Cv gert breugem jan2017

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CV Gert Breugem -­‐ Urbanism


Gert Breugem | CV 2016




Ghana South Africa

The Netherlands Cyprus Pales@ne

Gert Breugem | CV 2016


CV Gert Breugem Joris Ivenslaan 58 1325 SP Almere The Netherlands Telephone: +31 6 29458199 E-­‐mail: Site:

Professional experience Founder SUS – Smart Urban Solu@ons

April 2016 – Present Spa@al stragegies, Project and process management, Urban design, Venture self sustainable communi@es developing countries

Senior Urban designer Municipality Almere

April 2005 – Present Urban strategies, Research, Urban design, Par@cipa@on planning, Regenera@on planning, Collabora@on intern/extern partners

Guest lecturer Academy of Architecture

2008– 2016 Coordinator O4A – Regional planning and strategies Design project P5 – Urbanism/ Architecture Cape Town, South Africa

Visi5ng Cri5c Hogeschool van Amsterdam 2014 -­‐ 2016 Visi@ng cri@c gradua@on projects Urbanism

Urban designer/project leader Grontmij NV Febr. 2001 – April 2005 Spa@al stragegies, Masterplanning, Landscaping

Urban designer VVK

Febr. 2000– febr. 2001 Masterplanning, Urban design

Urban designer Municipality of Amsterdam Febr. 1998– febr. 2000 Regenera@on planning, center development, Urban design, survey planning, urban policies

Free lance urban designer The Netherlands Febr. 1998– febr. 1999 Masterplanning, business district, landscaping

Ass. Urban designer Municipality of Leiden Febr. 1996 -­‐ 1998 Reconstruc@on public space, Infrastructure, re-­‐development

Gert Breugem | CV 2016


Academic experience Educa5on

•  2001 – 2006 – Graduate Master in Urbanism (Murb), Academy of Architecture Amsterdam, The Netherlands •  1991-­‐1995 – Graduate Bachelor Urban planning (Bsc), Hogeschool van Utrecht, The Netherlands


•  1997 – Workshop Architectural/ urbanism Dessau, Germany •  2005 – Winterworkshop Academy of Architecture Ijmeer, Amsterdam metropolitan area •  2008 – Workshop Archiprix Interna@onal, regenera@on Montevideo, Urugay


•  2004 Supervisor gradua@ons architecture / urban, Windesheim •  2005 Lecture research thesis, in Conference border research Nicosia, Cyprus •  2010 Lecture The Other Almere, Arch.centrum Casla •  2010 Lecture gradua@on project “past the Green line” symposium conflicts and areas “ NAI, Roierdam •  2011 Visi@ng cri@c O5 Academy of Architecture •  2011 Lecture and excursion Almere -­‐ prep. Course Academy of architecture Amsterdam 2011 Lecture “past the Green line” symposium The Spontaneous City“ •  2011 Lecture private commissioning Almere •  2012 Club 100 (jury) StedenbouwNU contest •  2012/2014 Commission member (external) gradua@on Hogeschool •  van Amsterdam 2010-­‐2014 Lectures and tours foreign delega@ons Almere 2014 Extern commiiee Bsc gradua@on projects Hogeschool van Amsterdam •  2014 Lecturer designproject Msc architecture/urbanism Academy of Architecture, Amsterdam

Publica5ons •  Study Project “City edge”, Bolivia, Yearbook AvB 2003/2004, 2003 •  “Amsterdam South East as a super node,” Building line, 2005 •  Gradua@on project “past the Green line”, Yearbook AvB, 2007/2008, 2008 •  Archiprix 2007/Archiprix interna@onal -­‐ Gradua@on project “past the Green line” •  Atlas of planning Almere, 2008 – Historical overview of all planning, that has led to the city as it is today. •  The other Almere, plus + library, June 2010 •  Ar@cle to an airac@ve Gooi Coastline, Green, 66th year -­‐ Nov. 2010 •  Projectbook studentplans Cape Town – December 2014 in collabora@on of Jeroen Mensink (JM* architects). Gert Breugem | CV 2016


