August 2015

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August 2015


Cloud 9 Salute to the Arts Sips & Tastes @ 618

Still Karried KimAway Depigian Featured Cover Artwork by

Serving Up Art, Music, and Culture for the Metro Area’s Enjoyment

Inside Cover

ISSUE 37 • August 2015 Staff

Editors Dylan Seibert Paul Seibert Daniel Nygard Alison Lysakowski Layout Design Artists Michelle Reynolds Sierra Wilson Jacob Oliver Sales Paul Seibert Daniel Nygard Ad Artists Wil Sullivan Mark Polege Michelle Reynolds Jacob Oliver Calendar Paul Seibert Michelle Reynolds Website Design Mark Polege ( Michelle Reynolds Photography Dan Cross Distribution Daniel Nygard, Victoria Dietzen, Paul Seibert, Shenee Booth, Dylan Seibert Mascoutah Herald

Contributors Cover Art Kim Depigian Cover Logo Josh Rowan ( Photography Kathy Sax, Alison Lysakowski, Mark Johnson, Paul Seibert Feature Writers Kathy Sax, Alison Lysakowski, Mark Johnson,Paul Seibert Submissions Mark Kensho Rogan (also shown in Calendar banner) Printing Better Newspapers / Mascoutah Herald All material in this publication and its affiliated on-line content are copyrighted to the individual contributors or Straight Up Magazine, LLC and may not be reproduced without written consent. We are very grateful to those who have submitted material to be considered for publication. However, the opinions and views of those contributing content to Straight Up do not necessarily reflect those of Str8 Up Magazine.

Music Together ÂŽ Family Music Classes Metro East Music Together offers Music Together early childhood music classes for children ages birth-kindergarten and their families. For more information, including locations and details about a free trial class, visit or call 916-956-1363.


Str8 Up Magazine


Straight Up Magazine is accepting submissions of artwork, photography, poetry, creative writing, etc. for possible publication in print and on the web. To have your work considered, send hard copy or disc to P.O. Box 412 in Belleville, IL 62222. Digital submissions should be 300dpi and can be emailed to August 2015

Table of Contents • Aug. 2015 8

Community Profile

Looking for info on the cover artist, Kim Depigian? Find out more about him @

Karrie Brown

Still Karried Away


Highlighted Businesses pg. 10

Artists Take the field: The Midwest Salute to the Arts Returns for the 27th Show


Sips & Tastes @ 618




Fun Page



Cloud 9

Southern Illinois’ Premiere Performing Arts Venue Tickets go on sale for our 10th season on September 8, 2015 Vienna Boys Choir Sunday, November 22, 2015

Celtic Nights Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Baladino Friday, April 29, 2016 Aasif Mandvi Thursday, March 31, 2016 • 618.537.6863

The Russel E. & Fern M. Hettenhausen Center for the Arts is located just 25 minutes from downtown St. Louis on the campus of McKendree University in Lebanon, Illinois.

August 2015


Str8 Up Magazine


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10th Street Baking Co 4204 Main Street Brewing Co. Adrenaline Prints Althoff CHS Art Department Almighty Tattoos Althoff CHS Art Dept Anthony’s Salon Bamboo Valley Buffet Bank of Belleville Beast Cafe Beatnik’s Bel-Air Bowl Belle Clair Expo Cente Belleville Inn & Suites Belleville Main Street Belleville Public Libraries (W. Main; E. Washington) Blissfull Living Studio BP Huck’s Locations (Carlyle Ave; N. Illinois) Bronx Zoo Boutique Cattywampus Centerfield Bar and Grill Chamber of Commerce Christopher Mikal Photo. Cigar Inn Circa City Hall Club Escapade Conoco Phillips Crehan’s Irish Pub Dog Day Afternoon Drawing Fantasies by Kathy Dutch Hollow Barn Eckert Florist Effinger’s Garden Center


Str8 Up Magazine


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August 2015

Guitar Center Hey Guys Comedy Club Jacob’s Herb Shop Jonnie’s Pizza Just One More Time Hooters Huck’s Lasting Impressions Floral Lilly’s Gyro MotoMart Phillip 66 Gas Mart (Bunkum Rd.) Public Library Quick Stop 2 Quiznos Ramada Inn Randalls Wine & Spirits Sahara Hair Studio Schnucks Sheraton Four Points St. Clair Bowl Sunshine Daydream Super 8 Motel Winchester Place Office VFW

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August 2015

Ghost Vapor Shop Hanger 18 Guitar Repair Shop Las Cabanas Lebanon Visitors Center Legendary Creations McKendree University (Art Dept., Gallery of Art, Hett Arts Center, Holman Library) MotoMart Public Library Tiadaghton House Whimsey Gifts

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Alexi Era Gallery All Mart Smoke Shop American Legion Bee Hollow Marketplace Best Western Inn & Suites Boyce, Hund, & Associates Casey’s General Store Dauber’s Pharmacy Donna Mae’s Salon Han-Dee Mart Jo-Al Winery Mascoutah Steak House McDonald’s Moore’s Family Restaurant MotoMart Nite Deposit Sax Hometown Store Scott Credit Union St E’s Medical Plaza Tom’s Supermarket Visitor’s Center

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‹ Sauget ›

Sauget Diner SW IL Welcome Center

‹ Scott Air Force Base › Chicago Chicken & Fish Ralph’s Barber Quick Mart Subway VFW #4183

‹ Shiloh ›

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Wings of Shiloh

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Community Thrift / Classy Lady

‹ St. Louis ›

1860s Saloon Broadway Oyster Bar & Grill St. Louis Bubble Tea Hammerstone’s HWY 61 Roadhouse Iron Barley Market Pubhouse Molly’s in Soulard Soulard Art Market Sunshine Daydream


Str8 Up Magazine


Letter from the Editor


hile some or most creative works can naturally have a stronger appeal to one individual than another, Music and Art are highly apt to earn & live up to their reputations as universal languages. And though our rare or routine glimpses or visits with nearby or far off neighbors may or may not reveal or invoke in us an epically strong sense of commonality or closely woven community; all co-inhabited regions share a medley-ed collaboration of culture... 10 years ago it was all too intensely common to hear amazing musicians talk of being unsure how to find their audience, while concurrently venue owners and event organizers often felt stifled in their search for musicians or bands to play their stages or events. And meanwhile, friends would commonly resort to playing telephone games at length with each other & with the clubs or venues to find the details for a handful of shows or even a single show that they could happily meet up at to enjoy anecdotes & laughter and the playful shared catharsis of nodding-heads & swaying-smiles guided by the tempo, & tapping-toes locked into the beat of Live Local Music. Galleries seeking artists & patrons, in those days, all too commonly were met with frustrations while great local artists remained restrained from notoriety & would commonly voice considerations of relocating as their best or only perceived chances of someday proudly toasting with their artistic peers at their very own exhibit’s opening reception. Many factors have helped change the local Artistic, Musical, & Cultural landscape of the area. Many factors have helped lessen the frequency at which such frustrating scenarios seem to occur... And you are one of those factors. With this 37th edition of Str8 Up Magazine positioned now in front of you, our local culture and our local art & music scenes are further enriched and further exposed & revealed to those thirsty to enjoy it, experience it, and contribute more to it... And with each passing month it becomes more & more realistic for local artists to find the right galleries & restaurants & shops in which their works may be displayed; more & more realistic for local bands & musicians to find their stages & street festivals & other opportunities to perform and be seen and heard; Local theatre groups and dance troops can more effectively call out for individuals to audition to join in the passion & fun. And those who love to get out & meet new folks or hang out with old friends in the beautiful surrounds of local art; to the soundtrack of live music; or while otherwise immersed in the Metro Area’s unique & amazing collage of culture; those folks will find these opportunities more & more easily month after month. And the small local businesses that serve amazing foods & drinks, repair instruments, print t-shirts, or sell quality home furnishings (etc.) can make themselves known to thousands throughout the area & simultaneously support the Metro-Area’s ever-growing creative and cultural scene affordably month after month. A lot has changed since April of ‘06 when the grassy roots of Str8 Up Magazine first took hold...

& even the sky holds no limits

This local zine is about the individual cultural and creative facets and the mosaic synergy of a united scene of art, music, and culture being seen for the blessing our scene is and all it can still become... Not just in the bright lights of tall stages, the scene grows also in studios, garages, living rooms, after hours and before the day starts... What growth is seen day-to-day scarcely reveals the great growth that’s daily in the works. The further evolutions and ensuing excitements our scene still has ascending on the horizons can scarcely yet be fully told or shown... but an ear to the ground reveals a gentle sound & a looking-eye more clearly sees So, here’s to the scene here’s to its histories and its coming up Str8 Up & here’s to you ... reading all this wording all the way through The scene simply wouldn’t be quite the same without you.


August 2015


Str8 Up Magazine


Community Profile

Still Karried Away Article by Kathy Sax

Lucky to have had the opportunity to meet Karrie and her mom a few months back, I am delighted to touch base with them and see how their lives have been. One word that describes their past three months isBUSY!! Karrie spends her days volunteering at the Maryville YMCA . Karrie told me that one thing she enjoys the most is reading to the little campers. It is this same place that thirteen years earlier had opened its door and hearts to Sue and her daughters- one with special needs. Looking for childcare that she could afford, Susan stumbled upon the YMCA and so the story begins…. The motto of YMCA is to put Christian principles into practice through programs that build healthy spirit, mind, and body for all. They also offer scholarships, and a program called Memberships for All- which allows for no one to be turned away because of their financial income. This is made possible from funds that are raised at the annual Campaign. It was this scholarship that made it possible for Susan to be able to afford childcare for Karrie. The first person to meet them was Lynn Kerfoot, the YMCA program director who welcomed Karrie. It was a brand new world surrounded by other kids, which opened new doors for Karrie. By including her in the day-to-day life at camp and being around other children, Karrie began talking and doing things that she was told she never would be able to do, like dribbling a basketball. Karrie was surrounded by kids that treated her as “just another kid.” She went from being a camper to Counselor in Training (CIT), and now


Str8 Up Magazine


volunteers at the summer camp. Throughout the years, Susan has volunteered to speak at the YMCA to counselors, workers, and other campers about the importance of inclusion. Two years ago Sue was able to “Pay it Forward” when she donated money towards the scholarship to help another family in need. The YMCA became a family for Karrie and her mom. The same “family” that surrounded Karrie looked out for her when she started high school, which was a step that worried Susan because Karrie would be surrounded by strangers. But it didn’t take long before no one at Collinsville High School was a stranger to Karrie. And in May, having met all the requirements of the school district, she graduated with her classmates and received a diploma. Winning YMCA Youth of the Year in 2014 provided Karrie with a scholarship for college of her choice. She will be attending Lewis and Clark in the fall, taking classes in music and science. Besides her volunteer work, Sue and Karrie have extensively traveled this summer. Three weeks in Aruba, where they own a home, then on to Scotland

to visit her sister. In addition, they attended many speaking engagements throughout the country. One new project that is in the works for Karrie and her mom is product reviews. Although still in the developing stages, it is simply going to local businesses and reviewing their products for a fee. This fee is tax deductible and will go to the Karried Away Foundation. The results of the product review will be shared with all of her social media sites. Karrie told her mom the other day, “I don’t want to be just a clothes model anymore. I want to be a role model.” She wants people to move away from descriptors and gain independence to be seen as people first. After our meeting, Karrie and her mom attended the EI Rally at Woodland Park in Collinsville. EI stands for Early Intervention. Early Intervention Clearinghouse is an Illinois program that helps families with infants/toddlers with diagnosed disabilities and developmental delays, linking them with therapists and resources that can keep the kids “on track,” often in their own homes or day care center.

