March 2020

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Mar 2020

FREE Jennifer Hill Art Review ~ March Calendar of Events Creating "Famous" Memories ~ Sunday Morning Game Night Assemblage Artist: Donna Bernard ~ March Submissions

March 2020


Mark Kensho Rogan

Serving Up Art, Music, and Culture for the Metro Area’s Enjoyment 1 Gesso Magazine

Inside Page

March 2020

Editor’s Word – March 2020 Straight Up Magazine is now Gesso Magazine and it is here with its 56th edition ‘Serving Up Art, Music and Culture for the Metro Area’s Enjoyment’. The St. Louis Metro deserves its own arts and entertainment magazine. And here it is. It’s called Gesso!!! We are so very pleased to have Mark Kensho Rogan as our featured cover artist. This would be Mark's second appearance in our publication, as his work was selected to appear in the Submissions section of the August 2015 edition of Str8 Up. This time his work is featured on the cover. Let this be an invitation to any artist in the Metro area - you, too, could be featured in the next Gesso edition, but only if you submit your work to us at This last month has been a another active one for the Gesso Movement. We proudly sponsored and curated another Governor French Gallery exhibition, Jennifer Hill's "GROWTH", which runs through March 6th. Jennifer paints acrylics on canvas and considers her art as a therapeutic tool. The title GROWTH signifies the expansions in her life that she attributes to her artwork. And Jennifer sold a record number of paintings during this exhibition. The Governor French Gallery is located at 219 W Main Street in beautiful Downtown Belleville, IL. Gallery hours are Monday through Friday 9am - 4pm. (see a review of GROWTH on pages 8 & 9) Gesso once again sponsored "Pizza, Pencils & Pints" A Social Drawing Event. That's the third Tuesday of every month at Bennie's Pizza Pub on Main Street in Belleville. Co-sponsor Belleville Screen Print Company provides pencils and pens and crayons and markers and drawing paper - tons of art supplies - free of charge as a delectable addition to the family-friendly environment that is Bennie's. Diners draw, converse and share their artworks at this refreshing alternative dining experience. Next event: Tuesday, March 17th (St Patrick's Day). We'll be sure to have extra green on hand. Come play. The next exhibition in our Governor French Gallery series will be "Dreaming in Color", a display of textile arts by Jacque Davis. Please join us for that Opening Reception on Friday, March 13th from 5-8pm. Come meet the artist and explore her works of fabric artistry with her. (See back page for additional details) We thank our writers for their poignant features and all those who contribute to this project. We appreciate all of those individuals who have submitted their works for publication. And “Likes” to all you followers on Facebook!!! We are grateful to you, the reader, for picking up this latest issue of Gesso Magazine – issue #56 in the Str8 Up Magazine legacy!!! Like Straight Up before it, the mission of Gesso Magazine is to support local arts and artists and the businesses and organizations that support local arts and artists. We invite you to contact us with ideas, comments, information, etc. that might assist us in our mission to serve you, the residents of the St. Louis Metro area. WE WANT YOU! - All you artistic and creative types out there! You should contact us. Show us your work. Tell us of your craft and brief personal/artistic history. Submit any art form that you’d like. Perhaps, you can be one of our next published contributors or even a featured artist. Check out the Submissions Pages to see who’s featured this month. Next month, that could be you!! Enjoy Gesso! Tell your friends. Send us your work. And visit our website at Follow us on Instagram and Facebook daily for new and additional events and content. You’ll see Gesso Magazine at hundreds of area distribution locations! And we’ll see you at the clubs, theatres, galleries, and festivals all over the St. Louis Metro Area.

P.O. Box 412 Belleville, IL 62222 * (314) 266-9199 2

Gesso Magazine

March Credits


Editors: Jake Bishop, Dylan Seibert, Paul Seibert Layout Design Artists: Jake Bishop, Dylan Seibert, Mark Polege Sales: Thomas W. Allred Sr., Jake Bishop, Jake Choate, Dakota Kramer, Michelle McGee, Jennifer Lynn Reida, William Schmitz, Paul Seibert, Dylan Seibert Ad Artists: Jake Bishop, Mark Polege, Dylan Seibert, Wil Sullivan Calendar: Dylan Seibert, Paul Seibert Website Design & Up-Keep: Mark Polege (, Jake Bishop Photography: Mark Polege ( Distribution: Jake Bishop, Gregory Dierlam, Jennifer Kiser, Daniel Nygard, Mark Polege, William Schmitz, Dylan Seibert, Paul Seibert, Wil Sullivan, Herald Publications


Cover Artist: Mark Kensho Rogan Cover Logo: Jake Bishop Comics: Jake Bishop, D. Houk Game Page: Dank By Design Fun Page: Jake Bishop Photography: Courtesy of: Paul Seibert (p.8-9), Donna Bernard (p.18-19), Carrie Paul (p.26-27) Feature Writers: Susan Norsigian, LCPC, Carrie Paul Submissions: Paul Breuer, Joshua Vaughn All material in this publication and its affiiated on-line content are copyrighted to the individual contributors or Gesso Magazine, LLC and may not be reproduced without written consent. We are very grateful to those who have submitted material to be considered for publication. However, the opinions and views of those contributing content to Gesso do not necessarily reflect those of Gesso Magazine.

The Gesso Movement Relies on Your Support!! We are committed to supporting local artists, musicians, & businesses and providing this printed material FREE to readers month after month!!

We invite you to reach out to us!! Together we can discover how we can best help you, your band, your business or organization, etc. and how you can best help us in our continuing mission. Hit us up on Facebook or Instagram or via

Table of Contents

March 2020


Art Therapy by Susan Norsigian, LCPC


Creating "Famous" Memories


Jennifer Hill Art Review by Jennifer Hill / Paul Seibert


Friends of Gesso Membership Program


March Calendar of Events


March Fun Page


Assemblage Artist: Donna Bernard


Sunday Morning Game Night


March Comics by Jake Bishop / Dan Houk


March Submissions:

by Carrie Paul

from Dank by Design

featuring: Paul Breuer, Joshua Vaughn


6:30 Doors / 7:30 Show

30 of Neil’s Greatest Hits Tickets: $25 - $30 (618) 233-0123


Gesso Magazine


Distribution List

March 2020

Gesso Magazine can be found at 100's of Metro Area Locations!!! Supporting these local businesses helps support your local art and music scene... For a complete list of locations where you can find Gesso Magazine visit:

Illinois Alton

Shields Family Pharmacy 1 Professional Dr #170 (618) 463-0000

Melodic Rhythms 110 N. High St. #14 (618) 233-0659


1020 Artwork Studio 841 Wabash Ave (618) 267-3205


Beatnik’s 215 E. Main St. (618) 555-5555 Chamber of Commerce Belleville Main Street 216 E. A St. (618) 233-2015 Belleville Screen Printing Co. 126 E. Main St. (618) 277-9600 Bennie’s Pizza Pub 124 E. Main St. (618) 416-0019


Governor French Gallery 101 North Main, (618) 233-7542

Gesso Magazine


Hanger 18 Guitar Repair 204 W. St. Louis St. (618) 537-8870 McKendree University 701 College Rd. (618) 537-4481

Art 2 Go Studio 237 N. Main St. #1764, (618) 593-4527

Tiadaghton House 111 W. St. Louis St. (618) 808-0311

East St. Louis


House of Miles East STL (H.O.M.E.) 1701 Kansas Ave. (618) 213-8120

Edwardsville Good Weather Gallery 301 N. Main (618) 477-9323,

Fairview Heights Sunshine Daydream 4618 N. Illinois St. (618) 222-0704

Boyce, Hund, & Associates 42 W. Main St. (618) 566-2341 Mascoutah Community Lanes 106 E. George St. (618) 566-2052 Mascoutah Steak House 1415 McKinley St. (618) 566-2400 Skootr's 323 E. Main St. (618) 566-4722

Distribution List

March 2020

O’Fallon Art Gecko Studio 218 E. State St. (618) 206-6222 Knights of Columbus 402 E HWY 50 (618) 632-6229 Sweet Katie Bee's 131 E. 1st St. (618) 622-9930

Swansea Concept Shoe Repair 3212 N. Illinois St. (618) 257-0154

Gesso Magazine can also be found in the following areas: Alton Aviston Caseyville Collinsville Freeburg Granite City Highland Maryville Millstadt

Business Location Included in our Featured Distribution List please contact us at

New Baden Pontoon Beach Scott AFB Shiloh

ILLINOISouth Tourism 4387 N. Illinois St. #200 (618) 257-1488




St. Charles

Lambert Airport


Editor@ GessoMagazine. com

Waterloo Clayton

(314) 266 - 9199


Art Meets Vintage 501 Kingshighway #2F. (636) 448-9575


University City

Tower Grove

Sunshine Daydream 6363 Delmar Blvd. (314) 727-9043

To Have Your


Soulard St. Louis The Grove Webster Groves

Send us a message on Facebook

Gesso Magazine


March 2020


Gesso Magazine

March 2020 Using Art Therapy in Counseling by Susan Norsigian, LCPC Art therapy is extremely adaptable as a tool in counseling. This article is devoted to the use of art therapy, with any age client. Some might assume it is only helpful for children, and it is an extremely valuable tool for children as their verbal and intellectual skills are being formed. However, I use art therapy with adult clients and with myself as often as I can. The act of drawing, painting, building, sculpting, or whatever visual medium one uses, activates the right side of the brain, which is the nonverbal and emotional side of the brain. If a client is working through an issue, asking him to draw or paint about it can help in the process of tapping further into those emotions, and even finding out new things about his feelings. An example I can give from my own experience is a time when I was facing a biopsy after a mammogram found suspicious calcifications. I was with a therapist and she handed me some markers. I started drawing a self-portrait, showed it to her when I had finished and went on home. When I got home, I looked at the drawing and saw as plain as day that it looked like my hair was falling out. I hadn’t even noticed it when I was drawing. It helped me realize and face my fear that I might indeed have to have treatment and lose my hair. Another young adult client was helped when she made a visual timeline of her life, using color coding and symbols. She was able to see patterns in her behavior over the years and connect them back to childhood experiences, The example I gave you of my own drawing was almost purely emotion-driven, while the second example utilized Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, or CBT, in addition to the creation of images and emotional processing. Children naturally express their feelings when making art, one example being a young girl I worked with whose father had died. She drew herself and her mother on one side of a Christmas tree, and her father on the other side. Children often use natural divisions to express loss, such as something or someone gone or separated from them. Symbolism in drawing can be a powerful force on its own sometimes, without necessarily verbalizing. One of my instructors presented a case study to the class about a teenage girl who struggled with negative behaviors, self-esteem and a general lack of direction. She ended up making a large drawing of herself bursting through the paper, and without discussing it, her behavior markedly changed for the better after that drawing. I use art-making to help children express their feelings by making drawings or paintings that are “mad, sad, happy, afraid, etc.” where I encourage them to put their emotions on the paper in the form of colors and shapes. I also use art to help children work toward goals of behavior change, by asking them to draw or paint (sculpture would work as well) themselves engaging in a different, more helpful or positive behavior. Making something with her hands can help a child who is having difficulty verbalizing to have a “starting point.” The drawing or painting or play-doh sculpture then becomes the focus to be talked about, and that can help a very shy or resistant child not feel the pressure of direct questions, which can be very intimidating to some. The goal of therapy is to form a “therapeutic alliance,” and art therapy can help make this happen. Susan Norsigian is a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor in private practice in the StL Metro area. She can be reached at 618-223-4502 /

Gesso Magazine


March 2020 Governor French Gallery is pleased to host the exhibition GROWTH New Paintings by Jessica Hill. The exhibition opened on Friday, February 14th and continues through March 8th. The opening reception was excitingly well attended. Fourteen of Jessica’s acrylic paintings sold that night. Jessica’s artist statement speaks volumes regarding her motivation for painting and for the therapeutic value of her artwork. Photos are from the Opening Reception.

and evolving. My hope is that my art will continue to assist me in my personal growth. If someone else should feel a nudge to grow along the way, well then that would be the cherry on top. GROWTH represents all of the keys I found along the way during this journey to the doors deep within.

