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SUS Smart Urban Solutions

Gert Breugem Urban planner/designer SUS | Smart Urban Solutions

SUS is an urban design and consulting firm, delivering smart urban design solutions to establish attractive cities. SUS will research, design, in collaboration with local stakeholders, lay the right foundation for an integrated and sustainable development of cities. To this end SUS explains the connection between the metropolitan challenges and needs of local residents and businesses and users. SUS focuses on the problem of rapidly growing cities in developing countries, based on the realization that it is precisely in these countries there is a great need for smart and sustainable urban development methods. Attractive cities are cities that attract people permanently. These are the cities where people want to live, work and recreate. But they are also the cities that attract investors and where large companies like to have an office. Clearly attractive cities provide a healthy and stable economic environment, which ultimately benefit all residents. Attractive cities are unique and preserved, despite the dynamism and rapid growth, their own (historical, cultural and architectural) values. It is these distinguishing factors that make cities attractive and are inextricably linked to a local culture and geographical location in the world.

About SUS |

Smart Urban Solutions • More than 20 years experience in urban design • More than 10 years in working for one of the big municipalities within the Netherlands, Almere • Experience with urban design at all scales (region - street) • Familiar with many planning tools • Experience with education/training/lecturing courses • Experience in sustainable urban strategies • Experience in analyses preconditional for SUS | Smart Urban Solutions

• • • • • •

embeddness of urban development in an existing social, ecological and fysical landscape Experience with process planning Experience with conditional instruments for adaptive planning Knows about collaboration with stakeholders as part of urban transformation process Worked on urban strategies with operational agenda Experience approaches for private partnership Research on conditions for planning

SUS | Smart Urban Solutions

Challenges of most cities in the Third World: Many cities in the Third World struggle with their identity. Lots of these cities grow rapidly, yet most of the systems in the city (like mobility/transport, facilities, water/sewer, electricity, etc.) are insufficient to facilitate these rapid urbanization processes. Due to political instability, wars and/or natural hazards, many people in the Third World suffer from hunger and lack of hygiene and basic services. The individual need is great, and many people will never get a chance to develop themselves in order to acquire appropriate income and shelter. Therefore, proper drinking water, safe shelter and possibilities for work and basic services nearby are the most impor-

tant goals to achieve. The power of attractive cities: Attractive cities are cities that attract people. Attractive cities are very well connected with the global network and are distinctive in terms of geographical conditions and architectural expression and culture. People like to live in a nice and proper way, people like to work in a nice and attractive environment and people like to spend their time in attractive open places and good urban facilities. By achieving this, cities will attract investors, new business and tourists to invest in the city or to spent their time and money in the local economy. Therefore, the whole city benefits from being an attractive city!


Creating attractive cities in developing countries

• Palestine • Egypt

• Ghana • Nigeria Cameroon • • Peru • Bolivia

Angola • Namibia •

• Ethiopia • Kenya • Tanzania

• Zambia • Malawi • Mozambique • Botswana

• South Africa Africa

SUS | Smart Urban Solutions

• Filippines • Cambodja

Key indicators D E S T E P

growth population Urbanization cities



vulnerability to natural hazards


export countries


water scarcity


P D min.




air polition

poor living conditions Homicide rate

Digital opportunity Innovations/research

World countries by GDP

Global peace

Rate underfournished

Urgency: • Cities are engines of economig growth • 50% of the world population (3.5 billion) live in cities • 80% of GNP generated by cities • Every day 180.000 people migrate to cities = 40.000 houses • 1 billion people live in slums or informal settlements • Cities consume 75% of natural resources • Cities produce 75% of all pollution….

SUS | Smart Urban Solutions

Our standard

Integrated and sustainable design solutions SUS Smart urban Solutions supports sustainable growth and transformation of cities at all scales in close collaboration with all stakeholders and political institutional partners. Our standard is high and professional. Innovative solutions and out of the box thinking is our focus. Our objective is to stimulate business, governmental organisations to take the right decisions regarding urban development.

