October 2020 Issue
The Art of Universalism: Tracey Ipollito October Fun Page ~ Zip Over to Grafton... October Submissions ~ Friends of Gesso
Oct 2020
Mark Polege
Serving Up Art, Music, and Culture for the Metro Area’s Enjoyment 1 GessoMagazine.com Gesso Magazine
Editor's Word
October 2020
Editor’s Word – October 2020 Straight Up Magazine is now Gesso Magazine and it is here with its 63rd edition ‘Serving Up Art, Music and Culture for the Metro Area’s Enjoyment’. The St. Louis Metro deserves its own arts and entertainment magazine. And here it is. It’s called Gesso!!!
We are very pleased to have Mark Polege as our featured cover artist. Mark is a self-taught photographer and photojournalist whose photographic artwork is an exploration in perspective and depth, and a story written in a tapestry of light. Mark is also the official staff photographer for Gesso Magazine and the guru for our website - and has been since day one of our incarnation as Straight Up Magazine. See more of Mark Polege on page 5.
And our Jacque Davis “Dreaming in Color” exhibition is still on display at Governor French Gallery. Due to COVID, the Gallery is still closed to foot traffic. And the exhibition is still visible from the vast windows at 219 West Main Street in Belleville IL.
Like Straight Up before it, the mission of Gesso Magazine is to support local arts and artists and the businesses and organizations that support local arts and artists. We invite you to contact us with ideas, comments, information, etc. that might assist us in our mission to serve you, the residents of the St. Louis Metro area.
WE WANT YOU! - All you artistic and creative types out there! You should contact us. Show us your work. Tell us of your craft and brief personal/ artistic history. Submit any art form that you’d like. Perhaps, you can be one of our next published contributors or even a featured cover artist. Check out the Submissions Pages to see who’s featured this month. Next month, that could be you!! Enjoy Gesso! Tell your friends. Send us your work. And visit our website at GessoMagazine.com. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook daily for new and additional events and content. For the time being, you will not see Gesso Magazine at hundreds of area distribution locations! We will be online only till the brave new world returns. Stay safe and be healthy.
We thank our writers for their poignant features and all those who contribute to this project. We appreciate all of those individuals who have submitted their works for publication. And “Likes” P.O. Box 412 Belleville, IL 62222 (314) 266-9199 to all you followers on Facebook!!! We are grateful to you, the reader, Editor@GessoMagazine.com for reading this latest issue of Gesso Magazine – issue #63 in the Str8 Up Magazine legacy!!! 2
Gesso Magazine
October 2020
October Credits
Editors: Jake Bishop, Dylan Seibert, Paul Seibert Layout Design Artists: Jake Bishop, Dylan Seibert, Mark Polege Sales: Jake Bishop, Jennifer Lynn Reida, William Schmitz, Paul Seibert, Dylan Seibert Ad Artists: Jake Bishop, Mark Polege, Dylan Seibert, Wil Sullivan Calendar: Dylan Seibert, Paul Seibert Website Design & Up-Keep: Mark Polege (MarkusDesignWorks.com), Jake Bishop Photography: Mark Polege (PhotographyofMarkPolege.com)
Cover Artist: Mark Polege Cover Logo: Jake Bishop Game Page: Dank By Design Fun Page: Jake Bishop Photography: Courtesy of: Mark Polege (pg.5-7), Carrie Paul (pg.8-9), Tracey Ipollito and Paul Seibert (pg.16-17), Angela Chostner (pg.24-26), Tatyana Robberts (pg.27), Jesus Christ SuperCar (pg.28-29) All material in this publication and its affiiated on-line content are copyrighted to the individual contributors or Gesso Magazine and may not be reproduced without written consent. We are very grateful to those who have submitted material to be considered for publication. However, the opinions and views of those contributing content to Gesso do not necessarily reflect those of Gesso Magazine.