Jessica Hill Artist Statement Last year a friend of mine said to me, “You were made to do more than pay bills and die. You should do something with your money that you actually enjoy.” In that moment I instantly thought of painting. So I said “yes” to the nudge. That night I bought my first round of supplies, went home, turned on some music and put paint to canvas. I had absolutely no idea what I was doing except I know it felt right. As time progressed painting became more of a way for me to process my feelings and traumas. Healing had begun. I never in a million years would have thought this is what would unlock parts of myself that I’ve never met before. I started diving deep into my life experiences and evaluating my ability to be human. Shifts were happening. Where there was anger I now found joy. Sadness had been replaced with inspiration. I was growing 8

Gesso Magazine

March 2020

Gesso Magazine


Calendar of Events

March 2020

March 1 (Sun):

Brick City Yoga STL – 7p-8p; Vinyl & Vinyasa: Pink Floyd Club Diamonds – 5p; Soulful Sundays w/ The Lady J Huston Show Edwardsville Arts Center (Edwardsville) – 1-5p; Artisan Soap Making with Gary Olds! Evangeline’s – 11a-3p; Hot Jazz Sunday Brunch

* EXO Lounge (Edwardsville) – 2-6p; Boulderdash Trio

Fast Eddie’s Bon Air (Alton) – 2p; Todd Sarvies Performing LIVE with Hollywood 5! Highway 61 Roadhouse & Kitchen – 4p; Breathing Room Recess Brewing (Edwardsville) – 1p; Tie Dye Party & Beer Release; Nelson Brothers Live Lafayette Park – 12p; Photo Meetup - Vintage Theme Lucas School House – 6:30p; St. Louis Music Co-op celebrates 1st original music & recorded songs National Blues Museum – 4p-7p; Soulful Sunday Red Flag – 6p; Strawberry Buckshot, The K.G. Roberts Band, SimplyEsoteric, Bradtholomew, Casey Brazzel River City Casino – 7:30p; Dave Mason Silver Creek Saloon (Belleville) – 4p; Rogers & Nienhaus Stifel Theatre – 2p; Shen Yun 2020

The Chapel – 7:30p; Transluminate Arts Festival 2020; “We are proud to present the 2nd Transluminate Arts Festival! Join us Feb 27 - Mar 1 to celebrate and uplift the trans expansive community” The Hett @ McKendree University (Lebanon) – 3p-5p; Masterworks Chorale: Give My Regards to Broadway; featuring favorite hits from musicals and movies; sponsored by The Art on the Square Foundation and WSIE 88.7 The Sound! The Pageant – 8p; Hayley Kiyoko The Shaved Duck – 4p; Ross Bell Solo The Sinkhole – 10p; Shitstorm, Slump Urb Arts – 7p-9:30p; The Therapeutics Lyrical Therapy Open Mic

March 2 (Mon):

1860s Saloon – 9p-1a; Alexandra Sinclair & Kevin Buckley Broadway Oyster Bar – 6p-8p, Tom Hall; 9p-1a, Soulard Blues Band Hammerstone’s – 7p-10p; Monday Night Review with Tim, Danny & Randy High Low – 7:30p; Observable Readings: Justin Phillip Reed & Diana Khoi Nguyen Off Broadway Music Venue – 8p; The Yawpers The Sheldon – 7:30p; Baroque Brass (one night only) Tower Grove Abbey – 7:30p; Collaborative Cabarets: The Band’s Visit

March 3 (Tues):

Alpha Brewing Co – 7p; Lecture Series - Darin Sorrell “Ark of the Covenant: The US Constitution” Apotheosis Comics & Lounge – 7p; Bluestravaganza on South Grand; bring instruments to JAM Blueberry Hill Duck Room – 8p; Flor w/ Thames Gulf Shores Restaurant & Grill – 5:30p-8:30p; Vince Martin Hammerstone’s – 7p-11p; Naked Mike Landmark’s Tivoli Theatre – 7p; #ANNEFRANK PARALLEL STORIES film screening Pauline Books & Media – 7p; Talk & Book Signing with Fr. Joe Kempf Red Flag – 6:30p; Xavier Wulf, w/ special guests Eddy Baker, Minus Love & more to be announced! River City Casino – 7:30p; Hot Tuna St. Louis Public Library-Carpenter Branch – 6p; Carpenter Writer’s Circle The Fabulous Fox – 7:30p; The Band’s Visit The Heavy Anchor – 9p; Writer’s Galley: A Creative Open Mic The Pageant – 8p; Fitz And The Tantrums Present “All The Feels Winter Tour 2020” The Stage @ KDHX – 7p; Listen Live and Local sponsored by Urban Chestnut Brewing Company - LIVE - Julian Davis and the Situation

March 4 (Wed):

BB’s Jazz, Blues and Soups – 10p; Sabbatical Bob - On the Run Tour Blueberry Hill Duck Room – 8:30p; Theo Katzman Broadway Oyster Bar – 9p; Voodoo Bob Dylan Cigar Inn Jazz Club (Belleville) – 6p-11p; Live Blues; this event is FREE Evangeline’s Bistro & Music House – 7p; Cody Woody - Country music


Gesso Magazine

Calendar of Events

March 2020

duo based out of Benson, NC. For fans of Hank 3, Bob Wayne, David Allan Coe, and Pall Mall cigarettes. Grand Center Arts District – Wednesday Night Jazz Crawl in Grand Center; 5-7pm: KDHX; 7-9pm: The Kranzberg Jazz Jam hosted by Bob DeBoo at The Kranzberg; 9-11pm: The Dark Room (featuring a rotating selection of musicians); Every Wednesday evening Jazz St. Louis – 7:30p; Etienne Charles: Creole Soul Parkside Grill (Ballwin) – 6-9p; Vince Martin Pop’s (Sauget) – 6:30p; Doll Skin “Mark My Words Tour” w/ Fame On Fire, Flashing Lights Scarlett’s Wine Bar – 7:30p-10:30p; Crystal Lady’s Acoustic Trio Schlafly Bottleworks (Maplewood) – 7-11p; Miss Jubilee every Wed The Sheldon - 8p; Anderson East & Foy Vance The Fainting Goat (Breese) – 5p; Eli’s Roadster Racers Fundraiser Night! Come help us raise money for St. Jude in honor of such a special little boy The Gramophone – 8:30p-11:30p; Variety Night - Phillip Russo The Grandel – 8p; The Office! A Musical Parody (continues through 03/08) The Heavy Anchor – 9p; Doomsquad (Toronto), Big Step, Antiputer The Hett @ McKendree University (Lebanon) – 6p; Film Art Series: “Museum Hours” (2012) - FREE w/ screen talk hosted by Amy MacLennan World Chess Hall of Fame – 6:30p; Clothing Swap-Community-Style, Hosts fashion editor Sarah Stallmann & designer Michael Drummond

March 5 (Thurs):

1860s Saloon – 9p-1a; Rough Grooves BB’s Jazz, Blues and Soups – 7p; Billy Barnett Band (jazz fusion, blues & straight ahead) Blueberry Hill Duck Room – 8p; The Dead Roses with Prairie Rehab, Boxcar Broadway Oyster Bar – 9p; Tuttle, Pool and Greuel Trio Jazz St. Louis – 6:30p; Etienne Charles: Creole Soul McKendree University Gallery of Art (Lebanon) – 5p-7p; Opening Reception; Billy Renkl: Astonishing Clamor / Typographic Collages (exhibition continues through 03/21) National Blues Museum – 6p-9p; Sittin’ on the Porch Thursday Night Jam; where musicians can just show up and join in the fun Old Rock House – 7p; Blunts & Blondes - The Hot Box Tour Perennial – 6:30p; Zero Waste Home: Self Care Workshop; Class space limited & advance registration required Red Flag – 6p; Vale of Pnath, Gorod and Wolf King w/ W/ Polterguts, Wrecklamation and The Nokturnal Reifschneider’s Grill and Grape (Columbia) – 7p; Dustin James Clark Real Country Music & Southern Rock & Original Music Schlafly Tap Room – 9p; Cat Casual & the Final Word, Banana Clips, Subtropolis - Free Show Stagger Inn Again (Edwardsville) - 6p; P-Nut and The Shells The Abbey (Belleville) – 7p-10p; Singer / Songwriter Thursday The Dark Room - 5:30p, Jazz Dinner w/ Lara Driscoll-Chicago-based pianist; 9:30p, Scooter Brown (Saxophonist & DJ): Thursday Night Revue The Grandel – 8p; The Office! A Musical Parody (continues through 03/08) The Novel Neighbor – 7p; Intimate show with Colorado-based singer-

songwriter Edie Carey The Sinkhole - 8:30p; Thee Fine Lines, Maximum Effort, Health & Wellness Plan, NoPoint The Wildey Theatre (Edwardsville) – 7:30p; An Evening with Nektar Walnut Grill (O’Fallon, MO) – 7:30p; Listen to Steve Ewing of ‘The Urge’ perform live while you enjoy your favorite meal!