1. Integrated planning

2. Stimulating economic development

1. Integrated planning: Integration of all different aspects in planning, like watermanagement, mobility, energy,

3. Stimulating resilient cities

2. Stimulating economic development: The creation of job possibilities and appropriate investment conditions is what we want to provide. 3. Stimulating resilient cities: With our projects we want to stimulate the adaptivity of cities, improve safety, reduce poverty, improve sustainable energy, stimulating healthy environments and improve living conditions

4. Sense of place

4. Sense of place: Using the original characteristics of cities as starting point for planning 5. Stimulating self supportive cities: In our projects we focus on the independancy of cities and minimalize the dependancy of the institutional organisations in the perspective of energy, food, water and resources


5. Stimulating self supportive cities

6. User oriented (local needs)

6. User oriented (local needs): Building in accordance of the needs of the users is fundamental in our planning proposals 7. creation of collective values: Collective values connect people and stimulate partnership and collaboration SUS | Smart Urban Solutions

7. creation of collective values

Working method Multi stakeholder approach

Inclusion of all stakeholders and users are importent in our approach. We believe that involvement of all relevant groups from the beginning will result in implementeble design proposals maximum adjusted to the demands and needs of users. Always we start a design process with a comprehensive analysis of relevant stakeholders. Therefore, the design is the result of a process in which all stakeholders are challenged to play an active role in realizing the plan. Traditional approach assignment




opposition adjustment design

Approach SUS communication stakeholders/users




SUS | Smart Urban Solutions

Research We always start with research within the existing context in order to understand a city better, as a starting point for the vision and design proposals. Our approach is characterized by an analytical approach. We always use field and desk research as a means to understanding a city within its broad region. This gives us the necessary information to take an appropriate design approach, which is highly related to the challenges the city is facing today and to future needs and demands.

Research& development Catalyzing knowledge in design solutions We have experience in research and analytical methods, which enable us to offer insight into relevant topics and needs. In different design projects we used specific research methods. Such as: - research on the landscape characteristics for future development on the Eastern side of Almere, - research on the planning history of Almere as a starting point for future visions on city/regional scale and social impact. - research on the socio/historical context of Nicosia (Cyprus), as a starting point for the strategy for cultural exchange between both ethnic groups (thesis Academy of Architecture) - research on reasons and conditions for future development of different urban functions within the existing urban fabric of Almere

SUS | Smart Urban Solutions

We use the following tools: - Mapping (GIS): emperic research on the existing situation by using geographical information system. - Interviews: interviews with stakeholders and other involved partners give lots of useful information about how cities work. They are the users and know very well what is needed. - Literature research: we use internet and literature to deepen our knowledge on a specific field or subject. - Physical research: doing field research we gather lots of necessary detailed information .

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SUS | Smart Urban Solutions

SUS | Smart Urban Solutions

SUS | Smart Urban Solutions


Projects and fields


Regional Scale


SUS | Smart Urban Solutions

Structure Vision

Regeneration residential



Implementation plan


Expertise Projects: • Structure vision city scale • Master Plans • Center Plans • Complex urban node • Landscape • Waterfront • Intrastructure • Regeneration projects • Mixed use • Small scale urban design Fields of expertise: • Development Strategies • User participation • Public-private partnerships • Research landscape • Research politico-historical • Urban scheduling new tasks • Workshops • Training / advice • Presentations • Reflection


SUS | Smart Urban Solutions

International projects and training/study

2008 Participation int. workshop Montevideo, Uruqay Participation of a design workshop in combination with exhibition of Archiprix international. We made proposals for one of the poorest neighbourhoods of the city and searched for better connections.

2014 Participation workshop VNG-international Palestine Participation workshop to develop a strategy for the municipality of Rawabi (newtown project at the westbank) as an instrumental to have more control over futural planning and development of the city.

