Aug 2020
Kerry Smith Oh To Go To TOCO - Virtually ~ August Submissions Cover Artist: Kerry Smith ~ Sunday Morning Game Night Memories Not Lost ~ Different Can Be Good Sometimes
August 2020
Serving Up Art, Music, and Culture for the Metro Area’s Enjoyment 1 GessoMagazine.com Gesso Magazine
Editor's Word
August 2020
Editor’s Word – August 2020
issue of Gesso Magazine – issue #61 in the Str8 Up Magazine legacy!!!
Straight Up Magazine is now Gesso Magazine and it is here with its 61st edition ‘Serving Up Art, Music and Culture for the Metro Area’s Enjoyment’. The St. Louis Metro deserves its own arts and entertainment magazine. And here it is. It’s called Gesso!!!
Like Straight Up before it, the mission of Gesso Magazine is to support local arts and artists and the businesses and organizations that support local arts and artists. We invite you to contact us with ideas, comments, information, etc. that might assist us in our mission to serve you, the residents of the St. Louis Metro area.
We are very pleased to have Kerry Smith as our featured cover artist. Kerry is a Metro Area art director, graphic designer and painter with works exhibited across the United States and Europe. He is also a founding member and curator of The Gogh-Getters, a fine arts Gallery nestled within the Sacred Grounds Cafe in Edwardsville, IL. See more of Kerry Smith on page 28. In March, we proudly sponsored and curated another Governor French Gallery exhibition, Jacque Davis's "Dreaming in Color", which, technically, ran through April 10th. Technically, because right after the March 13th Artist Opening Reception, the world shut down. And, though the exhibition is still hanging, it can only be seen from the sidewalk windows as the Gallery - and the Governor French Academy - is quarantined until further notice. The Governor French Gallery is located at 219 W Main Street in beautiful Downtown Belleville, IL. Walk or drive by and see the amazing textile artwork of Jacque Davis with a complement of other visual artists.
WE WANT YOU! - All you artistic and creative types out there! You should contact us. Show us your work. Tell us of your craft and brief personal/ artistic history. Submit any art form that you’d like. Perhaps, you can be one of our next published contributors or even a featured cover artist. Check out the Submissions Pages to see who’s featured this month. Next month, that could be you!! Enjoy Gesso! Tell your friends. Send us your work. And visit our website at GessoMagazine.com. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook daily for new and additional events and content. For the time being, you will not see Gesso Magazine at hundreds of area distribution locations! We will be online only till the brave new world returns. Stay safe and be healthy.
P.O. Box 412 Belleville, IL 62222 (314) 266-9199 We thank our writers for their poignant features Editor@GessoMagazine.com and all those who contribute to this project. We appreciate all of those individuals who have submitted their works for publication. And “Likes” to all you followers on Facebook!!! We are grateful to you, the reader, for reading this latest 2
Gesso Magazine
August 2020
August Credits
Editors: Jake Bishop, Dylan Seibert, Paul Seibert Layout Design Artists: Jake Bishop, Dylan Seibert, Mark Polege Sales: Jake Bishop, Jennifer Lynn Reida, William Schmitz, Paul Seibert, Dylan Seibert Ad Artists: Jake Bishop, Mark Polege, Dylan Seibert, Wil Sullivan Calendar: Dylan Seibert, Paul Seibert Website Design & Up-Keep: Mark Polege (MarkusDesignWorks.com), Jake Bishop Photography: Mark Polege (PhotographyofMarkPolege.com)
Cover Artist: Kerry Smith Cover Logo: Jake Bishop Game Page: Dank By Design Fun Page: Jake Bishop Photography: Courtesy of: TOCO (pg.6-8), Janet Evra, Old Salt Unioin, USAF Band of Mid-America, Paul Seibert (pg.10-11), Felix Mooneeram (pg.26), Clair P. (pg.27)
All material in this publication and its affiiated on-line content are copyrighted to the individual contributors or Gesso Magazine and may not be reproduced without written consent. We are very grateful to those who have submitted material to be considered for publication. However, the opinions and views of those contributing content to Gesso do not necessarily reflect those of Gesso Magazine.
The Gesso Movement Relies on Your Support!! We are committed to supporting local artists, musicians, & businesses and providing this material FREE to readers month after month!!