The rally was to raise awareness to the proposed budget cut in which EI would lose 23 million dollars! The administration also proposes a change in the definition of developmental delay from 30% to 50%, which would eliminate 6,000 of the 20,000 children age birth to 3 years old from the program. Rally organizer Ali Cummins was quoted as saying, “The very last people who should have to suffer, sacrifice, or be cut from the services they need are our children. They have so much potential and beauty and goodness to bring to the world and, without these services, they will fall behind, and so much of that goodness they were going to bring to our world will be lost too.” Please stay involved and make your opinions be heard!!

The Details... Who: Karrie Brown What: Role Model Where: Collinsville, IL How: What: Illinois Early Intervention Clearinghouse How:

August 2015

Business Feature

Cloud 9

Article and Photos by Alison Lysakowski

Shannon Dickens, co-owner of Cloud 9, has spent quite some time pondering how she can extend her own hand to surrounding communities. With the help of her husband/ business partner, Jeff, opening this wonderful Café, Lounge, and Emporium has been a major leap toward achieving her dreams. In the grand scheme of life, taking one positive step can mean everything. Take a look around her shop, and you will see a myriad of ways she is harnessing the interests of different human beings. I, in particular, am in love with the

food and refreshment options. There are cool clothes and handmade jewelry available. Shannon fulfills custom hula hoop designs- just tell her what you’d like. Art on display is also for sale, showcased by local artists. Frisbees. Mortar and pestles. Disc golf supplies. Natural soaps. The list goes on. It is truly a great place for any artsy entrepreneur to gain exposure. There are very tasty sandwiches and smoothies on her menu, along with coffee and an assortment of both fountain and bottled drinks. Because Cloud 9 is committed

Just outside the front door, anyone is free to use Cloud 9’s sidewalk chalk


Str8 Up Magazine


Spinning tops with mini marker inserts create awesome artwork, practically on their own. Produced by BwA Woodturning

to serving the community, every edible option is very affordable. A huge display case is filled with all kinds of snacks and candies. Nearby, there is another large display case, containing awesome pastries and cookies from Berkemann’s Bakers Dozen in New Baden, IL. Lovers of that bakery who live closer to Cloud 9 find it convenient to get their donut fix here. In the fall, Shannon plans to serve bread bowls filled with soup. Swing to another direction in the store and there is still more to be seen. Cloud 9 is neatly stocked with so many interesting tidbits of livelihood. A great deal of them will not cost you a thing. A variety of board games are on a shelf for

whoever wants to play them while they hang out. There are comfortable couches, children’s books, and a couple large TVs. Also, free WiFi! Cloud 9 is designed to be an inviting space for all ages to relax and have a nice time, and maybe even get some work done. An added bonus is that if you have children, there are free entertainment options for them in Cloud 9 while you use the WiFi to do your work. Shannon, as a family-oriented woman herself, has created a comfortable space for families to spend a couple hours of their day. Cloud 9 has been open for about five months. Shannon has plenty of ideas to expand the shop’s impact and appeal even further as time goes by. She

August 2015

Business Feature

is accommodating to what will original artwork is encouraged make a customer’s experience a to talk to Shannon when they good one when they visit. visit. “I really want to do something different,” says Shannon, as she muses on ways she can serve the community through her business venture. “When you help people with simple things, it makes you both happier. It makes me smile when I think about good impacts on people’s lives.” The mission statement at Cloud 9 is a selfless one: To serve the community, appreciate the employees, Wheat turkey sandwich with and create non-profit work. cheddar, onion, lettuce, and ranch – Shannon likes to buy locally to pick your own fillings. Paired with stock her store. a fresh Mixed Berry & Orange Juice Slush Smoothie. Delicious! Fancy coasters, too.

Visitors of Cloud 9 have found some unconventional ways to use the open floor there. Nicholas Alsup of O’Fallon, IL is one of them. He is working on his own television series, based on the supernatural. He started out only using the backroom storage space for body and face painting. That expanded to filming scenes right there on premises!

A special potential for local artists is the expanse of open wall space at Cloud 9. Numerous artists have contributed to turning these walls into an art gallery, and there is still space available. Local artists’ works are up for sale! Anyone interested in displaying

August 2015

Shannon would like to host a farmer’s market in the future. There will belly dancing classes in the fall, and trivia nights are a possibility. Quarter auctions have been held in Cloud 9. There is no telling what Shannon might think of next! One thing is for certain: Good will and good service will remain as the roots and heart of Cloud 9. As a special thank-you for visiting Cloud 9 and mentioning this article, you will be entitled to a free small coffee. I can guarantee you will find many more reasons to check out this amazing hangout space. Location: 5205 N. Illinois St., Fairview Heights, IL 62208 Facebook: https:// cloud9CLE?fref=ts E-mail: Cloud9cle@hotmail. com Store hours: MondayThursday: 9 AM – 8 PM, Friday-Saturday: 9 AM – 9 PM, Sunday: 10 AM – 6 PM

All jewelry is locally handmade!


Str8 Up Magazine



Artists Take the Field: The Midwest Salute to the Arts Returns for 27th Show Article by Mark Johnson

America dreams on the baseball diamond; some Americans dream of what they can put on a baseball diamond. That was the case (to some extent) with the Midwest Salute to the Arts, which has annually occupied a baseball field in Fairview Heights’ Moody Park during the summer for nearly three decades. This year, the art fair returns on August 28 through 30, opening on a Friday from 6-10 pm. This will be the Salute’s 27th anniversary and, with that milestone, the organizers are bringing some changes to the Metro East’s oldest art fair. Each year the Salute brings 100 artists from across the nation to show their art here in Moody Park. The main gallery, where you’ll find said artists, is split between a number of white tents on a baseball field in the park. Accompanying the artist area are the food courts and entertainment stages. Nearby, under the cover of trees and off the field proper, is the children’s gallery. There you’ll find a number of activities for youngsters. After using a previous layout for 10 years, the organizers this year have changed the layout to better present the artists in the main gallery. “It’s more accessible, more


Str8 Up Magazine


visual. This year is going to be especially fun because we’ve really maximized the visibility of the art and the artists,” Sharon Kassing, Director of the Salute, said. The updated layout is the biggest change you’ll find; from there, the Salute is the same beloved art fair that’s kept it one of the Metro East’s favorite and longest-running art fairs. Perhaps that’s because the Salute is something the community counts on each summer, providing an outlet for the creatively-inclined to come together. Many artists return from across the nation each year because they’ve come to love the city and the people, and the juried fair and prize money certainly doesn’t hurt, either. This year there’s even a new prize category, the Mayor’s Choice, which will present the winner with a $500 cash prize.

clobbered by a stray ball or splintered bat, the profits from food sales go to support local charities and not sports moguls, and you can saunter on the field at leisure without security rushing to tackle you -- assuming you’re well-behaved.

With the changes to the layout, this year’s fair will be more compact, more engaging For those who’ve never been, and also take up less space, so when you drive into Moody Park everything is therefore more easily accessible. Part of the during the Salute, you’ll see the point of art fairs is that the artist white tents quite easily to your left, just beyond the asphalt drive/ themselves are accessible for guests, as well as their works. parking area/moat that winds But perhaps there are few art through the park. Like a veteran fairs where the artists are so MLBer, the Salute is home on the baseball field, returning each accessible as the Salute: with its low-key, family atmosphere, it’s summer for its three-day at-bat. But here, there’s no risk of being common for artists to quickly

step from their booth to go over and work on art with children in their area. Last year, Straight Up Magazine had many of its cover artists at the fair, and they all did art demonstrations throughout the weekend. And Straight Up will be back again in its regular position by the entrance gate. It’s hard to go to the Salute without experiencing some element of interactivity, partly because of those demonstrations and the occasional, unscripted interactions with artists. A strong volunteer base gets the Salute up and running each year, so it’s very much a product of the community. Those all lend to an atmosphere of collaboration – you feel involved in what’s going on, not like you’re merely

August 2015


watching something despite walking through it. For children there, interactivity of the Salute is, as you might expect, much higher. The children’s gallery offers plenty of opportunities to actually create art and let kids get their hands painty. This year the children’s gallery is sponsored by Ameren UE, and they’ll bring along with them their “Kids Act on Energy” tent. The kid’s area was designed to engage children in the creative process. Creative minds, well, create, so it’s an important skill to nurture in our future generations. Appreciating beauty is equally important as creating it, and so the children’s gallery lets kids go into a special gallery where they can choose their favorite piece of art and take it home. Entry costs their parents $5 so their child can take home an original piece of art, but there’s one catch: No parents allowed. The kids are escorted in by Salute volunteers and able to pick exactly what they like, without the influence of their parents in their decision. The Salute has also made efforts to engage students outside of the event, too. Last

August 2015

year, they created the “Mail Call Masterpieces” program in cooperation with Fairview Heights’ public schools that encourages students grades K-8 to create art and submit it to the salute. The art is then collected and sent to troops stationed abroad. The submissions are displayed at the Salute before they’re sent off, and it gives children the chance to have hands-on experience creating something that’ll mean a lot to someone else. Art does more than hang on walls and sit in public squares. We know that the act of creating art can give people an important way to express themselves and find joy. That applies to everyone, and this year the Salute will welcome an art display from adults at the Trinity Services, Inc, art center. Trinity Services’ art center provides adults with intellectual disabilities the chance to experience all that, and their partnership with the Salute gives everyone who comes the chance to see their talents. The interactive approach taken in the Children’s Gallery says a lot for how the Salute is approached and organized. People come to the Salute and have interactions that generate

engagement with art, be it something you can frame or something intangible. It might be no surprise then that a big part of the Salute’s legacy is founded in their musical guests. This year is no exception – on Friday, Rogers & Nienhaus will perform from 6:30pm to 10pm. They’re lifelong musicians who’ve had a long career, including performing with the reformed classic group The Byrds. Since 1995 the duo has performed and recorded together, bringing their powerful performances to audiences all over the world. Sunday, you’ll be able to catch local favorites the Well Hungarians from 12pm to 3pm. These crowd favorites have played at venues all over the Metro East and St. Louis and have performed with many famous acts, like Kenny Chesney and Keith Urban. Their own tracks have been played on the radio nationally and internationally, and we’re lucky to have them take stage at the Salute this year. Numerous other favorite regional performers will provide a constant flow of entertainment via the two performance stages at the Salute. Including Carrier Tunes, the Revence Band, Lewis Michael

Trio, Jza-Jazanell, Rough Ryders Acoustic, Dave and Greg, Lisa Jones, and the Mark Biehl Group. Just like previous years, Straight Up Magazine will be at the Salute with our own booth. You’ll see live update coverage from the event on the Straight Up Magazine Facebook page. But, ultimately, the best live coverage means being there in person. Don’t miss out on a great weekend! Here’s the Midwest Salute to the Arts’ schedule: Friday: Main Gallery, 6-10pm Saturday: Main Gallery, 10am – 8pm, Children’s Gallery, 10am – 5pm Sunday: Main Gallery, 11am – 5pm, Children’s Gallery, 11am – 4pm Discover more about the Midwest Salute to the Arts on their website: You can also follow them on Facebook to stay updated on all of their latest developments.