2014 Lecturing study course Cape Town, South Africa Initiated this project and participated the 3th year design course as lecturer at the Academy of Architecture


SUS | Smart

2002 Kruidenwijk-Zuid, Nijverdal Masterplan for a residential area including an industrial cluster. Base is the existing landscape and the interaction with housing Urban Solutions environments.


2006 Scenarios east side Almere Scenarios with effects in helping politicians in their considerations of urban development agenda of Almere, as preperation for guidelines of the structure vision Almere 2010-2040

2009 Study waterfront development Almere Haven After a series of unsuccesful planningproposals a vision had to be developed without mutation on the dikes. Building in flood zone of the lake was the main issue in planning

2009 Vision southern coastal line Almere Vision for the southern coastal line at the Gooimeer. Aim is to transform the coastal line into a more lively and attractive coast

2003 Study redevelopment northern edge historical centre Kampen Study on transformation of the northern zone of the historical city of Kampen, including a new waterfront near the river IJssel

Architectuur, Wat zijn dat, regels!

Wegen dichtgeslibbed

2004 Advisory research Kumasi, Ghana Participation workshop as a start for a logo south programm in collaboration with VNG-i.

Tuinstad onder druk

2003 Design study/strategy La Paz, Bolivia 3th Year design project at the Academy of architecture. project was a strategy enabling futural growth of El Alto by series of facilities at the edge zone

De Ketjeka market

2005/2006 Thesis Past the Green line, Cyprus Thesis Academy of architecture. Project was about design interventions facilitating cultural exchange at both sides of the so called Green line

Straathandel, a way of life

2001 Design lab Dessau, Germany Participation of a design lab for a month in wich I had to make urban analyses and proposals for Oranienbaum, a neighbouring village - as a precourse for acceptance at the Academy of architecture

Regional scale/ landscape

Structure vision

2002 Harsselaar-Zuid, Barneveld Scenarios and masterplan for an extension of an industrial area between Barneveld and Voorthuizen

2004 Diekmanterrein, Enschede Masterplan for a villa estate, southern of Enschede at the transition zone between city and landscape.

2013 De Laren, Almere Haven Masterplan for a housing estate with facilities highly connected with the existing landscape and green functions

2006 Structure vision Almere Haven In preperation of a new political term, an operational agenda had to be developped, based on visions for all districts at Almere

2013 Catalogue housing typologies Study on alternative housing typolgies, closely related to the existing landscape characteristics of Almere

Regeneration Maquette de Wierden

Regional scale/landscape


City game

2003 Urban study urban node, Deventer Study on futural perspective for complex and isolated pieces of land at a infrastructural node of Deventer. Outcome where some enclaves with different architectural expression

2004 Study main road system Almere Study on optimalization of the existing main road system regarding the futural growth of the city

2015 City game temporally development Process whereby stakeholder get freedom to develop an empty lot with urban and green initiatives

Nieuwbouw Gezondheidscentrum Nieuwbouw Korn/ Leemwierde

Renovatie Kornwierde

Nieuwbouw Hart Wierden

Renovatie Oldewierde Renovatie Kimwierde

Renovatie Kimwierde Renovatie Kimwierde Nieuwbouw Kimwierde

Voor De Wierden is een maquette gemaakt waarin met voorbeelden wordt ge誰llustreerd wat er op grond van het nieuwe bestemmingsplan maximaal mogelijk wordt. Zowel in hoogte als in volume. Wat u ziet is dus niet hoe de wijk er in de toekomst uit gaat zien.


2009 Regeneration De Wierden, Almere Haven Part of the integral approach in upgrading an housing settlement physically and socially, a strategy was developed for urban transformation. The vision aim to develop new houses and stimulate transformation Particuliere woningverbetering


2013 Guidelines Waterewijk senior proof a Set of guidelines for a + settlement to estahousing blish a better perspective for older people to live Renovatie complexen

Spatial policies

2011 Vision transformation Ambachtsmark, A.Haven a Vision on transformation of a small scale industrial zone, including an upgrade of the public space

Amsterdam south east The world economy is the economic potential of Asia clearly - Asia as econ. Engine in the world, is one of the principles in this vision.

