Five Things That Can Go Wrong With a CV Axle Shaft An axle is an important element of any wheeled vehicle as their main functionality is to give vehicle wheels a driving force while also controlling their position. Modern day vehicles have a drive axle that is controlled by the car engine.
The axles are connected to the wheels through a device known as constant velocity or CV joint that gives the wheels flexibility to move vertically as well as making smooth turns. Because vehicle wheels largely depend on CV axle shafts it is a crucial element that needs to be efficiently taken care of. Get to know more about Cardan Shaft Manufacturers and Cardan Shaft Manufacturer in India here. However, many people make careless mistakes while dealing with CV axle shafts and that causes mechanical issues which could vent your vehicle to be out of control leading to accidents.
Here are a few mistakes generally made and how they should be avoided.
ďƒ˜ Not Lubricating the Axle Frequently You should keep a constant check on mechanical parts of the vehicle and have them lubricated once every while. Neglecting this could lead to friction between car parts and thus causing the vehicle to malfunction. It is naturally for a CV joint or CV axle shaft to wear and tear, but you can prevent the early onset of this if you know how to grease and lubricate it frequently.
ďƒ˜ Ignoring Indications When the joint or axle malfunction does not work properly, they give off indication such as loud noise when the ATV is pulled in reverse gear or an excessive vibration while driving forward. If with speed the vibration increases, it means the tires are not balanced.
ďƒ˜ Not Getting It Checked for Loose Clamps
You have to get the vehicle checked once every month to ensure that there are no loose clamps or joint. If possible, learn how to do it yourself at home, so you wouldn't have to visit the mechanic every now and then. Loose clamps can cause severe damage to the vehicle, therefore, make sure that everything is well secured. ďƒ˜ Not Maintaining the Vehicle Regularly Everyone loves to own a car, but very few take out time to maintain the vehicle. You car doesn't just need to be cleaned from the outside, but also from the inside. Its mechanical parts should be cleaned and lubricated every month to avoid any collection of residue and dust which could make elements utilize more force to work. Have your vehicle regularly checked by a mechanic; keep both the engine
and the vehicle clean and you have a good vehicle to drive. Click for more info about CV Axle shaft here. ďƒ˜ Aggressive Use of a Vehicle If you use your vehicle excessively, then you must be prepared for early wear and tear of the axles and joints. Maintenance is important, but if there are some serious problems, then you must immediately have the parts replaced. If you take care of minute details and pay attention to the indications given by the vehicle, you can detect problems of breaking down and help protect your vehicle from going through serious damage.