Str8 Up Magazine



Sips & Tastes @ 618 By Paul Seibert

Two summers ago, the Taste of Southern Illinois was great. Last summer, the second annual Taste of Southern Illinois was better. This summer, with a new name and a new location, Sips & Tastes @ 618 will be even better. This year’s Tasting event will occur on August 14th and 15th at Community Park in Downtown Shiloh, Illinois. According to the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, a “tasting” is “an event that is organized so that you can try different foods or drinks to see if you like them.” And so is Sips and Tastes @ 618. Some 20 regional restaurants will offer visitors a sampling of their favorite fare under the skies of beautiful Community Park in Shiloh, Illinois. Each restaurant will operate its own tented kitchen. Each visitor will choose their “tastes” from the broad array of menu items available at this extraordinary festival. Truly a celebration of the diverse foods available in this region, visitors will be treated to smells and flavors that only such a gathering can generate. Be sure to come hungry. 14

Str8 Up Magazine


Beverage tents will offer a wide selection of your favorite soft drinks, beers, wines, and specialty drinks. A full array of Budweiser products from Grey Eagle Distributing will include Lime-a-Ritas and Strawber-Ritas. A selection of craft beers from local brewer 4204 Main Street Brewing Company of Belleville will offer a complement to the variety of available standards; plus an array of Pepsi products. Present also will be Grey Eagle’s “Build-a-Bar”, a high-

And, speaking of complements, wouldn’t music be perfect with such a gustatory event? But of course. And Sips & Tastes @ 618 will provide visitors with an excellent variety of musical side dishes.

your listening pleasure. The “Friends” will start at 4pm.

Friday evening headliners will be the remarkable Rogers and Nienhuas. Internationally known, Terry Jones Rogers Friday’s entertainment starts and Scott Nienhaus are one of the region’s most popular with the state and national music ensembles. Both former award-winning, high-energy members of The Byrds, Rogers sounds of George Portz and and Nienhaus are noted for the Friends of Bluegrass. their pristine harmonies and George Portz and the Friends searing instrumentation. In of Bluegrass are a leading, addition to their many original works, you won’t want to miss this opportunity to catch this truly great band as they transport you back to musical greats of the 60’s and 70’s!! The music begins at 7:30pm. Saturday’s lineup starts with a consistent local favorite and consummate entertainer, Steve Reeb. Solo guitar and vocalist, he’s known for playing a little bit of everything - and he plays a lot of Johnny Cash. Steve will take the stage at 12pm.

tech mobile beverage unit that folds out of a truck to create a bar unit, complete with widescreen TV and all the other amenities typically only found indoors.

long-time established bluegrass band with members from both Illinois and Missouri. These extraordinary musicians play great bluegrass, traditional country, Bayou/Cajun, and a little bit of Gospel for

And, this year, Sips & Tastes is proud to present the USAF Band of Mid-America Starlifters. The Band of MidAmerica has a long history of entertaining the American public and promoting esprit August 2015


The Details... What: Starlifter

Smash Band

de corps within the military. Starlifter is a seven-piece group of talented musicians that performs in virtually every musical idiom, from Rock and Pop to Jazz and Country, to great contemporary and traditional patriotic songs. They feature the best in popular music from the 1970’s to the most current sounds at the top of today’s charts. Starlifter begins at 3pm.

MoTown, oldies, rock, dance party grooves, and even polkas. The Smash party begins at 7:30pm. Bring your lawn chairs because you’re going to want to stay for the entire menu of dinner, drink, and song.

St. Louis, Missouri, and less than 1 mile from the Main Gate of Scott Air Force Base. Shiloh is easily reached from Interstate 64.

Admission to the festival is free. Beverage purchases will be by tokens purchased on the grounds. Food items will be And all this transpires on individually priced and sold by the rolling hills of the beautiful each vendor. Community Park in Downtown Shiloh, Illinois. Amenities Straight Up Magazine is a include picnic areas, pavilions, proud sponsor of this event. And, for the big finish, a 1/2 mile walking trail, a skate ‘bringing the party’ to the park, will be The Smash Band. park, children’s playgrounds, The big-band sound of Smash and ball fields. And plenty of free parking. Band is one of the region’s finest party performances. The town of Shiloh, a Their playlist covers big band, community of 1,300 residents, country, 70s and 80s, RnB and is located just 19 miles east of

August 2015

Sips & Tastes @ 618


Shiloh Community Park, 1 Park Drive, Shiloh, IL 62269.

Why: To have a lavishingly

good time sampling the cornucopia of foods, beverages and music available across the Southwestern Illinois region – all conveniently located in one gorgeous and easily accessible location.


Friday, August 14, 4-11pm / Saturday, August 15, 11am-11pm

Who: Brought to you by the

St. Clair County Chapter of the Illinois Licensed Beverage Association. Check out for more info.


Str8 Up Magazine


Artwork by

Mark Kensho Rogan

Scan here to view our calendar online!

August Calendar August 1 (Saturday)

4204 Main Street Brewing Co (Belleville) - Hands Off; 7pm Alexi Era Gallery (Mascoutah) - Celestial Exhibit Opening; featuring the works of Alice Savage Art, Jel Ena, Art of Cory Benhatzel, Patricia Ariel, Aunia Kahn, Jen Musatto art dolls, Angie Mason, Bev Hogue, Mahlimae and Inge Vandormael. Exhibit continues through August 31. Alton Wood River Sportsman Club (Godfrey) - Think Floyd - a tribute to Pink Floyd; 7pm Belle Clair Expo Center (Belleville) - Confluence Crush Women’s Roller Derby vs Springfield (MO) Queen City Roller Derby, 2 Rocky Horror themed bouts; doors at 5:30pm; first whistle at 6:30pm Chateau La Vin (Columbia) - Eric Brooks; 7:30pm Cigar Inn Jazz Club (Belleville) - Karaoke Night Cloud 9 Cafe and Emporium (Fairview Heights) - Live music with Connor Shenk; 6:30-8:30pm Courthouse Bandstand (Waterloo) - Free Municipal Band Concert; 8pm Crehan’s Irish Pub (Belleville) - Live Music; 8pm-12am Cutters (Belleville) - Live Music; 9pm Downtown (Belleville) - Old Town Market; Catch the morning’s pick of fresh, flavorful produce grown by local farmers. Fresh hot coffee and teas. Live music. Peruse the booths of local artisans for one-of-a-kind treasures for yourself or to give as gifts. Shop outdoors and enjoy the sunlight while you get to know your local growers and run into friends or meet new ones! 7:30am12pm Downtown (Belleville) - The Belleville Running Club holds group runs in downtown Belleville every Thursday night at 6pm and Saturday morning at 8am. Saturday morning runs meet at the parking lot behind the St Louis Bread Company. Downtown (Edwardsville) - The Land of Goshen Community Market. Visitors can find fresh, seasonal fruits and vegetables, farm fresh eggs, naturally raised meats – beef, pork and poultry – along with baked goods, pottery, jewelry, other fine arts, honey,


Str8 Up Magazine


soaps, seedlings and cut flowers; 8am-12pm Downtown (Lebanon) - Car Show; over 100 classic cars and trucks will be on display while music from the 50s, 60s and 70s fills the street; 6-9pm Eckert’s Farms (Belleville) - Summer Concert Series featuring Kevin Mitchell 4; 7-9pm Fast Eddie’s Bon Air (Alton) - Fabtones, 3pm; Anthony Nanny, 7pm; Borderline, 8pm Hey Guys Comedy Club (Fairview Heights) - John Bush; 8pm and 10pm Highland Elementary Auditorium (Highland) - Hard Road Theatre presents: Shrek the Musical; Includes a cast of about 25 students from several different communities including Highland, Greenville, Breese, Collinsville, Belleville and Swansea; 7:30pm Laurie’s Place (Edwardsville) - Every Saturday Jam Session w/ Mo’ Pleasure; 2-6pm League Lounge (Belleville) - 25th Anniversary Party with music by Pull Toyz; 9pm-1am Lily’s Lounge (Alton) - Karaoke every Friday and Saturday Loading Dock (Grafton) - Mondinband; 6-10pm *McKendree University Gallery of Art (Lebanon) - Get Out - Paint Out 3-day “plein air” painting event; a public art project; engendering curiosity from the general population, dispelling misconceptions about the artistic process, and fostering pride of place (last year, 25 artist created 53 painting); 7am-8pm Melody Inn (Pocahontas) - The 161 Band Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows (Belleville) - Gateway East Artists Guild Fine Art Exhibit and Sale, Gateway To Art; through August 21 *Papa Vitos (Belleville) - Brad Noe; 7pm Performing Arts Center @ Belleville East High School (Belleville) Take A Bow Showcase “Wizard of Oz”; plus costume contest; 2pm *Pitchers Pub (Belleville) - Paul Konya; 9pm-1am Scheve Park (Mascoutah) - 88th Annual Mascoutah Homecoming und August Fest; parade at 5pm; food, beverages, carnival rides, tractor and truck pulls, car shows, 4-H judging and livestock

August 2015

August • Calendar auction, plus live music tonight with The Rough Ryders, 7:3011:30pm *Schmitty’s (Smithton) - Mondo Cortez & The Chicago Blues Angels featuring Paige Dechausse; 8:30-11:30p Schmidt Art Center @ SWIC (Belleville) - Murder Mystery Dinner Theatre; In collaboration with the Southwestern Illinois College Music department, SWIC College Activities presents “Murder at Cafe Noir,” by David Landau; Friday, Saturday and Sunday; tonight at 6pm SeVen (Belleville) - Ross Kinkaid She and I Bar (Cahokia) - RJ Entertainment DJ / Karaoke with DJ Jody Havenot; 9pm-2am Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows (Belleville) - Gateway East Artists Guild Fine Art Exhibit and Sale, Gateway To Art; through August 21 *Stur Restaurant (Edwardsville) - Live music every Wednesday, Friday and Saturday; 6-9pm The Cyclery and Fitness Center (Edwardsville) - Saturday Morning East Side Road Ride; 7am The Weingarten (Belleville) - Dade Farrar; 6-10pm Zoar UCC (Columbia) - George Portz and the Friends of Bluegrass; 4pm *Villa Marie Winery (Maryville) - Gabie McGarrah; 7pm