2003 Urban study redevelopment housing estate Surinamelaan, Amersfoort Study on transformation of a green housing estate by modifications of the buildings and the green space

Implementation plans DP

2012 Study distinguished housing typologies The interaction between housing and landscape has led to this overview of distinguished housing environments and typologies

































2013 Toolbox furnishing measures Stedendreef Toolbox of furnishing measures in preperation for the reconstruction and furnishing plan of the Stedendreef Almere

Model 2

Model 4


Model 3






Model 1














2004 Principles housing complex disables people Urban principles how to fit a housing complex for disabled people within an existing urban fabric of a neighbourhood situatie 1 :500













4849 4848




















































2011 Vision center Almere Haven Vision with implementing agenda for Almere Haven, as a reaction on discontent by shopping owners and residents.


2004 Models community center Botplein Models for a community center, to establish an attractive and safe meeting point in a existing housing estate

2014 Principles mixed use block center A.Haven Urban principles for development of commercial functions and appartments at the center of Almere Haven

2015 Brand guide tourism and recreation A visionary brandguide with opportunities for new touristic and recreational developments

SUS | Smart Urban Solutions

We offer workshops, training and presentations to help the client in delivering ideas regarding urban topics Working in an academic environment gave us the tools to use workshops, training and presentations as means of reflection on projects, but also as a means to collect innovative and fresh ideas. By giving training we can support governments in the outline of effective processes regarding future urban development. We use presentations as a communication channel to inform students, experts or people interested in the subject about our projects and ideas. By doing this we stimulate reflection on our work, and are hoping that our work inspires more people towards working on projects. Key words: • peace keeping • capacity building • international workshop • poverty reduction • social inclusion

International training/study

Reference projects:


Participation int. workshop Montevideo, Uruqay


Advisory research Kumasi, Ghana


Lecturing study course Cape Town, South Africa

SUS | Smart Urban Solutions


Participation workshop VNG-international Palestine


Design study/strategy La Paz, Bolivia

2005/2006 Thesis Past the Green line, Cyprus Thesis Academy of Architecture. Project consisted of design interventions, facilitating cultural exchange on both sides of the so called Green line. Nicosia is the only capital city still divided, and is the backdrop to the stark contrast between the Turkish world of Islam and the Western world of the Greeks. Since 1974 a demilitarized buffer zone, the Green Line, has physically divided the city and the entire island. Indeed, the Green Line means that Nicosia is split at the very heart of the old town, while its Roman origin means it is a treasure house of bygone days. I sought a spatial and architectural means of reuniting the two cultures. This unique situation requires an unconventional approach. The aim of the strategy was to stimulate the process of cultural change and regeneration in the heart of the old town. My project consists of three anchors acting as hubs of urban activity, in combination with a spatial framework at the exact place of today’s

Map of cuprus


Images existing situation

Strategic approach


SUS | Smart Urban Solutions

We help clients in developing strategies for the implementation of a design in the future, with different stakeholders We always think of how visions and designs can be actualized, in a way the client expects. We bring different stakeholders and users together in order to create the best solution for all which involves experts and business in the process.

Key words: • research • regional integration • sense of place • integrated planning

We know from experience the long term political commitment in these kinds of processes. That’s why we always seek partnerships with a local urban design company or organisation, to guarantee the progression of the project. We have a flexible and open mind because we understand that a design must be able to adapt over time to changing circumstances and needs.