The Gesso Movement Relies on Your Support!! We are committed to supporting local artists, musicians, & businesses and providing this material FREE to readers month after month!! We invite you to reach out to us!! Together we can discover how we can best help you, your band, your business or organization, etc. and how you can best help us in our continuing mission. Hit us up on Facebook or Instagram or via GessoMagazine.com Editor@GessoMagazine.com GessoMagazine.com
Gesso Magazine
Table of Contents
Cover Artist: Mark Polege
Zip Over to Grafton for a "Hollow" ween Season You Won't Soon Forget by Carrie Paul
Sunday Morning Game Night from Dank By Design
The Art of Universalism: Tracey Ipollito
October 2020
October Comics
Gesso Magazine
October Submissions
featuring: Angela Chostner, Tatyana Roberts, Jesus Christ SuperCar
October 2020
This month’s cover artist is Mark Polege. Mark is a self-taught photographer and photo-journalist. Mark Polege’s photographic artwork is an exploration in perspective and depth, and a story written in a tapestry of light. His pieces capture the past while harnessing color and composition into timeless moments that will awe, pause, and resurrect. Mark found his interest in film photography while in high school in St Louis. A 6-year stint in North Dakota took him into vast stretches of wilderness and farm country where black and white images of abandoned farms and other rustic features obsessively captured the eye of his camera. Upon return to the St Louis area, Mark transitioned to digital photography and a revival of his interest in architectural images. And positions with the Belleville News Democrat and the Edwardsville Intelligencer allowed him to hone his skills in color correction. Mark is also a web developer/designer. Much of his professional energies go into creating and maintaining state-of-the-art websites. As the principle of Markus Design Works, Mark combines the skills and talents of photography, web design and retail sales and advertising to create maximum visual impact for clients. An example of his expertise would be gessomagazine.com, the website of Gesso Magazine and his own professional websites listed below. Feature image: Old Peace Chapel, The Historic Daniel Boone Home and Heritage Center, Defiance, MO / https://www.facebook.com/BooneHome/ Cover image: McPike Mansion, Alton, Illinois / http://www.mcpikemansion.com/
See more of Mark Polege at: http://photographyofmarkpolege.com/ https://markusdesignworks.com/
Gesso Magazine
Mark Polege
October 2020
Zip Over to Grafton for a “Hollow” ween Season You Won’t Soon Forget by Carrie Paul As the seasons click and summer fades into fall, the urge to take a scenic drive and soak up Autumn’s foliage and subtle shades of warmth, becomes a little stronger. It is the time of year many people in the Midwest claim to be their “favorite season”. Apple pie, pumpkin spice lattes, and mulled apple cider and wine, all aid in the fun of October enjoyment. I decided to head to Grafton, the oldest city in Jersey County, IL to enjoy a day of nature and soak in the views of the rivers. It also happened to be Oktoberfest and I like a good party!
Grafton is located near the confluence of two great and mighty rivers, the Illinois and the Mississippi. It has long been heralded as a river town, much like my own city of Saint Louis, MO. Legends abound of famous outlaws having stayed there, such as the infamous Jesse James and his Younger Gang, hiding out and wreaking havoc amid the hotels, caves, and caverns near the area. Grafton was first settled around the year 1832 by James Mason and other frontiersman brave enough to take a gamble on a river town prone to flooding. It was named by his wife Sarah in honor of his birthplace Grafton, Massachusetts. 8
Gesso Magazine
In its heyday during the 1800’s Industrial Era, the Grafton riverfront was a bustling place where limestone quarries, mills, boat making, and furniture carpentry must have been a pleasure for the senses and a sight for the eyes to see. Grafton was the “jump off place” for many boat crews en route to other destinations. It was a place to fuel up their steamboats, grab a distilled beverage (or four) and a hot meal, or simply a place to get a quick bit of rest and relaxation before journeying further up or down river. There are six “hollows” which run from Grafton’s Main Street, where the main businesses near the river were located. These hollows are more or less real estate developed today, but there still remains many natural bluffs, trees, and nature parks for people to enjoy. There is much history to brag about in this little river town, and for more information there is a great blog called https://wanderingtootsies.blogspot.com/ which I would recommend for further reading about the area.