Skills SoBware

AutoCAD Ms Office Adobe CS5 (Indesign, Illustrator, Photoshop

Personal skills

Entrepeneurial, leadership, inven@ve, client oriented, determined, high standards and professionality in work, responsible, flexible


Dutch (Na@ve) English (Professional Fluency) German (Beginner) French (Beginner)

Professional skills

Urban design Project management Communica@on Par@cipa@on Project/proces coordina@on Innova@on and research


2009 Nominated Nederland NU – Best Dutch urbanism gradua@on plans 2008 Shortlisted gradua@on candidate Archiprix Interna@onal 2007 Gradua@on candidate Archiprix 2005 Highest grade P5 project Academy of Architecture (Bolivia)

Gert Breugem | CV 2016


Projects 1996 -­‐ 2016 Exper@se projects: • Structure vision city scale • Master Plans • Center Plans • Complex urban node • Landscape • Waterfront • Intrastructure • Regenera@on projects • Mixed use • Small scale urban design

Fields of exper@se: • Development Strategies • User par@cipa@on • Public-­‐private partnerships • Research landscape • Research poli@co-­‐historical • Urban scheduling new tasks • Workshops • Training / advice • Presenta@ons • Reflec@on

International projects and training/study

2003 Design study/strategy La paz, Bolivia 3th Year design project at the Academy of architecture. project was a strategy enabling futural growth of El Alto by series of facilities at the edge zone

2008 participation int. workshop Montevideo, Uruqay Participation of a design workshop in combination with exhibition of Archiprix international. We made proposals for one of the poorest neighbourhoods of the city and searched for better connections.

Architectuur, Wat zijn dat, regels!


Wegen dichtgeslibbed

Tuinstad onder druk

Straathandel, a way of life

2005/2006 Thesis past the Green line, Cyprus Thesis Academy of architecture. Project was about design interventions facilitating cultural exchange at both sides of the so called Green line

De Ketjeka market

2001 Design lab Dessau, Germany Participation of a design lab for a month in wich I had to make urban analyses and proposals for Oranienbaum, a neighbouring village - as a precourse for acceptance at the Academy of architecture

2004 Advisory research kumasi, Ghana Participation workshop as a start for a logo south programm in collaboration with VNG-i.

2014 Lecturing study course Cape Town, South Africa Initiated this project and participated the 3th year design course as lecturer at the Academy of Architecture

Gert Breugem | CV 2016


SUS Smart Urban Solutions Studio

Projects 2013 -­‐ 2016 Projects Municipality of Almere

2016 Spa5al vision main center Almere Spa@al vision as condi@onal framework for future (re)development projects and perspec@ve for investments

2015 City game temporally use The vision as the result of a par@cipa@on process aiming to create value and ac@vi@es of an empty land near Almere’s city center

2014 Research sport and playing ac5vi5es center Almere A study to possibili@es of sport and playing ac@vi@es, as branding tools for the city center of Almere

2015 Guidelines architecture Almere DUNE Guidelines to show to developer differentpossibili@es on architecture in DUNE

2012 Allotment plan Almere Poort Allotment plan in Homeruskwar@er, Almere Poort, to accommodate a dens program of houses in private partnership

2013 Study integra5on allotment and housing Almere Study on integra@on of allotment and housing along one of Almere’s rivers

2015 Vision mainroad Poortdreef Almere Vision on posi@on, characteris@c and landscaping of an exis@ng mainroad of Almere

2014 Proposal project descrip5on eastside Almere The proposal consist of the descrip@on of three possible projects concerning integra@on of nature, agriculture and housing Gert Breugem | CV 2016

2014 Study integra5on renewable energy along highway A6 Almere Research on loca@ons and guidelines of renewable energy along highway A6, Almere 7

Projects 2002 -­‐ 2013 Masterplanning

2014 Participation workshop VNG-international palestine Participation workshop to develop a strategy for the municipality of Rawabi (newtown project at the westbank) as an instrumental to have more control over futural planning and development of the city.

2002 kruidenwijk-Zuid, Nijverdal Masterplan for a residential area including an industrial cluster. Base is the existing landscape and the interaction with housing environments.