Strategic planning regional scale 2009

Vision southern coastal line Almere

2003 Urban study urban node, Deventer

2003 Study course - planningstrategy supernode

SUS | Smart Urban Solutions

2006 Scenarios east side Almere Scenario formation with the aim of helping the local municipality in their consideration of the urban development agenda of Almere. Preparation guidelines for the structural vision of Almere, 2010-2040. The development is one of the building blocks for a final concept for the scale jump of Almere as part of the emergency program development Randstad. The project contain several alternatives for the development of the eastern side of Almere. The alternatives are strongly

linked with the existing geographical conditions and regional characteristics and form the basis for future economic development . Choices are not made at this stage. The report invites to make choices in relation to the higher scale of the city and the region. The scenarios help regional political authorities in making the right choices. Mun of Almere – Type of plan: Scenarios with effects in helping politicians in their considerations of urban development agenda of Almere - Client: Municip. Almere - June 2006

SUS | Smart Urban Solutions

We deliver powerful and attractive urban proposals with a sense of fulfillment We have experience in urban assignments at all scales, from region to street. We know how to design urban interventions with great impact on city scale or even regional scale. We use all means to visualize our designs and always seek visualization methods that are the most suitable in a certain phase of the process. Our designs are clear concise, visualizing opportunities and solutions for real problems and integral solutions for sustainable and attractive development of cities. Debate by design

Masterplanning 2003 Study redevelopment northern edge historical centre Kampen



Kruidenwijk-Zuid, Nijverdal

2009 Study waterfront development Almere Haven


Harsselaar-Zuid, Barneveld

SUS | Smart Urban Solutions

Diekmanterrein, Enschede

Additionally, we use our designs as instruments for dialogue with all stakeholders and users, which requires flexibility and a deep understanding of the need and demand of all stakeholders, that are involved. Our involvement can take the role of leading and/or reflecting on a process where different groups of stakeholders sketch and design their own ideas and solutions for a specific assignment. Key words: • research • sense of place • inclusive planning • participative planning • landscape integration

2013 Masterplan De Laren, Almere Haven Masterplan creation for a housing estate with facilities highly connected within the existing landscape and green functions at the west side of Almere Haven. In creation the urban plan for the Laren the underlying landscape played an important role. Retention and activation of the landscape formed the basis for the location and distinctive quality of living and amenities. The plan is based on three spheres, which are connected together by an intricate system of footpaths. The largest cluster of housing is concentrated around the sports cluster. Munic. Of Almere in collaboration with INBO – Type of plan: masterplan 450 dwellings based on existing landscape characteristics - Client: Municip. Almere - June 2013

SUS | Smart Urban Solutions

We support deprived area rehabilitation projects by designing the basic spatial structure in collaboration with the local population, authorities and institutes. Integrated Approach We use principles of adaptive cities in a way that enables slums can transform into more attractive middle class (sub)urban areas, containing a combination of housing and working space. Most slum dwellers depend on possibilities for working far from their homes. Their travel costs are half, sometimes even 70% of their income. We believe in an integrated approach that contributes to the improvement of physical living conditions, and nearby work opportunities. In this sense these areas can be transformed from icons of poverty into attractive (sub) urban middle class neighbourhoods, which save city governments transport and community safety protection costs. Social housing Lack of income coupled with massive immigration to cities results in most Third World cities consisting of greater than

50% of inhabitants living in slums. The availability of proper shelters or rental houses are far from sufficient, leaving people to find their own proper accommodation. Social housing can be a means to accommodate some of the people who come from rural inlands to the cities, which stimulate proper living conditions and more attractive and healthy environments for living. Our contribution to stimulate social housing is to design processes which encourages collaboration between users, local authorities, housing associations, developers and charitable organisations, thus leading to an increasing number of social housing. Key words: • participation planning • bottom up planning • multi stakeholders approach

2009 Regeneration De Wierden, Almere Haven

2013 Guidelines Waterewijk senior proof



Vision transformation Ambachtsmark, A.Haven

Urban study redevelopment housing estate Surinamelaan, Amersfoort

Regeneration SUS | Smart Urban Solutions

2009 Regeneration De Wierden, Almere Haven The Wierden Stijlboek is a booklet with guidelines and inspiring examples on how the individual dwellings can be transformed in the future. The Wierden Stijlboek is part of the regeneration project De Wierden, Almere Haven Together with DUS architecture we worked in close collaboration with the citizens on the Wierden Style Book. The Wierden Style Book provides inspiration and tools for everyone from residents to town and corporations - to change the comfort and the experience of home and neighborhood and improve. And in order to preserve the important qualities of the Wierden and strengthen, by means of spatial transformations on a small and on a large scale. Using the 10 Principles Wierden everyone can participate and contribute to a better neighborhood. Munic. Of Almere – Type of plan: Vision on transformation years ‘80 estate at Almere Haven in collaboration with DUS architects Client: Municip. Almere - June 2009