We invite you to reach out to us!! Together we can discover how we can best help you, your band, your business or organization, etc. and how you can best help us in our continuing mission. Hit us up on Facebook or Instagram or via GessoMagazine.com Editor@GessoMagazine.com
Gesso Magazine
Table of Contents
Oh To Go To TOCO - Virtually by Christine Higdon, Kim Vrooman, & Paul Seibert
Sunday Morning Game Night from Dank By Design
August Fun Page
Memories Not Lost by Christie Luadzers
Different Can Be Good Sometimes! by Liz Crabtree (Director for the Hettenhausen Center
Cover Artist: Kerry Smith
August Submissions
for the Arts)
August 2020
Gesso Magazine
featuring: Joseph Bodus
August 2020
Gesso Magazine
August 2020 Oh to Go to TOCO VIRTUAL by Kim Vrooman, Christine Higdon and Paul Seibert 19th Annual TOCO Family Festival Goes Virtual August 28 & 29, 2020 TOCO Family Festival is a two-day outdoor festival and, for almost two decades, has offered an amazing array of activities: camping, music, art, food and beverage vendors, plus a campsite decorating contest, costume contest, parade float decorating contest, collective arts project. It has included kids’ concerts and Kids’ Club and Kids’ Club Underground with a variety of children’s entertainment including face painting, playground, mini golf and game room plus performances and workshops by St. Louis music and science teachers and the St. Louis Hoop Club. There were parades, Kids’ Club Babysitting Service, and family workshops. Plus, as always, there would always be a plethora of artists and crafters and other retail vendors. All these great activities and parents and children all snuggled together at a Metro area campground.
Enter COVID-19. TOCO Family Festival will go camping ONLINE this year. The 2020 event takes place on the TOCO Family Festival Facebook Page on Friday, August 28th from 7pm - 10pm and Saturday, August 29th from 4pm until 10pm. The funraiser will kick off with a live silent auction event at 7pm. The auction will run online until 10pm Saturday night. 6
Gesso Magazine
And TOCO Fest is always known for its tremendous selection of live musical acts. This year’s live online performances include Rodney Branigan, Old Salt Union, the Kay Brothers, the Burney Sisters, Monhk, EarthSol Acoustic, Vitamen A, One Way Traffic, and many more. And, as always, lots and lots of family focused activities such as a home campsite decorating contest, photos sharing costume exhibitions, collective arts project, and workshops such as dance, painting, hula hooping, STEM, tie-dye, and much more - all online! This year the festival will be hosted online by TOCO Radio and your favorite Family Festival emcees!
This year’s theme is “Hearts for TOCO.” You can show TOCO volunteers how much you love the organization and festival with creative heart-felt sentiments shared online via pictures and videos throughout the event! And you can get started right now. You can even enter your own video on the TOCO Family Festival Facebook Page sharing what you love about TOCO for a chance to win a VIP package to the 2021 TOCO Family Festival! And there will be a 2021 TOCO Family Festival!
August 2020 To purchase tickets for this year’s virtual event or to find out more information including great virtual camping options and complete band lineup, please visit www.TocoFamily.org or email Tocoinfo@gmail. com. If you reserved camping in past years or planned to camp with us this summer, please consider a 10% donation of what you previously paid to “reserve” your virtual spot in the online TOCO Fest neighborhood.
For more about this fine organization and its annual TOCO Festival, see “Oh To Go To TOCO” Str8Up Magazine / August 2014 Issuu.com/StraightUpMag/docs/Str8Up_August2014
To make your reservations, contact Christine Higdon at 618-363-5382 or at Tocoinfo@gmail.com. Tapestry Of Community Offerings (TOCO) is headquartered in Belleville, Illinois. TOCO empowers, educates, and enriches the lives of children and families, through green and community partnerships, in order to build a strong, diverse, sustainable future. TOCO has created direct service programs which are designed to enrich the lives of children and family members in our surrounding community. Whether through improving educational opportunities, or by providing basic human needs such as clothing and housewares, each of the TOCO services improves the quality of life for children and family members in our neighborhoods. Proceeds from TOCO Fest benefit the Tapestry Of Community Offerings. www.Facebook.com/TOCOFamilyFestival/
NOW MORE THAN EVER TOCO NEEDS YOUR SUPPORT TO KEEP THE MISSION GOING! Tapestry of Community Offerings (TOCO) is rooted on Main Street in Belleville, Illinois and empowers children and families through green and community partnerships in order to build a strong, diverse, sustainable future. YEAR ROUND! TOCO has developed their most ambitious programs: The TOCO Shop and TOCO Pantry which have served thousands of families over the past ten years. Through referrals from community members, schools, churches, and service agencies, TOCO Shop and Pantry provide subsidized and free material support (clothing, shoes, and housewares) to children and families. Year round they also operate the Backpack Outreach serving the marginalized population in the area. TOCO serves thousands of families each year; typically around 1,500 families through TOCO Pantry services and an estimated 8,500 families through Shop services. TOCO’s brand of social entrepreneurship speaks not to financial gain but to a higher calling: service through stewardship of humanity and of the earth’s resources. Sustainability is not an abstract for TOCO; they live it every day. Since 2010 TOCO has kept an estimated 4,186,974 pounds out of landfills. TOCO continues to provide families opportunities to learn about sustainability and ways to give back to the community. TOCO is excited to someday expand their reach in order to build neighborhood spaces where they can host workshops for families to explore the concepts of reduce, reuse, recycle, upcycle and more, in order to build that sustainable future.