March 6 (Fri):

4204 Distribution Center (Belleville) - 5p; Dumpster Polar Plunge; Join us as we #BeBoldGetCold and jump into the chilly waters for the athletes of Special Olympics Illinois at our 3rd annual Dumpster Polar Plunge. Get a team together and raise money to earn incentive prizes! All plungers MUST raise $100 and will receive a FREE Polar Plunge sweatshirt! Register online Atomic Cowboy – 8p; Mom’s Kitchen

* Bennie’s Pizza Pub (Belleville) – 6p; Charlotte Street

Blue Strawberry – 8p; Dean Christopher - A Dean Martin Tribute Casa Loma Ballroom – 7:30p-12a; Sweetie and the Toothaches Chez Marilyn (Alton) – 8p; The Graham Band Live; Free Show-Rain Or Shine Cigar Inn (Belleville) – 9p; Fine cigars and great live jazz Edwardsville Moose Lodge (Edwardsville) – 7p; The Vault Fletcher’s Kitchen & Tap (Swansea) – 8p-12a; Little Known Fact Gogh-Getters Gallery @ Sacred Grounds (Edwardsville) – 7p-9p; Opening Reception: The Paintings of Patricia Badman (continues through

Gesso Magazine


Calendar of Events

March 2020

04/20) Good Weather Gallery (Edwardsville) – 7p-9p; Figure Draw Meet Up Grand Center Arts District (StL) – 5p-9p; First Friday: The Kranzberg Arts Center and Craft Alliance Center of Art+Design First Friday; featuring live art demos, complimentary cocktail samples, and live music Great Grizzly Bear – 7p; 3 1/2 Men Live! Jazz St. Louis – 7:30p; Etienne Charles: Creole Soul National Blues Museum – 7p-11p; Howlin’ Friday with exceptional jazz Pop’s (Sauget) – 7p; MC Chris Schlafly Tap Room – 9p; John Hawkwood, Psychic Vampyrs, Rocio B, GavinM, Ryan Culbertson Seven (Belleville) – 9p-12a; Oddsoul & the Sound Sheldon Concert Hall and Art Galleries – 8p; Acclaimed Irish bands Danú and Goitse Sullivan’s (Belleville) – 7p; Ross Bell and Jake Costello The Dark Room – 5:30p; Jazz Dinner w/ Ptah Williams The Grandel – 8p; The Office! A Musical Parody (continues through 03/08) The Hett @ McKendree University (Lebanon) – 10a; “The Rainbow Fish” presented by Mermaid Theatre of Nova Scotia. Recommended for children in grades K-5; part of the Daytime Programs at the Hett to Introduce Children to the Arts The Pageant – 8p; The Floozies: Dayglow Funk Tour w/ SunSquabi, Late Night Radio The Wildey Theatre (Edwardsville) – 8p; An Evening with Nektar Touhill Performing Arts Center – 7:30p; National Geographic Live: Kara Cooney “When Women Ruled the World” VENUE on Main (Belleville) – 7p; Pussy Cat & The Swallow Tails Viviano’s Festa Italiano (Fenton) – 5p; Rogers & Neinhaus White Barn – 10th Annual Pisces Comedy Jam - Princeton Dew, Maurice G, Mary Jane, J Mo, Master Julez, Kareem Green, All From Bet Comic View, Def Comedy Jam, Kevin Hart - Hart Of The City Tickets $20 (continues through 03/09)

March 7 (Sat):

* Bennies Pizza Pub (Belleville) – 6p; Lindsay Kay

Broadway Oyster Bar – 8p; Cas Haley live, w/ Spillie Nelson Christina MacMorran Studio (Troy) – 9a-4p; Henryk Ptasiewicz drawing & painting workshop. Hosted by Gateway East Artist Guild (continues tomorrow) Cutter’s (Belleville) – 9p; Throw the Horns Delmar Hall – 8p; An Evening w/ Jake’s Leg Gaslight – 7p; Bonelang w/ Ursa Major & TBD Hemingway’s Zen Garden (O’Fallon, IL) – 8p; Cree Rider Jazz St. Louis – 6:30p; Etienne Charles: Creole Soul Off Broadway – 8p; Jeremiah Johnson CD Release w/ special guests OTIS Old Rock House – 7p; Dead Horses w/ Andrew Ryan Philharmonic Hall (Belleville) – 7:30p-10p; Great Pianists of the World; Fanya Lin, native of Taipei, Taiwan Red Flag – 7p; Seckond Chaynce Silver Creek Saloon & Grill (Belleville) – 9p; Lucy’s Palace Stifel Theatre – 8p; Chris Tucker


Gesso Magazine

Third Degree Glass Factory – 6:30p; Artscope presents “Wall Ball 2020”; a live art extravaganza highlighting top St. Louis artists; attendees interact with the artists-at-work and bid during a live auction. See full list of artists here: All proceeds from Wall Ball benefit Artscope, a non-profit organization that provides a safe and educational environment for children to explore the arts. Artscope also creates community leaders and entrepreneurs of the future through a focus on creativity, diversity, ecology, cooperation and play The Gramophone – 7p-10p; Ahna Schoenhoff The Grandel – 3p & 8p; The Office! A Musical Parody (continues through 03/08) The Pageant – 6:30p; Lip Sync Live 2020 The Ready Room – 7p; Andrew & the Dolls: Gasoline Album Release Party

March 8 (Sun):

Christina MacMorran Studio (Troy) – 9a-4p; Henryk Ptasiewicz drawing & painting workshop. Hosted by Gateway East Artist Guild Delmar Hall – 8p; Pigeons Playing Ping Pong Winter Tour w/ Goose; Pigeons Playing Ping Pong are partnering with Backline to donate $1 from every ticket sold to support their mission of being the music industry’s mental health & wellness resource hub Doit’s Village Inn (Pontoon Beach) – 2p; 10-String Dream Sunday Funday DotZack – 3p; Dreams Made Real: Book Signing & Poetry Slam; “Dream Builders 4 Equity & YourWordsSTL (YWSTL), will be hosting our third annual Dreams Made Real Book Signing & Poetry Slam.” Grafton Winery & Brewhaus (Grafton) – 2p; Rockabilly Revival Returns Helium Comedy Club (Richmond Heights) – 6:30p; KevOnStage, Slightly Problematic Tour, 1 night only Hot Spot (High Ridge) – 1p; St. Baldrick’s Fundraiser for Kids with Cancer; Doc Holliday, Southside 5, Richie Darling and the Diamond Cut Blues Band, Michael Lynne Band, Fry Brown Band will all be playing Jazz St. Louis – 6:30p; Etienne Charles: Creole Soul Mikey’s Pub (Smithton) – 3:30p; Jeremiah Johnson National Blues Museum – 4p; Soulful Sunday w/ Carolyn Mason The Grandel – 2p; The Office! A Musical Parody (last show) The Pump House Bar & Grill (Wood River) – 2p; Scott & Mechelle Toolen’s Running Start (Shiloh) – 8a; Top of the Morning 5K Run/Walk; Celebrate the official kick-off of the spring running season at the largest

Calendar of Events

March 2020

attended 5K in the Metro East with the biggest and most awarded attendance prizes. Pancakes provided by the Jenn Mueller Memorial Fund, in addition to free pizzas, bagels, beer, & more! Who Dat’s Southern Food (Collinsville) – 12p; The Vault

March 9 (Mon):

High Low – 6:30p; VLAA (St. Louis Volunteer Lawyers and Accountants for the Arts) presents: Don’t Keep Your Day Job; full-time visual artists – Jessica Hitchcock, Yvonne Osei and Zack Smithey – will discuss their business decisions, challenges they face, and pricing and marketing strategies. Attorney Kathy Van Voorhees, Stock Legal, will address key legal and business considerations The Focal Point (Maplewood) – 6:30p; Climb Your Everest: An Evening w/ Sara Safari The Sinkhole – 7:30p; Necter, reaver, wait&shackle, younganimals

March 10 (Tues):

Acapulco Restaurant & Lounge (Saint Ann) – 6:30p; “Paint Your Pet” Fundraiser for the Animal Protection Association $40 per person, proceeds go to the APA Atomic Cowboy – 8p; Vintage Pistol w/ Dr. Slappenstein Blueberry Hill Duck Room – 7p; The Black Lips w/ Poppy Jean Crawford, the slow boys Evangeline’s Bistro & Music House – 7p; Flying Buffaloes Fubar – 7p; Mod Sun Landmark’s Tivoli Theatre – 7p; Film: Nick Mason’s Saucerful of Secrets Naked Vine (Chesterfield) – 7p; Singer Songwriter Storytelling Showcase: Vince Puzzo (of Morning Mtn); Haley Woolbright; & Johnathan Braddy (of Johnathan Braddy Band) Old Rock House – 8p; Colony House: Leave What’s Lost Behind Tour The Pageant – 8p; 105.7 The Point welcomes: The Revivalists w/ Tank and the Bangas The Ready Room – 7p; Fit For A King: Dark Skies Tour The Royale – 9:30p; Tuesday Night Audio Reserve Rotating Cast: LePonds, 18&Counting, Aaron Stovall and Paradise is a Frequency

Blarney Stone Sports Bar and Grill (Oakville) – 6p; Clint Wilson Delmar Hall – 8p; Galactic 25th Anniversary Tour w/ Anjelika Jelly Joseph, Naughty Professor Enterprise Center – 7p; Kuzu - Zac Brown Band: The Owl Tour Fast Eddie’s Bon Air (Alton) – 7p; Todd Sarvies Performing LIVE with Hollywood 5! Game 6 HonkyTonk Joint – 8p; Dustin James Clark Joe’s Café – 8p; Tracer featuring Ptah, Gary and Mix Looking Glass Playhouse (Lebanon) – 7:30p; “It’s Only a Play” Pop’s (Sauget) – 7p; OverTime Red Flag – 7p; Cal Scruby: The Unsigned Tour The Frisco Barroom (Webster Groves) – 8:30p; The Mountain River Valley Boys The Pat Connolly Tavern – 6p; Guinness Paint & Pint Night. This is a FREE event – “your first pint is on us, but we only have room for 20 guests” The Sinkhole – 9p; Home Body, 18andcounting, Sister Wizzard The Way Out Club – 9p; Jazz from Holland! 2 Sets: Dikeman, ACA 4 + Smentkowski, Levi duo

March 13 (Fri):

Alpha Brewing Co – 7p; Roaming Home; Jen Norman, kickoff concert, “Tap Tour 2020”