SUS | Smart Urban Solutions

We support the renewal of city centres by delivering design strategies that contribute to local needs and demands Combining distinction and diversity City centers are mainly the hotspots in cities, where people meet, shop, trade and recreate. So, in order to attract people, centres need to be distinctive, attractive and diverse. Successful centers are a mixture of,diversity and density. The number of diverse attractions, hotels, restaurants, shops, facilities, schools, etc. tells a success story of centres. We believe that appropriate housing is crucial to this success, not only because of the use of public space (during the day and at night) but also because of the limited distance between people spending money and the availability of shops and other services. Our contribution towards centre revitalization projects exists by finding ways to make centres even more dense, diverse and distinctive. Distinctive hotspots in the city make it attractive and emphasize its distinctive identity.

Center development


Models community center Botplein

SUS | Smart Urban Solutions

Key words: • participation planning • multi stakeholders approach • functioning mixing • density • stimulating economic development


Vision center Almere Haven

Vision of implementing an agenda for Almere Haven, as a response to the discontent expressed by by shop owners and residents. In 2011 the municipality of Almere has taken the lead in drafting a vision implementation agenda due to the poor economic prospects of the center. The vision consists of a list of improvement measures for the vulnerabilities in the public space and the municipal real estate. Munic. Of Almere – Type of plan: Vision transformation possibilities district center area Client: Municip. Almere – Dec. 2011

SUS | Smart Urban Solutions

We support deprived area rehabilitation projects by designing the basic spatial structure in collaboration with the local population, authorities and institutes. Integrated Approach We use principles of adaptive cities in a way that enables slums can transform into more attractive middle class (sub)urban areas, containing a combination of housing and working space. Most slum dwellers depend on possibilities for working far from their homes. Their travel costs are half, sometimes even 70% of their income. We believe in an integrated approach that contributes to the improvement of physical living conditions, and nearby work opportunities. In this sense these areas can be transformed from icons of poverty into attractive (sub) urban middle class neighbourhoods, which save city governments transport and community safety protection costs.


2004 Study main road system Almere

2013 Toolbox furnishing measures Stedendreef

SUS | Smart Urban Solutions

Social housing Lack of income coupled with massive immigration to cities results in most Third World cities consisting of greater than 50% of inhabitants living in slums. The availability of proper shelters or rental houses are far from sufficient, leaving people to find their own proper accommodation. Social housing can be a means to accommodate some of the people who come from rural inlands to the cities, which stimulate proper living conditions and more attractive and healthy environments for living. Our contribution to stimulate social housing is to design processes which encourages collaboration between users, local authorities, housing associations, developers and charitable organisations, thus leading to an increasing number of social housing. Key words: • participation planning • bottom up planning • multi stakeholders approach

Center development

20115 Vision reconstruction main road Poortdreef, Almere Poort

Exploration of a spatial arrangement of a recently constructed main road to the west of Almere. Task is to study how the lane in an integrated manner can be anchored in the existing landscape and urban structure. The plan aims at a device that subtly responds to the distinctive landscape types of dunes and forests and optimally meet a contiguous urban area (under development).