Today Grafton is mostly a tourist destination with many fun and family-friendly things to do. A ferry runs from Saint Charles, MO to Grafton and for a small cash fee will ferry cars to the riverfront landing. Pere Marquette State Park, Eckert’s Apple Orchard, Uncle Andie’s Country Market, fresh fish restaurants, wineries, and many walking and biking trails all make this town a destination to put on your list of places to see this fall. If you are a ghost hunter and enjoy haunted history, this place is for you! There are guided ghost tours given between Alton and Grafton that will leave the hairs on your neck standing if you like that sort of thing. Check the Grafton website for COVID regulations and times.
October 2020
Eagle and various other species of bird watching are quite common in the fall and winter months in Grafton, and there is even a new zip lining business located near all the area gift shops and restaurants. I visited the Loading Dock eatery and bar, some of the local gift shops, the antique mall, and a restaurant called 3rd Chute Bar and Grill, and thoroughly enjoyed my time. Make sure you check out the largest flag this side of the Mississippi, the beautiful faux lighthouse, and the many saloons while in the area. So, get that old car out, and “zip� over to Grafton, where fall is in full swing. You will not be disappointed and may even find yourself adding this to your annual places to visit this time of year.
https://wanderingtootsies.blogspot.com/ All photos taken by Carrie Paul -2020
Gesso Magazine
October 2020
By: Danny Houk . See more at https://www.instagram.com/dannyhoukart/
Gesso Magazine
October 2020
FUN PAGE All Hallows’ Eve - Spooky Riddles 1. How do you spell “candy” in 2 letters?
2. The person who built it sold it. The person who bought it never used it. The person who used it never saw it. What is it?
3. What do you call a skeleton that makes you laugh when you’re sad?
4. A zombie, a mummy, and a ghost bought a house. It has all of the usual rooms except for one. What room won’t you find? Answers : 1. C and Y
2. A Coffin
3. A Funny Bone GessoMagazine.com
Gesso Magazine
4. A Living Room
The Friends of Gesso membership program * Donate any amount to become a member * Donate $10 or more and receive a Gesso sticker as a thank you gift * Donate $100 or more and receive a Gesso sticker and a T-shirt as a thank you gift All Members will be thanked in print in the next issue (unless they wish to remain anonymous) All members who provide a valid email address will periodically receive invitations to access special bonus content on GessoMagazine.com, as well as other perks! (No email addresses will be sold to any third party EVER) Gesso Magazine reaches THOUSANDS of people on both sides of the river & serves the local art & music scene by continuing to make this publication available to the public free of charge. This community project relies on the support of the community it serves. Help us keep LOCAL art and music ALIVE.
October 2020
To become a member, send us an email at Membership@GessoMagazine.com Or send us a message on Facebook Or cut out this form and mail it to: Gesso Magazine P.O. Box 412 Belleville, IL 62222 Your name, or that of your business, band, group, or organization: Email (optional): Donation amount: Would you like to have your name excluded from print in the next issue?: (those who do not answer will have their name included) GessoMagazine.com
Gesso Magazine
October 2020
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Sword- Defeats 1 skeleton Torch- Travel through 1 dark space
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Key- Unlock 1 chest or 1 door Egg- Score 2VP when brought to E Ice- May not turn on ice unless if stopped by a dark space or edge. Chest- Score 5VP when unlocked Warp- Transports you to any other warp, any time you step onto one. Door- Blocks travel in all directions.
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Gesso Magazine
October 2020
Attention Gesso Readers: We are seeking to continue highlighting in our digital magazine, on our website, and on social media those local artists, bands, musicians, performers, and businesses that are continuing to do their thing during this Corona Shutdown time period. Please help us in that mission by sharing with us any such examples that you are aware of either via email at: editor@GessoMagazine.com or via our Facebook Page Thank you so much and please stay up with us via social media and GessoMagazine.com GessoMagazine.com
Gesso Magazine
October 2020 The Art of Universalism: Tracey Ippolito Saturday, October 10, 2020 at 2pm – 5pm
Join Edwardsville’s Good Weather Gallery for a solo exhibit and book release reception with Gesso Magazine Feature Cover Artist, Tracey Ippolito. Tracey is releasing a long-time-coming autobiographical narrative series that will be a “walk through” of her expanding life as an artist. She is also presenting her “Universalism” art form in her new philosophical art book, available at the show.