Gesso Magazine
August 2020 Today TOCO is proud to say they are making a difference in the community. Thanks to members and volunteers from the community who donate their time, talent, and treasure out of the kindness of their hearts to go toward the fruition of the TOCO mission, and to supporters such as you who continue to support TOCO efforts, TOCO has been able to raise thousands of dollars to help enrich the lives of children and families. Contact Christine Higdon at 618-363-5382; Tocoinfo@gmail.com
HISTORY OF TOCO and TOCO FAMILY FESTIVAL: The Tapestry of Community Offerings Mission began nearly nineteen years ago when the Shelter Shop, a thrift store supporting The Violence Prevention Center (VPC) of Southwestern Illinois in Belleville, Illinois burned to the ground. Founder Kim Vrooman and close friends decided to act fast to help defer rebuilding costs for the Shelter Shop, thus lightening the load of unexpected added financial responsibilities put upon the VPC. When funding for the Violence Prevention Center (VPC) became threatened due to the destruction of the Shelter Shop, a local supporter of VPC, Kim Vrooman and others joined together in order to quickly rebuild the shop. With the experiences of this rebuild project and the support shown from the community, Vrooman wanted to do more for Belleville, Illinois. Through her drive and desire to bring the community together, Vrooman and a tight knit group of visionaries founded Tapestry of Community Offerings NFP (TOCO). The owners of Twin Oaks Golf Club near Carlyle Lake, Illinois donated the venue for the very first (and second, and third) Twin Oaks Camp Out Benefit which included music and primitive camping. The first year was a rainy one, and because it was the middle of October the weather was cooler than ideal, yet folks from the surrounding community and beyond came to support. And continue to support today! Participants had so much fun that weekend, they realized they wanted to create opportunities in the future to empower children and families, and to partner with other community organizations. So, over the next decades, Vrooman and hundreds of volunteers have been building the idea and the mission under which all of us serve. 8
Gesso Magazine
August 2020
FUN PAGE Word Search: Summer Edition
August Beach Sunflower July Vacation Sunscreen Fireworks Swimming Family Ocean Fun Sandals
Gesso Magazine
August 2020 Different Can Be Good Sometimes! by Liz Crabtree - Director of the Hettenhausen Center for the Arts at McKendree University
For the last 14 years, the Hettenhausen Center for the Arts (The Hett) has been proud to serve our community as the premier performing art center. We’ve laughed together, cried together, been inspired together, and together witnessed unforgettable performances from some of the greatest artists in the world. None of that is going to change.
The COVID-19 pandemic has posed many unique challenges this year for performing arts venues, which must schedule, contract and prepare to host events months in advance. The Hett is subject to additional requirements as we are a university first, then a performing art center. No one knows with absolute certainty what the fall semester will hold for colleges and universities across the country. All we can do is plan events that meet the needs of our community within the context of the very best guidance and safety practices available at this time. We’re implementing health and safety measures, following McKendree University and State of Illinois health guidelines, and doing everything to protect the health and safety of our patrons, artists, volunteers, and staff. Though this will be a unique season, it will also be an especially joyful one! Perhaps now more than ever before, we’re celebrating the opportunity to be together, to be entertained and to be inspired by great art.
As we navigate these unprecedented times together, we want you to know that our commitment to our community, to our patrons, and to the value of the arts is unwavering. We remain hopeful and flexible as we re-imagine our 2020-2021 season. The Hett will hold performances on site if conditions are within the appropriate recovery phases of the governor’s Restore Illinois plan. Otherwise, upcoming performances could take place inside the auditorium, outside, or virtually. A variety of local and regional artists are the focus of The Hett’s “Discovery Series” in 2020 and early 2021. Bands such as Old Salt Union, Janet Evra, the USAF Band of Mid-America and more will help us navigate these uncertain times. We are fortunate to be close to a city that has a thriving music scene.