The strategy behind the vision is to plant forest and along the main road and two row, gradually thinned, so that creates a varied landscape. On the basis of a toolbox of device measures can be taken in the further elaboration design decisions. Munic. Of Almere – Type of plan: Vision survey plan main road Poortdreef Almere, The Netherlands Client: Municip. Almere – September 2015

SUS | Smart Urban Solutions

We offer advice and reflection on upn design proposals on request, to support clients in making the best decisions Advice can be requested in different phases of design processes. Like the initiative phase, where governments or developers can ask for a second opinion in a certain design approach or like the phase of exploration of certain design solutions in which a decision has to be taken for the best design or in the implementation phase where the architectural or spatial designs should be considered on its value related to the original vision and concept. We have extensive experience in the whole process, so we understand the way designs relate to the original question and demand. We ensure a design is a clear and innovative expression of the original concept.

Implementation planning Key words: • participation planning • research • building plan guidance • architectural design


Guidelines for implementation housing blocks De Wierden


Principles mixed use block center A.Haven

SUS | Smart Urban Solutions





The application of Urban Principles in fitting a housing complex for disabled people within an existing urban fabric of a neighbourhood. The green spot is part of green veins in the district that is connected with the Leeghwater lake. The new housing complex can be seen as a small pavilion in a green environment. k




























Client: Munic. Of Almere – Type of plan: Guidelines for implementation complex Dec. 2004


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situatie 1 :500 k


k k


484 4849 8




k k







LM k






























25 DP k














SUS | Smart Urban Solutions

Activities lectorship, training Broad range of activities

2004 Supervisor graduations architecture / urban, Windesheim 2008-present Coordinator and lecturer Regional Research Academy of Architecture, Amsterdam 2010 Lecture The Other Almere, Arch.centrum Casla 2010 Lecture graduation project “Past the Green line” symposium conflicts and areas “ NAI, Rotterdam 2011 Visiting critic O5 Academy of Architecture 2011 Lecture and excursion Almere - prep. Course Academy of architecture Amsterdam 2011 Lecture “Past the Green line” symposium The Spontaneous City“ 2011 Lecture Private commissioning Almere 2012 Club 100 (jury) StedenbouwNU contest 2012/2014 Commission member (external) graduation Hogeschool van Amsterdam 2010-2014 Lectures and tours foreign delegations Almere 2014 Extern committee Bsc graduation projects Hogeschool van Amsterdam 2014 Lecturer designproject Msc architecture/urbanism Academy of Architecture, Amsterdam

SUS | Smart Urban Solutions

Study Project “City edge”, Bolivia, Yearbook AvB 2003/2004, 2003 Evaluate item about the study project “City edge”, which is by urban functions at the edge of the 3rd world city El Alto, the enormously rapid growth possible again. “Amsterdam South East as a super node,” Building line, 2005 Evaluate item on the advanced techniques of GIS to the development possibilities bring. of the commercial park in Amsterdam South East map Graduation project “Past the Green line”, Yearbook AvB, 2007/2008, 2008 Evaluate item on my graduation project, the cultural barrier between Turkish and Greek Nicosia (capital of Cyprus) is the starting point. Through features and spatial interventions both groups are brought back together and can be talked again about cultural exchange in the heart of the old town of Nicosia.


Archiprix 2007/Archiprix international - Graduation project “Past the Green line”, Evaluate item on my graduation project, the cultural barrier between Turkish and Greek Nicosia (capital of Cyprus) is the starting point. Through features and spatial interventions both groups are brought back together and can be talked again about cultural exchange in the heart of the old town of Nicosia.

Atlas of planning Almere, 2008 – Historical overview of all planning, that has led to the city as it is today. A booklet with planningpropsals with 4 chapters: chapter 1 as the foundation, chapter 2 the city begins, chapter 3 the need for another jump in scale and finally the last chapter with an overview of existing regeneration plans for the existing city. With recommendations for future planning. The other Almere, Plus + library, June 2010 Turnaround in thinking about Almere. A vision of urban planning in Almere, which runs parallel to the great development acupuncture operates in the existing parts of the city growth. A practical vision that the social dimension presupposes and outweighing the one hand, large-scale, production-driven regional development that is still playing. Article to an attractive Gooi Coastline, Green, 66th year - Nov. 2010 The article describes the strategy and vision of how gradually - with the further urbanization of Almere - the contact with the Southern Coast Gooi can be laid. This new contact with the coast strengthen the identity of the city, but also provide a series of atmospheres and environments. Projectbook studentplans Cape Town – December 2014 A compact booklet with insight in studentproposals of a 3th year design course at the Academy of Architecture, Amsterdam. Responsible for editing and lectorship of the project, together with Jeroen Mensink (JM* architects).

