NSL-19M51 Ceramic Package 102082 REV 4 Description
36 +/- 2
3.4 +/- 0.2
The NSL-19M51 is a CdS photoconductive cell on a TO-18 ceramic plastic encapsulated for moisture resistance.
4.1 +/- 0.2
Absolute Maximum Ratings Operating & Storage Temp Power Dissipation @ 25°C (1) Voltage (peak AC or DC)
1.8 Max
-60°C to +75°C 50 mW 100 V
Lead dia.: 0.4 Dimensions in mm.
Electrical Characteristics (TA=25°C, source at 2854°K)(2) Symbol Parameter RL Light Resistance
Min 20
Max. 100
5 RD Dark Resistance 20 Peak spectral wavelength 550 λP Gamma 0.7 Γ Gamma 0.7 Γ Specifications subject to change without notice
Units KΩ KΩ MΩ nm
Test Conditions 10 lux 100 lux 10 sec after removal of light 1 - 10 Lux 10 - 100 Lux
Notes: (1) derate linearly to 0 at 75°C (2) cells to be light adapted at 30 to 50 Ftc for 16 hrs minimum prior to electrical tests
5200 St. Patrick St., Montreal Que., H4E 4N9, Canada Tel: 514-768-8000 Fax: 514-768-8889 QF-84 Rev 3