( Janet Evra )
( USAF Band of MidAmerica at The Hett ) ( Old Salt Union ) 10
Gesso Magazine
August 2020 Of course, none of what we do is possible without you! When you support The Hett, donate to a virtual tip jar for an artist, or purchase a ticket to an event, you demonstrate your belief in the value of the performing arts. You know that the hope, joy, and inspiration that come from great art are not a luxury. Art is essential. Whether in the auditorium, in the parking lot, or from your home, I hope you will join us at The Hett for another entertaining season of live performances! I encourage you to check out the video preview of the 20202021 season on TheHett.com, where ongoing updates will be posted as well. Dates and times are subject to change.
Friends of The Hett may purchase tickets starting on Aug. 3; the general public may do so beginning Aug. 13 at noon. Visit TheHett.com or call the box office at 618-537-6863 (1-800-BEARCAT, ext. 6863) for tickets or more information. All events are open to the public.
Old Salt Union https://www.facebook.com/OldSaltUnion/
Elizabeth A. Crabtree
Janet Evra https://janetevra.com/
USAF Band of MidAmerica https://www.music.af.mil/Bands/US-Air-Force-Band-of-Mid-America/
Liz manages the artist and speaker selection, scheduling, promotion, and production for a wide variety of “McKendree Presents” programs and the McCammon Distinguished Speaker Series. She works closely with donors, patrons and guests, managing more than 250 events per year. A resident of O’Fallon, IL, Liz is a member of the Honorary Commander Program at Scott Air Force Base and secretary and board member of the Plains Presenters Consortium. Liz received her Bachelor of Science in Management from Park University and has recently completed her Master of Business Administration from McKendree University. GessoMagazine.com
Gesso Magazine
The Friends of Gesso membership program * Donate any amount to become a member * Donate $10 or more and receive a Gesso sticker as a thank you gift * Donate $100 or more and receive a Gesso sticker and a T-shirt as a thank you gift All Members will be thanked in print in the next issue (unless they wish to remain anonymous) All members who provide a valid email address will periodically receive invitations to access special bonus content on GessoMagazine.com, as well as other perks! (No email addresses will be sold to any third party EVER) Gesso Magazine reaches THOUSANDS of people on both sides of the river & serves the local art & music scene by continuing to make this publication available to the public free of charge. This community project relies on the support of the community it serves. Help us keep LOCAL art and music ALIVE.
August 2020
To become a member, send us an email at Membership@GessoMagazine.com Or send us a message on Facebook Or cut out this form and mail it to: Gesso Magazine P.O. Box 412 Belleville, IL 62222 Your name, or that of your business, band, group, or organization: Email (optional): Donation amount: Would you like to have your name excluded from print in the next issue?: (those who do not answer will have their name included) GessoMagazine.com
Gesso Magazine
August 2020 Â
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Sword- Defeats 1 skeleton Torch- Travel through 1 dark space
Egg- Score 2VP when brought to E
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Ice- May not turn on ice unless if stopped by a dark space or edge.
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Key- Unlock 1 chest or 1 door
Chest- Score 5VP when unlocked Warp- Transports you to any other warp, any time you step onto one.