SUS | Smart Urban Solutions

Website: Insight in the brand of my company, my markets, services and experience and actual news. The website provides the basis for my business which can be referenced by mailings and from social media platforms like facebook and linkedin. Linked in: I am using Linked in for my professional network, by connecting people, posting information of my activities and news regarding the field of urban development in developing countries. Facebook: Facebook forms my timeline of news, opinions, observations for everyone who is interested in urban planning and design in developing countries and in me, as a person with a certain mission.


Interactive tools focussing on client relation Experts: Posting actual and relevant information that underlines my core

business will be part of my business. Moreover I like tu use news also to inform my network about achievements, opinions on current news items and developments in the perspective of urban planning activities in developing countries. f


Linkedin group SUS

Facebook Gert Breugem

SUS | Smart Urban Solutions

I focus on following type of news: - good examples sustainable planning - actual trends and developments worldwide - events - opinions on certain developments - project propositions - reflections on planning - thoughts and ideas on certain development

Gert Breugem graduated successfully urban design at the Academy of Architecture, Amsterdam. During his study he discovered and explored the influence of cultures and lifestyles in towns. Besides he developed a wide range of design tools, which he uses in many design projects. During his master theses urbanism, he designed in his project “Past the Green line� a development strategy elaboration designs for Nicosia, Cyprus, designed segregated capital Cyprus gradually to a single act. The project was nominated for Archiprix 2006 and Archiprix International in 2007 (winner) and was nominated for the StedenbouwNU competition in 2008. Furthermore Gert Breugem is since many years guest lecturer at the Academy of Architecture Amsterdam. He is also involved in various educational lectures, internships and thesis supervision. Gert specialties include urban design, urban planning, regional and urban strategies, historical and typological research,

About Gert Breugem

Sharing knowledge and expertise to create better cities Gert Breugem is urban designer/planner at the municipality of Almere, the largest newtown in the Netherlands. Gert’s involvement in the Municipality of Almere has led to a more strategic approach to planning projects, with a clear focus on achievement. Characteristically are his analytical and investigative skills, which he combines with a thorough knowledge of the city at all levels. He uses this knowledge on several projects and he contects design issues always committing with the higher scale and characteristics of the site. He has experience with all levels: from region to street, from master to plot. Almere is the testing ground of urbanism and architecture in the Netherlands and is a source of inspiration for many cities in the world. Gert also regularly gives lectures and organizes excursions to foreign delegations and he talks from a wide range of experience and knowledge about the past, present and future of the city.

methods of participation, cooperation with different partners. He has a strong sense for actual topics and trends. He has an analytical focus. His mission is to work with enthusiastic and passionate people to work for a better world, from an ideological motive. After years of working for the government, he noticed that there are lots of global issues and opportunities and problems, where he can uses his skills, wide knowledge and experience. Topics related to livable, sustainable and adaptable cities require integral and viable solutions. In the future Gert wants to focus on this fields. He looks for alliances with bodies, people and companies that operate from the same ideological motivation. He likely offer his years of knowledge and experience as an urban planner for the government to achieve full spatial solutions, in a way that might help improving cities in the world. SUS | Smart Urban Solutions

SUS | Smart Urban Solutions

Contact For questions, collaboration or any information, please contact us: SUS - Smart Urban Solutions Gert Breugem Wisselweg 33 1314CB Almere The Netherlands T. +31 36-5399451 / +31 6-52783779 E.

SUS | Smart Urban Solutions

SUS | Smart Urban Solutions

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