* Bennie’s Pizza Pub (Belleville) – 6p; Roaming Home

Big Daddy’s (Edwardsville) – 6p; The Vault Delmar Hall – 8p; Building Balance Tour, Allen Stone with Samm Henshaw, Andy Suzuki & The Method Europe Night Club – 7p; Spencer Brown Granite City Elks Lodge #1063 (Granite City) – 7p; Rogers & Nienhaus (Public Welcome) Looking Glass Playhouse (Lebanon) – “It’s Only a Play” Off Broadway Music Venue – 7p; Bear Hands w/ special guest Irontom Old Rock House – 7p; Fruition w/ Goodnight, Texas Papa Vito’s Downtown (Belleville) – 7p-10p; Mikey B Pop’s (Sauget) – 7p; SiriusXM Hip Hop Nation presents Young Dolph & March 11 (Wed): Key Glock “No Rules Tour” Alpha Brewing Co – 8p; Tommy Halloran St. Charles Music House (St. Charles) – 8:30p; Undertow: A Tribute to Broadway Oyster Bar – 9p; Voodoo Neil Young featuring the “Déjà Vu” Tool, and Metallicats: A Tribute to Metallica album played in full! St. Clair County Event Center (Belleville) – 6p; Jazz at the B’Eastro 2020: J. Smugs GastroPit – 8p; Eric Lysaght Features Belleville East Lancer Jazz bands along w/ a special guest jazz Joe’s Cafe & Gallery – 8p; New Music Circle presents: KUZU (Tashi Dorji, musician Dave Rempis, Tyler Damon) Stifel Theatre – 8p; COMEDY: Gabriel Iglesias- Beyond the Fluffy World Red Flag – 6:30p; Graduating Life, King of Heck Tour - Go Big or Go Home The Cheshire – 6:30p; Gateway Guitar Quartet. FREE event open to the March 14 (Sat): public! 1st Street Lounge (O’Fallon, IL) – 11a; 1st Live Music Event: Hunter The Dark Room– 9p; Wednesday Night Jazz Crawl: Solid Ghost Peebles The Sheldon – 6:30p; Guster Acoustic Tour (including comedy & improv w/ 3rd Chute Bar & Grill II (Alton) – 8p; Dr. Zhivegas special guests: Connor Ratliff from the Upright Citizen’s Brigade Theatre) Ballpark Village – 2p; St. Paddy’s Post Parade Shenanigans Venice Cafe – 9p; Ahna Schoenhoff

March 12 (Thurs):

Alpha Brewing Co – 6p; Tommy Halloran Big Daddy’s Bar & Grill (Soulard) – 6p; Zac Brown Band

Gesso Magazine


Calendar of Events

March 2020

Belleville Public Square (Belleville) – 11a; 18th Annual St. Patrick’s Parade / Ancient Order of Hibernians Blue Strawberry STL – 8p; Ken Haller’s The Medicine Show: Miracle cures from practitioners of the healing arts in song & story from this noted healer Broadway Oyster Bar – 10p; JRAD After Party w/ Jake’s Leg (Grateful Dead music) Delmar Hall – 7p; Ryan Hurd 2020 Concert Downtown (Alton) – 11a-7p; Alton St. Patrick’s Day Fest: Third Street, Broadway & State Streets restaurants & bars w/ drinks, food, games & entertainment Downtown (Belleville) – 12p-7p; St Patrick’s Day Block Party; Live Music, DJs, Food Trucks, Food Vendors, and a family friendly area Downtown (Millstadt) – 12p-6p; Millstadt Leprechaun Pub Crawl Downtown (St. Louis) – 10a; St Patrick’s Day Parade Enterprise Center – 7p; TOBYMAC Hits Deep Tour

* Espenschied Chapel (Mascoutah) – 7p; Welcome Back Singer / Songwriter John Dennis: a Brave New Voice in American Folk Music. Live in concert - CD Release Show; at the intimate Espenschied Chapel Theatre

Flood Plain – 6p-9pm; Kiki Salem: The Fine Lines Between a Simulation and Assimilation; Free public reception & presentation by the artist. Exhibition will remain on display until 04/11. Open gallery hours are held

Saturdays, 12-5pm, or by appointment Good Weather Gallery (Edwardsville) – 6p; “Renderings to Reality” Good Weather Gallery and the artists at By Design host a cocktail party. Refreshments provided, cocktail attire requested. Grab your camera for the “fashion show” Gridiron Grill (Breese) – 9:30p; The Hair Syndicate Hawg Pit Barbecue Barn, Inc (Grafton) – St. Paddy’s Day Party: Sat & Sun. Craig Gerdes (Sat Only) Corned Beef, Cabbage & Taters Looking Glass Playhouse (Lebanon) – “It’s Only a Play” Mascoutah American Legion Hall (Mascoutah) – 9a; 4th Annual St. Patrick’s Day Craft/Vendor Fair. 35 Booths, 2 Food Trucks & DJ w/ Karaoke Off Broadway – 8p; J Roddy Walston: “A Single Dose of Strangeness” w/ Palm Palm Pop’s (Sauget) – 8p; Underrated; 11:30p; McLovin – Dance/Rock Party Band. St. Patrick’s Celebration Overnight 1a-5a Red Flag – 8p; Dragonforce w/ special guests: Unleash The Archers Schlafly Tap Room – 9p; Camp Petty Cracker w/ Flying House Seven (Belleville) – 1p; Roaming Home & Curt Copeland’s Open Mic AllStars Silver Creek Saloon & Grill (Belleville) – 9p; Shotgun Creek: Country Music & Dance Event! Sling N’ Scoops (Red Bud) – 11a; Grand Opening: balloon artist, live music, 50/50 raffle, giveaways & ice cream Stifel Theatre – 8p; Comedy: Franco Escamilla. Show performed in Spanish The Abbey (Belleville) – 12p; 5th annual St. Patrick’s Day: Irish sing-a-long plus Falling Fences band The Bricoleur: Art, Antiques and Repurposed Goods – 6p-9p; Subtle Realm, an exhibition of new work by local mixed media artist Timothy Wagner. An artist-attended opening and reception will be held on both 03/14 & 04/11 The Lucky Fox (Caseyville) – 8p; St. Patrick’s Day Party & Grand Opening w/ beer tents/drink & food specials & music The Wildey Theatre (Edwardsville) – 8p; Thunderstruck celebrates 40 years of Back in Black Washy’s Saloon (Waterloo) – 8:30p-12:30a; The Alexandra Kay Band

March 15 (Sun):

Club Klymaxx – 5:30p; The Twisted Poet’s “Evening With The Stars”

* Espenschied Chapel (Mascoutah) – 5p; Welcome Back Singer / Songwriter John Dennis: a Brave New Voice in American Folk Music. Live in concert - CD Release Show; at the intimate Expenschied Chapel Theatre

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Gesso Magazine

Grafton Winery & Brewhaus (Grafton) – 2p; The Vault HandleBar – 8p; Open Mic Night, hosted by StL’s Tommy Halloran Looking Glass Playhouse (Lebanon) – “It’s Only a Play” National Blues Museum – 4p; Soulful Sunday w/ Roland Johnson The Pump House Bar & Grill (Wood River) – 2p; Terrance Wafer Acoustic The Sinkhole – 7:30p; OLAM w/ Mouth Reader, MotherFather, Shitstorm Willoughby Heritage Farm and Conservation Reserve (Collinsville) – 1p-4p: St. Patrick’s Day Pooch Party. $5 for dogs, their humans free. Pooch costumes encouraged & will be judged

Calendar of Events

March 2020

March 16 (Mon):

Looking Glass Playhouse (Lebanon) – “It’s Only a Play” Blueberry Hill Duck Room – 8p; Pilfers w/ Boomtown United, Candylion Maggie O’Brien’s (Sunset Hills) – 5p; Barnacle Duggles Live On Saint Patrick’s Day Looking Glass Playhouse (Lebanon) – “It’s Only a Play” Off Broadway – 8p; Christopher Paul Stelling The Pageant – 8p; Dermot Kennedy: Without Fear Tour Playhouse at Westport Plaza – 7:30p; Flanagan’s Wake - the hilarious March 17 (Tues): interactive hit show from Chicago * Bennie’s Pizza Pub (Belleville) – 6p-9p; Pizza, Pencils & Pints - Tamm & Oakland Ave, Dogtown (STL) – 11a; 2020 AOH St. Patrick’s A Social Drawing Event; great food & drink & lotsa art supplies; Day Parade come be social and share your artistic inspirations. Very family The Dark Room – 8p; Brian Curran & Eric McSpadden: Presented by STL friendly. Co-sponsored by Belleville Screen Print Company and Blues Society Gesso Magazine; every third Tuesday; All Skill Levels Welcome!! The Fabulous Fox – 7:30p; Roald Dahl’s Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Every third Tuesday. (Continues thru 03/29) CBGB – 8p; St. Patrick’s Day at CBGB. FEA, The Von Tramps, VIQUEEN, The Pat Connolly Tavern – 6a; St. Patrick’s Day at Pat’s! & Sorry, Scout The Sheldon – 10a; Ian Walsh and Kevin Buckley, “Keepin’ It Reel”Tony’s Clayton/Tamm 3rd Annual Dogtown Irish Festival – 9a (vendor sales) & On Top (St. Charles) – 5p; Copper Reign - Acoustic Rock 11a St. Patrick’s Day Parade; 1p-5p Rusty Nail & Art Hill March 18 (Wed): Doit’s Village Inn (Pontoon Beach) – 2p; St. Patrick’s Day Celebration: Angad Arts Hotel – 12:30p; Coffee With Creatives: Tricia Thurman, Food/Beer/Beverages & Live Music (Scott & Mechelle); Bagpipe music Fashion Buyer & Founder, CLR-MNSTR (Scott Smith) Broadway Oyster Bar – 9p; Voodoo Ween performs “Chocolate and Evangeline’s Bistro & Music House – 7p; Ross Hollow Cheese” Foundry Public House (Edwardsville) – 7p; St. Paddy’s Day festivities w/ Looking Glass Playhouse (Lebanon) – “It’s Only a Play” The Double Wide Duo Old Herald Brewery & Distillery (Collinsville) – 7p; 10-String Dream Hooch & Sixteen’s Bar (Granite City) – 6p; St. Patty’s w/ 5 Point Plan


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Gesso Magazine


Calendar of Events

March 2020

Red Fish, Blue Fish (St. Charles) – 9p; Lights. Camera. Drag! Mercury Poisoning & special guests Scarlett’s Wine Bar – 7:30p; Crystal Lady’s Acoustic Trio Schlafly Bottleworks (Maplewood) – 7p; Miss Jubilee and the Yas Yas Boys Stifel Theatre – Bob Weir and Wolf Bros featuring Don Was and Jay Lane performing songs of The Grateful Dead The Fabulous Fox – Roald Dahl’s Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Continues thru 03/29) The Gramophone – 8:30p; Variety Night presented by “Just Joshin’ Around” & featuring Neil C. Luke The Hett @ McKendree University (Lebanon) – 5-8p; First Annual McKendree University jazz festival featuring McKendree University High School and Middle School Honor Jazz Band The Pageant – 8p; Dermot Kennedy: Without Fear Tour The Sheldon – 10a; Ian Walsh and Kevin Buckley, “Keepin’ It Reel” Touhill Performing Arts Center @ UMSL – 7:30p; Arlo Guthrie’s 20/20 Tour; Folk Uke opens the show

March 19 (Thurs):