August 2 (Sunday)

Aerie’s Winery (Grafton) - Stan Corliss every Sunday; 2-6pm Alton Little Theatre (Alton) - Legacy Girls in Concert; “The Nifty Fifties & Sixties”; 2pm Big Daddy’s 618 (Belleville) - Karaoke every Sunday; 7pm Columbia City Saloon (Columbia) - Mike Lacey every Sunday; 3-6pm Crehan’s Irish Pub (Belleville) - First Sunday Jam with Paul Bonn and The Bluesmen; 4p-8p Dutch Hollow Barn (Belleville) - Every Sunday Jam Session; 7pm Fast Eddie’s Bon Air (Alton) - Live music; 2pm, 6pm and 7pm Gulf Shores Restaurant (Edwardsville) - Leo B and John; 11:30am2:30pm Hawg Pit (Grafton) - Rogers and Nienhaus; 1-5pm Highland Elementary Auditorium (Highland) - Hard Road Theatre presents: Shrek the Musical; Includes a cast of about 25 students from several different communities including Highland, Greenville, Breese, Collinsville, Belleville and Swansea; 2pm JRs Last Call (Belleville) - Karaoke every Sunday Kaskaskia Riverhouse (New Athens) - Boulderdash; 3-7pm *McKendree University Gallery of Art (Lebanon) - Get Out - Paint Out 3-day “plein air” painting event; a public art project; engendering curiosity from the general population, dispelling misconceptions about the artistic process, and fostering pride of place (last year, 25 artist created 53 painting); 7am-5pm Mike’s Ten Pin (Alton) - Mondinband every Sunday; 9:30pm-1:30am Schatze’s (Belleville) - Karaoke every Sunday; 9pm

August 2015

Scheve Park (Mascoutah) - 88th Annual Mascoutah Homecoming and August Fest; parade at 5pm; food, beverages, carnival rides, tractor and truck pulls, car shows, plus live music tonight with The Jorrells, 7-10:30pm *Schmitty’s (Smithton) - Marquise Knox; 4pm Schmidt Art Center @ SWIC (Belleville) - Murder Mystery Dinner Theatre; In collaboration with the Southwestern Illinois College Music department, SWIC College Activities presents “Murder at Cafe Noir,” by David Landau; Friday, Saturday and Sunday; today at 12:30pm SeVen (Belleville) - Gavin M VFW 8677 (Fairview Heights) - Jazz every Sunday; open to the public; 7-10pm

August 3 (Monday)

Big Daddy’s 618 (Belleville) - Monday Trivia; hosted by Delish Trish; 7pm Fast Eddie’s Bon Air (Alton) - Live music; 6pm JRs Last Call (Belleville) - Karaoke every Monday Schatze’s (Belleville) - Karaoke every Monday; 9pm

August 4 (Tuesday)

Bike Surgeon (Shiloh) - Tuesday Night Metro East Road Ride; 6pm Courthouse Bandstand (Waterloo) - Free Municipal Band Concerts every Tuesday evening; 8pm Fast Eddie’s Bon Air (Alton) - Live music; 6pm Highway 61 Roadhouse (Webster Groves) - Open Mic Blues Night every Tuesday with Matt Davis and Darrow Washington; 7:30-` 11:30pm *Miscellanea House (Belleville) - Living Literary Society meetup; a loosely organized and casual writers group; show up and relax with others who write and/or appreciate writing; every Tuesday; 6-9pm Schatze’s (Belleville) - Karaoke every Tuesday; 9pm V and H Recreation (Breese) - Open Mic hosted by Marcus Kruep; 7-11pm Village Inn (Pontoon Beach) - J Christopher every Tuesday; 7-11pm

August 5 (Wednesday)

4204 Main Street Brewing Co (Belleville) - Open Mic Night hosted by Brad Noe; 7pm Cigar Inn (Belleville) - Live Jazz, Cigar/Scotch Night; 9pm Crehan’s Irish Pub (Belleville) - Karaoke every Wednesday Fast Eddie’s Bon Air (Alton) - Live music; 6pm Laurie’s Place (Alton) - Mo’ Pleasure; 6:30-10:30pm Mike’s Ten Pin (Alton) - Mondinband every Wednesday; 9:30pm1:30am *Pitchers Pub (Belleville) - Trivia with Craig Frazier every Wednesday; 8pm PSOP (Belleville) - Gateway East Artist Guild monthly meeting; every first Wednesday; This month: featuring painting demo by Missouri artist Linda Wilmes. She will demonstrate the play of light against dark in her composition and show applications


Str8 Up Magazine


Calendar • August for creating clouds that are light and airy. transparent glazes will be applied to emphasize a specified area by either brightening or dulling to add greater depth. There will also be a monthly membership art competition and refreshments. 6pm PSOP/SWIC (Belleville) - Line Dancing; Our instructor, Carol Schwartz, will show you new line dances and techniques each week. This is a great group to dance with, so sliiiide on over. 1:30-3pm Rural King (Swansea) - Farmers Market; a seasonal open air market featuring fruits, vegetables, meats, and crafts; Thursdays - rain or shine - from 11am-3pm Schatze’s (Belleville) - Karaoke every Wednesday; 9pm Stagger Inn…Again (Edwardsville) - Open Mic Night; 9:30pm *Stur Restaurant (Edwardsville) - Live music every Wednesday; 6pm VFW 8677 (Fairview Heights) - Karaoke every Wednesday; open to the public; 7-11pm *Villa Marie Winery (Maryville) - Wine All You Want Wednesdays; “Group Therapy”; leave the men at home, ladies, for an evening of guaranteed fun; every first Wednesday; this month’s theme: Paws and Claws; 6-9pm Who Dat’s (Troy) - Open Mic Jam; 7-11pm Wild Country (Collinsville) - The Taping of St. Louis Country with WIL gang, Derrick, Danny, Bo & Judy! 7pm-1am

August 6 (Thursday)

4204 Main Street Brewing Co (Belleville) - Whiskey Dixon Trio; 7pm 501 Blues Club (Highland) - Thursday Night Open Mic Jam Session; 8pm Bubby and Sissy’s (Alton) - Karaoke Dance Party; 9:30pm-1:30am Cigar Inn (Belleville) - Live Jazz; 9pm Columbia City Saloon (Columbia) - Karaoke; 8pm-12am Crehan’s Irish Pub (Belleville) - Karaoke with The Kantina every Thursday; 7-11pm Downtown (Belleville) - The Belleville Running Club holds group runs in downtown Belleville every Thursday night at 6pm and Saturday morning at 8am. Thursday night runs meet at the parking lot at A and Jackson (Baja Cali). Fast Eddie’s Bon Air (Alton) - Live music; 7pm Geo’s Wings (Belleville) - Bike Night every Thursday night Hey Guys Comedy Club (Fairview Heights) - Live Standup Comedy with Mark Poolos; 7:30pm Jailhouse Rock (Trenton) - Class Act Karaoke JRs Last Call (Belleville) - DJ Schwen Kaskaskia Riverhouse (New Athens) - Bottle Snakes; 7-10pm Laurie’s Place (Edwardsville) - DJ; 9:30pm *Miscellanea House (Belleville) - Old Fashioned Ice Cream Social; 7pm Roper’s Regal Beagle (Godfrey) - Mondinband; 6-10pm Schatze’s (Belleville) - Karaoke every Thursday; 4pm *Schmitty’s (Smithton) - Kyle Yardley Blues Band; 7-10pm SeVen (Belleville) - Jon Baker


Str8 Up Magazine


August 2015

August • Calendar Silver Creek Saloon & Grill (Belleville) - Well Hungarians; Every Thursday Night Stagger Inn…Again (Edwardsville) - Live Music; 10pm-2am The Abbey (Belleville) - Singer/Songwriter Night Every Thursday; 7-10pm The Weingarten (Belleville) - Ladies Night Out Sip n Shop; music by Bob Koehler; 6-10pm

August 7 (Friday)

4204 Main Street Brewing Co (Belleville) - Doug Phillips; 7pm Aerie’s Winery (Grafton) - Stan Corliss every Friday; 5-9pm Big Daddy’s 618 (Belleville) - Friday Night Summer Concert Series; Jay Dover, 6-9pm Chateau La Vin (Columbia) - Joe Truttmann / Ron Wooley Duo; 7:30pm Cigar Inn Jazz Club (Belleville) - Live jazz; 9pm Copper Dock Winery (Pocahontas) - Graham Pagano; 6-10pm Crehan’s Irish Pub (Belleville) - Live Music every Friday; 8pm-12am Downtown (Highland) - Peanut Butter and Jam Festival featuring music by Babaloo; 11:30am-1pm Eckert’s Farms (Belleville) - Summer Concert Series featuring Chris Talley Trio; 7-9pm Eddie’s (Granite City) - Razed on Radio; 10pm Fast Eddie’s Bon Air (Alton) - Live music; 3pm, 7pm and 8pm Hey Guys Comedy Club (Fairview Heights) - Live Standup Comedy with Mark Poolos; 8pm Kaskaskia Riverhouse (New Athens) - Bits N Pieces; 8pm *Papa Vitos (Belleville) - Landon Cole; 7pm Piasa Winery & Pub (Grafton) - Open Mic Night every Friday night from 7-11pm Schatze’s (Belleville) - Live Music every Friday; 9pm She and I Bar (Cahokia) - RJ Entertainment DJ / Karaoke with DJ Jody Havenot; 8pm-1am Stagger Inn…Again (Edwardsville) - Live Music; 10pm-2am *Stur Restaurant (Edwardsville) - Live music every Wednesday, Friday and Saturday; 6-9pm The Abbey (Belleville) - Live music; 7:30-10:30pm The Weingarten (Belleville) - Brad Noe; 6-10pm VFW 8677 (Fairview Heights) - Live music every Friday; open to the public; 6-11pm *Villa Marie Winery (Maryville) - Jeremy Wright; 7pm

August 8 (Saturday)

4204 Main Street Brewing Co (Belleville) - Mollie Rittenhouse; 7pm Chateau La Vin (Columbia) - Hot Flash Duo; 7:30pm Cigar Inn Jazz Club (Belleville) - Karaoke Night Crehan’s Irish Pub (Belleville) - Live Music; 8pm-12am Cutters (Belleville) - Live Music; 9pm Downtown (Belleville) - Old Town Market; Catch the morning’s pick of fresh, flavorful produce grown by local farmers. Fresh hot coffee and teas. Live music. Peruse the booths of local artisans for one-of-a-kind treasures for yourself or to give as gifts. Shop outdoors and enjoy the sunlight while you get to know your