I approach my canvasses as if they are open windows that anyone can look through to see into another world. The intention is for the viewer to see so deeply into the painting, that eventually, the line of sight reconnects with the individual. This is to bring about a unique, all-encompassing experience which not only heightens the personal notion of “self”, but increases the concept of oneness or co-consciousness through the merging of worlds. Through exploring a compendium of subjects on one visual plane at a time, we enter wholly into the pursuit of finding ourselves, remembering where we came from, and discovering what we mean.
Tracey Ippolito - Artist Statement: All my life, I have been an artist, ever-thirsty for exploring, sharing, and making new discoveries. In the midst of creating my art, I began to gather a collection of ideas to bring something new to art. This became a lifelong project, Universalism.
( Indelible Spirit )
Now, at long last, I am presenting the series of Universalist paintings which are each paired with an accompanying poem for its utmost expression. A book I have written on the philosophy of Universalism, along with the full collection of the show will be available as well.
I have always utilized my own life as a medium in my art, using my own journey to punctuate and hopefully illuminate the journey for us all. I have always felt a strong, inherent responsibility to others to create experiences, such as I have had whether due to mental illnesses or spirituality, awakening us to something higher than what we know, or who we think we are.
Gesso Magazine
October 2020 About this exhibition: This will be a public opening. Patrons are asked to abide by Covid-19 regulations, such as social distancing and mask wearing. Private appointments to view the exhibit can be arranged by contacting Gallery owner and curator, Brooke Peipert at 618-477-9323.
Good Weather Gallery is at 301 North Main Street, Edwardsville, IL.
For more on Tracey Ipollito and her Art of Universalism, see June 2019 Gesso Magazine “Out of the Shadows�: https://issuu.com/gessomagazine/docs/06_19_final_pdf_color_version
Gesso Magazine
October 2020
www.JohnnyBBQSauce.com www.Facebook.com/ Johnny-Sauce-502689276810563/
Gesso Magazine
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October 2020
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(303) 524 5729 GessoMagazine.com
Gesso Magazine
October 2020
Gesso Magazine
October 2020
Gesso Magazine
October 2020
Gesso Magazine
October 2020
Gesso Magazine
October 2020
Angela Chostner Art That Speaks to the sacred essence in us all The soul language of my paintings revolve around one core belief- that within all of us is the capacity to love without reservation, express ourselves fully and recognize the beauty in each other and ourselves. When I paint, it feels like a dance, where my heart speaks to the canvas, and the painting that slowly emerges reflects every feeling, prayer, meditation and intention poured into it. My themes are all virtue-based, and as I step into the shoes of these virtues, my understanding of these principles such as gratitude, trust, and respect evolves, often in directions that surprise me. My process is fluid and requires that I stay in the moment, my skills always in service to my vision. My path as an artist has included illustrating for the children’s market, teaching art classes, and designing art programs. My art is in private collections, The Mazza Museum, and has been exhibited throughout the Midwest including Chicago and Kansas City. In the St. Louis area I have shown at the Angad Arts Hotel, Framations Art Gallery, and Longview Farm Park. Currently, several of my paintings are part of the “2020 Who Is God? Healing Midwest II” virtual art exhibit October 3 to November 30th presented by the Gretchen Brigham Gallery. My art degree is from the Art Academy of Cincinnati, but my deepest education has come from the melding of my spiritual and artistic life. For more information on Angela Chostner, email her at AChostner@Gmail.com or visit: www.AngelaLChostnerArt.com
( ResonanceLight ) 24
Gesso Magazine
October 2020
( Discernment ) GessoMagazine.com
Gesso Magazine
October 2020