BB’s Jazz, Blues and Soups – 7p-9:30p; Joe Flip Blue Strawberry STL – 8p; Laka - The Music In Me Contemporary Art Museum St. Louis – 6:30p; RE: Soul, CAM DJin-Residence Since 1986, artist Liz Johnson Artur has been creating photographic representations of people of African descent around the world. The name of her Black Balloon Archive project, featured at CAM this season, derives from a 1969 song by the American soul singer Syl Johnson—and the name of her exhibition, Dusha, is Russian for “soul.” James Biko traces the history of soul music and contemporary sampling in an interactive spinning session Downtown (Belleville) – 5p-8p; Diva Night is Back; Dress to the theme of “Spring Blooms” and get a chance to win a special prize; Registration at Circa; afterparty Big Daddy’s 618; $2 of registration supports Eden’s Army Grafica Fine Arts & Custom Framing (Webster Groves) – 5:30p; 3rd Thursday Artful Conversation: Rebecca Block facilitates a discussion on how you can FINALLY figure out Facebook for your art biz!; includes wine, cheese & handouts! Helium Comedy Club (Richmond Heights) – Big Jay Oakerson Looking Glass Playhouse (Lebanon) – “It’s Only a Play” Schmidt Art Center @ SWIC (Belleville) - 5p; Opening Reception and Awards Presentation: Regional High School Student Show and Congressional Art Competition SLPL Central Library Auditorium – 7p; The Potomac Accord Vinyl Release Party “Let Me Get Lost” (4th full length studio album). All 12” vinyl copies also come enclosed w/ a digital download code and art & lyrics insert. Stifel Theatre – 8p; 105.7 The Point Welcomes: A Special Evening of Music with Nathaniel Rateliff with Sam Evian & Hannah Cohen The Fabulous Fox – Roald Dahl’s Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Continues thru 03/29) The Frisco Barroom (Webster Groves) – 8:30p; Stephanie Stewart The Wildey Theatre (Edwardsville) – 7p; Memories of Elvis with Steve Davis


Gesso Magazine

We Reach Thousands You Reach Thousands Support The Local Arts and Music Scene

March 20 (Fri):

1st Street Lounge (O’Fallon) – 7p; Live Music w/ Acoustic DNA

* Alton Little Theater (Alton) – 7:30p; Holy Laughter by Catherine Trieschmann, Directed by Gail Drillinger Delmar Hall – 7p; Dumb People Town Fletcher’s Kitchen (Swansea) – 8p; POWJr72 Good Weather Gallery (Edwardsville) – 7p-9p; Figure Draw Meet Up

* Green Door Art Gallery (Webster Groves) – 5p-8p; Opening Reception - Texture, Pattern, Color: featuring works by Diane Reising, Katherine Alexander and members of Gateway Pastel Artists (continues through 04/30)

Calendar of Events

March 2020

Helium Comedy Club (Richmond Heights) – Big Jay Oakerson Jacobsmeyer’s Tavern (Granite City) – 8p; Jam at Jakes w/ Scott & Mechelle, Ed Belling, Jared Unfried & Casey Ashby Looking Glass Playhouse (Lebanon) – “It’s Only a Play” National Blues Museum – 7-10p; Kim Massie’s Tribute to Aretha Franklin Off Broadway – 8p; Jack Grelle “If Not Forever” Album Release Show Old Rock House – 7p; Al Holliday & The East Side Rhythm Band w/ Brad Macdonald Band Powell Hall – 7p; Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows™ Part 1 in Concert w/ St. Louis Symphony Orchestra Schlafly Tap Room – 5p-9p; Schlafly’s 21st annual Stout & Oyster Festival 2020 (also 03/21: 11a-9p) Sky Music Lounge (Ballwin) – 6:30p; Jake’s Leg and SouthBound Stifel Theatre – 8p; Ron White The Fabulous Fox – Roald Dahl’s Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (continues thru 03/29) The Pageant – 8p; CAAMP By and By Tour w/ Bendigo Fletcher The Sheldon – 8p; Comedy: Welcome to Night Vale: The Haunting of Night Vale The Sinkhole – 8p; Staghorn Album Release w/ Coffin Fit, Mystic Will, Redbait Vintage Wine Bar (Waterloo) – 8p; Fleetwood & Skye Pollard

March 21 (Sat):

* Alton Little Theater (Alton) – 7:30p; Holy Laughter by Catherine Trieschmann, Directed by Gail Drillinger Atomic Cowboy – 9p; Jake’s Leg Bart’s Just One More (Fairview Heights) – 8p; Under The Influence Acoustic Trio Chaifetz Arena – 7:30p; Sturgill Simpson: A Good Look’n Tour w/ Special Guest Tyler Childers Ciao St Louis – 9p; Don Diego Trio D’s Place Soulard – 11:30a; Crawl for a Cause 2020 (St. Pat’s Pub Crawl) “This year we will be splitting proceeds between Sweet Celebrations & Rebound 911 (both are 501c3)” Delmar Hall – 8p; We Banjo 3 w/ TBA Helium Comedy Club (Richmond Heights) – Big Jay Oakerson Joe’s Cafe – 7p; Acoustik Element - World Percussion

The Back Room at Bottle and Barrel (Alton) – 8p; Hard Rain, the Bob Dylan Tribute Band The Fabulous Fox – Roald Dahl’s Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (continues thru 03/29) The Pageant – 8p; KSHE 95 - Real Rock Radio welcomes Thunderhead: The Rush Experience The Wildey Theatre (Edwardsville) – 8p; Yessongs

March 22 (Sun):

* Alton Little Theater (Alton) – 2p; Holy Laughter by Catherine Trieschmann, Directed by Gail Drillinger

Evangeline’s Bistro & Music House – 7p; Key Masters, Some Kind Nightmare, No Point, Stinkbomb Fast Eddie’s Bon Air (Alton) – 2p; Todd Sarvies Performing LIVE w/ Hollywood 5! Fubar – 7p; Oren Major - Stay Down Tour w/ Grieves Looking Glass Playhouse (Lebanon) – “It’s Only a Play” National Blues Museum – 4p; Soulful Sunday w/ Miss Jubilee and the Yas Yas Boys Off Broadway – 8p; Damo Suzuki’s Network River City Casino & Hotel – 7:30p; One Night of Queen The Brickhouse Bar & Grill (Saint Libory) – 4p; ShortMist The Fabulous Fox – Roald Dahl’s Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (continues thru 03/29)

March 23 (Mon):

Delmar Hall – 7p; Live Nation Presents: Wine & Crime. A Live Podcast w/ hosts Kenyon, Lucy and Amanda Off Broadway Music Venue – 8p; Daniel Romano w/ Starwolf The Fabulous Fox – Roald Dahl’s Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (continues thru 03/29) The Ready Room – 8p; Locals Only Night: Carte de Viste, Deadgnat, Sean

* Lincoln Theatre (Belleville) – 7:30p; The Traveling Salvation Show - Tribute to Neil Diamond; LIVE on stage (sogoodsogoodsogood)

Listening Room by Troy – 9p; Tim Cunningham Live Looking Glass Playhouse (Lebanon) – “It’s Only a Play” Old Rock House – 9p; Moonshine Bandits Pop’s (Sauget) – 9p; Moneybagg Yo Time Served Tour w/ Fredo Bang, 42 Dugg, and Blac Zacc! River City Casino & Hotel – 8p; Tab Benoit Opener: Whiskey Bayou Revue Schlafly Tap Room – 11a-9p; Schlafly’s 21st annual Stout & Oyster Festival 2020 Stubborn German Brewing Company (Waterloo) – 7p; “It’s Gettin’ Hectic, It’s Gettin’ Crazy” Steve Ewing (from THE URGE)

Gesso Magazine


March 2020

Donna Bernard - Assemblage Artist Donna Bernard was interested in art since she was a child, but her motivation to create sculpture from found objects came alive only after a fire in 2003. Her work literally rose up out of the ashes of the cedar fire in San Diego County in 2003 when her home and all her belongings were burned to the ground. “I started creating art pieces from burned items I found and shared them with all the people that helped me get back on my feet”, Donna says, unpretentiously. Donna accepts cast off items from her friends and searches through thrift stores, yard sales, and auctions for interesting mechanical objects, wooden parts and shiny bits of jewelry to incorporate into her assemblages. It may look like a collection of broken things and junk, seemingly unrelated – but then the challenge (and the fun) begins. And Donna does have a knack for integrating these disparate elements into a ‘story’.

“Open Minded”, a whimsical sculpture made of found objects by local artist Donna Bernard, has won first place in a Ventura Countywide competition. The “Improbable” Exhibit, sponsored by the Ventura County Arts Council was held in Ventura Government Center Atrium Lobby, 800 S Victoria Avenue in Ventura, CA, through Aug 22, 2012. This is part of series of changing exhibits. Donna’s “Open Minded” work, which is assembled from optometrist test lenses, prosthetic glass eyeballs, and a battery operated voice monitor that creates wave patterns when one speaks to the sculpture, was up against fortythree other pieces submitted by twenty-one artists from Ventura County to Los Angeles. The exhibit included oil paintings, photos, and assemblage sculptures.


Gesso Magazine

March 2020

Donna Bernard Assemblage Artist Donna moved to St. Charles, Missouri from Ojai, California in 2016 and has currently been working on a new art form called “The Abandoned Series”. The Abandoned Series is a dioramic art form looking to the past. Often depicting day to day scenes that may have existed on some personal or work level and remained unchanged for decades. It may be considered by many as an attempt to allow the past to speak to the present. You can find Donna’s art of mixed media sculpture, vintage jewelry, cards and vintage items at Art meets Vintage (AMV) at 501 North Kingshighway #2F, St. Charles, Missouri.