August 2015

local growers and run into friends or meet new ones! Senior Discount coupons available; 7:30am-12pm Downtown (Belleville) - The Belleville Running Club holds group runs in downtown Belleville every Thursday night at 6pm and Saturday morning at 8am. Saturday morning runs meet at the parking lot behind the St Louis Bread Company. Downtown (Edwardsville) - The Land of Goshen Community Market. Visitors can find fresh, seasonal fruits and vegetables, farm fresh eggs, naturally raised meats – beef, pork and poultry – along with baked goods, pottery, jewelry, other fine arts, honey, soaps, seedlings and cut flowers; 8am-12pm Eckert’s Farms (Belleville) - Summer Concert Series featuring Letters To Memphis; 7-9pm Fast Eddie’s Bon Air (Alton) - Live music 3pm, 7pm and 8pm Hey Guys Comedy Club (Fairview Heights) - Live Standup Comedy with Mark Poolos; 8pm and 10pm Hough Park (Belleville) - Mutual Aide Picnic – Belleville Solidarity Group; Free food, free clothes, free hygiene items, free home supplies. Bring what you can, take what you need. Come join us in Solidarity as we come together as a community; every second Saturday. 1-5pm Kaskaskia Riverhouse (New Athens) - Bits N Pieces; 8pm Laurie’s Place (Edwardsville) - Every Saturday Jam Session w/ Mo’ Pleasure; 2-6pm Lily’s Lounge (Alton) - Karaoke every Friday and Saturday *Papa Vitos (Belleville) - Ryan Spriggs; 7pm *Schmitty’s (Smithton) - Hudson & The Hoo Doo Cats; 8pm-12am SeVen (Belleville) - Carrier Tunes She and I Bar (Cahokia) - RJ Entertainment DJ / Karaoke with DJ Jody Havenot; 9pm-2am *Stur Restaurant (Edwardsville) - Live music every Wednesday, Friday and Saturday; 6-9pm The Cyclery and Fitness Center (Edwardsville) - Saturday Morning East Side Road Ride; 7am The Weingarten (Belleville) - Brother Hiram; 6-10pm

August 9 (Sunday)

Aerie’s Winery (Grafton) - Stan Corliss every Sunday; 2-6pm Big Daddy’s 618 (Belleville) - Karaoke every Sunday; 7pm Columbia City Saloon (Columbia) - Mike Lacey every Sunday; 3-6pm Copper Dock Winery (Pocahontas) - Rogers and Nienhaus; 1-5pm Crehan’s Irish Pub (Belleville) - Live music; 4-8pm Dutch Hollow Barn (Belleville) - Every Sunday Jam Session; 7pm Fast Eddie’s Bon Air (Alton) - Live music; 2pm, 6pm and 7pm Gulf Shores Restaurant (Edwardsville) - Leo B and John; 11:30am2:30pm JRs Last Call (Belleville) - Karaoke every Sunday Kaskaskia Riverhouse (New Athens) - Blue Fruit Snacks; 8pm Mike’s Ten Pin (Alton) - Mondinband every Sunday; 9:30pm-1:30am Schatze’s (Belleville) - Karaoke every Sunday; 9pm *Schmitty’s (Smithton) - Cree Rider Family Band; 4-8pm The Weingarten (Belleville) - Randy Webb; 2-6pm


Str8 Up Magazine


Calendar • August VFW 8677 (Fairview Heights) - Jazz every Sunday; open to the public; 7-10pm *Villa Marie Winery (Maryville) - Paul Jarvis Duo; 3pm

August 10 (Monday)

Big Daddy’s 618 (Belleville) - Monday Trivia; hosted by Delish Trish; 7pm Fast Eddie’s Bon Air (Alton) - Live music; 6pm JRs Last Call (Belleville) - Karaoke every Monday Schatze’s (Belleville) - Karaoke every Monday; 9pm

August 11 (Tuesday)

Bike Surgeon (Shiloh) - Tuesday Night Metro East Road Ride; 6pm Courthouse Bandstand (Waterloo) - Free Municipal Band Concerts every Tuesday evening; 8pm Fast Eddie’s Bon Air (Alton) - Live music; 6pm Highway 61 Roadhouse (Webster Groves) - Open Mic Blues Night every Tuesday with Matt Davis and Darrow Washington; 7:3011:30pm *Miscellanea House (Belleville) - Living Literary Society meetup; a loosely organized and casual writers group; show up and relax with others who write and/or appreciate writing; every Tuesday; 6-9pm Schatze’s (Belleville) - Karaoke every Tuesday; 9pm V and H Recreation (Breese) - Open Mic hosted by Marcus Kruep; 7-11pm Village Inn (Pontoon Beach) - J Christopher every Tuesday; 7-11pm

August 12 (Wednesday)

4204 Main Street Brewing Co (Belleville) - Open Mic Night hosted by Brad Noe; 7pm Cigar Inn (Belleville) - Live Jazz, Cigar/Scotch Night; 9pm Crehan’s Irish Pub (Belleville) - Karaoke every Wednesday; 7pm Fast Eddie’s Bon Air (Alton) - Live Music; 6pm Hey Guys Comedy Club (Fairview Heights) - Comedy Open Mic Night; doors at 6:30pm; laughs at 7:30pm Laurie’s Place (Alton) - Mo’ Pleasure; 6:30-10:30pm Mike’s Ten Pin (Alton) - Mondinband every Wednesday; 9:30pm1:30am *Pitchers Pub (Belleville) - Trivia with Craig Frazier every Wednesday;8pm PSOP/SWIC (Belleville) - Line Dancing; Our instructor, Carol Schwartz, will show you new line dances and techniques each week. This is a great group to dance with, so sliiiide on over. 1:30-3pm Rural King (Swansea) - Farmers Market; a seasonal open air market featuring fruits, vegetables, meats, and crafts; Thursdays - rain or shine - from 11am-3pm Schatze’s (Belleville) - Karaoke every Wednesday; 9pm Stagger Inn…Again (Edwardsville) - Open Mic Night; 9:30pm *Stur Restaurant (Edwardsville) - Live music every Wednesday; 6pm VFW 8677 (Fairview Heights) - Karaoke every Wednesday; open to the public; 7-11pm


Str8 Up Magazine


August 2015

August • Calendar Who Dat’s (Troy) - Open Mic Jam; 7-11pm Wild Country (Collinsville) - The Taping of St. Louis Country with WIL gang, Derrick, Danny, Bo & Judy! 7pm-1am

August 13 (Thursday)

4204 Main Street Brewing Co (Belleville) - Charlotte Street; 7pm 501 Blues Club (Highland) - Thursday Night Open Mic Jam Session; 8pm Bubby and Sissy’s (Alton) - Karaoke Dance Party; 9:30pm-1:30am Cigar Inn (Belleville) - Live Jazz; 9pm Crehan’s Irish Pub (Belleville) - Karaoke with The Kantina every Thursday; 7-11pm Downtown (Belleville) - The Belleville Running Club holds group runs in downtown Belleville every Thursday night at 6pm and Saturday morning at 8am. Thursday night runs meet at the parking lot at A and Jackson (Baja Cali). Fast Eddie’s Bon Air (Alton) - Live music; 7pm Geo’s Wings (Belleville) - Bike Night every Thursday night Hey Guys Comedy Club (Fairview Heights) - Live Standup Comedy with Richie Holliday; 7:30pm Jailhouse Rock (Trenton) - Class Act Karaoke JRs Last Call (Belleville) - DJ Schwen Kaskaskia Riverhouse (New Athens) - Blue Fruit Snacks; 8pm Laurie’s Place (Edwardsville) - DJ; 9:30pm *Miscellanea House (Belleville) - Old Fashioned Ice Cream Social; 7pm Schatze’s (Belleville) - Karaoke every Thursday; 4pm *Schmitty’s (Smithton) - Bottoms Up Blues Band; 7-10pm SeVen (Belleville) - Jesse Farrar Silver Creek Saloon & Grill (Belleville) - Well Hungarians; Every Thursday Night Stagger Inn…Again (Edwardsville) - Live Music; 10pm-2am The Abbey (Belleville) - Singer/Songwriter Night Every Thursday; 7-10pm

August 14 (Friday)

4204 Main Street Brewing Co (Belleville) - Whiskey Dixon Trio; 7pm Aerie’s Winery (Grafton) - Stan Corliss every Friday; 5-9pm Bee Hollow Market (Mascoutah) - Wine Tasting; 4-7pm Big Daddy’s 618 (Belleville) - Friday Night Summer Concert Series; D.C. Cusanelli, 6-9pm Brazz Monkey (Wood River) - Razed on Radio; 9pm Chateau La Vin (Columbia) - Brad Noe; 7:30pm Cigar Inn Jazz Club (Belleville) - Live jazz; 9pm Community Park (Shiloh) - Third Annual Sips & Tastes @ 618 - A celebration of the diverse foods, beverages and entertainment in the St Louis Metro region. Some 20 regional restaurants will offer visitors a sampling of their favorite fare. A variety of beers and wines and soft drinks. And great entertainment, tonight featuring George Portz and The Friends of Blue Grass, 4pm; Rogers and Nienhaus, 7:30pm (see feature story in this Str8Up edition)

August 2015

Crehan’s Irish Pub (Belleville) - Live Music every Friday; 8pm-12am Eckert’s Farms (Belleville) - Summer Concert Series featuring Avenue Zero; 7-9pm Fast Eddie’s Bon Air (Alton) - Live music; 3pm, 7pm and 8pm Hey Guys Comedy Club (Fairview Heights) - Live Standup Comedy with Richie Holliday; 8pm Kaskaskia Riverhouse (New Athens) - Billy Barnett and Tip Belz; 8pm *Papa Vitos (Belleville) - Landon Cole; 7pm Piasa Winery & Pub (Grafton) - Open Mic Night every Friday night from 7-11pm Schatze’s (Belleville) - Live Music every Friday; 9pm SeVen (Belleville) - Clark Rowden She and I Bar (Cahokia) - RJ Entertainment DJ / Karaoke with DJ Jody Havenot; 8pm-1am Stagger Inn…Again (Edwardsville) - Live Music; 10pm-2am *Stur Restaurant (Edwardsville) - Live music every Wednesday, Friday and Saturday; 6-9pm The Abbey (Belleville) - Live music; 7:30-10:30pm VFW 8677 (Fairview Heights) - Live music every Friday; open to the public; 6-11pm *Villa Marie Winery (Maryville) - Doug Phillips; 7pm

August 15 (Saturday)

4204 Main Street Brewing Co (Belleville) - Ross Kinkaid; 7pm Belle Clair Expo Center (Belleville) - Belleville Flea Market; Southern Illinois’ Premier Indoor/Outdoor Market – Over 600 tables and 300-400 vendors selling antiques, collectibles, merchandise – old and new. Indoor/Outdoor Year Round. $2 parking; Free admission; 9am-4pm Chateau La Vin (Columbia) - Lisa Jones; 7:30pm Cigar Inn Jazz Club (Belleville) - Karaoke Night Community Park (Shiloh) - Third Annual Sips & Tastes @ 618 - A celebration of the diverse foods, beverages and entertainment in the St Louis Metro region. Some 20 regional restaurants will offer visitors a sampling of their favorite fare. A variety of beers and wines and soft drinks. And great entertainment featuring Steve Reeb, 12pm; USAF Band of Mid-America Starlifter, 3pm; The Smash Band, 7:30pm (see feature story in this Str8Up edition) Crehan’s Irish Pub (Belleville) - Live Music; 8pm-12am Cutters (Belleville) - Live Music; 9pm Downtown (Belleville) - Old Town Market; Catch the morning’s pick of fresh, flavorful produce grown by local farmers. Fresh hot coffee and teas. Live music. Peruse the booths of local artisans for one-of-a-kind treasures for yourself or to give as gifts. Shop outdoors and enjoy the sunlight while you get to know your local growers and run into friends or meet new ones! Senior Discount coupons available; 7:30am-12pm Downtown (Belleville) - The Belleville Running Club holds group runs in downtown Belleville every Thursday night at 6pm and Saturday morning at 8am. Saturday morning runs meet at the parking lot behind the St Louis Bread Company.


