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Although there are a number of varied opinions regarding Alexa and its usage and whether it has any value or credibility, the fact is that Alexa is a very useful web service. It is also considered to be one of the foremost website ranking and statistics service with data on millions of websites around the world. The following article will explain how you can use Alexa to your advantage in online marketing, SEO or in any other form of research. So how does Alexa work? Alexa has been around since 1996. It began with getting users to download an Alexa toolbar. This toolbar helped collect statistics on various websites and these statistics were then used in running Alexa. The model is still same; Alexa creates stats based on the users who have an Alexa toolbar installed and if these users visit a specific website. As such, the ranking is somewhat biased and incomplete. Despite the somewhat unusual results, Alexa is still useful. For starters, simply type in the name of your website in its search field and look at the stats of your website. Although the stats wont be accurate, they still are somewhat useful in a way. You can look at the SEO of your page and even find out your page rank and your Alexa Traffic Rank. The smaller, the better. Alexa improves this by providing a number of tools that come in handy in a number of ways. Alexa provides the following 'Research Tools' that can be used to help you compete better: Wayback Machine This is a somewhat collection of webpages and how they have changed over a period of time. It is available for many popular websites and is useful in that it helps you look at what type of changes and tactics have worked such as in design and what haven't as well as how they have changed over time. Compare Website Stats You can compare your website stats alongside your competitor websites and get comparative stats including graphs and data. This can help you glean useful information. Top Website Category Alexa has arranged websites by category. You can check your category and see how and what the top sites in your categories are doing and their stats Related Links