Art meets Vintage 501 N. Kingshighway, #2F St. Charles, MO 63301 1st Sunday of the Month: 12:00pm to 5:00pm Wednesday Nights: 5:30pm to 7:30pm Friday: 10:00am to 5:00pm Saturday: 10:00am to 5:00pm

Gesso Magazine


Calendar of Events

March 2020

Gerty, Moon Rocket The Sinkhole – 8p; Missing, Gary Robert & Community, and The Cult Sounds

March 24 (Tues):

BB’s Jazz, Blues and Soups – 7p; Shaun Munday Fast Eddie’s Bon Air (Alton) – 6p; DudeBro Duo Off Broadway Music Venue – 7p; Bounce House, Frankie DoWop, and Brother Francis & the SoulTones Old Herald Brewery and Distillery (Collinsville) – 7p; Open Mic Night Old Rock House – 7p; The Dollyrots: Make Me Hot Tour w/ Not Ur Girlfrenz The Fabulous Fox – Roald Dahl’s Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (continues thru 03/29) The HETT @ McKendree University (Lebanon) –7:30; DRUM TAO 2020 - Japan’s most celebrated martial arts drum and dance ensemble; Drum Tao combines musicianship, precision, athleticism, humor, and choreography with the ancient art of taiko drumming for an explosive, dazzling experience

March 25 (Wed):

Atomic Cowboy – 7p; Hiphop Violinist Rhett Price, Sophisticated Ignorance Tour Broadway Oyster Bar – 9p; Voodoo Black Crowes High Low – 7:30p; Campfire 32 w/ Javier Trejo

Pop’s Blue Moon – 7p; 4th Annual Bragging Rights Chili Cookoff. Hosted by Mama Tried & Loyal Family, the donation at the door benefits our beloved radio station 88.1 KDHX. Bring your spoon Red Flag – 6p; Varials w/ special guests: Orthodox, Broken Youth, Hard Graves, Dead Wolvs The Fabulous Fox – Roald Dahl’s Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (continues thru 03/29) The Pageant – 8p; Big Gigantic Free Your Mind 3D Experience The Ready Room – 8p; The Nielsen Trust featuring Rick Nielsen of Cheap Trick

March 26 (Thurs):

* Alton Little Theater (Alton) – 7:30p; Holy Laughter by Catherine Trieschmann, Directed by Gail Drillinger Hotshots Sports Bar & Grill (O’Fallon) – 6:30p; TMA Live w/ The Morning After (590AM KFNS) Jazz St. Louis – 7:30p; Billy Stritch sings Mel Torme Joe’s Café – 8p; Tommy Halloran Band Old Rock House – 7p; Disco Donnie Presents and B&W Productions bring you Boogie T Riddim & Blues Tour w/ SoDown Red Flag – 6p; Ultra Violet ENTMT presents: Glass Mansions & Lovejoy, Reeling, Coljac YSD, Name It Now Sue’s Corner (Granite City) – 8:30p; Scott and Mechelle

* The Abbey (Belleville) – 7p; 15th Annual HERstory Weekend Singer Songwriter Celebration; Kim Vrooman; Robin Winslow with Gary Austin, and Elle Malancarne The Dark Room – 9:30p; Thursday Night Revue, featuring Blstet The Fabulous Fox – Roald Dahl’s Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (continues thru 03/29) The Sheldon – 7p; 2020 Banff Mountain Film Festival World Tour

March 27 (Fri):

* Alton Little Theater (Alton) – 7:30p; Holy Laughter by Catherine Trieschmann, Directed by Gail Drillinger

Atomic Cowboy – 8p; MoRoots Pre-party w/ Spillie Nelson, ClusterPluck, & Scrambled Casa Loma Ballroom (Gate District) – 7:30p; Sweetie and the Toothaches Geo’s Wings & More (Belleville) – 7p-10p; Abigail Tate LIVE Livery Company – 9:30p; Cody James (from Oshkosh,WI); debut EP, “Start Climbing” (2019); Blues, Soul, Rock & Roll Old Rock House – 7p; The Rogers & Nienhaus Band Pop’s (Sauget) – 7p; Bone Thugs-N-Harmony Schatze’s Bar & Grill (Belleville) – 9p; Bloodshot Red Schmitty’s Sunset Inn Again (Troy) – 9p-10p; Steel Creek Silver Creek Saloon & Grill (Belleville) – 9p; Bullseye Womprats Stifel Theatre – 10:30a; Sesame Street Live! Make Your Magic The Fabulous Fox – Roald Dahl’s Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (continues thru 03/29) The Frisco Barroom (Webster Groves) – 9:30p; Miss Jubilee The Heavy Anchor – 9p; Slow Glows (OH), Big Whoop, Strawberry Buckshot


Gesso Magazine

Calendar of Events

March 2020

The Pageant – 8p; Liquid Stranger - Ascension Tour: Guayakí Yerba Mate, w/ Dirt Monkey, Hydraulix, INZO The Sheldon – 7p & 9:30p; Trey Kennedy: The Are You For Real? Tour

* Trinity UCC (Belleville) – 6p; 15th Annual HERstory Weekend Trivia Night; All Proceeds Benefit Tapestry of Community Offerings – TOCO. (Tables of 8 $120; Bring Your Own Snacks and Drinks; 10 Rounds of Woman’s Trivia, Raffle, Bake Sale and FUN!) Register or questions: VENUE on Main (Belleville) – 7p; Jason Garms Washy’s Saloon (Waterloo) – 9p; Champagne Fixx

March 28 (Sat):

31art gallery – 4p-9p; Rock The Art Show; 150 pieces from 11 local artists including: Jared Minnick, Andy Dykeman, Kerry Smith, Maxine Thirteen, Terry Hinkle, Erik Thompson, Chris Fisher, Cadence Hodes; Kyle Heikkila, Jen Dykeman, Nicole Cooper; live music featuring Steve Ewing, Belleview, Random Fog, Matt Taul, Ian Jones

* Alton Little Theater (Alton) – 7:30p; Holy Laughter by Catherine Trieschmann, Directed by Gail Drillinger Blum House (Collinsville) – 2p; Women and Their Sewing Machines: From Picket Line to Middle Class; a historical celebration of International Women’s Day. Learn about Mother Jones, the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire, and how local women used their labor and organizing skills to achieve economic independence. Free and open to the public Broadway Oyster Bar – 9p; Surco w/CALABASH. Join us late night after Railroad Earth at The Pageant! Chaifetz Arena – 7p; The 14th Annual Gateway Blues Festival Delmar Hall – 8p; Sean Canan’s Voodoo Grateful Dead Enterprise Center – 7:30p; Billie Eilish – Where do we go? World Tour Good Weather Gallery (Edwardsville) – 12p-5p; Art Bazaar Grappa Growlers (Belleville) – 5p-8p; Mikey B Off Broadway – 7p; Brandy Clark - Who You Thought I Was Tour Old Rock House – 7p; Arlo McKinley Schlafly Farmers Market (Maplewood) – 10a; Schlafly Winter Market & Artisan Fair: local food, jewelry, crafts, art, and gifts

The Ready Room – 8p; Dweezil Zappa Uncle Linny’s Food & Brews (Pontoon Beach) – 7p; Bob and Bill Washy’s Saloon (Waterloo) – 9p; Well Hungarians

March 29 (Sun):

* Alton Little Theater (Alton) – 2p; Holy Laughter by Catherine Trieschmann, Directed by Gail Drillinger

American Legion (Columbia) – 7p; Eppinger Foundation Concert Series featuring George Portz & The Friends of Bluegrass; a free event Centene Auditorium – 3p-4:30p; Kaliedoscope: A Next Generation Artist Concert; featuring the Concert Choir and Young Men’s Chorus from The St. Louis Children’s Choirs, a guitar ensemble from the Grand Center Arts Academy, students Anna Zhong, Katie He, Molly Prow and Jacob Hinton, performing together as the Sonar Quartet, which is part of the Young Artist Chamber Program, and harpist and MICDS senior Mereya Riopedre, a recent finalist in the St. Louis Teen Talent Competition; Classic 107.3 FM, “The Voice for the Arts in St. Louis” Chaifetz Arena – 7:30p; Lauren Daigle & Johnnyswim Old Rock House – 7p; The Unlikely Candidates w/ Zero 9:36 & The Federal Empire Red Flag – 7p; Afton Presents: STL Local Artist Showcase: Multiple artist performing of multiple genres Stifel Theatre – 2:30p; Sesame Street Live! Make Your Magic The Back Bar (Edwardsville) – 5p; Meatwood Flack The Fabulous Fox – Roald Dahl’s Charlie and the Chocolate Factory The Sinkhole – Kill Their Past, Whut?, KoS, ADAAP, My Boy Ox

March 30 (Mon):

High Low – 6:30p; No More Sweaty Palms: Public Speaking for Creatives. An interactive workshop w/ instructor: William Whitaker, Professor of Practice in Drama, Washington University Off Broadway – 7p; Nappy Roots Live The Pageant – 8p; Dillon Francis x Yung Gravy: Sugar, Spice and Everything Ice Tour

March 31 (Tues):

Alpha Brewing Co – 7p; Tuesday Night Lecture series! Let’s Talk about * Seven (Belleville) – 7p; 15th Annual HERstory Weekend Saturday Dying; Shannon McGinn-Corona Unity Hospice is on a mission to shed the

Musical Soiree & Making a Difference Awards. Musical sets by Belleville based Stompbox and the Mixtapes and St Louis’ Kim Massie * St. Clair County Event Center (Belleville) – 8p; A Night of Legendary Rock. Celebrate the 40th Anniversary of local favorites Boulderdash featuring Boulderdash, Brewer & Shipley, Jonathan Edwards, and Supe Granda; collectively celebrating 40 YEARS of MUSIC; Boulderdash Meet & Greet, 7:15p; admission for all four bands ONLY $30! The Fabulous Fox – Roald Dahl’s Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (continues thru 03/29) The Old Bakery Beer Company (Alton) – 7p; Jake’s Leg - Customer Appreciation Concert The Pageant – 8p; Railroad Earth Winter Tour 2020: Railroad Earth w/ Handmade Moments

Gesso Magazine


Calendar of Events

March 2020

mysteries on end-of-life and to change the language about end of life Atomic Cowboy – 7p; Aqueous The Ready Room – 8p; Dan Deacon w/ Ed Schrader’s Music Beat The Sheldon – 6p; Gallery Talk: Dr. Aurelia Hartenberger, Exhibit Curator, speaks on the new instruments from the exhibit In conjunction with the exhibit: “St. Louis, A Musical Gateway: Africa” Tony’s On Top (St. Charles) – 7p; Copper Reign -Acoustic Rock

Off Broadway Music Venue – 7p; The Steel Woods River City Casino & Hotel – 8p; Meat Loaf Presents BAT: The Music of Meatloaf; performed live in its entirety by Caleb Johnson and The Neverland Express! The Ready Room – 8p; Antibalas

April 3 (Fri):