Respect: I see you, you see me. Let us be mountains together May I see you as a mirror of every loving kindness ever bestowed upon me, and any discord or difference, a tiny pebble smoothed by cool waters of forgiveness. May you see me by the light of my heart, even when I stand in shadow. And if there is no memory of loving kindness, Let it start now. As we listen, as we laugh, as we pray. And this prayer, it is the wind. So frequently felt, yet never truly seen, like the gentle touch of a mother. Resilient hands untying stubborn shoelaces, quiet companionship when words are not sufficient, and wisdom is still in the making. If respect were a color, it would the color of wind. Let it flow through us as we stand, as we cry, as we create a new world where everyone can be mountains together. -Angela L. Chostner 26
Gesso Magazine
October 2020
East Artists Guild 2020 Gateway to Art Virtual Exhibition & Sale September 20 - December 31
Gateway East Artists Guild is honored to partner with Our Lady of the Snows Shrine each year to present the best of our members’ work. This year, however, we are offering that same amazing work in a virtual exhibit and sale. Please enjoy the work of our members! Please note that artwork is unframed unless otherwise noted. For purchase inquiries, email the webmaster and you will be put in touch with the artist. Thank you to our Juror, Brigham Dimick for his time and consideration. http://geag.net/2020gateway/
( Best of Show: “Clear Day” by Tatyana Robberts )
Gesso Magazine
October 2020
Jesus Christ Supercar
Formed in 2018, the band’s three members – longtime friends Christopher Bachmann (guitar), Tom Blood (drums), Collin McCabe (bass) – and their and bop their way through fuzz-filtered disco drumbeats, with occasional existential musings. Taking a page from Death From Above 1979, Queens o Jesus Christ Supercar combines their attention to crunchy, punchy tone with a groove-on-the-move attitude, resulting in up-tempo toe-tappers that
In their relatively brief existence, Jesus Christ Supercar has made a name for themselves with engaging live shows, sharing stages with numerous na Dinosaur Pile-Up, *repeat repeat, and the Dirty Nil.
Jesus Christ Supercar are currently working on their sophomore EP. The first single – the falsetto-soaked “Do You Think I Could?” – was released on s currently running a Kickstarter campaign to help fund their next project.
“When we finished our first EP, “Post Madonna”, we knew we wanted to keep the music coming. We had more material ready to go, and we had sta in the studio and bring this next collection of songs to the people with “Turbo Diesel”. Unfortunately, the pandemic has made playing shows almost making records very costly for us. So we’re asking you, our fans, friends and family to help us get this next EP out to you.
We’re teaming up once again with producer Ben Majchrzak and Native Sound Recording to get this next project done. The funds raised from this cam devote as much time as we can to really make something great with “Turbo Diesel”. We’re excited to get started and to have you all involved with th To see more about Jesus Christ Supercar and to view their Kickstarter campaign visit :
Gesso Magazine
October 2020
league of trusty amplifiers banded together to blast of the Stone Age, Mini Mansions, and many others, aren’t afraid to rip a guitar solo or two (or three).
ational acts including BRONCHO, the Blue Stones,
streaming services September 8, 2020. They are
arted to figure out our sound. Now we’re ready to get impossible, selling merch very difficult and therefore
mpaign will ensure that we are able to his project.”
Gesso Magazine
Visit the RenewAudio.com/Music page for links and streaming music for our Artists. Or Search Renew Audio Music or DrunkMouse Records for Spotify Playlist. Renew Audio Music is available on all streaming services.
Search “Ian Buechele� on Spotify, iTunes and any streaming platforms to listen to Americana/ Blues songs by Ian Buechele.
Governor French Gallery Exhibition Dreaming in Color Textile Arts by Jacque Davis
Opening Reception: Friday, March 13, 5-8pm Due to the Covid quarantine, the Gallery is closed. This exhibit is continued indefinitely. "You can't come in, but... you can see the exhibit through the windows." Sponsored and Curated by Gesso Magazine Governor French Gallery 219 West Main Street Belleville IL 62221