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Door- Blocks travel in all directions. � Œ  � � � � � �
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Gesso Magazine
August 2020
Attention Gesso Readers: We are seeking to continue highlighting in our digital magazine, on our website, and on social media those local artists, bands, musicians, performers, and businesses that are continuing to do their thing during this Corona Shutdown time period. Please help us in that mission by sharing with us any such examples that you are aware of either via email at: editor@GessoMagazine.com or via our Facebook Page Thank you so much and please stay up with us via social media and GessoMagazine.com GessoMagazine.com
Gesso Magazine
August 2020 Memories Not Lost by Christie Luadzers The thin, blank lines spread across the page, bringing more anxiety to her already jumbled mind. The bookstore had been a madhouse earlier this morning and at this age, a crowd is not what she preferred. It was not a swift decision either, for no journal deemed worthy of all she had to say. After humbling herself, she rummaged through each option and waded through the repeating waves of empty pages. She eventually settled on a delicately lined, mauve covered journal. With her purchase came a sense of timidity but drenched in heavy excitement. She thankfully left the busyness of the store and walked toward home. Her steps fell in time to the surrounding sounds of her street; normalcy had always been comforting. She couldn’t quite remember why she wanted to do this. Unsure of the real driving force behind it, she questioned her sanity a bit, laughing at her silly intentions. After what seemed like months of contemplation, she had given in to the whim. The gentle nudges from the powers beyond maybe, or just her mind craving something to do, she was still a bit uncertain of her purpose. Either way, the journal now held space on her small table, next to her mid-morning mint tea. Freshly cut flowers christened it with their fragrances and she noticed how wonderfully the mauve cover matched the scene. I must be crazy doing this now, she scorned inside her head, half tempted to rip the journal pages apart, as if that simple action would remove the doubts she felt. The sudden anger welling up inside for allowing her passion of writing to go extinct brought disgust and sadness. She missed her old friend, the joy it brought to see her readers’ commentary, her name in print... so long ago. She had no regrets in her life besides this. The lengthy distance between the last words she had actually written ate at her happiness now. She was surely too old to be doing this too. The foolishness she felt even buying the damn thing in the first place was horrendous. Like a schoolgirl buying her first diary of sorts. Giddy with excitement to finally have time to explode ink all over those pages. Childish, ridiculous really. 16
Gesso Magazine
A sip of hot mint on her tongue threw her back to a year ago, when they had their last morning tea together and said goodbye. It was one of those moments she didn’t realize it would be the last time, until it was. That moment. The reason for her free time now. That last goodbye.
Now, with her hours to herself she pondered whether she’d done anything of worth in the last year and thought about how often she still felt rushed. The urge to do something was so intense some days, and other days she couldn’t even remember the date. There had been so much wrapped up in her life, so many phases, her time had always been as stuffed as an overflowing suitcase. Her gaze drifted to the bare cover as she gently ran her wrinkled hand over it. The softness was so pleasurable it seemed a welcoming change from the thorns and pricklies of her garden. Opening the cover with the tenderness of a rose petal, she focused on the bare sheets inside. Rubbing the pages between her fingers she imagined her pen gliding over each one, cascading her emotions she had trapped behind closed doors all these years. The trepidation of opening those hidden rooms inside herself stabbed her with a hint of guilt. Her heart banging inside her chest, a rhythm she had recently grown accustomed to, she remembered her most recent appointment.
August 2020 “Ms. Dillings, you’re as healthy as a horse! You’re healthier than half the 30 year-olds that come in here. You should be traveling and seeing the world!” Her doctor was a young, vibrant blonde who did well stroking egos, however had no experience regarding life’s traumas. “I’d like to see you in a year, mostly just to hear of all the sights you’ve gone to see!” She bounced out the door with her low ponytail bobbing behind her, struggling to keep up the pace. Oh, to be young again. She sighed as those words melted into her. They both knew she wasn’t going to travel. She knew where she belonged; she knew what needed to be done. Quietly preparing to leave the doctor’s office, she remembered that in youth, we only see opportunities. The appetite one has for adventure. We crave to be an important part of the world, thriving on independence, letting our voices be heard and priding ourselves on shock value. The energy, the hunger, and the trickery of feeling invincible. A smile gave way on her lips; she reminisced about her own most vibrant years in college. As if silently beckoned, her pen quietly rolled against the journal. She snapped back to her table, realizing her visit to the doctor’s office had only been a memory. She acknowledged the pen with an endearing gaze. Her favorite high school graduation gift from her favorite writing teacher. Same sleek, black pen she held throughout college. A Cross ball-point pen that had guided her hand across numerous college essays and exams. This glorious thing even went to France with her, oh what a beautiful trip that had been! A close-knit friend that had outlasted those lessons, and all of those relationships. She clutched it once again; fitting it perfectly into the inside crevice of her ring finger. It was as splendid as it had always been, though her hand was much more antiquated now. Still, a match made in heaven she supposed. A minute piece of youth, carrying many memories. Putting that pen to paper was much harder today though. Where to start, she pondered. Do I start with those early days or do I start now and work back? Who shall I write this for anyways, myself? As the questions flooded her, the pen began to tremble.