Str8 Up Magazine


Calendar • August Downtown (Edwardsville) - The Land of Goshen Community Market. Visitors can find fresh, seasonal fruits and vegetables, farm fresh eggs, naturally raised meats – beef, pork and poultry – along with baked goods, pottery, jewelry, other fine arts, honey, soaps, seedlings and cut flowers; 8am-12pm Eckert’s Farms (Belleville) - Summer Concert Series featuring Big Mike Aguirre and The Blu City All Stars; 7-9pm Fast Eddie’s Bon Air (Alton) - Live music 3pm, 7pm and 8pm Hey Guys Comedy Club (Fairview Heights) - Live Standup Comedy with Richie Holliday; 8pm and 10pm Laurie’s Place (Edwardsville) - Every Saturday Jam Session w/ Mo’ Pleasure; 2-6pm Lily’s Lounge (Alton) - Karaoke every Friday and Saturday Mike’s Ten Pin (Alton) - Razed on Radio; 10:30pm *Miscellanea House (Belleville) - Death Cafe; people, often strangers, gather to eat cake, drink tea or coffee, and discuss death; to increase awareness of death with a view to helping people make the most of their (finite) lives; a discussion group rather than grief support or counseling; open to the public; 6-8pm *Papa Vitos (Belleville) - Burnt Toast and Jam; 7pm SeVen (Belleville) - Dade Farrar Duo She and I Bar (Cahokia) - RJ Entertainment DJ / Karaoke with DJ Jody Havenot; 9pm-2am *Stur Restaurant (Edwardsville) - Live music every Wednesday, Friday and Saturday; 6-9pm The Cyclery and Fitness Center (Edwardsville) - Saturday Morning East Side Road Ride; 7am The Weingarten (Belleville) - Bud Summers; 6-10pm

August 16 (Sunday)

Aerie’s Winery (Grafton) - Stan Corliss every Sunday; 2-6pm Belle Clair Expo Center (Belleville) - Belleville Flea Market; Southern Illinois’ Premier Indoor/Outdoor Market – Over 600 tables and 300-400 vendors selling antiques, collectibles, merchandise – old and new. Indoor/Outdoor Year Round. $2 parking; Free admission; 9am-4pm Big Daddy’s 618 (Belleville) - Karaoke every Sunday; 7pm Columbia City Saloon (Columbia) - Mike Lacey every Sunday; 3-6pm Crehan’s Irish Pub (Belleville) - Live music; 4-8pm Dutch Hollow Barn (Belleville) - Every Sunday Jam Session; 7pm Fast Eddie’s Bon Air (Alton) - Live music; 2pm, 6pm and, 7pm Gulf Shores Restaurant (Edwardsville) - Leo B and John; 11:30am2:30pm Jefferson’s Restaurant (Belleville) - Gear-Jammers Car Cruise; 4-8pm JRs Last Call (Belleville) - Karaoke every Sunday Kaskaskia Riverhouse (New Athens) - Laura Green Band; 8pm Mike’s Ten Pin (Alton) - Mondinband every Sunday; 9:30pm-1:30am Schatze’s (Belleville) - Karaoke every Sunday; 9pm *Schmitty’s (Smithton) - From Houston: The Mighty Orq; 4-8pm SeVen (Belleville) - Jesse Farrar VFW 8677 (Fairview Heights) - Jazz every Sunday; open to the public; 7-10pm


Str8 Up Magazine


August 2015

August • Calendar August 17 (Monday)

Big Daddy’s 618 (Belleville) - Monday Trivia; hosted by Delish Trish; 7pm Fast Eddie’s Bon Air (Alton) - Live music; 6pm JRs Last Call (Belleville) - Karaoke every Monday Schatze’s (Belleville) - Karaoke every Monday; 9pm

August 18 (Tuesday)

Bike Surgeon (Shiloh) - Tuesday Night Metro East Road Ride; 6pm Courthouse Bandstand (Waterloo) - Free Municipal Band Concert; 8pm Fast Eddie’s Bon Air (Alton) - Live music; 6pm Highway 61 Roadhouse (Webster Groves) - Open Mic Blues Night every Tuesday with Matt Davis and Darrow Washington; 7:3011:30pm Knight of Columbus Watering Hole (O’Fallon) - The Philosophers sophisticated jazz; 7pm *Miscellanea House (Belleville) - Living Literary Society meetup; a loosely organized and casual writers group; show up and relax with others who write and/or appreciate writing; every Tuesday; 6-9pm Schatze’s (Belleville) - Karaoke every Tuesday; 9pm V and H Recreation (Breese) - Open Mic hosted by Marcus Kruep; 7-11pm Village Inn (Pontoon Beach) - J Christopher every Tuesday; 7-11pm

August 19 (Wednesday)

4204 Main Street Brewing Co (Belleville) - Open Mic Night hosted by Brad Noe; 7pm Cigar Inn (Belleville) - Live Jazz, Cigar/Scotch Night; 9pm Crehan’s Irish Pub (Belleville) - Karaoke every Wednesday; 7pm Fast Eddie’s Bon Air (Alton) - Live Music; 6pm Hey Guys Comedy Club (Fairview Heights) - Tony Z Hypnosis Comedy Show; 7:30pm Laurie’s Place (Alton) - Mo’ Pleasure; 6:30-10:30pm Mike’s Ten Pin (Alton) - Mondinband every Wednesday; 9:30pm1:30am *Pitchers Pub (Belleville) - Trivia with Craig Frazier every Wednesday; 8pm PSOP/SWIC (Belleville) - Line Dancing; Our instructor, Carol Schwartz, will show you new line dances and techniques each week. This is a great group to dance with, so sliiiide on over. 1:30-3pm Rural King (Swansea) - Farmers Market; a seasonal open air market featuring fruits, vegetables, meats, and crafts; Thursdays - rain or shine - from 11am-3pm Schatze’s (Belleville) - Karaoke every Wednesday; 9pm Stagger Inn…Again (Edwardsville) - Open Mic Night; 9:30pm *Stur Restaurant (Edwardsville) - Live music every Wednesday; 6pm VFW 8677 (Fairview Heights) - Karaoke every Wednesday; open to the public; 7-11pm Who Dat’s (Troy) - Open Mic Jam; 7-11pm

August 2015

Wild Country (Collinsville) - The Taping of St. Louis Country with WIL gang, Derrick, Danny, Bo & Judy! 7pm-1am

August 20 (Thursday)

4204 Main Street Brewing Co (Belleville) - Whiskey Dixon Trio; 7pm 501 Blues Club (Highland) - Thursday Night Open Mic Jam Session; 8pm Bubby and Sissy’s (Alton) - Karaoke Dance Party; 9:30pm-1:30am Cigar Inn (Belleville) - Live Jazz; 9pm Columbia City Saloon (Columbia) - Karaoke; 8pm-12am Crehan’s Irish Pub (Belleville) - Karaoke with The Kantina every Thursday; 7-11pm Downtown (Belleville) - Belleville Main Street Downtown Diva Night; an exciting ladies night out! Starting at Ambassador Travel; After party at SeVen; All Things Disney night tonight; 5-8pm Downtown (Belleville) - The Belleville Running Club holds group runs in downtown Belleville every Thursday night at 6pm and Saturday morning at 8am. Thursday night runs meet at the parking lot at A and Jackson (Baja Cali). Fast Eddie’s Bon Air (Alton) - Live music; 7pm Geo’s Wings (Belleville) - Bike Night every Thursday night Hey Guys Comedy Club (Fairview Heights) - Live Standup Comedy with Mat Bergman; 7:30pm Jailhouse Rock (Trenton) - Class Act Karaoke JRs Last Call (Belleville) - DJ Schwen Kaskaskia Riverhouse (New Athens) - Blue Fruit Snacks; 8pm Laurie’s Place (Edwardsville) - DJ; 9:30pm *Miscellanea House (Belleville) - Old Fashioned Ice Cream Social and Tea Leaf Readings; 7pm Roper’s Regal Beagle (Godfrey) - Mondinband; 6-10pm Schatze’s (Belleville) - Karaoke every Thursday; 4pm *Schmitty’s (Smithton) - Pat Liston; 7-10pm SeVen (Belleville) - Park Avenue Duo; 7-11pm Silver Creek Saloon & Grill (Belleville) - Well Hungarians; Every Thursday Night Stagger Inn…Again (Edwardsville) - Live Music; 10pm-2am The Abbey (Belleville) - Singer/Songwriter Night Every Thursday; 7-10pm

August 21 (Friday)

4204 Main Street Brewing Co (Belleville) - Paul Konya; 7pm Aerie’s Winery (Grafton) - Stan Corliss every Friday; 5-9pm Big Daddy’s 618 (Belleville) - Str8Up Magazine Downtown Music Showcase featuring Chris Ritter, 6-9pm Chateau La Vin (Columbia) - Pure Nectar Band; 7:30pm Cigar Inn Jazz Club (Belleville) - Str8Up Magazine Downtown Music Showcase; Eric Slaughter Trio; 9-11:30pm Club Escapade (Belleville) - Str8Up Magazine Downtown Music Showcase; TBA Crehan’s Irish Pub (Belleville) - Live Music every Friday; 8pm-12am