Hemingway’s Zen Garden (O’Fallon) – 8p; Lost Remotes April 1 (Wed): Jazz St. Louis – 7:30p & 9:30p; The Manhattan Transfer Broadway Oyster Bar – 9p; Voodoo Beatles celebrating 55 years of Rubber Landmark’s Tivoli Theatre – 11:55p; The Rocky Horror Picture Show; The Soul shadow cast Eddie’s Teddies is performing! The musical spoof is the longestrunning midnight movie of all time! Delmar Hall – 8p; Ones to Watch presents: SAINt JHN – IGNORANt Forever Tour w/ TBA Off Broadway – 8p; Electric Six Jazz St. Louis – 11a; The Manhattan Transfer Red Flag – 7p; Off With Their Heads – U.S. Tour, Spring 2020, with Slingshot Dakota, Dan Vapid & The Cheats Off Broadway – 8p; Polica Old Rock House – 7p; Cherry Pools w/ support from: JET BLACK ALLEY Roux Royale Bar & Bistro (St. Charles) – 8p; The Double Wide Duo CAT, Small Talks, MOBS St. Louis Science Center – 6p; First Friday: Harry Potter; Return to Hogwarts once more and explore the science of our favorite wizarding world. The Pageant – 8p; KSHE 95 - Real Rock Radio Welcomes An Intimate Shop from local artists and crafters, journey through the building on a special Evening of Songs and Stories w/ Graham Nash mission, and learn how chemistry connects to Harry Potter with our special April 2 (Thurs): guest Dr. Rebecca Lai. See Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix at the Blueberry Hill Duck Room – 8p; “Love is an Art Tour”: Vanessa Carlton w/ end of the evening Jenny O The Wildey Theatre (Edwardsville) – 7:30p; Wheels Rollin–A Tribute to Jazz St. Louis – 11a & 7:30p; The Manhattan Transfer Jason Aldean Joe’s Cafe – 8p; Fifth Annual Beth Bombara Show

April 4 (Sat):

Atomic Cowboy – 12:30p; School of Rock Kirkwood presents their spring


Gesso Magazine

Calendar of Events

March 2020

preview show which features excerpts of their current programming. Their house band will be performing as well as teachers to announce summer programming Enterprise Center – 7p; Pearl Jam Jazz St. Louis – 7:30p & 9:30p; The Manhattan Transfer Landmark’s Tivoli Theatre – 11:55p; The Rocky Horror Picture Show; The shadow cast Eddie’s Teddies is performing! The musical spoof is the longestrunning midnight movie of all time! Off Broadway – 8p; The Kay Brothers Pop’s (Sauget) – 8p; The Four Horsemen “A tribute to Metallica” w/ special guests Conquest SGT Charles A Fricke VFW Post 805 (O’Fallon) – 10a; 7th Annual 0.1K Fun Run: Race at your own pace (length @ 1 city block w/ water break at mid-point. Fun for all ages and sizes! Fundraiser for the VFW National Home for Children and the VFW Post 805 Troop Support Fund

For More Event Listings, Visit Our Website and Like Us On Facebook

Gesso Magazine


Calendar of Events

March 2020


from St. Louis and occasionally friends traveling through from across the country.”

Blueberry Hill – 7p; Board Game Night at Blueberry Hill; Come play games every Monday. Bring your own games or play any of the games we bring. We play everything from quick party games to long strategy games. We are always happy to teach a new game. Open to anyone 21+ Gaslight – 8p; Monday Movie Madness; Join Kvar Black every Monday for one of his personally selected movie favorites, popcorn, drink specials, and trivia! The Heavy Anchor – 10p; The Comedy Shipwreck Open Mic every Monday The Laugh Lounge STL (Florissant) – 7p; Comedy & Open Mic Night; Free Admission! Every Monday

Tuesdays: Funny Bone – 7:30p; Funny Bone Open Mic; “Our Tuesday open mics feature a pro-am line up filled with 12 to 20 local acts.” Every Tuesday

Tamm Avenue Bar – 7p-9p; Anthony Doria every Thursday with his unique acoustic cover show; Free! The Shaved Duck – 6:30p; Unplugged Thursdays with Brian and Adam; Join us the last Thursday of each month for unplugged acoustic blues, country, rags and more!

Fridays: 1860s Saloon – 6p-8p; Music: Rick Green on acoustic guitar; Every Friday Grand Center Arts District – 5p; First Fridays in Grand Center; Make a night of it! On the first Friday of every month, museums and galleries in Grand Center Arts District are free and open until 9pm. Discover the remarkable array of visual arts in St. Louis's premier neighborhood for arts and culture while enjoying cocktails, conversation, and entertainment. Every first Friday of the month, select galleries will host unique events in honor of First Fridays. In addition, some galleries may be closed due to exhibition installations

Gaslight – 9p; Tim Leavy Tuesdays; “Join me in the lounge every Tuesday for an eclectic Hartford Coffee Co. – 7:30p; Open Mic every Friday mix of covers and originals! Deep cuts and sing-along favorites. Folk, Country, Rock, Pop, and Piano Ballads” Saturdays: Livery Company – 8p; ISH & Friends Residency! ISH (brainchild of Brit Lockhart) takes over the Livery every other Tuesday with a wide array of friends & musicians including Amalghemy

Sasha's on Shaw – 8p; Tuesday Evenings with The Matching Shoe; “Join us every other Tuesday at Sasha's on Shaw!” The Heavy Anchor – 5p; Bevo Farmer's Market; fresh fruits, vegetables & more from local farmers. Every Tuesday, Year-Round. The Last Hotel STL – 5:05p; Turntable Tuesday; “Join us on the rooftop every Tuesday evening and listen to our great selection of Vinyl”

Wednesdays: 1860s Saloon – 9p-1a; Music: Blues Jam Session (Hosted by Fred Pierce and Company); every Wednesday; no cover Apotheosis Comics & Lounge – 7p; Play Music! Open Mic; Tune up those guitar strings, dust off the old keyboard, and bring your beautiful singing voice out to the Play Music! Open Mic with host, Bryan Ranney; every Wednesday Grand Center Arts District – 5p-11p; Wednesday Night Jazz Crawl in Grand Center; 5-7pm: KDHX; 7-9pm: The Kranzberg Jazz Jam hosted by Bob DeBoo at The Kranzberg; 9-11pm: The Dark Room (Featuring a rotating line-up); Every Wednesday evening, the St. Louis community comes together for the Wednesday Night Jazz Crawl, live in Grand Center. Free, family-friendly, and open to jazz lovers of all ages, this weekly event celebrates the finest in jazz talent, and the venues that form the backbone of a St. Louis legacy; Sponsored by the Kranzberg Arts Foundation, the Wednesday Night Jazz Crawl helps continue the Foundation’s mission to establish the essential infrastructure necessary for the arts to thrive in the St. Louis community and bring the arts within reach for people of all ages and backgrounds

Apotheosis Comics & Lounge – 7p; South City Comedy Series; Every Saturday! The only comic book store in STL that is also a BAR! “We feature up and coming comics from the hyper talented St. Louis comedy scene and from around the Midwest!” *This show contains adult content*

Sundays: 1860s Saloon – 2p-6p; Music: Fred Pierce and Company; every Sunday; no cover Big Daddys on the Landing – Service Industry Night Karaoke every Sunday John D. McGurk's – 8p; Falling Fences Sunday Residency at McGurk's; For over 10 years, Falling Fences has performed every Sunday night at McGurk's in Soulard! Molly's In Soulard – 11:30a; You, Me and Dougie; every Sunday Nick's Pub – 11p; Industry Night with Anthony; Attention Bartenders, barbacks, servers, and anyone else that works in the bar industry; Come join Anthony Doria for the most laid back show night of the week; every Sunday Stagger Inn Again (Edwardsville) – Open Mic every Sunday The Dark Room – 11:30a-2p; Brunchin at The Dark Room w/ Janet Evra; Featuring original music as well as French jazz, bossa nova, and American songbook favorites; Full brunch menu served 10am - 3pm. (times subject to change for theatre performances); Every Second Sunday Urb Arts – 7p; Lyrical Therapy Open Mic Every Sunday! “We invite you to come feel the vibe.”

If you are interested in seeing your event(s) included in our calendar, send your text-only info to:

Hwy 61 Roadhouse (Webster Groves) – 7:30p-11p; Blues Open Mic & Jam Session; every Wednesday Seven (Belleville) – 9p; Curt Copeland's Open Mic & Karaoke Night every Wednesday Stagger Inn Again (Edwardsville) – Open Mic every Wednesday

Thursdays: Café Piazza – 8p; Thursday Night Jazz with Dan Callihan and Friends; Local Jazz every Thursday with Dan Callihan and Friends Hidden Lake Winery (Aviston) – 6:30p; Wine & Unwind Yoga; every Thursday J. Smugs GastroPit – 8:30p; Free Comedy Thursday; free comedy every Thursday; “Each week will feature a lineup of up and coming, established, and touring comedians Please note that sending in event information does not guarantee publication. Spacing, timing, and other factors are considered in whether an event is included in our free calendar service. The Gesso team also reserves the right to amend or abridge event descriptions. To find out about guaranteed inclusion and support for Gesso Magazine contact us at:


Gesso Magazine


March 2020

Gesso Magazine


March 2020 Creating “Famous” Memories – When Retail Was More Than Just Sales by Carrie Paul As 2020 gets underway, a new decade full of hope and promise kicks off while technology keeps changing at a dizzying pace. As we closed out the decade prior, with the holiday season in the rearview mirror, I reflected on just how much the brick-and-mortar retail market has suffered and along with it, the holiday shopping experience. As a young child, I would always look forward to heading to Southtown Famous Barr around Christmas time with my aunt, which once stood at the corner of Kingshighway and Chippewa, in south Saint Louis. As a teen, this would change for me, as the mall became more or less the mecca of commerce in the late 80’s and early 90’s. I would spend hours of my free time walking, perusing, shopping, and meeting up with friends at Crestwood mall, which was also recently razed. Many malls and department stores have come and gone, especially this past decade, as we enter into the age of convenience and embrace online “free shipping”. Upon my reflection, I had to admit, nobody did the retail shopping experience better than Famous Barr and Co., more affectionately referred to by locals as simply, “Famous”.

years, movable figurines, fashion, and the latest toys would be put on display for adults and children alike to see, with music audible for any age to sing along to, for a truly magical and memorable experience. Many locals also remember the restaurants contained within, and that impeccable, delicious French onion soup! This store truly was an adventure to shop at, as eager shoppers were dropped off by streetcar lines in the early part of the 20th Century at various intersections at all hours of the day. There was floor upon floor of various departments such as housewares, notions, sewing, small appliances, toys, clothing, and the “bargain basement” for eager shoppers to explore. Elevators and escalators a plenty to take anxious shoppers up, up, and up again to experience friendly customer service, or to smell the latest perfume. Hair salons, restaurants, and even a childcare room to help ease any shopper of stress during their downtown excursion. A combination of commercialism, community, things one might need, and stuff people just wanted. The age old “try before you buy”, with dressing rooms a plenty.