She stared out the window for a moment trying desperately to release the stress building up. The birds feeding in her garden helped while she caressed the pen in her fingers. Realizing that her sweetly chirping friends were low on food she stood and stretched, popping her joints as she went and gathered a cup of seed from the pantry. She could use a break right now. Standing at the glass door, she glanced back at her journal; it’ll be there when I get back in. I’ll get to it in just a moment. The sunshine struck her face like a match igniting a fire. She couldn’t help but pause and bask in the beams. The aroma from her garden’s inhabitants filtered around her, satisfying a sweet craving she welcomed every morning. As her eyes adjusted to the change, a tiny bluebird hopped carefully closer, eyeing the cup of seed, anticipating the reward. She watched and wondered if this would finally be the day that she would gain the trust of the last baby to leave the nest. He chirped once and hopped closer, tilting his head as she dropped a few nuggets of seed. With his small beak he graciously pecked right near her clover-cushioned toes. As the little bird waited for more, she relived the day when her own last babe flew the nest, as they say.
It was a spring day, much like today she recalled. Her son had graduated the weekend before and excitedly spent his last week packing his room and organizing travel plans.
Gesso Magazine
August 2020 The anticipation was suffocating those last days, his excitement met with Mom’s anguish. Though as not to trample on his frenzied butterflies, she stayed quiet and helpful, as a Mom typically does. She watched him as she now watched over the bluebird, with a steady hand and a heart waiting to be needed. She was surprised by a light tapping on her palm as the tiny bird delicately pecked the seed sprinkled there. She was so overwhelmed in her memories she hadn’t even noticed that he had flown into her hand. With such happiness exuding her, a tear trickled down her cheek. Her son had always giggled at her “happy tears” as he called them growing up. The tiny bird stayed in her palm for just a quick break and flew up to the branch that had once held his nest. A smile joined her tear. Maybe her son would visit his nest soon too, she sure could use a visit.
She awoke from her unplanned slumber to the sound of the doorbell. Sitting up straight she realized it had grown dark outside and surely her little feathery friends were nestled away behind the leaves. She lifted the journal off of her chest and sat it on the table.
Straightening her blouse and pinching her cheeks to wake up, the door started unlatching. As she rose from the chair she watched her son come through, smiling from ear to ear. “We’re having dinner tonight right?” She embraced him as she had never before and wondered if she had somehow summoned him there. “Mom, you still have the strongest hugs! Did you think I would forget our date?” She hesitated and looked in his eyes. She didn’t remember making these plans though this seemed to be happening a lot lately. Desperate not to show confusion, she rewarded his question with a simple smile and walked up the stairs to change. “I’ll be right down, honey. Just a few minutes to freshen up.” Moving back into her chair next to the table, she eyed the front door. You silly woman! Fixating on the door isn’t going to magically bring him here! Shaking her head at her own nonsense, she grabbed the journal and reclined back embracing it to her chest. The coolness calmed her aching heart and she allowed herself a minute of recovery from the river of memories. Closing her eyes, the journal lay unmoved.
Gesso Magazine
Upstairs in the bathroom, she found the older version of herself reflecting back. She began to brainlessly work through her lifelong routine of brushing her hair, applying mascara and a tiny smudge of lip gloss. She always ended with a smiling goodbye to herself in the mirror. She had never needed much makeup and always enjoyed the fresh feeling of wind on her face. Though in this day and age, so many women felt the need to change their looks. She reminded herself that aging is better than the alternative and she still loved that wrinkled old face staring back at her, well most days she did anyway.
August 2020 Quickly changing into a long dress, she grabbed her sweater off the bedpost and stepped quickly but carefully down the carpeted stairs. She found her son sitting at her table with the mauve colored journal. Seeing it in his grown, masculine hands gave way for an odd surrealness. He looked so much like his father just then, hair perfectly salt and peppered, jawline squared up. He seemed to be pretending to read something in it, always joking around this guy, another trait of his father’s. “Mom! You never told me you went to France in college!” He exclaimed with surprise. Surely, I just told him that sometime through the years, hadn’t I? “Oh, you’re such a jokester! I thought I might give writing my life story a little whirl, but it seems the day got away from me. Better luck tomorrow, right?” She fibbed a bit, not wanting to be honest about sleeping the day away. This sweet boy of hers always worried when she slept too much. His eyes lifted to meet hers and with a confused tone he asked her what she was talking about. “Mom, how long have you been working on this?” Puzzled, she walked next to his chair and rested her hand across his shoulders. Leaning past him, she looked to see what he saw. Too much amazement, words were scattered all over the pages, flowing over each line in her very own handwriting. She snatched the book away from him hastily, questioning this as a joke at first. Glorious page after page was full of her exclamation marks, elaborate cursive and even a smiley face drawn here and there. As she delved further, she saw her memories rise up off the pages. Each section, a picture formed in front of her. Childhood injuries and sleepovers, birthday balloons popped in her face. College days and parties, the cologne of her friends still lingering. Her wedding and marriage, her husband’s hands glided over her neck. Her motherhood and baby’s breath drifting across her bosom. The travels, the loves, her losses, her life continued to replay in her hands, from her journal. They were all right there, one by one, shining brightly as each page turned.