Str8 Up Magazine


Calendar • August Downtown (Belleville) - Str8Up Magazine Downtown Music Showcase; Nine Venues, Ten Bands, One Night; Big Daddy’s 618: Chris Ritter, 6-9pm; Papa Vitos: Truttmann/Wooley Duo, 7-9pm; Tavern On Main: Evan Cole, 8-11pm; The Wine Tap: Chris Rhein, 8-11pm Seven: Pat Liston of Mama’s Pride, 8:3011:30; The Office: John Pry, 8:30-11:30pm; Cigar Inn: TBA, 9-11:30pm; Pitchers Pub: Doorway / Foo Fops, 9pm-1am; Club Escapade: TBA. Catch one or catch them all. Register at Big Daddy’s. Vote for your favorite at Pitchers. Eckert’s Farms (Belleville) - Summer Concert Series featuring Tim Albert and The Boogiemen; 7-9pm Fast Eddie’s Bon Air (Alton) - Live music; 3pm, 7pm and 8pm Hey Guys Comedy Club (Fairview Heights) - Live Standup Comedy with Mat Bergman; 8pm *Papa Vitos (Belleville) - Str8Up Magazine Downtown Music Showcase featuring Joe Truttmann / Ron Wooley Duo; 7-9pm Piasa Winery & Pub (Grafton) - Open Mic Night every Friday night from 7-11pm *Pitchers Pub (Belleville) - Str8Up Magazine Downtown Music Showcase featuring Doorway and The Foo Fops; 9pm-1am Schatze’s (Belleville) - Live Music every Friday; 9pm *Schmitty’s (Smithton) - Doc Ellis Band; 8pm-12am SeVen (Belleville) - Str8Up Magazine Downtown Music Showcase featuring Pat Liston of Mama’s Pride; 8:30-11:30pm She and I Bar (Cahokia) - RJ Entertainment DJ / Karaoke with DJ Jody Havenot; 8pm-1am Silver Creek Saloon (Belleville) - Car Cruise every third Friday, 5pm Stagger Inn…Again (Edwardsville) - Live Music; 10pm-2am *Stur Restaurant (Edwardsville) - Live music every Wednesday, Friday and Saturday; 6-9pm Tavern On Main (Belleville) - Str8Up Magazine Downtown Music Showcase featuring Evan Cole; 8-11pm The Abbey (Belleville) - Live music; 7:30-10:30pm The Office (Belleville) - Str8Up Magazine Downtown Music Showcase featuring John Pry; 8:30-11:30pm The Winetap (Belleville) - Str8Up Magazine Downtown Music Showcase featuring Chris Rhein; 8-11pm VFW 8677 (Fairview Heights) - Live music every Friday; open to the public; 6-11pm *Villa Marie Winery (Maryville) - Double Shot; 7pm

August 22 (Saturday)

4204 Main Street Brewing Co (Belleville) - Lil Sister; 7pm Belle Clair Expo Center (Belleville) - Illinois’ Largest Gun and Knife Show; 9am-4pm Chateau La Vin (Columbia) - Bud Summers; 7:30pm Cigar Inn Jazz Club (Belleville) - Karaoke Night Crehan’s Irish Pub (Belleville) - Live Music; 8pm-12am Cutters (Belleville) - Live Music; 9pm Downtown (Belleville) - Old Town Market; Catch the morning’s pick of fresh, flavorful produce grown by local farmers. Fresh hot coffee and teas. Live music. Peruse the booths of local artisans


Str8 Up Magazine


August 2015

August • Calendar for one-of-a-kind treasures for yourself or to give as gifts. Shop outdoors and enjoy the sunlight while you get to know your local growers and run into friends or meet new ones! Senior Discount coupons available; 7:30am-12pm Downtown (Belleville) - The Belleville Running Club holds group runs in downtown Belleville every Thursday night at 6pm and Saturday morning at 8am. Saturday morning runs meet at the parking lot behind the St Louis Bread Company. Downtown (Edwardsville) - The Land of Goshen Community Market. Visitors can find fresh, seasonal fruits and vegetables, farm fresh eggs, naturally raised meats – beef, pork and poultry – along with baked goods, pottery, jewelry, other fine arts, honey, soaps, seedlings and cut flowers; 8am-12pm Eckert’s Farms (Belleville) - Summer Concert Series featuring Slow Down Scarlett; 7-9pm Fast Eddie’s Bon Air (Alton) - Live Music 3pm, 7pm and 8pm Hey Guys Comedy Club (Fairview Heights) - Live Standup Comedy with Mat Bergman; 8pm and 10pm Laurie’s Place (Edwardsville) - Every Saturday Jam Session w/ Mo’ Pleasure; 2-6pm Lily’s Lounge (Alton) - Karaoke every Friday and Saturday Lindenwood Auditorium @ Lindenwood University (Belleville) Summer Rhythm and Music Series presents the Belleville Philharmonic Orchestra playing The Magical Music of Disney; 7-9pm *Papa Vitos (Belleville) - Charlotte Street; 7pm Philharmonic Hall (Belleville) - Belleville Philharmonic Youth Orchestra Auditions; 1-5pm SeVen (Belleville) - Kevin Baab She and I Bar (Cahokia) - RJ Entertainment DJ / Karaoke with DJ Jody Havenot; 9pm-2am *Stur Restaurant (Edwardsville) - Live music every Wednesday, Friday and Saturday; 6-9pm The Cyclery and Fitness Center (Edwardsville) - Saturday Morning East Side Road Ride; 7am VFW (St Charles) - 4th Annual Whiskey War Festival; 22 local and national touring musicians and artists on 3 stages; starts 11am

August 23 (Sunday)

Aerie’s Winery (Grafton) - Stan Corliss every Sunday; 2-6pm Belle Clair Expo Center (Belleville) - Illinois’ Largest Gun and Knife Show; 9am-2pm Big Daddy’s 618 (Belleville) - Karaoke every Sunday; 7pm Columbia City Saloon (Columbia) - Mike Lacey every Sunday; 3-6pm Crehan’s Irish Pub (Belleville) - Live music; 4-8pm Dutch Hollow Barn (Belleville) - Every Sunday Jam Session; 7pm Fast Eddie’s Bon Air (Alton) - Live music; 2pm, 6pm and, 7pm Gulf Shores Restaurant (Edwardsville) - Leo B and John; 11:30am2:30pm JRs Last Call (Belleville) - Karaoke every Sunday Mike’s Ten Pin (Alton) - Mondinband every Sunday; 9:30pm-1:30am Schatze’s (Belleville) - Karaoke every Sunday; 9pm

August 2015

*Schmitty’s (Smithton) - Funky Butt Brass Band; 4-7pm SeVen (Belleville) - Gavin M Silver Creek Saloon (Belleville) - Rogers and Nienhaus; 4-8pm VFW 8677 (Fairview Heights) - Jazz every Sunday; open to the public; 7-10pm

August 24 (Monday)

Big Daddy’s 618 (Belleville) - Monday Trivia; hosted by Delish Trish; 7pm Fast Eddie’s Bon Air (Alton) - Live music; 6pm JRs Last Call (Belleville) - Karaoke every Monday Philharmonic Hall (Belleville) - Belleville Philharmonic Youth Orchestra Auditions; 5:30-7pm Schatze’s (Belleville) - Karaoke every Monday; 9pm

August 25 (Tuesday)

Bike Surgeon (Shiloh) - Tuesday Night Metro East Road Ride; 6pm Courthouse Bandstand (Waterloo) - Free Municipal Band Concert; 8pm Fast Eddie’s Bon Air (Alton) - Live music; 6pm Highway 61 Roadhouse (Webster Groves) - Open Mic Blues Night every Tuesday with Matt Davis and Darrow Washington; 7:3011:30pm *Miscellanea House (Belleville) - Living Literary Society meetup; a loosely organized and casual writers group; show up and relax with others who write and/or appreciate writing; every Tuesday; 6-9pm Schatze’s (Belleville) - Karaoke every Tuesday; 9pm V and H Recreation (Breese) - Open Mic hosted by Marcus Kruep; 7-11pm Village Inn (Pontoon Beach) - J Christopher every Tuesday; 7-11pm

August 26 (Wednesday)

4204 Main Street Brewing Co (Belleville) - Open Mic Night hosted by Brad Noe; 7pm Cigar Inn (Belleville) - Live Jazz, Cigar/Scotch Night; 9pm Crehan’s Irish Pub (Belleville) - Karaoke every Wednesday; 7pm Fast Eddie’s Bon Air (Alton) - Live Music; 6pm Hey Guys Comedy Club (Fairview Heights) - Comedy Open Mic Night; doors at 6:30pm; laughs at 7:30pm Laurie’s Place (Alton) - Mo’ Pleasure; 6:30-10:30pm Mike’s Ten Pin (Alton) - Mondinband every Wednesday; 9:30pm1:30am *Pitchers Pub (Belleville) - Trivia with Craig Frazier every Wednesday; 8pm PSOP/SWIC (Belleville) - Line Dancing; Our instructor, Carol Schwartz, will show you new line dances and techniques each week. This is a great group to dance with, so sliiiide on over. 1:30-3pm Rural King (Swansea) - Farmers Market; a seasonal open air market featuring fruits, vegetables, meats, and crafts; Thursdays - rain or shine - from 11am-3pm Schatze’s (Belleville) - Karaoke every Wednesday; 9pm


Str8 Up Magazine


Calendar • August Stagger Inn…Again (Edwardsville) - Open Mic Night; 9:30pm *Stur Restaurant (Edwardsville) - Live music every Wednesday; 6pm VFW 8677 (Fairview Heights) - Karaoke every Wednesday; open to the public; 7-11pm Who Dat’s (Troy) - Open Mic Jam; 7-11pm Wild Country (Collinsville) - The Taping of St. Louis Country with WIL gang, Derrick, Danny, Bo & Judy! 7pm-1am

August 27 (Thursday)

4204 Main Street Brewing Co (Belleville) - David D; 7pm 501 Blues Club (Highland) - Thursday Night Open Mic Jam Session; 8pm Bubby and Sissy’s (Alton) - Karaoke Dance Party; 9:30pm-1:30am Cigar Inn (Belleville) - Live Jazz; 9pm Columbia City Saloon (Columbia) - Karaoke; 8pm-12am Crehan’s Irish Pub (Belleville) - Karaoke with The Kantina every Thursday; 7-11pm Downtown (Belleville) - The Belleville Running Club holds group runs in downtown Belleville every Thursday night at 6pm and Saturday morning at 8am. Thursday night runs meet at the parking lot at A and Jackson (Baja Cali). Fast Eddie’s Bon Air (Alton) - Live music; 7pm Geo’s Wings (Belleville) - Bike Night every Thursday night Hey Guys Comedy Club (Fairview Heights) - Live Standup Comedy with Willie Farrell; 7:30pm Jailhouse Rock (Trenton) - Class Act Karaoke JRs Last Call (Belleville) - DJ Schwen Kaskaskia Riverhouse (New Athens) - Blue Fruit Snacks; 8pm Laurie’s Place (Edwardsville) - DJ; 9:30pm *Miscellanea House (Belleville) - Old Fashioned Ice Cream Social; 7pm Roper’s Regal Beagle (Godfrey) - Mondinband; 6-10pm Schatze’s (Belleville) - Karaoke every Thursday; 4pm *Schmitty’s (Smithton) - Soulard Blues Band; 7-10pm Silver Creek Saloon & Grill (Belleville) - Well Hungarians; Every Thursday Night Stagger Inn…Again (Edwardsville) - Live Music; 10pm-2am The Abbey (Belleville) - Singer/Songwriter Night Every Thursday; 7-10pm

August 28 (Friday)

4204 Main Street Brewing Co (Belleville) - Avery Hill; 7pm Aerie’s Winery (Grafton) - Stan Corliss every Friday; 5-9pm Belle Clair Expo Center (Belleville) - Ceramics and Fired Art Show Chateau La Vin (Columbia) - Casey Reeves; 7:30pm Cigar Inn Jazz Club (Belleville) - Live jazz; 9pm Crehan’s Irish Pub (Belleville) - Live Music every Friday; 8pm-12am Eckert’s Farms (Belleville) - Summer Concert Series featuring Kayla Ray; 7-9pm Fast Eddie’s Bon Air (Alton) - Live music; 3pm, 7pm and 8pm Hey Guys Comedy Club (Fairview Heights) - Live Standup Comedy with Willie Farrell; 8pm


