EXAM POINT Exam point is a web page developed by the SUCCESSTAR TEAM to create avenue for all Nigerian admission seekers to help themselves in one way or the other. Exam point is a place where everybody work as a team as well as admin in the course of ;Free unlimited jamb and post utme cbt exam practice with ease. Uploading of past questions and answers for people and other members to practice. Editing / deleting of the previous inappropriate question and answer upload by other members.
Making a reasonable post in the forum page as a form of guidance to all admission seekers. Deleting of false or inappropriate information posted by users in the forum page. Posting of current or latest news so as to keep the members and large audience up to date on what is going on in the educational sector. Removing of false or inappropriate information posted by users in the news page. All the above expressions are the expected qualities of a good member and with all these, we hope it would go a long way in contributing positively to our educational sector. So upload today so that you and your loved ones can have something to work with or
build on tommorrow, because there is no limit to how far you can upload. If you have any any problem on usage contact us at help@my exampoint.com See more at: http://www.myexampoint.com/about.php