opportunity for students to focus on faith before the second semester of school pulls their attention, and was a phenomenal way to start 2019. This weekend would not have been possible without our adult volunteers who stayed with us and our wonderful Kitchen Staff .

Discovery Weekend February 22-24 Discovery Weekend is a spiritual retreat for middle and high school students, led and planned by a team of high school students, and supported by the local church. During the weekend the church surrounds their youth through prayer, volunteer support, providing snacks and meals, and more. If you have not already we would love for you to sign-up to volunteer for the weekend or signup to attend the weekend. This weekend is only successful with the participation of the entire congregation. Your youth need you! Please contact Sue Hyland if you’d like to volunteer. You may check out the church website for more information. Thank you for all that you’ve already given and for what you will give during this special weekend.


Older Adults Luci Cromer - luci2@comcast.net - 901-755-0803 Don’t Forget the February Brown Bag Lunch Program! Ron Childers, Chief Meteorologist at WMC Action News 5, will talk about “Weather in the Mid-South—A Safety Prep Program for Seniors.” This presentation will be on Friday, February 1, in the Fellowship Hall. The program starts at 11:00 a.m. with lunch at noon. Bring your own sack lunch; the church will supply beverages. Call Luci Cromer, 755-0803, for more information. No reservations are needed. There will be a crossing guard on West Street to help with overflow parking.

Willy Bearden Will Show us The Best of Memphis at the March Brown Bag Lunch! We are in for an exciting treat when we learn the history of Memphis through pictures. Starting with the earliest drawings and illustrations of Memphis and moving up to the present day, Willy Bearden will also be talking about some famous Memphians that people have probably never heard of. Come join us for the best of Memphis in photos and stories at the March Brown Bag Lunch Series, an adventure in learning sponsored by the Older Adult Council. TOPIC: “The History of Memphis in Pictures” SPEAKER: Willy Bearden, Memphis Film Maker and Author WHERE: Mike Wilson Fellowship Hall WHEN: March 1, 2019. Program starts at 11:00 a.m.; lunch is at noon. COST: FREE—the church will supply beverages. RESERVATIONS: No reservations are needed. Just bring your sack lunch and enjoy the program and the fellowship. QUESTIONS? Call Luci Cromer, 755-0803, or Pat Smith, 758-6513. **There will be a crossing guard on West Street to help with overflow parking.**

XYZ’s Relive the Music of the Rat Pack in March! Relive the days when the Rat Pack ruled Las Vegas! Drift back to a glamorous era when entertainers and politicians rubbed shoulders, enjoying the mystery, coolness, sophistication, and style of the high life. Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis, Jr., Dean Martin, and Joey Bishop— all singing, dancing, and entertaining through the 50’s and 60’s, with a lifestyle that everyone wanted. You’ll swear that the sounds of The Rat Pack show have conjured up that golden era of Las Vegas. It is not to be missed! WHERE: Bartlett Performing Arts and Conference Center WHEN: Saturday, March 30, 2019 COST: $26 per person includes reserved seat DEPARTURE: 6:15 p.m. from OLEC parking lot. (Be there by 6 p.m.) RESERVATIONS: Call Luci Cromer, 755-0803, Gretchen Blair, 755-0797, or Garnet Brenneman, 754-3711. You must make your reservation before paying. DEADLINE FOR MONEY and RESERVATIONS: Wednesday, February 27


Our events are open to all adults age 55 and older, singles and couples, regardless of church membership. Mark your calendar and make your reservations for these events today!

Older Adults continued Luci Cromer - luci2@comcast.net - 901-755-0803 AARP Smart DriverTM Course Germantown United Methodist Church and AARP will present the “AARP Smart DriverTM Course”, the nation’s largest driving refresher course. This 8-hour course is scheduled for March 14 and 15, from 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Successful completion entitles participants to a discount on their auto insurance premiums for three years. There is no driving test or written exam. Register early because the class will be closed at 28 participants. The results of taking these classes have been proven—class participants have few accidents and tickets. WHERE: Room 339 (Fellowship Forum classroom) in the Ministry Center. WHEN: Thursday and Friday, March 14 & 15, 2019, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. COST: $15.00 fee for AARP members ($20 for non-members) payable to AARP RESERVATIONS: Call Jan Cameron at 366-2772 DEADLINE FOR RESERVATIONS: Reservations will be taken until class is full. The objectives of the course are to help you: •

Be independent, safe, and confident while on the road

Keep up with changes so you don’t put yourself and others at risk

Learn state-specific information throughout the course

Focus on areas such as roundabouts, pavement markings, stop sign compliance, red light running, and safety issues such as speeding and seatbelt and turn-signal use.

