Factors to Consider for Your Early Retirement
Sometimes, many people are, forced to; or find themselves having to retire early. Unplanned early retirement should not be, looked at as a curse or a punishment but as a time to relax and rejoice. Most of the time when a person has to retire or is, forced into retirement it is because of a serious reason. Extreme early retirement or retiring before age 50 is becoming increasingly popular though many have never even heard the words. If you are unfamiliar with the concept, you probably have many questions. Do know more in detail about Fee Based Financial Services and Top Financial Advisors in Mumbai. The most often reason for unplanned early retirement is health. A person in their thirties or forties may be diagnosed with a serious or sever illness. The illness prevents the person for continuing to stay within the general workforce. Treatments for the illness may be time consuming or the body may be too ill to even, try to work. This is one cause of a person having to retire early. Another reason for unplanned early retirement could be an accident. An unexpected accident on the job or a vehicle accident can cause a person to retire