2002 Harsselaar-Zuid, Barneveld Scenarios and masterplan for an extension of an industrial area between Barneveld and Voorthuizen

2004 Diekmanterrein, Enschede Masterplan for a villa estate, southern of Enschede at the transition zone between city and landscape.

2013 De Laren, Almere Haven Masterplan for a housing estate with facilities highly connected with the existing landscape and green functions SUS Smart Urban Solutions Studio

Gert Breugem | CV 2016


Projects 2003 -­‐ 2014

2009 Vision southern coastal line Almere Vision for the southern coastal line at the Gooimeer. Aim is to transform the coastal line into a more lively and attractive coast

2003 Study redevelopment northern edge historical centre kampen Study on transformation of the northern zone of the historical city of Kampen, including a new waterfront near the river IJssel

2013 Catalogue housing typologies Study on alternative housing typolgies, closely related to the existing landscape characteristics of Almere

SUS Smart Urban Solutions Studio

Gert Breugem | CV 2016


Projects 2003 -­‐ 2014

2004 Masterplan Trekweg recrea5onal development Masterplan with spa@al frame enabling gradual development recrea@onal func@ons

2004 Guidelines terrain landscaping Trekweg Guidelines that guaranteequality of the terrains of the different recrea@onal developments Gert Breugem | CV 2016


Complete list projects 1996 -­‐ 2016 Municip. Of Almere 2004 – present [sen.urban designer/planner] •  Study loca@ons for cheap housing •  Redevelopment Study •  SPVE sheltered housing complex •  Masterplan+quality plan recrea@onal develop-­‐ •  ment Trekweg •  Explora@on and vision waterfront development •  Almere Haven •  Study scenario coastal plan Almere Haven •  Study possibili@es mixed use seilements near •  city centre •  Long term Vision Almere Haven with poli@cal agenda •  Research doc historical development plans Almere •  Study futural needs and changes main road system city •  Development scenarios for east side Almere (as part of Structure vision Almere 2030+) •  Design research South Shore Weerwater •  Spa@al vision Restructuring The Wierden •  Vision coastline Gooimeer Almere •  Wierden Quality Book for urban renewal (in collabora@on with DUS Architects) •  Atlas Centre Almere Haven •  Vision with implementa@on agenda Center Almere Haven •  Research loca@ons private commissions in the city Almere •  Vision reconstruc@on small mixed use area, A.Haven •  Research Coordina@on of supply / demand in exis@ng urban areas •  Design masterplan and allotment plans Urban extension De Laren, A.Haven •  Urban design fields J and L Homeruskwar@er, Almere poort •  Vision dis@nc@ve living environments (PO) Almere •  Vision and design principles reconstruc@on mainroad Almere

Study prac@cal ideas and developments related to Almere’s Growing Green Ci@es ambi@on Study possibili@es wind/solar energy along the highway A6 corridor, in collabora@on with karres&Brands landscape architects

Grontmij NV/ design studio, Zwolle 2001 -­‐ 2005 [urban designer/advisor] •  Masterplan extension industry/ business Harsselaar, Barneveld •  Masterplan residen@al area Nijverdal •  Masterplan and quality Plan residen@al area of Enschede •  Vision restructuring years ’60 neighbourhood, Amersfoort •  Vision reconstruc@on industrial zone Hasselt •  Study development northern entrance medival city of Kampen VVk Urbanism and architects, Amsterdam 2000 -­‐ 2001 [urban designer] •  Land Development Study business •  Urban design with spa@al support residen@al area •  Development plan Municip/ of Breukelen Municip. Of Amsterdam / Geuzenveld Slotermeer 1998 -­‐ 2000 [urban designer] •  Vision Confuciusplein •  SPVE infill loca@on •  Policy on / extension works Project Design Square Consultancy kragten, Garden & landsca. | Urban designer 1998 -­‐ 1999 (free-­‐lance) urban designer •  Urban analyses and modelling recrea@onal •  parc Ede •  revision masterplan businesspark, Arnhem Municipality of Leiden, dept. Urbanism 1996 -­‐ 1998 [ass. urban designer] •  Redevelopment Plans Town •  Research in context Structural metropolitan •  route Leiden •  Contribu@on detail inrich@ngselem book.

Gert Breugem | CV 2016


Gert Breugem | CV 2016


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