Check your calendar and register now. Your check is your ticket to this class.

XYZ’s Attend Lenten Preaching Series and Tour Calvary Episcopal Church in April! As part of our observance of Lent, we are going downtown to listen to Marie Howe, an American poet, at the Lenten Preaching Series at Calvary Episcopal Church and eat lunch at the Calvary Waffle Shop. A graduate of the University of Windsor and Columbia University, she has been called a woman who is very much of our time and yet still in touch with the sacred. She is presently on the writing faculties at Columbia University, Sarah Lawrence College, and New York University, and her most recent poetry collection is Magdalene. After the service, we will be given a guided tour of Calvary, which was founded in Memphis in 1832. Its sanctuary is the oldest public building in continuous use in the city; its bell tower dates to 1848 and its chancel to 1881. WHERE: Calvary Episcopal Church WHEN: Thursday, April 11, 2019 COST: $3 per person plus lunch on your own DEPARTURE: 10 a.m. from OLEC parking lot. (Be there by 9:45 a.m.) RESERVATIONS: Call Luci Cromer, 755-0803, Gretchen Blair, 755-0797, or Garnet Brenneman, 754-3711. You must make your reservation before paying. DEADLINE FOR MONEY and RESERVATIONS: Monday, March 11 13

GUMP Weekday Preschool Sarah Sutton - ssutton@germantownumc.org - 901-753-3109 GUMP hopes that the New Year is off to a wonderful start!! GUMP continues to be blessed by serving families with an age-appropriate curriculum enhancing all developmental domains, as well as additional services to care for families: an extended care program (before and after school) and a class for children with developmental delays named G.R.A.C.E. (GUMP Recognizes All Can Excel). GUMP strives to serve all of our friends and support each family through the journey of early education. We gladly serve and support our dedicated and trained staff, as well. GUMP has a wonderful team! GUMP is currently accepting applications for enrollment for the upcoming 2019-2020 school year. Our current families have recently completed enrollment and GUMP is now accepting applications from families in the community. If your family is interested in visiting or attending GUMP, please call our preschool office at 901-7533109 to set up a tour of our preschool. Part of the enrollment process is that families and their potentially enrolling child come and tour in order to learn more about GUMP, have a real sense of what a school day looks and feels like, and see if we are a great fit for your family. We love meeting families and their children, as well as telling them about what GUMP offers. If you, or a friend, are looking for a fabulous preschool experience for the upcoming school year, please come visit! Should you have further questions, please feel free to call or visit our website at www.mygump.org.



Germantown United Methodist Church 2331 South Germantown Road Germantown, TN 38138 www.germantownumc.org 901-754-7216 Editor’s Note: The deadline for submitting articles for Tidings is the 10th of the month prior. Submissions received after this deadline are not guaranteed to run.

The Waffle Shop at Calvary Episcopal Church The annual Waffle Shop at Calvary Episcopal Church will soon begin which means GUMC members will once again participate in waiting tables! Join us in this group service project along with other churches and organizations. You are likely to meet old friends and make new ones and enjoy the comradery! Calvary pays each volunteer a stipend which we donate to one of our GUMC missions. •

We serve each Thursday starting March 7 through April 11.

We depart from the OLEC by 9:40 for downtown and park free for the shuttle bus.

Servers work from 11 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.

Volunteers are served a complimentary breakfast waffle and also lunch—including dessert!

Anyone—men or ladies may help. You may serve one or more of the 6 Thursdays.

For more information contact Jim or Pat Gill at 756-8151 or at jamesbo429@bellsouth.net

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.