Str8 Up Magazine


August 2015

August • Calendar *Jellystone Park (Eureka) - TOCO Family Festival; This event is about coming together as a community and enjoying a weekend of fun, camping, dozens of family centered arts and science workshops, top notch musical and arts entertainment, and much more FOR A CAUSE! The theme for 2015 TOCO Family Festival is “All you need is Love”; benefits Tapestry of Community Offerings (TOCO); 3pm today through 3pm Sunday Kaskaskia Riverhouse (New Athens) - Billy Barnett and Tip Belz; 8pm *Moody Park at Longacre (Fairview Heights) - 27th Annual Midwest Salute To The Arts; Since 1988, Fairview Heights, Illinois, has been host to the Midwest Salute to the Arts, rated the 40th best fine arts show in the nation. This prestigious event attracts people from across the Midwest and features some of the best sculptors, painters and creators of decorative and wearable art in the United States; Free; 6-10pm; On the Classic Stage: Rogers and Nienhaus, 6:30-10pm *Papa Vitos (Belleville) - Joe Truttmann / Ron Wooley Duo; 7pm Piasa Winery & Pub (Grafton) - Open Mic Night; 7-11pm Schatze’s (Belleville) - Live Music every Friday; 9pm *Schmitty’s (Smithton) - Tim Albert & The Boogiemen; 6pm-12am SeVen (Belleville) - Scott Miller Band She and I Bar (Cahokia) - RJ Entertainment DJ / Karaoke with DJ Jody Havenot; 8pm-1am Stagger Inn…Again (Edwardsville) - Live Music; 10pm-2am *Stur Restaurant (Edwardsville) - Live music every Wednesday, Friday and Saturday; 6-9pm The Abbey (Belleville) - Live music; 7:30-10:30pm VFW 8677 (Fairview Heights) - Live music every Friday; open to the public; 6-11pm

August 29 (Saturday)

4204 Main Street Brewing Co (Belleville) - Slick Ice Blues; 7pm Belle Clair Expo Center (Belleville) - Ceramics and Fired Art Show Belle Clair Expo Center (Belleville) - Confluence Crush Women’s Roller Derby vs Mississippi Valley Mayhem; doors at 5:30pm; first whistle at 6:30pm Chateau La Vin (Columbia) - Charlotte Street; 7:30pm Cigar Inn Jazz Club (Belleville) - Karaoke Night Crehan’s Irish Pub (Belleville) - Live Music; 8pm-12am Cutters (Belleville) - Live Music; 9pm Downtown (Belleville) - Old Town Market; Catch the morning’s pick of fresh, flavorful produce grown by local farmers. Fresh hot coffee and teas. Live music. Peruse the booths of local artisans for one-of-a-kind treasures for yourself or to give as gifts. Shop outdoors and enjoy the sunlight while you get to know your local growers and run into friends or meet new ones! Senior Discount coupons available; 7:30am-12pm Downtown (Belleville) - The Belleville Running Club holds group runs in downtown Belleville every Thursday night at 6pm and Saturday morning at 8am. Saturday morning runs meet at the parking lot behind the St Louis Bread Company.

August 2015

Downtown (Edwardsville) - The Land of Goshen Community Market. Visitors can find fresh, seasonal fruits and vegetables, farm fresh eggs, naturally raised meats – beef, pork and poultry – along with baked goods, pottery, jewelry, other fine arts, honey, soaps, seedlings and cut flowers; 8am-12pm Eckert’s Farms (Belleville) - Summer Concert Series featuring The Dusty Brothers; 7-9pm Fast Eddie’s Bon Air (Alton) - Live music 3pm, 7pm and 8pm Hey Guys Comedy Club (Fairview Heights) - Live Standup Comedy with Willie Farrell; 8pm and 10pm *Jellystone Park (Eureka) - TOCO Family Festival; This event is about coming together as a community and enjoying a weekend of fun, camping, dozens of family centered arts and science workshops, top notch musical and arts entertainment, and much more FOR A CAUSE! The theme for 2015 TOCO Family Festival is “All you need is Love”; benefits Tapestry of Community Offerings (TOCO); through 3pm Sunday Kaskaskia Riverhouse (New Athens) - National Crawfish and Gumbo Festival featuring five cajun chefs. A day of food with music including Zydeco Crawdaddies, Funky Butt Brass Band, Laura Green Blues Band, Rat Rod Kings, and more. Laurie’s Place (Edwardsville) - Every Saturday Jam Session w/ Mo’ Pleasure; 2-6pm Lily’s Lounge (Alton) - Karaoke every Friday and Saturday *Moody Park at Longacre (Fairview Heights) - 27th Annual Midwest Salute To The Arts; Since 1988 Fairview Heights, Illinois, has been host to the Midwest Salute to the Arts, rated the 40th best fine arts show in the nation. This prestigious event attracts people from across the Midwest and features some of the best sculptors, painters and creators of decorative and wearableart in the United States; Free; 10am-8pm; Two stages of simultaneous live music include Carrier Tunes, 10am; Revence Band, 11:30am; Lewis Michael Trio, 1pm; Jza-Jazanell, 1pm; Dave and Greg, 4pm *Papa Vitos (Belleville) - Joe Truttmann / Ron Wooley Duo; 7pm *Schmitty’s (Smithton) - Throw The Horns featuring Joe Smith; 8pm12am She and I Bar (Cahokia) - RJ Entertainment DJ / Karaoke with DJ Jody Havenot; 9pm-2am SeVen (Belleville) - Dayton and Joey *Stur Restaurant (Edwardsville) - Live music every Wednesday, Friday and Saturday; 6-9pm The Cyclery and Fitness Center (Edwardsville) - Saturday Morning East Side Road Ride; 7am

August 30 (Sunday)

Aerie’s Winery (Grafton) - Stan Corliss every Sunday; 2-6pm Big Daddy’s 618 (Belleville) - Karaoke every Sunday; 7pm Bobby’s Frozen Custard (Maryville) - Rogers and Nienhaus; 7:309:30pm Columbia City Saloon (Columbia) - Mike Lacey every Sunday; 3-6pm Crehan’s Irish Pub (Belleville) - Live music; 4-8pm


Str8 Up Magazine


Calendar • August Dutch Hollow Barn (Belleville) - Every Sunday Jam Session; 7pm Fast Eddie’s Bon Air (Alton) - Live music; 2pm, 6pm and 7pm Gulf Shores Restaurant (Edwardsville) - Leo B and John; 11:30am2:30pm *Jellystone Park (Eureka) - TOCO Family Festival; This event is about coming together as a community and enjoying a weekend of fun, camping, dozens of family centered arts and science workshops, top notch musical and arts entertainment, and much more FOR A CAUSE! The theme for 2015 TOCO Family Festival is “All you need is Love”; benefits Tapestry of Community Offerings (TOCO); through 3pm today JRs Last Call (Belleville) - Karaoke every Sunday Kaskaskia Riverhouse (New Athens) - Bottoms Up Blues Gang; 4-7pm Mike’s Ten Pin (Alton) - Mondinband every Sunday; 9:30pm-1:30am *Moody Park at Longacre (Fairview Heights) - 27th Annual Midwest Salute To The Arts; Since 1988 Fairview Heights, Illinois, has been host to the Midwest Salute to the Arts, rated the 40th best fine arts show in the nation. This prestigious event attracts people from across the Midwest and features some of the best sculptors, painters and creators of decorative and wearable art in the United States; Free; 10am-5pm; Two stages of simultaneous live music including Lisa Jones, 10:45am; Well Hungarians, 12pm; Mark Biehl Group, 3:30pm Schatze’s (Belleville) - Karaoke every Sunday; 9pm *Schmitty’s (Smithton) - Jeremiah Johnson Band; 4-8pm SeVen (Belleville) - Joe Camel VFW 8677 (Fairview Heights) - Jazz every Sunday; open to the public; 7-10pm *Villa Marie Winery (Maryville) - Open Mic featuring Paul Jarvis; last Sunday every month; bring on all those aspiring musicians and groups - especially singer/songwriters! 3-6pm

August 31 (Monday)

Big Daddy’s 618 (Belleville) - Monday Trivia; hosted by Delish Trish; 7pm Fast Eddie’s Bon Air (Alton) - Live music; 6pm JRs Last Call (Belleville) - Karaoke every Monday Schatze’s (Belleville) - Karaoke every Monday; 9pm

September 1 (Tuesday)

Bike Surgeon (Shiloh) - Tuesday Night Metro East Road Ride; 6pm Fast Eddie’s Bon Air (Alton) - Live music; 6pm Highway 61 Roadhouse (Webster Groves) - Open Mic Blues Night every Tuesday with Matt Davis and Darrow Washington; 7:3011:30pm *Miscellanea House (Belleville) - Living Literary Society meetup; a loosely organized and casual writers group; show up and relax with others who write and/or appreciate writing; every Tuesday; 6-9pm Schatze’s (Belleville) - Karaoke every Tuesday; 9pm V and H Recreation (Breese) - Open Mic hosted by Marcus Kruep; 7-11pm


Str8 Up Magazine


August 2015

Fun Page

Str8 Up Fun Page Basic Math: Keeping Us Sharp 8652.25


- 2053.32

+ 452853

Spice up Your Hometown Surprise a stranger: write a special message on a piece of paper, whether it be random advice, universal truth, a funny joke, thought-provoking question, or anything in between, and leave it somewhere for someone to find. You could stick it between the pages of a library book. You could leave it on a table at a restaurant. Maybe place it under a rock near a public bench. It would be cool for these special messages to be floating throughout your city. And you never know how it might affect someone’s day.

105 X 642

Darla started with 52 chocolate bars. After eating 32 of them, she wants to evenly divide the remaining chocolate bars amongst her 4 children, who will each eat their entire share immediately. How many chocolate bars will each child receive? And how do you think everyone will feel by the end of this ordeal? ____ Chocolate bars per child Once all the chocolate bars have been consumed, I think everyone will feel ___________ Submit your answers to

August 2015


Str8 Up Magazine



From the Sketch Book Series

Mark Kensho Rogan

See more of his work @ 30

Str8 Up Magazine


August 2015

Kim Massie and Solid Senders, Pepperland, Jake’s Leg Rodney Branigan (One Man/Two Guitars), John Pointer John Paul Vrooman, BOB Band, Oak, Steel, Lightning Mom’s Kitchen, One Take, Thunder Biscuit Orchestra Hillside Barons, Sully, Vitamen A, EarthSol, ARR Flea Bitten Dawgs, Bottoms Up Blues Gang, Brent and Anna Sandwich, Yard Dogs, Cree Rider Family Band, Punk Hippies Monsters, Culture Shock Dance Troupe, St. Louis Hoop Club

5300 Fox Creek Road

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