Obviously seeing his mother lost in her own writings, he rose from the chair and masked his sadness. He recognized her time slipping more and more. His heart grappled with the knowledge as he chose to ignore it for now, in this moment. He wrapped his mother up in his arms and hugged her gently. They both had tears staining his shirt, though he hid his much better. Gaining composure, he said, “Mom with the everlasting happy tears!” Wiping her cheeks, he smiled as she looked at him, clutching the journal between them. “Why don’t we enjoy a bite to eat Mom, and you can tell me all about this.”
Christie Luadzers is a 40-something year old wife and mom of two awesome boys. She’s grown up in Jefferson City, Missouri and now raises her family there. Her love for storytelling began the day she wrote her first alphabet letter. Christie currently works in an engineering firm assisting six civil engineers. In her free time, you can find her writing, and supporting all facets of art on her Facebook page.
She also contributes to ChoBlu.wordpress.com.
Gesso Magazine
August 2020
www.JohnnyBBQSauce.com www.Facebook.com/ Johnny-Sauce-502689276810563/
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August 2020
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(303) 524 5729 GessoMagazine.com
Gesso Magazine
August 2020
Gesso Magazine
August 2020
Gesso Magazine
August 2020
Gesso Magazine
August 2020
Gesso Magazine
August 2020 National Independent Venue Association supports Save Our Stages Act
distancing guidelines • The Save Our Stages Act is endorsed by (NIVA) and the National Independent Talent Organization (NITO).
Independent live music and entertainment venues have been hard-hit dur- Contact your Senators and Representatives and let them know you suping the coronavirus pandemic, with 90 percent of venue owners, promot- port the Save Our Stages Act. ers, and bookers reporting they are at risk of closing permanently without additional financial assistance. If ticket sales do not resume until 2021, the https://www.nivassoc.org/ industry will have lost an estimated $9 billion in ticket sales alone. The Save Our Stages Act: • Establishes a $10 billion grant program for https://www.nivassoc.org/take-action live venue operators, promoters, producers and talent representatives • Directs the Small Business Administrator to make grants to eligible recipients equal to the lesser of either 45% of gross revenue from 2019 or $12 million • Allows the Small Business Administrator to issue supplemental grants in the future if funding remains available and applicants can demon- About NIVA: Formed at the onset of the COVID-19 shutdown, the National strate continued need • Permits recipients to use grants for costs incurred Independent Venue Association (NIVA), now represents more than 2,000 during the COVID pandemic • Permits recipients to use grants for rent, members in all 50 states and Washington, D.C. These independent venues utilities, mortgage obligations, PPE procurement, payments to contracand promoters were the first to close and will be the last to fully reopen. tors, regular maintenance, administrative costs, taxes, operating leases, NIVA’s mission is to preserve and nurture the ecosystem of independent and capital expenditures related to meeting state, local, or federal social live music venues, promoters and festivals throughout the United States.
Gesso Magazine
August 2020 National Association of Theatre Owners (NATO)
The COVID-19 pandemic has put movie theaters across the country at risk of going dark for good. From small independent screens to nationwide exhibitors, our local theaters employ over 150,000 people and have formed a cornerstone of the American experience for generations. Without swift action from Congress, our favorite movie theaters could close forever, depriving audiences of the magic of movies for years to come.
About NATO: NATO is the largest trade association in the world for movie theater owners. It serves the business, legislative, media and technology interests of theater owners in the United States and around the world. NATO represents all of the largest circuits in North America, as well as hundreds of independent and international members. Representing more than 68,000 screens in 100 countries.