I had the pleasure of sitting down with my neighbor and good friend Larry Blackwell recently, who is a longtime employee of Famous Barr (May Company), now called David May acquired the Famous Clothing Store (Company) Macy’s. He had started working for Famous Barr in 1982 at the downtown location. He remembered that back then until in 1892 from Jesse W. Motte. Soon thereafter, he acquired about 1999 or so, Christmas retail season was so busy, he had William Barr Dry Goods Company, and merged the two. trouble getting into the elevator to make it to the upper floor Around the time World War I was beginning in Europe, David offices where he worked. He had a support role working with May opened his new store, Famous and Barr Company in local stores and as he moved up in the company, he had very downtown Saint Louis at the Railway Exchange Building, fond memories. He had much to offer by way of conversation, located on Locust street. This building would become for just how much working at Famous was like working with its flagship store, and house the headquarters of May family. He allowed me to peruse Store Chat- a publication by Department Stores, until it was bought by Macy’s around 2006. This building would become one of the first department the employees, of the employees, and for the employees of stores in the nation to have indoor air conditioning, and would Famous-Barr Co., dated 1954. Every year the store had these store chats published which showcased life in many of the be infamous for its dynamic, elaborate, and festive window store locations. Workers were called “Famousites” and the displays; especially at the holiday season. For well over 90 26

Gesso Magazine

March 2020 books mentioned all of the wonderful goings on at each store each year, with worker rewards, promotions, condolences, and achievements of each store being featured. Workers had benefits, cafeterias, and health clinics at the downtown store and many chains thereafter also offered these amenities to workers. This was a nostalgic look into the past at how a company became a family, and one that is hard to come by today. Customers were treated as priority and many customers had Eagle stamps, which offered eager shoppers price reductions and deals they found hard to pass up.

In 2005, I worked downtown and knew at that time the mall called Saint Louis Center would be closing, and so I made it a point to photograph not only the mall, but also the Famous Barr Railway Exchange Building. It was a step back in time and I always felt semi-sad and concerned about its fate. The building and company would be acquired by Macy’s in 2006, the building would be sold in 2008, and in 2013, the building would close. In 2017, a historic property developer bought the Railway Exchange building, which is currently the second largest building in downtown with over 1,200,000 square feet of space. The building experienced flooding from a water main break around that time and was severely damaged on its lower levels. Renovations are currently at a stand-still. It is a sad fate for both retail and the building, but hopefully the building will be up and running soon if efforts and historic taxes can come to its aid. A new book by Edna Campos Gravenhorst was recently written about the company, its 95 year history, and the people who made the store successful. The book is entitled “Famous Barr- St. Louis Shopping at Its Finest�, so for future reading make sure to check it out!

Gesso Magazine



The Friends of Gesso membership program * Donate any amount to become a member * Donate $10 or more and receive a Gesso sticker as a thank you gift * Donate $100 or more and receive a Gesso sticker and a T-shirt as a thank you gift All Members will be thanked in print in the next issue (unless they wish to remain anonymous) All members who provide a valid email address will periodically receive invitations to access special bonus content on, as well as other perks! (No email addresses will be sold to any third party EVER) Gesso Magazine reaches THOUSANDS of people on both sides of the river & serves the local art & music scene by making this physical zine available FREE of charge at HUNDREDS of great locations throughout the St. Louis metro region. This community project relies on the support of the community it serves. Help us keep LOCAL art and music ALIVE.

March 2020


To become a member, send us an email at Or send us a message on Facebook Or cut out this form and mail it to: Gesso Magazine P.O. Box 412 Belleville, IL 62222 Your name, or that of your business, band, group, or organization: Email (optional): Donation amount: Would you like to have your name excluded from print in the next issue?: (those who do not answer will have their name included)

Gesso Magazine


Fun Page

March 2020

FUN PAGE GESSO-DOKU For the Cryptogram below, 1.Look for Common Letters. The first step is to realize that the most common letters in the English language are E, T, A, O, and N, with I and S a close second. 2.Solve the Short Words. 3.Spot the Repeated Letters. 4.Look for Digraphs. 5.Go for the Unusual. 6.Don’t Overlook the Obvious.

Gesso Phrase of the Month


Gesso Magazine

Solve the Cryptogram to find the Gesso Phrase of the Month. When figured out, email us at for a special shout out on our Facebook!

March 2020 "Three Word Pile-Up" is for 2+ players. You need five dice to play. You take turns being the active player rolling the dice, but all play simultaneously by filling in one letter in any of your three words, every roll.

You are cordially invited to volume number thirteen! This left column of games will remain the same trusty games with a different setup each month, while the right column will introduce new games monthly. Support more games like these and join our patreon at: Bring as many eggs to the exit of the dungeon as you can, carrying them in your inventory. Each skeleton if encountered undefeated costs 1 heart (1VP) when encountered. If you have no hearts you may not cross over a skeleton without a sword. Items are one time use! All items take 1 inventory slot and you must have empty inventory slots to pick them up. Once used items are discarded. Items may not be discarded without first using them. Eggs may not be discarded. You may cross a space more than once. Dark spaces require the use of one torch to travel through each time, even if you already traveled through it before. You may not travel diagonally. Start at the S and end at the E.

1 point: 1 A, 2 B, 3 C, 4 D, 5 E, 6 F, 7 G, 8 H, 9 I, 10 J, 11 K, 12 L 2 points: 13 M, 14 N, 15 O, 16 P, 17 Q, 18 R, 19 S, 20 T, 21 U 3 points: 22 V, 23 W or X, 24 Y or Z

Objective: when any player has filled all spaces in all of their words with letters the game ends and the player with the most points total for all three of their words wins the game! When filling in a letter: you must fill in only one space in any of your three words. You must fill in letters in a word left to right. You may only fill in any space with a letter if it is the first space in a word or the previous space has already been filled. When you are the active player: first you roll all five dice at once. You may reroll any amount of them once, all at once. Then you form one letter of your choice. You do this by selecting any amount of the dice for their number value and using one result by itself or adding them to reach a higher numbered letter, further along in the alphabet. You take and keep the dice you have chosen to use in front of you on the table. You must always fill in one letter as the active player. When you are not the active player: you form one letter from any dice that were not chosen by the active player and fill it in inside a space in one of your words. When you are not the active player you may always choose to not fill in a letter instead of using the choice or choices given. The end of the game: when a player has filled in every space in all three words then the game ends immediately before their next turn would begin. Then you total your scores.

Sword- Defeats 1 skeleton

Scoring: Score only complete words (filling every space) that may be found in a dictionary. Score a word for each of it's letters worth 1 - 3 points then multiply by the word's multiplier.

Torch- Travel through 1 dark space Key- Unlock 1 chest or 1 door Egg- Score 2VP when brought to E Ice- May not turn on ice unless stopped by a dark space or edge. Chest- Score 5VP when unlocked Warp- Transports you to any other warp, any time you step onto one. Door- Blocks travel in all directions.

Escaping this room requires you to figure out the password for the door. Solve the password based on how many letters long the code is, the selection of letters you have to choose from and what the room or painting looks like. You may use a letter more than once. Check back each month for the password to escaping from last month’s room! Volume #11’s Password: “DOWN”.

Gesso Magazine


March 2020

Green Door art gallery in Webster Groves Presents:

“Texture, Pattern, Color”

March 4 – April 30, 2020

Opening reception: Friday, March 20, 2020 from 5:00 - 8:00 p.m.

Green Door art gallery is proud to present “Texture, Pattern, Color”, featuring textured cold wax paintings by Diane Reising, patterned Pysanky art (the traditional Ukrainian art of “writing on eggs”) by Katherine Alexander, and colorful pastel paintings by members of Gateway Pastel Artists. Gateway Pastel Artists, founded in 1998 in St. Louis, Missouri, and its members have been educating artists and the public about the beauty and permanency of the pastel medium for the past 20 years. Gateway Pastel Artists is a part of the International Association of Pastel Societies which has members and societies all over the world. The opening reception is Friday March 20, 2020 from 5:00 – 8:00 pm and is free and open to the public. The artwork in this exhibit will be available for sale from March 4 – April 30, 2020.

Green Door art gallery’s 30 resident artists will also be exhibiting and selling artwork including fused glass, mosaics, watercolor, oil and acrylic paintings, collage, mixed media, wood, pottery, textile art, jewelry and more. Green Door art gallery is located at 21 N. Gore in Old Webster Groves in the historical Heritage Building. Hours are Wednesday thru Sunday 10:00 am to 5:00 pm. Closed Monday and Tuesday. www. (314) 202-4071


Gesso Magazine

Artist: Anu Vedagiri Title: Building Blocks study Medium: Pastel Size: 14 x 18 inches

March 2020

Gesso Magazine



March 2020

Joshua Vaughn An Atlanta, GA native, Joshua Vaughn, who currently resides in O’ Fallon, IL, has been dabbling in the world of fine arts for the majority of his life. At the age of 30, he’s collaborated with other up and coming artists as well as prominent ones, the most noteworthy being Freako, a well known artist hailing from Atlanta as well. Vaughn’s art is a blend of sketch art, pop art, surrealism, and political, with Vaughn even experimenting  in sketching tattoos as well. Looking to expand on his brand,  Vaughn has made himself more available for commission work in recent years. You can see some of his work on his Instagram :  Also, if you’d like to inquire about commissions or collaborations you can email him:


Gesso Magazine


March 2020

Paul Breuer After getting his Associate in fine art in 1982, and his BFA in painting/drawing in 1984, Breuer began working with Robert Malone, master printer, in the graduate print shop at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. He has shown his pieces in various group and solo shows all the way from Saint Louis, Missouri to Ankara, Turkey, where he has pieces in a public collection at Bilkent University. To see more of Breuer’s work, check out his website at or email him at Artist’s Statement: “Whether the process of printmaking influences the work or the work employs the process to express its’ content is the question. Printmaking allows me to pursue an image using a variety of approaches and records those choices in a visual way. In addition the act of printing itself is a pattern of sorts. The act of running an edition is a physical repetition reflective of our patterns in our daily lives, patterns in nature, patterns in thought processes. My initial exposure to printmaking occurred in my undergraduate studies. Because of the toxic nature of the process at that time I was hesitant to pursue it in any practical way. However, in the late 90’s I discovered nontoxic processes and my interest took hold as the medium I use to express myself. It allows me to produce an image, alter it and keep a record of the changes. I can rearrange color, shapes and textures as I see fit before I deem the image finished. By producing an image over and over and connecting them together I can create a large-scale patterned image which I use in my work. Patterned images are my way of expressing the patterns that exist in our daily lives, nature’s structure and the way we process the world we live in. My exploration of this medium continues as I discover more ways to express myself.”

(legoland XI (c) 2018)

(legoland XXXI) (legoland X (c) 2018)

(Legoland XII, linocut 2019)

(Her light shines when she smiles)

(Herr Lippmann, after reunification) (Art quilt ,Triton’s legos)

(art quilt)

Gesso Magazine


Governor French Gallery Exhibition

Dreaming in Color Textile Arts by

Jacque Davis March 13 - April 9, 2020

Opening Reception Friday, March 13, 5-8pm

Sponsored and Curated by Gesso Magazine Regular Gallery Hours: 8am-4pm Monday through Friday or by appointment Governor French Gallery 219 West Main Street Belleville IL 62221

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