Together, we can urge Congress to keep our theatres alive until they can fully reopen. #SaveYourCinema http://www.natoonline.org/ https://saveyourcinema.com/
Gesso Magazine
August 2020 Cover Artist Kerry Smith Kerry Smith is a Metro Area art director, graphic designer and painter. His work is exhibited across the United States and Europe. Kerry has also been featured in the international publications of PRINT magazine, HOW, Logo Lounge and 1,000 Dog Portraits. He has worked most of his adult life as a graphic designer (33 years). He has been a curator for 20 years (he is a cofounder of The Gogh-Getters Gallery in the Sacred Grounds Cafe in Edwardsville). “Off The Record” is a series of Gouache paintings of iconic record label and album art. The center holes are liner notes from the 1960s that often contrast the featured artist. “Off The Record” combines his love for album art, graphic design, and contemporary art; the series was inspired by Beck’s 2015 Grammy Award for best album. The artwork featured on this magazine cover is one of the “Off The Record” series. Kerry is currently working on an extension of the “Off The Record” series and will introduce the new extension next month. “Freedom Rider Series” is a series of paintings based on the Civil Rights movement of 1961. These can be seen on his Instagram page: @kerrysmith_art In addition to the current show at Galerie Delphine Courtay in Strasbourg, France, Kerry has had the honor of being a gallery artist in the following galleries: REN Gallery in Los Angeles, Yard Dog Gallery in Austin, Langham Gallery in London, Parlor Gallery in Asbury Park, NJ, 31Art Gallery in St. Louis, Galerie F in Chicago, and Cerbera Gallery in Kansas City. Kerry’s inspirations: “My Mom, Grandma, Aunt and twin brother, Kevin, are my biggest inspirations. My Mom and Aunt were painters. Grandma was a seamstress and my brother Kevin is a writer. Kevin and I collaborate often and inspire each other to push creative boundaries. And my step brother Mark Niblock-Smith: he was a prominent Los Angeleian who died of AIDS in 1993. He was 35. He has work in MOCA Los Angeles.” www.markniblocksmith.com (website created by Kerry Smith).
( Rush, Moving Pictures ) 28
Gesso Magazine
( REM, Out of Time ) GessoMagazine.com
( Nat King Cole, Christmas Song )
August 2020
( Freedom Riders )
Find Kerry on: Facebook- https://www.Facebook.com/Kerry.Smith.39948
On the web- www.KSmithArt.com
Instagram- https://www.Instagram.com/KerrySmith_art/
Gesso Magazine
August 2020
Joseph Bodus I am a local graphic artist/illustrator from St. Louis, MO. I’ve been creating art ever since I was a kid. I would say that I am not your typical graphic artist. My passion for art was the driving force that led me to further my education and pursue the field of Graphic Design and Illustration. I received my associate degree in Graphic Communication from St. Louis Community College Florissant Valley and my BFA in Illustration from the Kansas City Art Institute. After graduating I moved back to St. Louis. It was shortly after that I found my inspiration. My main focus is fine detail pencil drawings of local St. Louis and surrounding cities historical buildings, landmarks and iconic sports. I also paint and do digital/computer graphic designs as well. Several years ago I was laid off from my full time job as a graphic designer when I decided to start doing art shows as a way to create some income until I found new employment. I noticed the amazing response I was getting back from people about my work so I continued to do shows. After some time passed I decided to start a part time art business called (JB Design & Illustration). During that time I got myself in an art gallery and continued to get great feedback. About a year and half went by before I found full-time employment again. I still continued to do art shows as a way to supplement my income. After five and half year of working as a full time graphic/web designer and doing my business part-time I was once again laid off. Because art has always been a passion of mine and my business was growing I decided to take a leap of faith by stepping out and taking my business to the next level. Now that I am full-time with my business I believe in my heart it was the right decision. I love what I do and look forward to seeing where my art can take me. To follow me you can like me on Facebook at Facebook.com/JBDesignIllustration.
You can also check out my website where you can view all my artwork at JBDesignIllustration.Etsy.com.
Gesso Magazine
August 2020
Gesso Magazine
Visit the RenewAudio.com/Music page for links and streaming music for our Artists. Or Search Renew Audio Music or DrunkMouse Records for Spotify Playlist. Renew Audio Music is available on all streaming services.
Search “Ian Buechele� in Spotify, iTunes and any streaming platforms to listen to Americana/ Blues songs by Ian Buechele.
Governor French Gallery Exhibition Dreaming in Color Textile Arts by Jacque Davis
Opening Reception: Friday, March 13, 5-8pm Due to the Covid quarantine, the Gallery is closed. This exhibit is continued indefinitely. "You can't come in, but... you can see the exhibit through the windows." Sponsored and Curated by Gesso Magazine Governor French Gallery 219 West Main Street Belleville IL 62221